PAGI FIVE -ivi,it the undersigned, administrator ef thel hlt'.-lyb 1 1 I1 1 1 I 1 1 ... f nAnln 1 I filed In the County Court of Lincoln County, State of Oregon, ma nnal ac count as such administrator ot said X ABtnta onA thnt Mrtnrlnv thn 4th rtAV n. V v..-. ... , .- -- December, 1822, at the hour or ton o'clock A. M. has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing of ob lec tions to said report, and tho settle-: X ment thereof. JACK FOG ARTY Are Arriving Daily from Markets T Administrator ol the Estate of John , 1 x Fogarty, Deceased. so 01 LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1922. . . ' I, Are the finest on the market and wo have a full stock for you to choose from, t THE KABO is a live model, and can be had only at ARNOLD'S FASHION SHOP NEXT TO POST OFFICE Dealers in Dry Goods, Ladies' and Men's Furnishings, .Millinery, .Robbins, .Notions, Hats, Caps, Overalls, Shirts, Underwear, and Sweaters. THtSIS THE PLACE TO TRADE IF YOU WANT DRY GOODS I 1& .444,.m.44mkH SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LIN COLN COUNTY. Sibert Hanson. Bernice Hood end Cora Bratton, Plaintiffs, vs. Edward C. Morntgomery and Anna Montgom ery, his wife, Frederick Montgomery, Gruce F. Hlnkle and S. S. Hlnkle. ho? ; husband, Cora C. Creson, Herman W. iMonteomery. Edith Bailey and V. A. jCaiiey, her husband, Orlena W. John- ;son and Albert v. junnaou, ner u ibaml. Defendants I To Edward C. Montgomery and An 'nr. Montgomery, his wife, Frederick Montgomery, Grace F. Hinklo and S. S. llinklo, her husband, Cora C. Cre son, Herman W. Montgomery, Edith Railoy and V. A. Ba.ley, her husband, Oriena W. Johnson ana Amen v. Johnson, her husband, the above nam ed defendants: v IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are summon ed and required to appear and answer the comnlaint of the plaintiffs here in, and now on file In the office of County Clerk of Lincoln County, Ore gon, on or before the date of the last publication of UiIb summons, to wit: on or before the 30th day of No vember, 1922; and you and each of you, are hereby notified that If you fail to so appear and answer said coMDlaiut. as herein required, for want thereof, the plaintiffs will apply AVe will have the largest assort ment of Ilmas Gilts 'and Toys to , choose from unci at most popular prices. THE BOOTERY for six consecutive ireeks, beginniii!? with the issue of October 19th, 1922. and ending with the issue of Novem ber 30th, 1922, under and in pursu ance of the directions contained In an order made by the Hon. C. W. James, County Judge of Lincoln Coun ty, Oregon, on the 19th day of Octob er, 1922. G. B. McCLU&KEY, Attorney for Plaintiffs, P. 0. Address, Toledo, Oregon. 35 7t. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. tor of the cslato of Ir. Gtroas, d" ceused, and hr.s duly qualifie.'.. .AU persons having claims gainst tho j;tiJ e3tat are hereby notified to praaent tho sumo to r.:e at Tole.lo, breg.m, properly verified, within six nionii'.a from the dato of the first publication of this notice. Dated this 13 th day of October, 1922. W. H. WATERBURY. Administrator of the estate of Ira .When Fowls Are Off (Their Feed and , Act Dumpik?. a Little Pepper , Will Brace Them Up. (Prtpand br tha United StatM Department of grlciiUurt.l A flock of laying hens in good health has no need for condiments, say poultrymen of the United States De partment of Agriculture. A ben whose digestive apparatus Is in good work ing order needs no more stimulation for egg production than Is provided by a good, well-balanced ration, proper care and housing. But when hens are off their feed and look dumpish a little Jigger of pepper or something of the sort In the ration may cause ber to pick up and run on all cylinders again." Various snappy and pungent condi ments nre used for the purpose, but the following mixture has been found as good as any and may be made up by the flock owner at low cost: Mix equal parts of ground red pepper, ground allspice, ground ginger and ground cloves, and one-half part of ground fenugreek seed. Many of the condiments sold to flock owners nre largely tiller end sell for a high price. In the mixture given there is nothing but the essentials. A tablespoonful of the mixture in 2 quarts of moist mash 2 or 8 times a week or a tea spoonful in 1 quart dally should be order. It is not good practice for poultry men to feed these things when the flock is in good appetite. When feed attracts hens little more can be done to stimulate the egg organs. TURKEYS LAY EARLY IN DAY -!3 11 " Broodlness Can Be Discouraged by Confining Hen In Coop With Slat Bottom. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Turkey hens can easily be broken of their broodlness by confining them for two or three days to a coop with a slot bottom. They will mate soon after being let out of the coop and begin laying in about a week. The lirst two or three eggs of a litter are usuully laid at the rate of one every other day, after which the hens ordi narily lay every day until they are broody, although sometimes they skip one day before laying the last egg of a litter. There Is no particular time of dy when a turkey hen lays, ljut most of the eggs are laid In the morning, say poultry specialists in the United States Department of Agriculture. The fol lowing dates of laying and lengths of time remaining on the nest were ob tained by watching a turkey hen dur ing the laying season, and are typical : Time of Time of laying leaving nest . 8:00 p. m,.... 4:00 p. m. .11:00 a. m 1:00 p. m. .. 8:30 a. m 10:00a. m. ,11:00 a. ni 1:00 p. m. . 4:00 p. m 5:00 p. m. .11:00 a. m 12:30 p. m. . 8:30 a. m :30a. m. . 8:00 a. in 1:00 p. m. . 9:00 a. m :00 p. m. April 7 li:00 a. ra..... 3.00 p. m. April 8 ...... ,...10:00a-m 4:00 p.m. April 9 10:30 a. m 4:00 p. m. April 10 10:00 a. m 6:00 p. m. April 11 10:00 a. m 6:00 p. m. April 13 7:30 a. m April 14 Hemstitching I wish to inform the ladies of Toledo and vicinity that I havo permanently located in Newport and am prepared to do all kinds of hemstitching. Work guar anteed first class and price reasonable- I furnish thrdad, either silk or cotton; work mailed to me will be returned to Toledo" on morn- ng of second day aft9r, postage paid. MRS. FRANK HENRY Box 235, Newport, Oregon 38 2t NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF 0REG0N von L1N' COLN COUNTY. In the matter of the estate of John Fogarty, deceased. NOTICE IS HEKldi UlVUi.x, mai Date March 27 March 29 March 31 April 1 April 3 April 3 April 4 April 6 April Poultrymen should" test their eggs be fore Duttlng them under a hen or in an Incubntor and take out all eggs which are unlikely to produce good chicks. It is not inferred, however, .1... I ..,,..! i. cartra mnv- ha H('l PPfoH nilt n ., . . i . ... n UIUL 1I11C1 Li,c J " won-i eep a nooiwr n.n. u.y lncubation. There is no known t.r Without th. Presence of a Mai. racept by incubation of de- i Blra tennlnlng whether an egg is fertile fed until the birds are back in good or infertile. J I I nmrnx MERCHANDISE STORE New Fall stock has just arrived give us a call for your needs in Dinner ware an etc. For that Thanksgiving roaster see us. We carry a complete line of Aluminum ware- A ew and up-to-date line of Ranges, cook stoves, heaters and etc. Special sale on men's caps. A fine line of men's popular priced nats also boys and 'men's sweaters and sweater coats.. All kinds of men's work clothes wool shirts and uderwear. Loggers shooes, men's and boys' rubbers and rubber boots. WATER FRONT STREET, TOLEDO In The County Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln County. Tn tl..i nf tln L-.inln nf InmttB to tho above entitled Court for the McDonald aoce.lBCl;. r'laf demanded in Dlaintins com vtrvr.ini.i i. v,-i, ..i, o.-f tbo plaint, namely, for a decree that undersignedi executor of the ea'ato o' plaintiffs are the owners in fee simpla Jamos McDoruld, deceased, has filed Strong, deceaaod. 35-5t NOTICE TO OYSTERMEN nf the following described real prop erty situated in Lincoln County, Ore gon, to-wit: Lots one, two, threo and four nnd northwest quarter of northeast quar ter of sect'on thirty in tewnship eleven south of range ten west ot Willamette Meridian, in Lincoln Coui: ty, State of Oregon. Except 21 acrs 8ld- , , '. And that all adverse cairns of said defendants, and each cf them, may be determined by said di-;ree; that said defendants, and each of them, by said decree be declared and ad judged to have no right, title, '.ion, estate or Interest in or to said larrb above described, or any part thereoi, that the said defendants, and caci: ot them, be forever barred and en joined from asserting any claim ad verse to the plaintiffs' cltim, and for sm h other and further relief as may ai Dear equitable and just. Viiis summon? is published in tho Lincoln County Leader once a week NOTICE Absolutely no hunting allowed on my place U. F. Early. 37 10 paid WANTED Man and wife for logging Camp, man to work in camp, wifo to board B or 6 men. Enquire at Robert's Mill or Dan McCarthy, Mill Creek. 37 4t in the County Cor.rt of Lincoln coun ty, State cf Oregon, his final account as such executor of said estate, and that Monday the 4th day of December, 192, at the hour of ten o'clocck a. m. has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing of objections to said report and the Bettleiaont thereof. G. li. McCLUSKEY, Executor of the Estato ot James McDonald, deceased. 36 Bt NOTICE TO PRESENT CLAIMu In the matter of the e3tate of Ira Strong, doceased. Notice is hereby g.'ven that the und ernigned hws been duly appointed by ho County Court of the s'.ato ot uro- gen far Lincoln -i'ty, Admiultftra- Notlce Tho following described oys ter beds are closed for oyaterlug or taking oysters therefrom until further notice: Ail that tide flat known as the Is land Natural oyster beds lylns In tho Yaquina river in the N. E. quarter N. E. quarter, secton 2S, and tho tide flats known as the McC'affroy's Is land Oyster Beds lying in the Yutiuina, river In S. E. quarter S. E. quarter in section 28 and S. S. W. quarter, section 28 and the N. Vt N. W. quarter section 33, township 11 S. of It. 11 W. of Willame'te Meridian nnd comaioa ly known aB the Big Bend. Any porson or persons found oys- tering or taking oysters from tha above described oyster beds will bo promptly prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Dated this 26th dny of October, 1922. M1NERT WACHSMUTH, Deputy. 37 4t .V. 9 k 1 t 1 I .1. II . 'llll'SS'.W.' til 1 j itftfSJ FOR SALE FOR SALE Oil T HADE 2S00 pound team with t'uli bntching harness. In good condition; 2 bucks, one lmif Lincoln and Kauibelctte, 1-7 It. solid frame 2 suction iron harrow. Will sell all or any of the abovo choap for cash. Or will tiade ftr good saddle horse, small work horse, Fresh .cows ahoup pouts, or what have you Charles W. Eaglosnn, Ed- dyville, Oregon. 35 7t "OR SALE IJUAG SAW A '." IioTuHs Portable, one-man drag saw, 4 1-2 h. p. motor, all steel frame. First class shape. Reasonable price. H. G. Wolf, Liberty Theatre. 34 tf FOUND A small pin, Owner may have same by paying for this adv. and identifying same. Inqqulre at Leader. 29-tf FOR SALE One registered Jersey L bull. Will sell cheap. Inquire at Updike's barn across from 1. O. O. F. hall. 36 tf , With a Little Work 'That's Fun" Vou can do wonders in brightening up your home "ERE and there about your are the best mntorials of their kind that we know alter li years oi ex perience in making paints. Start working these little wonders in your hnme and take advantage of Fuller's Free Advice and Fuller's Products to make the work easy and successful. NOTICE TO HUNTERS. FISHER MEN AND TRAPPERS: Notice Is hereby given that hunting, fishing and trapping are absolutely forbidden on the following places: Ed. Wat e place, Bock place and the Mrs. Leody place. Prosecution will be had for violation. ED. WADE, 37-3t MRS. GEO. LEEDY WANTED Soe Mrs. Earl Gooch for dressmaking and plain sewing. In quire second house back ot Method ist church. 37 4t HERE and there about your home, there may be places which' you would like to have beautified and refinished. Why not do the work yourself? Painting is really fun. You can do the work as wall as anyone else if you follow the simple directions which we will send you. Our "Home Service Paint Depart ment" was organized just to nelp women rfcfinish little things about the home. Write us what you want to do and how you want it to look when refinished. Our experts will guide yon through the work step by step, making every phase of it clear and simple. They will recommend materials, brushes, etc. There are Fuller Paints, Varnishes, Enamels, Wall Finishes and Stain made especially for your use. They Washable Wall Finish W..I..M. V.II U a Bit oil paint which produces tgJRtf on pasiei eaccfi. it to apply and casf to koep clean, a dampened cloth ra stoves all utuicbtly mark. It' washable. IS delicate WASHABIEJ TIM W also make SllkeawbJte Enaael, Decoret Vanish Stelae, All-parpoea Vex. aiehee, RbberCeateDl Hoot Palat. FUteea-f Floors Vat Blah, rullarwear Veralefc, Floor Wat, Auto Eaaawl, Fuller's Rot Watat Wall Finish (kaltoealac). Porch aod Ste Pais, and PIONLfcA WHITS LEAD. Pullorb IMCimCATtOM "Horn Scrvica'Polnts MamfartartWI by W. P. FuUar A Cm., Dpt. 44, Sum Fraactsa raufcM a 1 CtttM la Ik WmI rullrr's "Hra Swrkx" PalnU in told by ths (olkmisf is jra bAteman furniture company .0 ACRES Near Toledo; Stats Road; Mutual phone; daily mall. Good 6 room house, good newt barn, or- . chari; some timber. Good bargain. Inquire at Leader office. 13-tf WANTED TO TKAlsti ii ncros of fruit, prunes aiul logun berries. Lo-. cated In the vuiiuy for ucrotige or home In ToIimIo, lnqulio of Art Ileune, Aiimsvillu, Ore. o7-5-t WANTED Parsnips & turnipi, wash ed nntl sacked L. C. Smitii, Now port, Ore. ;f-;it First Class Work Prices Reasonable , JOHN M. ATWATER ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP Mail Order Work a Spec aity Toledo Oreflort PROFESSIONAL CARDS OR SALE Motorcycle Side car; Ua-!KITTIE STANTON PIANO High School Credits Given Lessona 75o and $15 26-8t ed Ford Truck; 1920 Baby Over land. Peterson Bros. Garage. 23-tJ FOR SALE 'Fine Oregon cockerelB; college stock; finest in country; cheap if taken at once. Inyule of R. A. Miller, .Yaquhia, Ore. 39-42 F. M. HELLWARTH M, D. General Practice "t, CALL8 ANSWERED PROMPTLY Office In FIR8T NATIONAL BANK BLDG. TOLEDO. ORE. Dr. Ernest H. Hall Dentist First National Bank Building Phone 1108 Toledo, Ore. C.E.HAWKINS Attorney-at-Law Toledo, Oregon WILL TRADE a good cow, coming fresh soon for potatoes and apples. L. C. Smith, Newport, Ore. 39-32 THE OLOLLA White Leghorn Foul try ranch is now booking orders for 1923 baby chicks, 20 per cent must accompany orders. A few White Jjeghorn cockerels to spare at from $2.00 to $5.00 each. O. A. C. and Tancred strains. Qrable & Hub ler, box 272, Toledo,. Ore. 34 tf TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN 1 will not be responsible for any bills contracted or acts committed by my eon, Frank Samuel Davenpir'.. 38 2t , GEO. DAVENPORT. FOR SALE 1 "International" gas en gine, '10 h. p., good as new. Will sell at reasonable price it taken at once. Inquire at Leader offices. 28tf FOR SALE 1242 acres of the finest ' timber in Sileti. Guarantee be tween 7 and 8 million feet of mar ketable timber. Between 2 and t million feet of Cedar. Good 'erms and bargain. Inquire at Leader of fice. 87 :f INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, HEALTH & ACCIDEN AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTORS' LIABILITY C. K. CROSNO, Toledo, Oregon Office in First N. B. Bldg. FOWLER'S RESTAURANT " Hill 3t., Toledo, Oregon Ask about our $1.00 PER DAY RATES Beat established eating place In Lincoln County . K. J. FOWLER, Prop. TOLEDO LODGE NO. 108, I. O. O, meets every Wednesday evening. Vkltlng Brother always Welcome. H. A. MATHEWS, N. G. Carl Gildtraleev, Secretary. ENGINEERING WORK Professional Engineer In tha Sta f Oregon. Topography work, Clvf Engineering and Sub-Division wort A. J. McMillan, Toledo, Oregoo FOR SALE OR TRADE Good piano; what have yoaT inqul-e at Boot ery. 32 tf BEN F. ROSEMAND. M. D. Specialist On EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT 108 8. 2nd St Corvallta, Oro.. TslsphOM 1724 Hour S to 6 Evenings by Apcintmer . ia4i