Image provided by: Rogue Valley Genealogical Society; Medford, OR
About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1876)
THE EMPTY STOCKING. munewith the mute messengers before awaiting the arrival of the doctor; fled, gloating over his fien.lisli victory. I “ My dear child drooped and died ; “ f>, God! ” the mother cried, as o'er her child My hand at length rested upon I toon the sound of footsteps broke the The telegrams are filled with ac mo. She bent with loviug eyes, “and must I st« before any being on earth except my- ■ a email package — souvenirs from stillness that had become oppressive Tbv li’.tle face, that Io >ks eo sweet and mild, DECEMBER 23, 1876. counts of preparation for the coming SATURDAY one wboee image was stamped on my and the little girl entered, followed by self and her destroyer knew her shame, j Dreamitg of morning and the ChrtMniae tree, Ix> >k diaai jointed ; aud wi h wonderirg ejee war between Russia and Turkey. soul. Long years had passed since ray ; Dr. N----- . The child started with she was laid in the church-yard by the CHRISTMAS. (Search in the stocking which must empty be ? ¡«¡L--------- Troops are being massed by both na eyes had glancetl over the delicately 1 evident surprise and afright when she side of her father, and loving friends Empty because the hand that filed it Hee Mouldering to duet beiie.iih the eullen »ea. What a store of pure and genuine tions, end torpedoes placed in their traced lines of these sad memorial s ' saw mo, bat when T rose aud addressed wept around her grave. I could not weep and people said that I was crazed “ One year ago thy little stocking« hut g of my great sorrow; now au insatiable the doctor, with whom I was well ac- happiness is contained in the word harbors. England, notwithstanding Upon the self fame nail that bolds it now, desire to read again the words of love, ; quaint«. «1, she liecame assured an d ' with grief, but they knew not my heart: Crowded so full of toys —thou art too young Christmas. It is an everlseting foun ! her protestations sad threats ning at hope and final anguish they contained, 1 A fiend of bell had taken up its resi- i g“ d at me with her timid blue eyes To read the sorrow written on my brow. tain which pours out new joys on tech tit nd« in the matter, seems to have took possession of me. With a trem i:- s though she doubted her senses. The | deuce there. After adorning the last IIow cm I tell thee, O, my little one! Thy father’s with the ai gels in the sky ’ return, and furnishes a continual feast weakened ".nd will ht them fight it bling hand I loosened the silken cord doctor upproaohed the bed-side, look resting place of my child with the And heir thy wondr.ngquefttons when I'm done flowers she loved I started on the track • If God is good why did mj papjia die ’ ’ of hope and expectation to the bouy&nt! , r>n | Under the present condition cf that boond them and read. * ♦ * ♦ the band of the invalid, and asked her of her murderer. No one knew of my ___ It was near sunset when I awoke regarding her sickness. She made au thee on thy knees, my little lioy. heart of childhood from one anuual ( affuLTS there is barely a hope that mat from the spell wrought upon me by efloit to speak, but a low rnuan was nil going. Home mysterious power direct “ I watched And heard thee mlngliig with thy chilllsh prayer: visit to another. It fills their oup of ters , communing with those voiceless yet that she could utter. The ductor h ur ed my search and I found him, but not will be adiusted Without war. ' And now I lay me—please God send me toys ; eloquent companions of my exile; in riedly applied a coidiil to her li ps, until he bad ensnared another victim. pleasure to overflowing as they count Tell Santa CL ns mv stocking's hanging there ’ PETITION FOB WOMAN SUFFRAGE. the brief hour that I bad beeu absorbed I and iu a few minutes she revived, Her Through the authority of mercenary' Thy wants are few; thy heirt is rest , the time of its coming, first by months, The angels whisper to thee in thy sleep ; There are no presents, am! niy aching Tha following petition iB being cir 1 in my commuuings I had lived over voice now rang out iu clear but un- i parents a beautiful girl whose troth next by weeks and days; and at last, was plighted to another was forced into ¡again the happiest and the most mis natural tones. Yearns for the dead until I can but weep. when they lay themselves down ou the cukted Mid extensively signed iu erable years of my existence; again “ Doctor,’’ said she, “ I did not send his accursed embrace. “ I, too, hive payed, give os this day ftur dail»- bread I “ I delayed my vengence until I ove of Christmas, with full LearU du Oregon: the »porta of childhood were enjoyed, f<>r you to give me medicine: my case Anl like my little boy no answer's given. could strike him as deadly a blow as 7L the Senate and H >usc of Reprcsenta- and all the bright images to w hom my will soon be iu the hands of the Great they count the last few hours till the I cm but mourn and wish th it we were dead. who ministers to the soul he had given me. He had settled in . Gone with our loved one to the waiting be .ven. dawning. What swelling sentimeuta t>v<f in Congress assembled:— Tho nndei- heart still clung trooped before me; I Physician Oh! how that empty stocking mocks my t raye.! Rigued citizens of the United States, then followed tho years of early inau-1 aud not to the vile body. I havo a business and I knew he could not es- j My purse, too, empty, ami the night half gone, of love abide in their hearts for father, r^ttdonU of tho State of Oregcn, earn hood, when all other affections centered • tala to unfold to you and a charge to cape me. I matured my plans and Ami just I’-fore me stands the vac mt chair 1 - All cheerless save my little sleeping one. mother, brothers and sisters as they io estly pray your Honorable Bodies to 1 on one dear object whose heart I be- give in your keeping; people say you came to the Pacific Coast to find a place for their final consummation. are a Christian — will you hear mo aud 1 lieved to be all my own. The vows of adopt measures for so emending the “ All, all Is hojieless gloom ; the windows creak. the innocence of their hearts repeat, And night winds whisper faintly through the' The lone hut where I shall die was receive my charge? ” I love we plighted were agaiu spoken; CoBslikatioa es to prohibit tbs severrl “ Now I Uy me down io »'rap : room 1 pray th« Lord lay nuui lu keep,” just suited to my purpose. Time sped “ Yes, ” bo replied; “ if reasonable, I I the separation, when I started to col Stews froo disfrenckisi*:^ United But hark ? methiuks I hear O’ Een-y, 8]>oak, on, and in a secret manner I learned Art from the sky, or risen from the tomb! lege to be gone for a whole year—which will.” More as a ««pplieaisoa to Sa&ts CL-es States ettieees on aecocnt of sex. “ Mv Mary, dear, I heard thy prayer to-night; that the destroyer of my child had one “ Waif, ” said she, addressing the lit seemed on eternity in the prospective; I than to the One Useir hyj aidrsee. The news was false, you see I am not de ut, the mutual promises to write, and the ; tle girl, “ tako the key from under my of his own. I returned, and while the [ Writ leu g’jr tfca Tir.raue) Look I here ere Willie's toys, give me the light ' And when nature forees their rehaetewt Aud Mary dear, O Mary ! here is brand.'* fulfillment for a time; the suspense I pillow and opeu the cheat. Iu the till I darling of bis household was playing eyes to close in sleep no butnan picture in the vine-covered bowers of bis beau EFFIE EDGERTON, when her letters ceased to breathe hope i [ you will find a roll of papers; take From that low ro< f another prayer went tip, And all were auswered io 'he mon lug j’gfjp tiful garden, I took it ami tl *d. can equal the ecstroy cf their ¿rearas and undying constancy, uud the mad them out and give them to me.” «7. Tan Stocking was full, am! eveo Miry’s cup “ He searched, aud offered fabulous ; The child lifted the pillow, and ness when her final message told me Nor is the hsppinci* that Christmas Scarce bill the heeslngs of the * Christmas WAFF .VrD TEE WITCH. rewards, but in vain. Having nothing night. while doing so the invalid tried to that, though she should never cease to brings coDflued to the children who A Chrlei'-ias Nio.ys by W. AM. Never a Christ nits came more franght with joy. love me, she was forced Ly inexorable raise her head. Tho exertion caused to love, his wife soon died of grief and , Never were gifts mote thankfully received. confide in Santa Claus for the good fate to marry another, were all brought a paroxysm of coughing which the despair. A worse fate soon overtook Never w is Mary pr< u ier of her Kiy, It was a cold, blustering day in De things they expect. The purest happi Stocking was full, Willie was nut deceived. doctor tried in vain to allay. Calling him: be took to strong drink; hi? back vivid as realities of the present. Collie ing my senses and once mure me to his assistance wo raised her up riches vanished, and Le is a raving ness that falls to the lot of mankind cember; the wind drove the chilling TELEGRAPHIC NEW S. comes from a consciousness of making rain against my office window and realizing my real condition I rctmued , and endeavored to administer some- maniac with no wish but death nor others happy. Who can measure the shrieked around the cornice dismally. |he relics of by-gone years to their , luiiig to givo her relief. Soon the passion but despair. My vengencs (From the Daily < »reponían.J hiding place and went out on the street. I violence of the fit ceased, but with it was complete. depth of ploasure that pervades the The fitful blasts of the storm, as -they The rain had ceased, and the dark cease 1 all consciousness. We gently EASTERN STATES. “ i learned to love Lis child. When heart of father and mother as they increased in fury and again died away clouds which bad lowered over the let her head back on the pillow; there 1 are gone, as 1 soon shall be, my dy- ; A Plan for m . Grunil (Tinrity . watch their little ones and listen to to a low, sullen whisper, counded like earth during the day were retreutreg were a few faint moans, a straightening ing request is that some Christian fam- W ashington , 1'ec. 15—Repr«*sentativ their joyful acclamations as they bring great sobs, aud involuntarily my fancy before a gentle northern breeze, and of the limbs, and we stood in the Î ily adopt her and teach her to be pure Watters oil’s bill, intiuliicel yesterday, pm ami go-xl Bitter, far better, would pises an appropriation of $250,00 I to be were now just visible ud the southern presence of tho majesty of death. to light, one after another, the little pictured the fabled Storm King weep verge of the horizon. The fall moor, it be for her to die than to be taken invested in b tuds and set apart as porpet The little girl stood silent and ap ing over the desolation of his cheerless tokens of love deposited in their block was rising, and scarcely conscious of parently stupified. The doctor in back to the place of her birth. Let nai funds, intorest on bonds to be paid over whither I was going my steps led me formed her in kind and sympathetic her remain among strangers and He to the trustees ot the American Priuting ings. No pen ever wrote, or pott de and cold dominion. But two days remained until Christ to the outskirts of the town. Haltiug words that tho woman was dead, aud ! who is ‘ a father to the fatherless ’ will lloiBe in Louisville, to expend in 1 riming picted, the fullness cf joy and happi bookt for di-tritintion aniorg the Mind in for an instant I found that the path J told her to bo calm and remember that care even for my little Waif. ness contained in the sacred precincts mas: my patrons were, of course, an was traveling was one leading across be would find her a home. With a “ In the till where these papers are various institutions in the country. of the family circle on the dawning of ticipating a new story in the Index, and the barrens, a bleak, sterile tract of I md wild cry the bereft child threw her deposited will be found money enough Tile Little Ito« k Fire. I was troubled for a suitable sub I.lTTi.E IlocK, Bee. 15.—TI e coiitl igratio’i cf a miles width, which adjoined the blender form beside that of her aged to pay for laying me away in the silent a Chrietmaa morn—words are inade was about midnight Iasi night, ject to write upon. Whilo thus ab town on the north and extended to a companion ami wept as only a child quate to the task, and the heart ia the tomb. Then this aching heart will be being stopped cuiitined between .Markham s'm t creek which ran down from the densely can weep. When her first passionate only tablet capable of receiving the sorbed in thought my attention was timbered mountain, some miles dist int; burst of grief was over the doctor took at rest and. through the merits of Him and the river, two squares. Loss about who died that all might live, may my $110,'00; insurance, 50,000. Principal attracted by shouts and laughter on impression. and, after wiuding through the valley her little hand in his and gently led soul find rest eternal. One more re losers: Metropolitan Hotel Co., $35.oi.(i; Glancing out for a league or more mingled its waters her iu a seat. With au effort, stronger But there is another side to the word the ctreet below. quest and I am done: Let the child (r eason Restauia'it, $10 1100; others smaller tbau many far beyond her age could bear her mother’s maiden name, Dili** am units. Several persons were injured; one Christmas. While it produces the through the window I saw the light with thofs of the river aud co to the western ocean. Tho exert, nhe became calm while I cou- Edgerton.” fatally. Rebuilding has already com» highest grade of human happiness this figure of a little girl, poorly clad in a tha urchin whom I had quest e i- iltod with the doctor upou what faded calico dreas and bonnet and a From the instant the doctor began mem e I. fact only makes it capable of giving garding the little girl whos « course to pursue. It was decided that Death Penalty Abolished. the bitterest pangs of human woe. On half-worn shawl, hurrying ulong tha beseeching, face first awake I should return to town and bring aid, reading until he pronounced the last II omk , Dec. 16.—The parliamentary cm while he remained to watch beanie the word I had listened with an interest mission oi the revision of the penal next Monday morning let the well io sidewalk, while a crowd of boys pur train of thought which led 1 unknown to all present, but which coucn of death. To call on two or voted to report in favor of the do father and mother, xs they watch sued her with shouts of derisive sad reflections of the afternoo to be consuming my soul. unanimously once brought to my luiad. three friends and enlist their sympathy seemed abolishment of the death penalty. laughter. My sympathy was at onee hen he breathed that name I sprang their happy little group, in their night mill and the log hut were but a mile was but the work of au hour. Two Eflectu of the Gale. enlisted, for it was evident that the to my feet: a mist gathered liefore my dresses, exploring the mystic deposits distant: the path was plain. I had noble women whose hearts and hands eyes, C levfianii , Dec. IG —In the gale ]¡*«t and I should have fallen to the of Santa Claus, contemplate She con timid child who was the object of such often traveled it with gun and dog, I were ever ready for acts of benevolence night a large ot hoii-rs w r • un floor bad not one of the party caught roofed, an l in number cruel merriment was endeavoring to when out gaming. Such were th-* ami charity volunteered to Accompany some cases <<f buildings dition of affairs one year hence should me as I staggered forward. With an blown in. At Machíes a sides church st« rp|e, thoughts that occurred to me from my their husbands and attend to the de some reverse of fortune put beyond elude her pursuers by redoubling her lurronndiDgs, and I determine ] at oou mand- of the dead effort almost superhuman I collected one of the lii_he-t in the city, wa- bio an en thoughts, plead a feeling of faint tirely otf Loss prob .b!y St.O.tOO. their reaoh the means to fill the little speed. As she turned the corner op to visit the wite'u and the waif. 1’lm It was after midnight when all was my news ami asked to be led out into open posite my window she looked hurriedly War Inevitable. stockings. Can they nut by this moans idea had a tinge of romance ami ad a: ran cd, and she who was only known air. The doctor at once complied with «Sound, and just for a moment I caught B erlin *. Dec. H».—News from th? confer venture in it which just suited my as ike A itch,” in life, lay decmily my request, and in a few moments I realize the condition of thousands of ence in high po ’itical q¡i «rt- rs maintains airayed m the habiliments of the grave was collected and conscious. The doc noble hearts who at that very time are a glimpse of her pals face, There was mood. th it a Russ 1 Turkish war is inevitable, A half hour’s walk brought me w Ab- and surrounded by friends who felt almost crashed because of their in something inexpressibly swoot and sad in a few rods of the miserable hut, and that it Was better to visit “the house tor returned iuto the hovel und 1 ltu-sia has nut completed h«-r piepnratio i ability to fulfill the hopes their loved in the delicately moulded features, and I stopped to listen for some sound of of Dieiirning than the house of mirth.” walked away iuto the darkness to com and will endeavor to pro'ract the e» nfer- I en< e until the southern army is concentra' uinne with my owu hi Lien thought^. ones have cherished for mouths past? a vague remembrance of some vision life from within. No light was to be The ladies had soothed the sorrow of Great God! What had I learned bv ed. Advices from St. Peteisburg say Imagine your own little ones coming ' of tho past flitted over my mind; it seen about tho hovel and I was about the little girl; the Angel of Bleep had the adventure of the night ? The hist i Ilussii is unalterably determined io ur et to step Dearer when the sound of voices closed her weary eyes, and she lay on immediat* ly the gri<-vances which h ve forth from thoir chambers with eager i was an indefinite, shadowy image, but attracted my attention. Cautiously I a pallet in the corner unconscious of rv of her whom I hai loved and lost been al eady tco long indulged for Europe and expectant hope, flashed from a as it vanished a sense of loneliness, in approached tho lone tenement, and grief or harm. The conversation of Effie Edgerton! Oh. bow th it name an peic •; but will not « n'er tt.e field uu 1 night of happy dreams of good things definable, yet real, stole over me. In , soon I could distinguish the utterances the party, who all concluded to remain thrilled through the inmost recesses of she fe Is able to make an irresistible as heart. Ami she was dead, while sault. iu store. Imagine, again, the blow of vain did I strive to banish the simple cf two persons; the tones of one were uutil daylight, naturally turned upon my her child lay sleeping in that miser»h!e Bill t o Protect Siilnior*» harsh and discordant, and the words the occurrences of the night. I related disappointment that would inevitably incident and collect my thoughts for were lint. Maybe the greived spirit of the Mitchell's bill for the preservation of i’o- those of command, though thev the manner in which I had been at mother even then hovered near to Lirnbii river salmon fi-heries piohibits ail; fall on them should they find that ths duties before me—like unbidden had nothing denoting anger cr cruel ! ri 4 ! 4 • the hut. keeping secret the Sauta Claus had not been around, and guests a thousand phantom recollections In their cracked utterance it scorned t- feeling which took possession charge me with the care of her darling persons from ti<lii ig for saliuoa by any , I m -an< whatever except during May, June, you then can feel for those less for would troop back into the chambers of that there was an undertone of sulic - hj < i • e when J first saw the face of t1 e Daylight was just spreading its bi t ail July, then only by seines with meshes mantle over the east while the full tunate than yourselves. You can my memory and every other object tude and encouragement, Tho ether little e girl. None present knew more orbed moon was sinking under the u >t less th in eight and a half inches »fiago- was childlike, sweet and clear as the of tho history of the dead woman and n.illy from oae comes to th«* other, when, realize the pangs of the parent’s heart, would be lost in the futile effort to give ring of a silver bell. the child than that she caiue to the brow of the western mountains. There, extended. Viotothins of the provisions aro to the airy images as well as the broken spirits of their Suddenly the low door partly open» I town several years before; getting per in that solemn hour, with no witness to be punished with fines of from $50'.) to "A local habitation and a n*me.” and by the dim light that gleamed mission of the owner of the old hut but God and the angels I vowed that little ones. '0 for fir.-t otren-es and subsequently by Half angry with myself, and scarcely from within I could discern the slen she took up her abode. She acted in I would devote my life to the care of b ^1,0 uh fine and iinprisou nent. It may be claimed that these matters When 1 Discharge of Printers and Engravers. realizing what I did, with umbrella der form of a little girl; it w the an abstracted and mysterious manner, the child of my early love. are trivial and will soon bo forgotten— spread I went down on the street and Bame I had seen as she sped along the pretending to tell fortunes, for which returned to the hut Effie, as she will W ashington , Dec. Hi.—Four bundled em that the little tokens of paronts* love crossed to the corner where the object side-walk, pursued by tbo garg of ohe would receive any sum that might henceforth be called, had awakened ployees ot the bare ui of engraving »nd will soon be broken aud forgotten, and •bat eo unexpectedly enlisted my sym street hoodlums. And now as she be ‘Tered her. After a time she dis- and was listening with tears of min printing were discharged to-day. nearly half gled grief and happiness to the doctor that the empty stocking is but a thing pathy bad disappeared. I glanced down lingered in the doorway I could 1 luer- app< trod and was gone for some as be told her that his home should be the force. About two thirds were women. Chaffee’s Timber Bill. ctand the words address» d to heui months, when she returned, bringing of an hour. To disprove this let every her home, and that she would find his “Go, my child, and be quick! Chaffee's bill now before the - enafe pub alone; the oidowalh, but no one wes to with her the little —theu not over . I - - girl --- wife a friend and a mother. Glancing one go back to the most vivid memoriea lic lands eominit'ce, proposes to authorize- him to come, fur the witch has t c rco years old. When questiond ; ba seen except the youthful hoodlums i at her pale sweet face I could account all bona tide residents of Colorado. Nevada, of their childhood Life. Art they not who attracted my attention with their thing to aay before she dies.” yarding the child she said it was I for iny strange emotions when I saw Washing'on, Dakota, New Mexico and t I “ Yes, grandma, ” replied U 0 r daughter’s, and that its father oomposed of the happiest incidents bhocti and bughter at the object of Arizona to fell and remove for building, her from my office window*, hurrying “ I’ll run every etep of the v. ..v, * < i e .‘.her were dead. She was never. and tho bitterest woes ? Only such my search. I approached them and closed ! agricultural, mining or domestic purposea along to escape the insults of her tho door, and iu a raon.e. i »’V2 to treat her charge unkindly, any trees growing on publip lands of the ar? preserved. Who can deny that tha asked the largest of tho gang the name flitted by me and spod away ’ L. it peered jealous if any one noticed heartless tormentors And when ah«' State or Territory in which th«-/reside. tenor of life is more or less influenced of the little girl who caused them so town. manifested interest in its welfare. artlessly returned my glance it seemed row. Dec. 17.- A n«-w png'oflRce- FV p r To call her would frighten inge manner caused the igno- that her angel mother was looking has b ashing by these vivid memories of childhood? much merriment. ’ -en established at Lucky Queen, Jose down upon me from her celestial home. stood silent, undecided what se ■ ■■ ‘ ar.J superstitious to fear her and IIow many a life of mistbropy is due Two of the party remained while the phine County, Oregon, D II. Sexton, post “Ob,” said tho dirty-faced urchin, pursuo. That the person ’■ » . u witch,while common consent master, Thomas Levins has been appointed to incidents and circumstances of child “ that was tho ‘waif.’ ” suffering, perhaps dying, I cjaid . Qt n-*“ ued the unknown child “ The others returned to town with Ellie, in p smast'*r at Elkt n, Dougas County, hood! How many au evil deed has This was all that was known the carriage in which they came In and George W. Riddle al Noi th Canyonville, “And who is the waif, pray?” I again but believe. But what wo ' il i 1 u. » !_, \< :nf. the afternoon the remains of the un Douglas County. Oregon. result if I should enter? me r history. been averted by the memory of the enquired. L ¡!fc doctor now began to relate the known woman were laid in the quiet my sudden appearance be j'lUuu. Li \ happy days of our youth, when »11 “ Why, she's tbo waif I Haven’t you of more evil than good ? xLe.só were scene he arrived at the hut and churchyard to rest until the grave POOH BOTI went well with usl Never was truer never heard of the waif and the witch? questions which I stoou 0 lubatiag in *UU’ d when shall give up its dead. The next day me sitting by the bedside of a was Christmas, and I called at the doc G rant ’ s P ass , Dec. 12, 1876. maxim spoken than this: That 3 them that lives over the barrens my mind until I heard a 1 iuw ¿Ut/Ui, F> ing woman. This brought to our tor’s residence, of which Effio had be “ ' Lis education tortus ths common mind— followed by a hollow, violet C j’.lgUl g ■'1 i Q<| S what was said about the key E ditor T idings :—Is there a corner by the old saw mill, in tho old iog from the now loue occupaul Lit Just as iha twig :• bent the tree's ibclined.’* I found her content in your valuable paper that you could i 01 i hu i. i >, under her pillow and the roll of papers come an inmate. Education ta procured from all the hut.” When all became silent 1 il 11 i e till of the chest. Search was ed and happy in her new* home, while influences—be they good or bad— “Nonsensol” I repbod; “ oon'i you to enter and offer ray aid to wnubver made, and the key found where it had the members of the family vied with devote to answering correspondents ? the sufferer might be. Appruacmng ialleu on the floor by the bed. One each other in their kindness towards I If so I would like a little advice. I which surround us. If we want to .ell me the little girl's name ? ” the door I knocked gently, and u v. 1-u of the ladies then opened the chest her. I gave her a locket and chain as . came into this neighborhood a spotless, give our children a cheerful education “ Don't know any other name bnt scarcely above a whisper n><_> * t .. i rook from the till some manuscript, a Christmas present; she received it , nice young man. as free as the wind we must do it even at a saorifico oi our the waif. That's what everybody ea’ls enter. I pushed the shutter : .¡«nim u ativ rubied together. By common with native modesty and childish art- j that fanned my classic brow. How own comfort, by making them happy her. She lives where I told you, in and stepped in. The rou.a -.i-> diu.; co «eut it was placed in the hands of lessness. Before leaving 1 bad won long I remaind eo, one of the fairest the old log but, with a queer old wom lighted by a single tallow candle; t^o ihecioctor and all requested him to her confidence, and when about to de specimens of the daughter of Evo can while young. Then by no means for an that folks call a witch.” stools, a small table, and a large chest read. He unfolded the papers, and part she asked me if I would nut come testify. Before I was aware of it she get their little stockings on Christmas smashed in the bulwarks of my heart, • Finding that I could gain no farther which occupied a place against iue written in a nervous but legible hand back again some time. ** caused me to surrender and, alas! left sight; and if you chance to have a lit information by interrogating tho boy wall, at the head of a luw bed in the was tiie story of “the witch.” It was ****** Five yoars have passed since Effie me completely entangled in the meshes tle to spare remember the unfortunate I retraced my steps and entered 127 corner (upon which, in a half ‘•itu •e tnout date, and ran thus: became an adopted child in tho family of her net. The squeaking of ruBty and the fatherless. By so doing you office, determined to pursue the work posture, I could discern u imm.u. ‘ Whoever the will of heaven di- of Dr. N----- . She has just completed gate hinges had become music to my will not only make the little ones hap which was pressing me. I succeeded form), was all the house contained ’ ■- c ( b to find w hat is here written, when in penning .*.n articlo which fell far “ Where is Waif?” demanded th? 1 am gone, is charged by their hope in her education and no one would recog very soul. Everything went well with py, but you will perhaps bring a day short of standing the tect o? 137 own invalid, for having stepped nearer tin nize in the lovely and accomplished me then and I was, oh, how happy! -»!v.»tion to read and comply with the I woman the grief stricken child in the But things have changed. There of sunshine to the home of some be criticism, but determined to publish it bed I could now see that the cecupunt 1.4 request of one who has sinned but witch’s hovel. I have never told any came to these parts a young man ex reaved mother. over a n tn de plume, and thus avoid be was an aged woman. nope» to be forgiven. I am not what You mean the little girl who bi a 1 teem, nor will my name be given one the reason she is eo dear to me hibiting very rich specimens of gold, ing charged with its paternity should “THE EMPTY STOCKING.*’ it disappoint the expectatiou of my ed to town ? ’ I answered, divining tut- a a id the secrets of all hearts are made except herself. And when I unfolded and I became at once an old fogy*. the sad Btory to her .we both wept Words of warning were sent forth for readers. Having completed the task situation. known. People call me * thu witch. ’ Thia beautiful poem, whioh appears ' and placed tha “ copy ” in the hr.nds “ Yes; are you the doctor ? ' blit ’*■ i it be so; but humanity will not, together in the sacredness of our the girls to beware of me. mutual and secret grief. When she Now, Mr. Editor, what can I do to io oar calamus to-day, first appeared 1 of tbo printer, I closed the door cf my eaid, with evident alarm. when I am dead, deny me the name of became calm I told her another secret regain my lost position and again be “ I am a friend of the doctor id the San Jose Mercury about ten years sanctum, sat down, opened the private I was once a loved wife and a I woman. replied; “ the little girl will he here h .ppv mother. Death robbed me of and she wept again, but they were tears welcomed to swing on the gate? I drawer cf my desk and began looking ago. Mrs. C. M. Stowe, a lady of ex I of joy. lo-morrow is Christmas again. very much desire to see that youngster’s over a package of old lettere. Many with him. "inn I adored and left me with an in There will be a fcs’ive Beene at the quartz lead and go him a few specimens quisite literary taste and far more than were from relatives ami friends of my presently She regarded me for a m c D j c -j t ’ int daughter. I remained wedded to home of Effie Edgerton. Though ■ better. Y outh of F orty . ordinary talent, is the author. a searching glance and theu, m if youth, from whom I Lad been separated tie uh uiory of my first and only love, manhood was mine ere she had being* The condition of this young man is ------------------------------ - for more than fifteen years, and in isfied, motioned me to sit down, and labored to bring up our child to CARHIER’S ADDRESS. glancing over their pages my mind was iug one of the stools I seated uiv.«i if I b<- an honor to his name. She grew to she has given me her heart and hence truly lamentable, but we thiuk there forth we will wilk together life’s yet hope. In the first plaoe we v •manhood chaste and pure as the rugged journey. Sad memories of the is Oar town patrons will be treated carried back to the Old North State, her bed side and enquired bnw p. would advise him to keep up an ap where my eyes first saw the light, and she had been suffering, and if 1 con H < a . i - that shed their fragrance around past may somelimes cast a shadow over pearance to an original New Years poem, which from where I had exiled myself to do dignity, oourt an intimacy aoythiDg to give her r«4 * 1. U h * vt^til's tomb. She was wood by our path, but they* cannot sever the with the of young will be delivered by the “ carrier boy” seek forgetfulness among the wilds of man of quartz, learn “ Relief! ”8he repeated; “ mi, •*n«. -horn I believed to be all that was bonds of our love. his weak points and act on them. Next L on New Years day. It will also appear the far-ofi Pacific. But now my heart I want relief; bnt wait till tho X'» and noble in man; he won her wo would advise the use of Bachelor’s yearned for early associations, and it comes — I canDot tell it but '. l <* >i" i I consented to their union. Bat in the T idings on tho Saturday fol Some old ciaims at Waldo are lifting hair dye for the mustache and a bottle was this feeling, to which I bad long Noticing the labor it cau.-( d Lt er before the time arrived for its consum opened to the real bed-rock, with good lowing. of Hall’s hair renewer for the top of been a stranger, that lead me to * com i speak I said no more, but sat patieuUy mation he Lu>d wrought her ruin and. 1 pay. the bead, and you may be happy vet. THE ASHLAND TIDINGS. EASTERN TROUBLE. 1 • h t i * i 14 /» • I 7 » • *I> 5 > • S’" ■> ti ------------------------- -- i ♦ *----------------------------- -----