Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, December 28, 1922, Image 1

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    . ... ,
5 ;'
NO. 45
Vergil Porter, Member of Local
; Grocery Firm, Commit3 Rash
Act; Leaves Note; No Reason
T Given for Action.
'No more Xmases in Toledo,
.for Heaven take do not notify
my parents. They would come
west again and that is not nec
essary. Have W. B. Hartley of
Newport embalm and send re
mains to Portlrnd for cremation
then forward ashes to 414 S. Main
St., Ffndlay, Ohio. No Flowers.
Mr. Burcroff ca.i send everything
to Father."
The above paragraph was the entire
contents of a note found in Vergil Por
ter's room Tuesday morning after
doctors and friends had worked over
his unconscious body for a consider
able length of time endeavoring to
bring him back to life. Upon Investi
gation It was found that the youn?
man had taken his own life by taking
No Cause Known,
one Is able to throw any lleht
upon why the young man committed
the rash act, although It Is known
that his health was not good; and It
Is also pointed out by gome of those
who knew him best that he had occas
ional spells of brooding. The news
came as a shock to the community as
he had the appearance of ,one who
enjoyed life and was always a ''ready
mixer' In conversation.
He ate Christinas dinner with Mr.
and Mrs. Burcroff , and later in the
evening received a package from home
according to Mr. Burcroff. About S
o'clock In the evening he left the Bur
croff s saying he was going to retire.
Nothing more was heard from htm un
til the following morning when he did
not show for work Mr. Burcroff went
to his room In the Commcc'il hoi el
believing be had overslept. Mr. Bur
croff Immediately called medical aid
but the unfortunate victim was too far
Mr. Porter was a member of the
tlrm' 'Burcroff Mercantile Co." havtn
coijki to Toledo about two years aeo.
"He was highly respected by all who
"knew film.
The body is at the Bateman Under
taking Parlon awaiting the arrival of
"his father, C,. C. Porter, of Flnd'ay,
Ohio, According to a telegram from
MY. Porter burial will be made in Al
School district number 71, of which
Mrs. Bohanon Js teacher had its Christ
mai celebration Friday, December 22.
Every citizen of the district was pres
ent, also two visitors, Mr. Grcnt ana
Walter Ulman. There were . songs
recitations and readings, a large Xmas
tree light with candles and sparkling
With glittering ornaments.
Nats, candles, cakes and a splendid
lunch was served. The greatest event
of the day was the happlnoBS and good
fellowship shown. The children's hap
py faces were wreathed In smiles and
their little hands and mouths were
full as they could hold with goodies.
Let us hoce that the smiles of good
. fellowship, Merry Christmas happiness
and love thy neighbor spirit, have in
a great measure ironed out the lines
of sordid care which accumulate as
the months of the year are filed on
the calendar of the past.
To the teacher much credit is due.
To the ladies of the district much
praise and thanks should be given and
those who assisted the teacher In the
necessary labor Involved should not
be forgotten. Such fraternal neigh
borly meetings put the Is in school
Will Hays Announces That For
mer Screen Star Will Be Giv
en. Chance to "Come Back";
Popularity Questionable. -
Lbs Angeles Roscoe C. (Fatty)
Arbuckle has been given a chance to
"come back" and win return to the
notion pictures after the first of the
year, Will C. Hays, chairman, of the
motion picture industries, announced
today,. Arbuckle films , were , with
drawn after his arrest In connection
with he death of Virginia Rappe at a
party in Arbuckle's room in the St.
Francis .Hotel, San Francisco,' In 8ep
temW of last year. Though Arbuckle
was acquitted bis films were withdrawn.
fl jjjj ' ew,M,w"ww,T
"excuse mn ouf-r" --VaSt- tJl T?r t I errrV
Ralston - Frosh Entertainers
Make Big Hit With Local
Music Lovers; Next Number
January 31st,. .
The first number of the Lyceum
course was presented last Tuesday
evening at the Liberty thealrs The
program which consisted of music and
slng:ng delighted and entranced the
audience. In fact this is putting it
ml'.dly, as more than one was heard
to say that they would be willing to
listen to such talent all night long.
Tiie management of the rhea'.ve de
sirve pr&lse for their selection of
th. crtf.rtalnraent, m If the other
three numbers which will be given
one each month, are of the same stand
ard the people of Toledo should bend
every effort to give them the support
they deserve. The musical program
given the other evening was without
a doubt the finest and best ever heard
in Toledo.
All proceeds from these entertaln-
man(. a fa fflvan t f (tin TnlaHn TlllT1
scnool, ana we nope me siuaenis win
make a thorough canvass of the city,
so everyone may have an opportunity
to secure tickets. The next number
will be Dr. Lee Fitzpatrlck on January
31st. .. . ..
Local and state conditions in the
east are disturbing national, politics
more seriously than the national Is
sues In the opinion of Ralph E. Wil
liam!,. Republican . national commit?
teeman and vice chairman, of .the
national committee, who has just
returned from a. series., of meetings
of the national committee ' - '
President Harding will be ten
dered the nomination for president
in 1924, sayi . WniIams.Kad ..If be
does not ftccept. Senators, Baraff' and
Johnson , are looked upon as possi
bly nominees: v J' -
n. 3T$a. committer, meetlnirs centered
attention upon Internal' affairs of the
party rather than national brae
Williams said. Ex. (
Cartoon Review of
No Serious Damage Done; Sig
nal Post at Depot Falls Tak
ing Corner from Depot; Oth
er Minor Damage.
People of Toledo were awakened
Wednesday morning at between 1 and
3 o'clock when a terrific gale swept
through this section of the country,
accompanied by a downpour of rain.
Although not much damage was done
many residents report that they were
worried at times for fear they would
have to pick themselves up at the bot
tom of some canyon.
The large signal post at the Soutn
ern Pacific depot was wrenched loose
by the wind and hurled against the
bulldign knocking a part of the roof
off and breaking a window; a section
of the roof on the planing mill now
under construction at the Pacific
Spruce mill was torn loose and en
tirely dislodged; a shack being built
on the wharf near the bay was de
molished and a few Bigns were blown
from places of business.
O. Frank Glasler, teacher In the
Kern vllle school, reports a little inci
dent of interest. Some weeks ago
his pupils Issued , a challenge' to. all
grown-ups of the community to an old
fashioned "spelling" match The
challenge, was accepted,, according to
Mr. Olaser, end much preparation .was
had by ''the alumni" In order to not let
the .'Tcids't out-do them. The time set
for the match came and a real batCe
ensued. The students managed to
"down 'em all" with the BTrnntlnti nt
One certain former schol teacher, who
proven .wq mucu lor, tne youngsters.
, Following; thein defeat at spelling,
floweret."' the stndehth NkiuiaiI m. hl-
lenge for a "clpherjng7 jnatch., This
was accepted also ana the "kids", won
out, "downing" former school marmV
and alt
Little Church Crowded to Doors
to Hear Children's Program;
Trees Decorated Beautifully
for Occasion.
The First Methodist church was
taxed to its capacity Saturday even
ing when a Christmas program was
rendered by the Sunday school pupils
under the direction of Mr. A, Buedall.
ivir. Buudell opened the program by
thanking the parents and the people
of Toledo Jfor their excellent sup
port of the committee in ciiurgu uf
the program not only by financing
the celebration but by their attenance.
'Hie program consisted entirety of
ChriatmaB songs, dialogues and reci
tations by the children. All numbers
were exceptionally well rendered and
the committee is to be congratluated
for the manner in which the entertain
ment was rendered.
Following the program each child
was presented with gifts from the
beautifully decorated ChrlBtmas trees.
Philomath, Ore. Stating that the
charge brought against hnn by Chief
lot Police Robinson of Corvallls of
having liquor on his person was a
frameup," .F. ' A. McDaniel, deputy
sumo wnruen, pieaaea not guilty. Mis
case is set for trail next Friday. The
arrest was made during the trial of
some Alsea- men, who were charged
with violating the state game law
McDaniel was a spectator at the trial.
December 12 flnm tn Vf mnA Mn
Clarence W. Brasha a boy.
Dec. 14-nBorn to Mr. and Mrs. H C.
Rose a baby girl, '
Dec. 10 Born to Mr. and MYs. 'B.
W. Sperling a baby girt.--.
The -Hiht nlant will ha m ilmn
from 1 a. m. to 2 p, m. Sunday for the
'purpose of cleaning and repairing
The many friends of Mrs. Arthur
Nya were shocked Wednesday morn
ing when It was learned that she had
passed away. She suffered an attack
of grippe which developed into a
severe case of peritonitis from which
she lacked the strength to recover. Be
sides her husband, Arthur Nye, she
leaves two small daughters, Margaret,
I ago 9 and Jaunita, age 7; her mother,
I Mrs. Kline Ofstedahl; and a brother,
Clarence, all of Toledo. Although a
young woman, Mrs. Nye is a pioneer
jot this section having been raised in
this city. She has a wide 'circle of
friends who extend their heartfelt
sympathy to the sorrowing family.
Mrs. Nye is a past worthy matron
of the local Eastern Star lodge and
the funeral services will be conducted
by them.
Funeral services will be held at the
Masonic hall here at 10 a. m. Satur
day under the supervision of the
Eastern Star.
Toledo. Ohio, Football Stars
Coming for Battle With Ore- tornoy General which has endod in his
gon Team; Complications 'open arraignment, but this is as noth
Arise Over Came. i,nB compared to their r.ttitudo in re-
, ' lation to the Supreme court.
Corvallls, Ore., Dec. 20. (Special) Tll anti-Harding men huve looked
Arrangements for the football game somotlme for an avenue of open and
to be played here New Years day be- and excusable attack on the activities
tween the Scott high school of Toledu, nnd operations of the President. Now
Ohio, and the Corvallia high Bchool are thy feel thev llav5 found it lu what
now completed. The game will be tlle3r ore pleased to term "principle
played on the college grounds and an personality" rather than govnrn
will be called at 1:30 in the afternoon, mental party policy which, of course,
in order that it may be finished be- tner feel impelled to safeguard.
'fore dark
The Toledo team left that city
Christmas morning at 8:30 by special
coach and will arrive in Portland,
Saturday morning foUowing at 8:30,
stopping at various junctions in order
to have short signals and Bcrlmmage
practice. They will be met at Port-
land by several dozen auto loads ofi
Corvallls rooters ana business men,
who will conduct them through the
business section fo Portland. It is
expected that Mr. Baker will co-oper-
ate by heading the parade with the
Portland police band. The Corval'.is
high school band will also be on hand
to welcome the visitors.
The demand for seats is "Beyond ex -
pectatlon, and the business men of
Corvallls who under wrote the enter
prize, will likely be most fully roim-
bursed. If there la any surplus, t
treasurv A hnnX m k i athletic
the foothn tm. VI T
New Y -liS? -nrdCOR.Chheln
otTtLT' .Dl i"" .bB;
- " " e uudio a uuuuo
, given by the Corvallls Chamber ofi
Commerce " "i
The onlv thin w ...
way is the fact that there aro- 1 1
misunderstanding with the Medford cZt . m. m h ,
team concerning the game. The State , bench a man biased in favor
Board of Athletic CoSSof decHned to 'UfZ T, "l b,t
permit Corvallls and Medford to nlay ter resentment and criticism."
for the Pacific CMonXi XrlU0 that Bl"'0'- h
left both schools in a position to mak corporation lawyer so n.any
a bid for the game Ihh n yea, and hM 80 frequently fought
which school tal The undisputed!0 bta!? speC'aI "?rlVlleBeS fr ,'1,S9
chamnlonhln . J f J1..P"2 corporations that he would be unable
Middle west. Medford 'lckered with
the Toledo athletic mnnmrement for
a week with out results. Toledo wir
ed to Corvallls that the Scott hlRh
school team was unable to make any
i--anrement.s with Medford. nnd told
Corvallls she conld have the inme.
provided an Arpense deposit of 4.non
was made. The deposit wns made Im
mediately and the fart wlrpd fo To
ledo. Rcntt Mifh school womitlv ac
cented. The Corvallls rchonl nuthorl
tles acted ln good faith, and hnvo no
fear that the State High Srhool Ath
ltl Bosrl, after hearing all Ihe evl
dence, will bar the high schol team
from the conference.
Another , of those sturdy pioneers
who "crossed the plalnB in a schooner"
has taken "the Long, Long Trail."
Word has been received h,.r ti.ut
Mary Mallssa Jane Derrick, a former
resident of Lincoln county, passed
away at Astoria on Wednesday, Dec.
20. Mrs. Derrick crossed tho plains
ln 63 and was married . to Zachlrah
Stllwell, Derrick ln 1857. Fifteen
children were born tn ihl.
eight boys and seven girls; ten of
these are still living.. Mrs Derrick
also has two sisters living. ' She has
A. rrann rnimpan j i j
children and one rrnnt trmat irnnd.
child. She Is the mother of Z. M. Der
rick Of Tfllsdo. Tho nnrrlrU. oatna
to Lincoln County. In 1871 and Mrs.
nArft1r fnllnwilnA 1L ...k -M ml
husband, removed to Astoria In 1914.
She waa born in Outhcv. Illlnoli. Mav
22, last. ''.
Funeral services were hnM At W,AAv.
vUle Saturday, Dec 28.
Anti - Administration Ropubli
cans in Boih House ana -an-ato
Claim Appointtoe Is Bias
ed in Favor of Corporate In
terests and Not Fit xo Sat on
Supreme Bench
Written Specially for THE LEADER
lly Edward Percy Howard
Washington, D. C. Two day:j cf in
tlmule conversation with nun who
shape the nation's destinies in Wash
ington u:sclusr mat the uuti'il:n'uuig
forces are jubilant over tnu nomina
tion of Pierce Duller, of St. i uul, as
Associate Jusitiiu of the b,i;uviue
Court of the United States. Tliey re
gard the nomination as the bi blund
er of the Harding administration.
The appointment of Attorney-General
Daugherty aroused a guod deal
of discontent. Thoso who onpoaed
Duughorty when he waa named today
made no ado about openly charging
that Harding Is saddled with an ad-ministration-wrecker
In Daugherty,
just ns Taft was with BalliLgor. The
L Z "ZZ"
'I told you sos" have four.d certain
cn the At-
l Butler's nomination caused a fur-
ore ltt both House and Senate. At
lr8t 14 aroused lndlgation, but as the
anti-Harding men began to exchange
vle. Irritation changed to elation,
unt" the opposition to the nomination
crystallzed Into what the progressive
D,oc regards as an opportunity,
Then, on top of this came tho re-
Port, not uncontradicted, that the
much defeated Governor of the State
ot New York, Nathan L, Miller, also
being seriously considered for the
Supreme Court. When the rocket was
"red every cntl-Hardlng man felt like
a poker player who has Just drawn his
fourth ace.
. ...
BnlP"e y Butler la Not Quail.
fled for Bench.
Openly the opposition to Butler is
i,oi .j .....,.. c... "
of Minnesota, who frankly says his
constituents promise to produce ample
e'ldence 10 'how th Butler Is not
f U on the Supreme court
',. w .'
Appearing before Senators Nelson,
Cummins, and WolBh of Montana,
"ta !d hat nv. attempt at
as a member of the Supreme court
to act with an unbiased mind that he
would in his decisions necessarily and
inevitable be influenced by his past
Interests associations."
Shipstead contends that the ap
pointment of Judge Gary of the United
States Steel Corporation would not
Continued on Page Six.
J. O. Holt, Manager Eugone
Fruit Growers Assn., Assures
, .'Mr,. Beck He Will Investigate
Proposition Here-
During his visit to Corvallls to
snend .Christmas v with hU fnmltv
County Agent Beck arranged an Inter
view with J, O.-Holt, manager of the
iiugoue nun urowors association, one
of the most successful fruit canning
companies of, the northwest, and re
ceived assurance that his company
,wiu lujesugBie ma possiDiKty ana
Necessity of, Installing a canning plant
,here to take oare of the-frult crop of
Lincoln county. ,. a 4
Mr. Beck stated that Mr. Holt Mem.
Sd enthusiastic over the proposition
and will make a persona,! trip here for
investigation. Mr. Beck "will explain
I the details of, , his, Interview with the
jhead of the canning company at the
next Chamber of Commerce meeting.