Image provided by: Rogue Valley Genealogical Society; Medford, OR
About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1876)
ASHLAND THE SATURDAY TIDINGS. . OCTOBER 7, 1876. A/cnts for the Tidings. Samuels........................................... Portland, Oregon. Jacob Thompson, . . . “ u 8. M. Pettinffi l ¿»Co., ... New York Rockwell & Chees man, ... st. Louie I. P. Fieber........................................ i Bin FrandSS’ Tbos. IJoyce, ..... m « J. R. Nell, ..... Jackanr.vPle. C. 8. Sergent, ..... Pnmnlx. 11. R. Owen, : Central Point. Mira Artie W. Colrtg, . . . Rock Point. C. B. Watson, General Agent for Like county. ASHLAND P_O. REGISTER. Stages leave Ashland as follows: Tbe O. & C. Stage Co.’s Stage leavo Ashland for Jacksonville, Rock Point and Rose burg every day at 6 a. m. Mail closes at 5:30 a. m. For llenly, Yieka and Reading at G p. in. Mail cluses at 5:30 p. m, lift to u A Garrett's Stages leave Ashland every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings for Linkville, and return on every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Leave Linkville for Lake City, California, Wednesdays ; arrive at Lako City Satur days ; leave Lake City Mondays ; arrive at Linkville Thursdays, carrying mail and passengers. Regular passenger wagon leaves Ashland for Lidkville every Monday morning, and returns every Saturday. A. D. 1IELMAN, P. M. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Ashland Hayes and Wheeler Club. I A goodly number of the citizens of this place met a| the District School House Saturday evening, Sept. 30th, nt 7:30 p. m ., for the purposo of organ izing a Haye3 and Wheeler Club, and a Glee club to be present at its meotings and manufacture glee for the occasion. The/ meeting being called to order, Jas. Kilgore was nnanimoasly chosen Chairman ; C. B. Watson, Secretary. By unanimous consent, B. R. Wil lits was chosen Chairman, leader and organizer of “ The Ashland Hayes and Wheeler Glee Club, ’ and, on call for volunteers to this Glee Club tho fol lowing gentlemen subscribed their names as members : B. B. Willits, Chairman, N. H. Clayton, W. W. Wat son, U. H. Gillett, G. A. Hill, H. T. Chitwood, W. Willits. On motion, Linsey Applegate, Esq., was elected permanent President of the “ Ashland Hayes and Wheeler Club;” Jas Kilgore, Vice President ; O. B. Watson, Secretary ; C. Goodchild, As sistant Secretary ; M. H. Dimick, Treasurer. By tho voted consent of the club each Tuesday evening, at 7:30 p. m ., was chosen as the time of meeting of -the club, aud, on motion, u general in- ¡Ution extended for all citizens to ut- , and s special invitation to the '8. motion, the President, Secretary .’reasuror teero made Executive littee, toattg^Q ' 7uoh business as p; JP“* J comes under the cognizance of suW committee. ^Pl«he8 were made, enthusiasm and W1*11 were rife, while rousing, en- tliusMtatic songs, well selected, were inge|w)u8^y interspersed by the Glee (jluli&hrougtiout the business of the T ilden and H endricks C lub .—The citizens of Ashland met Sept. 28th for the purpose of organizing a Tilden and Hendricks Beform Club. The following persons were elected officers of the olub : E. DePeatt, Pres ident ; E. J. Farlow, Secretary ; J. D. Fountain, Vice President; J. Q. Latta, Assistant Secretary; Milo Dimick, Treasurer. On motion, an Executive Committee was appointed, consisting of the fol lowing names : Mr. President, I. Mil ler, Bobt. Garrett, Dr. Inlow, Capt. T. Smith and J. D. Fountain. On motion, Monday night of each alternate week, at 7:30 o’clock, was ap pointed as the time of holding the reg- lar meetings of the club. Motion prevailed that Ashland Dis trict School House be designated as the place of holding meetings. On motion, an assessment of twenty- five cents was levied upon each mem ber of the club, to dofray incidental expenses of the same. The object of the meeting being ac complished Messrs. DePeatt, Foun tain, Miller and others responded to calls and made rousing reform speeches, which were received with ap plause. On motion, proceedings of the meet ing were ordered published in the A shland T idings , Democratic Times and Oregon Sentinel, Motion to adjourn until next Mon day ovening, at 7:30 o’clock, when first regular meeting of the Tilden Reform Club of Ashland will be hold ; pre vailed. E. D e P eatt , President. E. J. F arlow , Secretary. * L eland I tems .—A ten stamp mill has been ordered by the owners of the Lucky Queen quartz mino, on Jamp- off Joe, and will bo in operation about the middle of next month. Mr. A. Assell, Superintendent of tho mine, is pushing tho work rapidly forward with excellent prospects of a rich reward in precious metal. Mines on Cayote Creek are busy pre paring for their Winter’s work. It is believed that more money will be taken out of the Cayote diggings the coming Winter than for many years past. With plenty of water tho yield of gold will most certainly be large. Tho Esther mino, on Gravo Creek, is still being worked. Five stamps are being run day and night and the indi cations are that tho next olean-up will ba tho be8t yet had. S iwashy .—The following is tho con cluding paragraph of a private letter from our old friend, O. C. Applegate, written from Linkvillo. -ai lllö^propcr time, and consequently several spicy items soured from age : “ Oh, yes 1 There has been anothor rod-hot discussion with firearms, at Modoc Point, on tho reservation. Actors, original red mon; cause, original red women ; result, Joe Wade seriously wounds his undo with a ballot intended for another man. ** Many a ehaft at random sent, finds mark the archer little meant.” Salem Correspondence. S alem , Sept. 30th, 1876. E ditor A shland T idings : Inas much as neither of the Jackson County papers furnish a correspondence from the State Capitol, and believing that there are numerous items of a miscel laneous character not to be met with in the daily papers of this vicinity that aro worthy of publication, I propose leading my feeble assistance towards perpetuating a record of passing events. THE LEGISLATURE. A careful observation of the make up of the present Assembly leads me to tho conclusion that, in point of abil ity and conscientious devotion to pub lic interests, it is more than an average Legislature. In the Senate, it is true, wo miss the presence of extraordinary or celebrated talent, but there are many members of this body who have had extensive experience in the publio ser vice, and they are doing as much hard work for tho State as a reasonable peo ple could ask of them. The House is composed of entirely different material. The members of this body never hold over, and bat very few of them are re elected. This makes tho House a dis orderly and sometimes “uproarious” Assembly. The sovero gravity that is noticeable in the Senate meets with no sympathy or imitation in tho House. The officers of both llouse3 give emi nent satisfaction, nor do the members train in tho narrow grooves of party as much us has been their wont during former sessions ; except during tho or ganization and the Senatorial fight thcro have boen no strict party votes given. The social relations of the members are pleasant acd friendly all around. Ono drawback to the rapid transaction of business in tho House is tho presence of so many members who are given to oratory and speech mak ing. Mr. Cheesoman, of Lake, docs a good sharo of the talking, and usu ally talks well, too. Lawrence, of Ba ker, seldom slights an opportunity for saying something, and talks gracefully, fluently and in a very interesting man ner when he does talk. Messrs. Fen ton and Ferguson, of Yamhill, aro also more than average speakors. Goodsei!, McBride, Chambers and Gilbert on the Republican sido seem to take the load in the way of oratory, but there aro many besides those already enumerated who can tulk when the “ spirit moves them. ” It speaks very poorly for the newspaper enterprise of the State, that no paper can afford to furnish even the scantiest synopsis of what is said in either House. The explanations which membors sometimes give are often os- HeutiaMu unclear understanding oTtheir conduct. FTEACHER3’ I nstitute .—Tho Jackson County Teachers’ Instituto will hold its next regular session- in tho Ashland Academy on Friday aní Saturday, Oct. 20th and 21st, 1876. Tho Instituto will open on Friday morning, at 9 o’clock, and the day will be oocupied in illus trations of the different methods of teaching. In the evening the follow ing queaticn will bo open for discus sion: Resolved, That it is tho duty of tho present Legislature to increase the school tax and enact a law enfcrc ing compulsory education. Saturday will be spent in discussing methods of teaching. I q the evening I’rof. J. W, Merritt will address the Institute. All teachers aro requested and ex- peclod to be present and assist in try ing to make this tho most interesting session over held in Jackson County. J. H. S kidmore , President. J. Q. W illits , Secrotary. ----- ■ ♦------- -— L ook out for T rouble !—We would advise the people of this county, who havo not already dono so, to (subscribe for tho T idings , as wo aro going for you in a few days. We expect to make á thorough canvass of tho county, and you will find tho easiest way to got rid of ns is to subscribo. ’S » f sw J. M. McCALL à Ca, Propr’s. PARLOR Read Their News ORGAN JUST ARRIVED, AN BINENSE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS “ L uxury too D aring .”—To stand in some shady nook, these beautiful moonlight evenings, and hear tho hap py voices and see tho bouyant steps of the young folks on their way to singing school, week day evenings, or to a wed ding on Sunday evening. T he W eather . — Cool, pleaeant, moonshiny eveuings—we might add magnificent, soul inspiring, with adjec tives adfinem, and then half tho lovli- ness of our evenings would not be told. But th j days ! Ok, Jerusalem 1 Ain’t they hot I ------------------------------------------------------- M ore S heep .—Bev. A. C. Howlet, of Butte Crock, has 6old his entire drovo of sheep to M. Hanly, and is now in Umpqua Valley buying a drovo of good owes to ra stock his farm. G one H ome .—Our old friend, Hon. Jesso Applegate, arrived in this place one day last week, on his way home from east of tho mountains. Ho seems to bo ol joying excellent health. ----------------------------------- ASHLAND STORE, Emporium of Ashland. Surpaspes to tone and power any IteeJ Orff n here tofore manufac’.urcd I d this country. It has lieen tested by m;u.y competent judge?, and g.Ves UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION AtVr thanktoff our many kind Patrons for past fuvors, we wish to call thtlr at- ten ion to our large stock of F all anl WinxEi; G oods , just received from S. F. J M i ■ Our new stock contains I. a large assortment of Xv D ry G oods , G roceries , Tk By a Ekllful use of the atop«,: nd of the patent knee 6weil, the music Is adapted to the human voice, ranging from the 6ofU8t fluie-like note to a vUume of sound W e nAD a pleasant cull from A. N. Gamble, of Portland, this week. He is visiting this part of the country in UNSURPASSED BY JAT OTHER the interest of tho Internal Bovenuo Department. C c ----------------------------------- L ucian A pplegate and family have been op pin" jt> »Us week. They aro on their way to Southern Califor nia, where they will spend tho Winter. We have any thing you Al may need in our line. K BOOTS and SHOES, Ready-made Clothing, Hats, T and Millinery Goods. X WE KEEP HARDWARE, IRON, Instrument. The propiletors tore rotod ce re fully, for many jesrs, the imperfect ions aikl Leeds of the STEEL, NAILS, BOLTS, G LASS, 0 reed toetruiuent?, and direct their practical experience to tho corredor of such imperfection?,’and th« ir ex perimente have resulted in the production of a quality CV3 HORSE SHOES, SHOE-SHAPE, ROrE, cwx of tone which aEsln.ila.tes to closely to th” | WOOLSACKS, PAINTS, OILS W A3 SOAP AND cutlery . XI D id you Go ?—Just put this query to some of the boys who didn’t get to The political caldron boils but mod bo at a wedding on last Sunday oven erately at present. Neither of the par PIPE ORGAN QUALITY cwo then run. ty clubs in this city seem to be much ing—and ---------------- ------------------- I FARMING IMPLEMENT, CROCKER Y * of a success. People have been over L ate .—The stage was ljxto on last A nu FRUIT CANS. surfeited with politics, and thero is Sunday evening, for some cause, and ovident danger, now, of going to the certain young folks were very anxious That Is difficult to distinguish ’xitwccn ths two. This tosti ument has all the other extreme and becoming too indif ubout its arrival. Oilcloth for Tables and ferent. Political orators may talk M ore F avors .—We acknowledge the themsdves hoarse ; partisan newspapers and Floors. nyilsum of §5 50 was donated by may build up formidable re- utations receipt of important documents from MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, P olitical .—Hon. A. C. Jones, J. R. for inveracity, ambitious demagogues Hon. J. M. McCall, this week. meLlfer3 present for the purpose of 4 Neil, Hon. H. Klippoll, Hon. W. J. and anxious expectants of official favors defying necessary expenses. A L arge and C hoice T hat N ew A d .—Did you eoo B. B. An.1 every organ Is fully warranted. jArge Oil 0 motion, the Secretary was re- Plymale and other prominent politi may grow frantic and vociferous, but Polish, EluCk Walnut I’anelled CcejB S election of TEAS. tilted to prepare a copy of the above cians of Jacksonville visited our town the .people at largo, if I am tot greatly Hargudino’s pioclamation last week ? that forms, in addition to a It will pay you to read it. pr, aoedings for publication in the en masse on last Monday evening. The mistaken, aro going to vote pretty much splendid instrument of music, a first two gentlemen addressed the Til as thoy ploase. Tho pay their money Tu ings . L indsey A pplegate , I’rcs. Nsw A ds .—Head the notice of the We have just received a select den and Hendricks Club on that occa (that’s UEquestionable) and aro entitled Applegate Bros. They have been mak (!. B. W atson , Sec. ----------------- ------------------- assortment of the best brands of sion. ing new arrangements. to have their choice. ---------------------- ------------ 1!-------------- 3IAUTÎFUL PIECE OF ÍURMTURE. ’’ ax L evy .—Tho following is the T omatoes .—If the people of the WEATHER AND CROPS. D ied .—A child of Senator G tccd , of ort of the County Assessor for Jack- Eastern States could see that basket The Willamette Valley is now ex Joscphino County, died ut Salem on t Î F son County for the yoar 1876 1 of targe tomatoes (the basket was periencing really magnifient weather, the 22d ult. dross value of all property, §1,850,» large too) our country would soon fill which is in grateful contrast with the 8D; amount of indebtedness, §115,- up. Only think of a dozen or so toma “ G uay G oose ” has fuvored U3 with CIGARS AND PIPES. cold, rainy weather at tho opening of ; exemption, §187,908. Taxable toes filling a large baket. a communication, which will appear the session. And fair weather is es property in the county, §1,247,519. This organ needs only to bo seen to lie appreciated, We will sell our goods at the X(imber of polls, 764. ' C enteknializing .—Mr. C. C. Beek pecially desirable to the Webfoot far next week. and 1 j sold at extremely The following, tax levy was made: man, accompanied by bis little son mer at tho present time; many fields lowest cash price, or exchange for Odds and Ends. S ¡ate tax, G% mills ; School tax, 3 mills; Benny, passed through Ashland for of grain aro still unharvested, and all kinds of C’Lunty tax, 10% mills. Total, 20 mills. New York and the Centennial on tho much damage must certainly have been Lots of houses aro better than house |Tho following amount was also or- 22nd ult. no will be gone about sixty done by the rains which wo have al lots. MARKETABLE PRODUCE. ready bad. The farmers of this valley ' ¡red levied on all able-bodied men days. J. n. V. B. Mills passed through CDjoy the questionable advantage of zer 21 and under 50 years : State poll M essrs . L. N. B rowning and G. W. having two seasons at once—tho sow on tho stago, last evening, His initials We see no cause to change our n, §1 ; County poll tax, §1; Hospi- Ford, of Grave Creek, paid our town ing and harvesting seasons—and all will probably arrive to-day. »1, $2. A Minnesota editor’3 excuse for dis- a visit during this week. It was their persons cf agricultural experience will The Assessor presented his list of first visit, and they expressed them readily understand what a busy time continuing the publication of his pa- arsons liable to military duty, which selves highly delighted with Ashland. it make3 for them. What sort of per was that everybody elso stopped (Mule or fumate) in every county to Hie United States -as accepted and ordered on file. tho paper and he thought ho would. and Canada. W. C. M yer has gone with his stock weather wo shall have for tho State L ake C oun ” w A head .—Mr. J. P. A Salem Chinaman struck a little fivo Fair, is the disturbing question just It still remains toberts has sent ns a box of Early to the State Fai? Mr. Myer has spent now, but, as that evont is close at hand, year old boy named Rounds in the leg ----- 0 Jose potatoes raised on an island near many years in search of a stock of we will soon see what wo shall see. with a stone, on Friday, injuring L’ ie iis store two or three miles from Link- horses that not only please the eye but “Quick Sales & Small Profits." so that tho little fellow is unable to W m . W ilson . give entire satisfaction when tried, — ------------ ♦ ----------------- dlle. Said box contains four potatoes walk. --------------- -------------------- T omato P aste .—Scald and peel as hi oh weigh six pounds—pretty good Call and examine our stock, and A man named Lusk was run over and A L!BEEAL DISCOUNT W ine .—We acknowledge the com many tomatoes as will fill a large stone )t Early Rose potatoes, Mr. Roberts killed on the South Umpqua last week. pliment of two bottles of fresh native if you do not see what you want, nd swamp land. If this land was only wine from Mr. Jasper Houck, of the jar. Set them in a warm oven for an Ho leaves a wife and two little children WILL EE hour, then skim oil tho watery liquor, G all for it . rained (?) we think it might eventa Ashland House, To the best of our press and squeeze them in a sieve; add in destitute circumstances al Coquille lly make fair agricultural land. Sept. 21st, 1S76. nolötf. judgment they are A 1. salt, caycnno pepper, pounded mace City. id; to Teachers, Minister?, Churches, .School», A woman is very like a kettle if you Li>E^-i , etc., when-ti «-re 1» bo agent for the Star A n E ye to B us ' iness .—Messrs. Card B ead O utside .—Eugene Lawrence’s and cloves to your tasto; to evory quart yell & McMahon, ailer buying the letter and Chewaucan correspondence of tomatoes allow half a pint of beet come to think of it. Sho sings away Orgiu. Illustrated cateb-ffue ar.d price list free. NURSE à THATCHER, solicited. Address the manufactu ;aion Livery Stable, cast about to will be found on our outside page to vinegar; stew all slowly for three hours, so pleasantly—then eho stops—and Correspondence rer?, nd the best medium to let the people day ; also decisions of the G. W. C. stirring well until it becoms a smooth, when you least expect it sbo boils Dealers in thick paste. Then j nt it into small over. ;now it You can learn their conolu- T. of the I. O. G. T. jars and cover with egged papers. It ion by a reference to our new adver Tho Burlington Herald says : ** Cows DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, F bver . — Miss Sarah McCabe is lying is excellent when fresh tomatoes are se meats to-day. are used in the South as a medium of ------------------ +■ at Mr. A.V. Gillett’s, in this place, quito not to be had, and is a nice addition to exchange, which arrangement is said CAPS, BOOTS und SHOES’, ” D rugs .—Dr. Chitwood has just low with fever. We are glad to an-1 soup. to be next thing to bully.” We won WASHINGTON, N. J. a largo stock of drugs, medi- nounce, however, that her symptoms N ew G oods .—J. M. McCall & Co. der if they are taken on old a-cow-bts. ntndies and other “pizens.” are slightly improving. HARDWARE, FANCY GOODS, Last Monday evening one of the have received another largo invoice of not seo his new ad.? O------- C alled I n .—Wo had the pleasure of goods. Oh, those lovey, dovey, ducky prisoners in tho Dallas jail, who gave Y ankee N otions , W. A. M c P herson and family ar a call from Dr. B. L. Parker, late of little ladies’ Luts und big ladies’ hats ! his name as Charley Ross, and who rived this week, and henceforth will Crooked Creek, Lake County, Oregon. And such a largo lot of good boys’ was committed on a charge of stealing II. W. A lleuek , T. B. M c M urtrie , O ruct rics. Crockery, Paints, Oils, El'., make u welcome addition to the society The doctor intends locating in Ashland clothing ! You just ought to see about §100 from Mr. Snyder, managed CL P. Bott EBY, E dward P lotis . them ’ for the Winter. «f Ash.and. Lake county, OrcgoD. to break jail and escape. (Sf pt. 27, ’7«: 1 yr.) Ì Linkville, POLITICS. Xa Alléger, Bowlby&Co., A