ASHLAND THE We would pittance inve-t-*d. GCOD TE’IPLAKS’ COLUMN. J O S E P HIN K—O F FI CT A !.. and indirectly r< turn tenfold on tho TIDINGS that we 4- i * I could imprtss up >n ihe mind of every man in Southern Oregon tho import- SATURDAY. produced and exported at a which now ur.i brought in at a expense for frciglit. Castor oil article that is used extensivelv ns a ’ Ins lubricator, and every gallon used to be taxed for freight not leis than fifty ceuts a demonstrated gallon. that It tho Las been caster bean grows most luxuriantly in IU\;ue R’.vt r Valley and i-> snrt ri -ingly prolific. ifio The 1 _ apparatus necessary to grind the Lean and expresa the oil is v». ry simulo and comparatively inexptosive, being with­ in the limits of any almost of farmer?. What is true of caster oil is also true of linseed oil. Flax is indigeu Us. tu this country, growing wild in every part of it. B.vend iliuu.-ar.d dollars’ worth of thcco oils arc annually im­ ported into the country, r. Lii li could be prod iced at home» at a saving to the consumer. We have hitherto ?p Lcn i.í sorghum alrerulv V commenced tho manufa't .ro i f syrup, manufacturo. h.ivo Parties but there is room for many pikers to embark in this diriciion, both in sirap and sugar. Car prolifii aj ; 1«», p?ar, peach and plum orchard ’, if unwaged properly, would ulune give the balance of trade in our favor. TLe people are beginning to awaken to lhe impost nee of oar fruit iLtereuts, and we predict that the time is not fur distant when Roguo River fruit will command a premium in any mark« t. The single Alden ova’jorator now in opt ration at Jacksonville has already demonstrated that a rich field is open to our farmers in this line ne ; but Lut tho the fruit business Lusiucrs is not confined to drying. A no has profitable business v.iii bo found iu canning and peaches small is world wide; th r«.fjio, if RogUi River Valley was transformed into one vast i>?ach orc hard cvuiy puuii.l could go j J profit by canning and drying. Yet, strange to say, our farmers suffer them to rot on C< Kure-s COUN HE J. —--- ------- —■ . ■ merchants still continue to import tbeui and fi id a good r-de and umplt e.Gu.1 ■'*............................ lt.a........................ O’*....................................................... in y............................. u, •......................... ek - « n; j.)..................•. lie.......................................... .It OiUlul................................ >1 k............................... f ll.iiu > k...................... Hl ; ill........................................... and to a very great < xLnt arc* are now cast away as Ufai-les?. A factory pre- .ducing all these c< ’.«rr.oditioa would be- • • • lG««-_ ... 411 !... e xlli .1.)................. tri n.......................... ftiid glue are aitioles of univc . ltd .j-.l s lijo 112 162 521 41? >11................................................. U»D....................................................... Soap, candles, lar i c il, nc — - - s» er............................ tho ground beneath the trues and an-1 our tured from matt rials which r •-.loll................................................... w :i?€o............................ w '.l^LingtGU............................... Y ¿iiiiliiH.......................... ToUlô......................... 919 ii<; ii:. - 21’2 Ì 5 . ~ .ill 5 l.'ii / - 72! IP j<,7 «>.|i 474 .. * .«47 4" 696 41 9« 946 1517 1661 1526 49.' •“ 1 ; j 4 - - - - — i I b-s 626 952 41(6 160 4'. ... 11.2 ¿C9 : i JT 3 3.0 ~l * i ■»bit 8- S 1 611 ! 4. fa 43 SC 5 X Il Sfa 11.'.2 1527 6 ■, 71 633 219 554 1 ¡Si 1707 21' 9 H V 121 10’9 XI ! ><’ 9 i 662 3- ¡ «17 33 fai l'i 1 50 I 39, 1 : : i ' 711 ' 2.»« 314 ; 3'.l ! 31K! 675 67u b 1 i ______ 151ÌO 12291 395 - 131) 13 11821 ’"i a profitable inv< stun nt; we Lavuj the It would certainly pay bettor to ship the m.miif ctuiid articles than the raw material, as the freight ou tho litter almost consumes tho profits. Fur the mod put the enterprises we Lave named do Lot n quire combined capital; many of them could bo car tied on by the average farmer, without interfering with his less remunerative P»u.-i..e to invest famuli amounts by way- of j lint stock compa nies or otherwise, tu btart somo er all of these proposed (r.terpru 4ses. A shrewd do well business man will o.ii u coidribute tu an enterprise in w bich ho nevtr ex­ pects to get a cents return, directly, on bis capit d it eli, ai.d, even further, to contributo unnu Jly io keep up the business, becuuse—first, he assists in produeiDg an articlo ut home, which prevcDib thè sending of money abroad and tLus fidd« eo mucli to the credit side of thè ci.untry; second, it fnr- nishes prcfitablv employment to a nnm- ber of banda, wlio in timo spen 1 ir for thè necesadies of life and ir.v-. st it in a jp¿uter tbi-.t uill baild np the country J A CO I M A11, ke ’.rd P.’tron» <*4 wj for ^-aet fkvor», we with to ceil at- [1/1 i-n i-t tueur arge noikof F all :. i >4 wy WijiTKJi Gooie,Juel rwveivtd irctu tí. F. ‘ PICTURE FRAMES, BOARDS, f » UO< j io G. » ’. C 4 H’ yr -1 '.)V, I’ii’.Luh I’.i war leit to d iy for II í^i tU’vl t’no prospo ta I believe there is one of the best gravel ranges in tbo country, as it extend > ;:b- out live mile3 up and down the livfr. Tha deposit is fioru 2 * to 150 h et in depth; in width y b. 16 16 11 if 11 11 Hl fa « : «.-«? (i ..... . 9; ¡ 9 fat» r iuevi.le......... 9 f»l 9' a mile ; but while gold is fuan.l ail (li j 15 1 low fa,4*16^6 . . 45 ¡ 13 45 « 6 over the couniry wheia the gravel is, 6X ■b i I I,SI 1.6 ¡0 V I.'.tie Ilin «-.......... 5 •'> •r‘ I'li-.if- nt, Ciet k... ’-i 1- 12 there is a pay itrr nk LrA is n u h rich­ A. IÎ gid*............ fall 51. ’ .5: 1 I9 19 1 er than tho re t; it is a -..r iyitu gr.iv« 1. 29 29 29 i 2«> 29 1 iLiuwn........ about eight f' »f in d« pth, and, n; x: 1 bl- R .vk........... 93 93 93 11 II 14 ■ 8 '- i 6 « ' t B / lit»” •............. the lid r« ck pl uus, very ri I fa 49, Ì 2 s 2 fa w.d* r below Siate Check is cl tuned, » 23 1 j 93 12«3 121 A-iil .t..'................ ■J.. 2s «r j j 1 fai' <» I’..«!-1........ l.fa l.fa IS' Ì an I lost fao >n v.i.l be. lhe iligginu- ■! tinit ............. 37 3 J 3» : 49 1 ■ *s aie practically inexhau-tal la stith all r 12 }- I 1 l.«-i i.i................... 22 77 ! 1 1 t> . the water th it can bu procured ; even 6. ' í 1 • E eu...................... 61 ", ' ' u 5 6 5 !'l nice l!u_K.... if the company t: at has located the ! 122 ‘r3 12‘.; , JxCl -fa .Vllk*......... -> 1 -, ; 22.' ■ waters of Ap;■:« mte G. mid buil l their 586* j canal it wo 4«l take ages t j m-ae any Total»........... . fado HÎ7 Sb .’»Sâ ... ... 21 jolilidi.......... 255 212 251 serious impression 0:1 the bank. This burg it ab’or.t dead, uo a town, LA KE CGUNTY—9FFÍCI AL. but tae country is su.I alive, us tln-rt- Following is the official vota of are mar.y ne w locut ;•« sttllmg on ar Lake County, as canvassed at Link- small patch <«f 1 ind Wat is yet l »ft ou our gulches and lullsides. Jack Lay ville November ICib: » • | ton Las one g ar.t at wmk rear t-«•.«.;, 1 - — -2 - — —« • * Í 23 /. ’J. C ' X X — , and another u ally ready on Wai-Ly K “ T X < ,, yt 7. Gal 'll. He Las b..3 now ditch nearly 1 Q i - '■ i ’S NAMES. finished so us to bj re/ ly by another i-i « v" a 5 y- a — 77 1 Autumn for woixa . J unius . Í-» t A • i>k«-sident. 1 1 l-!l.................................... Il .Vfafa ............................... Coxiarvefasmeii. I. n-........................ 1 W I'.IIK.............. .. S4 •>- λ 3u ; : K 111 ¡9 17 25 5 10 2k ' 1 G 12 Ml 12 3 34 17 2.5 •2:10 2.3 71 6 12 10¡ 3 35 C«>unty Seat. i T, ce X' ija ’........... ; Lia' v?:!'’.................... 104 14 25 29 29 n 11 8 ..i.. 5 4|.. •• 5 5o • 61. 62 1 65 58, .1 ¿), 117 T* t-- •25S i 4 3 ■ 250 171 242 1181 A Q in . innati ii nd -Tv «i tis* i f. r men fever and ague to ehuk ■ carpets. ------- A----------- 4. die' E. A.‘ M. Guo tüi oro. A ■ ‘ V < , S ta.; rt-r e. W. C B -------------- --------- S eal - skin sicques are tr be shaped to the figure thia year. About ¿TO’J is the figure to be consulted in shaping. We have any y thins o j you may need in our line. And ill kinds of furuitnre on hand, and made to order.« KSriattai <>.’ superior quality, an 1 latest etyl«' rn id«* to oid-*r. II »us-e, Sign and Ornamei tul Pain’ingnnd Gruinimi done to order in ti e Mill, or iu the country. Cunva-sing ceiling, Paj er hurling, Calsoinining, V»hitewa.-hiu{’, ¿c. on shortest po-Mble no ice. The undersigned t.ikts (his opporttrnrr ol tendering our thanks e o ir ’u my fric-uJ dur? g the url p r r «ns tor 1:1 or. 1 t .♦ .psiy t» » ly ih >t wc last tvt Mimer and spring have, : cry, aut iití.woi e l < re ■ (■■ ? u. ing in the ato re onr f.i line of bu Wagon Shop. Our new stock contains a large assortment of D ry G oods , G roceries BOOTS and SHOES, c Ready-made Clothing, Hats, T and Millinery Goods. X A WE KEEP HARDWARE, I’.:ON, p T. STEEL, NAILS. DOLTS. GLASS, Ö IIOR-.E SHOKS, SHOE-SHAPE, ROTE, ■pHEUNI)ERSI«GNE ’.) WILL BE I-OU ND I. m h’s shop <»n Main s:reei, two doo s f o:nt!i? ¡iv«*ry st ib’e*, where be is prepared rnem- to do all k’.iiJs of work in his lice . l the f ’ U. T : .0 ve-1 pr.c '. Í1 C. X * A • WAGONS, DUGGI’iM AND ALL KINDS c. T, C r «’ ■ ’-1 a f — 4» F - •» H 4«> P •» | Ul (.-Jul^lw'u .rt«0.u£J ID UlUvI. M : t 22 —i ie U. t Evan Taylor ckitn and ;,b jvo , and from 1 T.ECINCTA I I i'V S.iilint" C Hie gravel beds in the vicinity of tin* very excellent article. Although we have a woolen mill i.nd tannery there w >. t i. i .ns- lj>fa ac in 2. t of Mon itors V Yol » » • • J • 1 i*y N orfoi . x , ? ¡tors by/;. •''/ ned 'F/(Min . ov NL'-to day ton li mis U 'id neos to itr. JTiO I i I s. finding consul« rablo ex it meat ftbout demand f r so ip, < f which l;e makes a men would ,1 A turned from a tr;p down li 'guo li.ver, tor finds it impossible to supply the a bind some pr* li‘. P.r< .;?.; ond , eoiili reime of C nrch u h, iLe re ioti of commi >:o:.« r-t < cop «1 Ci inceli May, 1 ist Au ,1 ti-.n « f t’u co. ■ niho. i itt've, the q i.:--' i .11 ; G, Nov. 21, 1S7G. E ditor T idings :—I li ve j 1 / re­ tion in Ashland, bat c.0 jet t’10 1 ropim is room for several others t> operute at U> WlLLTASlS! nucleus of such a factory now in opera­ round of wheat raising, etc. 31 X ’la. ba fruit. Jiko plums, grow only iu a small por.ion of the world, couq/ara- tivcly speaking, yet their consumption a io ( -B v. J. R. Wm. llus- C. Apple- rnlley, Asa W i W.i Gii. Grant, W. Watts, < < J S. Met ain, he Al irter, W. 8. Wm. J J J . P-: Jv * r Rev. H. C. James, . I J ’1 • »8. McMeeD, F. Jt nkin M. iu T. 11. Craw- Paq Hun. I Hurt, J. E. f< rd, 1 ri. F y. Lake 1). . N Houstc Levi Lil md Wolfm . A. I lit i;- jLi :1 p p( H Li t I and C. STATT • deputies for the State ot regu ’ ai j 1 : nd you are earnestly exiwrted Oregor ÍOV. 11Y of M exico , y 12.—The in estubli-diing and i tical situ iti ion is n neh compile .ted, to aid them V t rp P '■» * Eeiiiug the order in our ¡State, Ex Chief Jc asti co J í ’!• sins prut I. ouk ' u I « -fains ’ 1 lift' re a j Jill tul t t!w r himself l’r.■ it cial Pro-i< Pro-ideut of tl.e W. il bai t, 3 follows J. rep 1 Lc< n, in the State « f Gu m- I- W. DimiA n . Cooper ■ end u.« Her .. ««. :.j03 « ! .< gislaturu «• d governor have h< en District Depuiiea com- bint A port.0.1 < f Iglesias’ W. T. Riches, missioned as fo.lows vseoit t ) Tu lotaekei the American u ifafaimi iries » ng “ Death to Protc^t- AV. H. O'D nald, J. S. Cuckelreate, ants ! ” Bui w. re dr.von i ll’ by the Hon. Jaiixt .•s Hendershott. Ii. W. Lake, porco. Tw< ix judge? of the s ipreme H od . F. E. 1 unnirg, Jamis Coffey, court 1-sve j -iued iglesiaq who Ims a Jumes Erwin, H ud . J. A. Pruett, D. regular cabin« t and foreign mini, t rs. A. Whitney, ( »eorge Grimes, A. <1. Troops p.r«s adv ftucmg on Guar Dot », Farlow, Anna Spei. cer i.nd J. P. Tup- and it is expe eted Iglesias will flee } er. lt is the especial duty of the shortly, as no other State aids him. above named / rott ers to ex'rt them id - ¿elves in the g< cd work of building up Lerdo de T. j ’fia receives ofi’ers of sup port from ¡11 parts of the country old an organi/. i.g new Lt dpes in their A broad field pective jnri.-dictious. jur¡.-di On the 2i> h of October adviocs r. aulivo respective ol lab r is before us, ui.d there is work ere us, 1 Mexico that. Apiz.ico had been evae lia L r U3 ■ ■'/ (•> >! '«, ■, work that we will bo ltd by tho rcvoluticDists upon the blessed in CkilDg. dmug. Tl The sea-oa for act­ yppioat'll of Gmernuie: I troops. «S: jiiie • OFFICI AL REPORT. will be ns is u< band. Who ive opt-ratioi ¡Lilting ocuuriod, but there are no oc Ledge tl.o first to report ulta a dcw Wo fatal 1 probably next week pub­ par tc a lar.-i. organized ? Mr. »sti r, U. S. minister, lias lish tho official veto of the Slate in Let evt-ry State D st rift and Lodge rived at ?«L xico. connection with that of Jackson, Jose­ DepiUv and t very ofiic r and number WEST I .DIES phine and Lake Conntier, making f iat of our Sob >rdUate -L jodg s f«'( 1 that there is an e pi’ du-: y devolving up- 'i'-it- I3«û;i.;s of Cnnip number nf the T idings valuable fi r H avana . N ov . 22.— No hing whatever ou t i «.■ a at this time and may they future reference. is known about the pia ol General in work is ti».'y m vo ;r vl- r dona iseiore. In colici 1 . iuu permit me to say to ( hiei /.I irt'.ni t;n< z U <. imprni. Some u^ert 1 1 Tin: PI RKrtlDENTï ÏL QUEMTÏCX Lucblu 011 our armor fend the General I lias wi Li-.s warned the ueas* m;' t r- Uli : mt a c u r piedfaCfa <.f hostility to lhe following is tho electoral vole as not to pnbii 1: any thing without rtn'i.;1 rune tii.'.t is filling ou r Lind wit ith woe, p* rittissimi. Ilo is paying a stands : it Let us oli and with crime. 1< vi it m tho town c: II. d Cinco Vuk., to j wad of : LUat 13 anguish th< wli re it ¿3 reported ho unti .mai il V U J ua , ilruuk evt-ry bro; zj from dealt with fa' :Ljcctt d and cunv.ct vV 1V 1 and xihildr re:i—aye, . to tbt- «argents, It. is r t f lb«« drnnkai.l h .el 1\ r help, dered a numb, 1 r 1 ei iiom the C ai ling chain.-. the rd expec‘3 t. eh Ila expc. A3 I ■ C U Î ( 'A ’ iCU f.iat'. D( CO Up JiJ li ini by rt lh-ls 111 t.vo mo t I r.U ‘ Aiki < L «> • ’ . •. >m. L< t. ns eej) Lil to tile pursue tin ;n i ». • i » j J plvu Jflgs ( f hums! fall :u. i go f irlL fhurs l.iy, u lile I . i with a.I our nr 1 o«ver to i; .ilá Up OUI on a r.iiir .1 1 tr.uii t ’ () «hr—the b '.icou slur to :i av n-s4«l Las LTiici^, the car our poor uufo i bn jtu r.-> now be < quip ige and amimi nit sed about upon in g to the turbulent Suspecte«’ Cn ;!u;:s are « waves s of di.-sip ition. u Pi i-i Prati» We ) hi 11st« ea-e uiir itili Vv j must 01 __ 1 )V, L ondon , N« more oro thoroughly unite < f .rues and • ; *• rf ’ Madcnl reports with strong hands an 1 i tin waver- uiiui-tcrs, one a ing purposes a’.t.iek the S .ne-«, wile r- Ci enemy and batter down I religions rviet ou selves would bo Fafe. sii ige of Lau« ii we, the ■ 1 friends < f temper­ lie J//-I ti«r, r.i the i'i ance do cur air du duty as w«» /.’./ ? it, wheth­ They were fa er our t ■ es shall beh( l.i the rewar I of pendi'.)? pr./se. of ot r i.t’.’u .i, whttiH r our c their., ftHl m- e d bungs ci lidiV, iiciir 'll d rd n «hey 1 O lot, i titers v. hit- •h we m. 1 i i d «¥ U1 a S I. .'Id 1le. control ; but if v •11 -y i- ts »;«. ti< n will be ablo liity I I !<> l.t t í » i New —A go n : lem an tu .» i i. • e « > : r e the laud iV, in li n- wer to • Lfa t our eniel Wil l b .W 1 •«<> H ..«■ ■« Len V e ¡nq ii.-y su'd lit d an : b:oki u. « . i * « ’ ■ Í r on.” t h A w< ... . ... ii- \ .ney a ml de and Las 1 t Ou t!ut WJ fa.t, ful n SI ATE KETVBNS ilint spirit suffering from r. ternr e uijuu pleurisy, an fact ms L’c V : I < * i, dru u our Wo give below the returns from the wearied en know ;i » V UI different counties. The returns from about his IL» is w. it r to «Ì » Cliekiiuias, Dity.las, Lane, Marion, eiitiii ly in h j H Multnomah and Yamhill are full. The and is even needs incdi 1 1 ílL ’• “ others uro only partial: thing. Peaches, be made to rt alizo O Of FICE G. W C T - J. V. 25:1’ SlLVLKT ON. I ) Sisr; li­ But li. C .1 11, N. Be . Cij’t. o ee.l (1 if . T. B. H B. Rat Sh« rve, llev. J, Rev. 1' ance of homo production as the 11OV*’ TO MAH) TEMES EAS means of producing good tim ?s. Wc It needs no argument to prove that have a “ high protective t rill in the at the present times are very hard in shape of freights that of itself, in Southern Oregon; neiili r do we think my instances,would be a good ;nod profit, profit. it is necessary to spend time to pr< '.e birwill be the first one to introduce» our assertion that there is a cause for lew iudustry ? the depression in monetcr; I i conclusion we propose a new plan is a well established fact in po ir the encouragement of any new en- ocouomy that any town, e innty, terp. iso at bom *. We will givo two or nation Laving the balance of VPil s' subscription to t! ie pen-on who against them will sooner or I t *' '1 ufdctarea the ft st five gallons of the depression of hard times, any of the following commodities, to- to say, that where they have wit: Linseed oil, Ind oil or castor oil; abroad a balance of nr nay we will also give one year’s GnLscrip- * exports to foot their in ort ti< n to the person who manufactures r country will soon e our ( k f’.» first twenty five pouud-» of glue < r . » e u » hard times fu-uo. When V ch, each article t> be of good mer- Southern Oregon •ii .'.¡table quality an l the p.i ly in each their immense yit hl t’nir S case to be prepared to continue ihn rimply because the tupply maun fact tire. more than all the imports, We call on every eno who is intcr- plus of money v.a.« k-'t it ested in the welfare of lhi s ccunty to Let U3 now ex inrne th add to the above premiums in propor- see if sometí.’ g e¡.un< tiou ae they will be benefited, and it is abate in part, at least, th 3 cry ( safe to say kbafc before another year times. What article is tbf ro rolls around ¡hey will have the pleasure now brought fr« m abroad that c of realizing some, if Dot all, tho ad­ prodneed htro as cheap, or ch vantages of these enterprises, Send • than it is brought from abroad your effsrs to the T idings . tv ill name a few articles that coi -------- -o 4OF <»*- ------------ — r addìi .: Bonx. WOOLSACKS, TAINTS, OILS SOAP AND CUTLERY. B FATIMING Ï1KT.EMEXT.CAOCKKF. Y A sd FRUIT CANS. JOHN RALPH. Oilcloth for Tables and and Floors MILL NOTICE T 0 1* c n e j r f 1. A. :«eu I'-VAP;;/? scrrj.Y OF FLOUR t 1 .■ Ili al ili. aguifì t a men 11 e acca ed In f r«' 111«? cu; Wi l >lo well to c il at tl.e mill; will p I fo on . ’ck -,i«d br..U,l the ?! gì I« .1 to tim L fure tlu y Lavi exks-C'jiAj’.uere tu furn.-b tt.e seick®. I., S tb ho , as a m.itii r <.f / Lut us a. m iti •‘»I K rer. is no reumi wi. ciiut y tlìt-ì owed tu wirke a copy shonld Lot bs for liimst li’. 2. Wrii tea feslinony by a Good Te .pi >r is iLL» I l foie ilio com- —AND mit ee, ( ven in thè ab u.c » of the ac- C li ed if he ( thè a •cu-ed had notice of taking thè te. limony, and xl opportunity to be niOM'Lt ; o tlo r a : not. 3. The tu t‘Hiouy of out iders is ad­ min ibid bei. ie tho committee, with 00----- - Imiii nions and m■< guards as in the case of me' dn*is. but it can come be­ U nto A ll W ho T hirst ! fóle the L alge only Ly’ report of the com ni it ee. COME YE UNTO THE 4. it is n >t the d i’y of the W. S. to fumi ¡ h un exu« He I member a copy of th • p »ructedings < r any part there.»f. 5. A. is rchiù-mt of a town ubont eqn d <1 tane «lr.o. i Lodges B and C. in aoj >i ingto.vus. 11 j^propoiedin Ì > i > aid rej cted ; sul s «j leutiy in C. au 1 is ole *ted il’i l lin a'««il, no notice of such r< je.-ti tl.JJ h.iv.: ; G en giv« n C. H is a nit j. bi r, but B. is not obi g I Without and Without to recti i 1; : 1 as a v; »itur. A Ln !go It 1.3 is nut ob iged io admit vi -¡tors. l*i ice. an act of .»■/ and c îsnçot be claimed ns a . E /.•h L ¿ge is the judge of rjlHE UNDERSIGNED are aew keeping it ; » r tu 1 tv. G! It is ike l y, for m t uring recess iv touiry in euch ca-e- 7. It is nut to give the I W. in ei.ti-iiug, or the and having repaired and refi'.ad the same, retiring P. \V. i ¡ $! ;• iug ont. are now prepared to accoinino late all who 8. Mun b rs eniering daring recess may favor us with a call. Prices to suit ate 11 >t requir. 1 to.salute thel*. W. ( '1 these hard time’. T. wk. .1 the Lodge is again called tu ord- r. ♦ 9. It is not custom for the guards to remain at tbtir posts duriug recess. Will still be a speciality. All orders in this line promptly filled in the best inaaner T hat Troy widower who slept cn his wife’s grave «l.i/ing June, is mar­ and at reason able rates, Address, us usual, ried again anl the grave is all covered SODA & A L arge and S election of C hoice TEAS Vv'e have just received a select assortment of the best brands of SPRINGS Ho! (53 ClaARS ASD HPES. We will sell our goods at the lowest cash price, or exchange for all kinds of £¿) oda S pring AND DRINK! Money, MARKETABLE PRODUCE We see no cause to change our Ths Soda Spring Hous® X It still remains The Marble Business with weeds. J. II. A A. II. BUSSELL, Ashland. Call and examine our if you do not see what C all for it . Sept 21st, 1876.