Image provided by: Rogue Valley Genealogical Society; Medford, OR
About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1876)
m linkviule stove Brave. Mr. Blair, the Presbyterian minister [From the Daily Oregonian.] OCTOBER 7, 1876. SATURDAY M empiirs Sept. 26.—At a meeting of Brechin, Scotland, was a zealous and a man of high courage. ASHLAND TIDINGS. to night in the interest of the yellow Christian MUTUAL On a public occasion, during the rebel i. fever sufferers, §10,000 was subscribed « — lion of 1715, when the Highlanders ISSUED EVERY SATURPAY and committees appointed to canvass. The Howard association sent the Bruns joined the cause of tho Young Pre GEO. T. BALDWIN, - Proper, BY J. M. SUTTON, Prop’r. tender, Mr. Blair’s courage was severe wick sufferers §1,000 to-day. ly tried. Dr. Guthrie thus tells the M emphis , Sept. 27.—Four thousand DEALER IN OFFICE—On Mair. Street, (in rear Dr. story : dollars were collected to-day for Savan Chitwood’s Drug Store.) While preaching ono day, the High nah. STOVES, land officers, followed by a band of Terms of Subscription : M acon , Sept. 26.—L. Davenport, rebels with claymores and kilts, entered One copy one year................................................ f 2 50 STOVE BACKS, mayor cf Brunswick, Ga., and John 1.50 ** “ six months.......................................... the church, to the consternation of the “ *• three “ ........................................... 1 00 Dexter, chairman of the board of health, PORTLAND, OREGON. people. Mounting tho pulpit stairs, GRATES, Club rates six copies for..................................... 12.50 appeal fcr help for stricken citizens. each laid a pistol on tho cueLioD, and Term?, in advance. Half the population is down with yel ordered Blair to stop, threatening to FIRE DOGS, I Terras of Advertising : low fever. Business is suspended and shoot him dead if he didn’t. He heard Oue square (ten linee o: tees) 1st la-erti m.... «2.50 BAKE OVENS, supplies arc exhausted, and unless aid them as if he beard them not, and 1 00 E tch additional Insertion................................ is speedily Ecnt many will dio of star preached on. A literal discount to annual advertisers. SAD IRONS, Church and Society advertisements, such aa Fairs, vation. The suffering and want cannot Incorporated 1871. The provost of tho town, who was lectures, etc., 25 cents per 11: e. be described. ETC., ETC/ his brother-in-law,observing this, and Notices in L-cal column, 25 cents per ttae, but no L ouisville , Sept. 25.—A sharp shock trembling for his life, rose from Lip notice inserted f >r less than $1.00. All kinds of TIN, COPPER and SHEET- IRON WARE on hand and made to order. of earthquake was felt about midnight chair in the opposite gallery, and or Job Printing, All orders from a distance promptly at Of ill description, done on short notice. I.-g-.l last nigbt at Springfield, Illinois, Evans- ( dered him to stop. The authority of tended to. Prices to suit the times. Blanks, Circuì ire, Buske?? C .rd?, B.l.he .de, Letter ville, Iud., Louisville, Ky., and other tho lawful magistrate Blair acknow Capital Linkviile Aug. 10th, 1876. no9tf. 100,000 heads, Poeterà, etc., gotten up in good style at living places in Southern Iudiana, Southern ledged, but not on this occasion, as he prices. Illinois and Kentucky. deemed it an unlawful interference Dollars. Gold Coin Basis. A scheme of manufacturing crooked with his spiritual office. Laying an At! Sorts. Scuttlo has a resident population of whisky in vinegar works Las been dis-, arm on each side of tho Bible, be covered in several localities iu Chicago, pushed tho pistols contemptuously ,200, and transient, COO. and the various works have been seized. over on the floor ; and said, as they Mr. Kerr was the first Speaker of tho The demand for the A diopatcli from Belgrade to the crashed on the pavement, but fortu House who died in office. Daily A'czrjf says the Russian General I nately without going off, “No sir; I The citizens of Savannah have sent a Novescboff has assumed tho command will not stop, though the devil and all gold-beaded orange cano to Gov. Til- of tho army of Ibar. A great battle is ris angels wdre"licY»TL_ I*. WASSERMAN - -• P rf .6 xdent . don. imminent. General Tchernayoff has Admiring Lis pluck, or perhaps tak E. QUACKENBUSH Vies P bxsivknt . Tho colossal statue of Win. II. Seward been requested to come to Belgrade by ing Lim for a madman, tho officers D. W. WAKEFIELD - S ecbetaky . has been placed in Central Park, but is the Russian consul and has refused, pickod up their pistols, and, put hors W. S. LADD......................................... T beasvbeb . not jet unveiled. because he intended to make an attack tin combat by this luave minister and Importer and Breeder of For a ebort time is to great that we have concluded W. H. EFFINGER................................. A ttokkey . Garibaldi considers tho Slavonian on the Turkish line. staunch supporter of the Houso of to offer it for tlie b dance of the year for J. L. QUACKENBUSH - - G eneral A gent . causo that of civilization, and says so V enita , I. T., Sept. 27.—Cherokees Hanover, took themselves off. PERCHERON HORSES, in a flaming letter to the Slavonian and other civilized Indians of this Ter - and - youth. ritory are greatly excited over tho pro Ashland Lodge No. 189,1. 0. G. T., Most persons choose their friends as posed removal of Sioux into tbi3 coun Metts at the Hull of He’nun Fountain every Subscriptions will expiro DI RECTORS: try. They say Government is again Friday at 8 o’clock r. M. Brothers and they do other useful animals, preferring sisters in g »ol staLdiiig are cordially Invited to at- W. S. LADD, ♦ e proposing to violate treaty stipulations P. WASSERMAN, DECEMBER 31st, 1876, those from whom they expect the most end. J. D. FOUNIAIN, W. C. T. by removing these Indians to their N. A. J acobs , Sec’y. / J. L.. ATKINSON, WM. WADHAMS, service. No matter v hen they commence. country without thoir consent. They NOW HAVE THREE PUREBRED IMPORT- W. II. EFFINGER, D. W. WAKEFIELD, A MercKl Long Branch letter says : / — ed stallions, and seven full blood and high grade characterize the action of the commis Ashland Lodge No, 23. President Grant has invited Governor mares, from which I wiil be able to raise stock that A'ltlress, E. QUACKENBUSH, M. P. MORSE, will equal the b»sl imp .ried. I c n n »w hi; ply par- Haves and wife to spend a fow days with sion in agreeing to give tho Sioux homes 'ies with gool half Llo> d cults, from 1 to 4 years ol J. W. BP.AZEE. O regonian , Portland, OregoD. A. F* A. A. HI., from “ Wid e Prince,” bred by other parties, i i-.bu him at Long Branch, and Governor in the Territory of Oklahoma. h ive a herd of pme bred Jersey cattle, the best in the C hicago , Sept. 28.—The Triljuncs nolds their state»! communications Thursday even Suite, with some calves f r sale. Ilayos has acceptod. ing? on or before the full moon. Brethren in good W. C. MYER. Bismarck special says preparations are Ashland, June 17th, 1876. noltf. Throo new lakes have been discover- standing are cordially invited to attend. making at Fort Lincoln for an expedi NURSE & THATCHER - ' J. S. EUBANKS, XV. M. TABLE RATES cd 75 miles from Roseburg, They are W. II. A tkinson , Sec'y. DEALERS IN ASHLAND HARNESS SHOP the source of tho North and South tion of the 7th Cavalry and a detach ---------------------------------------------- ment of infantry, under command of Umpqua. Fish, game and grasshoppers Asllland Lodge No. 15, i LIFE POLICIES. Major Rouo. Its destination is unknown, found in abundance. but the preparations indicate an ab I. O. O. F., CLOTHING, A new style of trowsers for boys has sence of a month or more, and it is be MANUFACTURER OF, AND DEAI.ER IN Hold their regular meeting every Saturday even FIVE AGES CLASS A, B, C, D, E. boen invented in Boston. The articles lieved the movement is for Cheyenne ing at their hall in Ashland. Brothers in good 1 to 12 Aui uai Pieinium, $5 00 HATS, CAI’S, 5 M 20 12 have a copper seat, sheet-iron knees, agency, where apprehensions are cn- standing are c jrdially invited to attend. 5 00 35 20 BOOTS and SHOES. J. II. NEIL, N. G. 5 00 50 35 riveted ccams and water-proof pockets tertained of an Indian outbreak. 5 00 50 HARD W A R E, FANCY G JOBS J. D. F ovmtain , Rec. Sec’y. to held broken eggs. THE ASHLAND TIDINGS. > TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. C. MYER, PACIFIC NORTH TINWARE SI®ßE i * CHEAP PAPEL ! OREGONIAN ONE DOLLAR! JERSEY CATTLE. I Pen Pictures. Connecticut won tho championship in American skill last year, having 70G Under tho above bead the Statesman patents, or one to every 7C1 inhabitants. is writing up tho members of tho pres Arkansas is at tho foot of the class; ent Legislature. Wo extract tho fol Massachusetts is next to the head. lowing sketches of two of Southern Governor Tilden and Mr. Wheeler Oregon’s Representatives : JOHN MARSHALL Al’CALL, are Presbyterians ; Governor Hayos at tends the Methodist Church with his Representativo from Jackson County, wife,.who is a member thoreof, and was born in Washington County, Penn Governor Hendricks is an Episcopa sylvania, January 15th, 1825 ; his an lian. cestors of Scotch Irish Presbyterian Wbalebono is no bone at all; nor typo who beliovcd in the old idea “ Fiat docs it possess any properties of bone. Justicia Ituat Coelim. ” Removed with It is a substanco attached to the lower his paronts to Louisa County, Iowa, jaw of tho whale, and seems to strain where he remained until 1850, when tho water, which tho creature takes up be crossed the plains with an ox team. In tho Spring c-f 1851 be went to the in large mouthfuls. gold mines at Yreka, California; set An inebriate asylum for women has tled in Jackson County, Oregon, in been established at Bingbampton under 1852. He has been a Republican since tho supervision of Dr. Susan J. Tuber, 1856, having taken tho complaint in a physician who has practiced in that the regular way (if complaint it may city for a number of years. It is to be be called) and has stood by tho gnns called “Temple Home.” ever since. When the rebellion broke cut Mr. McCall enlisted in the 1st Ore The Kailroad Guide. gon Cavalry ; was appointed 21 Lieut, Yesterday afternoon, says tho Free in company “ 1) ; ” was promoted to ’, a young man whoso business it Captain in 1865 and mustered out of was to sell railroad guides to any one servico in 18CG, when ho returned to who would buy, found a Jefferson avo his homo in Ashland, Jackson County, nuo clothing dealer sitting in an arm vzhere he lias settled down to peaceful chair in front of his door, and after a avocations cf life, and is now engaged kindly salute the agent handed out one in selling goods. Taking an active part in politics bo comes to the pres of bis guides and said : “There is the handsomest little book ent session as a member against a large in the wcrld. It contains tho name, opposition political majority in his timo-tublo and route of every railroad county. Mr. McCall is not only good looking, but decidedly intelligent and in the country.” “I neffcr puys no such kind of pook,” honest, and would everywhere be taken replied the dealer as ho glanced through for a Republican. CIIEESE2.IAN, it. ‘ Bat you want that pamphlet, rny Of Lake County, is a gray-haired gen dear sir. You look like a man who tleman, aged 53 years. Born in Wayne travels around considerable, and no County, Indiana, read law with Hon. traveler can get along without ono of G. W. Julian, and was admitted to these guides.” practico in 1849 ; emigrated to Califor “I don’t want to guide no railroad, nia in 1850 ; engaged in miüing until said tho dealer, shaking Lis head and the year 1856, when ho commenced the turning away. practice of tho law, which he continued “Hold on, now—just look through , until 1861, when he entered upon the it once. Suppose, for instance, you duties of Treasurer of the U. S. Branch wanted to go to New Orleans?’’ Mint and Assistant Treasurer of the “I shall ntffer go there so long a3 I United States at Sun Francisco, in am borno.” which position bo remained for more “Well then, suppose you want to go ; than seven years. On the firstTRopub to Omaha?” lican State Ticket of California, Mr. “Den I don’t go.” C. was placed for the office of Lieuten “What do you do when you want to ant Governor ; served as a member of go to Chicago ?” asked the persistent the Republican Nutional Committee agent for the Pacific Coast ; was a member “I sthays at homo.” of the convention that nominated Lin “Well, suppose you had to go? coln, and has served in many more Wouldn’t you have to look at a railroad positions. Mr. C. supported IIcTace time table?” Greeley as against Grant, and has since “No sir. I should go down py der 3ctcd with the Democratic party, al depot, get on der train, puy some ap though really a Republican at heart. ples off der poy, and I should step off Ho now represents Lake County in our in Chicago like some grease !’’ Houso of Representatives, is a good The agent Lad no further arguments speaker, experienced Legislator and to advance. clover gentleman. 99 i 44 »4 •4 ll ll 44 ll ll ll 44 II ll ll ll tine, many Life Policy,and no fvhthek Annual Premium will be required, nor any further payment?, --gxccpt for Death Assessments in tint sped J divis ion as they may occur. n 3tf. I---------- n , J>UYâICIAN AND SURGEON, Jacksonville, Oregon. M. H. DIMICK. MILO M. DIMICK. ASHLAND DR. J. II CHITWOOD, OFFICE—At tho Ashland Drugstore. LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, Will attend to all calls in Rogue R:v«r Vnliey. Tar ticul ;r attention given to CHRONIC DISEASES. A shland , O regon . YANKEE eeps a general assort - K motit of gouds in bis line of trade. NOTIONS GRO.ER1E3, CROCKERY, PAINTS, OILS, E tc . LIAKVILLE, I Lake county, Ladies’, iPD» Boys’ Sati- - - .2 ~ ~ Y— dles, a Speciality. Team, Buggy and Plow Harness, » A shland , O regon . Saddlery <fc Harness, OO may be paid at f.ny one Rebekah lueet’.n^e on Tuesday evening, nearest the fuR qf the’ nioou eicn month. L. DANFORTH, 4« ll GOODS DRY / C. K. KLUM, MAIN STREET. TEAM A BUGGY COLLARS, CURRYCOMBS, BRIDLES, CINCIIOS, STIRRUPS, WHIPS, LASHES, SPUR-, COLLAR PADS, ETC.. ETC., And everything usually kept iu a fiist-clas- establi-hinent. Repairing done with neat GEORGE NUTT.EY n\8 TIIE 1’I.EASl ness and dispatch at prices to suit the N :nn ounce io the if h .Litanie of Arhiand surroundings ids readi es« io supply all « times. Ashland, Oregon. J. R. NEIL, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, IIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD respectfully inform their friends and the public generally th it they have purchase! tl:e above e-tablishment, which will be henceforth conducted under their constant personal supervision, «nd they guarantee satisfaction to all who may favor them with their patronage. Also agents for the J AC«SON VYT.LE, OI' E <: ON. Howe Sewing Machine T ^TfORSEY AT-LAW, Jacksonville, Oregon. II. KELLEY, This celebrated machine, which is ac Will practice In all the C >urt? of the State. Tramp ttention given to all business intrusted to my care. knowledged by every one to bo the best O ffice . In the buildi'g formerly occupied by machine known, and which has mot with’ Kahler A: WaMl .n, opposite C<airt IIou^. more extensive sales than any other f>n Ashland Iron-Works, r / Ashland, Oregon. W. J. Zimmerman & Co. Prop’rs. f WHEAT Taken at the Highest Market Rates in Exchange for Goods. Ashliixl, June 17th, 1876. DOltf. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! —AT— record, is now being intioluced iti Ash land. The Howe is peculiary adopted Io to any kind of work—from a ruffle to a boot or shoe. Is simple in construction, easily run, and for strength and durability is un surpassed. Parties desiring to see erne of these machines can do so, by calling on them at their office. ^♦DIMICK A SON. Ashland, June 17th. 1876. noltf. IÌARGADINE’S, Ashland, Oregon. Nurse & Thatcher, I inr. UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST RETURNED from Francisco, where he has bought and is now leceivu g a g oi ueeorUneiH of F ARE NOW PREPARED TO BUILI) AND 9 V repare all kinds ol M ill , M ining and F abm - cg Machinery. wi h a g mm I custom-nude Ux»t or ehoe, made «est iLiiteri 4. Call and see him. Shop on Street, over creek, near b-»dge. AstduDd, June 17:b, 1876. ASHLAND HOUS HE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO mind his friends, and ths ¡raveling lie generally, that be is stiU to be fouu this ’ T LONG ESTABLISHED HOUSE, where bo Is ready at any time, and on occasions to set belo e them ihe best market affords, in a style se cond lonoot house in Oregon. Dinners and suppers for special occasio gotten up in appropriate style, at short i ‘i'-e- JASPER HOUCK yWagon Factory TjlOR THE BENEFIT OFTIIOSE DESII J. ing go .<1 wagon work, the undersign, ENGINES, HOUSE FRONTS, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, hereby makes known that he can be touu at all times al his shop in the S. W. corn, —AND— Ever brought to this market, consisting of a gen of the public square Ashland Ogn; and eral assortment of ready and willing to do all work entrust, MACHINE BLACKSMITHING. to me in a Workmanlike manner. wA, CLOTHING, HATH, CAPS, BOOTS anil SHOES, ONS, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, wiifei BARROWS, PLOW STOCKS, Ac mad Hardware, Fancy Goods, to order, and repaired on short notice Clothing’, Boots and Shoes, T>e best Eastern stock constantiv o IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, aA(1,\ , t . w- w kentkor . GROCERIES, Ashland, June Lth, 1876. noltf. done at the shortest notico. B..bjett metal cin Dealers in DRY GOODS, CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS Cast to Order. Yankee Notions, stantly on hand. Stoves, Sewing Machines, or any other article made of steel, brass or iron, will be repaired at our shop. Ail work warranted in good style and at reajoaa- abe rates. O.d cast iron taken in exchange for work. lbs old cast wanted at our Shop immediate’?. Groceries, Crockery, Paiola, Oils, Eie., LINKVILLE, LAKE CO., ' OGN. D. CHAPMAN. R. P. NEIL. Crock'ry, Glassware, Hardw're, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC., Meat Market, W. J. ZIMMERMAN & CO. Ashland, June 17th, 1876. noltf. CHAPMAN & NEIL, Ashland, Oregon, Pay Up. j. m . M c C all & co. Ashland. June 23d, 1876. no2tf. BLACKSMITHING - by - EUBANKS & FORSYTH. K I AM NOW MANUFACIURING, AND HAVE on hand, a good uasorloieut of LAUNDRY and TOILET SOAP, which I offer to the trade at prices to suit the times. LL THOSE DESIRING WORK My soap has been pronounced by those who have in our line, will find us at the tried it, to be eu;«rior to sny Imported article. Give and eup}>ori home imlustry. “Old Michelson Stand” ready to serve them it I a trial, want in exclLinge for toao 2o,Qo<) Ths. of rough with neatness and dispatch, Particular at- grease, W. H, HATHAWAY. enee, at my factory. ’ 17tb, 1876. uulif. uolltf. Ashland, June 17ib, (cation paid to liursc shcuiig. A HATS, WREATHS, and INDIES’ FINISHING GOODS, Nurse & Thatcher, Dealers In. DRY Ashland Soap Factory. T HAA E OPENED AT MY RESIDENCI 1 on Main street, Ashland, Oregon millinery store. I have now a 1 ea„ sortnient of “ Which I bought at very- low rates for cash, and will sell lor cash at very little advance. R. B. HARGADINE. Ashland, June 17th, 187«. noltf. eep constantly on hand at tiieir Shop, near the bridge, on Main Street, a good selves indebted to the undersigned, supply or fre*h BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, etc., especially in accounts ami notes of long which Jthty taler at the lowest market price. standing, are re pie^ted to make every effort Aslnand, June 17th, 1876. noltf. ---- ------------------------------------------------------------- - to pay the same by the 1st ot August. A MILLINERY. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, iron ll persons ~ kncwing tiiem - Ladies Dress Goods & Trimmings, orders from a distance p Aug. 24th, 1876. GOODS, FOR JSALE. IX HUNDRED ACRES OF FINE tivating and pasture hnd. wel> ed, with two good dwelling houses ^lardware, Fancy Goods, barns and other out houses, gitnat and one half miles north of Ashlar O. C. Stage route. Bear cr» through the farm, and otherwise > wuerwitL * Groceriest Crockery, Paints, Oils, Etc., watered by spring». This farm will be sold on reasinabU’ terms. For particulars, enquire *' 8c®.*, , KAAC W CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, S YANKEE N0TI0N8, LINKVILLE, Dake county Oregon. July 1st, 1876.