LINCOLN COUNTY LEAcn, i ULEDfl, OkEGON, THURSDAY' VOVEfAR. .23, 1922 PACE THREE RESIGNATIONS . ARE Continued from 1st Page) seem that they ought to delve to the bottom and report their findings. All the records will be at their disposal. Somehow there is a general belief upon the part of the people that the so-called bltulithic trust has been having things its own way in Oregon, 'and that it is getting too much of the business at a price that yields a 'fat profit. Taxpayers all over the state really want to know the facts and if they do not get them from Mr. Pierec ithey will soon be questioning the good faith of the new governor who, during the latter days of his campaign gave .most of his time, to denouncing the -methods of the highway commission. Both Senator Are In Bad. Both United States senators from Oregon are really on the anxious seat. In the face of the advice of their strong est supporters that they remain out of the recent state campaign, they re sponded to appeal of the republican selected when the senator opened in the Interest of keeping official Id negotiations for the very support that office are said to have found the La he had ignored when he decided it was Grande man In very bad humor, In hiB duty to support Olcott. What has; fact almost as angry as he was when been the outcome of all these Informal first asked to Bign up In favor of the gataherinss io not known, but It re-1 school bill, which is another story that mains an i!ni03t certainty that Mc-may get a telling In the future. Pierce wary win nave strong opposition in the is said to have sold bluntly that he pro forthcoming campaign. There has not nut-n even a wlmper as to the identity 'Ills tnii'i. hmvever, and it Is always iwhIIio ij;it :1:p gur.ator may be able :o eMMv!n"p thn men who put him 1 their resignations. posed to use all the power vested in a governor to "get" the various offi-. clals, and that nothing would please him so much as to have them tender Plenty of Applicants Incidently It is said that Pierce has all the way from a dozen to fifty ap plicants lor every place that it will be I across four years ago that he did not get into the Oregon campaign willlng I ly. At any rate it can be said that he did not take any too active part, anu that his speeches were not of the hed- possible for him to fill during the not order, ir McNary loses the sup- four years, and that already he is get port of the element that tried to keep; ting a touch of that disappointment him out of the campaign he may have; in human nature felt by every man a real fight on his hands, for he Is not : elected to office carrying with It do In such decided high favof with thejsirable patronage. The governor to supporters of Olcott. bo Is genuinely worried about the pos- Plerce Said to Be Firm. slbillty of satisf ng all the element Governor-elect Pierce is said to take that contributed to hie election. Th:s the position that all heads of the is particularly true in view of the Institutions should tender their resig- fact that the democratic organization nations following the example of the, is demanding from their candidate Qfnln hffrhu-av enmrntvainn Uti-rtntr nwn nt nn 1 1 1.1 .1 1 organization and campaigned for 01- prea8Ure was brought to bear on Pierce posal and then has not enough to go cott. It is true that they did not want in tevor of lettIng things stand for at around. The democrats have been to come. Their presence was only uea8t a few months, and the Oregonlan out in Oregon for many years, and do .eecured after repeated appeals, both wrote several real editorials asking; not seem disposed to recognize the men made other arrangements tnat the governor elect be reasonable, 'republican groups that really elected to spend that part of the congression- The reply came Dack that Mr. Pierce Pierce. al recess. , wants complete control. It was unoi i Fred L. Gifford. as snoltesma for Jt was remarked in Portland that receipt of this news that the highway .the Ku Klux Klan, insists that his or- neltner ot the senators were seen about their old haunts In the North western bank building after their ar rival in Oregon. It was from these old bunts that they were asked to keep out of the light, and which they ignor ed. It Is now said that Senator Stan- field stuck by his guns and left with commissioners decided to resign, and 'ganlzation must be decidedly recog several other nign appointees wninized, and is citing an alleged pre also offer to get out of the way. This election agreement by which he was Includes Dr. Stelner, superintendent of j to have a say in the appointments the insane asylum, who was made a made. Although somewhat dis-redit-secondary Issud in the campaign. ed by the outcome of the election in That four of the principal officers Portland Mr. Gifford insists that it have decided to step aside will doubt- Twas the Klan that nut Pierre over in put calling upon the powers that direct less set the example that will mak the outlaying sections of the state. He d his election In an effort to mollify ;it possible for Pierce to have his own, goes into particulars by citing the the men who had been offended. !way. This means that there will be I counties where the Klan was strong It was not two days after the e'.ec- 'such a house-cleaning In Oregon as has and where Pierce made a fine show- tlon until Informal gatherings began not been seen . in years, and that the inp. seems to be verified, thaf Charles Hall of Miarshlicld has been offered a posi tion on the highway commifison. Judg ing firm attitude that he took in tlie campaign Mr. Hull will decline the proposed appointment, but1 on the oth er hand it is known that he is so strongiy in favor ot the Roosevelt high way that he mr.y be Induced by his friends in the coal section to take the place. It will be remembered that Mr. Hall was defeated- by Olcott for tho repub lican nomination by a narrow mar gin, and later consented to run tor governor nu an Independent, w th draw ing when Pierce declared for compul sory education. Although his with drawal was to an extent in favor of Pierce, lie never at any time sola 01 did anything to Induce that he desired the election of the LaCJrande man. It would seem, therefore, to be a toss up it Hull w.ll accept if he is offered a place on the highway commission. The opinion is general in political circles that tho tender has been made. , in the search -of a suitable candidate new governor will be able to assume to urge against McNary, who comes up the full responsibility that be seems to tor reclertion In 1924. It Is hardly want. , "probable that any such man had been I The go betweens that approached NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Port D strict of Toledo. Notice Is herehy given to the legal voters and citizens of the Port District "of Toledo, Lincoln County, State of Oregon, that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Said Port District will be held at the office of the secretary of the Bald Board of Commissioners in the rooms of the Chamber of Cora merce of Toledo, Oregon, Wednesday, December S, 1922, at 7:30 p. m. for the purpose of discussing with the levying board the budget hereinafter set forth, and to discuss the proposition of levying a spec'al district tax. The total amount of money neednd by the Port District of Toledo for the flBcal year beg'nntng January 1, 1923, and ending December 31, 1923, and also the receipts from nil sources, for the seme period, is estimated In the 'following budget: BUDGET PORT OF TOLEDO 1922 Estimated Expenditures. "Personal service, clerk Material and supplies, fuel $ 20.00 Postage, stationery, printing 60.00 Insurance, fire 100,00 Lights 30.00 Malntninence, repairs dock - Trav. Incld. Expense Interest, bonds Sinking Fund RetiTfng Maturing Bonds... Emergencies - Total Estimated Receipts. Rent iLeases, Waterfront property Warehouse and Dockage Fees Interest Unexpended Jetty Funds Total $ 120.00 200.00 395.00 300.00 25.460.00 18.000.00 1,500.00 270.00 50.00 75.00 145,975.00 395.00 $45,580.00 Balance, amount to ba raised by tax Dated this 8th day of November, 1922. PORT OF TOLEDO, . GUY ROBERTS. Secy Original Estimate and Accounting Sheet Port of Toledo 1922. This origin,-.! estimate is made in compliance with chapter 118, 1921 Law: (Local Budget Law) and shovs the unit cost of the several services, mater ials and supplies for the fiscal years next preceeaing the current year, the detailed exp'.nditures for the last one of said preceding fiscal years and tho budget rllowr.nces and expenditures for the first. six months of the current year and is row on file In the office of the secretary of the Port of Toledo, To ledo Expenditures & Bud- Expenditure, for three' fls get allowance for 1st cal yeara next precedIng 6 months current currellt year. year, 1922. V: "If Sa sf -g. E i. , 0. . g cp g hi .' (5 (D . 4 o 1 Hi) ' ffo .a : ? ? : B : P, : : PERSONAL SERVICE - Clerical $ 120.00 $ 60.00 $ 60.00 $ 73.50 $ Engineering- Inspection ... 16.00 877.95 Legal work - 20.00 Drnyage 7.00 ' Total $ 120.00 $ 75.00 $ 60.00 $ 978.45 $ S76.66 $ 2,416.20 MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS Furniture 14.60 Fuel 20.00 10.00 Postago ' ' Staty. Printing 50.00 8.88 25.00 64.62 Rent 30.00 Insurance on warehouse. 100.00 60.00 95.25 Lights . 30.00 15.00 11.75 Telephone and telegraph 4.50 12.43 Total f 200.00 J 27.00 $ 100.00 $ 214.05 114.88 $ 74.60 DREDGING itlvor Channel , ffctal ' 3,000.00 MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES Warehouse Dock ......... 395.00 36.00 Total $ 396.00 36.00 3.00 Traveling & In- i cldental exp... 300.00 '26.20 257.16 Totsvl $ 300.00 I . C6.20 ? 257.16 $ , 22.00 f 49.00 11,730.00 11,630.00 ,$11,730.00 ll,630.0O I 11,080.00 $ 16,110.00 INTEREST Bonds 26.460.00 Total $25,460.00 REAL ESTATE . Government mill site Dock site - Total CONSTRUCTION Jetty Dock extension Spur Track Plank Road to Doccks . . Freight hoist Dock Total SINKING FUND Retiring bonds 18,000...- 10,000... 26,750.. Total $18,000... $10,000... $25,760.. Emergencies . 1,600.00 22.64 750.00 Total 1,600.00 22.6 760.00 v Grand Tota.1 . .$45,976.00 $11,310.48 $38,390.00 $61,419.66 $207,562.05 $127,287.03 I, Guy Roberts, do hereby certify that the above estimate of expenditures for the year 1922 was prepared by me and that the expenditure and budget allowance for six months of the current year and the expenditures for the three fiscal years next preceding tho current year, as shown above htve been compiled from the records In tay charge end are true and correct copies there of. GUY ROBERTS, 39 2t -Secretary, Port of Toledo. '679.10 479.66 1,158.76 1,637.62 1,637.52 14,630.36 11,914.92 216.48 472.00 26,666.48 10,000.:. $10,000... 195,759.51 105,634.33 These statements are disputed by the leaders of the Oregon Federation of Patriotic societies, who contend that Pierce lost more voter ln Port lond through the support of the Klon than he goined in all other sections of the state. This feature of the f ght between the leaders of the so called Protestont movjnvnt, In fact, has grown so worm that It promises to get Into the courts. Gifford is claim ing that he was libeled ln a series of articles printed In the Telegram dur ing the last days ot the campaign, and promises, to get a goodly chunk of Wheeler money before he Is thru. It is already evident that the Klan leaders have the ear of the governor elect and if this element is to secure recognition at the hands of the state administration it will likely be through Gifford. The most Influential support ers of Pierce in Portland are said to be opposed 'to this out come, but up to this writing have not been able to convince Pierce that he is recogniz ing the weakest wing in the Protestant movement. Hall for Highway Commiss oner. There is a persistent rumor, that NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION TO INCREASE TAX MORE THAN SIX PER CENT OVER THAT OF THE PREVIOUS YEAR. ' Notice Is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 2 of Lin- coin Coanty, State of Oregon, that an election will be held in said District at the assembly room In the high Bchool building on the 9th day of December. 1922, at one o'clock in the afternoon, to vote on the question of Increasing the amount of the tax lavy in sa d District 'for the year 1922 by more than six per cent over the amount of such levy for the year Immediately preceding. It Is necessary to raise this additional amount by special levy for the fol lowing reasons: Increase In srhool population. Dated this 9th day of December, 1922. Attest: - R. A. ANDERSON, L. M. STARR, Chairman Board of Directors. District Clerk. 39-2L ORIGINAL ESTIMATE AND ACCOUNTING SHEET SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 2 This original estimate 1b made in compliance with section 231-A of the school laws of 1921 and shows in parallel columns the unit cost3 of the several services, material and supplies for the three fiscal year next preceding the current year, the detail expenditure for the last one of said three preceding fis cal years and the budget allowances and expenditures for six months of the current year. ("Six months of tho current year" means six months of the last school year). EXPENDITURES . SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LIN COLN COUNTV. Mi'ihrey (ilbbs, plaintiff, vs. Harvey Gibus, defendant. To Harvey Clubs, the above named defendant, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: ' Vcu are hereby required to appear and cnawer the complaint filed against you ln tho above entitled suit now on file' in the office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Oregon, on or be fore the last day named In the order for the publication of summons, to wit: on or before six weeks from the first day of tho publication hereof. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as herein required, the plaintiff will apply to the above entitl ed court for the relief prayed for ln said complaln.t to wit: for a decree of said court dissolving the marriage contract existing between plaintiff and defendant, and awarding and decree ing o the plaintiff the care, custody and control of the Infant child, the is sue of said marriage, to-wit: Dorothy Gibbs, and for such other and further order and decree as the court may deem meet and ju;t. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof by order of the Hon. C. W. James, county judge of Lincoln county, Oregon, made on the 23rd day of November, 1922, directing publication thereof once a week for six consecutive and successive weeks, beginning with the issue of November 23rd, 1922, and ending with the issue of January 4th, 1923, in the LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, a weekly news paper published and of general circula tion within Lincoln County, Oregon. C. E. HAWKINS, , Attorney for plaintiff, P. O. address: Toledo, Oregon. 40-7t. re CP sr 1 a 2 c O M n t " Expenditures and budget allowance for six months of last II Exnenditures for three fis cal years next prececding Bchool year the last school year. M CO S. "7 a a S o o "g.ff a t p. At !2h 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 1. Super intendent 2. Teachers 4 at $1360 .$ 2,000.00 $ 1 at $1170 9 at $1125 4. Janitors. 6. Clerk .. Total Per sonal service $20,720.00 6,400,00 1.1JO.0O 1 10,125.00 1,800.00 226.00 1.1(16.50 5 627.74 4,000.00 633.75 60.00 450.00 26.00 $ 2,000.00 8,326.00 970.00 120.00 $ 7,446.99 $5,47500 $11,416.00 $10,656.64 $7,104.08 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIED: 1. Furniture (desks, etc) . Supplies (chalk, etc.) Janitor's supl. Fuel Light Wdter Postase & Slationorv i Total MnLnrlal and supplies$ 1,735.00 600.00 118.60 100.00 200.00 200.00 138.43 100.00 186.08 60.00 25.00 760.00 134.90 150.00 " 326.00 60.00 136.00 84.20 80.00 100.00 60.00 28.01 7.60 17.60 Round out the day with music 'r''V,f- ' You may aa well forget the Thanksgiving dinner as spend the day without music. Make it double occasion for Thanksgiving by bringing a Victrola into the home circle! Just a word from you and W? will, send out tho instrument you want. Come in and examine our wide range of models! Convenient payments. P. S. Invite Paul Whiteman; the Benson) the Uub Koyal and the other great dance orches tras over to your place Thanksgiving Day I Latest Victor dance hits by these famous organ- X izations on tale here. The Security Benefit Association i A beneficiary fraternal society of more than 300,000 members, Men and Women; Six different forms of policies at lowest rates; also maintain a home and hospital for the care of aged members and orphans Local Councils in every part of the U. S. Information cheerfully given by H. W. SMITH Deputy District Manager for Oregon, Toledo Hotel- $ 604.04 $ 462.60 $ r 827.68 $ 1,616.78 $ 978.01 CONSTRUCTION: Material .... 1.000.00 620.42 Labor 1,000.00 837.83 Total Constructien 2.000.00 968.25 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS Buildings and grounds ... 41.60 ASSESSMENTS. Highways, Hoads sts, bridges. 100.00 Total Assessments 100.00 60.00 600.00 INDEBTEDNESS: Bonded, and in- teresttiierecn 600.00 300.00 Warrant, and in terest thereon 1,200.00 4,226 90 Total ''s.3 1,.00.00 $ 4,626.90 INSURANCE:.. 300.00 Total 600.00 240.00 740.0 600.00 22.16 622.16 $ 1,014.86 ,$ 986.63 Insurance ... Miscellaneous Total 200.00 66.S4 Emergency . 600.00 " Cirand Total .$27,255.00 $13,533.60 $7,177.60 $12,914.74 $13,0S6.27 $9,OGo!l2 I. L. Sf. Starr, dn linmliv "mH- .i,... .t . " - t. . . i. , , mo uuuvo emuiiuio 01 expenditures 10 the year 193-1924 was pronged by mo and that the expenditures and budget allowance for six months of tho current year and the expoi-ditnres for the three tiscal years next preceding the current year as shown above have been com plied from the records In my charge and ore true and coiTect copies theeof. L. M. STARR, District Clerk. NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to tho leg.-.l voters of School District No. 2 of Lincoln County, State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of said district will be held at the assembly room in the high school building on the 9th day ot December, 1922, r.t 1 o'clock In the afternoon for the purpose of discussing the budget hereinafter set out with the levying board, and to vote on tho proposi tion of lovying a spocjal district tax. The total amount of money needed by the said school district during the fiscal year beginning on June 18th, 1923, and ending Juno 30, 1924, Is estimated 1 the Allowing budget and Includes tho amounts to bo received from tho county school fund, str.te school fund, elementary school fund, special district tax, and all other moneys of the district: BUDGET Estimated Expenditures. PERSONAL SERVICE: Superintendent, salary per year, $2,000 $ 2,000.00 Four Teachers, $1350.00 salary per year 6,400.00 Ono Teacher, $1170.00 salary per year 1,170.00 Nine teachers, $112.r).00 salary per year 10,126.00 One'tor, $1800.00 salury per year . . . , 1,800.00 Clerk 226.00 Total - )0 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES: Furniture (desks, stoves, curtains, etc) Supplies (chalk, erucors, etc.) Janitor's supplies Fuel Light Water Postage and stationery Total I ..$ 600.00 200.00 50.00 760.00 60.00 136.00 60.00 $ 1,735.00 CONSTRUCTION: Total $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 2,000.00 ASSESSMENTS: Highways, roads streets, bridges $ 100.00 Total . ...t $ 100.00 INDEBTEDNESS: Bonded, and Interest thereon '. $ 600.00 Warrant, and Interest thereon 1,200.00- Total $ 1,800.00 INSURANCE: Total . ... .$ 300.00 $ 300.00 EMERGENCY $ 600.00 Total . j $ 600.00 Total estimated amount of money for all purpobes during the year $27,265.00 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS. From county school fund during the coming school year $ From state school fifhd during the coming school year From elementary school fund during the coming school year Estimated amount to be rocolved from all other sources during the coming year from county for high school Total estimated receipts, not Including proposed tax 1,600.00 700.00 1,600.00 5,000.00 $ 9.800.0Q RECAPITULATION. Total estimated expenses for the year $27,256.00 Total estimated recoipts hot including proposed tax. . 9.800.00 ' Balance, amount to be raised by district tax. Dated this 14th day of November, 1922. Attest: . s L. M. STARR, District Clerk. $17,455.00! R. A. ANDERSON, Board p Directors,