Image provided by: Rogue Valley Genealogical Society; Medford, OR
About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1876)
THE TIDINGS. ASHLAND SATURDAY VOTES FnOM HOCK POINT. R ock P oint Nov. 14th, 187G. To the T idings :—Weather has been quite ‘‘ Hayesy ” since the election. Strong indications of snow storm. Mr. kite has had his hotel painted, which now presents quite a fine ap pearance. Mr. H. Magruder is also having his residence painted and refit ted. Mi=s Ella Holland, from Kirbyville, is paying a visit to friends here. " Business of all kinds lively. • If you want to know who’s c-lected, call at the “ Western Union.” Cur mutual friend “Greenie” has long ago taken Lis departure for more congenial climes. His absence casting quite a gloom over our little community. Rock Point talks of having a Christ mas tree and entertainment. Every one invited. Success to the T idings . “S ierra .” NOVEMBER 18, 1S76. Agents for the Titlings. L. Simue's, .... Portkind, Oregon. Jacob Thompson, ... “ K. M. Pettingi l & Co., • - - New York. Rockwell & Cheesman, - St. Louie. I. . P. Fisher, - - - Cin Francisco. Too«. Boyce, J. R. Neii,.................................... Jack* iiville. C. S Sergent, .... - Pho uix. El. R. O vm, ; Q n'rul Point. Miss Afiie av. Cnlvig, ... Rock Point. C. B. Walton, Genenl Agent for Take county. ASHLAND P. o. REGISTER. Stages leave Ashland as follows: The O. A G. Stage Co.’s Stage leave Ashland for Jacksonville, Rick Point and Rose burg every day at 6 a. in. Mail c’o e- at 5:30 a. in. For llenly, Yieka and Reading at <’> p. ni. .M ul clo;c8 at 5;30 p. ni. Hatton A Garrett’s Stages leave A-hland every Monday, Wednesday and Friday inorningi for Linkviile, and return on every Tuotiay. Thursday and Satiuday. L- ive Linkvilb* tor L ike City, California, Wednesdays; arrive at Lake City Satur days: leave Lake City Mondays ; arrive at I. nkville Thursdays, carrying mail and pa^s»*ngers. Regular pa-sengor wagon leaves Ashland fur L kville every Munday morning, and returns eiery Sat inlay. ____ A. D. HELMAN, P. M. T he S tar .—Having had the pleasure of examining and playing Alleger, Bowlby & Co.’s Star Parlor Organs, I cheerfully bear testimony to their mer its. I have never played a awoeter toned Reed instrument, while tho work manship is beautiful. There are no better Parlor Organs manufactured. P rof . F. L. R osenberry , Teacher of Music. ASHLAND STORE, STOVE ASHLAND PLANING MILL —AND— —AND— J. M. McCALL ft Go., Propr’s. Furniture Factory, T he O ld P hœnix .—Mr. W. H. At kinson has received tho appointment of agent for the clJ Pbcenix Insurance Company, for Ashland. This isona of the oldest and most reliable companies in existence and should meet the sup port of the community. H ardware S tore , Granik Street, Read Their News. Ashland, M r . A bell , photographic artist, de Oreaos sires us to say that it makes no differ ence whether the weather is cloudy or Marsh &, Volpey. not for taking pictures, and that his time is positively limited. Those B. F, REESER, Proprietor. À LL KINDS OF TLANING, M0UT.D- B old A ct .—Wo learn from a gentle wanting pictures govern themselves accordingly. ÏL irg, Circular und Scroll Sawing dene man who came in from Linkviile, this io order. week, that a bold act of petty robbery FROM SALEM. was committed on tha road between S alem , N ov . 12th, 1S76. Duncan’s and tho Klamath River, a SASH. E ditor T idings :—Allow me to con few days ago. Two suspicious locking AN IMNENSE STOCK OF persons emerged into tho road in front gratulate you on the improved appeai- DOORS, MOULDINGS, of a wagon and demanded of the driver anco of your excellent county paper. aving just returned from fan a sack of flour, for which they said It is a journal of which your readers Francisco, with the beet (elected cock of they were prepared to pay. The driver may well feel prou-J, and for your en LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. BEDSTEADS, informed them that the flour he had terprise and general good management waB freight and that hu was not author you certainly deservo a most liberal LOCAL UREViTlES. ized to sell it. Tho two customers BREAKFAST, DINING» thereupon proceeded to help them support. Wo of the Capitol peruse its Wa v ?.nt some wood at thij office. columns with pleasure, replete as they selves to a bock, for which they paid Have you eeen Mrs. Ewing’s new one dollar and went again into the are with news untarnished with party hats ? W00J3. This circumstance, taken in CENTER, twd -AT THE — Evervbodv is busy bat the lazy connection with others of n suspicious or religious prejudice. Wo have few doctors. character in tho sama vicinity, seem to such journals on this coast and it seems New book.", cn. iadicato tho presence of a robber roost a relief to run across the T idings and EXTENSION & Fountain’.). —AND— somewhere in that neighborhood. secure thoughts and opinions unbiased John Rook’s cabin, at Willow amt untrammeled in any way. Even the Springs, wa: ,3 br.T.c ! on the 2 th inst. C rookedness . — For real, genuine associated press dispatches come TABLED. I’eatnor mc-do ' .;j " v ’-work r.nd crookedness, we cuu conscientiously through colored at times to suit the Eubanks & Forsyth honed it ; go aad recommond-Uo average Ashland cow ’ s whims and purposes of tha party in bes it. BUREAUS, horn. Some of tho more expert of power. While we are in earnest sym Bnow fi 11 to the depth of three incbeii at 1 ¡e h::’h st point on ilio Linkviile theso female borines can untie a ropo, patby with one cf the two political puil out a pin, raise a latch, and we parties and would not desiro notoriety roiu 1, last Baturduy night. LOUNGES, CIIAIRS, are ulmost ready to swear that they cun us a milk-and-water, straddle-the-face, T Í a 3 E • t iges have been stopped by pick any lock that can bo placed an a “ "alf and ’aif ” sort of a man it docs h’g’ »»•O — r» ren three times within ouo gate, when they ones find out that not seem just right that public conven Ever brought to Aehl-inl, I am prepared to tell At er thanking our many kind Patrons everything in my-hue, FOR CASH, che q er th:« w 7, bctl Vccn Yreka an I Rodding. for pant favor-, we wish to call their ut- there is a cabbage patch inside. Aft. r iences of that kind should be used in riCTURE FRAMES, the cheapest. un ran to our large stock of F ai . l ant J »"• ’s y our fluauc.) ? the ques- havii1,'/ exarained tho subject carefully, behalf of either party. AViMTEii Goons, just received Irani S. F. tl ■>! amo. ig tao 0 who striied their and driven hi old persomfioutiou of Wo cf the Capitol city arc excited tbo r. i.Lol the election. lu ü ; CIO. ^bednets from cur cabbage patch just at the present timeover the election BOARDS, WASH STOVES. NAILS, RUPE, -Ci ge B. Payna paasod through som 0 forty or flf’ty times, vo give it us loturas, or, rather, over their non- e /\ Ash ’ ... .»vi i. this v.’i. k wi’a ei^ht very our honest eonrietioa that an expuri- reevipt, and we havo been kept in We híKe any thing you ps.nlui suspense now for almost one nuisuncc. An<l all kinds‘of fumitnre ox and HOUSE-SHOES, AXES, CARPENTER TOOLS, ii.» r ■ 3 » ! 3 and two Jennets, direct cuccù tur. a cow we; k. V» ’ u can recoive nothing definite may need in our tine. made to order. fror »1 Lera nty, K ntucky. ero sorry from r.ny source and both parties con- Mir. ilier and f.vnilv, of Linn And everything kept in a first-ck »9 L-o did bogia it, for srro as fute iinuo to claim the victory. Tho Re d in town !?..• t Munday. Com publicans, however, have had tho last i got our feet in it. Tito su iute .’It23 *’’?4ÍK;4Uillfj in Ach- -ay-so, and present indications sub- j . u¿ i 17 1 io VJiuicr, r.L 1 perhapa Our new stock contains cjyond tho reins cf poesy ’ ; ia I ; tantiuts tho election of Hayes and l<nijt i . » • > uU UUlb AÀ1LU a large assortment of we have invoked tho m Of superior quality, vnj latM stylos 3—i. Wheolt-r. Many imagine we will have made to order. 1:0 RO. Will 1 nrst is gone up.! trouble in either case ami civil war iJ House, Sign and Ornamental PaJutogand ly m yer s timo, comes out: ensue with the attempted inauguration Graining to order in the Mill, or in off-, is the world with a beet; cf either Candidate. This fear is caused, the country. Canvassing ceiling. Paper- » n *v ■* n II.AND, x«O :?.3, which ho k A ca no doubt, by the fierceness of the con ip D ry G oods , G rouerie hanging, Calsoniining,. Ac. Tiki beet grow tent just closed ami the closeness of on shortest possible no ieo. b BOOTS and SHOES, Agency for tho 1, ,/1 hero bis father Leepc ! the electoral vote. We regret exceed ho * The undersigned tubes tail oppo.Jxnfty It rues, which will prob- i ingly that the majority is no larger of tendering our thanks to cur siaoy friaada pi » is si''/». W’aen Willy i than it v. ill bo from present iudicatioi.B, and patrons lor liberal favors diring tho of th . 3 ' Wilcox & Gibbs’ Sewing Machines, last two years, an 1 arc happy tc b « j that we u mi hii "ompotitor it i but wo e..n sea no cause fortrouble. Ready-made Clothing, Hats, have, during tha Liat w.ntor and wpriag, -> i.- s tha ‘’ut r»arty what he may net The Constitution provides for such Jn ÎO erected additional machinery, ard improved elcctious and in following cut its pro- >, 1 .21 w k-2i c un* and Millinery Goods. our facilities lor rcanuf ^lucis^ >» the¿Kov 3 viuiumi a authority of oue should bo as the bwrt family nudila» rande. ... it proved ii perfect line of business. gracefully yielded to aa would bo that t MA.R-n V.1LT ul fifty’. People on thia coast aro more cc. - ury. The gone runs fie Ashland, June 17ih, 1675. *• t’.lA apt to become excited and their visions 1 , : v/.r.i fully prepared WE KEEP HARDWARE, IRON. Ç ■ »4 . 1 of war and tumult will bo smiled at by -.1. ‘or :, who began t . ir b. a a » 3 • the more sober ami sedate cf tho eastern 1 1 STEEL, NAILS, BOLTS, GLASS’, Ü o clock. At 9 the 1 •mg *a Lndrows, \7 States. Tho ballot is oust and both C. T. ; R i 10 Li 3 roc? J veto crowded, end 7. V. T. ; < pHtties cannot win. Why not then lay J. IIow ' * 'll! s on to the “ wro ema’ hours ” J. Noil. VZ. aside party prejudicesand yield cheer A. S. ; W R........ ort co: tinned. Figures clad in —AND— 3, W. F. S. ; r.f. J fully to tho majority, following our lulow. AV ROUSE SHOES, SHODSHAPF, ROTE, (VN ; r > ) ‘‘light fantastic,” 3 tr:” ri—Ichild. w. c. , a ii . leader, be it either Hayes or Tilden, as WOOL SACKS, PAINTS, O11JS W a IffttcJ LiiLt r and tlutht'r, y V, . . 12 U '3. VZ. D. M. decided by the mujority vote ia tho SOA P AND CUTI .ERY. Jj ,ei. in a quiet gi me of ... e . 1. / : v : ei . Ö. Valp Electoral College. # k>-y, V < -y, W, d ’’ or “ C.isiuO,” while the Myer, n, hf. E. H H. S. ; T. Salem is very quiet at tho present < 7 ...-3 bent on discovering G. ; H. B-i!( rrrrs’ buffalo tjiseshep , & c . Giv m, VZ L. ii. 3. ; J. D. i'ouutai time. In fact we are r. quiet, law-abid oo— - form or a well-known I .: ing set in this tho city of churches. u.t 11 o’clock the order P. W. C. T. Í. FARMI NG IM rr.EM E NT, C R0( KER Y Wo bu~o chm annual week of excite k, uml 1 bountiful Bup- rnoT-xiRAPns.—Those vzho desiro a ment during State Fair, and u six A nd FRUIT CANS. SEWING MACHINE CASTORS, ‘ . r 1 thought » v.eoks ’ siege bi-tnnially when oar ally first class picture r.t Lomo should to flt any a»1 all sewing machine?. COME YE UNTO THS Always on hand, and mode to order, the very best r 11 themselves of their present op- bcnor.blo Legislature convenes rnd I drafts law and gospel for our two years ’ quiliiy of tuo bull Tulliug r ,.u.tily. When v . j say that Mr. Oilcloth for Tables and Dt’eBS. Abell is an artist wo mean all that th? governance until their successors in TIN, SKEST-IRON & COPPES-WARE, name implies. The ddijafj sb.ado and office are elected. Outside of these S 0 v o and raids on the peace and quietude of our Floors. n,;ddle tints of his jiiciures eiu.not be J Prod neu taken in exchange for good?. B. F. REESER. c-ctlffjd : i Portland. Remember, he fair city, we seldom become over ex J ■* ‘ Foilowieg i cited ami move along in the same ruts will bl.ty bid a chert time with us. J I of trade and social lite. Did you ever N. B — All person« indebted to ma by note ot ac A L arge and C hoice Lavo ber 1 j. V an B. D..L asiimct , of Portland, ■make Salem a visit? No? Depend count, u ill please come forward and pa; up with." upon it then you bus ’ s missed aa excel thirty dtje, and save cc'ts. .,;n a. 0 tv vi-.! □u t has been enjoying a sojourn in A Jihinil lent opportunity <>f Earning how to b . y. 2. Without Money, art’ V/itbect S election of TEAS. ln.v .o been tardy morn- lb i week. Ho says that this is the take li.e easy. Wo move along here Ashlind, June 17th, 1876. noltf LUÌ tho ing cr noon, i ”—the number cf of- li’.eliest t. wn ho has fouu.l this side of without thought for the morrow or Price fuuses Ocio, indicated by a ligure Albany, and in proportion to its size regret for the past from ono year’s end beats all Oregon. We have just received a select A. D. H7.LMAW. to another, allowing cut 11 t ♦ y to provide J. D. FOUNTAIM. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED an nxtv laopiag ------------------------------ M’ A. B. Chapny.n, 1 ¿ for itself and trusting to a kind Provi A rtificial S tone .—Mr. Marshall assortment of the best brands of F. Bellow s, 2 <1, dence to care for ourselveaand families. L. A ford, 1 <1, inrorms us that he has purchased the Want is seldom known among us, and 11. N * |e> > - 1» A. r. w « ght, 1 <1, right to manufacture Leather's artifi when it is relief is promptly’ offered. C. B. !’•>* rd, 1 <t, cial stono ia this part of tho county, True, we are at the scat of county* and G. •j. Met i J, 2 d. and that hs Eoon as tho material arrives, State government, but our Stato officers and having repaired and rafi od C'a came, i&KIDMORI Principal. which ialrow on tho way, ho will com ' are a peaceable, quiet set of human aro now prepared to accominciato all who beings and create but little commotion O fficers E lected .—Following are, mence its manufacture. 11. AyiXG PURCUASED TUE ENTIRE stock may favor u« with a coll, ’’ricos is «uit ■ on the outsido. Governor Grover is k l odge, No. 191, 1 the-e bard time the officers of Klamath 1 N ot R eady I et .—We lmvo rot for I but human, although bo migl|l; prove ior the ensuing term : J tries Erwin, ; gotten jour new ------------- story j but ------ -- the ------------ truth .j is I a curiosity to some of your'jlackson AV. C. T. ; Sinclair C Ai/ey, TV.V. T. ; that th aj election returns corno in so County subscribers who have never V. ‘ . Ö. : Mary ' slowly. r.nd the contusi io so doso, that yc-t seen a live governor. “ Little Georgia.. M ■nhi üu < t, W Will still bo a speciality. Al! ord«.? Za : Lceis 1 [enfile,! our author could nuù get down to I Chad.,” our Secretary of State, is as .i.. 1 j v. i « • * this line promptly filled in tto beet manner V.’. A. £.; John' storytelling W. S. ; Ben. polished a little gentleman as one DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS it SHOES, We will sell our goods at the ml at reasonable rates, lia 71’, W. T.;| —---------------------------- Oxley, VZ. F. S. ; would meet in traveling the w ide world r Address, a; usual, 2^ ew S tore .—We ier.rn that Mr. over and his ever courteous manners lowest cash price, or exchange for Mar'iu Lji’uh, V J. IL & A. JI. BUSSELL, ¿«blond. [ W. D. M.; Henry 1er rier, W. C. J J. J-vhai.u have made him a general favorite. all kinds of Snider Lus completed a new LlcGinnts, VZ. i. G,. Alex. E. Bend- State Treasurer Brown is a genial, dig ing, W. J. G. ; Oliver butter land, P. 1 store at Lake Mow, the County Seat of nified official and universally well liked. Lake County, and v,ill soon open an Tho renowned Bill Watkinds resides W. C. T. extensive stock cf general merchan here and is allowed to run at large. —OF TIIE— N ew P atei :.—The Jiidwell ILra is dise. This may astonish some who doubtless HE UNDEl^IGNED WILL BE FCUKD tho name of a very neat little paper O ne oi tho buys at the academy, imagine him dangerous. Mr. Watkinds, «t his shop on Main stroet, twe doora published at Camp Bidwell, Modoc speaking of the recent stage robberies, bowover, is as pleasant a man as one f.cmtbc livery stab’e?, whsrc I 3 is preparad County, Ciilifonia, the first number of said that “ V\. 1 . & Co. a messenger often meets with and is a hail fellow to du all kinds cf work in his ’.in» at the We see no cause to change our which now lay a before ie ’- The author carries a double barreled shot-gun, and well met to those who know him best. 'owe«t price. Mart. Brown, our State Printer, is of its existence is Mr. I red. A. ► n-ith— f/iaf loa L'E d 1 ” Brave messenger ! WAGON’S, BUGGIE3 AND ALL RINDS likewise domiciled hero most of the price, 5?1 59 for eir months. Judging irom the initial number tbo people oi D angerous .— L’ne sidewalk over the time, “lie’s one of tbejioys, he is,” and we all like him. And thus we Surprise A alley could do lo better creek is in a bad condition and should glide, a happy contented lot. Come Repairing of all kinds done vyjth ¿’spate??, thuDgive it a liberal support. be attended to nt once. Tho bill is call »nd seo m<*. Pnrpn.e ee ’ l ’ . ng the 8 ime on ‘ . erme and at prices ------------ - u*.------------- down and see us and we will show you to tuli the times. broken in two and is getting rather arouud among the big bugs. Our LOllf. JOIÎÏC RALPH. R ichest Y et .—From 2,300 lbs of ore shakey. cheek is “ open sesame” among them —— — ------ ----- taken from the Beaver mines to the It still remains I A son cf S. B. Hadley, of Lake all, und wo aro considered a privileged ALSO BOOKS, STATIONERY, Nonpariel reducing works near Oak character. More uuon. T. S poon . land. Douglas County, 1,400 lbs oi County, 17 years old, accidentally shot ------------—* < ------------- < *-v » pure quicksilver were obtained. Cap Uiiuteli about two weeks ago and died I t is well to ponder deeply, but don’t! riVIF EAGLE MILLS SITUATED ONR AND italists would do well to noto the above from the effects two days alter. get so absorbed in a question that you . H a h .If miles north of A eh laud, Ute on hind and and loen come aud examine into the ie wnrtautiy ninkins; an excellent art.cle o* flour. miss a step coming down stairs. One : All t .oee dealing to purchuie their T ilden ’ s majority in Lake County is miss on the stairs is half a mileftf vast mineral wealth of »Southern Ore 90, Lane's 80. Lake View, for County : Lack ache and acres of bruises. Call and examine our stock, and gon. ________ ___________ inXT/JIi SUPPLY OF FLOUR Seat 35 to 40. We will give the offi if you do not see what you want, Will do w?11 to c til at the mill; will aba grind, on D ied .—Mary St. Clair, a woman of cial vole next week. “ E xpectancy is paradise,” says Du exch 'Dge, 36 of flour, 8 of and 2 of short« mas. How is ii when a man is cross C all for it . Produce taken I d exchange at the highest merket per bu-iiel of good wi; will sick and brand the extensive notoriety in Treka, Jackson price. sucks—customers to furuish the (acks. J ay B each and Geo. strong were in ing a lot and expecting an old bovine ville and Eastern Oregon, died in Can HELMAN A- FOUNTAIN. L E tboxg , nol5tf. Sept. 21st, 1S7G. town last evening. to pick him up on a pair of horns. yon City on the k2ud ult. Aebiaod, Juae 17ib, 18'6. nollf. Sept. 2£, 1 too. Mdkr. I JUST ARRIVED, I ! H FALL AND WINTER GOODS STOVES, HARDWARE, •» V ( I I Emporium of Ashland. Pressed Tinware, J 0 K 1 I « ■ " o 1 ■ ’V A 4 k • ■* z » . r 1 1 . j . A • % k J. ’ * v < . i . H . FÄSMER3’ HAÜIO’JS, Stove and Hardware Store. m k .3 I A * • . X.I — • \( V. -- , - c - — I » i » • o / — 1 ■ I 1 4 I 1 <4 < THE BAIN WAGDK, * I V vT. ’d V? I Champion Mower & Reaper, 1 <• - .*11* sd t V V - r- A . SODA 3IAEBK0 WQ2KÖ. A T JU * THE u > ■ • rt AND DRINK! I 1. a. A <1 HELMAN & FOUNTAIN, • < 14 4< The Soda Spring House U M ». r------ ------- CIGARS AND PIPES. • • y ( ’ 1 * ' J xJ ». • ». • » ■ *• ) The Marblo toinosa GENERAL MERCHANDISE. I Wagon Shop. MARKETABLE PRODUCE. Ashland Business Association, P. of H., I T Of Vehicles Wade to Crete?. MILL NOTICE! ! “Quick Sales ft Small Profits.” Candies, Nuts, Toys,