1 WASHINGTON COMMENT. Not Infrequently the proponent of a vigorous Americanization program In answered with "Oh, what's the use? A few foreigners, more or less, who don't understand us, won't hurt!" There are plenty of patriotic and sentimental reasons why "a few more or less" will hurt end hurt badly. And there are as many practical reasons. Bolshevism, Red propaganda, Soviet ism of all kinds, are not cpread In America by Americans, but by for eigners. Short of deporting all for eigners, which is unthinkablo in peace times, there is no other plan save that of Americanization, which will keep this the America of Americans Instead of a try-out station for wi.d commun istic and anarchistic schemes. An instance of the need of greater vigilence in Americanization work is at hand in the funny reports printed If all German, French, Austrian and Polish children in thla country knew I of their own knowledge, from proper Americanization education, the facts about this country, it is hardly pos sible that their parents and grandpar-1 ents, In writing to Europe, could fail I to give a true, rather than a false picture of political conditions in this country. It may be argued that it doesn't make any difference If Ger many Is told by her newspapers a e of untruths about our domestic elec tions, but that is not the point. Mis representation and misunderstanding of one country by another, interfere with trade, cause friction, and some times war, and prevent tho spread of culture and education, fend tHus. of civilization. Additioual Locals - See page six right hand corner. It B. R. Kenyon of this city, who has been visiting at "he home of his wire's mother in Mill City last week, passed through here enroute for Toledo this weekend Albany Herald. FOR SALB 100 quarts of home can ned fruit. Inquire of Mrs. Witman , at Llngenfelter rooming house. 42 2t A big basket soda! and dance will be h:d In the Parish school house, district 32, on Saturday night, Dec. 9 according to word received from that community Wednesday. Every body welcome. Ladies bring boxes filled with good things to eat. Auc tion sale. Use Peters Shells, and get the llm It. 42 It FOR SALE 'By owner Full set of store fixtures including two sets of computeing grocery scales. 1 set computing nail sca'.e platform scale cash register, Mackasky system, cheese case and cutter, ten show cases of different kinds. One dan dy oak grocery counter, one large money safe, typewriter, adding ma chine Burroughs make, trucks, scoops, chairs, tools and articles too numerous to mention; one large hardware cabinet for prices and terms apply to M. L. Seiti, box 151. Newport, Oregon 42 3t RAINCOATS Buy your raincoat direct from wholesaler; Army color $4.55; Half Cashmere $5.95; Rubber lined guaranteed waterproof. Send $1.00 today balance on re ceipt of coat. Satisfaction or money refunded. PORTLAND JOBBING HOUSE 313 Macleay B'dg. Portland, Ore. 'OWX UNIVERSAL Blue or White Porcelain trimmed ONE OF THE BEST RANGES ON THE MARKET Call and Inspect Them Hayden Hdw. Co. j ENGAGEMENT RINGS See our Special $50.00 and $75.00 Diamor.d rings; others priced from $25.00 to $900.00. F. M. FRENCH & SONS Jewelers Opticians Albany, Oregon. Have Your Soles ' Sawed on. Prices Reasonable Mail Orders' Promptly At. tended tor ', ' ' DICK WENNER & SON $HinaohlheprrWVoi Newport. Oregon u LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY, ... .w . Mrs. Grant Hart returned. Tuesday evening after a two weeks' visit with friends In Eugene. Attorney G. B. McCluskey Is In Portland this week on a business trip. A. C. Shelton received news from a Corvailla hospital Friday Dec 1st that Mr. Stork had left a-six pound boy at tha't place for him. The youner son arrived on Thanksgiving day and, according to the telegram, both moth er and baby are getting along nicely. 1 11 imiii HWfMf t ('- Store Open Evenings Until Christmas II I Hi II Kill ii i 1 i' i via 21 'fcfe'l Our Time and Service Are lie Lincoln County ' V Nexi t&bstoffkje at Newport : ?W'!.-i P., I . Mrs. Ofstedahl left on the noon train Sunday for a visit at Portland. , We carry varlouB lines of souven irs A heauMful line of Sepin. Gray and hand colored pictures of the Ore- -ii G'liist in diffemnt Risen sultnblv framed or unframed. These pictures took first prize at the Pacific North west Pnotograptiers convention at Vancouver B. C. in 1921. Baskets, nottery, leather novelties, moccas ins, shells, fancy bead necklaces, all suitable for gifts and souvenir). Visit ors always welcome. We take pleas ure In showing our goods. A. L. Thomas, Tewport, Oregon. 42 3t Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Ha:i and little daughter are business visitors In Al bany this week. Mir. and Mrs. vallls were visitors the Mei Gildersleeve homo. Mel end r.mk played marbles and mumble peg t -.;et her buck in Kansas "In the days or leal sport," and their visit here was filled with pleasant renilnlsatns of "ancient" times in the "Jayhawk" state. Mr. and Mrs. Norm Sherwood. also former Kansans the Olldersleeve and Mrs. Pierces' , mi tti 1 1 1 1 1 11 Handkerchiefs I want dainty handkerchiefs with attractive borders or clever little em broidered corners, made of faultless linen or sheer white lawn, They're the best gift for Christmas. In Linen 50c Boxe3, 3 Handkerchiefs 50c to $1.50 Or Lawn 10c to 50c Boxes of 3 Kerchiefs .... .39c to 75c Xmas Tree Trimmings of all descriptions Hand Bags One of those beautiful leather hand bags that come in swagger, vanity and pouch styles- They're all the rage now. Oh,. Mr. Man buy me a handbag for Christmas. $1.25 to $7.50. WE OFFER A WORLD OF SUGGESTIONS IN EVERYTHING RANGING FROM APPAREL TO THE ENDLESS STREAMS OF LITTLE PERSONAL AC CESSORIES DEAR TO THE HEART O F ALL. BOXED AS GIFTS- HERE ARE A FEW SUGGESTIONS FOR YOUR SELECTION AT LOWEST PRICES: LADIES House Slippers Guest Towels Scissors Sweaters Lace Collars Combs Hair ornaments Ladies umprellas House Slippers Stationery Blouses Underwear CHILDREN'S Dolls Toys Si SILK, SILK AND WOOL, AND ALL WOOL; SPLENDID QUAL ITIES IN AN UNUSUAL VARI ETY OF THE LATEST COLOR INGS. Boxed as GIFTS $1.00 to $3.50- ' rTTTTTTT TTTTTT Our Store and Let Us Gift Problems The Christmas Stores DECEMBER 7, 1922. Lincoln Lodge, No. 124, A. F. & A. M will hold their stated communica tion Monday. December 11th and will elect officers for the ensuing year. Visiting brothers will be welcome. By c"ler of tho W. II R. S. Van Cleve, Frank Price of Cor over Sunday at secretary. Mr. and Mru. L. H. Lowe and fam ily are back In Toledo to make their home after an absence of several months. They -are the parents of Mrs. Ld Stocker. were visitors nt Mr. Lawson, of Waldport, logging "(infractor for the Pacific Spruce Mill, home durine Mr. visit here. was a uusiness visitor nere J A Gift That Is Always Give Him a Pair of GLOVES THEY ARE OF CAPE SKIN IN TAN, BROWN AND GREY AND ARE FEATURED SPECIALLY AS GIFTS $1.95 to $2.25. SEE OUR DOLLS 5( fcre You Decide OF IE FELY Silk Cravats All silk cravats of splendid qualities in an unusual extensive variety of new colorful patterns. A low price that suggests the pur chase of many. Boxed as gifts 75c to $1.35 Drums Wool hose Sweaters Handkerchiefs Caps Dresses MEN'S Neckwear Suspenders Garters . Ties Hats Handkerchiefs House slippers Razors. Knives V I s I T ALL WOOL SWEATERS TOM NYE AND SAXONY COAT SWEATERS; ROUGH & V-NECK, HEAVY WOOL .BOX ED AS GIFTS $4.75 to $10.00 4'-4'frW Help You Solve Your at Your Disposal Always Progressive of a Thousand Gifts Next to Lincoln PAGE FIVE The Manarv Rmt'io nt .,., ary Logging Co. of Yaobats. vwe To- ieuu uusin:!ss vlslto 3 Tuesday. ATTENTION DAIRYMEN FOR SALE Cheap Buttercup's Ore- It gon fogig, register No. 182SS9; sire, FIggs Pogs of Oregon, regster No. 114308; dam, Rosaline's Buttercup register No. 30024.. arooped Oct 3 19 18:breeder. Mrs. Emma Hul' bert. Albany, Oregon. Presest own er, Frank Updike. This animal is at tho Updike barn across from the 1. u. u. p. nan. win render service until Bold. 40 ,r i uesaay. 1- n iitt iiMiimiiininiiiiiiiiiTt IF YOU WANT SOMETHING FOR A GIFT AND CAN NOT FIND IT TELL US AND WE WILL GET IT FOR YOU. get me a pair o nf sloves 7. anecictie T for me ! give me a 9 sweater County Bank at Toledo Stores """" " ",,""AtitiiiMMiiitmttiiiiiiiiinnnniiiijliti;