Image provided by: Rogue Valley Genealogical Society; Medford, OR
About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1876)
i HE ASHLAND TIDINGS ! BONANZA ITEMS. fair may possibly bo rudely dragged THERE'S NO BOSH HERE I Our Bonanza correspondent seeds before the public by unfeeling lawyers: ■ ASHLAND STOVE - VICROAT DECEMBER 23, 187«. the following: j and for no fault—unless carelessness is A I L PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE UN- either tn vie u, xcouat,are hereby a crime—of either of the parties. Of Z» V»’eather still warm. gi.en timvly i«»ti< »■ to Cull In um I eettle up between Ageuts for the Tidings. course, the engagement was broken, now Mid the flri*t dvy <>f t •.nuiry next, and thereby EarK sown rye coming up B. F. R ekskr . I i the young lady quickly sent back the ; eave coat and inti-er. 2.»;’f. Sr.uu«:e, - . . • Portland, Oregon. Tilden is c-locted out here. Taoub Tbonipfoo, - “ “ ring, and the quickest way she could M Prtiii k-i 1 A Co., ... New York. —AND— Spelling schools in fashion. I think of was by mail; so by mail it RotKWell i- Uneeeiuau, - - - St. Ixiuia. I went — that is, it started from Morgan 1. C. --t-iiwr, ..... Bin Francisco. Going to havo a oafl New Years. town, but never roached Washington. | !.. Neil, ..... Jacksonville. Two fights last SuLday—no arrest. The gentleman made no inquiries CNE HUNDRED YEARS! >. Sergent, ..... Pu<i-nix. Linkville is very dull at present. about it, and, but for a train of events Li. It. Uarn, : . . . Central Point. ------------ « *.------------- MHs Athe W. Colvig, ... Rock Point. that couldn't possibly have been ar C. B. Watson, General Agent for Lake county. NOTES FROM KERBYVILLE. ranged by chance, might have gone on ardware tore thinking that bis former fiancee was Get ready for ye Christmas ball and If V ASHLAND P O. REGISTER. Will mercenary enough to hold on io the I turkey, you bet. Mages leav e Ashland as follows: magnificent ring that Lad been a token Minors are waiting for rain. They of her loyalty to him. But tho myster The O. <t C. Stage Co.’s Stag? leave Ashland say it is sure to rain by Christmas. ious destiny which shapes our ends for Jacksonville, Rock Point and Rose I • ! Tho roads were never better to Ke* ordered it otherwise. • burg every day at 6 a. in. Mail clo es at byville, and accommodations fa.’y, 5:30 a. m. • A few weeks ago one of tho Morgan Far Hvnly, Yieka and Reading at C> p. ni. Mr. J. L. Layton’s hydraulio on town young lady’s friends saw the ring Mail clo-es at 5:30 p. m. A x bay tice fruit and shide trees. William’s Creek works to a charm. on the hand of a lady in the sama town, Helton A Garrett’s Stages leave Ashland Brothor Ritter immersed two per who was not acquainted with the first every Monday, Wednesday and Friday named, and consequently did not knot; mornings for Linkville, and return on sons in tho Applegate last Sunday. NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT B. F. REESER, Proprietor;. The Just few nights aro reckoned the the ring or its history. Investiga every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. tion was at once begun, and a few days' L-ave Linkville tor Lake City, California, coldest for years when there was no time and very little trouble traced the Ttees, ?nd I am bound to eell cheap for C.ish. I Wednesdays; arrive at Lake City Sat’lr- snow. wiil eel! flue bodriug tree, by the thou- ring to a clerk in the Fairmont post days; leave Lake City Mondays ; arrive e .n-1 for Berea cen' * each ; S. Philips has a fine Percberon colt, office, who, it is alleged, has stolen it { nut less than fifty at Liukville Thursdays, car;-ymg mail and trees of onavan-, two years old last June, that weighs from the mail, loaned it to a gentleman i patsenger». cty to bo 1,500 pounds. friend at Morgantown, W. Va., who h;m i Regular passenger wagon leaves Ashland Mr. Ish’s covered mail back makes made it to do duty as an engagement for Linkville -very Monday morning, and LANTED IN’ ON E ORCHARD reiurns every S»turday. semi-weeklv trips frum Jacksonville to ring for bis fiancee in Morgantown. Kerby and Waldo. A. I>. HELMAN, P. M. The Fuirmount postoflice clerk was ar-1 Wi ii is the lucky nivn who «ill take sw»v the V e 1 ’ TWEN1Y THOUSAND, only By the way, D. Groen estimates the rested by Government officials aud will ..V v. . etuis e .cil—all a. be tried in the United States District j LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. aving just returned from kax distance from Galice Creek to Illinois Erauoieco, with the beat »etecied stot k ui Court at Parkersburg eome time dur River, via Rogue River, at 30 miles— i JACKSONVILLE ITEMS SRAITEÖ FRUITI a practical route. Either route suffi ing the month. To the trial of the postollico clerk ' Our regular correspondent, Theobald, cient. Take the best and cheapest. Awtlct. FIFTEEN THOUSAND will probably be summoued the young 1 root«, for the ir.lling sum of two Mr. Hughes, County Clerk of Jose lady who “sent back” the ring, and sends the following under date of * t phine, received a letter last week from possiblo all parties connected with it. December 21: DA II LI A.-, STOVES, HARDWARE, Messrs. Riley A Stewart,of Ellensburg, including the Morgantowu gentieu; \ V lx \ The wife of Sam Taylor has a bounc which announced that a company from 1/..k VARIETY OF and his fiancee. Should the question ing Christmas boy. San Francisco had bought out their of the ownership of the ring come i ; FLOWERING SHRUBS, A son of Mr. Martin, while coasting •>> fishery at the mouth of Rogue River, it will prove a knotty one. To whom ! ...Lia, etc., bi profusion. Gill and stru •k against a fence, knocked out sev aud said company has a light draft * O. C oolidge . does or did the ring belong at tho tim-. CiHt teeth and bruised his face severely, steamboat of 100 tons to navigate Rogue of its loss? The case will bo au inter -AND - I i ¡rand preparations are being made River from its mouth up to Illinois esting one at all events, and highly s HE STILL LIYES. f‘»r the Masonic ball. It will uudoubt River (about 10 miles). Now if the if it should be necessary to legally • div be superior to anything of the citizens of Jackson and Josephine prove tho ownership of the alleged Counties unite and build a wagon stolen property. Season. A eon of Captain Caton came very road to tho mouth of the Illinois River, PACIFIC COAST NEWS. iie.r being killed by a blow, which say down tho Illinois River from the Surpasses in tone ami power any Reed Organ here- vicinity of Deer Creek, the present ’-■ft him iusensible and from which he tofore manufactured in thia country. It There are about 50 cases of mumps road, which is estimated at 37 miles .s yot suffering, has been tested by many at Tho Dalles. (Mr. A. Watts, Qounty Surveyor of Hon. W. J. riymale has rebuilt the Josephine, thinks the most practical competent Judges, diptheria is making great grief hvuse near the Excelsior Stables, form- and least expensive route to the mouth for The and gives the loss of little ones iu several ite Street, Ashland. Ever brought to Ashland, I im prepared to fell s*y occupied by L. Ziglor. It is very of Illinois liiver), organize and open parts of the Willumette and Umpqua fit everything in my line, Full CASH, cn«n»er th. ■ re-.d and comfortable. the chea]>est. tho road, and -the thing is done; you Aalleys, If <>ur worthy P. M. would leave bis have an outlet to the seaboard, con WILL DO Hawkins, the man captured at Goos«- UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION I •puty in during meal time he would necting with the coast line of steamers loake last Fall, plead guilty to the • blige many of our denizens who hap- to San Francisco. The steamer Cun- charge of graud larceny in court at STOVES, NAILS, ROPE, ■n to call about thut time. ti.e ntai, during the last Summer, made Dallas last week, and was sentenced anything in my line i ae young folks who attended the two trips per mouth, for four months, to four years in the State penitentiary. •ulal party at a country residence, betweeu Ellensburg and San Franciseo, Since getting into his difficulty he h.r IIORSE-SnOES, AXES, CARPETTER TDCfJ9, ON • .itly, kept the bride and bride- mostly on freights to and from Curry turned quite gray. >om locked up iu separate apart- County. Probably this is the nearest A -Y Ö AT THE LOWEST TERMS.E The Associated California Pioneers By a ski lful use of the stop«, and of the patent And everything kept in a ûrat-clsae i ts all night. They have gone East. and cheapest route to a safe and ac- have inaugurated a scries of monthly V ceptable harbor, and the knee swell, the music is adapted to the human voice, route once receptions of old ties, swapping pio 1'he outertaiament given on last Sat- open would be mutually rangi ng from, the softest flute-like note to a volume valuable to ' .y evening, for the benefit of Mr. I »< »< >i; neer experience, eliciting and record of souivt the three counties named. It would 1 »iiiasou, was well attended. Some Stove and Hardwara Store. ing personal and historical facts cou- ■ FURNITURE, of tho audience engaged in a play not stimulate various branches of trade, uected with pioneer days. Tho open <• ■ the bills, which caused some dis- increase the population and settlement ing reception at the Sturtevant House Mi u >r< of the small vallies along the new road, was a decided success. turbanco. UNSURPASSED BY .-LVJF OTHER enhance tLe value of farm lands, quartz, An Idaho girl bot a dozen kisses khat M ortising M achine .—Amongst the and other mining interests iu wuys too Tildvu would be elected. .Pint site evident to need naming. • Ì t Agency for the nan rrons labor-saving machines in the won, aud then the next day it __ was Instrument. The proprietors have noted carefully, e M .... ’ ' Hayes, and the bet Ipd to lie taken furniture factory of Marsh A Valpey, for many years, the imperfect ions and needs of the D r . C hitwood displays a fine lot of back. » It has been alternating between reed instrumente, and direct their practical experience cf this place, is one of remarkable in- confectionery at hia Drug Store. Ik Tilden and Hayes every day since, an 1 to the correction ut puch imjwrfectionp, and their ex Wilcox & Gibbs’ Sewing Machines,, r»*uuity, devised by Mr. Marsh for has snaps ml J drops, and cracks and the osculatory demonstrations have have resulted in the production of a quality » ca <ge moriiciug. The chisel runs by | ki*> es, and sticks and sugar-coated been kept up with a ¿agree of regular mST'NQ TO FARMERS I of periments tone which assimilates eo closely to the >»»>r power, and makes about six! pills—just tho tLiugs for Christmas. ity that is quite acceptable to the par the beat family machine nwt ’.HL.ired strokes a minute. Besides ties interested. ¡•I u'.-HFXIil), BELIEVING IT F W hy in the Willamette Valley at ti;« wonderful rapidity of its work it _L ' • • .<> l ie mutual advantage of —s-eb one other advantage: The tliis time of rear like the letter O? .•»I \ Kill Hi). work does not require to be gauged after Because it is - in tho midst of fog. . Why PIPE ORGAN QUALITY Millers and Farmers, :i ‘» nutebiue is set for a job and no like the Liter U ? Because it is in the M< DOl'GALL RALLS—Ài the resilience <f '• s. Baite, December 14, by T. B. Kent, J. I i: tn: omenta whereby the mrecake can occur. These gentlemen middio ui mud. Jant-s McDougill and Miss Catherine A. Ili '* nave devised many other improvements and Phœnix Mills, That is difficult to distinguish Iwtwuen the two. kTHE BAIN •.VAiG.-i, ; .n their machinery of more than pass w 1LL1AM Ti kner , telegraph operator BORN. ing interest, an examination of which at Jacksonville, passed through town This instrument has all the Ü be iiih 1< r the management of J a - would well repay any mechanic visit thia week to answer a summons to the GIU BB Near Ashland, Dccu.nber 17,to tl-e wife of 1 \V.»< '.Fii. who will have charge of W. B. Grubb, a »Luga er. Champion Mower ¿ 2:aperr ing this place. bed-side of a sick sister in Philadel b Mill itu il-f Conipanyduringtheonsu- phia. July 1st, 1877. ----------- <»------------ s arp < » inting CHmDREN. —The mean - I p iv the highest market price for MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, rrrrs’ buffalo thuksuku , mí . T he Tim. advises people to adver I .nitide wheat, andare prepared ».-t thing we ever did was putting a I cl il'i* at $1H.OO per thousand j (,tato in each of our little ones’stock tiso in tho paper having the largest th;' Mill.-. I circulation. We second that motion. WE HEREBY GIVE TIMELY NOTICE And every organ is fully warranted. I^arge Oil 1 I ings on ChristmM eve. We enjoyed It’s good for the T idings . ’ inc Company nt the Ashland ▼ v all knowing themeelvcfl m tebied to uh th SEWING MACHINE CASTORS, Pblieh JBlack Walnut Panelled Cases oar l«ooke ' •* a time their bitter disappointment that forme, in addition to a I , ANDERSON Jk to lit any and alleewing machines. MUST BE SETTLED UP! 'v ¡h a view of what we supposed Funs for H oliday P resents .—Muffs, splendid instrument Always ou hand, and made to ureter, tie very best' FARMER ’ S CO., would be a happy surprise when we Either by money or some other s uiefictory of musi.:, > quality of capes and boas for little girls, cheap at ’ t Ashland, Oregon. r aigemeut, by the first of J am iry, Is;;. Tiioi* intr duced them to a bountiful supply .McCall A Baum’s. Call and 6ee them owing notes will cill and make saliiLictury : r.l of toys laid away in another place. — meni. “A word io the wise only £2 50 a set. TIN, SHEET-IRON ASCClPFLi-WARE. M e wi re mistaken. It took half the J. M. M< C all - v < o. 0» TBC TRADE. A suland , lk-c. 1, 1K76. 27> '-I. BEMITIFUi. PIECE OF FURNITURE. Produce taken in exchange for goods. D.vp: mess the new gave to balance their T he best of llour aDd fresh ground ¡M. >. ZX3EKB lire.! disappointment. To day they have v; Ui n» SAY TO MY PATRONS , ibi! 1 mi prepared to- take in payment h vivid memory of the potatoes, but graham and corn meal delivered in any <<! «ubs< iii)iio:i to the T idings all kinds of h its no recollection of the four or five part of Ashland, at mill prices, by the N. B. All persons Indebted to se by Mie ar m > ■ Facie Al ill. * Eagle Alili. i lieinble jno luee, such as Wheat, Fiour, count, will ptexne come Sbrward pay ay witMa dollars’ worth of toys. » thirty days, and save costs. & Co.’s I sw PARLOR H S ;, N ursery Àsl ila ii<I ORGAN H fire? Ó t < La a i. o. Al I LLEll, Pressed Tinware, Ashland MILL NOTICE I C onvalescing .—We are glad to an- A G overnor W anted .—Inasmuch as that Mrs. J. 11. N. Bell is re- Governor Grover and Secretary Chad- nounce covering from her late severe illness. wi *k have both been subpenaed to T he Democratic 1 imes closed its sixth Washington, and Oregon is left with out a Chief Executive, Wade Hampton volume with its l&st issue. It will or Chamberlin could find a situation in hereafter be published on Saturday. S ite; and J. M. McCall A Co. continue to receive constant fresh sup- Go to Wagner, Anderson A Co.’s if ’ :> a of goods, which they sell cheap you want some A. 1 sausage-meet. r cash or produce, at the Ashland D on ’ t forget the balls at Ashland and Phoenix on Christmas night Jacksonville neighbors are com. S lu G. W. smith s naw ad., and then uitg of miserable, dull, cold, foggy go and see his new jewelry. yr. We have not had a foggy «ng in Ashland this Winter. For \\ FATiiri still fino, but look out for - WO M s three we- ks the sun has risen snou during the holidays. set • wtthout a cloud to dim its ra- Those who desire tho finest co J avnc s sanative pills arc recomended <■ to on the globe should corno to for too much turkey. rpllE EAGT.E AII1.1.S, Siri ATED ONE A I JL a half nnles uortii oi Arhl .n<l, has on han ! :;-r Is i-unstxiiitly making ;m excellent urt.cle of H i; All tuose desiring to purchase their I 4 b’ ¡I» r • ) WINTER SUPPLY OF I Lot it II Will do well to call at the mill; will also grind, u exchange, 36 of flour,« of bran .md of shirt jut 1-UbDel of gixid wneat; will sack and br itid : sacks -customers to furnish the sacks. L. S thon - j , Sept. 26, 1 mo. Miller. 1 I ., V/oo.i, lbied Fruit, Eggs, Butter, f , l’e uh ’, Bacon, Lard, otc. Arrange- have been made, whereby parties ing in moie produce than enough to Unir •ubsctiplion. can receive mer This organ needs only to be seen to be appreciated, and Is sold at extremely lile u CASH RATES for the balance J. M. SUTTON, Publisher. f HE SPRINGS SODA LßLIMOLILI¿2- Ashland, June 17th, 167&. O. R. anitf f. >AJ1 BI*- D. UKX.MAM. HELMAN & F0UHÏA1», AND - HE IS STILL HEUL’! j|j| A VINOKUR CHASED THE ENT13UK STOCK A. M. SPICKELM1E Tt » ' f 00 IVII.T. D9 ANYTHING TN MY LINE V V eliort n<vl< e .u.<l al the lowest terms, fu: c Wheat, oats, lurley, huge or lurntx r, tiikeii ii. ciumire for work. Call ¡ui<l tee in-*, at upper Or. Street. A? AL. f > pickelmii . A shland , December, 16, 1876. -7;3 \ ll W ho T hirst ! A GENTS B’J NTED (Male or female) in every county in the United States and Canada. ^GENERAL MEñCHWHMJL DRY-GOOD8, GROCERIES, HOffii ft COO0^| UNTO THE 0 — 4 III I . W ho uro you going to take to the ... crowds who daily throng Mr.’ Christmas party ? -toil’s phv »tographic gallery show D.vr alter to morrow will be Christ i. it they appreciate genuine work of mas morning ! Those who cannot get out to . would do well to call and see How do you like this number of the .. j many familiar faces on tho wall, T1 11 No.,? .. j cd in their Sunday fixings. lL.r.r.x E. C randall , younger broth-1 :: f our foreman, arrived here from c t. Francisco this week. He came to ; >\ .i! himself of the advantages of the: Aiuland Academy, and has already b-.-a duly installed into his classes. A little son of John Van Dyke was a-d on the bead by a horse on last Sunday, and severely injured. He lay ¿ensible for twenty-four hours. He now reoovered so far as to be out dunger. --------------------------- T hose desiring a chance in the fine i>. <ure of Crater Lake must call at the Post Office soon, as they are going like hot cakes. lltoocar new Christmas story to-day. ----------- “C i IEIS tmas I’eals” next week. V» SPK ING WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Ashland, Oregon. I I AV agon Shop ri^lIEUNDERSIGNED WILL BE FOUN 1 at his shop on Main strivt, two doo fiOintbe livery stubie*, where he is prep ti ed to do all kinds of work iu his line at tt:c lowest price. WAGONS, BUGGIES AND ALL KIND- Of Vehicles Made to Order. Repairingsof all kinds done with dispatch, call and Fee me. noltf. JOHN RALPH WILL BE - , and Without Made to Teachers, Ministers, Churches, Schools Ixxtr-cR, etc., where there is no agent for the Star ICM1D ar© now keeping Organ. Illustrated catalegue atd price lift free. Correspondence solicited. Address the manufactu rers, -OF THE— Ashland Business Association, I’r ice. CL OCKS, WATCHES,SPECTA CLE E)>-glasse* ani Sewing Mlcldna needles cunstau I; uu hand aud for saie al minimum prixs. 27; f. miNKî on \ Juit received, a large und select lot of Gold iw ri nel Jewelry J also, a good assortment uf STORY OF AN ENGAGEMENT KING. Some time ago a wealthy and other wise attractive young gentleman of Washington, says the Cumberland (Md ) -V »<• , was engaged to be married to a l»»*autiiul belle of Morgantown, W. Va., and a brilliant “society wedding” was looked forward to by the friends of both parties, particularly the young lady intimates of the prospective bride. But the course of this love was true to the proverb about true love in general, and a month ago the engagement was broken off—how or why does not con cern this 6tory—though the whole uf- jr A LIBERAL DISCOUNT ■ t V ; flie 41 I ( V - «A r « X-r «y 1 Spring House .. .. . re t and refiteil the same. p.-et. Hol to accommodate all who u with a call. Prices to suit r j Alleg'd*, Bowlby& Co., “Purpose eelhEg the same on terms and at prices- to nuit the times. ^-AI.SO BOOKS, STATIONERY., WASHINGTON, N. J. ; ne Marble Business i! ti be a speciality. All orders in is Hue promptly filled iu the best manner a at . ci-oatib!e rates, A'i jre-s, as usual, J. 11. A A. H. RUSSELL. .Uhland. p. of n.,. o — Candies, Nuts, Toys,, &’C., 8 k ., 8 k ., H. W. A lleges , C. P. B owlby , T. B. M c M crtrie , E dward P lotts . (Sept. 27, ’7G; 1 yr.) Produce taken in exchange at the highest market price. MELMAN H FOUNTAIN. Ashland, JuBe 17th, 137«. nullf-.