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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1922)
PACE SIX LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1922. in. J. H. Harrison "of the south table to pick fresh raspberries off her I fide was a Toledo business visitor in vines. Flowers were also blooming' Tole.lo Wednesday. bhe states that up to the cold snap of the past few up tc the past few days she has been days. 4 r4 In -x w I MCDPUAHiniCC CTnDC 11? v J muiuiiAiiuiuL uiunt v y ti Has a Large Assortment of Toys, games, etc.. for the lit tle folks, also a good line of gift goods for the grown-ups. Come in and look over our line of Dishes, vases, station ary, slippers, neck ties, gloves, sweaters, hose, suspenders arm bands, hose suporters, shirts and etc. See our RANGES, HEATERS, FURNITURE, ETC. Man's and boys' rubbers and rubber boots, also ladies' rubber boots. WATER FRONT ST-, TOLEDO, ORE. Capital Blazes are you doing up there. Dorothy?" "Why, I I", stammerred Dorothy, 'T Am trvfnv tn nut hark thin :inn'.e 'that the wind blew off." About as lone as a piece of string- Mr. Glaser: Why do we call this a:r eight day clock. Olive: uecause it win run eigm days without winding. Jim (in an undertono to Teddy): Gosh J How long would it run If yon wound it? TO THE PATRONS OF THE REED CREEK 8CHOOL Current Literature : (by Lean)- . A bright little girl named Bill Lives up on the side of a hill. , She suffers from bunions, I Eats liver and onions, And says they develop strong will? A STORY (By Ikey) Once upon a time there was a sick girl named Olive, and e healthy young man named Jim. Jim loved the sick girl; but they had qur.rrclled, and she had refused to let him call on her any Many doctors had examined the in- valid: but they all agreed that she : could not live long. Her brother Buzz was a great lumberman, and his money provided everything possible Nothing Else Mr. GH.Ber: What for her comfort. He brought Teddy, 'Bre you laughing at, Aileen? Not me? " inaiuuB iiuiBo, m uiay wua ner. cut Aileen No Olive got worse and worse. Mr. Gieaser: Well, what else Is there li irL' orm" scnooimaie, now a jn the mom to laugh at? and amuse her.'s sister, Lean, Glaser (in primary Francis, what letter Correct Mr. reading class) fol'.ows H? Francis (who, like Washington, couldn't tell a lie): I don't know. Mr. Gieaser: I'll cive you a hint: What have I on each side of my nose? Francis (still truthfully): Freckles left her grand millinery store to wait upon her. Kins, her artist brother, ADVERTISING (Note: A large volume of advertls came to illustrate Bible events for her ,n ma"er .AwJn h, ? u Mr f t,. k-j.ij- .J under Buzz's able direction, but Is preach! and feU "funny" oakVVo h 0$ ZTsse&T But all in vain. : ' printer's drowsiness, etc.) At last Jim, who was a" renownod horse doctor, became desperate. He gassed one of bis patients, on army SCHOOL VISITORS, Mr. Scott, chairman or our district t1 y S3 60 FiOUF I 2.10 The White Corner Store We have a good supply of Toys and other gifts, also candy, nuts cigars, handkerchiefs, ties, fruit3 etc. Don't forget "SEAL BRAND" COFFEE, the fienst down. R. S. Van Cleve ,mule, who was suffering from elongat- 'school board, has favored us with two oa en, ana rusneu 10 oiive s Biae. vislt8 tnig year. During one of hla Just inside her bedroom door he step. vlBltB ne propounded a problem for ped on Billy's big toe, stumbled,, and the eighth grade pupl'.s: "If one train fell heavily upon the group of mourn- -oes from Portland to San Francisco at the rate of 36 miles per nour, ana another leaves San Francisco at the same time, going 35 miles per hour, which train will be further . from Portland when they moe'.?" Can you solve the problem? We did U easily We hope that Mr. Scott, as well as the other directors, and-all of our parents and friends will visit us often this year. Mrs. Glaser spent an after noon with us early in the term, and entertained us for a while with studies in art Mrs. Prickett was a more re cent visitor. Wte are always glad to ers at the bedside, At sight of Jim, Olive sat up in bed, threw out her arms to him, and' cried. "Jim!" Jifn clasped her in his strong arms, and whispered 1 HOARSELY (he was a HORSE doctor): "I cuess 1 T killed all the people I fell on, but I've still got you! Billy limped out to call the undertaker. Fishers' Blend Flour, per sack ...... Fishers' Blend flour, per barrel '. .... , A better flour for less than Common Patent. Smoked Meat Specials ! Hams, per pound 29c ;; Picnic Hams again at. oor lb. , 17c t BURGROFF MERCANTILE COMPANY AAmiiAisiJiAAiiitiifiitAitii ART SECTION. (By Kins) The picture at the left 4s a facsimile f reproduction of a famous painting by ihave ' company. Come againl Some mun. mr. xinBvr liuerrupi-' morel - - ed the artist In his work on I Next week, Dec. 3 to 9, Is American this painting to inquire: Education week. He hope to see you: ''Whom is that picture of, au here then. And we hope that the Kins?' "That," said Kins. "is a picture of God.", "But nobody knows what God looks x line, Kins." challenge printed below will be accept ed. CHALLENGE. I It has been often said that pupils are not so we'.l taught now as in the good The artist smiled Indulgently, and l0id days," that children of the pres- X Tit i .M "Wall will Knnw ..1 1 mMA f,r- vn I PHONE 90C5 Toledo, Ore. replied : "Well, they will know, after A they see tihB." FUNNY SOAKS I! (By Teddy.) . i Why, or course 'Billy 4s reported as ' having been caught In Mr. Lloyd's or- ) chontra the other day. Mr. Lloyd hap . i pened by while Billy was still up a ' tree. , . ', ', "Well," he ejaculated, in well sim ulated Indignation, ''Now, what in the. nnt Anv cannot sdbII. or read, or cyp her so well as their parents could when they were the same age. Can parents spell, or cypher, now as well as their children do? The parents and patrons of the pupils of Red Creek school are invited to "prove up" in a good old-fashioned spelling match, with grown-ups versus pupils. 'We are ready tot the battle. Are you? Signoft. AILEEN PITZPATMCK, - 'Chairman Pupils' Committee I We Invoice Each Year Between Christmas and New j, Years and We MUST REDUCE Some Lines That We Consider Are Too Heavy for This Time of Year. Here Are Prices That Will Make You Buy:. MEN'S SUITS VALUES TO $50 Men's and Young Men' styles; all sizes and all wool ..$36 MEN'S SUITS Values to $39 They are all wool and fine lot to choose fom $25 MEN'S SUITS Values to $27.50 Curies and Monroe makes, made for service $19 HIGH SCHOOL SUITS Values to $22.50 Suits that will stand the wear ; .$15 LADIES' DRESSES Values to $22.50 Clever models In cloth and silks; - styles that can be worn this sring $11.25 MEN'S OVERCOATS Values to $45 la a wide range of new styles. Oui best makes $29 MEN'S OVERCOATS Value to $30 They are alt-wool plain and fancy backs $19 ;BOY'S KNICKER SUITS Values to $20 Extra Good Clothes for boys 7 to 18. 2 pair Knickers $16 BOYS' MACK.INAWS AND OVERCOATS Value to $9 Bring the boy in and look them over $6.50 BOY'S KNICKER SUITS With 2 pair Knickers; Double or single breastid; exfa special val ue $7.50 SWEATERS "V" Necks. Roll Collar and sllpon styles. Heavy all wool Cadet sizes S3 to 37 $5.95 KNIT CAPS Value $1.50 Boys' Bradley Knit Caps; good line of collors $1.00 KNIT VESTS For Men and Women; comfortable, tight fitting, 34 to 40 $3.83 FLANNEL SHIRTS Mon's flannel shirts; khaki, gray, navy green and mixtures ....$2.95 LADIES' DRESSES Values to $37.60 Beautiful new models In fall styles and all wool materials; all sizes. . . $1629 MEN'S CAPS Values to $3.00 Line of Men's Tweed, Velour and Teasel caps all high grade ...$1.99 MEN'S BATH ROBES Men's Beacon Bath Robes, In good line of colors; all sizes $4.95 MEN'S UNDERWEAR " Men's- two-piece, wool mixed shlrts and drawers, grey only 90c WOMEN'S SILK HOSE Values $2.00 Buy your Christmas Hose her. Plain and fancy; all sizes . .$1.25 COMBINATION SUITS Values $3.50 Women's Munslng Unions, with Crepe de Chine; bodice tops; tight knee $1.75 LADIES' SUITS I Value to 948 Wooltex Miss Manhattan, Kenyon; Suits for Women; all fall and Win ter garments .$24 LAD-'lES' COATS Value to $S8 Our very beat Coats In the store In all ned cloths and all sizes ...$34 LADIES' SWEATERS One lot of ladles' sweaters assortsd styles at J4 off. COAT SWEATERS Men's Heather Mixed Bradley Coat Sweater; all sizes $3.95 LADIES' SKIRTS Sport Models In Silks, -Stln, wool. Sacrificed at a price. nd tVi on a AT THE ARMY STORE DO YOUR XMAS SHOPPING AT THE ARMY STORE WHERE YOUR MONEY WILL BUY THE MOST. Cotton Blankets, 60x76, just the thing to sleep between these cold nights, pair .$1.95 All wool blankets from $5.90 to $14.00 per pair Officers Dress Coats $14-00 Officers Dress Shoes $5.50 Regulation Dress Shoes $5.50 Gunmetal blucher Munson last shoes $7.00 Winter underwear from $1.50 to $4.00 Suit Campaign Hats ' $1.25 Suspendes, pair 45c and 50c Pack Sacks $1.75, $2.75, $3.50. $3-75,. $4.00 Raynster's Rain Coat, guaranteed ...$4.85 Goodyear rain coats $5.50 Protex rain coats $3.95 Reclaimed Army Overcoats . . .$3.75, $4.75, $5.75, $5.75 Reclaimed rubberized rain coats .$2.00 Reclaimed O- D. wool shirts $1.75 Leather vests . .$6.75 and $11.30 Sheepskin lined coats .$11.50 and $13.50 Junr era $1 .25 Linen Sheets, 72x90 $1-45 Leather Puttees $5.25 arid $6.00 Wind proof suits .'...'3.00 United Army Stores i TOLEDO HOTEL BLDG. TOLEDO, ORE. t lilt M 1 1 1 ! i J. M. NOLAN & SON COR VALLIS, OREGON " 1 " iiiiiiin "f"" .,........., iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiit A Summer Clime for your Winter Outing thats CALIFORNIA Like many others at this season of the year you are thinking of a trip to a warmer clime. California Is Just the place for your winter outing. Here the clays' are flooded with bright warm sunshine. You may enjoy all outdoor recrea tions or simply relax and rest In comfort under sunlit skies. There are noted goTT courses, polo fields, tennis courts, miles of splen did highways and countless places of scenic and romantics charm. Go now and take advantage of Ex cellent Train Service and Through Sleeping Cars to 8an Francisco and Los Angeles. LOW ROUND TRIP TICKET8 NOW ON SALE For fares, train schedules, sleep ing ear reservations or descriptive . fold lens, ask local railroad ticket gssitst or wHts JOHN M. SCOTT, sswral Paesenrsr Agent - MrOaaa, oereffoa. Willi MIWIIII $3.25 J