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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1876)
TIDINGS. ta genoral use, what a grand ______ ___ : I inypruv mont it wud be. What bfore N ovember ii, 1376.1 cud net be achieved in a life time, e atv rdá ^ i ."7 wud then be recht bi the child ere it had entrd itz third rodr. The pro- ----- the otùm *09-” nunsiashun ov wurda wud bkum uni i •« in his speech at the Coivi g» 1 . _s -VI form as the sounds ov wurds wud b I the THE ELECTION. ASHLAND L p to the Lour ol going to press nothing definite is known of the result in Oregon other than the fact that it has gone Republican, probably over 500 majority. MATHEMATICS AND MEDICINE. It was on distant seas and years ago that the incident occurred, but the moral is fresh, and warns all men every where against mixing drinks or cines or principles. A - tain o" ” Alleger, Bowlby & Co.’s I äs m • - «NO stove certain sea cap- —ANC— I. v • **" ta 1/19 costorn of his craft, had - • , I Jacksonville—Lane, 911 D«n<"jfalio ■ „edfc-’1“* h‘“ ’ T0JI‘ge “ ch”‘ ot school house last Monday »— ! 11. Sloes, together with a manual of occasion to criticise the course of the ritiu ; sutsh an alfabet haz alreda bin portans fule rckog- Electoral ticket 100. ; opathio practice, by consulting which T idings in publishing Mr. C. P. Cran perfeetd, and itz im[ Little Butte — DemocrpJ'jc ma j or D the appropriate -.y.l................. ...... remedy for any set of dall’s letter from Washington, for nizd bi our most lernd techers. Y’ut symptoms could be seleoted. On one ■which we acknowledge our obligations strange tu sa no kombind efert ha9 bin 44. occasion, a sailor complaining that he tore ardware Ashland — Williams, ; Republi had “ something on hi3 stomach,” ap to him, as it gives us an opportunity to made for itz • jenerl introdukshun ; in- ¡.lectors, 30. plied to the skipper for relief. Accord- I define what we deem to be the duties ded ther iz but wun wa tu bring about can Hock I’oiar- _ to the handbook, a wineglass of this dezirabl end, and that iz for our -Lane, 19; Democratic iDg and privileges of an independent No. 15 was the specific for this malady. . journal. We will eay before proceed State Legslaturz t"> rekwir it tu ba taut Electors V- . 20. But there had been other stomachs u<ig Butte—Reported to have given with something on them, as they sailed, ing, however, that Mr. Colvig is a very in our kornon skulz. Then our children . wud bkum akustumd tu it, and v ^15 majority for Republicans, aud the calls for a wineglass of No. 15 good friend to the T idings , aa he has had been so numerous that the supply in times past, and we have do doubt not, like u, dere redr, laf at p'a »title • Eden—Republican majority, 17. was exliusted. Now’, the captain was a will in the futuro give us, material en like the abuv. We sha\ 'uav more ia ; The latest estimates from Jackson man of resources, and he rose to meet sa on this BubjeV at sum uther timo. ville give Lane 215 majority in the the emergency. Ho would mix a half couragement. wine glass of No. 8 with an equal quan Wo do not now nor nover have county. B, F. REESER, Proprietor. SUGAR MANUFACTURE. Douglas County is reported to havo tity cf No. 7, and unless arithmetic was claimed, as Mr. Colvig expressed it,, to altogether a delusion and a snare, the be noutral in anything ; nor do w" be Tho manufacture of sugar from given 150 Republican majority. result would be equivalent to a square Multnomah—750 Republican major dose of No. 15. So the compound was lieve that our patrons expect or desire melons is about to bo established near stirred up and the eailor took it in. U3 to be so, in the sense ^intimated by San FniUuisOO. The superiority oi ity. The effect was sudden and alarming, Marion—630 Ropubliean majority. our friend. We have not nor do wo melons to beets tor the manufacture of and altogether there remained very lit Æ H 1 Linn—Estimated at 400 Democratic tle on the stomach of the patient, the desiro to lend our columns to any par sugar is said to be conclusively proven, ty, either political or otherwise, as and already a company has been forruod majority. captain averred that he had lost all I I K Fi Linkvilla gives the Republican Elec I milh in mathematics and medicine and L1 ' and land purchased on Andras Island, . such, but we desire it to be distinctly compromise. — l*oughkc<-psic Couricr. understood that we claim that tho spe wheru the manufacture will be com tors 1 majority and 7 majority for cific acts of any or all parties, sects or menced in a bhert time. Water melons Lune. A tramp being asked what ue was In Lateat Telegrams. individuals, so far as they affect any are to be used principally, the coet jail for, caid he was borrowing money. S an F rancisco , Nov. 9th, 1876. “But,” said tho questioner, “tboy don’t matter of public interest, are legiti both of raising and reducing being S utton — Ashland : — For To J. M. put people in jail for burrowing mon- mate subjects for comment through the much le*ss than any other class of ” said the fellow, , “ ’ but I ty- ” “Yes, .......................... Hayes : California, Colorado, Illinois, columns of the T idings . We do not of melons or fruit suitable for the pur STOVES, HARDWARE, had to knock the man down three or arrogate to ourselves any dictatorial pose. Besides producing sugar, the Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, four times before he would lend it to „ - 7, privileges, or claim any more weight melon is said to havo a delicious syrup, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Neva or inilaence for our opinions than their While tho seeds will ba used for the da, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oregon, MARRIED. merits will warrant. What wo may . manufacture of table oil. Regarding Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Wisconsin. Doubtful : Louieiana, S. < La5 o to say ou any subject is but the tho superiority of the melon, the cor LEEKE—CARTER Iu this county, at the retáleDce Carolina, 1 ’ loriua. L ipp S achs . of A. R. Vest, Octobar Wth, ty Rev. A. C. Uowlvt, opinion of a citizen, possessed of all respondent says : As compared with C. W. Lee he und Ñire. Jane Carter. Laier. the likes and dislikes, interest and pre beets, the syrup of which is unfit for GRIFFIN-COURTNSY-At Keihyville, October Y reka , N ot . 9th, 1876. 231, by Euu. P. P. Prim, Circuí Judge, B. W. judices incident to humanity, differing use, and the impurities, for which ex Griffin and Misa Maggie Courtney, an of this To J. S. E ubanks —Ashland Sar only in degree for better or worse from pensive detergence is required, the geant telegrrphs Rayos elected, oarry- county. any other citizen. Should any of our pulp of melons being free from impur Surpasses in tone and power any Reed Org'n her»- iug Louisiana and Florida, ui|h New tofore manufactured in this country. It readers at any time find anything in ities, needs no complex treatment, no North Carolina, Connecticut his hitu tested by iuary NO CENTENNIAL FOK our columns wLich they do not endorse carbonic acid, little boneblack and but CF-’ competent Judges, doubtful. ’ It. N ikon .. we are not vain enough to ask them to a fraction of lime,and small percent, cl uni g.VeS Wo give below the number of votec Ever breught to Ashland, I nm preoared to fell approve it. But we do not ask them to watery elements to be evaporated. everything in my hue, *OR CASH, chexper than ONE HUNDRED YEARS ’ tc which each State is entitled in the i the cheapest. • take into consideration the fact that Electoral Collego : Alabama, 10 ; Ar PACIFIC COAST NEWS. perhaps some other readers equally as J UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION ! kansas, 6; Delaware, 8; Florida, 4; ‘intelligent aud honest as themselves do Tho Queen of Bronze coppor m;ae STOVES, NAILS, ROPE, endorse it. And this fact proves that at Waldo lias lately been sold to San Georgia, 11; Kentucky, 12; I ouisiana, 8; Maryland, 8; Mississippi, 8; Mis there is a question in tho subject on Francisco capitalists. souri, 15; North Carolina, 10; Tennes ♦ your money w here it will HORSE-SHOES, AXES, CARPENTER TOOIÆ, which they disagree that should bo in The CUemeketa Hotel at Salem has see, 12; Texas, 8; Virginia, 11; Indi If you want to invest pay come to U.e been closed and tue late proprietor Lac ana, 15; Connecticut, G; New York, 35; vestigated. No intelligent man or retired from business. Oregon, 3; West Virginia, 5; Califor woman will claim that truth can suffer The clerk of the Board of Canal and nia, 6; Colorado, 3; Illinois, 21; Iowa, By a ski lful use of the stop», and of the patent And overylhitj' ksptia a SreVcbas from honest investigation or criticism— Lock Commissioners is to receive a 11; Kansas, 5; Maine, 7; Massachusetts, ! knee swell, the music 1» adapted to the human voice, Q ranging from the softest flute-like tote to a Vvlume in fact, no truth can be brought to the salary of $1,500 per annum. 13; Michigan, 11; Minnesota, 5; Ne Of sound Ilobt. A. Miller is lyiDg dangerously braska, 3; Nevada, 3; New Hamp Stove and Hardware Store. ininds of the people without it. We shire, 5; New Jersey, 9; Ohio, 22; ill with the biliioua fever at the resi will add that the most brilliant truths Pennsylvania, 29; ¡ bode Island, 4; And buy nice f.uit and eh ide trees. that have ever been established by the dence of Mr. Strong in Salem. South Carolina, 7; Vermont, 5; Wis UNSUE PASSED BY J AT OTIIEE well Thomas B. Merry, Esq., n intellect of man have been established known newspaper man, has bought the consin, 10. under the most bitter opposition, and^ DDpatch at Seattle, formerly owned by F rench S trategy . — When the in many cases, against the combined Benuh Brown. Ag'ocy far the Iustniment. The proprietors have note I, French were in Mexico the stage rob bigotry and superstitions of cumulative A young lady of refinement and re NOW IS THE TIME TO PLÄ&T fur many year», the iuiperfecions and lecde of the spectability, residing with her pareuts beries in the vicinity of Monterey be ages. reed icsuunients, and direct thtlr practical experience came very frequent. With the practi I am bound -to sell cheap for C*eh. i to the correction uf euch imj erftctiODs, aid ‘belt ex Wilcox & Gibbs’ Sewing Machines, We shall endeavor to the bost of our at Forest Grove, tired of life the other cal common sense for which the Trees, »nd will etli tine bearing trees by '.be thou day and took a dose of strychnine, but periments havo resulted in U.e production of a quality French were distinguished when they sand for Bereu cents euch ; ability, in anything we have to say, to failed to cross the “ bourao.” < f tune which assimilates to clotely to the riot leed Utah lift y go about killing people, the French do according to our honest convictions, the bolt family sn chi a* made. trees oí one Vuri- S. W. Hayes, one of the wealthiest, General at Monterey devised a plan • tty to be regardless of the effect it may have on most prominent and most peaceable that worked like a charm. He picked any party or sect. Wo will, however, citizens, was seriously if not fatally out a half dozen of his smallest Zou PLANTED IN ONE ORCHARD assure our readers that with the wrang stabbed, at Ilalssy on the 1st inst., by aves and dressed them up as females PIPE ORGAN QUALITY one K. Niel, a saloon keeper of that and put them in the stage. Each un Woo is the lucky man who will take aw .y the ling of men and parties for position and place. lirst one tbouennd ! T WEN 1Y THOUSAN D, only protected female liad a short breech live cent j each—ail as power the T idings has no sympathy, Another Grand Jury for Linn Coun loading carbine concealed under Lis THE BAIN WAGON, but of the public acts and proposed or ty has been called by Hi3 Honor Judge pettipants, and they covered their de That la difficult to dls*’rgni»h between th9 two. Fí?¿E tLUFTID FHÜST ! consumated measures of cither we Boise, of the Circuit Court now in ses mure faces by veils. Of course the This inotrument has all the sion, to take into contileraiion the kill rubbers surrounded the stage, and the As there is iu America. FIFTEEN THOUSAND claim tho right to speak. Champion Mower & Reaper, ing of S. W. Mayes at Halsey by one ladies, with an excess of feminine mod line teirii g grape rout.*, for the ir.fling sum of tv,o In reference to our Washington cor Niel, on the 1st inst. cents each ' esty, climbed out of the vehicle, and respondence we have neither excuse Lucky Queen mining stock is a much fell into line with the rest of the pas ROSES, DAHLIAS, MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, PITTS’ BUFFALO THBESnZR, AC. or comment to make. It is with our desired article at tho present time, I sengers, when of a Eudden an epidemic AND A VARIETY OF readers—of its merits every one can while the Capital mining btockis being broke out among thoso Mexican patri FLOWERING SHRUBS. judge for himself. Wo hope from disposed of at a rapid rate. Oregon ots, for euch lady, cn an average, de Green house plants, etc., In profusion. Cui and And; every organ Is ftffiy wsrranted. Large O1 gold and silver mines will create a sen stroyed about three of them and the see them. O. C oolidox . SEWING MACHINE CASTORS, Polish, Black Wulnut 1’ucelled Cus?s timo to time to treat our readers with sation in the San Francisco stock board. rest lost all taste for female society, that forme, in addition to a mauy more from tho same writer. R> fit any and all sewing machines. Mr. Hayes who was stabbed by a and went away disgusted. The ladies splendid instrument HE S1ILL LIVES. Always un hand, and made to order, the very best Should anything appear in them or man Darned Niel, at Halsey, on Wed returned to town iu high glee, but for quaii:y of - * of mueic, a in any other correspondence or editori nesday died the samo evening. Niel a long time the Mexican bandits enter tained such a lofty veneration for tho TIN, SHEET-IRON & CCPPER-WARE, als which may setm offensive or errone was arrested a3 was also a man named gentler sex that an old bonnet or shawl George W. Miller who offered a horse ous to any one wo have only to say that BFAUTIFUL PIECE Or FURMTURE. Produce taken in exchange for goods. to Niel to escape on soon after the displayed conspicuously in a stage se ARCHITECT AND HOUSEBUILDER. B. F. REESER. cured it immunity from interruption. our columns are always open to them killing. — -------- > -♦ * ♦ < ----- — for courteous criticisms of aDy article The Indian commission lately A mbiguities .—These extracts, found Granite street, - - Ashland. N. B.—All [wrenn* indebted to mo by n«te or ac or item which may hazo appeared in appointed to settle the difficulty be in a magazine article, show the incon -♦ count, wil. please come 5 m ward and pay ap within WILL DO □ thirty days, tad sax» coats. tween the settlors in the Wallowa Val sistencies and ambiguities of tho Eng them. B. F. tt. ley and Chief Joseph, consists of Hon. lish tongue. It is not strango that Ashland, Jaw lite, 1876. nohf In conclusion wo will say that we anything in my line D. H. Jerome, president ; Hon. Win. foreigners find it a dillicult lauguago to solicit correspondence on any subject Stickney, secretary ; Gen. O. O. How learn. ON SHORT NOTICE This organ needs only to be seen to be aiprtslated, 6f general interest, whether scientific, ard, Col. H. Clay Wood, and Hun. A. “A man,” says Punch, “ was arrested A. D. KILÏAX. X. D. roïFTAlM. and is sold at extremely AND AT THE LOWEST TERMS. C. Barstow. practical, religious or political, re for attempting to damage the river A correspondent writing to the Union Thames. What was he doing ? He was I SASH, serving to ourself the right to judge of from Colfax W. T. says the late rains trying to pull up the stream.” their merit fur publication. Of course DOORS, HELMAN & FOUNTAIN, have done much damage to standing A lady, in advertising herself as a we do not wish to bo understood as grain, and also to that cut and lying ou FURNITURE, teacher, spoke of the “ reputation for endorsing any correspondence unless the ground. The presant indications teaching she bears.” But a furrier, an Made to order. we so express it We know that there are that mauy fields of tlax will prove expert in making up old furs, adver Picture Framing, &c. are many persons among our readers a total loss to the owners. Late crops, tised “ capes, victorines, etc., made up fililí EVG PVRCHASBD THK X^TTll STOCK too much rain aud not enough machin for ladies out of their own skins.” The Wheat, Oats, Lumber, or Cash taken iu fully competent to discuss questions of' ery in the country is what is th3 matter. advertisement of a concert was doubt exchange for werk. Call and see ine. interest in a manner both entortaining The Farmer sums up the financial less prophetic when it announced that Ashland, June 23d, 1876. nu’Jtf. .IGT.VfX WANTED and instructive. Who shall we hear condition of the Slate Agricultural So “a variety of songs might bo expected, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, from first ? ciety thus : Thu debt of January 1, too tedious to be mentioned.” (Male or female) in every county in the U.ited States INTERESTING TO FARMERS ! --------------- » — » “ You walk very slow,” Eaid a man to 1876, was about $5,000 ; improvements and Canada. INGLISH ORTHOGRAFI. made were about 810,000, making a a consumptive.” “ Yes, but I am go DRY-GOODS, GROCERIE^, BOOTS A SHORS, he undersigned , believing it ing very fast.” total of about $15,000. The receipts io be to the mutual advantage of When we bekum akustumd to an ab “Show mo a fire,” said a traveler to of the late fair wero, over expenses, ------O surd thing we sese tuobzorv itz most pre- about $5,000; leaving the society at the landlord, “for I am vory wet; Millers^and Farmers, postrus points. Not onle du itz defex present under a debt of about $10,000. bring mo a mug of ah, for I urn very Have made arrangements whereby tho seme virtaz, but when stript of itz de- We learn that three robbers waylaid dry.” ------------ — .——. formitiz it appearz absolutle redikulus. the C A O. Stage on the Sacramento The Mercury says there has just been Ashland and Phoenix Mills, A LIBERAL DISCOUNT —OF THE— In notbng duz this fakt sho itzelf mor River road, about three miles from i received at Wells, Fargo & Co.’s ex Reading, which contained Ben Holla press office in Salem a package ad Will be under the management of J a forsabli than in our mode ov speling day, w ile aud sister as passengers The dressed to the “ Oregon Legislature.” cob W agner , who will have charge of - WILL BE — wurdz, az wil b shone bi glansing over robbers succeeded in getting the express It was opened and found to contain a both Mills for the Company during the ensu Ashland Business Association, this rtiklo. We skarsle rekogniz mana box, containing $1,100. Thero was no lot of bird scalps with the bills at ing year, ending July 1st, 1ST". We will pay the highest market price for familyar wordz when wo c them divestd messenger on board, and if he had tached, which were strung on a string good merchantable wheat, and are prepared Made to Teachers, Minis’ere, Churches, Schools been, it is probable that the three rob and labeled “ worthless bill.” Another of timer superllus letrs, and sutsh bers contract flour at $18.00 per thousand Lodges, etc., where there is no a^ent for the Star, would have prevented any effort string, containing tl^e scalps of various to pounds at the Mills. Organ. Illustrated catalogue acd price list free. uthur letrs aded az wil kum of his to stop the robbery or effect defeated candidates for official honors, Office of the Company at the Ashland Correspondence solicited. Address the manufactu nerest tho soundz ov the wurdz. When . their capture. There seems to b3 a from United States Senator down. A Mills. Addre»*, rers, we take into considrashun the fakt that ! regular gang of highwaymen in the string of squirrel scalps wa3 labeled WAGNER, ANDERSON & Purpose felling the eame on terms and at prices to suit the times. FARMER’S CO., ther is ovr forte-ate soundz in the In-1 vicinity of Reading and Shasta, way “ the fate of the members w’ho voted noi 2 if. laying the stages from Trinity and Ashland, Oregon. glish langwag and onio twente-six letrz Siskiyou Counties, but they have not against the Centennial bill.” A lot of diminutive squashes were labeled tu reprezent them, we kan c how vane made any big hauls yet to get away “ heads of State Senators ; ” a lot of ALSO BOOKS, STATIONERY, ON THE TRADE. with. it wud b tu atemt to spel al the huge potatoes were marked “beads of representatives ; ” a lot of rotten fruit, wisn TO SAY TO MY PATRONS wurdz in our langwag korektle. We WASHINGTON, N. J. S ays the St. Louis E> publican : “It “ the fate of the Centennial fruit bill; ” that I am prepared to take in payment have, houever, atemted tu kom az nere has been observed by frequenters of of subscription to the T idings all kinds of a sack of dry moss, “ the result of the az posibl with tho material at hand. wateriug places that tho female swim session ; ” and the bead of a red-headed riiarketable produce, such as Wheat, Flour, O If our orthografi waz onle perfekted tu mer never learns to U3o her other limbs wood pecker was labeled “ the woman Lumber, Wood, Dried Fruit, Eggs, Butter’ Chee«e, Beans, Bacon. Lard, etc. Arrange Ac., Ac., Ac., the best st amlrd that our twente-six as gracefully as sho does her arms. ■suffrage bill.” The individual who got ments have been made, thereby parties letrz wer kapabl, it wud b a vast stride This fact should be considered by the up that lot must have had a “ bad bringing in more produco tbuu enough to strung • minded sisterhood as natural taken in exchange at the highest ” on him, and was possessed of pay their subset iption. can receive mer H. W. A bleger , T. B. M c M crtrle , Troduce in advaus; but if our alfabèt waz In- ! proof that lovely woman's mission is to ! streuk price. but very little veneration for our State chandise at C ASH R ATES for the balance. C. P. B owlby , E dward P lotts . . . t HELMAN A FOUNTAIN. kresd to forte-ato karakterz, and intro- ' embrace, and not to kick? 1 solons. Askhmd, Jun* 17th, 1376. ooitf. J. M. SUTTON, Publisher. (Sept. 17 ’76; 1 yr-’ PARLOR H S , ORGAN a Pressed Tinware, I Ashland Nursery ! T P. of H., ’ I Alleger,Bowlby& Co., I Candies, Nuts, Toys, G *