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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1922)
PACE FOUR LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1922. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER V.'. H. HALL, E. F. HALL, G. W. HALL Publishers. . G. W. HALL, Editor, If Jitf sred at Toledo, Oregon postofnce, mid groan. He says of information it doesn't have a crumb, but you ought U' hear hint .'olitr v.aen the. paper doesn't come. lie's alwas first to grab it and high rank of Oregon t-heeso. Care of the cream is the rtart for high graio butter; This means bacter ial as well as goneial cleanliness, pas teurization of sweet and sour cream, ho leads It plumb clean through. He rlpenlnj tho cream, use of starters, mj sortuf-.-'TiisH .Tn.i.l.tAi nndnr 1ha liinnan't mlsH an item or a want ad this snd rlmrninnr. Milk and rrenni fn-t- V . - . . . . . . i- i i . i p it r.. l Ho sayg they don't know Ine moisture cf buUer, and fat wants the durn newspaper .determination, need be understocd. irnva: I'm eoiiiu to take a dav some .Thpsa are all taueht bv inrfrnction Established Twenty-Nine Years Ago. !tiu;e an' go an' put "cm wiuo. Some- and laboratory practice in the big com i. Irll,. I what he "ILLEGITIMATE PARENTS" LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER SUBSCRIPTION PRICES One year, In advance, $2.00 Six Mentha, in advance (1.00 liimes it seems as though they must . rcercial rreamoi-y at O, A. C. in tho short course, Jan. 2-27. ChnesomakinK and icecream making along with iefr!i;eratirn am", general (.' eamery management, will al30 X given the onoo-over. be (lea, and blind ana uuuiu but you I ought to hear him holler when tho f paper doesn't come Exchange AN ILLUMINATING ANECDOTE HANDLING COWS. Among my neighbors hereabouts are several gruff two-listed ' scouts, who handle cows with cutis nnd clouts and s;iii whacks on their ribs. They're al lien. James H. MacLafferty, a brand i ways telling some old cow to "look out v.liiit youie uom now, or i win uiu you on the brow ai:d klfk in several new republican representative from California, r..nle his maiden speech recently, arrt it was on tho ship aid bill. lie related an anecdote whirl) was in'.cif sting and decidedly pointed to illustrate the absence of the Amer lean t'.a;; on the ocean before tho win' Ho was coming back to America on an English bant in 1316 wh?n the pas senger! d scril ed a little vessel bob bing up and down on the ribs." their brans are lull of clubs and rooks and chains pad rope3 and tackle blocks, to c.ncli tho flanks and laah the hocks of cows that don't stand still. Wiiien some old brute is o" the peck, they meet tho beast half wuy, by heck, and calm her down or break her nock, with practiced art and waves, crfcW 0f d0g8 about to and chew wiucli, : s Vwy grew nearer prove,! to ,,,,,H i,miH ,, wr,if nr twn-fnv bo a American Fteamer toun.l .(;CAS ,lul m w,0ls. And where to Japi-.i irom IY'et faounrt. As thoir tencC8 necd repair they station broke uut i':e Su.ta an J blripes tho,. ,,.. ,., ,, .. ,.. 4r ,;Q (uich thu ''Gil by, , h.:,m n ,.;ir 'in.l atnv whprn I they beiuug. They never get a hiun ; aa.'.a'l, tueir bauk account is "in the 1 nmi v.i!'..i they pay ior board and bed they're broke the wholo year ! , ,c when they are soak- ins loans, a lot of doleful hard luck oway f -.. ;;i!0--.. -win. How t an any K "'" ' .., h:..nlt in rmvn. ! Viiso A.:. . !::n r.pi.reve nicli action? th:v .,,, ,i,v ,,,,,, v,,t .hair ! f I ' , -1. l.. Tln-rt' TMT SilfC.lAI SFfidlON. ! ' ) in, I u- Raj jt No tt rse of r.' tion pursued by Mr. Ilritish captain exclaimed: Jove file is :m A inert tin! I wonder I. what rli! h .loin? so fcr cway frcm ; shore. And now iirhlsh proi'acn.ia, ! ni'led I:- :iicra'!.'! pnris:uwli,p ant' Jaundiced vision, would ;rra ".'9 tiro A; m vU an nier.-'iant mariiid order it v, 1"hv never gel tlint fa.- SLATS DIARY Friday- else and If they ia l thing above all other things witch ma is careful about it is ny holth and etc. mly today the fcocl teacher call d up and at ma vhat she thot 7 4 ift The world has heard much about 'Illegitimate children," but sentiment is. growing in favor of phrasing it "illegitimate parents," which is more nearly Just. Why should any child have to bear, socially, the sin of its parents? Two people sinned; Justice demands that they bear their own sin. In this case tho innocent should not suffer for. the guilty. To give Justice to . tho child born out of wedlock Bhould be the aim and end of law, and the guilty should be compelled to right the wrong as far as possible,, and to make reparation. Too oftn the man escapes, and the woman and child bear tho Btigma. Socially the woman is an "outcast", I the child branded for lii'e, whllo the child is innocent and tho woman may .have been a victim trapped through i ignorance. Both have a right to fair I treatment and kindness; if society cannot extend these, then society is FOR SALE 'By owner Full set of store fixtures, including two Bets of compulsing grocery scales. 1 set computing nail scale, platform scale cash register, Mackasky systom, cheese case and cutter, ton show cases of different kinds. Cne dan dy onk grocery" counter, one large money safei typewriter, adding ma chine Burroughs make, tracks, scoops, chairs, tools and articles too numerous to mention; one large hardware cabinet for prices and terms apply to M. L. SciU, box 151. Newport, Oregon 42 3t Iianlinr 1-ps been more statesinanlika ' v- " "uo 10 Uphold Willie wuinn in uiau .jo,uj-. juuo. largely bi'lua than liii :'.;e:v'l'a"t resoivo tho i-'iii .?.z of Amnricu. Ju a sv rtcia a...-Bi..n of Congress, to coiislc. . r tliis problem, he punctuate their snores. don't make Some factors for not are beyond the est cf tho skool Jason. Ala got .tared in the face iSht oil' and sea iy goodness she ed what is the tatter with hirn now. imam. No iie says you don I .iced to nev:v nind about it. 1 A'iH lend lo thot. Saturday I sent ane a bag of wail I nuts today ami .. i,i. i, t ... . !.,!,o,1 M . n.iii 11 ,;ibj ii-::ii !rT with calm "I I;"? Whhwo?aered UU,.j ll'll.Q liwj HIV LUI1U,, lg. . W.ien air I Kazo into j ure eye3. ?t makes ino Bto: and Realize. You uro tho 1 girl !r. tr.3 c.r.&. Witch makes me 6Um day want to up and ask for yure hand, am patiently waiting for the cut corae. tinny how its a pritty good timo to let. liar get sore. As Jliristmns is I comeing soon. Sunday :Thoy was a preecher at are chirch tawUIng to got money for the forren mishunarys and r.s he was ccncludolns i.e sed Now ho a enny buddy got a t;uestiou tlaey v.-cod like to ask him. Pa whispered to me and sed I care you to ask him if hs knows it is a way after dinner time. hvsieks for heJi,,st that far Wr0ng' and U need8 read Justing. iv.'.h ha. !i . iliey"1! hu d to do tlieir various chores. onni i- win tney scrap 'COLD IN THE HEAD" Is an ocuto attack of Nasnl Catarrh. Tho?e Eiibject to froquent "Voids" are reneratly in a "run down" condition. HALL'S OATAKRH MFDK'INK Is a Treatment consiBttne or nn Ointment, to be used locally, and a Tonto, which arts Quickly through the Blood on the Mu cous Surfaces, building up the Cystem, and rnaklnt; you I--S8 llahlj to "colds.' .So',1. i'V r.:i?rl . for over 4') Yc?.is, F j. ClK n"v ft r,n., Toledo, O. I'.AIOAIN 2 acres, 9 room house, bif; sleeping porch, near O. A. C. cam pua; rood for boarding, fine chlckon "K,f.-.rm ar.d fa;i-.r. ber.ring fruit. Clean jfor fail! or tr??o for placo ii'-ar To i.'.lo or Oanui'n Bay. Cull on or writo I C. Van Hinc, CorvalUs. Ore. Box 1. 40 5t paid. Bregdon the Electrician r.,..--p.g,jM., m,mm -.-.-, With tha Yaquina Electric Co. For Electric Work That Will Pass Underwriters Inspection ELECTRIC SUPPLIES, WIRING REPAIRING Call Yaquina Electric Company ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN i rniii II A ki A rrriCklT clearly 1 .ore ti.e country the most m,.tm . nrr.ssinir and scrlotin lsite that con- ESSENTIAL TO SUCCESS fronts tli nallon. uur great marine; advance w a byproduct of tho war.! Sn,lle do anlJ ,s(jme tv bIum luck we were enab ed u a money uo.u mriniiig. fc. mnnltib to rtwtnrp. nnr nliinn to a po tim lost in the civil war. The tanners comroi, un.i c.-.u prtblcm now Is how to forge it into a ifor himself. It is important to Oregon wmii.l and permanent weapon of na-: as well as to tho farmer that he under tlonal enterprise and defense. Foreign stand as well as possible the best use trade is a great national ndventure, for 'of agricultural resources, i or the which a nation must mobilize its en- narniers mat cnuuoi ia .u, Eut tnat wag x dliro j had to M ?0 tiru commercial enterprise of produc-1 course n agriculture a specia winter b Ma wood o noyqj. u ticn, or rinunce, oi saiesiiiaiisiuij, ui,i.u. Monday Was all set to grj see a vc-ane'.s. It must e'il.-l tue rarnier ana leiienu, ma,., tta miner and tha banker or less than 1 h. ana growi tho ship owner, the sailor and tne promauie aim cruya i. i, . , matter how wo folx it was simply Rnl ovowas. it Is toward such a: ana special purpob.. ui4 "" cag0 of not oughting to go and leave rr,cbi!a:lot) of national ability that ; r"an.-.;.n.-; the farm stock, cattle, sheep I Co. BBttln; alol.a. You got to bs ITroident llnrling now urges Con- and hogs and giving the right re la-, te once jn Q wiIe gross unit tiie nation-lo tane a gre;:i ... j forward Bto Naw Ycrk Tribune. farm manngoi-jent nr3 taught by in- .1 o structit t'tiinir.g and experience. In WHEN THE PAF-tH OON'T COME, iquiry o' the co'.lega registrar, Ccrval- ! lis, will tell ycu Low to Jo n. My father stys 11. r, h'o read,! , e n!,ov nt.i'! r,t r tit. Jto i.n' 8 a lov i-i i i i.e. ..r., NOTICE A hsaluie'y allovcd on my place U, no hi'nting F. Eiriy. 37 10 paid i - n,nJ?poJ wectetn pichcr tonite when a lot fur,BJ,i matter how wo ioW it was simply a f:n:!i:i !:j do. 'a, im-us u n at n.f.nt. lie Sijfl ioro p'n" s -!r-t.le thing In it v.'?t(. ti e vhlio lo real nnd t' It Jo.?ij'l print ill) kini of al.'.t'f ti'" i.eo ,:c ii'". He 'cjs s it aiido and lays Its r.ti ict v on the bvr.i i lit you miqiit In h.-'ar )i!m halter w.'ici tne pap.-r di'I 'U;ne. lis rendu abmt tV.e weaiins' am", he BM",la llVe all !'ct out: ho reah the B'lci-.'.l rV.'.ns' v "i! a most derisive iihrv.'- lie saji th.y n a'.:? tin p;'.p. rs T'.'.r the womei M'-:a nl-W, no ' ili'it t'ic parti-s sm4 he'!', funn fret ENTITLED TO BEST HELP Oicon dairy cows have done thoir part hotter than thore of r.ny other ."!ate. hut. (Jreiron nutter usea u) ui the bunk for Quality , "the little mertgasa tutors I n,, I!-.,, Vi(lor plnti'j nf nncrnn dairv- mens insist that she be given the bert and wis-ist help possible in boostim; for Oegon. So lots c? improvement be a been made lately in the quality , of butte-, and thore Is no gooi reasrn why it should Eot bo brought up to FOft SALE yine Oregon cockerels; college stock; finest in country; cheap if taken at once. Inqule of It. A. Killer, Yarjulna, Ore. 39-42 TIIE O LOLL A White Leghorn Poul try ranch is now booking orders for 1023 baby chicks, 20 per cent must nccompany orders. A few White Leghorn cockerels to snnro at from f.2.00 to $5.00 each. O. A. C. and Tamrod strains. Grr.ble & Hub lor, box 272, Toledo, Ore. 34 tf 1 ssmmmMmi11 i Tuesday A ole frend stopped in to see pa. Ho had Just come frum the jail whoie he had ben vlsltins some of his folkcs. Wed.ies ':ay Joo Cro.-sley had to have his foot anipitatod .today but he 'i vurv cliasrful over it. Ho says : ' that darned ingroan toe nail wont iSUBOCniPTIONS butlier htm no longer. Thursday Wbke up with a aw.o'full cold this mornini; in my had & pritty That was not near got 10 3-ay no'ne irun. s.tooi.: nia liftors'" fault, 'says sae can t I'.r. tr-rstP.r.rl row cum i to get n. tut i..e ice; ca3 prou bly a germ Just sruk up on ni3 when I was unav aro of its prtsonts. FOR SALE 242 aw. o: tin- finb llK-be. in tiiiet!!. GuaVri-i'en be twieti 7 and 8 million fo:t of mnr koiablo timber. Between 2 and 3 million loot of Cedar. uo:! 'erniF and larna:n. Incuire at L. aVr of fice. :i: r FO. SALE OH TRADE Good piano; what havo you? Inqui-o at Boot ery. 32 tf FOR SALF Two acres in Run Bot tom, one acre cleared, about 3-4 acre in smill fruit nnd young orch ard. Tnn"le ?82. Toledo 40 3t Water Front ?mM WHOLESALE A DETAIL Dealers In , DRESSED & CURED MEAT8 FISH IN SEASON HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HIDE8 WAUGH & MEAKER, Props. Ij 5 WH4wtwwmwHTWWHtwmwf. t SALE 1 "imornatiuaiv" sai on gin, 10 h. p., ood as n-.-w. Will sell at casonable pr'ce if taken ' nne. Tnnuiro at Leader offlcce. 2Stf "Qoodform HAIR 'NETS ' Just tho Sliape or Color that the most Fac'Jdioits Feminine Tastos M?.y Desire. . Careful Selection from Imported Stocks Guarantees Thorn Perfect. We are as Protid to Soil Them B3 You Will Be to Wear Them. "GOODFORM" Nets are Made for and Sold exclusively by REXALL Stores Only POPULARLY PRICED AT 2 FOR 25c DOUBLE MESH, .. -ALii Will sell Vi acres with n roTi house, or any part o' t.n a::re and ono half tract, within Pi' V-t's Will take ,-. Ford car in a trada for any part of this pr- -,erty. Also a new 12 inch 1urn-In- nlow. O. .F MOCK. -M f RAINCOATS Buy your raincoat direct fror vholesaier; Army color S4-.C5; Half Caohrrero $5.95; Rubbsr 'n6d ;uaraniced waterproof, oend 51 00 today balance on re ceipt of coat. Satisfaction or orey refunded. FORTLAMD ,'OBBINO HOUSE 313 Machay Bi Portland, Ore. " TAKRN, new and renewals fcr all papers anu maga zines published. Everett Miller, To ledo, Oregon. Box 117. 41 8t- FOR SAL15 "Sh.'-.rplesn" seporc'.cr-, COO 'pound capacity; goad condition. See Hlgslns Second Hand Strre. . 42 3t- PROFESSIONAL CARDS F. M. HELLWARTH M, D. General Practice CALLS ANSWERED PROMPTLY Office In FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG.' TOLEDO. Of!E. Dr. Ernest H. Hall Dentist First National Bank Building Phone 1106 Toledo, Ore. C.ET HAWKINS Attorney-at-Law . Toledo. Oregon TOLEDO t Or(?E MO. 10B, 1. O. O. I "sets cvry Wo-tncsday evening Visiting Brothers 'aivays " Welcome H . MATHEWS, N.' O. Carl RMdersleeve, Secretary. M. E. CHU3CH. Rev. Cain. Pastor. Sunday services Sunday school 10 a. m. Public Worship, 11 n. m. T.pwor'h L'-ar-ue, (i:!?0 p. m. Public Worh'p, 7:"0 n. ro Tiutrsd:iv Prayer meftiiiK 7: HO. ,..4.t-:..Vt4.i.4,4A;'44tCt4j$4MM''l4 t -1 if Lincoln County DOES A R GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS iCOliPORATED) TOLEDO. OREGON 47c Interest Paid oi Time and Savincs Deposits C. E. HAWKINS, President C. O. HAWKINS, Vice President J. IJ. HOOTJI, Cashier A. E. HAWKINS, Asst. Cashier T . A w me &t cufr Juel corfc 'VERY LANG RANGE matrofactored. is tnilt around the famous HO r JiLA&l principle ana contains the LANG HOT AIR DRAFT, hoth original, patented features. Forcing the heat en tirely around the oven, utUizin& every particla f....i j utlT,;, owrv inch of cookinfc sur OI iUfcl anu ii';t,..'o ' J face, the LANG ranfee is by far the most ical kitchen ranfee on the market. Today LANCr stoves are used and endorsed by thousands of American housewives. 6 Let us show you a Eateman Furniture Company TOLEDO OREGON Bieiiw.n. rm !r"i"i 'umwium 0 YOU KNOW that indigestion can be cured, Jy permanently cured, so that you can eat any . kind of food that you crave? It has been done 3 no only once, but in almost every case when Cham berlain's Tablets are used. An instance: Mr. J. Pominville, Stillwater, Minn., who had spent over $2,000.00 for medicine and treatment was perma nently cured by these tablets. u r. -. fli n r x x : T1. 01 'MilAHffll S-ii. k ! H L J 1 1 Vl i UUUilUI Bank TOLEIfcO DRUG CO. The 1lt&toatStot T. P. HAWKINS, frop. Member of FEDERAL RESERVE BANK . . CAPITAL STOCK $25,C00.C3 To'edo . Oregon EB'B SMOKEHOUSE i: - Wo carry the highest class line of Tobacco and Candies on the market. Soft drinks of nil kinds. We make a specialty " of MOUNT HOOD ICE CREAM- 3 . THE BEST BILLIARD TABLES IN LINCOLN COUNTY ;; E. A. LYTLE, Prop. j ; OosyBinareI""P'apiop DRINKS OF ALL KINDS SERVED Take a Carton of YAQUINA VALLEY ICE CREAM home with you Absolutely the BEST on the Market v "SERVICE IS OUR. MOTTO" : i ' ;. ; NICHOLS & BAIN, Props'. . HMIHWWmMI HUM I