Image provided by: Rogue Valley Genealogical Society; Medford, OR
About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1876)
THE ASHLAND 51 on th olRojjue River. TIDINGS. TELÉG RA PlllC NEWS. Dissolution of Co-partnership. ASHLAND MILL NOTICE! STOVE A correspondent of the Statesman, [From the D. ily Oregoaiao.] OCTOBER 7, 1876. •SATURDAY otice is given that the co - part - writing from Port Orford, under dute IIE EAGLE MILIX, SITUATET ONE AND nershlp teretofore exiting bitween 1.1)., L. B elgrade , Sept. 20.—It is said that T B. an 1 O. C. Applegate, under the firm name of a half niilefl north oi Ashtand, hatson of Sept. 17th, say3 : Tbo entrance at Prince Milan will leavo for Paratehin Applegate Bros., is this day ¿iieolved by mutual Our Indian Policy. D constantly makiiw an excellent art.cle of flour. the mouth of Rogue River is easy, for i cumene— O. C. Appkgite w ithdraw iig. A co-part- All tnoee desiring to purclaee their When we cay that the present policy vessels of 12 feet draft on tide. The | early next week. This is regarded as nershjp wi 1 be con'ibved by the remaining parties, -AND- WINTER SUPPLY OF FLOUR of the Indian Department, in regard to steamer Continental has taken several proof of tbo improbability of any under the name of I. D. A L. B. O. Applegate. C. ArPLVGATE, L. 11. A pplegate , Wifi do Wifi to call at the mill ; will also the Indians of this coast, is a total fail cargoe3 of lumber this season to San peace arrangements being concluded. I. D. A pplegate . exchange, 3S ot flour, 8 of brari and_ - of»t ort It is said to bo highly probablo that S wan L ake , Tz;ke Conirty, OregoD, Septeml>er i er bushel of gwd wheat; will Back »ad brand the ure, we believe that we but speak the Francisco. Tho bar is usually smooth, I 30th, 1876. 17; lw. sacks -customers tofurmeh the sack». Prince Milan will be crowned king as sentiments of nine tenths.of the liardy the channel plain and, sinco the mill! 1.. S trongt I 8^)1. 26,1 mo. Miller. soon as ho is removed from tbo re- men and women who have, in long company started, the steamer has made ! ardware tore years of toil, hardships and peril, open quite regular trips. Tho fall run ot straint of Belgrade. Three hundred and sixty Cossacks arrived in Belgrade ed np to civilization the vast wealth of HE STILL UVES. salmon at the mouth of Rogue River is Friday, 200 more are expected on Sat the Pacific Coast. It is evident that good. Messrs. Riley, Stewart & Co. our Indian Department has been cap have tdken a3 high as 2,200at one haul, urday and 500 on Sunday. lhero was a serious dispute yester tured by a class of well meaning phi j which they putin barrels for tho San -AND— ARCHITECT AND HOUSEBUILDER. day between Prince Milan aLd llistics, lanthropists who have never seen an In Francisco nny^ets. Servian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Granite Street, - ■ Ashland. dian, or who have not tbo least concep who ' I Q the interior everybody goeg and llistics insisted on an armistice, but WILL DO tion of Indian character. Men ’__ ! freight is taken on horseback. But the Prince would not listen to the pro have set themselves up as a jury to de-! I few roads on tho coast, as yet. anything in my line position. Ultimately the war party eide matters between the frontiersmen I B. F. REESER, Proprietor. As most of the couutry is unsnrveyed prevailed, and llistics tendered his rcs- ON SHORT NOTICE on the one side and tho Indians on the , A . ______ ,. . jo , law is .............. 1__ 5__ ... . .. . , ; government land tho no-feLce i ignation, which the Prince declined. other, knowing nothing of tho relations ! the J AND AT THE LOWEST TERMS. puo the stock men prefer for Curry With difficulty llistics was persnsded existing between them. They seem to SASII, County, especially on exclusively pas to remain in office. England aud Italy Granite Street, have assumed that the white American DOORS, turage districts. citizens who have settled on our bor Since the steamer has opened c trade are greatly excited at Strvia rejecting FURNITURE, tbo armistice. The British Representa- ders aro semi-barbariani, not superior Ma<l/to order. between Ellensburg and Ban Frnncitco i live, speaking on behalf of Earl Derby, Ashland, Oi ego il in any way to the nativo Digger whoso quite an interest is taken by tlio citi said Scrvia must no longer rely on I Picture Framing, &c. canso they havo espoused. On the zens along tho Rogue River Valley for I England for sympathy, which sho no I aving just returned from ban other hand they havo formed a kind of I I Wheat, Oats, Lumber, nr Cash taken iu a Letter cutlet cf the growing products Marsh &, Valpey. Francisco, with the best telecied »luck of I i longer deserves. exchange for work. Call and seo ma. Coopcrian idea of our Diggers, which thereof. Roguo River is now naviga A dispatch from Pclg-ado says Gen. Ashland, June 23d, 1$76. no2tf. would certainly bo dispelled by a few ble from Ellensburg to the mouth of Sumarokoff, the Russian onvoy, is com months’ contact with real Indian char Illinois River, 35 miles, at all seasons, ing to Belgrade as was expected. Tbo acter. When they had seen tho aged S ubscribe for the father aud mother, who had become a by freight barges or small steamboats ; Russian inundation is steadily crowd- STOVES, HARDWARE, burden to their progeny, fall beneafh ihcnco therois a feasible route for a i ing out the Servian clement. Prepa i SASII, tho tomahawk of a noble son, cr left i 1 wagon road to Galice Creek, and thus rations that are making in Belgrade alone to die on tho desert, wo would i , become connected with tho wagon road I and on the border of Russia are iucon just entering its second year it is DOORS, MOULDINGS, ¡at Galico Creek and thence with the i sistent with pacific declaration of tbo probably hear no moro of tho absurd ENLARGED ANO IMPROVED, roads to Jacksonville end tbo produc AND— and worthy tie patronage of sentimentalism cf “noble chieftains” cabinet at St. Petersburg. There are ing valleys to tho seaboard in tho short- ! every well-wisln r ol ti e Pacific BEDSTEADS, good grounds for supposing that Rus weopiDg over their fathers’ graves. North west. It is est and mest direct line, and ono that sia will socn openly take the responsi When they havo seen, as wo have, would bo cheapest freight line cf anv. bility of war which sho Las been wag Beautifully Illustrated BREAKFAST, DININ«, women and children butchered by In by the leading artists on the Coast. Some of dians who had been taken into their Freight from San Francisco could be ing under the flimsy cover of Servian TUE ABLEST WRITERS families when but mere boys, and landed at tho mouth cf Illinois River lings. at $10 per ton, aud with a road, taught, dressed and every way treated The ,87. dispatch from Deli- in tho Pacific Northwest contribute to its through freights to Jacksonville, Ga- columns. As a as ono of their own family, wo will grade states that the Servians have fu EXTENSION lice, Kirbyville cr Ashland, be reduced hear no moro from them of tho nobility riously attacked the Turks and have FAMILY JOURNAL, to cue-fourth tho present rates. Ever bnu_ht to Ashland, I nm prepare!, to sell been again repulsed with alossof l : 500 of Indian character. It is thoso mis -------- ---------------- ---- in my line, FOll CASH, cLe-qir than it stands at the head of Pacific Coast publi TABLES, everything I lie che. putt. 6 men. Another battlo ¡3 imminent. guided and misinformed people who cations. As a ¡taper to Mate Mews. r'JTW compose our E»stern peace societies, SEND TO FRIENDS Grasshoppers nutaerou3 near Boise M ARRIE». BUREAUS, induced tho Government to turn over abroad, it ha« no equal A single number STOVES, NAILS, ROPE, the Indian Department to them, and City. will give them a belter idea ol Oregon and Gori:—J ac ks .—At the residí neo of Ninety-two dogreoa in tho shade on Washington Territory than a year’s numlx-rs they have transformed it into one vast LOUNGES, the bride’s ioster f.ithcr, near Phoenix, CHAIRS, of any other paper. Subscription pricoj the 28th at Salem. DORcE-SnOES, AXES, CARPENTER TOOLS, sectarian missionary society. A. Wil- *41,50 PER YEAH, Some fifty new residences havo been Sept. 28 th, 187-;, by Dev. M. A We do not wish to be understood PICTURE FRAMES, Hams, Mr. Walter S. Goer and Misa including postage. Sample number, 20cte. that we havo any word of fault to find added to Albany this year. • Au«l everythirg kept, iu a flrît-cl «8 Carolita Jacks. Address the publisher, There aro four Siwash patients in the with these good people who are anxious WASH BOARDS, Fox — P eel — At the residence of I.. SAMUEL, to reclaim this vast desert of human Tort Townsend smallpox hospital. r. o. Rix a, Wilson Potter, on Butte Creek, Oct. Portland, Ogn. Stove and Hardware Store. degradation ; but what wo do wish to Tho hop yield of Yakima Valley'is An<l all kinds of furnitnro on hand, and R/'mlttances c n be mnde by regietert-l Jetut 1st, by Rev. J. 11. N. Bell, Mr. Heaton have understood is that every unbiased nearly a ton and a half per acre. or by order on a: y of t:ie l'or:l ull E uh I ih .1»» H ou -ee. made to order. nol3-2ni <z man and woman who has hud an oppor In eomo parts of Washington Terri Fox, of Ashland, and Mrs. Morictta Peel, of Butte Creek. tunity to become acquainted with In tory the rains havo ruined the hops. FARMERS’ HARROWS, B itirill —S tevens .—At tbo resi dian habits and instincts, and tho pres THE ASHLAND ACADEMY. - The barn of Mr. Warren Cranston, dence cf the bride’s parents, Big Val Agency for the ent working policy, is anxious to see Of superior quality, and latest style« fllho Full Term of tl.e Ashland Academy & separation of Chnrch and Stato in in tho Waldo Hills, was burned on tho ley, L ifscù GauxAy,- Sept. Uth,, lùLi, order. .1 will commence ou next Monday, S« pt 23d inst. JloiiZ, slAYnrrn ( our reservations. It has many bad by Rev. W. Pratt, Mr. Wm. 11. Bur- 1 a . 1 Graining doue lo >rder in the Mill, or in ftìlctt & Gibbs’ Sewing Machines, Ith. Five hundred tens of n i’.ro.’d iren ^ill tu Mina Mary E. Stevons. phases to it. In the first place, as ex All expecting to attend, will do well tc S_ V.___ I the country. Canvassing ceilti’g, Puj er aro on tho wharf ut ¿Seattle be prt-M’iit th»» first <l.»y. Er tbo S. porienco has taught, it is calculated to h inging, C.ilooraining, Wlii'ewusliiiig, Ae ¿.-Thanking our friends fur tbeir liberal pat. on ¡1 (>rtes! possible no'ice. generate sectarian jealousies, the like cc \V. M. Ii. R. the beet faiully anchine cade. I'GiLu ’ e iTT' 1 - 1 " past, we bespeak its i!icr»-a- The umleisigned takes this opj orlttnity for the fntur^L^*-11”1^.1":^ en!er ut aa Nearly five hundred families hate of whioh has already furnished dark o! 'eudering our thanks to our many friends time during th? n TiilUv.. f'h*rged on chapters in tho history of Oregon. A settled in tho 1’alouie and Snake Iliver and patrons tor liberal favors during tie - AT THE - for the time in nttendance. last, two years, and are happy to sa iytli«t<u combination of Church and State do- country this year. J. H. SKIDMORE, Princip nil Qiii ’ifi<re ' have, during the last winter and spring, feats the ends of both, as tbo duties of nenrv Dwight, of Union County, . nol! erected additional machinery, and improved our facilities (or uianufuctuiing iu the above Indian agent and Christian missionary has been appointed U. 8. Land Reg THE BAIN WAGON, line of business. are totally incompatible, as is provod ister at La Grande. MARSH & VALPEY. by the facts showfa in the management Fifteen vestdes wero built in tho Pu -.Ashland, Juno 17th, 1876. nollf. of the reservation almost in onr midst. get Sound district during the year end Champion Mower & Reaper, HE UNDERSIGNED TAKES PLEASURE IN We find that the agent has but little ing Juno 30tb, 187G. Calling the atte» ion uf uie public luti« new and T well til ited ttock i f control over the Indians in matters of THE SODA SPRINGS John Taylor, an old'resident of Salem, CLOSING out 1TTI8’ BUFFALO IIIRE3IIER, &C. government or infl"ence on their moral died on tho 221 and was Luried to-day —AND— status. This is just what might bo ex' with Masonic ceremonies. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, pocted ; that strict, firm discipline, nec .John Mcttman, employed in Dean A: Just revived from Sau Erari’see, which he is olì' essary to govern these savages, will SEWING MACHINE CASTORS, il g at the Co.'s mill, MarsLtiold, sawed the counteract tb|»t mild persuasive course —oo— tc fit tiny and i ll sewing machines. thumb cf hia right hand badly. Always on baud, and mode to urder, the’very best necessary to turn even a savage from LOWEST FO3S1SLE PKICE*. Ho! U nto A ll W ho T hirst ! quality of Tho Eaglo Mini'ug Company, Coos hi3 barbarisms; or, ¿ 5 e re; . Thus COME YE UNTO TIIE we hold that the present Indian policy j County, commenced washing sund on TIN, SHEET-IRON & COPPER-WARE, is a failure, for, as wo have said, the i the ldtb, wiLh encouraging prospects. Produce taken in exchange for good*. n>i. r fen ! duties of an Indian agent aud a mis The editor of the l)<d: B. F. REESER. ’HIE UNDERSIGNED WISHING Td sionary in the same person aro wholly i ncnnce3 himself as ‘‘ seargent ” at-arms . sell out and quit business, oilers his g>)ui)A pring N. B All persons inch bted to me by note or ac stock of goods at retail, lor incompatible. v i j of the Dallas literary society. A ppell- Overland Condition Powders ! count, will please come forward ami pay up within It may be saiJ that many good men j ing class would help that society we IMi!" <<5 his own niu'iur.cture he cm cotfilently Ihiriy <l.iye, and eave coats. r- ci..undid ihera. lie ult>u j repare» a bjrup ui B. F. R. on this coast who havo had an opportu [ opine. and hoxehuuuJ alai Ashland, June 17th, ISTfi. nultf nity to investigate these mutters, in Without Money, and Without Between Harrisburg and Halsey, tho J ' FOR CASH. eluding tho Commanding General, ad '■ harvesting is about all finished up. M Q ii Ts t a i. ei B r I m I Price. A. D. HELMAN. J. D. FOUNTAIN. vocate this Church and ¿State system. South of tho former point thcro aro For CoMs, Cut.J.s and Diseases if the Lung», which be has m-ed m. i:y years in hie practice, aLd fuaud to rpilE UNpERSIGNED aro now keoping In reply wo will say that a very little several crowds, that have from eight to 'w a very valuable remedy. * Wishing to commence business, would de’ investigation of tho facts will show sixteen days’ work yet to do. J . II. ('hi. tvood. well to call on me. as I will sell my whole HELMAN & FOUNTAIN, N. 15.- 1 le 1 as ii ’ f-o on hand an as.ortmeut of line that most of the men who speak favor Thcro is a handsome butterfly on stock on easy terms, and «cut them my store, VV1N1.S ¡ I IQl (ill' fur medicinal purposes. ably are either men chosen by- these board tho Midiad -Amjelo, in Portland, in the mean time, I would say to peri-ons I peace societies for their favorable opin which the captain states tligLted on and having repaired and refi!od tlio same, — a s^r yxt oa _ UNION LIVERY ions on this subject or those holding i the deck of tLo vessel when sho was 1,- fil_ A f IXG rVRCEASED TI1E tXTI1Œ STOCK are now prepared to accommodate all who That I expect to stifft, for San Francisco places of cmolumoT.t under them. may favor us with a call. Prices to suit 850 miles from land. WLere uid the soon, and would like to have my money be illese hard time''. gaudy wanderer como from, ucross the Sioux Treaty Concluded. fore starting. I may stay in San Francisccy trackless waste of waters ? GENERAL MERCHANDISE, most of the Winter on account of ill health. The Marble Business We learn from tbo dispatches this Johnny Williams, depot agtnt and If I do not sell out intirely before starting, week, that the Indian Commission ti legiaph opt rator for the O- A; C. 11. Will still be a speciality. All orders in my bu.-iuess will be left with E. J. Farlow this line promptly filled in the best manner concluded a treaty with the Sioux In DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SIIOES, and J. Q. Latta, with instructions to sell II. Co., at Roseburg, while switching Corner of 4th and California UL ù . j und at reasonable rates, dians on the 20th inst. The treaty C heap F or C ash , but STOP the credit part, some cars at that place on the 28th, Addie'S, as usual, provides for their removal to a new and make a desperate effort to close down slipped and fell, the car pat sing over J. II. & A. II. RUSSELL, Ashland. F JHIL T’NDEI.SIGNED reservation. The telegraph gives so that I can in4he Spring, either sell out, (■'i'.'*! the ub>ve nanu much detail of chieiiains’ tears aDu ouo foot, mashing it in a terrible man.. • Ü '. ¡ sK . i .V V/11 -l,I i, i>< • '4 ¿e. ve or freeze out; and to collect every cent pos ’ i ’ le th:;t they .re <1 ern.ii fathers’ graves, and is considered to be ncr. The fcot was literally mashed to I the sible. Woe be unto you! Who are owin^ i Cjutiuu.'iLce uf t tie p itrun. -OF TIIE— a triumph for Peace Societies ; but we a jelly and a number of bones protrud ' ¡i? .st ’.'eii u. aLcreil mi inc in the Spring. R- B- II argjuhsb . ed from the fieri). opine that a regiment of Bishop Whit Ashland, Sep. 2«lh, 1876. nolfit! fill IE UNDERSIGNED WILL BE FOUND A correspondent v, ’ riling to the tle’s would not have succeeded in ob JL *t hi* shop oil Main struct, two doors ('•, Sept. 9th, says: The wheat crop W . have constantly on haul ¡he very >>eBt f.omthe livery stables, where be is prepared Ashland Business Association, taining a treaty, had not these crafty INTERESTING TO FARMERS I to do all kinds of work iu bis line at the Siwash smelt powder from the muzzles of Coca County, so fr.r a3 wb have yet SADDLE HOUSES, lowest, price. been ablp to learn, y ill net, we ihiuk, of Gen. Crook’s rifles. »IIE UNDERSIGNED, BELIEVING XT WAGONS, BUGGIES AND ALL KINDS I average half a crop ; and in ^umo in . tu bo to the mutual advauVge of BUGGIES AND The Caledonian coal mine bids fair stances, late sown wheat is not worth Of Vehicles Made to Order. Millers and Farmers, j to be as good as eny yet opened on harvesting. Rust striking tLe wheat: lb pairing of all kinds ¿one with dispatch, Coos Bay. It is only 1,300 feet from in tLo latter part of >une, is, beyond a! l‘ur¡H>H; re’hrg the Baine un terna* und at prices Have made arrangements whereby the I call and rue me. to suit the time«. navigable water on Isthmus slough, doubt, the cause oi tbo almost entire | nol'f, JOHN RALPH. Ashland and Phoenix Mills! where any vessel that crosses Ceos Pay failuro of tho late sown wheat. On ! ALSO BOOK«?, STATIONERY, bar can come. About half this dis ! the Coquille fall wheat fulls but little ■ « »u resomi >!e t-rnis :in,l il» m ?'. ut car* aul a’.’en- Will be under the management of r GN THE TSADE. ton W agner , who will have charge tance is graded and wooden rails laid, short of an average crop. But, owing ! ’l.i be hu > upuxi ln¿m w,i 1« uuler ihtir ciioxge. both Mills for the Company during the ei WISH TO SAY TO MY PATRONS aud the balance of the way is graded. 1 to tho small amount of fall wheat sown, Also, I ing year, euding Jul\lst, 1877. that I am prepared to take in payment Mr. Hutebinson Las tLo wooden rails j Coos County, we thick, w ill not pro Horses Bought and Sold. e will pay the highest market price ot subscription to the T idings all kinds of good merchantaide wheit, and are preps- aud strap iron on the ground to com dneo enough wheat to support one- marketable produce, such as Wheat. Fiour, We win gunatee saBi<fiictlon Is •!) our taue., Lnml^-r, Wood, Dried Fruit, Eggs, Butter, to contract th ur at $18.00 per thoic plete the road, which will be done by fourth its present population. Tho acauli?. O alidwell & M c M auon . pounds at the Mills. Cheese, Beans, Bacon. Lard, etc. Arrange &C>, AC.j Dec. 1st. Office of the Company at the Ash! yield of oats is comparatively good, ments have been made, whereby parties Mills. Addiros, bringing in more produce than enough to A large number of immigrants Lave while hay is above an average yield, i •i* Jiuii • < ir e,ine. t!oi¡ wi»h Un- UuiuU l.ivery Produce taken in excliange at the highest market WAGNER, ANDERSON & ■ pay their subscription. can receive mer- , taken up land on (Jvquille ilivtr in tLe , Futtituus aiu in suiuu localities very st.. . j, WUUid lierptuk u vulilina.xbce uf ll.C fe-lUie 1 chauditv al CASH RATES lor the balance. pnce. ' FARMER'S GO., HELMAN i FOUNTAIN. lol*. IU a ^CL m U.S. Kl oi WlLUvA.. V4bt yuir. uvlJif. A’.LUad, Oregt bukf. ■ pocr. . J. M. oUTluN l'ublLber. i ( Ashland. Jcix Dili, No. F; u N PLANING MILL S H , I. O. MILLER, Furniture Factory, H WEST SHORE « I Ashland Drug Store! CLOSING OUT ! CLOSING OUT 1 S AND DRINK! COST ~T~ g B R S 0 S The Soda Spring House « STABLES, A Vagón S P. of II I FREIGHT Candies, Nuts, Toys, 1