ASHLAND THE BONANZA ITEMS TIDINGS No snow yet. SATURDAY... ..DE- l.MI.ER 2, 1S7V. Weather fiae. Roads dusty around town. Farmers Hill busy plowing and sow­ L. Bimue’s, .... Port!-ml, Oregon. ing rye. •a I Jacob ruu.upson, ... *• Grain is better than it Las been for 8. M. PetHugi I ft Co., - . - N-w York Rock «veil ft Cueeainas, ... 8 Louis yttels at this 8CMB0G. I. P. Fisuer, - - . Bin Francisco. j There are now and Into been for the Toos. Boyce, J. II. Neb, ..... J.ick«- le 'last kix weeks from sixty to ono hua- C. S btrgint, - . . . - I*. ck Poim. i hunting iu the range betweeu here ami C. B. Watson, General Agent for Like cuuuty. Tule Lake. They are killing oil the : deer by wholesale, passing through the ASHLAND P. <). REGISTER. ¡settlements with their horses Jaden Stages leave Ashland as follows: duwu with venison. Tho attenticn of ! the agents have frequently bueu c dh-d The O. A C. Stage Co.’s Stage leave Aslil .nd for Jacksonville, R ick Point and Rose­ ; to tue matter, and requested not to burg every day at 6 a. in. Mail c'.o es at permit the Indians to hunt on the Suuth side of Lest River, ai-d they 5:30 a. tu. • For Henly, Yicka and Reading at C p. in. have frequently promised to prevent it. ; But the supel shows that the agents M til c'o es at 5:30 p. m. Il?.tt’»n A Garrelt's Stages leave Ashland are either chu -I css of the performance every Monday, Wcdneiidiy and Friday ; --f their promises or powerless to tulfiil mornings lor Linkvill •, and re'iira ou them—a Lx.l enough state of affairs every Tuesday, i liursday and Salurd iy. iu either case. Nut satisfied with kill­ L-.ive LinkviiL* i >r L ike City, G*;U<>ini.i, ing and driving out our gaaie, they Wednesdays; arrive at Lake City Satur­ I days : le ive Lake City Mondays ; arrive Lava now put a aam in Lust River, at Upper Gap, wl^eh ell. dually at Linkvill«; Thursday1, carrying mail and the presents the fish from coining up Nu**ngers. white man would be permitted to do Regular pas-eng«*r wagon l«*av«*s AsldamT tor Liukvil ’• «‘very Munday uiOihing, and this, as the law expressly forbids it. ro.urns eve v Saturday. Wagon load after wagou load of fish ___________ ’ A. I). HELMAN, 1‘. M. ure haul'd uway from this dam, aud the people ar? p«>weiless to prevent it. There is a growing bitterntos among settlers here und a general feeling oi indignutiou at the way those Indians LOCAL BHEVITIES. w ----- -lie pt rmittvd to impose ou them. The weather still ret ains the brilliant Furebt ding threats are heard in every loveliness of last week. direction, und unltss some step is Don’t forget to liavo your picture taiun to abate this nuisaro e I fear taken by cuj who is Abell to do a there will again be a war cf races, as there are some thoughtless white men good job. It is estimated that forty buildings who cannot bear repeated insult and have been put up iu this place during inj-try without retaliation, especially wm n they have exhausted all r.-soure.s the last season. of legitimate redress. D ick . llev. J. H. Skidmore preached a B onanza , Nov. 22, 1870. Th«ukspivir.g sermon at the ------- -—« 7? ou last 'l’uur.-day. 1 ink 1‘ ictvres .—The people of this The moon’s i.ilvcry beams still fur­ vicinity are just beginning to appreci­ ni.'h new themes fur lovers cut late, ate the fact that 2Ir. Abell has but u U.» they swing ou the frout gale. « short time to stay and are improving ! their opportunity to procure pictures I \\ u make some claims to ba an expert Fallowing is the report of A-hland I iu matters about piotures, and we will Academy fi r the week ending Novem­ ussure the people that tho day is far I distant when tuey will have another op- ber 21. TLcbO who have whispered j purtuDity cf obtaining pictures of without permis.ii’-n aro marked “d” equal excellence. If you desire a ar.d those who have been tardy morn­ I picture patronize a good artist while ing or noon, “ t ”—the number of OÍ- i ne ia with y ou. —--------------o----------------- feuses being indicated by a figuro L arge P ai ’ er .—Tho H'esi Shore an­ bcfuie the 1 d «O U3 Ubt kü J A b» Q The Hi;t r Tctf V v »-.■».’»a xa.', il i.o’iuus iisu.uly v. uu.d ui—0 Cui; A I.L PERSONS INDEIUED TO THE UN­ TA. d-Tfkp e I, eitcer t«y i <> « or«> mt, a:e hereby given timely ro i- e iu <‘rll hl *iud rellle Up be' W« < Il ii ’.v ;.:i4 t e first d y < f J nuny i«-xr, ■.:. Ev?r l;rai ;ht to A«bl n1, I nm prepared to r< 11 very’.hit g in my Lue, EUR CASH, cheiyer th. D '.ha che. pest. T *- f • i - r* v f f >.ut5 F>.Lbè I t DJ r L p Lr û y h SATISFACTION Nursery ! STûViS, KAILS, FCPE, NKEE N j At.d lriy L'.ce f.uit ;.n 1 thula trees. HOR-BSHOES, axes , carpenter tools , nounces a ¡sixty-four page edition fur the holidays. It will contain some Linhville, G. G. tiitv tine engravings uud it m claimed Fy a > kl ¡ru! u e of the *‘ops, iud of the patent ki.te sv.e.i, the i.iu.-.c is r-1 p ed tu il.e Luniuu voice, it wi.l be ti.u largest new.-qmpui fiOV, ¡S TKî TIME TO Í LALT r; ‘giu^ fruiu tue tufi« et üu e-.ike Lute tu u volume ever published on tho PuCiiio Cuust. «.f Bound E ditor T idings .—I t?co in your Single Cfpy 59 cinis ; anniudsubscrip­ Ties.8, rad I ■■in» b>”u.l to =e!i c'eip for C.-t’a. 1 tion SI 59 per annum. wr.i tJ. line bearing üee« i y the U ua- “ Nutua from Gr/.i t’s Pass,” last week, --------------- -vt- - ---- - t a.«i 1 ,r fec-Vt-u ecu’» ; tla.t yuur currespuadent wains tho girls lo . l-ss V.'.i» i f y I f you want seme dsik cu.iio or any UXSCJirASSED Er axy othee trees ui one v .r.- of this vicinity to l e ware of u Curtain I other kind cf calico go to 2I-.C.11 A ety U» bo S ale individual possessed of “ Fuuith of Baum's. They received a fresh let this PLANTED IN O.NE OECIIAKD July” iut«.rieiy, v. uu is arcun.l again, week— twelve yards for a dollar, c.ish ; luivisiug th- m io “ ;< el iLuic hearts,” uLo an luvuice of w tterp. o.»fs and the W-.o I? ‘he 1' cky nv«n n i «> V il t k=» : w y »b.e uto. NuW 1 asstiro me young ladies very lit est st ylcscf W lutcf dEu68 goods, 11 r «U, oi.e U-uaii . .’ T A .. < . Y lílUUSAND, on t they c..u it : I’UlJ. C , just r-..ctiyed, uu five ceuts cuca -..I. ui I as* not id -the s.»h •• «> ft jmi.jj a i U ni\ V Vioc • ui L. iiu-i ualt bliu.s, ail cctup ... *t'l. r ■* * i * j- j f; 1-J.l i f tho C’4 r j Q a i , I' k II. Xw* w * IXX G taJïÎ 1 k 1 « c r C'< j. Yu nr.-, 1.«. Uur tuu X nil 1 v.’a A i o u i ii t i'OHIl'. B rick K iln .—Mr. Scoll Lus burned As t!’*re I h m An.«-.ici. I iriTEN TUCUsAND Tinware, CAI’S j POvJftb Ulad uill' JLS, If you want to invest vor# mcn?y wwhcre it will pay cuino tu th« 1C. M Paerson, 1 d, I W. xk Liwit-s, I d, M.Cluud.l a. . .1. JUUtb, Id. - ♦ -------- A YOUTH _ —AXE— DRUGS AND MEDICINES, F. B e I ows , 1 il, II. N.itiev, 1 d, ----------— — - STOVE ASHLAND SES NO BOSH HESE ! LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Laie county, Oregon. Stove and Hardware Store. E xchange aì SD A.-^ncy for the Instrument. The propiktors h; ve ro'el cnnfc ly, frf m: i.y je-re, ll.e in»j f ih- r.'.d i« siiumetr.s, rad uirect tl nr j r. .tau! e.ip-tkri.'.e tu the much ab- Tarn O’b.iuuiur saw. by tho pexioiui- sor bed we-.o we uuco taut, ha 1 not lue fate or Tam O ólmuter b. eu brought so vividly tu our miua by rue sc. ue before us, w« thoul 1 have been tempitxi tu sing out •’ Webi duac ! We c .a U ulUiUliy say that never did tee plcusurj s-jjkurs of Aebiaud enj >y a bciUr lime. UC - » • k. I 1 < I... PIPE CE3ÂM CÜÂLITY P 0 P U LA il STABLES! «SADDLE HOUSE Champion Mower & Reaper, ' f " i r? L...U.-U» I. O. MILLER, MODS £ N 1M P K OVE M E N T S, UJl .«I ..I V . iu.t?. Hors I b w S ‘w \J ! •> ■ Abd rods of cherry tree on wl.-ich ti o fro?t lm* killed the leaves ; yet th» re is a bunch I cf bloom which has opened cut since the Irost, wiid ali the beauty of SpiiLg biUiboruc. 4« iunite s(reel, ! 1 n p r 1 • u ! u ne w h WILL L j DLUJT.FUL PÎECÎ &. IT* * * r3.t 1 ’ . ì < ve Ì * V* isufi-iedto those who wish to enjoy Picture Framing, &o. Í I SusrxNDL.D.— Wu are sorry to note just put ou their stage line from this tue dtæ;su of the Daily Albany 1> n> » > • place to Linkville uu elegant new Con­ r/u/. Alter a brief existence of one cord coach. It is mueu lighter tnau jear the publisiur iiuds timt it Viiil their old one and especially adapted to not pay. the comfort of Winter passengers. W r hud a pleasant call from our old The roads on their line are qu.te mud­ newspaper friend L. W. Fenton this dy at present, but they always come in week, lie is doing for thu ¡S-u Frun- ahead of time. ciaco Chronicle these days. M eat .- -Messrs Wagner, Anderson A Co. have placed us under obligations for a hue lot of fresh sausage meat which, alter the proper test in such matters, we can pronounce excellent. They ure now manufactur­ ing a large amount of this most deli- cious article. Try it. A T en inch Tut Line water-whe»l ,’iu good order, Foundry. for salo at the Ashland •* A very pretty thought is the one made by somebody that “ the parks are a lovely quotation from the coun­ try.” I Millers as J Farmers, 0 Hive made arrai.g meats whereby tLo R ■ n h l u n ■’ La o v ’ -v w u i 1> -4 *7 r- w U « « fî L. a ■ ec Bi' <• i >n in «■! rur tr: r • G rai . d P all .—A mre opportunity I N ew C oach .—Garrett A Hatton have to fit: ny and til sewing AI a ay s on Laud, auu niuoe to order, the very beet qu Ji y uf ; A si.laud. I G one E ast .—Our 1*. 21 , A. D. Hel­ frame?” as the carpenter said when he man, has gone East on a flying visit to found that the Cats hail climbed up on his friends iu Onio, where his wife Las the Le was building and eaten up the meat-skin he Lad u.-ed to grease been spending the Summer. He is ills ¡»aw. --------------- -------------------- no doubt at the present time lingering M axes it B ad . — The among the sceneu tout were iaunuar iu ether days ere his head was buld or Lis would confer a favor on its numcrouo beard gray. We wish him unabated readers by pastiug the address tag on pleasure in his visit, and a safe return the margin luetead of ou the niu^t in­ to the emerald hill of his long adopted teresting portion of the telegraph Oregon. uews. SEWING MACHINE CASTORS, tho b - -t of cire and aVcn a »■ ti v im-er ua-ir cui.r^e our sanctum stands a small ----- ♦ %•— ON SEURf AUiiCu the ho idsvs. Mr. Dan. LaVunburg I .*i grand bull at the Colver T he gate Lunges had nut been oiled. will Hall, in Pi. coiitx, ou Curiut.uns night. Tho happy cuuplo were too much ab­ ! A general invitation is extended to SASII, sorbed iu the beauties of the bright al’. * This organ nce ls c.bly to Le rein to be a¡ prdge meetings. souud was heard and they parted, uu- . conscious of the fact that they Lad ; N ew B ooks . — Helman ¿i Fountain I left the gate open and that ere morning - - - ■ ■ j have received a large lot of school and I an old huiup-backed and impoverished bald faced specimeu of femule buvine^kididay books, nic t Hues and divers I i t ’ Í S k* *' O T Ü * ■ T .1 n -V ’t» ’,} would get in uud cut up* the chrysan­ other notions. C di and see them and I • Í1 7 ka.ltaÜ1 i I ill J ì «J i «ti . Í h i if k A a themums, upset a barrel of suit suap t>ke achaten e iu the elegant j aiming (M. le or fenia'.e; in tv< ry county in the U.iitd States ut Crater L »ke and founder herself on Cabbage unu und CuUuda. >pUE VNÜEIDIGNZ:», EI.LI l L7 I T Gulden Kassets. i “W hat is this that steals upon my JL to be tu ihu mutual udvauiage uf S ausage PITTS’ BUFFALO THRESHER, &C. And c.«n fuic’.sli our (r.«‘ b.' - .d Ut j « k .. Cubit i ■ tu cur tue.essvrs. K No. 17; H. ?.C1V N. 15 - All j4rf< n« iud> btod to me by note or nc- coi’.ii*, ui!i pie. se come fuw’urd oui pay up within tbiriy, uxid Bäte Costs. i ! B. F. R. Ashland, Jn-«e 17 b, 1K7C. nultf SUB iCIlÌBE FOR HIE A. D. HJ.LMAX. J. D. F0VKTA1W, IS i j jn.-t ing iir s’ i.oii'1 ye .r T îiïîî to HELMAN & FOUNTAIN, it is J aLL/.aw «j Ait- l'.î OVID, [j and wui ly tie juiiroi :12c of tli-veiy wt-l.-wi-lar oi tie l’acilic North west. It is E g AVINO PURCHASED THE ENTIRE STOCK Bcaut fiìiìy Illustrated Ly the le i ling ar i I- ( u L-e Cu.;st. ken c o! TUE ADLEST VTIHTEIIS in the Pacific Noithwcst co..tribute to i:.- columns. As a FAMILY JOURNAL, it star.ils at thè head < i I’aciac Coasl p.bli caiions. As a p «per t«T I GENERAL MERCHANDISE, DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, EOGTB ft SHOE», C295XaQ2>cL£ æiLtî^aa-a SEND TO FPHENDS abro i uun.b- r- uf any o.L-r p.} .-;•. bub.-.ei ip:iun plico. -OF THE- Will Le linder the nun.ig»‘!i.e:.t coa W ag . xab . who Mill l.a\e ci . — WILL PE - UUttl .liiiis oi t. e C jhipiuiy during m 81.50 Pilli TEAK, iug \ aar, * idiug July 1.1, 17 7. including postele. Suir.ple luid L ct , 20 cis. De widpuy Hie BigLect pi ice f »I g jutl iu rcli »ut.iuie wiiuii, und « e pi eparca Hide to Teacher«, Minii'ers, Chuiche , Scho» Is Aildress thè pubìMier. iu couiract ti ur at ¡jlt.OJ per Itoú-íaiiU ent for the ¡á’.ar, L. SAMUEL, I oj' “, ®‘c , where there ii no j oiinda at ll.e Mui -. o a,.d î ¡ice list free. OrgtD. I.luetrated cat;J Udic« ui th'i Company al tlae A.<1,11.0 So e I. Address the luauuf-ciu- Mills. Ad«l e rer«, A vja E i », ANDER-( i N a Parp< -e Fe’l.rg the saue cn terms and at price« ■ 1 .VnjdEii’.-' C! *.o ¿un .he times. n -12tf. A b;aud. Oregon. Ashland Business Association, P. of IL, AllegeifBowll >yct Co., ì Ir v-v WISH TO SAY TO MY PATRQNS ÌTASHIXGTOX, X. J. iliji 1 ai.i prep.ii e i io take iu pay meat vl eubsClipilOa IO tile 1IU1NGS uli kluds Oi iu iike;abi<- I'loluce. such as Wheat, F.uur, - 0 — Lumber, Wool, Dried « rtut, Eggs, Butte;’, «i Cube e, Beans, Bacon, Lar«', etc. Arrange­ ments have teen in id ■, whereby partita biingingin mine p.olave than ti.o.igh to T. B. M c M urtrie , pay ibiir subsciipi o i. can m«.r- H. W. ALLEGER, E dward P lotts . caaiidi. e at CASH RATES lor the balance C. P. B owlby , ’7tr. 1 yr J J. kl eVITON, Fubiiouer. (Sept. J THE ASHLAND ACADEMY. ALSO ROOKS, STATIONERY, rpi.e Fall Te tn of tie Aslil n l Academy I will couimeuce uu next 5Io:;day, fcepi lit!). All expecting to attend, will do well to I be preieut the first day.* Thanking our i‘riends fur their llLe' il pat­ ronage in the past, w’e bespeak i's increase AC., AC., &C., for the future. Sch »l.m m '.y enter at any time during the term. Tuition charged only Produce titea in exebanre at tt« highest market- fur tl e time in attendance. prie.*. J. II. SKIDMORE, Priu:!p;d. HELMAN ft FOUNTAIN. nu!3tt J4ÁÍ 17ih, 1S70. DOltf. “ Candies, Nuts, Toys,