LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1922 SHE? SILETZ (By Dr. F. M. Carter) Tho Community club, with Mrs. Mor-' of Mexico and her people. Leader statin that Siletz defeated I A song was rendered by the Glee the county unit plan and we are ac club. cused of using poor judgment. Well, .Mr-s? M-. Halle'jk. subject now this 18 going some, in a tree rl. Anderson as president, met at the Tdr risht to critl- gymnasium Friday evening. Tho mln 'stated that good boo-cs like good cIzB tbem tor In this county peo utes of the previous meeting were read friends are always helpful. The com- ! cf U!lVu ""-Slon or no religion to end approved. After the usual order munuy club in do ng Food work BU,t themselves and It Is nobody's of business officers were elected lor)' The Ladies Aid p-avo a soclal'at the business. That Is why we turned thu the following term. They are A. C. gym Saturday night. The people otlka-:itr down 80 nard' he wanted t0 Crawford, president; Mrs. Arthur Ben- the community turned out almost to dictate t0 tno worI1 wuftt tney should sell, vice president; Margaret Miller, the person. The bis fireplace kept !ao- A sood many people voted for the secretary; Lavelle King, treasuier the atmosohere of the room at a mod. P'an but the majority voted against It. wnen: innovations am prupuuuu iuo people have a right to Bay whether they want them or not and should not r end Dr. Cnrter, sargent at-arms. i ium temperature vvuen cuiiea upon encn or trie newly .spell. despite the cool elected officers gave short talks pledging themselves to do all in their power to promote the best Interests of the club In building up the com- A thnrt nrne rr.m wnn mhdhi) ing the evemng as follows: Song, male be criticised for uing their own Judg- quartet; song, hlsb school Glee club; duet. Mrs. Ctias. Larsen and Mrs. C. munlty and the schools of the ai. W. Pogue; sawing contest by ladies, trlct- " using a hand saw, Mrs. W. S. Hall win- ine presment gave a talk on the nlng first prie; Mrs. Fred Simmons, won Becond and Mrs. Frank Mack the booby. Sewing contest First prize, Chief John; second, W. S. Hall; and the booby to Jess Daniels. community spirit and the power of co operation In trying to overcome dif ficulties and try to advance the wel fare and prosperity of the community. It is a matter of going a head or draft- in-rackws'-d. This is a law of nature I Ice cream and cak9 were served. 1 debtedness of the district Is less than and we cannot change It. Prof. Carney ( This closed the entertclament. The $6000 and the trustees are now talking gave us a splendid talk on the history, receipts of the evening were $36.50. i0f Installing a gravity water system fimtnmn nnd relics and old land marks An Item nnnonrr"! In Inat week's and electric lights. ment. The bridges were washed out by an act of providence and they have been replaced as they should be and I don't see how we are under any obli gations to anyone for this condition. Our public school is in splendid con dition. At a mass meeting held at the !ym the budget of $16,000, pre pared by the trustees, was unanimous ly adopted by the taxpayers. Tho In H-l--4i.I..i.ii.ii. fr..j..i----ti'i-ti t Nolans Department Store lKif(r5BV'Y'-V.7 - : THIS STORE hardly need3 an introduction in any section of Oregon where it may branch out to extend its remarkable growth. Lincoln county people in particular are well acquainted with this store and its QUALITY of merchan dise, its methods of selling at one.price to all, its conveniences, its cleanliness, its perfect light and the intelligence of the employes, their gentlemanly and lady-like appearance and manners, and above all, its absolute fairness in dealing with' tho public- Our mottor is: "Quality, Style, Service" has been an important factor in our progress and success. This store has grown because the assortments here are largest in this val ley in the lines we carry; because our customers know our prices for the quality ara right and no tima is wasted "beating down the price" because people read Our Ads and believe them. t Anyone is welcome to visit our store, see the goods and stayas long as you wish- No one is allowed to urge you to buy; because our customers show their pur chases to their friends which makes new customers for us. Our Mail Order Osoertment If you cannot visit the store in parson, send for samples of anything in the dry goods line and be convinced of the truth of our advertising. Our Mail Order Department presents all the aadvantages cf shipping by letter and it eliminates thoso long, disagreeable waits, incident to buying from concerns in distant towns and cities. All mail orders are filled the samo day they are received. On every cash pur chase you are allowed 2 per cent cash discount. All charge accounts paid in full on the tenth of each month receiva thi3 same discount. The Christmas Store We have no hesitation in stating that our Christmas stock is the best that has ever been shown in this section. They are really much larger than you would expect to find in a city of the size of Corvallis. They comprise PRACTICALLY EVERY THING FOR WOMEN, GIRLS, MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN and the LARGEST LINE OF TOYS IN THE VALLEY. This is an ideal time to make selections for the Holidays, assortments are freshly, new and at their best and our prices are moderate, quality considered. All our goods are marked in plain figures, you don't have to ask a sa(espreson what a thing costs you can see it on the tag or ticket. YOU ARE INVITED TO SEE THE BEST AND LARGEST DISPLAY OF WINTER & C HRIST MAS GOODS EVER SHOWN IN CORVALLIS EVENING GOWNS for reception, dinner and dancing. DRESSES for street, business and afternoon wear. TAILORED SUITS for all occassiens. COATS for dress, sports, auto, and evening. y : BLOUSES of the finest domestic and imported- "t.-K Dress eoods imported and domestic. I Children's wear. Beeautiful Silks and Velvets. Infant's wear Laces and Trimmings. Corsets, Undermuslins, Shoes and Pumps. Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases. . Ribbons and Kid Gloves. Hosiery and Underwear. Blankets and comforters. Toys and Holiday Goods. Men's, boys and children's clothing and furnishings. ; It's Time To Think of ffflN ibilOuLi C3 U U Iwil AS If II s Let us make a few suggestions for you in selecting the Christmas Gift that will be a lasting pleasure to the ones you wish to please on this great day. We h tvo the most complete !in to choose from in the btato and we say hiss without heaitency Let us help you select. AGATE J.EWELRY Positively the most beautiful specimens to be found anywhere. We polish and mount agates at your pleasure. 27 years experience in this line. Framed and Unframed Pictures These are pictures of Lincoln County's most beautiful spots. Indian blankets, fancy pottery, sea shells, souvenir China, with local pictures. Excellent line Indian Beaded Moccasins, Silverware, etc. Full line of fancy Thanksgiv ing and Xmas Cards. t t (See our list of prices in next week's isssue.) (Special attention paid to mail orders.) L -, Our styles and qualities are doubly guaranteed by the manufacturers and by iis. You can't go wrong or lose out when you buy here. ; : ' Again we extend you our-very warmest invitation to look the new goods over and we assure you that it will be highly appreciated whether you make a purchase or J not ' -j. J. M. NOLAN & .SON THE CHRISTMAS STORE. llf,l,llIlll Salaries .' . TOTAL .... Publishing v. 160.00 Drayage 100.00 Engineering 150.00 Elections 60.00 Care of streets 300.00 Supplies. Reed, office Supplies Treas. office 15.00 Pumping plant 1009.00 Redemption ot city bonds ...1600.00 vod & repair for city ball 70.0Q 5 . Efitlmatfd Reeklpta. i Licenses 725.00 flFrmchlfie fines, etc ...76.00 i i fr-H-HW'WWW 1 Wttter rtnls 500, 00 NYE BBEACH, NEWPORT, ORE. Open Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons until After Chrislmas CITY BUDGET Notice Is hereby given to the citizens and taxpayers of the City of To ledo, Oregon, that a regular meeting of the Common Council for the City of Toledo, Oregon, will be held'hi the Council Chambers of the City Hall, on the 18 day of Doixim : . : 'M o dock p. m., at snid time and place the Itvying board for the City of Toledo will meet with the Citizens and tax pny evs for the purpose of dincupsing and disposing of- the budget as hereiuafter set out. The total amount of money needed by the City of Toledo for the fiscal year beginning on the 1st Cay of January, 1923, and ending December 31st, 1923, io estimated In tho following budget, and is the estimated tax levy upon the assessable property withln (Ho municipal corporation for the ensuing year as the same may be determined: Salaries BUDGET Estimated Expenditures General Fund City Recorder $1,200 Supplies 70 Marshal 180 Water Commissioner 1,0?0 Attorney 2C9 ,' Extra Police 000 Treasurer t0 Supplies 16 Miscellaneous: Wood and repairs on city hall 70 Street Lights 1.0&0 Telephone ' ; 0 Fire Equipment 1,000 Pumping Plant 1.000 Emergency 20 Care of Streets 300 Printing 160 Draying 100 Elections Bj Engineering lfi0 'Labor on water system 1,000 Material on Water Bystem 1.600 $3,900 Estimated Receipts License 72o VrunnMooa VlnOH. etc 76 800 NOl lCt TO PKfcSENT CLAIMS IX THE t'OUNTV CO CRT OP THE3 fcTATK OK OREGON FOR LIN COLN COUNTY. In tho matter of the estate C. M. Kail, deceased. ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned hus been i!ulv ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln countv, administrator of tho estate of C. 11. Hall, deceased, and has duly tmali. lied. All persons having claims against the said esstnto are hereby notified to present the same to mo at my residence at Waldport, Oregon, properly verified within six months "i-om tho date of the first publication cf tills notice. Dated CiiB 23d day of November. 1022. CHAS. S. HALL, dinlnlFtrntor of the e.stato of C. sr. IIa!l, deceased. 40 6t NOTICE TO PRESENT CLAIMS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THIS STATE OF OREGON FOR LIN .COLN COUNTY. In the matter of tho estate of David 3. Rnmsdell, deceased. NCTICU IS HEREBY GIVEN that tho und3r3lgnrd has been duly ap. pointed by the county court of the state ot Oregon for Lincoln County, exocui'or of tho estate of David B. Hatiis(l'!l, doi'cased, and hns duly qualified. All parsons having claims asra'mt the saltf estate are hereby not- Less estimated receipts '. ?9.1G0 I ICiod to present the same to me at Redemption of Bonda 1,600 Interest on Bonds 090 Interest on Warrants 486 WATER FUND Interest on Bonds, 6,630 Interest on warrants 969 7,599 Estimated Receipts Water rents 6,000 5,000 Less estimated receipts ?-,BJJ Balance amount to be raised by tax l R. R. MILLER, PETER FREDERICK, Dated this 8th day of November, 1922. Chairman Budget Committee. Recorder. C. E. HAWKINS, 38 2t Sflcrotary Budget Committee. The origlna! estimate, hereinafter sot out is made in compliance with Chapter 113, 1921 Laws (local budget law) and shows in parallel columns tho unit cost of the several services, material and supplies for the three fiscal years next proceeding the current year, the detail expenditures for the last one of said proceeding fiscal years, and the budget allowances and expendi tures for the first six months of the current year, and are now on fi'e in the office of the City Recorder of the City of Toledo, Oregon. ORIGINAL ESTIMATE AND ACCOUNTING SHEET. CITY OF TOLEDO EXPENDITURES my office at Toledo, Oregon, prorjerlv $2,676 verified wiihl,t six nonths from the I date of tho first publication of this notice. Dated this 23rd day of November. 1922. G. B. McCLUSKEY, Executor of tho estate of David B. Ramsdell, deceased. 40 5t FOR SALE 242 acres of the finest' timber In Siletz. Guarantee be tween 7 and 8 million feet of mar kotnblo timber. Between 2 and 3 million feet of Cedar. Good terms and bargain. Inquire at Leader of fice. 37 :f. FOR SALE 1 "International" gas en glue, 10 h. p., good as new. Will sell at reasonable) price if taken at once. Inquire at Leader offlcce. 28tf : Ssi . C (0 t . g-B P. : 2 ITEMS Salaries Recorder 1200.00 Marshal 180.00 Water Commissioner 1020.00 Attorney 200.00 Extra Police 600.00 Treasurer '. .. 00.00 MISCELLANEOUS: Street Lights 1050.00 Telephone 40.00 Emergency func 200.00 Fire equipment 10QQ.QQ Interest on City Bonds 690.00 Interest on Warrants 1454.00 Interest on Water Bonds 6630.00 Material on Water Works 1600.00 Labor on Water Line 1000.00 to w 0 (D Bp. o 82 to 705.92 90.00 610.00 31.75 $1,336.67 . 409.75 20.65 100.00 270.00 , 450i00 2,640.00 1,370.93 76.00 $3,336.23 1,336.67 $4,672.90 $104.99 . 24.00 . 77.00 . 80.00 237.00 70.00 01 u IO "Si Be! PES. 3 $ 600.00 90.00 610.00 100.00 300.00 30.00 $1,630.00 438.60 16.60 100.00 326.00 270.00 450.00 2,640.00 276.00 435.00 $5,650.00 1.630.00 17,280.00 to W IO K ow a p. $ 823.95 180.00 1,027.55 390.00 60.00 $ 2,481.60 787.60 650.00 540.00 900.00 5,230.00 1,425.93 336.28 $ 9,919.71 2.4S1.C0 $12,401.21 420.00 180.00 1,020.00 60.00 1,680.00 648.00 40.00 1,162.00 5,280.00 3,216.00 2.150.6O $12,996.00 1.680.00 $14,676.00 300.00 3'iO.OO 540.00 $ 1,200.00 648.00 640.00 1,162.00 6,280.00 1,475.15 1,300.20 $10,405.36 1,200.00 $11,605.35 CORVALLIS, OREGON. 20,234.00 , 6 810.00 14,434.00 I, R. R. Miller, do hereby certify that the above estimate of expenditures was prepared by me and that the ex penditures and budget allowance for six months of the current yer and the expenditures for the thres fiscal years proceeding the current war as shown above have been compile from the records In my charge and are true and correct copies thereof. R. R. MILLER, City Recorder,