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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1876)
M THE ASHLAND SATURDAY TIDINGS. YOUTH'S DEPARTMENT. NOVEMBER 18, 1876. M.VT1IER MOUSEY’S LECTURE. ASHLAND TIDINGS. ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY BY J. M. SUTTON, Proper OFFICE—On Main Street, (in rear Dr. Chitwood’s Drug Store.) Terms of Subscription: One copy one year.................................................| i 2.5 “ “ fix months.......................................... 1.50 “ •• three “ ........................................... 1 oo Club rates fix coulee fur..................................... 12.50 Terms, in advance. Terms of Advertising: One square (ten lines or less) 1st lutertion..... $2.50 Each additional insertion.................................. 1.00 A liberal discount to annual advertisers. Church and Society advertisements, such as Fairs, lectures, etc., 25 cents per lice. Notices iu local columD, 25 cents per line, but no notice insertel for less than $1.00. Job Printing, Of all description, done on short notice. I.egal Blanks, Circulars, Business Cards, Bilhe.uls, letter heads, Posters, etc., gotten up in gool style at living prices. n ALL SORTS. A handbill . — Your account for nera ESS “ I’m afra—,” began his moth er, when Willie broke in : “ Now, mother, I just must! I should go crazy to stay at home another day 1 ” “Well, then, you must wear your big overcoat, and remember to keep it buttoned up close, and don’t run any, but walk, quietly; you musn’t get sick again.” Whenever afterwards Willie showed the slightest desire to stay away lrom school, his mother would say: “Willie, don’t you feel well ? You can stay at home to day and rest if you like,” but the invitation has never been accept ed. So far, Willie has carried out his intention of always going to school.___________ __ A bright little three-year old girl in Hartford, having become a little mixed between her religious instruction and nursery rhymes, gravely recites : “ The Lord is my shepherd, and he has lost his sheep, and he don’t know where to find them.” My dear little mice, You are old enough now To get your own living, If I tell you how. The times are so bard That I need all the bits I find for myself— You must live by your wits. Do you see that square door ? And the nice toasted cheese On the end of that wire ? Keep away from it, please. Last evening your aunt And your young consins four Saw that cheese, and went in Through the wide open door. I watched a long time, But they never came out, For this is the trap That you’ve all heard about. Now prick up yonr ears And hear what I say: Never taste of a thing That is left in your way. But when, snugly Lid, You find a rich cake, Or a nice, creamy cheese, Thon a good dinner make. So will your days pass Without a mishap, And you’ll live to old age In spite of the trap. NORTH W. C. MYER, -AND— MUTUAL TINWARE STORE, GEO. T. BALDWIN, - Prop'r, DEALER IN STOVES, —OF — STOVE BACKS, PORTLAND, OREGON. GRATES, FIRE DOGS, BAKE OVENS, SAD IRONS, Incorporated 1871. Capital 100,000 ETC., ETC. All kinds of TIN, COPPER and SHEET- IRON WARE on hand and made to order. All orders from a distance promptly at tended to. Prices to suit the times. Linkville. Aug. 10th, 1876. no9tf. CHEAP PAPER ! DulJais^Gold Coin Basis. Ashland Lodge No. 189,1. 0, G. T,, gloves. Meets at the Hill of Helman & Fountain every W hat do young ladies look for in Friday evening at 8 o’clock p. m . Brothers and OFFICERS: PLAYING SICK. charoh? The Hirns. sisters in good standing are cordially invited to int W h |T ia that which ia lengthened by J. D. FOUNTAIN, W.C. T. One day Willie was attacked by end. N. A. J acobs , Sec’y. being cut at both endd ? A ditch. P. WASSERMAN - - - - P resident . a most curious kind of headache, Win are energetic men like emetics ? V ice P hehimemt . which seemed worse just before Ashland Lodge Mo, 23, E. QUACKENBUSH - Because you can’t keep them down. D. W. WAKEFIELD - - S ecretary . W hy is the cricket on tho hearth school, decreased rapidly toward A. F. A A. III., like a soldier in battle? Ho faces the noon, and appeared again about 2 W. 8. LADD .... - - T bkahubeu . fire. Holds their stated communications Thursday even o’clock, lie had been much sub W. H. EFFINGER - - - - A ttorney . “ W e find that lie came to his death ject to like attacks before, and his ings on or before the full moon. Brethren in good J. L. QUACKENBUSH G enerai . A gent . standing are cordially invited to attend. from calling Bill Jackson a liar,’’ was mother desired to prevent them in J. 8. EUBANKS, W. M. the verdict of a coroner’s jury ia Mis the future, as they were "rowing W. H. A tkinson , Sec’y. souri. A n editor in Michigan, talking of upon him, and were quite a hind Ashland ï.o<l^e Mo. 15, DIRECTORS: corn, professes to have a couple of ears rance to his education. fifteen inches long. Some folks aro I, O. O. F., Me was sitting in «a big arm remarkable for tho length of their two P. WASSERMAN, W. 8. LADD, their regular meeting every Saturday even ears. chair looking very disconsolate, ing Hold WM. WADHAMS, at their hall in Ashland. Brothers in good J. L. ATKINSON, M rs . C arr , of Quebec, hanged her when his mother entered the standing are cjrdi illy invited to attend. D. W. WAKEFIELD, W. H. EFFING KP., self with her false hair lust week. Tho room. J. H. NEIL, N. G. coroner’s verdict was that tho Carr E. QUACKENBUSH, M. 1’. MORSE, “Come, Willie, you’ll be late J. D. F ountain , Rec. Sec’y. was demolished by a misplaced Rebekah meetings on Tuesday evening, nearest J. W. I!RAZEE. to school if you don’t hurry.” “ switch.’’ the full of the inoon eacn month. A Miss C illey was recently married “ O, mother, I’ve got an awful in this city to a Mr. Fly. The lady headache, and feel almost sick.” L. DANFORTH, M. D., was no doubt glad to tako wing and “ Indeed ! I’m very sorry ; I’ll J>HY8ICIAN AND SURGEON, soar from her not over-complimentury TABLE RATES. go right up and get my castor oil, maiden name. Jacksonville, Oregon. A n old bachelor, Laving been and put you to bed !” laughed at by a party of pretty girls, LIFE POLICIES. “ O, I guess I ain’t sick enough DR. J. II CHITWOOD, told them : “ You are small potatoes ! ” to take medicine or go to bed,” •* We may bo small potatoes,” said one A shland , O regon . said Willie, looking a little better, FIVE AGES CLAES A, E, C, D, E. of them ; “ but we aro sweet ones ! ” A—Ages from 1 to 12 AüLiui Fiemium. F) ou but not entirely recovered. OFFICE — At the Ashland Drugstore. •a A logical witness gave his age at 5 00 B ~ •• “ 12 “ X) 5 »0 2» “ »5 C — “ “ eight and sixty years. “ Why not sixty “ Well, then, I’ll wrap you up Will attend toall evils in Rogue Hiver Valley. Par D— “ “ 35 “ 50 5 GO eight?” “Because I had my eight in my big shawl, and let you sit tlcular attention given to CHRONIC DISEASES. E— “ “ 50 “ 65 5 00 years before I did the sixty.” by the lire. You can study your $25 00 may be paid at tny one T he first timo Jerrold saw a celebra J. It. NEIL, * lesson and recite to me. ” time, cn any I.ife Policy, and no l umiiBR Ar.mril ted song writer, the latter said to him, Premium wi'l be required, not any further pay menu, “ Don’t you think it would do ^ ttorney at - law , Youngster, have yon sufficient confi except for Death Assessment in that specul divis dence in me to lend mo a guinea?” me good to go up and see Johnny ion as they may occur. uoStf. “ Ob, yes,” said Jerrold ; “ I’ve all the a little while ? I need the fresh Jacksonville, Oregon. confidence, but I haven’t tho guinea.” MILO M. DIKICK. M. H. DIMICK. A ged retainer (to gardener)—“ It’s air. II. KELLEY, He looked longingly out of the t bad job about young master being a- ASHLAND ook so sudden like with appleplexy I ” open door, where the old dog was Gardener—“Well, well, it ¿ain’t to bo dozing in the sunshine ; over the Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, wondered at; I never could keep him J acksonville , O regon . LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, out of the orchard, he were such a boy green fields where the cows and glossy colt were moving about, Will practice In all the C »urts of the State. Tfomp for fruit I ”—1’un. tteirdoD given to all bufiLets intrusted to my care. MAIN STREET. A mother , trying to get her little The birds were singing o o and all O ffice . -I u the building formerly occupied by daughter of three years to sleep one things seemed happy, But these Kahler de Wateou, opposite Court House. night, said, “ Anna, why don’t you try were not for him lie was an in to go to sleep?” “I’m trying,” she rpiiE UNDERSIGNED WOULD replied. “ But you haven’t shut your valid, confined to a warm kitchen JJ respectfully inform their iriends T eyes.” “Well, I can’t help it; ums and wrapped in a heavy shawl. and the public generally that they M Ji* come unbuttoned.” How he did wish he had gone to have purch isel the above, Too F astidious . — Passenger on school. He had not thought his which will be bence.'orth conducted unde Train : “I eay, young man, that pipe their constant per?o:u»l supervision, and Ashiand, Oregon. of yours is rather foul.” Second Pas mother would take his plea in such they guarantee satisfaction to all who may senger : “ Indeed, sir. Well, its very a serious light. favor them with their pationage. odd no one else made any complaint “ May I go ? ” he cried, forget V/. J, Zimmerman & Co., Prop’rs, Alto agents for the before, and I’ve smoked it for the last ting his headache. three years.”— Fun. Howe Sewing Macbiue ____ A “ No, my dear, you might get A n old colored preacher of this city » This ce’ebraled machine, which is ac- ■was lecturing a youth of his fold about cold.” WMJEARENOW PREPARED TO BUILD AND kcowled-ed by every one to bo tho best » repare all kinds of M ill , M ining and F akm - machine known, and which has met with the sin of dancing, when the latter pro So lie settled back in his big ng $ Machinery. tested that the Bible plainly said, chair, and his mother left him. mo e extensive sales than any other on “There is a time to dance.” “ Yes, record, is nu.v being introduced in Ash While he was alone he could ENGINES, HOUSE FRONTS. land. Hie IJowe is peculi.try adopted to dar am a time to dance,” said the dark to any kiixl of work—from a ruffle to a boo’ divine, “ and it's when a boy gits a hear the happy voices of the chil —-AND — or shoe. Is simple iu construction, easily whippin’ for gwine io a ball.”.— Atlanta dren at play at recess, coming 'P' .. . run, and for strength and durability is un 11 mi: 3. MACHINE BLACKSMITHING. faintly from the distance, Every- surpassed. Parties desiring to see one of A N ew H ampshire man told a story these machines can do so, by calling on them about a flock of crows three miles long, thing seemed to show Summer at their office. and so thick that you could not see the was at hand. How he longed to CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS DIMICK & SON. Ashland, June 17th. 1876. r.oltf. sun through it. “Don’t believe it,” be out in the fields at play. / Cast to Order. was the reply. “ Wa’al,” eaid the nar At noon one of his little frjends rator, “ you’re a stranger, and I don’t IRON AND BR ASS CASTINGS, came to see him. want to quarrel with you ; so, to please Nurse & Thatcher, done at the shortest notice. Rabbet! metal con you, I’ll tako oil a quaiter of a mile in “ It’s really nice to be sick a stantly <>u hand. the thinnest part.” little,” said the child, gazing wish Stoves, Sewing Machines, Dealers in H orace G reeley used to tell this fully at him, reclining at ease. or any other article made of steel, braes or iron, will story : He once sent a claim for collec “ No, it’s perfectly awful. I’ll be repaired at our shop. tion to a Western lawyer, and, regard Al work warranted in good 6‘jle and at reaeona- ing it as rather a desperate claim, told never be sick again.” abe the attorney if he collected it he might “ But when are you coming to O rates. d cast iron taken In excharge for work. CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, reserve half the amount for a fee. In school again ?” <Y O,O<H) lbs old cast iron due time Mr. Greely received the fol Shop imniediate’y. “ This afternoon ! ” cried Wil m wanted at our W. lowing losonic epistle : “ Dear Sir—I Hardware, Fancy Goods, J. ZIMMERMAN & CO. have succeeded in collecting my half lie, decidedly ; “ 1 mean to co to Ashland, June 17th, 1876. noltf. of that claim. The balance is hope school all my life, till I get to be less. Yankee Notions, * LINKVILLE STOVE PACIFIC Tee demand for the w OREGONIAN Subscriptions will expiro DECEMBER 31st, 18 7 6, an old man ! ” Pay Up. A S wift and T errible F ate —Tiie “ I should be very unwilling to Groceries, Crockery, Paints, Oils, Elc., Wilmington (N. B ) Star baa the fol have you go to school this after ll persons - knowing them - lowing : selves indebted to the undersignel, especially in accounts and notes of long LINKVILLE, LAKE CO., OGN- Au involuntary suicide took place in noon. You will have to wait till Alamanco County recently, under the you are perfectly well,” said his standing, are requested to make every effort D. C0APMAN K. P. NEIL. 1st ot August. fo”?wing circumstances : A Dr. I loop- mother, determined to make a to pay the same by the J. M. McCALL A Co. a dentist» living in the northern sure cure. Ashltnd, June 23d, 1876. i:o2tf. Meat Market, part of the c?anty, went to the break “ O, mother, please can’t I go ? fast tabla prepar?^ to poison bis wife, for what reason we ha'.'° n°t learned. I don't feel at all sick, now.” CHAPMAN & NEIL, They were seated alone at the table. The little friend, not under After pouring out the coffee, Mrs. Ashland, Oregon, Hooper was dispatched out of the room standing the situation, looked on Dealers In eep constantly on hand at their on some pretext and in her absence in amazement at seeing Willie Shop, near tne bridge, on Main Street, a good K her husband poured into her cup a openly avow good health, and supply of fresh BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, etc., deadly mixture. She returned, and it pleading tor permission to go to DRY which they offer at the lowest market price. Ashland, June 17th, 1876. nolif. happened that tho doctor himself was called from the room for a moment, i school, denied that privilege. He CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES In his absence a fly fell into bis cup I wished his mother would act in Ashland Soap Factory. and Mrs. Hooper, wife like, exchanged i the same wav. Hardware, Fancy Goods, AM NOW MANUFACTURING, AND HAVE cups. The doctor returned and drank illie had but a dreary after « on hand, a good assort,meat of hia coffee almost at one swallow. noon of it, and was glad when He at once detected the singular YANKEE NOTIONS, LAUNDRY and TOILET SOAP, taste of the beverage and asked bis wife night came. In the morning he if she had exchanged cups. She re was up bright and early, and when Groceries, Crockery, Paints, Oils, Etc., which I offer to the trade at prices suit the tim?e. My soap has been pronounced by those w ho have plied that she had, giving the reason tried It, to be superior to any imported article. Give his mot Iter appeared he cried out : jox it. when he exclaimed, “Then I mu it a trial, and support home industry. LINKVILLE, I want tn exchange for soap 20,ooo lbs. of rough “ I can go to school to-day, a dead man,’ ami in a few moments grease, at my factory. W. H. HATHAWAY. was a corpse, isn’t 1, mother ? ” noltf’. Uakc county, - - - OregonK Ashland, June 17th, 1876. A Nurse & Tliatclxer, goods ; NOW HAVE THREE PURE BRED IMPORT- ed stallions, -u.d seven lull blood and high graft« I mares, lrom winch I will tie able to mite stock that Address, O regonian , Portlûüd, Oregon. KUSSE & THATCHER, DEALERS IN will equal the b«st Imp tried. I cm naw supply par ties with good half bio d cob*, from 1 to 4 yeure old, from "Wl.i e Prince,” bred by other purliee. i el-o a herd of puie bred Jersey cattle, the best in the Slate, wi Ji some calves f r sale. W. C. MYER. Ashland, Jins 17th, 1S7G. noltf. ASHLAND BOOTS and CATS, SHOES. Saddlery & Harness, FANCY G j ODS, H A R D W A R E, A shland , O regon . NOTH.'NS, YANKEE GROCEE1K3, CROCKERY, TAINTS, OILS, Ere., LINK villi :, Lake county, - - SHOP manufacturer of , and df . ai . er in CLOTHING, HATS, HARNESS C. K. KLURI, GOOD S ? DRY << DRY GOODS, JERSEY CATTLE. No matter when they commence. «t Ashland Iron-Works, PERCHERON HORSTS, -AND - « M Importer and Breeder of For a short time is to great that we have concluded to offer it for the balance of the year for •< «« I K eeps a general assort - nifcnt of goods iq Lia lino of trade. - Oregon. Ladtck’, Men»1 and Boys’ Sa<- dies, a Speciality. Team, Buggy and Plow Harness, TEAM 4 BUGGY COLLARS, CURRYCOMBS, BRIDLES, CINCIIOS, STIRRUPS, WHIPS, LASHES, SPURS, COLLAR PADS, ETC.. ETC, And everything usually kept in a first-class Ashland, Oregon. establishment. Repairing do. « with taat- 'lEORGE NUTLEY nAS THE PLEASURE TO ness ai;d ¿¡«patch at pi ices to suit the M ani ouuce to tie ii b bitauts ol A«hun<l rad its times. furrouudiugs bis reudi:.e-s to rupp>y all who reed t wi’.h a g x>l cusu ui-made b xil or shut*, made of the nest material. Cali aLd see him. bUop on Muiu Street, over creek, near bridge. AshLud, June 17th, 1876. noltf. ASHLAND HOUSE. A «bland, J ud « 17th, 1876. Boitr. CLOSING he undersigned wishes to re - mind his friends, and the traveling pub lic generally, that he is still to be found at T this WHEAT Taken at the Highest Market Rates in Exchange for Goods, LONG ESTABLISHED HOUSE, whore he Is ready at any time, and on all occasions to set bo'o.e them the bust tho market affords, in a style second lo no offer bouse in Oregon. Dinners and suppers for special occasions, gotten up in appropriate style, at short no tice. JASPER IIOUCK. closing G U T ! CLOSING OUT ! Wagon Factory. he undersigned I WISHING TO 7I0R THE BENEFIT OF THOSE DESIR- i tell — out and - quit business, bi .......... offers bis . inggo d wagon work, the undersigned -------- hereby makes known that l.e can be found stock of goods at retail, for at all times al his shop in the S. W. corner of tho public square Ashland Ogn; and is ready and willing to do all work entrus’ed to me in a workmanlike manner. WAG FOJ! CASH. ONS, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WHEEL BARROWS, PLOW STOCKS, Ac., made A Ji T P E R. S Q) ar to orde •. and repaired on short notice. T>e best Eastern sto^k constantly on Wishing to commence business, would do hand. W. W. KENT NOR. well to call ou me, as I will sell my whole Ashland, June 17th, 1876. noltf. «lock on easy terms, and lent them my sto.e. In the mean time, I would say to persons. T I COST and freight MILLINERY. U KT — IXJt LaLi — HAVE OPENED AT MY RESIDENCE, That I expect to start for San Francisco- on Main street, Ashland, Oregon, a soon, and would like to have my money be millinery store. I have now a beauutul’as- fore starting. I may stay in San Francisco sorlm-nt of most of the Winter on account of ill health. HATS, If I do not sell out intirely before starting, my business will be left with E. J. Farlovr WREATHS, and and J. Q. Latta, with instructions to sell LADIES’ FINISHING GOODS, C heap F ob C ash , but STOP the credit part, All of which I will sell cheap for cash AU and make a desperate effort to close down orders from a distance promptly til.e i. so that I can in the Spring, either sell out, Aug. 24th, 1876. MRS. J . EWIX'G. or freeze out; and to collect every cent pos sible. Wo? be unto you! Who are owing me in the Spring. R- B* H argabine . Ashland, Sep. 28th, 1876. nolGtt IX HUNDRED ACRES OF FINE CUL tivating and pasture land, well improv ed, with two good dwelling housesand three BLACKSMITHING barns and other out bouses, situated three -BY— and one half miles north of Ashland, ot the 0. A C. Stage route. Bear creek run8 through the farm, and it is otherwise well watered by springs.« A LL THOSE DESIRING WORK Ibis farm will be sold on reasonable 2 a . in our line, will find us at the terms. For particulars, enquire at this of “Old Michelson Stand” ready to serve them fice. „ ISAAC WOOLEN. with neatness and dispatch. Particular at July 1st, 13‘ •. noJtf. tention paid to horse shceing. nolltf, I FORSALE. S EUBANKS & FORSYTH. • - »*