LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 7 1922. PAGE THREE SUMMONS I in favor of the defendant J. K. im twit nxhnrrif vttth vn -. Weatherford, Including Interest, et staSSSS0. fees, costs- and disburse. ments; Fourth: And the overplus, If any thero be, to the defendant Dewltt C. Henry; , That said defendants Dewltt C, Henry, Ivy May Horry, and Charles land be sold by the sheriff of Lincoln county, Oregon, as provided by law to satisfy the amount due and owing to plaintiff on said mortgage; and fur ther for a decree that you said defend ants, and each of you, and all persons claiming by, through or under you said defendants, may be barred and foreclosed of any estate, right, title, W. Str.llh and each of them, and all :llen or interest in or to said mort- COUNTY. L. W. Williams, plaintiff, vs. De Witt C. Henry, J. K. Weatherford, Ivy May Henry, Charles W. Smith and O. .l-eiv;.,3 uui:uiuk uy uiruugn, or una- ifuimco ui mi yan muiuui. To DeWItt C. Henry, Ivy May Henrv ' cr them, bo barred ana foreclosed Rnd for BUcn other and further relief and Charles W. Smith, defendants: fm a'.! title and equity in said prem-!8 may be equitable and just. IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OF!'Bes" excePt onljr statutory right of re-! This summons is served upon you rRFr-nM- vnn , , ,dempt!on, and that, plaintiff and said jby -publication in accordance with an OREGON. You and each of you are ; defendant, J.K.Weatherford, may have order made ly the Hon. C. W. James, ..o.ouj 'hi' iu opiieur una answer sucn runner renei as to tne court may jcounty judge or Lincoln County, ore tlie amended complaint and answer i seem equitable. 'gon, which said order is dated Novem- Tnis summons is published in the ber 27th, 1922, anc which requires that "Lincoln County Leader" once a week this summons be published in the Lin for six successive and consecutive coin County Leader for six consecu weeks, commencing with the issue of tlve and successive weeks beginning November 30th, 1922, and ending with ;wlth the issue of Noveroer 30th, 1D22. and cross complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the last date of publication of thlB summons, to-wit: January 11th, 1923, and if you fall so to answer the plain- iirr ana we deiendant J. K. Weather- the issue of January 11th, 1923, pur suant; to the order of the Honorable Dated this 24th day of November, 1922. B. F. JONES. Attorney for Plaintiff, Postoffice address: Newport. Oregon. McFADDEN & CLARKE, Attorneys for defendant, J. K. Weatherford, Postoffice address, Corvallis, Oregon. Date of first publication, Nov. 30, 1922. Date of last publication, Jan. 11th, 1923 fnrd win nntv .ho o'k1 ,i.iG- F. Sklpworth, Judge of the Circuit court for the relief demanded in theCo.urt of l.he fa ofKT0r6go? forV!n said amended complaint and in tne Ln, county- dated November 24th, V,IH flnSVa. anil . lTia m Mtmnlalnt r ' wit: That plaintiff may have judge ment against defendant Dewltt C. Hen ry in the sum of $601.67, with interest at 8 per cent per annum from Novem ber 25, 1916, $164.04 with Interest thereon ot 6 per cent per annum from November 25, 1916, and $60.00 attor neys' fees and his costs and disburse, ments therein; and that defendant J. K. Weatherford may have judgment against defendant DeWitt C. Henry in the sum of $680.0o with interest there on at 7 per cent per annum from April 26, 1913, end the further sum of $1070.00 with Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from April 26, 1913, and $100.00 attorney's fees and his costs and disbursements therein; that the mortgages executed and delivered by said defendant De Witt C. Henry to the plaintiff, record ed In book 8, mortgage records of Lin coln county, Orenon, at page 357 there of, and in book 13, mortgage records of Lincoln county, Oregon, at pace 286 thereof, to the defendant J. K. Weather ford, upon property described as fol lows, to-wit: The southwest quarter of the south east quarter of section 27, and the west half of the northeast quarter of section 34, in township 8 south, range 11 west of the Willamette Meridian, In Lincoln County, Oregon, be foreclosed and that Bald property he sold In the manner and form pro vided by law by the sheriff of Lin coln county, Oregon; that said sheriff place the purchaser 'in the immediate possession thereof and that the pro ceeds of said sale be applied: ,. First: To the payment of the costs of said sale; O. B. McCLUSKEY, Attorney for plaintiff, P. O. Address: Toledo, Ore. Date of 1st publication Nov. 30, 1922. Date cf last publication Jan. 11, 1922. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned, executor, of the estate of William Hall, deceased, has filed in tho county court of Lincoln county, state of Oregon, his final ac count as such executor of said estate, and that Tuesday the 2nd day of Jan uary, 1923, at the hour ot nine o'clock a. m. has been fixed by said court as NOTICE TO PRESENT CLAIMS the time for hearing of objections to IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE said report and the settlement there STATE OF OREGON FOR LIN- of. the first line herein im-tv-ona rods. and to a point north of the place of be ginning, tnence south along the 1-4 section line in said section to the place of beginning, containing ten UU) acres more of less. Terms of Salo, cash In hand. Dated this 4th dav of December. 1922. O. B. McCLUSKEY, Administrator of the Estate. First pub. Dec. 7, 1922. Last pub. Jan. 4, 1923. 6t ATTENTION FARMERS State school funds are now avail. able for loans on improved agricul tural lands. Inquire of Miss Sara Crahen, Toledo, Oregon. 38 tf rate sale to the highest bidder, the Oregon. following described real propety be- Tarms of sale: Cash in hand, longing to said estate, to-wit: Dated at Toledo, Oregon, this 6tU The West Half of the Northwest day of November, 1922. quarter of geciton 33, township 6 C. J. DUNCAN", South of Rr.niro. 10 West of the Wll- Adlnistrato of the Estate c( Hur lamette Meridian In Linoo:a C.imuy. r'-i. Cu1 Duncin. Deroosod. 38 5t COLN COUNTY. In the matter of the estate of David B. Ramsdell, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Nov. 30 Dec. 28, the undersigned has been duly . ap polnted by the county court of the state of Oregon for Lincoln County, executor of the estate of David B. Ramsdell, deceased, and has duly qualified. All persons having claims I BENJAMIN FRANK HALL, Executor of the estate of William Hall, deceased. NOTICE TO PRESENT CLAIMS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LIN COLN COUNTY. In the matter of the estate C. M. againBt the said estate are hereby not- Hall, deceased, ified to nresent the same to me at NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that my office at Toledo, Oregon, properly verified within six ionths from the date of the first publication ot this notice. Dated this 23rd day of November. 1922. G. B. McCLUSKEY, Executor of the estate of David B. Ramsdell, deceased. 40 6t SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LIN COLN COUNTY. STATE LAND BOARD OF THE STATE OF OREGON: Ben W. Olcott, Hall, deceased. ment in favor of the plaintiff, Includ-1 . . . . . ,.s T . ' . lng principal and Interest, taxes, attor-i . g. . fnM " nlxtnHff v. O. L. Holgate, R. . C. Wynant, Clar- the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln county, administrator ot the estate of C. M. Hall, deceased, and has duly quali fied. All persons having claims against the said esstate are hereby notified to present the same to me at my residence at Waldport, Oregon, properly verified within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated this 23d day of November, 1922. CHAS. S. HALL, Administrator of the estate of C. M. 40 6t SUMMON8 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LIN COLN COUNTY. Mllbrey Glbbs. plaintiff, vs. Harvey Gibbs, defendant. To Harvey Glbbs, the above named defendant, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby renulred to annear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit now on file In the office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Oregon, on or be- iore tne last day named In the order for the publication of summons, to wit: on or before six woeks from the first day of the publication hereof. And you are hereby notified that if you fall to appear and answer said complaint as herein required, the plaintiff will apply to the above entitl ed court for the relief prayed for In said complain, t to-wit: for a decree ot said court dissolving the marriage contract existing between plaintiff and defendant, and awarding and decree ing to the plaintiff the care, custody and control of the infant child, the is sue of said marriage, to-wit: Dorothy Gibbs, and for such other and further order and decree as the court may deem meet and Just. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof by order of the Hon. C. W. James, county judge ot Lincoln county, Oregon, made on the 23rd day of November, 1922, directing publication thereof once a week for six consecutive and successive weeks. beginning with the issue of November 23rd, 1922, and ending with the issue of January 4th. 1923, in the LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, a weekly news paper published and of general clrcu'.a tion within Lincoln County, Oregon C. E. HAWKINS, Attorney for plaintiff, P. O. address: Toledo, Oregon 40-7t. GO TO Toledo Planing Mills For all kinds of Building Material. We carry a Complete Line of Windows, Doors, Glass, Roofing, Roof Paint A Building Paper. We are prepared to do All Kinds of Mill Work & Cabinet Work. Cor. 5th and Railroad Sts. TOLEDO, OREGON. I'M I I CARRY A FULL 3LIKTE OF DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE Tr-I. EC. FEETElPSOKr THE OLD RELIABLE, (Established l!)00), TOLFPO, OREGON i ! HMlH':v neys' fees, costs and disbursements; Third: To thn amount of Imlemon I t,n(.e j!out NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned administrator ot the es- N. L. Guilliams, W. E. Gwynn, and Lincoln County bank, a tate of Fred Roessler, deceased, will corporation, defendant. by virtue of an order of sale du'.y made To O. L. Holgate, R. C. Wynant, and entered of record in the County Clarence Hout, N. L. Guilliams, W. Court of Lincoln County, Oregon, on E. Gwynn and Lincoln County Bank, -the 4th day of December. 1922. author- la corporation, the above named do- zing and licensing the undersigned fenrtants, , administrator of said estate to sell the IN THE NAME OF THE STATE real property belonging to said estate, OF OREGON: , (I will In pursuance thereof, on and af- You are hereby required to appear ter Saturday the 6th day of January, ir-,7ti(-$tt'lttt lrt end answer the complaint of plaintiff 1923, at the hour of ten o'clock a. ra. inou againsc you in me aoove en- or saw aay, at tne law onice ot u. a. titled suit, on or before tho expiration McCluskey, In Toledo, Lincoln county, of six weeks from the date of the first Oregon, offer for sale at private sale publication of thl3 summons, and if to the highest bidder the following de you fail so to appear and answer, for scribed real property situate ln Lin want thereof the plaintiff will apply to coin county, Oregon, belonging to said the above entitled court for the relief estate, to-wit: demanded in !tn complaint, to-wit: for Beginning at a point In the center of a decree of this court foreclosing a Poole Slough on the 1-4 section line certain mortgage executed by defend-., that Is fifty (50) rods north of the ant, O. L. Holgate, to plaintiff on the'southeast corner of the northwest 10th day cf January, 191!, On the fol-,quarter of the southwest quarter of lowing described real property situat- section 2 ln township 12 south of ed in Lincoln County, Oregon. 'range 11 west of the Willamette Meri- East half of northwest quarter, dian, in Oregon, running thence in a southwest ouarter of northeast quar- southwesterly direction along the cen ter and northwest quarter of southeast "ter of said slough forty-one (41) rods, quarter of section eighteen in town- thence north and parallel to and with ship twelve south of range eleven west the 1-4 section line running through of Willamette Meridian said section, thirty-nine rods, thence and that the above described tract of northeasterly and parallel to and with FOWLER'S RESTAURANT Hill St, Toledo, Oregon Ask about our $1.00 PER DAY RATES Best established eating place In Lincoln County U. J. FOWLER, Prop. "HEMSTITCHING" Special rates for holidays 4iave that bluebird, basket, butterfly or Initial hemstitched ln. All work guaranteed. MRS. G. A. SCHUMACHER. 40 2t Newport. VX .. - J- JL J- rT TttTtTWTTTTTTT TTTT TVtTT First Class Work Prices Reasonable JOHN M. ATWATER ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP Mall Order Work a &pc alty Toledo Oregon THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Coupe has an especial appeal for real estate folks because of its splendid up-to-date appointments. A comfortable and depend able motor car every day of the year shine, rain, mud or snow. Equipped with electric self-starting and lighting system and demount able rims with 3J-inch tires all around it, brings its owner all those established dependable Ford merits in economy in operation and upkeep, with assured long service. Not alone for professional and business men who drive much, but as the family car for women, the Ford Coupe meets every expectation. The demand for them increases daily so we solicit immediate orders to make reasonably prompt delivery. Wll you not make our shop your repair place?. Genuine Ford parts and skilled mechanics. Peterson Bros. Garage Toledo, Oregon mi G LEND ALE rx&L )BlVimiH W B' an NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LIN COLN COUNTY, . In the matter of the Estate of Silas Elliott, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State ot Oregon for Lincoln county administrator of the estate of Sllaa Elliott, deceased, and haB du!y quail fled. All persons having claims again Bt the said estate are tiere'oy noti fied to present the same to me at the law office of G. B. MoCluskey in To ledo, Oregon, properly verified, with in six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated this 16th day of November, 1922 E. M. PETTYCREW, Administrator ot the Estate ot Silas Elliott. decensd. 31 P IN THE COUNTY COURT Of THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LINCOLN COUNTY. NOTICE TO PRESENT CLAIMS. In the matter of the estate of A. B. Hunt, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the state of Oregon, for Lincoln county, administratrix of the estate of A. B Hunt, deceased, and has duly quau fled. All persons having claims again st the said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at my resi dence at Eddyville, Oregon, or at the law office of G. B. McCluskey in To ledo, Oregon, properly verified within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated this 16th day of November, 192Z. JANE HUNT. Administratrix cf the estate of A. B Hunt, deceased. 39 6t NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 04951 Department of the Interior, U. S Land office at Portland, Ore., Nov emDer I3tn, 1922. Notice 1b hereby given that Lafay ette E. Sharp, of Philomath. Ore., who on January 4th, 1918, made Homestead hntry, No. 04951, for the southeast A section 10, township 13 south, range 8 west, Willamette Meridian, has Med notice of intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to tht land above described, before the clerk of the County Court for Lincoln county, Oregon, at Toledo, Oregon, on the 27th day of December, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses Charles R. Shelton, Alfred J. Brooks Charles I. Jones, James E. Sharp, al oi ruiiomatn, Oregon. ALEXANDER SWEEK, 39 5t Register NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'8 SALE - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned administrator of ih Estate of Harriet Curl Duncan, di? ceased, will by virtue of an order o sale duly made and entered of re ord In the County Court of Lincol County, Oregon, on the 6th day of Nr vember, 1922, authorizing and llcen? lng tne undersigned administra'or r said estate to Bell the real proper belonging to- the said estate of sa' deceased, I will In pursuance theroo on and after the: 9th day of !ece ber, 1922, at the hour of ten oVla a. m., of said day, at the law off! of G. B. McCluskey in Toledo, L'nc County, Oregon, offer for Bale ;:' : fWALTYUJ WATCHKS WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY ALSO A FULL LINE OF FOUNTAIN PENS and PENCILS OVER 40 YEARS EXPFRIENCE AS PRACTICAL WATCH M IfER A teste flfry r cfrarig s I ""Lioobtt ft Mvki Tobacco Co. Keep Painted Woodwork CLEAN Willi 'ii I 1 1 1 u Clean wooden floors, linoleum." tile, marble, concrete, with SAPOLOO. Makes all house' cleaning easy. Large caka Nownt lasts Mwsu'l Um to, 1