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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1876)
TIIE ASHLAND TIDINGS YOUTH’S DEPARTMENT. Too L ate for the B oat .—The wo man who arrived at the wharf just as the excursion boat had a start of ten OCTOBER 28,187(>. SATURDAY POSITIVES, COMPARATIVES AND SU feet, didn’t comprehend the situation PERLATIVES. for a moment. She didn’t know but ASHLAND TIDINGS. 1. I reproved Tom —- ■ for that boats had a habit of starting off backing up to keep the machinery taking my apples, when he re and ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY from getting rusty. When she realized plied with a wicked---- You that 6he was being left, she jabbed a never would miss them in the! man iu the back with her elbow, knocked a bat off with her parasol, and squealed at the top of her voice: OFFICE—Ou Main Strejf, (in rear Dr. 2. O, man, don’t “ Hold on there— -you haven’t got Chitwood’s Drug Store.) me !” “ Make a jump ! ” screamed one boy. Terms of Subscription: 3. IIis----- was largo, but I “ Swim for it ! ” called out another, Oae copyone year................................................ $ 2 5 ----- he wasted it all upon a sin while the “ left woman ” fiercely “ “ f'x months............................................. l.«r gle ----- . shouted : “ •• three “ .............................................. “ \\ hy don’t some of you folks up 4. If th ese Indian troubles con-| Club rates six copies fur........................................ there tell the captain ? ” Terms, in advance. tinue, poor ----- will sink------ The people on» the upper deck re Terms of Advertising I until he is finally----- . plied by laughing and waving their One vquare (ten lioesb: kss) 1st la eition....... |2.5(> I 5. The children were playing handkerchiefs. The woman on the FrCh addition d insertion................ 1*8) hide-and-seek among the trees, wharf recognized only one among the A liberal dtec?unt to annual adverf sers. crowd, and pointing her parasol direct Church and S xiety ii<lvenisvmei.t8, eurii as Fairs, when one little fellow cried----- j ly at her and holding it extended, as if Ixjctures, etc , 25 c-nts per lice. to an older one, running by. He. taking aim, she shouted :• Notice# in 1 »cal column, 25 cents per lice, but no “ You want to understand, Mrs. Ba was a----- rather than a centle- nXice iasertel far less thau |1.00. o ker, that can Dever, never borrow man, for he refused to----- the, any more you Job Printing, butter or flat-irons of me.— little one into the tree. Detroit Free Fress. Of ell description, done on short notice. T-*£a) <). Being tired I ----- down near a----- and ------ my shoe. r- It was in the month of---- - when the----- died, and all the All Sorts. Hags were at half----- . ■ Two heavy shocks of earthquake I 8. We----- but two cents for I were felt at White Sarphnr Spring, > a----- before the season is-------. California, on the 7th inst. 9. We to5k ----- ami hade “ T don ’ t see how you cm havo been Workiug all day like a horse,” exclaimed them “good night” without a the wife of a lawyer, her husband de ----- , which is not always a------ claring that he had been thus working. •‘Well, my ¿oar,” ho replied, “ I ve of friendship. 10. In passing over a bad road been drawing a conveyance all day, anyhow.” ilI111 ----- horse got into the-------, , and C an it bo that there are women in soon we were enveloped in a- this civilized land who will not econo 11. The o nrass is three feet mize in household matters by making the family live on two meals per day ----- , and you can ------ it cut and compelling the children to go bare without being----- . footed to »Sunday school, when their Compound Diamonds. poor, over taxed hnsbands are com Blanks, Circulars, Business C»rds, B.l head*, Letter- j beile, Postirs, etc., g >Uen up in good style at livirg prices. W. C. MYER, NORTH / — AND— MUTUAL TINWARE STORE, GEO. T. BALDWIN, - Prop’r,. DEALER IN STOVES, STOVE BACKS, PORTLAND, OREGON. . GRATES, FIRE DOGS, BAKE OVENS, SAD IRONS, Incorporated 1871 ETC., ETC.' 100,000 A colored preacher, in translating to his hearers the passage, “ Tbe har vest is over, the Beaton is ended, and thy soul is not saved,” put it, “ De corn has been cribbed, dere ain't any more work, and de debbil is still foolin’ wid dis community.” Dollars, Gold Coin Basis. CHEAP PAPER ’ The demand for the Ashland Lodge No. 189,1. 0. G. T. M<-ets at the Hall of He'man & Fountain every Friday evet-ing at 8 o’clock p. m . Brothers and sisters in good standing are corila’ly Invited to at tend. J. D. FOUN TAIN, W. C. T. N. A. J acobs , Sec’y. E. QUACKENBUSH - - - . Y icb £ bfsii > k » t . D. W. WAKEFIELD.......................... S ecbktxbt . Ashlaud Lodge No, 23, a AA Importer and Breeder of A. F. & A. Holds their stated communications Thursday even ing« on or before the full moon. Brethren in good standing are cordially invited to attend. J. S. EUBANKS, W, M. W. H. A tkinson , Sec’y. PERCHERON HORSES, AV E E K L Y - P besidxmt . P. WASSERMAN - T bkxmvbeb , W. S. LADD A ttobnkt . W. H. EFFINGER J. L. QUACKENBUSH - - / G eneral . A ubnt . OREGONIAN For a short time is so great that we have conclu led to offer it for the balance of the year for ONE DOLLAR! —AND— pelled to lose two days’ work every I. II. DIRECTORS: week to play base ball?— Whitehall G G Tillies. Ashland Lodge No. 45, W. 8. LADD, P. WASSERMAN, HIE FOG i r C harles L amb was once riding in a a WM. WADHAMS, J. L. ATKINSON, FORUM HARNS I. O. O. F,, stage-coa?h in company with one of N0W HAVE THREE PURE BRED IMPORT- W. H. EFFING ER, GORDIAN D. W. WAKEFIELD, GIRASOL Hold their regular meeting every Saturday even rtiose sympathizing souls ever on the ed etallioDF, and teven luil blood and high grade 1 good ing at their hall in Ashland. Brothers in iookout for an opportunity to compas GUILD ENSUE mares, from which I will be able to raise stock that E. QUACKENBUSH, M. P. MORSE} will equal the best imported. I c>n n >w supply par- standmg are cordially invited to at’end. sionate affliction. “ What a bad cough MAD SOE •ie« with gool half bl<x <1 colt», from 1 to 4 years ol ’, J. AV. BRAZEE. J. H. NEIL, N. 0. you have, sir,” said the sympathizing from “ Wbi e Prince," bred by other parties, i aleo N. L Sec ’ y. J. D. F ountain , Rec. h ive a herd of pure bred Jersev cattle, the best in the ane, after Lamb had recovered from State, widi some calves f r sale. I a violent fit of coughing. “ I know it,” Tavslay evening, nearest Rebekah meetings on BROKEN SENTENCES. W. C. MYER. replied Lamb, “ but it is the best I Ashland, June 17th, 1876. noltf. Fill the blanks with words pro the full of the moon eacn month. can do.” TABLE RATES. nounced alike : ASHLAND HARNESS SHOf L. DANFORTH, M. D., S ome people are too trusting for this floated down 1. Ten large world. At a recent trial the prisoner j>HY*ICIAN AND SURGEON, entered a plea of “ not guilty,” when the----- ; LIFE POLICIES, Jacksoaville, Oregon. one of the juryman put on his hat and 2. I ----- you the bell started for the door. The judg6 MANUFACTURER OF, AND DEALER IN FIVE AGES -CLASS A, B, C, D, E. called him back, and informed him last night; DR. J. II CHITWOOD, A—Ages fro Ji 1 to 12 AiiLuil Premium, Í5 oo - when 3. She raised her that he could not leave until the case B— •• 12 M 20 5 (Ml was tried. “ Tried ? ’’quried the juror, we reached the----- ; A shland , O regon . 20 •• 35 5 00 C- “ i (MJ 35 M 50 D— “ “ why, bo acknowledges that ho is not - loudly; 4. The ----- man - 50 “ «5 5 00 E- “ OFFICE-At the Ashland Drug-Store. guilty.” 5. I would not — to speak Will attend to all c ills in Rogne R ver Val'ey. Par A shland , O regon . 825 oo may be paid at tny one T hey had company to tea. The ta to the ticulir attention given to CHRONIC DISEASES. time,many Life Policy,and no fvrthib Annual ble was set out splendidly. The bis will ’ Premium will be required, nor any further payments, eeps a general assort - I am to cuit were as white and light and flaky ’ 6. I except for Death Asseesmtnta in tint special divis J. R. NEH-, ment of goods in his line of trade. jts snow, and the cake was just lovely. see the ion r e they nny occur. 4* n>3tf., The company was delighted with every A TIORXEY AT-LAW, Double Acrostic. Ladie»', Mens’ and Boys’ Sad thing, and were enjoying themselves M. H. DIMICK. MIU) M. 0IMICK. dles, a Speciality. hugely, when the infant of the house h A N D W R I T I N G hold unfortunately whispered, “ Ma, Jacksonville, Oregon. E N i G M A why don't you have such a tea when Team, Buggy and Plow Harness, ASHLAND 8 T L O c U there ain’t company ?” n. KELLEY, TEAM A Bl’GGY COLLARS, L o V E O ne of a party of Irish laborers was CURRYCOMBS, BRIDLES, LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, killed by the caving of a grave! bank. RHYMING ENIGMA. Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, CXNCHOS, STIRRUPS, Another of the party was relating the I ain composed of 14 letters WHIPS, LASHES, SPURS, affair to a friend. He said: “ Ocb, J acksonville , O regon . MAIN STREET. I COLLAR PADS, ETC., ETC., hut the boy is kilt sure. He’s kilt.” My first is in arm, but not IT;- Will practice in all the C iurte of *be Stat*. Protnp Then, after a moment’s meditation, he And everything usually kept in a first-class limb ; ttention given to all business Intrusted to my care. continued : “ And I wish I knew joost establbbment. Repairing done with neat O ffice . In the build! "g formerly cccnpled by My second is in slumber, but Kahler & Watson, opposte C >urt House. the place where I’m to be kilt. Be DE UNDERSIGNED WOULD ness and dispatch at prices to suit the not in awake ; jabers, wouldn’t I lie gitten a long ways resp^ctiully inform their friends jWMEl times. from that place intirely My third is hubbub, but not 111 and tbe public generally that they Xl 71* WHEAT Taken at the Highest have purchased the above establishment, din ; As the train from tbo East neared a which will be hence’orth conducted under village one day last week, a passenger My fourth, is in loss, but not 111 Market Rates in Exchange their constant personal supervision, and looking out of the window read : “Hayes’ they guarantee satisfaction to all who may make ; for Goods. Mills,” then on the other side lie saw Ashland, Oregon. favor them with their patronage. Ashland, June 17th, 1876. noltf. “Hayes’ Planing Mill, Sash, Blinds, My fifth is in ambush and not Ill Also agents for the sight; Doors, etc.,” and little further on he saw, “Hayes’ office.” “Thunder,” Howe Sewing Machine My sixth is in new, but not 111 W. J. Zimmerman & Co. Prop’rs. said he, “I always heard that our next old ; This celebrated machine, which is ac president was a rich man, but I had no knowledged by. every one to be the best My seventh is in dark but not Ill idea his business extended away up VV E ARE XOW rnEPARED TO BUILD AND machine known,, and which has met with here in Michigan.” V V repare all kiuls oí M ill , M inino aud F abm - night; more extensive sales than any other on ng Machinery. My eighth is in telling, also 111 record, is now being inttoduced in Ash T here is nothing funnier in cockney CLOSING out ! land. The Howe is peculiary adopted to vernacular than James’ letter, when he told ; ENGINES, HOUSE FRONTS, to any kind of work—from a ruffle to a boot is in doubt which he is to prefer of his My ninth is in idleness—not ILL ^or shoe. Is simple in construction, easily — ANC- lady-loves, Mary Hann and llangelina. run, and for streugth and durability is un work; I He writes 7 “ There they stood togeth surpassed. Parties desiring to see one of machine BLACKSMITHING. er—them two young women. I don't My tenth is in duel, but not Ill these machines can do so, by calling on them know which is the’andsomest. Icoodn at their office. shot; CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS help comparing them ; and I coodn DIMICK <fc SON. help comparing myself to a certain My eleventh is in Chinaman—not Ashland, June 17th. 1876. noltf. Cast to Grder. in Turk ; H-inimmle I’ve read of, that found it IRON AND BRASS CA8HNG3, difficklt to make a choice betwigst 2 My twelfth is in selling, but done at the shortest notice. Rib'jett metal con bundles of A.” not in bought; stantly on hand. A good illustration of the manner in My thirteenth is in going, but not HE UNDERSIGNED WISHING TO Stoves, Sewing Machines, which many Americans recognize, sell out and quit business, oilers his Dealers in in come ; while pretending to ignore social con stock of goods at retail, for any other article made of steel, brass or iron, will Mv fourteenth is in shooting, or ditions in religious mutters is afforded 1» repaired at our shop. by the story of one of our former sex but not in gun. A 1 work warranted in good style and at rearona- am , tons. At a brilliant church wedding al>e rates. My whole is something which some of the ushers showed some very OM caet iron taken In excharge for work. FOR CASH. CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOT8 and SHOES, to have. worthy but socially obscure people J vou all ought o «)O,OOO lbs old cast iron into good seats in the middle aisle. ¿■ mi wanted at our Shop immediafe'y. Simple Diamonds. Hardware, Fancy Goods, W. J. ZIMMERMAN it CO. As soon as he discovered it the pomp Wishing to conmence busiuess, would do Ashland, June 17th, 1876. noltf. ous sexton hastened to the usher and i. n. well to call on me, as I will Fell my whole exclaimed, “ Did you not know that M M they were only side aisle trash?” slock on eisy terms, and tent them my sto.e, BUD NOW Pay Up. Sorin Aieb! Republican. In the mean time, I would say to persons Subscription« will expira* JERSEY CATTLE Saddlery & Harness, 4t •4 , 44 M 44 44 M 44 44 44 44 K T Ashland Iron-Works, CLOSING OUT! CLOSING OUT! ÍI I I All kinds of TIN, COPPER «nd SHEET- IRON WARE on hand and made to order. All orders from a distance promptly at tended to. Prices to suit the times. Linkville Aug. 10th, 1876. no9tf. IM——g—MMB———■■ C. K. KLUM, 1 LINKV1LLE STOVE PACIFIC DECEMBER 31st, 1876, No matter when they commence. O regonian , Portland, Oregon,-. NURSE & THATCHER, DEALERS IN CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS T « I COST freight DRY GOODS, A O PERSON Yankee Notions, A Tt rkisii S hopkeeper —The “ one price” system is unknown in the Fust. Buyer and seller haggle over the price, sometimes for hours. Soma one tells this little story, evidently for the ben efit of tradesmen in Christian lands, which may be true : A gentleman wandering through the bazaars, desired to buy an embroid ered handkerchief of a Turkish shop keeper. He asked the price. “Sev enty five piastres.” “ No,” said the gentleman, aware that it is usual among all traders, whatever their creed, to ask at first more than the value, “ that is too much ; I will give you seventy,” and as the dealer seemed to assent, he oounted out the money. But great was his surprise when the heavy bearded Osmanli, gravely push ing back to him twenty piastres, ob served,— “This is more than the just price. It is always the custom here to bargain over a thing down to its fair value, and 23 fifty piastres is my fair price, those iwenty belong to you.” BORED BANDING DREAM ARE S MOUND BOULDER METED NET N A ll persons — XJKZ U S3T UXF AXXUB — selves indebted to the undersigned, especially in accounts and notes of long That I expect to start for San Francisco standing, are requested to make every effort soon, and would like to have my money be to pay the same by the 1st ot August. fore^ starting. I may stay in San Francisco j . m mcoall .& co. most of the Winter on account of ill health. Ashland. June 23d, 1876. co‘2tf. ENIGMA. If I de not sell out intirely before starting, my business will be left with E. J. Farlow I am composed of S letters : and. J. Q. Latta, with instructions to sell My 1, 2, 3, is often indulged in C heap F ob C ash , but STOP the credit part, by children: and old people. and make a desperate effort to close down Dealers In My 5, 2, 1, is to extend over, h so that I can in the Spring, either sell out, My 8, 4, 5, 2, 1, is a proper or freeze out; and to collect every cent pos name. sible. Woe be unto you! Who are owing My 7 , 8, G, is one of the numer me in the Spring. R- B* II argadine . CLOTHING,. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES als. Ashland, Sep. 28th, 1876. no!6tt LINKVILLE, D. CHAPMAN. My whole is the name of a once famous general. GOODS, Hardware, Fancy Goods, StACKSMlTHINd -BY- YANKEE NOTIONS, B. B. NEIU I •s •• NOTIONS,. 1ANKV1LL.E, Lake county, - - - Oregon- BOQTS aa< SHOESt Ashland, Oregon. 1EORGE NUTT.EY BAS TTE I’LBAShRKTO ■ announce to the it habitant, of A 'biand rod Pe C surroundings Lie rea di ce «e to »apply all wboi<eed w iih a g od custom-made boot or t>noe, made of the beet materi I. Cail and pee him. Shop on M .y. Street, over creek, near bridge. Ashland, June 17lb, 1876. noUf. ASHLAND HOUSE. HE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO RE- mind his friends, and the traveling pub lic generally, that he is still to be found at this T LONG ESTABLISHED HOUSE, where he Is ready at any tito< and on all occasions to set before them the best the market affords, in a style second to co other house in Oregon. Dinners and suppers for special occasions, gotten up in appropriate style, at short no tice. JASPER HOUCK. Wagon Factory. or the benefit of those desire F ing good wagon work, the undersigned hereby makes known that ba can be found at all times al his shop in the S. W. corner of the public square Ashland Ogn; and is ready and willing to do all work entrusted, to me in a workmanlike manner. WAG ONS. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WI1EEL- BARROW8, PLOW «STOCKS, Ac., made, to orde.. and repaired on short notice. The be^t Eastern stock constantly cn hand. W. W. KENTKOR. ’ Ashland, June 17th, 1876. noltf. MILLINERY. HAVE OPENED AT MY RESIDENCE, on Main street,. Ashland, Oregon, a millinery store, I have now a beautiful as sortment of I HAT8, WBEATUB,^ j LADLES’ FINISHING GOODS, All of which I will sell cheap for cash. All. promptly filled. MRS. J . EWING. eep CONSTANTLY ON HAND AT THEIR orders from a distance »hop, Dear the bridge, on Main Street, a good WT.plr.K°f BEKF> MUTTON, VEAL, etc., Aug. 24th, 1876. which they offer at the lowest market price. Ashland, Jon. 17th, 187«. noltf. K Ashland Soap Factory. I AM NOW MANUFACTURING, AND HAVE on hand, a good asaortment of EUBANKS & FORSYTH. T ransport —Curate (reproachfully): LAUNDRY and TOILET SOAP. “And I’m afraid you’ve taken more Groceri«, Crockery, Faints, Oils, Etc., I offer to the trade at prices to suit the timse. A LL TnOSE DESIRING WORK which beer to night than is good for you, My soap has been pronounced by those who have yX -oL in our line, will find us at the tried it, to be superior to any Imported article. Give Giles.” Inebriated rustic: “ Surelv’ LINKVILLE, “Old Michelson Stand” ready to serve thorn it a trial, and support home industry. sir, I dare eaye I could a’ carried it with neatness and dispatch. Particular at I want m exchange for soap 20,000 lbs. of rough horn’ easier in a jar ! P/o//7z. grease, at my factory. W. H. HATHAWAY. Lake county, - - - Oregon. tention pajd to bores shoeing. tujlltf. f FANCY G3ODS, GRO CERIES, CROCKERY, TAINTS, OILS, E tc ., CHAPMAN & NEIL, Ashland, Oregon, Aehiaod, June 17th, IM6. 1 OGN. Meat Market^ Nurse & Thatcher, DRY LAKE CO., 8HOE3. YANKEE Groceries, Crockery, Paints, Oils, Etc., knowing tiiem - and CAPS, HARDWARE, Nurse & Thatcher, I GOODS, DRY noltf. FOR JALE> IX HUNDRED ACRES OF FINE CUL- tivatiog and pasture land, well improv ed, with twogopd dwelling housesand three barn8 and other out houses, situated three, and one half miles north of Ashland, on the O. C. Stage route. Bear creek runs through the farm, and it is otherwise wtll watered by springs. This farm will be fold on reasonable terms. For particulars, enquire at this of- fiCv. . . iuvk WOOLEN. July l»t, 137b. noW S