PACE EIGHT LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO. OREGON, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 16. 1922. MOODY . x A Sr.nday school w!l' be organized o'. the Moody school house Sunday, No-, ember 19. liv. nnd M8. Ciiarlio Birch -Aero pa- : -filers for Toledo Monday. tTa t-licrp of Vaquina visited with his folk'; 'lueaday. Mrs. Sharp and son called on Mrs. Ceo. Duvonport Tuesday alleniooii. omo ono here is bold enough to fo r'i! n peoples houje:i when iliey me iiit a. homo. The offender had better cover their "tracks" better ucxt time. We are having lovely fall weather now and 1 guess everyone Is glad. Mr. and Mrj. Charlies ll.reh took a pleasure trip to Portland last week. Mr Will Gray from Canada i3 here vis'tinir his sister Mrs. m.i Birch and brother, Chester Gray of Beaver Creek Airs Nora Blower and Miss Ovtr nine callad on Mrs. Sharp Saturday afternoon. Trig Hrantl ha3 finished n!s fa.l plowing. Omer snarp visuou wim n at Toledo over Sundav. BEAVER CREEK Road Fuiervi'or D. C. Grnv lias beer. de-Lag some repair work on the roau. I R Payne's father and broth- train Sheridun, Oregon, arrived Kri dav even ng for an extended visit. Mr and Mrs. Ciif:ord Phelps spent the wee'rf end at the E.O. Ohmart nun-... Ot Toledo. , , Little Helen and Rosemond Bunne, were absent lrom school Monday on account of sickness. Mr Urison of Harlan, Ore;on, canic Monday to work at tho I. R. Payne ranch. , Mail was later than usual on Satur duv on tccount of a breakdown. (look l .oihers have their new boilei , ,'v ti 'natnll l the mill. Lliizol Grange will iive a dance and nasi fit social at the Ona grange ha-1 Thanksgiving night. Lad'es bring fuM and gentlemen full pocket books. Virgil Ithoades took) his brother. FHvd to Wallport Sunday, where ht will work In the camp. A rniscel.aneous shower was given for Mr3. Win. Smith, at the homo 0i Mrs. .loe Kholor Sunday afternoon llainty refreshments were sorv.ed b; th hostess and a very enjoyable aftei no..n was -- r.t ONA Here wo are neatn with plenty oi rain mid mud. Everyone Is busy har potatoes and other root crops. if. 0. G-nv Clifford Phelps and Miss Lewis made a business trip to 'jt.t-au lust ...uui.y Verm n Young of Harlan Is v'- in - nt 1 e I. It. Payne home. Election passed off quietly with ; .inii-Ot . ,),.. Mr. V.. G. Rhodes of Upper Beavei lc"t for Portland last Sunday for medi r' Irontmei I. R. Payne made a trip to Yaqu'.nc a u. tfa. ii ju.'.. hl.'. (' tl, Vv. i lu.wd from 1. C. Brown and Sons of Shed. f!iu Cook brother) with tho assist nr.i.e i" O. C. Cray and I. R. Payne aro nioklr.3 pood piujjro.s? iiuuimg m Hi l;.i (i' boiler fi r to Cook sawmill it eportel that iiiMo Joe liunne.. !i i'usl cover ng from (nn operation lor appendicitis at Corvulln. Mr. B. L. Wlhon made Ills regu'nr tr'p with ci'ean' to Yac.r-.ina on Wed iltjiuay, tb' wv o i WRiumo CKtEK Clarence Doly of Llnville was In this vicinity one day last week. He ha purchased a fine team end new vaon. "Jcreral people from this section wtu Toledo viiiitors Tuesday, Nov caihur 7,' goinj tliu touniy seat t ast their ballots In the general elec tin.). WH. Huntsucker nrndi a buiine. trip to Ynoulna last week. jTf .llllla M "f :nry.f--r . lew weeks at Hot Lake, Oregon I Our school, teacher Is reported on the sick list last week and school jwas adjourned for a period. I N. P. Myers has made his wife a i present of n benutlful new range, SILETZ OBSERVES ARMISTICE DAY . AT CHURCH SERVICE (Continued from Page 1) sncke clears awey we learn that the Democrats or. rather, the Republicans. have olected & democratic goveror and a Democratic sheriff for Lincoln coun ty. Politics seems to be a game and the ones that play the game best wins lout. Now we will look for that trim ming down of state expenses we heard so much about and at the same time our public improvements must con tinue to advance. Potato digs ng Is now In full blast. The crop is good and of fine quality. The community club will meet ai the gym Friday evening next. A tine program has been arranged and the Ladies Aid will serve Ice cream rind cake and coffee. A good social me In anticipated. A cordial Invi tation is extended to" the public. DAIRY FACTS FEEDING COWS ON ROUGHAGE Interesting Test Mad With Mature Hoisteln Cow on Government Farm In Montana. (Trpre4 by the Undid StatM Departnwat of Agriculture.) What will a dairy cow do In the way of milk and butterfat production when fed on roughage exclusively? Per haps the consensus of opinion Is that he will not dot very well, but the United States Department of Agricul ture bns some figures that show what a few cows did that were fed on al falfa hay and corn silage, without grain. ' A mature Holsteln cow was pas tured uu Irrigated, tume grass at the department lnriu ut Huntley, Mont During the winter moot he she received nothing but corn silage and alfalfa hay. She wus under test and was ullked three times a day. For 140.S lays mid US nights she was on pus .ure. During the rest nf .the year she unsilmed ti.UH pounds of alfalfa huy md S.9of pounds of corn silage, a nther liire innount of bulky feed. iVIille tliis ration was fed the cow nn'ntiil'ied Iter we g'.it at practically vhat It mis at' the iieliinlug of the te-:t, and p o-luced i !,210.1 pounds of nil. 47(l."- pounds of butterfut. Fur the .is following the ii'.xi freshi.iiini,' tii.H same cow was illkoil three times u day and given, !n addition to roi:-lic-e, all the grain ;he ,ould ent. The surprising fait s that she nte ".O.l.i pounds of grain .ind . radically the x:ime amount of i'oii;;linge us liefure. Vhe actual quan Ities of riiug!ii:f,e were 10,093 pounds f nlfnlfn hay, pounds of silage and 4, "HO pounds of licets. She was mi pasture l.W days n;ui no nights. The milk production for the year was 25,400.4 pounds, nnd butterfat 823.11 pounds, und the gain In weight 200 pounds. But notice the difference In the nu rlentK required to produce the prod uct the first year and. the second yem when 75 per cent more butterfat wiif produced. The flint yenr, over ami above maintenance and In addition r pasture, the cow consumed for encb 100 pounds of butterfat 150.87 pound of digestible protein nnd 058.00 pound of totnl digestible nutrients, and for rach 1,000 pounds of milk yielded s' used 51.7 pounds of dl.Htlble proti lr. ClA -Hi? pounds of total digest II !(- J & 1 WES. :t .-ff'M,C .- vifytAs V I. A N TlianHigivlns Tims ! Tote Tims As L'uai We YJu a Most Attractive Thanksgiving Display of NUTS, CLUSTER RAISINS, DATES, FIGS, CRAN BERRIES, APPLES, ORANGES, GRAPES GRAPE FRUIT, CELERY, CITRON, LEMON AND ORANGE PEEL, . BOILED CIDER AND ., MANY OTHER CHOICE THINGS FOR A REAL , Thanksgiving Dinner Gildersleeve's nutrients. - , Tlio second year, when she received all the grain she would eat, she re ceived above maintenance and In ad dition to pasture. In the production nf 100 pounds of butterfat, 218.7 pounds o. -'lui stil le protein nnd 1071.1 pounds A Record-Breaking Hsistein Cow. of total digestible nutrients; and In the production of LOOO pounds of milk she used 70.43 pounds of digestible protein nnd 845.1) pounds of total di gestible nutrients. From a nutrition Standpoint the cow made a more economical use of the roughage ration than of the rough age plus heavy grain ration. No at tempt wan made to compare the rel ative eccoiny of the two systems of feeding a dollars-and-cents basis, as the relation between prices of rouglmge, grain, milk, and butterfat, whlchvary bv localities . ami sei'snns. woufi b'e a large" factor in uetermfuing this question. There are now several cows on this farm that have records made on rough age alone. One made 477 pounds of butterfat In 350 duys, and promises to have a record of 400 pounds ut the end of her year, which will be within 45 pounds of the record the year before when grain was fed. Another cow In the herd made 845 pounds of butterfat In 245 days without gruin, and still another 103 pounds in 120 days. It Is now planned to try some of them on moderate grain rations to make comparisons of the umounts of nutrients required to make butterfat and milk under all conditions. Luter and more complete figures on additional cows will show the effect on production of three plans of nu trition no grain ration, light grain ration, and heavy grain ration. The relative prices of milk, butterfut, and feed will then determine the method of feeding most profitable for a given section. Scrub Stock Is Expensive. Use a purebred sire If there is one In the neighborhood. Scrub stock costs much and returns little. Sell or eat the scrubs. Watch Condition of Calf. Watch the condition of the calf's bowels. At the first appearance of scorning or offensive odor, reduce the feed and treat for scours. Feed Roughage Liberally. Feed a cow all the roughage she will eat 4 WJ. (Fnon GHIRARDELLIS GROUND CHOCOLATE, 1 lb Can 29c Sultan Raisins. Seedless, per lb 16c 7 Bars White Borax Naptha Soap at .25c REPEATING OUR SPECIALS ON Tea, English Breakfast, Gunpowder, Ja pan, Regular 65c values at 39c MERCANTILE COMPANY On Tfe Water Front- Toledo, Oregon Z ATTHEAWSTSRE WHY PAY MORE? DO YOUR TARDING AT THE ARMY STORE WHERE PRICES ARE THE LOWEST. Reclaimed O. D. Wool Overcoats, $3.75, $4-75, $5.75 cS $6.75 Reclaimed Rain Coats $2.00 Leader Jherkins, reduced to $4.75 Raynster Brand Guaranteed Rubber Coats $4.85 Goodyear Rain Coat3 $6.7 Officers' Overcoats $14-50 Leather Vests . . . $6.75 Sheepskin Lined Vests $9.50 All-l.ea'iher Vest3 $11.50 Wrights All-Wool Union Sjits $3.50 Fleeced Lined . $1.50 Keclaimed O. D- Wool Shirts $1-5C Regulation Armv O. i Wool Shirts, new $3.23 Army Wool Shirts and Drawers, a garment $1.25 Tin Hants, a pair $3.25 Slicker Coats $2.50 Slicker Coats, 3-4 ler.gth $3.75 lawyers Protex Rain Coat3 $3.95 Rainier Mineral Soap, a cak.i . . . 07 Laundry Bags 75 Cotton Blankets, a pair -45 Army Laundry Soap, 3 bars Arctic Pacs $3.95 Army Axes $1.00 . U. D. Wool Blankets $2.95 You had better put in vur supply of Blankets for inter before prices advance. V.'e nro now in position to supply you with any size TENT FLY- , . - United Army Slores NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Port D strict of Toledo. Notice Is hereby given to the legal voters and citizens of the Port District of Toledo, Lincoln County, State of Oregon, that a meeting of the Board ot Directors of the Said Port District will be held at the office of the secretary of the said Board of Commissioners In the rooms of the Chamber of Com merce of Toledo, Oregon, at 7:30 p. m. for the purpose of discussing with the levying board the budget hereinafter set forth, and to discuss the proposi tion of levying a special district tax. The total amount of money needed by the Port District of Toledo for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1923, and ending December 31, 1923, and also the receipts from r.ll sources, for the same period, 1b estimated In the following budget: ' BUDGET PORT OF TOLEDO 1922 Estimated Expenditures. Personal service, clerk Material and supplies, fuel $ 20.00 Postage, stationery, printing 60.00 Insurance, fire 100.00 Lights 30.00 Maintalnence, repairs dock Trav. Incid. Expense Interest, bonds Sinking Fund Retiring Maturing Bonds. . . Emergencies Total : , ... Estimated Receipts. Rent (Leases, Waterfront property Warehouse and Docl-.ago Foes Interest 'Unexpended Jetty Funds Total I 120.00 200.00 396.00 300.00 2S.460.00 18,000.00 1,600.00 270.00 60.00 75.00 I4S.975.00 395.00 $45,680.00 TOLEDO HOTEL BLDG. TOLEDO, ORE. -AAAAAAJLJi--AJLAAJ,jjLj 'fTTTTTTTTrTTTTTT V 'rVW L. V . Droadway at Stjrk Portland, Ore. i YCU ARE ASSURED A PERSONAL HOSPI TAL ITY AND INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION through the combined efforts of a staff, who after years of training, understand the needs of the traveling public. i ' ' MUSIC, DANCING and the BEST TO EAT AT Arthur H. Meyers Balance, amount to be raised by tax Dated this 8th day of November, 1922. PORT OF TOLEDO, GUY ROBERTS, Secy. Original Estimate and Accounting Sheet Port of Toledo 1922. This origlnp.l estimate is. made in compliance with chppter 118, 1921 Laws (Local Budget Law) and shovs the unit cost of the several services, mater ials and supplies for the fiscal years next preceeding the current year, the detailed expenditures for the last one of said preceding fiscal years and the budget allowances and. expenditures for the first six months of the current year and Is row on file In the office of the cccretaryof the Port of Toledo, To ledo, Oregon. , r r1 Expenditures & Bud get allowance for 1st 6 months current year, 1922. x g a n K A Expenditures for three fis cal years next preceding current year. H o E 3 120.00 60.00 9 60.00 73.50 $ S 15.00 877.95 20.00 7.00 120.00 $ 75.00 $ 60.00 $ 978.45 575.66 S 2.416.20 & REPAIRS 14.60 20.00 10.00 60.00 8.S8 25.00 64.62 30.00 100.00 60.00 95.25 30.00 16.00 11.75 4.60 ' 12.43 200.00 27.00 100.00 214.06 114.88 74.60 & SUPPLILS ' 3-000-00 395.00 36.00 385.00 36.00 3.00 . 300.00 26.20 257.16 300.00 $ 26.20 $ ? 257.16 22.00 49.00 PERSONAL SERVICE Clerical Engineering--Inspection . . . Legal work.... Drayage Total $ MAINTENANCE Furniture .... i'uel Postage Slaty. Printing Rent .nsurance -n warehouse. uishts Telephone and telegraph Total $ DREDGING River Channel Total MAINTENANCE Warehouse Dock Total ..:....$ Traveling & In cidental exp... Totr.l $ INTEREST BondB 25.460.00 Total 126,490.00 REAL ESTATE Government mill site Dock site Total CONSTRUCTION Jetty Dock extension & Spur Track Plank Road to Doccks . . Freight hoist Dock Total . SINKING FUND Retiring bonds 18,000... Total $18,000... J10.000... $25,760., Emergencies , 1,600.00 22.64 . 760.00 Total ....... L600.00 22.6 760.00 ' . I Grand Total . .$46,976.00 $11,310.48 $38,390.00 $51,419.66 $207,552.06 $127,287.08 I, Guy Roberts, do hereby certify that the above estimate of expenditures for the year 1922 -was prepared by me and that the expenditures and -budget allowance for six months ot the current year and the expenditures tor the three fiscal years next preceding tho current year, as shown above been compiled from the records In toy charse rnd are true and correct copies there of. OUT ROBERTS, 39 2t . Secretary, Port of Toledo, 11,730.00 11,630.00 $11,730.00 $11,630.00 $ 11,080.00 $ 16,110.00 1,637.62 1,637.62 14,630.36 679.10 11,914.92 s 479.66 216.48 "" 472.00 1,158.76 26,666.48 196,759.61 . 105.634.3S 10,000... 25.750... 10,000...' :, $10,000.,