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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1922)
PACE FIVE i i'W4i,4,- ? For.Xmas i CORVALLIS OREGON Presents LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER. TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1922. Gigariticuarment Clearance of Men's Women's and Children's r OitorV i NOW ON! It Will Continue 10 Days It is One of the GREATEST SALES This Store Has Ever Held! Out-of-town vis itors and All Corvallis Should Reap Full Benefit of These Extraordinary VALUES. Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention LADIES' SUITS GIRLS' DRESSES LADIES' DRES'S LADIES' DRESS'S Values to $48.00 Values to $5.50 Values to $22.50 Values to $38. Sacrificed at this gigan- Sacrificed at this gi-' Sacrificed at this gi- Sacrificed at this gl- tic clearance sale gantlc clearance sale gantic clearance sale gantic clearance sale $29 83.95 14 826 BOYS' MACKIN'S MEN'S OVERC'TS MEN'S SUITS MEN'S SUITS Values to $9.00 Values to $30.00 Values to $50.00 Values to $27.50 Sacrificed at this gi- Sacrificed at this gi- Sacrificed at this gi- Sacrificed at this gi gantic clearance sal6 gantic clearance sale gantic clearance sale gantic clearance sale 86.50 $19 836 819 HIGH SCHOOL LADIES' COATS . SPORT SKIRTS MEN'S O'COATS SUITS .. Values to $48.00 Values to $1 6.50 Values to $45.00 h?.0 2 m? i Sacrificed at this gl- Sacrificed at this gl- Sacrificed at this gl- I -i., gantic clearance sale gantic clearance sale gantic clearance sale gantic clearance saic " " 815 $29 $9.75 829 Having put In 27 years collecting Agates and making Agate Jewelry I am In a position to offer to Xmas shoppers a line of AGATE JEWELRY that cannot be equalled. The Agates most popular for Jewel- $ ry are :CLOUD AGATES, MOSS AGATES, AND JASPER AGATES. And we offer them to you at the prices given below: RINGS Children's rings $2.50 to $3.50. Ladles' Rings $3.50 to $5. Gents' rings $7.50 to $12.00. LAVALIERS With chains, single stone $2.50 to $4.00; two stones $4 to $5; three stones $6 to $7.50 BROOCHES $2.50 to $5.00; with special fancy stones $10 to $15. CUFF BUTTONS $3.50 to $4.50. SCARF PINS $1.50 to $2.00. SCARF PINS with special fancy stones $2.50 to $4.00. WATCH CHARMS $2.00 to $3.00. I make my own mountings which I guarantee. Part ies Interested in. Agates should send here for a copy of "Items of Interest" concerning agates which we furnish free of charge for the asking. FRAMED PICTURES Of local scenery which took the first prize at the Pacific Northwest Photographers' convention at Vancouver, B. C, in 1921. Black and white or sepia in appropriate frames, at following prices: 5x8 $1.50; 6i2x12 $2.50; 10x16 $3.50 to $4.00. Hand colored in oil with gold bronz frames: 5x8 $2.25- 62x12 $3.50 to $4.00; 10x16 $7.50 to $8.50. ' CHRISTMAS CARDS In separate envelopes 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c. FANCY CUT BEAD NECKLACES 75c to $1.50, in all color. EAR RINGS to match above Beads 75c to $1.00. SOUVENIR CHINA PLATES with local pictures Small size, 60c; large size, $1.50. (SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO MAIL ORDERS) Any article found not satisfactory can be returned and purchase price will be refunded. A. L THOiMA NYE BBEACH, NEWPORT, ORE. Open Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons until after Christmas. i r i r. i I n1 TT" NOTIC.F T C DCiCccm. - ... . Z' ' TAFT To find a Daralvzed man bv the roadside and hay for the man to die' while being taken to a hospital by goad Samaritans has taken place here the past week. Mr. Jjlin Huhta was found by the roadside near Wea!ey Bone's home last Friday in a paralyz ed condition. He was cared for as well as possible b Mr. Bones and oth ers uyntll arrangements Vere made to send him to a hospital. Messrs Walter Bones and Jack Ltiswig started to Newport with him. When about ten miles from here the man passed away. But little could be learned of his relatives as he had been at but few places near here for a night each. An arm had been amputated three times to prevent blood ,poisonlng.' From meager remarks made where he had been befriended let was learned that his former home had been Bush Prairie, Washington, that he had six children, one daughter in Portland. Telephones were sent to several places in atteempts to communicate with children or friends, tout all In vain. His former physician had lost track of him. He was cared for as well as the human honds could and on Sunday buried in the Taft cemetery. A large crowd attended the sad ending of a "stranger in a strange land." Mr. Palmerlee spoke appropriate words at the gravee. Constable, Frank Numeay was for tunate to "nip in the bud" a fire at his home recently. . The roof caught fire from the stove . pipe, but was soon extinguished. An accident at Louis Holton's log ging camp resulted In a fractured leg to a man whose name is unknown to the writer. A large coming from the hill caused a large pole to strike the logger and fracture his leg and other wise braced him up considerable. He was taken to the hospital at Njwport. A school party was given at the school house lust Saturday night by the upper classmen of the T. H. S. The freshles were initiated by maav rl ginal ustits and served a supper. The freshles vow vengence next year. Mrs. Mercier, one of the bay's most estimable pioneers, made a trip to To ledo to have dental work performed. Jasner Luse has been a busy man on bay and river. He has been helping witli ti e mail and freight. .I:. Ilusel! and family passed thru Taft on the'r way to Yaquina. Home seekers and business moi are lier- ev4 week inoulv ng for Uitfi .r cither uit an.s for lnveslo-ents. FOR SALE Will sell acres with a seven room house, or any part of an acre and one half tract, within the city limits. Will take a Ford car In a trade for any part of this property. Also a new 12 inch turn ing plow. C. .F MOCK. 41 tf "Hey, Dub, what's your hurry?" "I am going after a divorce. My wife hasn't spoken to me for six months." "Better be careful, old man. You may never get anothe. wife like that." It i T 1 1 i I m sir m Bregdon the Electrician wf "HsTTMsTTnnrT With the Yaquina Electric Co. For Electric Work That Will Pass Underwriters Inspection ELECTRIC SUPPLIES, WIRING & REPAIRING Call Yaquina Eloctric Company ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN 'OUYX UNIVERSAL Blue or White Porcelain trimmed ONE OF THE BEST RANGES ON THE MARKET ;. Call and Inspect Them Hayden Hdw. Co. i i i s LJLJLAAA.JlAAAJ.A.I..S-XJ.J-t-J.J.AAA A. 1 .A m m. rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTfT'fTTTffTT CALL FOR WARRANTS. School District No. 2, Lincoln coun ty. Oregon, Call for school warrants. All warrants from 954 to 1006 Inclus ive, ai'e ueruby cullud and interest on same stops on the 23rd day of Novem ber. 1922. L. M. STARR, Clerk. The Security Benefit Association ! A beneficiary fraternal society of more than 300,000 members, Man and Women; Six different forms of policies at lowest rates; also maintain a home and hospital for the care of aged members and orphans Local Councils in every part of the U. S. .... Information cheerfully given by H, W. SMITH Deputy District Manager for Oregon, Tolodo Hotel- i ""HUE IU KKESENT f.l AIMC IN THE COUNTY COURT OK THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LIN COLN COUNTY. In tlio matter of the estate C. M. Hall, deceased. NOTICE IS HRREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been duly tip pointed by the County Court of the fetnte of Oregon for Lincoln county, administrator of the estate of C M Hall, deceased, and has duly quulll fled. All persons having claims against the said esstato are hereby notified to present the Bame to me at my residence at Whldport, Oregon properly verified within six months trom the date of the first publication of this notice. 15?,uled thls 23d dny of November, , , , CIIA.S. S. HALL. AdminfPtrator of the e3tate of C. M Hall, deceased. 40 5 CITY BUDGET ' Notice is hereby given to the citizens and taxpayers of the City of To ledo, Oregon, tiiat a regular meeting of the Common Council for the City of 1 Toledo, Oregon, will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, on the 1 18 day of December, 1922, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., at said time and place the I levying board for the City of Toledo will meet with the Citizens and tax pay I ers for the purpose of discussing and disposing of the budget as hereinafter I set out. The total amount of money needed by the City or Toledo for the fiscal year beginning on the 1st day of January, 1923, and ending December 31st, 1923, is estimated in the following budget, and is the estimated tax levy upon the assessable property within the municipal corporation for the ensuing year as the same may be determined: Salaries BUDGET Estimated Expenditures General Fund City Recorder $1,20(1 Supplies 70 Marshal 180 Water Commissioner 1.020 Attorney 200 Extra Police 600 Treasurer 60 Supplies 15 Miscellaneous: ; Wood and repairs on city hall 70 Street Lights 1.060 Telephone 0 Fire Equipment M00 Pumping Plant MOO Emergency j00 Care of Streets 300 Printing "J Drnying , 100 Elections .Engineering Labor on water system 1.0 0 Material on Water system ?J,Jto Estimated Receipts License 7;? . Franchises, Fines, etc u Less estimated receipts $9,1G0 Redemption of Bonds 1,500 Interest on Bonds 090 $2,671 Interest on Warrants 485 WATER FUND v Interest on Bonds 6,630 Interest on warrants 909 7,599 Estimated Receipts uroi i K.nno E.ono Less estimated receipts' .... $2,599 1 Rnmsdoll, deceased. .-. ,. t 9 t A A't A , ""aB uaiance amount to do raisea uy iax u n Mil t r."D T-rr'TT7r cm ttmtj lfV Dn.n o t t- ... T.,A UI- 01. A XT 1 mon i-tl.-t T)..,1 nn.wlttnA I . .... 0 "L U,t) wutcu nun dui uuy ul ixuvuuiuor, .yi. isiiuiriuuii duukui uinunn.o. Recorder. C. E. HAWKINS, 38 2t Secrolnry Budget Committee. The original estimate, hereinafter set out Is made in compliance with Chapter US, 1921 Laws (local budget law) and Bhows in parallel columns the unit cost of the several services, material and supplies for the three fiscal years next proceeding the current yoar, the detail expenditures for the last one of said nreceedme fiscal years, and the budget allowances and expendi tures for the first six months of the current year, and are now On file In the office of the City Recorder of the City of Toledo, Oregon. ORIGINAL ESTIMATE AND ACCOUNTING SHEET, CITY OF TOLEDO EXPENDITURES NOTICE TO PRESENT CLAIM" IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THP STATE OF OREGON KOB UN COLN COUNTY. In the matter of the estate of Daviit E. Ramsdell, deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been duly ai pointed by the county court of the state of Oregon for Lincoln County XCCVTn ' the ef,tnte of David a Rnrnde l, deceased, and has duly '"; AH persons having claim, . a 10 taUl eKtoto nre heroby not ified to present the same to me at my office at Toledo, Oregon, properly r,if!nr m"1"? 8lx "onths tliS ante of the first publication of this notice. s 2Hrd day of November. O TV Mnfr iieim.. Exp"ltnr of the estate of David B. 40 5t Dntod thi 1922. flnrni 111 SiletZ. nilnrnnfrw. K., LX7, 7 .""1 8 n,ll,l,"1 ,cet of "- ketnblo timber. Between 2 and 3 million feet of Cedar. Good terms nnd bargain. Inquire at Leader of "ce- 37 :( FOR SALE 1 "Iuternatlouai" ga3 en gine, jo h. p., good as new. Wilr sell at leasonablo price if taken at once. Inquire at Leader officcei 2Stf timber p CD a . 2 ?B . H e p 6. " S5 . S s ' " f? 2 ITEMS Salaries Recorder 1200.00 Marshal 180.00 Water Commissioner 1020.00 Attorney 200.00 Extra Police 600.00 Treasurer ; 60.00 Bp. o m5 10 u 14 705.92 90.00 510.00 31.75 $1,336.67 -P1P1 OI M U CP. MISCELLANEOUS: Street Ughts 1050.00 409.75 Telephone 40.00 20.5G Emergency func 200.00 100.00 Fire equipment 1000.00 Interest on City Bonds 690.00 270.00 Interest on Warrants 1454.00 450.00 Interest on Water Bonds 6630.00 2,640.00 Material on Water Works 1600.00 1,370.93 Labor on Water Line 1000.00 75.00 $3,336.23 Salaries . 1,886.67 TOTAL ... $4,678.90 Publlahlnc 150.00 $104.99 Drayage 100.00 . 24.00 Engineering 150.00 77.00 Elections 60.00 . 80.00 Care of street 300.00 . 237.00 Supplies, Reed, office 70.00 ( Supplies Treas. office 15.00 Pumping plant 1000.00 Redemption of city bonds ...lbOO.OO Wood & repairs for city hall 70.00 ,' 20,234.00 Estimated Receipts. iLlcwuaos ..725.00 'Franchise fines, etc ; 76.00 $ 600.00 90.00 610.00 100.00 300.00 30.00 $1,630.00 438.60 16.60 100.00 326.00 270.IJ0 450.00 2,640.00 976.00 435.00 $5,660.00 1,630.00 $7,280.09 S m w pi a a "" 0 a 2 3 s s $ 823.95 $ 420.00 $ 300.00 180.00 180.00 ' 3B0.00 1,027.55 1,020.00 540.00 390.00 60.00 60.00 $ 2.48LG0 $ 1,680.00 $ 1,200.00 787.60 648.00 648.00 650.00 540.00 640.00 540.00 900.00 1,162.00 1,162.00 6,280.00 6,280.00 6,280.00 1,425.93 3,215.00 1,475.15 336.28 ' 2,150.00 1.300.20 $ 9,910.71 $12,996.00 $10,406.36 2.441.C0 1,680.00 1,200.00 $12,401.21 $14,675.00 $11,605.35 Water rents 6000.00 I, R. R. Miller, do hereby certify 'tbat the above estimate of expenditures was prepared by me and that the ex penditures and budget allowance for six months of the current year and the expenditures tor the three fiscal years proceeding the current year as shown above have been complied from the records In my charge and aro true and correct copies thereof. it R. MILLER, City Recorder. 6.800.00 14,434.00