-Zrz- !i LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 14, 192 PACE THREE SUMMONS IN THE CHtCUIT COURT OF" THE STATE OP OREGON FOR LINCOLN COUNTY. L. W. Williams, plaintiff, vs. De Witt C. Henry, J. K. Weatherford, Ivy May Henry, Charles W. Smith and 0. Middlekauff, defendants. To DeWltt C. Henry, Ivy May Henry r,t n, j,e barred ana foreclosed and Charles W. Smith, defendants: .from all title and equity in said prem- IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF'Eu8' cavt cJulLsiat,!t?r'',Pr.lKht,of nr-.t i . demption, and that plaintiff and said OREGON: You and each of you treLnfj.n i v w,ihfj i. liereby required to appear and answer tho amended complaint and answer and cross complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the last date or publication of this summons, to-wit: January 11th, 1923, and if you fall so to answer the plain tiff and tho defendant J. K. Weather ford will apply to the above entitled :ourt for the relief demanded in the ' said amended complaint and in the! said answer and cross complaint, to wit: That plaintiff may have judge ment against defendant Dcwitt C. Hen ry in the turn of 5G01.G7, with Interest at 8 per cent per annum from Novem ber 25, 1918, 1134.04 with Interest thrroon at 6 per cent per n;:num from ..November 25, 11.16, and fCO.CO attor neys' fees and his cosi.i and disbursu ments thcro'n; end that defendant J. K. Weatherford may have judgment against defendant DcWitt 0. Henry In the sum of $'SO.Oo v,-:t;i liuerzst there on at 7 per ecu I re.' annum from April 2C, ltn. n.ii !..-. .!-r :;tin of $1070.00 with Inii r. : . liiorecu at the rate of 6 per cnt. P"r tv.mum from Ar-rl! 2", 1913, ;n 1 IPO.'J J attorney's fees end his costs actl dVi-wtRentii therein; that the v.or'jr.-vj!!?, executed and delivered hv Witt C. H?riry t , .'' fd in book S, h:: r : il';', rc"ord :?. : nrda of Lia- :t 1 l(J f)l'Te- rta? o rern-ds of roln county, (Jrr-n'i of, and In Lo'.'c r;, r. Lincoln courtly : :'on, at Vi- 2S6 thereof, to the defendant J. K. W jjp. ' f,.r.1 nn nmnartv ,1 , . .-. 1 ... fl lows, towit The southwest cu: rter of -the south past quarter of fectinn 27, and the west half of tho no.-theast rraricr of section 34, in tcwrhip 8 south, range 11 west of the Willamette Meridian, In Lincoln County, Oregon, be foreclosed an that sa'd property be sold In the manner find form pro vided by law by the sheriff of Lin coln county, Oregon; that said sheriff plate tho purchaser in tin immediate possession thereof and that the pro ceeds of said sal? be arp'.'ed: , FirPt: To the payment of tho costs of said sale; Second: To the amount of judg ment In favor of the plaintiff, lnclud Ing principal and neys fees, cost Third: To FOWLER'S RESTAURANT Hill St., To'edo, Oregon Ask about our $1.00 PER DAY RATES Best established eating place in Lincoln County K. J. FOWLER, Prop. n-:- merest, taxes, attor-. ; Yi . V , , ' inf thn t!lnr- rf 11 vn crrr nlntnttff rtm f s and disbursements; "A 'Z"".: ,:J the amount rf iti-Vt I f,nre Unilt N L Guilliams, W. E. ... irmu against you in t.ie above en HEMS I ITCHiNG titled suit, on or b f.ro the expiration , , , ... . . of six weeks fro"i th-j dato of the first "Pedal rates for holidays have that public-alien of t;mn-ons, and if bluebird basket, bi:M-r:'!:- or Initial , you fa s) to ,.....r,.;r ,.n,, an8wer( for hemstitched m. All woil: guaranteed. wur.t thereof th t-lvlr.ti.f will applv to US' ' A- CHli.aACHEItv tne above enf!ti court for tho relief Newport. . demanded in its complaint, towit: for t.- '!- ! First Class Wcrk Prices Reasonable JOHN M. ATWATER ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP Mail Order Work a Sptc alty Toledo Oregon The Ford Coupe has an especial appeal fcr real estate folks because of its splendid up-to-date appointments. A comfortable and depend pble motor car every day of the year shine, Tain, mud or snow. Equipped with electric self -starting and lighting system and demount able rims with 3-inch tires all around it, brings it3 owner all those established dependable Ford merits in economy in operation and upkeep, with assured long service. Not alone for professional and business men who drive much, but as the family car for women, the Ford Coupe meets every expectation. The demand for them increases daily so we solicit immediate orders to make reasonably prompt delivery. Will you not make our shop your repair place? Genuine Ford parts and skilled mechanics. m 4e 1-S3 ft In favor of the defendant J. K. Weatherford, Including interest, at torneys' fees, costs and disburse ments; Fourth: And tho overplus, if any thnro be, to tho defendant Dcwltt C. Henry; , - That said defendants Dev.itl C. Henry, -vy May Henry, and Charles W. Smith and each of them, and all persons ilalmlni bv throuah. or und- such further relief as to the court may seem equitable. . This summons is published in the "Lincoln County Leader" once a week for six BUC(;eR3iv9 and consecutive veeks, commencing with the issue of November 30th, 1922, and ending with the iesua of January 11th, 1923, pur suant to the order of the Honorable G. F. Skipwortli, Judite of tho Circuit Court of the State of Or??on for L!n coin county, dated November 24th, 1"2' Dated this 24th day of November, 1922. E. F. JONES. Attorney for Plaintiff, rostoffice address: Newport, Oregon. McKAl)DTCN ft CLARKE, Attorneys for I'jifendant, J. K. Weatherford, Postoffice address, Corvallls, Oregon. Dale of firft publication, Nov. 30, 1022. Dat! of bst publication, Jan. 11th, 1923 . NOTICE TO PRCSilNr CLAIMS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF ORtiOUN FOR LIN COLN COUNT V. In the matter of the estate of David B. l(:ima'Jell, decesscd. XL-TICK 13 JITt;:Y GIVEN that M. ..-..I 1 1 jj.ju.:u uy ir.u L.;u.;i.v ujui l ui mi state of Oreirjn for Lincoln County, e.v-caitor of lite esiitu of David IJ. Itr .i.-idell, Viceis::cl, ai;d has duly qualitled. All persons having claims acaiii. l nit: ta.a eauuK ,110 liuruuy iiui- 1 f'""" "l my office at Toledo, Oregon, properly verified within six nonths from the data of the first publication of this notice. Dated this 23rd day of November. 1922. G. B. McCLUSKEY, Executor of the estate of David B. Ramsdell. deceased. 40 6t SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LIN COLN COUNTY. STATE LAND BOARD OF THE STATE OF OREGON: Bon W. Olcott, governor; Sam A. Kozer, secretary of stato: O. P. Hoff, stato treasurer; con- G'.vyrn, and Lincoln County bank, a corporation, defendant. To O. L. H'jlate, R. C. Wynant, Clarence Hout, N. L. Guilliams. W. E. Gwynn and Lincoln County Bank, a co-poratii n, the above named de fendants. , IN T'TE N ME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: , You are hereby required to appear n!'d answer tho coninla'nt of plaintiff a apCTPB m ""S , 0llrl lorecnsmg a art. O. L. Hnlttnte. to plaintiff on the 10th da of January, 1912, on the fol lowing described real property situat ed in Lincoln County. Oregon. East half of northwest quarter, southwest quarter of northeast quar ter and northwest quarter of southeast quarter of section eighteen in town ship twelve south of range eleven west of Willamette Meridian and that the above described tract of THE UNIVERSAL Peters, m Bros. G Toledo, Oregon GLEN!) ALE PARK -0 land be sold by the sheriff of Lincoln I county, Oregon, as provided by law to sausiy tne amount due and owing to piaintirr on said mortgage: and fur ther for a decree that you said defend ants, and each of you, and all persons claiming by, through or under you said defendants, may bo barred and llorocloscd of any estate, right, title, .l!en or interest in or to said mort jfnged premises or eny part thereof, ,and for such other and further relief' jas may be equitable and just. -J This BUtnmons is served upon you by publication In accordance with an 'order made ly the Hon. C. W. James, jcounty judge of Lincoln County, Ore igon, which said order Is dated Novem ber 27th, 1922, ana which requires that this summons be published In the Lin coln County Leader for six consecu tive and successive weeks beginning with tho issue of Novomer 30th, 1S22. G. D. McCLUSKEY; Attorney for plaintiff, - P. O. Address: Toledo, Ore. Pate of 1st publication Nov. 30, J't-'2. Da'o of last publication Jan. 11, 1922. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned, executor, 'of the estate of William Hail, deceased, has filed in the county court of Lincoln county, stato of Oregon, h's final ac count as such executor of said estat", and that Tuesday the 2nd day of Jai. uary, 1923, at the hour c' nine o'clock a..m. has been fixed by s;:M court as tiio tirao for hearing of oiijjciiuns to said report and the setlio.uei.t there of. BENJAMIN FRANK HALL. Esocutor of the es;uto oi' William !!:!!, d-ceascd. N.,v. :;0 Luc. 28. NOTICE TO PP.ESEMT CLAIMS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LIN COLN COUNTY. In the matter of the estate C. M. Hall, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County- Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln county, administrator of the estate of C. M. Hall, deceased, and has duly quali fied. . All persons having claims against tho said esstate are hereby notified to present the same to me at my residence at Waldport, Oregon, properly verified within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated this 23d day of November, 1922. CHAS. S. HALL, Administrator of the estate of C. M. Hall, deceased. 40 6t NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the es tate of Fred Roessler, deceased, will i by virtue of an order of sale duly made and entered of record In the County Court of Lincoln County, Oregon, on the 4th day of December, 1922, author izing and licensing the undersigned , administrator of said estate to sell the teal property belonging to Bald estate, T will in pursuance thereoT, on and af ter Saturday the Cth day of January, 1923, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day, at the law office of G. B. McCluskey, in Toledo, Lincoln county, Oregon, offer for sale at private sale to the highest bidder the following de scribed real property situate ln Lin coln county, Oregon, belonging to said estate, to-wit: Beginning at a point In the center of Poole Slough on the 14 section line hat is fifty (50) rods north of the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 2 In township 12 Bouth of 'range 11 west of the Willamette Meri dian, in Oregon, running thence in a southwesterly direction along the cen ter of said slough forty-one (41) rods, thence north and parallel to and with the 1-4 section line running through said section, thirty-nine rods, thence northeasterly and parallel to and with inure the flrd lino herein forty one rods,! Unit in a Tl..!.,, ,i , . , H uui in ui uie piiu-e oi oe- ginning, thence south along the 14 soction lino in said section to the place of beginning, containing ten (10) ncres more of les3. Ter -.is of Salo, cash in hand. Da'.ed.this 4th d:iy of December. 1922. O. P. MeCLITSKEY, i Administrator of the Estate : First pub. Dec. 7, 122. i Last pub. Jan. 4. lD2;i. gt i ATTENTION FARMERS I State school fnm'a able for lv.r.3 on imnrnvmi nirr'.ml.i tural lands. Inquire of Mi: s Sara 1 Cni!::m, 'iolcdo, Oregon. 38 t I SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COTTP.T Df THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LIN COLN COUNTY. Milbrey Oibbs. plaintiff, V3. Harvey Q'bb.i, riefondar.t. To Harvey Clbbs, tho above named defendant, IN THE NAME OF TII3 STATE OF OREGON: - You tire hereby required to nppep.r and rnstter the c-omplnlnt filed a-ainai .u ' iiuuve eninia;! Hint now on file lh7 o:li.;e of the Ccv.niv Chirk of Lincoln Couufy, Oregon, on or bo toie tno Irirst uay named in tho order for il.e publication of stiTiimona, to vit: on or before s!x weeks from tho first day of the publication hereof. Avi you are liereby notified that if you ail to appear and answer said co:' ; '.ilnt as herein required, tho plai'.tiff will apply to the above entitl ed ii.urt for the relief prayed for in sail complain. t tov.'it: for a decree of P'iJ court dissolving tho marriage con;r:vt exlstins between plaintiff and dfefm '.ant, and awarding and decree ing to tho plaintiff the enro, custody and u ntrrl of the Infant child, the is sue of said marriage, to-wit: Dorothy Giblis, and for sui li other and furthor ord t and decree as the court may deem meet and just. Tlii3 summons is served upon you by publication thereof by order of the Hon. C. W. James, county judge of Lincoln county, Oregon, mado on the 23rd day of November, 1922, directing publication thereof once a week for six consecutive and ' successive weeks, beginning with the Issue of November 23rd, 1922, and ending with the issue of January 4th. 1923, in tho LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, a weekly news paper published and of general circula tion within Lincoln County, Oregon. C. E. HAWKINS, , Attorney for plaintiff, P. O. address: Toledo, Oregon. 40-7t. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LIN COLN COUNTY. In the matter of the Estate of Silas Elliott, deceased. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been duly np po'nted by tho County Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln county, administrator of the estate of Silai Elliott, deceased, and has duly quail fled. All persons having claims again st the said estate are liereby noti fied to present the same to me at the law office of G. B. McClusltev in To ledo, Oregon, properly verified, with in six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated this 16th day of November, 1022. E. M. PETTYCREW, Administrator of the Estate of Silas Elliott, deceased. 39 Et IN THE COUNTY COURT Or THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LINCOLN COUNTY. NOTICE TO PRESENT CLAIMS. In the matter of the estate of A. B. Hunt, deceased. - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by tho County Court of the state of Oregon, for Lincoln county, administratrix of the estate of A. 13. Hunt, deceased, and has duly qua fied. All persons having claims again st the said estate are hereby, notified to present the same to me at'my rest dence at Eddyville, Oregon, or at the law office of G. B. McCluskey in To ledo, Oregon, properly verified within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated this 10th day of November, 1922. JANE HUNT, Administratrix cf tho estate of A. B. limit, doceasod. 39 5t NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 04S51 Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land office at Portland, Ore., Nov. ember 13th, 1922. Notice is hereby given that Lafay ette E. Sharp, of 1'lillomutii, Ore., who, on January 4th, 191S, mado Homestead l.nlry, No. 04951, for the southeast U, section 10, township 13 south, ram;e 8 west, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to mako three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the clork of the County Court for Lincoln county, Oregon, at Toledo, Oregon, ou the 27th day of December, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: Charles It. Sheltou, Alfred J. Brooks, Charles I. Jones, James E. Sharp, all of Philomath, Oregon. ALEXANDER SWEEIC, 39 Bt Register. . . FIXALLSHOP WELL WE FIX EVERYTHING CLOCKS A SPECIALTY Shoes, Boots, Clocks, Watches, Umbrellas, Pant, Buckets, Tub, 1 Boilers, Flashlights, Cut Agates, 6harner Shears, Knives. Repair all kinds of things Don't throw anything away, Coma In and so us. Furniture Repair- ed. CEO. LICKEY INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, HEALTH A. ACCIDEI AUTOMODILE CONTRACTORS' LIABILITY C. K. CROSMO, Toledo, Oreeon Office In First N. 3. Bldg. . Toledo PJanmc? Mills For nil kirds of Poilcilrg Material. We j.-ify a Complete Line of Windows, Doors, "3b?3, Recfirj, Pf Pa nt & Fji'diruj Paper. We are prepared to 'Jo All Kins c: Vi!l Work a. Cabinet Work. Cor. 5th find Railroad Sts. I CAEEY A OF OF ' WVLVMAM witch z- . ...II. A4 VVb MIW.. WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY l, i-i. !eh. f:b::eirso:m" f THE OLD RELIABLE, (Established VJ'JO), 1 OLfc.DO, OREGON ilji tP letter oi VA tobacco mTA u X V 3JB ' CooBting Utensils st CLEAM -1-1 I t M...c.. r I. M.... & Co.. Nmt ENGINEERING WORK Professional Engineer, In the Staf of Oreyon. Topography work, Civr' Engineering and Sub-Division wor A. .1. McMillan, T.oletlo. Oregon ' ' TOLEDO, OREGON. :;:'::-jLL DIAMONDS. WATCHES, CLOCKS, I JEWiZLHY and SILVERWARE ALr.O A FULL LINE FOUNTAIN PENS and PENCILS OVER 43 YEARS EXI'FRIENCE AS PRACTICAL WATCH Ml '. ER LlOOBTT & MVBRS TOBACCO COi For quick results on all metalware use Cleans Scours Pollsnes Large cake No vaste Yoii. U. S. A. 1