LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1922. MOODY Miss Ruth Branti and Mr. Alfred Andrew arrived Friday evculing to spend the Xuma vacation with their , parents, they are both students of the University of Oregon. The Moody school program had a large attendnr0 last Friday evenlns owing to the. bad weather, a badkut talnrr.ent wlilch was held in the new gymnasium as the church was not large enough to hold the people. Two trees wero put up, beautlffully decor ated and loaded with hundreds of nice presents. Moro than three hundred persons wer prsent, about half of them children. The program, which was quite long was enjnyed ny an present, it was wel Born to Mr and Mrs. Henry Good ell, Dec. 20, a nine pound girl. Henry wears a nice cherry smile since the arrival of the little baby to bless their home. v Mr. and Mrs. Cha'croft and daugh ter, Miss Allie, went to Seattle to spend Christmas with their son, Pick ering and his wife. They will be gone about a week. dinner was served at noon which was I indeed one of the most enjoyable af- enjoyed by all. falrB ever held In Siletz, not only by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blower and child- the children but by the grown-ups as u npeiu v,nnsimas ariernoon at tne Tangen home. ' Mr, and .Mrs. Carl Tangen were callers at the Zeb Blower home Sun day afternoon. Mr. Baker and son, Jtmmle, of Newport arrived at Moody Sunday to spend a few days visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Zeb Blower. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tangen attend the Christmas exercises at the M. E. church at Toledo. Mr. and Mrs. Branti and family spent Christmas at the Andrew home Mr. and Mrs. Z'tb Blower ct.llud on Mrs. Emma Day Thursday. Miss Pearl and Thelma Caeteel of Albany arrived Wednesday evening to spend a few days vlsiUng their aunt at Moody, Mrs. Carl Tangen. sTlItz Christmas was ushered :n by the elnglng of Carol sog3 at 0 o'clock a. m. by the following named persons, members of the Sunday school, Kussel Adams, Ellwood Towner, Charles Larijen, Arthur Pennoll, Austin Al tree, Artie Bensell, Margarett Millar, Lovolle King, Terlson and Linda Kim bel, Mr. and Mr3. Jess Daniels nnd Eddie Bensell. This bun. h of sl.igPis were chaperoned by Charles La.'scji, They were in a For i truck accompan ied by piano, pk-.yed by Mary Alice Bensell. The n.usic commenced on the Agency hill and then tiiey playol and sang In frorl of several of th" houses in town. It h;id Rtoppel rain ing and as the music rang cut on the still morning air it w:i3 much like the sweet voices o antjete. It was unique as such a thing had nevnr oTcnrrei at Siletz before. Suroly it had some thing to do In putting the spirit of Christmas Into the heartj of the peo ple for Siletz never had a nicer Christmas festival. The Sunday school gnve the enter- Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those who are In a "run down" condi tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are In Rood health. This fact proves that while Ciitarrh Is a local disease, it Is greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists ot an Ointment which Quickly Helievcs by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which assists In Improving the General Health. Sold by druKBl-its for over 40 fears. F, J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING The annual meeting or the stock holders of the Toledo Investment and Development Corporation vrifl be held at the Chamber cf Commerce Rooms In the city of Toledo on-the evening of January Sth, 1923, a-, 8 p ?. The annual election of officers PACE THREE SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TA l is OF OREGON FOR LINCOLN COUNTY. L. W. Williams, plaintiff, vs. De- Witt C. Henry, J. K. Weatherford. Ivy May Henry, Charles W. Smith and O. Mlddlekauff, defendants. To DeWitt C. Henry, Ivy May Henry and Charles W. Smith, defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the amended complaint and answer and cross complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the last date of publication of this summons, to-wit: January 11th, 1923, and if you foil so to answer the plain tiff and the defendant J. K. Weather ford will apply to the above entitled court for the relief demanded in the said amended complaint and in the said answer and cross complaint, to wit: That plaintiff may have judge ment against defendant Dewitt C. Hen ry in the sum of $501.67, with intereav at 8 per cent par annum from Novem ber 25, 1916, $154.04 with interest thereon at 6 per cent per annum f -om November 25, 1916, and $60.00 attor neys' fees and his costs and disburse ments therein; and that defendant J. K. Weatherford may have Judgment against defendant DeWitt C. Henry In the sura of $Cb0.00 with interest there on at 7 per cent per anuuin from April 26, 1913, and the further sum of claiming by, through or under you said defendants, may be barred and foreclosed of any estate, right, title Hen or Interest" in or to said moi-'. gaged premises or any part thereof, and for such other and further relief as may be equitable and Just. This summons is served upon you by piib'lratlon in accordance with nn order made by the Hon. C. W. James, county judgo of Lincoln County, Ore gon, which snld order is dated Novem ber 27th, 1922, and which requires that this summons be published In the Lin coln County Lender for six consecu five nnd succesfi've weeks beginning with the ls3ue of November 20th, 1922 O. B. McCLUSKEY, Attorney for plntntlff. P. O. Address: Tnlprln Dro Date of 1st publication Nov. 30, 19'2. Date of last publication, Jan. U, 1923! NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned, executor, of the estate of William Hall, deceased, has filed in the county court of Lincoln county, state of Oregon, his final ac count as such executor of said estate, and that Tuesday the 2nd day of Jan uary, ijit, at me nour of nine oclock a. m. has been fixed bv said court n the time for hearing of objections to Bald report and the settlement thprn. Of. BENJAMIN FRANK HALL, Executor of the estate of William Hall, deceased. Nov. 30 Dec. 28. IN8URANCE FIRE, LIFE, HEALTH & ACCIDEl AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTORS' LIABILITY C. K. CROSNO, Toledo, Oregon Office In First N. B. Bldg. . f- - f t I j fFl T VTTTTT TTTTTTT TT T TT I W V ENGAGEMENT RINGS See our Special $50.00 and $75.00 Diamor.d rings: others priced from $25.00 to $900.00. F. M. FRENCH & SONS Jewelers Opticians Albany, Oregon. rT W'l I TTTTTTTTtTTT T T T I T I " 1 1 nnn nrt iiu i . .1 ... will take Dlnoe at this meetine. All """ interest tnereon at the subscribers for stcck who have fully paid for same line1 have t'.teir certi ficates of stock will be entitled to vote at this meeting. P. FREDERICK, 44 2t Secretarv. NOTICE Absolutely no hunting allowed on my plac; U. F. Early. 37 10 paid NOTICE TO COWMEN On account of contagious abortion being present in our counlry I posi tively will not take in any outside ser vice to my bull without the owner ha3 a certificate of health for "abortion. 43 3t L. A. HULBERT. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. NOTICE is hereby given that the ini A.u .nni n .1 ...I ..... C .1 rata nf K n. or,. . luuiiiiuuuLur Ol IUB CS- " "n tate of Fred Kuensler. deceased, will fin. m . fl 0J attornTy virlue of a "iir M duly made ... auu umuuiBKiueiiis ,ana entered ot record in the County therein; that the mortgages executed I Court of Lincoln County, Oregon, on uy 8aiu ueienuant uo- te -un uay or December, 1922, author win . rienry to tne plaintiff, record- llzing and teniiinir tIir nnrtoruinoH ed in book 8, mortgage records of Lin- administrator of said estate to Bell the coin county, Oregon, at page 357 there-real property belonging to said estato, of, and in book 13, mortgage records of 11 w111 in pursuance thereof, on and at- Go Horns for I! Yuietids Holidays Why not surprise the folks at home with a visit at Yutetide. It will make them happy and you, too. Plan now to take advantage of 25 per cent Reduction in Round Trip Fares Between all stations where one-way fare is $30.00 or less. Sate dates: December 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31, January 1st Final return limit January 3rd. Frequent and Convenient Service will make your Journey a trip of pleasure. For further particulars ask agenta or write JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent Lincoln county, Oregon at page 280 thereof, to the defendant j. K. Weather ford, upon property described as fol lows, to-wit: The southwest quarter of the south east quarter of section 27, and the west half of the northeast quarter of section 34, in township 8 south, range 11 west of the Willamette Meridian, in Lincoln County, Oregon, be foreclosed and that said property be sold in the manner and form pro vided by law by the sheriff of Lin coln county, Oregon; that said sheriff place the purchaser in the immediate DOSKesalon ihnrpnf nr.rl rhnt iia First: To the payment of the costs of said sale; Second: To the amount of judg ment in favor of the plaintiff, includ ing principal and interest, taxes, attor neys' fees, costs and disbursements; Third: To the amount of judgment in favor of the defendant J. K. Weatherford, including interest, at torneys' fees, costs and disburse ments; Fourth: And the overplus, If any there be, to the defendant Dewitt C. Henry; , That said defendants Dewitt C. Henry, Ivy May Henry, and Charles W. Smith and each of them, and all persons claiming bv through, or und- 'er them. he hurrnil nni fciTnMnaaA t j from all title and equity in said prem- iises, except only statutory right of re demption, and that plaintiff and said defendant, J.K.Weatherford, may have nn mruier reuei as to tne court may seem equitable. This summons is published In the "Lincoln County Leader" once a week for six successive and consecutive weeks, commencing with the issue of November 30th, 1922, and ending with the Issue of January 11th, 1923, pur suant to the order of the Honorable G. F. Sklpworth. Judge of the Circuit 1 1 Court of the State of Oregon for Lin- coin county, dated November 24th, 1922. Dated this 24th day of November, 1922. B. F. JONES, Attorney for Plaintiff, Postoffica addreBs: Newport, Oregon. McFADPEN & CLARKE, Attorneys for defendant, J. Jv. weatnerrord, Hit 11 ?toff'c.f ddr.ef.s Corvallis, Oregon, uaitj vi lirsr puoncaiinn, iov. 30, l'JZZ. Date or last publication, Jan. 11, 1923 iff . " Broadway at Stark .. ffl Portland, Orb. ,: YOU ARE ASSURED A PERSONAL HOSPI- I TAL ITY AND INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION through the combined efforts of a staff, who after II years of training, understand the needs of the traveling public MUSIC, DANCING a.nd the BEST TO EAT I Arthur li. Meyers Manae 1 ter Saturday the Gth day of January, ivu, ai tne nour or ten oclock a. m. of said day, at the law office of o. R McCluskey, in Toledo, Lincoln county, Oregon, offer for sale at private sale to the highest bidder the following de scribed reaf property situate In Lln- uuin county, uregon, Deionging to said estate, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the center of i'oole blough on the 1-4 section line that is fifty (50) rods north of the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 2 In township 12 south of range 11 west of the Willamette Meri dian, in Oregon, running thence In a rsoutnwesteny direction along the cen ter or saia siougn rorty-one (41) rods, thence north and parallel to and with the 14 section line running through Baia section, tnirty-rlno rods, thence northeasterly and parallel to and with the first line herein fortv one rods. and to a point north of the place of be ginning, tnence south along the 1-4 section line in said section to the place or beginning, containing ten (10) acres more of less. Terms of Sale, cash in hand. Dated this 4th day of December, mzz. G. B. McCLUSKEY, Administrator of the Estate, First pub. Dec. 7, 1922. Last pub. Jan. 4, 1923. 6t ATTENTION FARMERS State school funds are now avail, able for loans on Improved agricul tural lands. Inquire of Miss Sara Crahen, Toledo, Oregon. 38 tf SUMMONS IN THE CTRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LIN COLN COUNTY. SUMMONS. N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LIN COLN COUNTY. STATE LAND BOARD OF THE STATE OF OREGON: Ben W. Olcott governor; Sam A. Kozer, secretary of state; o. p. Hotr, state treasurer; con stituting and styled "State Land Board of the State of Oregon," plaintiff, vs. O. L. Holgate, R. C. Wynant, Clar ence Hout, N. L. Gullllams. W. E. Gwynn, and Lincoln County bank, a corporation, defendant. To O. L. Holgate, R. C. Wynant, Clarence Hout, N. L. Guilliams. W. E. Gwynn and Lincoln County Bank. a corporation, the above named de fendants, , IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: , You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff nlea against you m the above en titled suit, on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, ond if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief demanded in its complaint, to-wlt: for a decree of this court foreclosing a certain mortgage executed by defend ant, O. L. Holgato, to plaintiff on the 10th day of January, 1912, on the fol lowing described real property situat ed In Lincoln County, Oregon. East- half or northwest quarter. southwest quarter of northeast quar ter and northwest quarter of southeast quarter of section eighteen In town ship twelve south of range eleven west of Willamette Meridian and that the above described tract ot land be sold by the sheriff of Lincoln county, Oregon, as provided by law to satisfy the amount due and owing to plaintiff on said mortgage: and far ther for a decree that yon said defend ants, and each of you, and a',1 persons Mflbrey Gibbs, plaintiff, vs. Harvey Gibbs, defendant. To Harvey Gibbs, the above named defendant, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit now on file in the office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Oregon, on or be fore the last day named in the order ior me publication . of summons, to wit: on or before six weeks from the first day of the publication hereof. And you are hereby notified that If you fail to appear and answer said complaint as herein required, the plaintiff will apply to the above entitl ed court for the relief prayed for In said coraplain.t to-wit: for a decree of said court dissolving the marriage contract existing between plaintiff and defendant, and awarding and decree ing to the plaintiff the care, custodv and control of the infant child, the Is- Bue oi said marriage, to-wit: Dorothy Gibbs, and for such other and furtli in- order and decree as the court mav deem meet and just. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof by order of the Hon. C. W. James, county Judge ot Lincoln county, Oregon, ninde on the 23rd day of November, 1922, directing publication thereof once a week for six consecutive and successive weeks, beginning with the issue of November 23rd, 1922, and ending with the issue of January 4th, 1923, in the LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, a weekly, news paper published and of general circula tion within Lincoln Countv, Oregon. C. E. HAWKINS, Attorney for plaintiff, P. O. address: Toledo, Oregon. 40-7L FIXALL SHOP . WELL WE FIX EVERYTHING CLOCKS A SPECIALTY Shoes, Boot, Clock, Watch, Umbrella, Pan, Bucket, Tub, Boilers, Flashlights, Cut Agate, Sharpen 8hears, Knives. Repair all kind of thing Dont throw anything away, Com In and tee us. Fornltur Repair- d. CEO. LICKEY FOWLER'S RESTAURANT Hill 8L, Toledo, Oregon Ask about our $1.00 PER DAY RATES Best established eating place In Lincoln County V. J. FOWLER, Prop. ENGINEERING WORK. Professional Engineer In the Sta of Oregon. Topography work, Clvt" Engineering and Sub-Division wor, A. J. McMillan, Toledo, Oregon Have Your Soles Sewed on. Prices Reasonable Mail Orders Promptly At ; tended to. ; DICK WENNER & SON Shoe machine repair shop Newport Oregon First Class Work Price Reasonable JOHN M. ATWATER ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP Mail Order Work a ?pec alty Toledo Oregon January Record ON SALE TODAY For Your " Convenience , ma 5 A S Artist BRUNSWICK. RECORDS PLAY ON AMY FHONOGHAPK Clip This List Popular Dattc.a Hits gHrctiorj Bpnnle K merer 's Orckeitlru , CH Frnton't Oriole TtiTBc) Orclteetro. . . I .-. Tm: : "I U'h '..iiii::' I:v-it n O'tl I rrir..ti..:iv --- ir .x 'I rot K-in- ' i'.'f. ...1.1 Villi -a of I J "itttrmt f.a:ir-"I ox I rH- Wit h '. llliipt! l-ullJl'H" f VIti Vrv t v.iu .ti'.t Mier I A. I i Trt J f 'tav.t. Tuot. Tr-M:! ! " J li 'Iri.t I J J.ovrfy MftYl? Wi'ftT I ghli- ; ,f ,. . "t iHH I J If; i. 'i i in-; " lutn i-.yi'H L 1 I.I.'.M Wliuii Meet f I Ml' J Joneph C. Rmlth nnd Ilia Henry Imr Pliim.iire I rt Trot MamU ( HufrnrnMv 1 ox Trut I Vh I C.irU T.lkj My Ni'-'cr ! ;IV fox TrA. Gut To ( i -1 ty i r.rrj-tnt Nm : Trut You I.'Mm". "'fof ?-:v 91 other t o r.-t c I'.iro.Ui-iTifi "Till Uy I nek ( moH H:tl Inc AIimi;;" from "Little N.;il. U.- y" Wn ' t i '-iive. ('time 'JiiMbl:ug ltnvu l ix Trot. Operatic St-kcMnq .' (VnrnV'-tu le ( Tli-u t!' I.unl7) Ait 1 ('' h'tni .!) In Frtni'h. I'Riihi J,e Hn rte Tin:! ( H il i'l l r th Kinjr ot Thul) Aut 111 (jouml In I'rt-nch Art! it Songs Concert and Ballad Selection The Cotton Pickers. Arnold .Tolinsnn and Ilia Orclietra Florence Fasten (Soprano) Mario Cheiulve (Tunor) , Marie Tiffany (Soprano). Tbeo Knrle (Tenor J . f Srp'ira Timlin Tjiito I a 1 1) v i:nnlHh(i the ...- f'lrJttf U' Ariniinxiu-T-.tti) I I In H; i:m J Ti e "t,ri"i! ( l'm- I . .. I '.III I I II II u.i f liu-l;tniit tS:fitr tliopo I ,m ' inl"-!' Inil.'n) '' ' "if'" i:eilj i H.'i(r Woortforde-l-'lntl-n) Htriint Hiifr I'ujua anlmum S 'jt.i;h 1 In Htfe lini? J'-Me) (Itnrplhl) In rutin.. !;,' Ivtn AL:iMN In V, iMinor Itieeniliie) (.adly tiroun tns) (Verdi) In Latin iflectlon Instrumental New York String Quartet BronUlnw llnbermnn (Violinist Vewlla'e Italian I (itni ltd "vur "" & 1 . D.orA'O Hlrlnrf Quiirtnt . . 1 i; utt t In T Ufajor Neherio f uvuikk) titruitf Quartet., J t I' illrule ( Vlntixtempn) Piano- J nn t by I'nul Frenkol 1 1 iNilnnnliifi ( Viouxd mp r i't -.iiof-Kt ly F'aul Frenkcl J r Kfinl'nm'ilt Overture I'Hrt 1 . J lit-. Minil Crnrert Hnnd 1 l Stun .ttitlile Overture Parti f v (iiwtlr!) Concert Uand.... J Artim Popular Sonjfs Marlon nnrria (r!niT- A.mntiu' Vdpa. Ine Comedienne),, V"V 1 T.ivln' Sam. vuiiivuiriiiii); , A nnmrd arid pelecttqtj trneMt Hare (Tenor unci Bar! tone) White Way MhIo (curtei James l'Tiub (Tenor) WhUe War Male nnrtet Clinrlea flnri nnd KMiott hhmw (Tenor and Burl tone) Ai.;:r'! 'ntiu Hot l.iift. . . , iT .ivIn' S fr o t Tan'ly l'ri I no-i Vuu J My Dixie "j Tho Tir.ll ione-Uone With To Long Ago. Tomorrow Morning.,,, II tvmJhtn Nlffhtlngule . ArtM Russian Ukrainian Poeords Selection Nina Koffhets (doprano).. Nina Koflheta (tioprano).. f None It ut the lonely Heart Ct urn; iKOWNley ) t'lnnofoi to by r.'i- iltil tJtfmbor; 'Cuilo iiiji;tto; In HuHnian At rin iii.ll (THchalkowky l'hi!-.lii t by McolaJ htoia- rttmnViy- ttutHinn. Moussorgaky) ber; In Ituaalun. . . . , f IjiMtern Itmnaiice, (T J K'itrn'iltow) In llu nntoreiiiie (Moubho I Jn KiiHriian tJkralolan National Cnorua, Ukrainian National vboraa No. Sfse Prlca 2310 10 f M 2311 10 ,75 fi337 10 .75 20007 13 1JS5 23U 10 .75 2338 10 .73 2339 10 .75 15030 10 1.50 60020 12 2.00 13067 10 1.25 S6003 12 1.75 25015 12 1.60 60O10 12 2.00 26014 12 UK) 2345 10 .75 2844 10 .75 2S47 10 .75 2348 10 .75 2340 10 .75 15020 10 1.60 f 15031 10 L50 1.50 r VT lU ni riniim Dlt- I ic.-nkui Mixed Chorua; In 1 Cltrulnlun I Onr l.ntly or Potehalv (Leon- L -A I tovb-hl Kiirltunw Kolo by P. f I onlvnfkl; Mixed Chorua; I In Ukrainian J Hbetz) Tenor Holo by O. I l.runlv; Mixed Chorua; In I l.'krnlnlnn lff03 ta I The HIkIi Mountain (Lya- I . iil,u) Mlx.-U Cuurua; In I I'kralnliin J I in I .... ad J Kotlonal Cuoru. Vkrmlnlaa Nttonl - Poor Hawthorne KoahetM) Soprano Folo by T. Oeor- (a) Khtrln-clnk (b Koiai (iun(OTlch) Mixed Chorua; in Ukrainian... ' (a) (-iirkoo, Orry Cnckoo f (a) I'iu'Koo, urry enrkoo n I (KIctzcTiko) Mixed Chorua; I J In Ukrainian L fh) Kolomylks (Koleaaa) . . .. f I In the Jordan (St.tacnko) I v Mixed Chorua; In Ukrainian J U0 150M 10 LIO 1B03S 19 U0 N. B All Ukrainian Record. A dot. Under Pmoaal Dlrectioa ol Alexander Koahetz Newport Oregon