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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1876)
•I ASHLAND TIDINGS; YOUTH’S DEPARTMENT. KNOWLEDGE MADE USEFUL. LINKVILLE STOVE NORTH PACIFIC W. C. MYER, In a recent address to the students of the CHILDREN. SATURDAY... ..DECEMBER 23, 1876. School of Pharmacy. London, bv Mr. Bar -AND nard S. Proctor, he illustrated as fol’ows the One cold market morning I idea that not only must the mind have re looked into a milliner’s shop, and ceived an ample store of useful facts, but all MUTUAL faculties must also have received a there I saw a hale, hearty, well those I33UF.0 EVERY SATURDAY urge development before one can be re- browned young fellow front the ?arde 1 as in any complete sense well ed BY J. M. SUTTON, Prop’r country^ with his long cart whip ucated and intelligent. To nuke a car- GEO. T. BALDWIN, - Prop’r, you want wood and tools, and skill Ah’d a lion shaggy coat, holding up to >enter use them. So to make a learned man you DEALER IN OFFICE—On Main Street, Tear Dr. some little thing, and turning it should have knowledge of facts and laws, Chitwood's Drug Store.) about in his great list. And what and pow> r to use them. Probably many of you are not aware how imperfectly you exer -OF - do you suppose it was? A baby’s cise the; e faculties upon facts or circum STOVES, Terms of Subscription': t bonnet. A little, soft, blue satin stances which are presented to yon. I will STOVE BACKS, One Copy cne year........................ | I 2.5, take an illustration. Suppose I write dowD hoed, with swan ’ s down border, “ “ fix months.............. l.So : n a vertical column two series of units, 0,1, GRATES, “ *• three “ ................... 1 Ó0 white as the new fallen snow, 2, 3, etc , up to 9, thus: PORTLAND, OREGON. 1Í.5® Clnb rates six copies for....................................... 1 0 9 With a frill of rich blonde around FIRE DOGS, Terms, in advance. 1 8 the edge. 2 7 Terms of Advertising: BAKE OVENS, 3 G By his side stood a very pret One square (ten line« o.-tees) 1st lu’erlion..... |2.5»' 4 5 Each additional insertion.............. te<! ty woman, holding with no 5 4 SAD IRONS, A liberal disc ?uLt to annual advertisers. 6 3 small pride the baby — for evident Church and Society advertisements, such as Fairs, i Incorporated 1871. 7 2 ETC., ETC. lectures, etc., 25 cents j>er line. ly was the baby. Any one could 8 1 Notices in local column, 25 cents per ’.icc.bntno read that face in every glance as 9 0 All kinds of TIN, COPPER and SHEET- notice inserted for less than >1.00. “Somo would be noticed by all of you if IRON WARE on hand and made to order. they looked at each other, at the you regarded the figures long enough, but «Job Printing, All orders from a distance promptly at Of all description, done on »bort notice. legal little hood, and then at the large, you would not all observe them equally tended to. Prices to suit the times. Blanks, Circulars, Business C irds, B.liheads, Letter blue, unconscious eyes and fat, s. on; it would depend upon the innate fac lljnkville. Aug. 10th, 1876. no9tf. - - - 100,000 ulty and the degree of educational develop —&_____________ ______ ._______ ___ Capital heads, Posters, etc., gotten up In good style at livtrg dimpled cheeks of the little one. prices. ment of the individual. The first thing you ■ .. It was evident that neither of would notice is that the double column rep- seats the nine column in the multiplication A PRINTER'S POEM. Dollars, Gold Coin Basis. them had ever seen a baby like n tnWe; next you might notice that, if we * ro m T ss x’PhtaAsE J----- , OF U. T.X. place a pzib mark between these two col that before. umns, and an equal mark after them, we An S A now I nr.e in to write, “But really, Mary," said the should obtain a third column all nines, thus: 2 U,. weet K T J. young man, “isn’t there dollars 0 plus 9 equal 9 and the same with all the 3^' gill without a ||, down to 9 plus 0 equal 9. Next, if Tie demand for the very high?” Mary very prudent o.bers Tue belle of U T K. OFFICERS: you draw diagonal lines from the 0 to the 8, ly said nothing, but taking the and from the 9 to the 1, and so no, you, I 1 der if yon got the 1 see that the products are all eights one I wrote to yon B 4, bonnet, tied it on the little head, will way and all tens the other. In making I’. WASHERMAN ....... P bibidemt . I sailed in tbe R K D A, and held up the baby. The man the*e observations we should not say you & sent by L N Msore. E. QUACKENBUSH - - - - Vint FiitbiuKST. looked and grinned, and, without had discovered a law. though we might say My M Thead will scarce conceive bad defected a rule applying io the ar D. W. WAKEFIELD....... S egbetaby . another word, down went the you 1 calm I I) A bright. rangement, and you wou.d naturally say: But ST miles from you I must W. S. I.ADD ......... TiiEAtiVBEB. three dollars—all that the last *'W here ¡here's a rule there’s a reason.* _ this chance to write. And in tl e search of the reason you exercise Importer and Breeder of week’s butter came to; and as they the W. H. EFFINGEIl............... A ttobkey . higher faculties of the min'd. You do For » short time is fo "rest that we have concluded A 1st, should N EN V U, to offer It for the balance of the year for walked out of the shop it is hard not continue your observations upon these J. L. QUACKENBUSH - - G ekebal A gent . 1> E Z, mind it not, figures clone; you commence considering, If any friendship show, B sure to say which looked the most de PERCHERON HORSES, speculating, and testing speculation with They! not be forgot. lighted with the bargain. B. F MYERS, Ajjent for South«*rn experiment. You may extend the column - AND- But friends and foes alike D K, Oregon. “Ah!” though I, “ ‘a little child upwards and downwards, and find nine As U may plainly C times nine tenths is 8-], and nine times eight Subscription* will expire will lead them.’ ” In every tuneral R A tenths is 7'2. The remainder of the sum of Our uucle’s LEG. Another day, as I was passing the two figures continues to be nine. You DIRECTORS: »hen carry your extension downward», DECEMBER 31st, 18 7 6, From virtue never D V 8, a carriage factory along one of one nny and find nine times eleven are ninety-nine, Her in fluence B 9 of our back streets, I saw a young the sum of which two figures is not nine but No nutter when they commence. P. WASSERMAN, W. 8. LADD, Alike induces 10 derness NOW HAVE TIIREE PURE BRED IMPORT- eighteen. Then nine times twelve equal Oi 10 tude divine. mechanic at work on a wheel. ed stallions, and revert full bl<»od and high gnut« J. L. ATKINSON, WM. WADHAMS, 108, in which case the sum of the three, from w hicb I will be able to raiae »lock that Address, The rough body of a carriage s«ood numbers i if you cannot cut a —, w ill equal the beet imported. I cun now enpply par given is nine, as a!s> is the case D. W. WAKEFIELD, W. H. EFFING ER, Or cause an !, tfee with good half blood colt*, from 1 to 4 year« of', beside him—and there, wrapped with toe following numbers: 117 and 126 O regonian , Portland, Orogon. from “Wt i e Prince.” ti^ by other pariiea. i a)»o I hope U’ll put a . E. QUACKENBUSH, M. T. MORSE, You will observe the bitch at eleven have a herd of pure br*di7er»ey catde, the beat in the up snugly, all hooded and cloaked, etc. To 1 ?. State, with some culvea for sale. times nine in the sum taken horizontally, J. W. BRAZEE. W. C. MYER. sat a little dark-eyed girl about a and that these is no hitch in the sums t ken E U for an X ation 2 Aeliland, June 17th, 1876. bollf. My cousin, heirtand ? year old, playing with a great by the right hand diagonal, and three hitches NURSE & THATCHER, in the left band diagonal This will lead He offers in a T shaggy dog. As I stopped the you ASHLAND HARNESS SHOP- to obseive that in stopping from deci A § broad of land. TABLE RATES. DEALEI S IN man looked up from work ant mals into units the rate of progression is He says he loves you to X S. and that it is not altered in passing turned admiringly towards his lit altered, U’ie virtuous and Y’s, from units to tens, because we take in the ? In X L N C U X L LIFE POLICIES. tle companion, as much as to say, teens between ten and twenty.” All others in bis I’». MANUFACTURER OF, AND DEALER IN CLOTHING, “See what I have got there.” If This S A until U IC, A S habc B oy .—A story is told of Gov. HATS, lady ever gets a glance from admir Chittenden, who was one of the governors CAPS, FIVE AGES CLASS A, B, C, D, E. I pray yon to X Q's. A - A g-. froui I to 12 Auiuti Pit-iuiuin, $5 oe ing swains as sincere as that, she of Vermont. He was an extensive farmer Ami do u<>t burn iu F I G • 4 st <« BO» >TS and SHOES. B- • • 12 44 20 i 00 •< 44 44 44 44 My quaint and wayward muse. and in those days to be a governor did not 5 VO C — 20 35 will be lucky.” «6 44 A4 44 44 5 00 FANCY G JODS. D- 44 44 35 44 50 generally interfere with the incumbent’s II A R D W A R E, 44 44 Now. fire U well, dear KT J, E- 65 5 00 50 A shland , O regon . Ah, these children! little vocation. He had two sons. One of them 1 trust that U R true; YANKEE NOTIONS, was a boy of bright intellect, and the other witches! pretty even in all there decidedly "When this U C. then U can say, Í «5 OO IU ay be paid at • ny onr dull. The old g. ntl<-inan thought EFT’S A GENERAL ASSORT- Au S A 1 O U. faults and absurdities, winning that nature had done enough for the GROCERIES, CROCKERY, PAINTS, OIL8, E tc ., lime, ill any Tate Policy, and so fvhthf . r Ai.i.tiH ment of goods iu bin line of trade. PreuUuin v.i'i be required, noi any furti er p.yiuents, LINKVILLE, even in their sins and iniquities. youngest and th it be would make his way ALL. SORTS except for Death AtseSitutute in that t-peei 4 divis in the world without more than a common in. y occur. n Sit. Ladies*, Mens5 and Boys’ Sad See, for example, yonder little school education, but that the elder one Lake county, - - - Oregon. ion M. n. H. they 1HM1CK. Two Irishmen met in a saloon one Mino ÀI blMKK. dles, a Speciality. morning—a rare occurrence. One bad fellow in a naughty fit; he has would need all the aid of a liberal education make up the natural deficiency, and he a two days’ beard. Says the one, shaken his long curls over his to was accordingly sent to college, while his Team, Buggy acd Plow Harness,.. ASHLAND “ Well, Dinny, are ye lettin’ yer barde deep blue eyes; the fair btow is ’ brother was kept on the farm. It hap ene< grow ? ” “Sure 1 can’t shtop it,” re bent in frown; the rose lip i •J ; one Spring that among the f uitot the gov TEAM & BUGGY COLLARS, plied the other, rubbing bis bristling ernor’s herd was a very stupid calf It CURRYCOMBS, BRIDLES, LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, curled in infinite defiance, and tlm would not suck or drink, and no amount cbin. CINCHOS, STIRRUPS, A n old woman lias a narrow escape white shoulders thrust haughtily ot effort on the part of the father, son, or WHIPS, LASllES, SPURS, MAIN STREET. from being rnn over by a hearse. “ I forward. Can any but a child i -hired man” could induce him fo take bis sustenance. After tepeated trials the gooc COLLAR PADS, ETC., ETC., cm not at all superstitious," she says look so pretty, even in their man*.« patience gave out, and be said to his And everything usually kept in a first-elast to her rescuer, “ but it bas always Ashland, Oregon. •son,— estabii-hment. Repairing done with neat seemed to me that it would be unlucky naughtiness? ‘‘Freeman, what on earth will we do with rpilE UNDERSIGNED WOULD to be killed by a hearse.” ness and dispatch at prices to suit ibe- Then comes the instant change; the stupid fool?” eorge nutt . fy iias thf . pleasure to 1 respectfully intorm their It ieml.s announce to the iohtbicanta of Ashland »nd it» times. “Do I believe in second love? Hashing smiles and tears, as all the ‘ I don't know, father.” was the ready eurruumlinga hl» realit.e-a to ranpjy ail who need tl.e public get.erally th it they xj >]* response, ‘’unless you send him to cullge with a g mm ! cueioin-m.ide b.x>t or eliue, made of the and Hump! If a man buys a pound of have purchase! the above e-tabut.nai.ciit, WHEAT Taken at the Highest beet material. Call and see him. Shop on Main sugar, isn’t it sweet ? And when that's good comes back in a rush, and with Martin.” width will bebeuceloi.h lotitlucfed unde Street, over creek, near bridge. ---------— «-*—----------- {»one don’t he want another pound; you are overwhelmed with protes Market Rates in Exchange their constant person<1 sujieivision, aunt Ashland, Juue l*tb, 1.S7U. noltf. Ax O ptical D eltsiux —Here is a neat de and isn’t that sweet, too? Troth, tations, promises. They are irre they guarantee satisfaction >o ail wl o may for Goods. lusion. Roll a sle-t of writing paper into Murphy, I believe in second love.” favor them with their pationage. sistible, too, these little ones. a tube ten inches iu diameter, and hold it to Aehhnd, Jtme 17lh, 1876. noltf. Also agents lor the H ome and C lub .—“ My dear,” said They pull away the scholar’s pen, the right eje, looking through at any con a gentleman to his wife, “ our new venient object, keeping the left eye also Howe Sewing Machine clnb is going to have all the home tumble about his papers, make open. Place the left haud. open with the paltn upwaid, against the tube an inch or two HE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO RE- comforts.” “Indeed,” sneered the summersets over his books, and This celebrated machine, which is ac- mind his friends, and the traveling pub knowled-ed by every one to be the best wife; “ and when, pray, is onr home what can he do? They tear his from the further end. The surprising effect apparently seen will be a hole through the lic generally, that he is still to be found al going to have all the club comforts ?” machine known, and which has n et with newspapers, litter his carpets, band the size of a cross section ot the tube. thh too e extensive sales than any o:her on I kate subscriber (excited and point Now in place of the hand put a sheet of re; oid, is t:ow being intiotluced in Ash LONG ESTABLISHED HOUSE, ing to an objectionable article)—“What break, pull, upset, and then jab white paper with a hole in it of a quarter of CLOSING OUT! land. The Howe is peculiary adopted to ber unintelligible English in self- does that mean ? Every statement is an inch in diameter: stare intently into the where he Is ready at any time, and on all to any kind of work—bom a ruffle <» a boot, false!” Editor (gazing reflectively on defence, and what can you do for tube and you will 6eethe hole In the sheet occasions to set before them the best the or shoe. Is simple in construction, eisily of paper floating in the bole of the tube, market affords, in a style second to uo other run, and for strength and durability is un the article iu question)—“ I shouldn’t yourself? clearly d» fined by the difference of illumma house in Oregon. wonder if the whole article was a typo surpassed. Parties desiring to see ore of graphical error.” “If I had a child,” says the lion. Each eye obviously transmits a differ Dinners and suppers for special occasions, these machines can do so, by calling on them ent impression to tbe brain, and that organ, gotten up in appropriate style, at short no at their office. A student , after passing throe years precise man, “you should see.” unable 'o disentangle them, lands us on the tice. JASPER HOUCK. A DIMICK A SON. in the “ Latin quarter,” wrote to his He does have a child, and his palpable absurdity of a materialized hole. Ashland, June 17th. 1876. » olii. father as follows: “I have made up my --------------------------------- child tears up hispapers, tumbles mind to set to work, dear father, there The first paper ever printed in America fore, I should like to know whether it over his thingsand pulls his nose was established in Boston in 1690. One was law or medicine that I came to like other children; and what has hundred years from that time the total nutnberof newspapets in this country was Paris to 6tudy.” HE UNDERSIGNED WISHING TO the precise man to say for himself? only’200, of which only two or thiee were ^OR THE BENEFIT OF THOSE DESIR Dealers in Do you ever read the newspapers ? Nothing. He is like everybody dailies. Since 1770 tbe progress ot journal sell out and quit business, offers his ing go ;d wagon work, the undersigned stock of goods at retail, lor No. Have you any opinion about any hereby makes known that he can be found ism in the United States lias been marvel al. ail times at bis shop iu the S. W. corner thing? No. Do yon know your left else—“a child shall lead him.” ous, the total number ot newspapers now hand from your right ? No. Do you Poor little children! They bring published being 6,232, of which 978 are of the public square Ashland Ogn; and is consider yourself a species of born and teach us human beings more dailies. The wondertul increase in the le.idy and willing io do all work entrusted facilities for disseminating information to me in a woikntaolike manner. WAG CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, idiot ? Yes. Then you are fit for a FOR CASH. good than they get in return. How among tbe people is the most remarkable ONS, CARRIAGES BUGGIES, WHEEL juryman. Swear him! lure of this age, and should go far to BARROWS, i’LOW STOCKS, Ac., made Hardware, Fancy Goods, “You see,” said uncle Job, “my often does the mother repay this fe wards educating and liberating the people to order, and repaired on short r.otice. wife’s a cnr’ous wo^tan. She scrimped, by doing her best to wipe, even of Tl e best Eastern stojk constantly on this country. Wishing to commence business, vzould do and saved, and almost starved all of us before the time, the new and fresh --------------------------------- W. W. KENT NOR. well to call on me, as I will sell my whole Ashland, June 17th, 1876. noltf. to get the parlor furnished nice, and F a ' sk M orality .—Never fake morality. simplicity from childhood, and stock on easy terms, and tent them my store, now she won’t let one of us go into it, How exquisitely absurd to te’l girls that In the mean time, I would say to persons und haiu’t even had the blinds of it make her daughter too soon a beauty is of no value—dress of on use! Groceries, Crockery, I’dints, Oils, Etc., Be oily is of value. Iler whole prospects open for a month. She is a cur’ous woman of the world, as she has MILLINERY. — <SD « A3T <Sa> SMX OB— and happiness in this life may often depend woman.” been. UNKVILLE, LAK£ CO.« &GN- That I expect to start for San Francisco upon a new gown or a becoming bonnet; N one so D aft —Visiting magistrate HAVE OPENED AT MY RESIDENCE, and. if he has five grains cl common sense, A pRoBLKM FOB ARITHMETIC A\8.— A. soon, and would like to have my money be D. CHATMAN. B. r. XEIL. (to pauper lunatic)—“ Well, William, on Main street, Ashland, Oregon, a she will find this out. The great thing is to and B , tw o countrymen. came to the New- millinery store. 1 have now a beautiful as fore starting. I may stay ia San Francisco you have been here nearly ten years; teach her their just value, and that there I suppo-e yon would like to be dis York market with 50 geese e. ch. A. sells must be something Ivetter under the bonnet sortment ot most of the Winter on account of ill health. Meat Market, 30 geese at the rate of two ibr $1, and charged?” P. L—“’Deed, no* sir; his than a pretty face for real happiness. But HATS, If I do not sell out intirely before starting, B. sells bis 30 geese at the rate of three lor you don’t think I am so crazed as ail $1, at which rale the purchaser seeins to get never sacrifice truth. my business will be left with E. J. Farlow CHAPMAN k NEIL, WREATHS, and that, do yon ? lam very comfortable, five gre.-e for $2. The net proc« eds of the and J. Q. Latta, with instructions to sell A branch concern—The limb oi a tree. thunk your honor !” LADIES’ FINISHING GOODS, sale-, however, amounted to $25. Subse Ashland, Oregon, C heap F ob C ash , but STOP the credit part, T he three-year-old was awakened the quently A. and B. have another lot of thirty All of which I will sell cheap for cash, AH and make a desperate effort to close down other evening to see the Boys in Blue geese each for the market, but as A. is sick ^EP CONSTANTLY ON HAND AT THEIR orders troin a distance promptly filled. Shop, near tb« lirldge, on M ein Street. * good so that I can in the Spring, either sell out, qo by. He watched the myriad of he gets B. to sell his lot, who comes to the Aug. 24th, 1876. MRS. J . EWING. fupiJy of fre-b BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, etc., lights with lively interest. The next market, and believing that he is selling his or freeze out; and to collect every cent pos which they <>Uer at tbe h>Mesiuiirkel price. Dealers In day be fell from a chair and struck on geese on the 6utne term« as befote. offers Aehlaixi, Juiie 17th, 1S76. nol'.f. sible. Woe be unto you! Who are owing at the rate of five fur $2, When he re FOR SALE. his bead. As seen as he could catch them me in tbe Spring. R. B. H argabixb . turns home he finds, in making up bis ac his breath, he^aaped, “ Mamma, 1 IX HUNDRED ACRES OF FINE CUL count with A., that he has only netted $24 Ashland, Sep. 28tb, 1876. no!6tt more Boys in Blue.”— Danbury Aeir.y. tivatirig and pasture land, well improv for the. sixty geese, and is out $1, but cannot E xperientia D o < et .—Irate young account for the deficiency. In the first in CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES ed, with two good dwelling houses and three AM NOW MANUFACTURING, AND IIAVE BLACKSMITHINQ on lund, a »oud aaeorimeiit of barns und other out houses, situated three lady—" Mr. Cox, I declare your ma stance the sixty geese brought $25, and in - BY - Hardware, Fancy Goods, and one half miles north of Ashland, on the chines are the worst I ever saw! there's the second only $24, and yet he has, appar O. A C. Stage route. Bear creek runs LAUNDRY and TOILET SOAP, not even a looking glass!” Proprietor ently,sold them on the same terms—five for EUBANKS & FORSYTH. through the farm, and it is otherwise will which I offer to tbe trade at prices to suit the tim*e. $2. Can any of our boys or girls account YANKEE NOTIONS, of bathing machines—“Why, miss, if by springs. My sorp bus been pronounced by thoei wbo have LL THOSE DESIRING WORK there was looking-glasses, we shouldn’t jOr the deficiency of $1 on the second sale? Groceries, Crockery, Paints, Oils, Etc., wateied This farm will be Fold on reasonable tried it, to I* fu,>erior u> t>ny imported article. Give in our line, will find us at the get you ladns out of them 'ere ma it a trial, aDd eupi>ort home industry. terms. For particulars, enquire at this of W ii . ijt rot be better to use a S kii >- ‘ ‘ Old Michelson Stand” ready to serve them I want in exchange for eouu 2o,0<H» H e. of ronpb LINKVILLE, chines for bowers and howers!”— mobe than main stiength in placing a stone fice. I'A AC WOOLEN. greue, at my factory. W. H. HAIHAWAY. with neatness and dispatch. Particular at Punch. July let, ' uu3tf. over a mill dam to stop a L fxke ? Ashtand, Jun-i:th, 1S7«. njltf. Lake county, - - - Oregon tention paid to horse shoeing. nolltf. ASHLAND TIDINGS. TINWARE STORE, MFE A8SQCIÆTIQ» CHEAP PAPER ! AV E E K L Y OREGONIAN JERSEY CATTLE. I DRY C. K. KLUM, GOODS Saddlery & Harness, K G ASHLAND HOUSE. CLOSING OUT! T CLOSING OUT! Wagon Factory Nurse & Thatcher, T I DRY GOODS, COST and freight A SC Y PERIQV Yankee Notions, I Nurse & Thatcher, DRY GOODS, K s Ashland Soap Factory. I A