PAGE TWO LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16. 1922. Ymckle, the I'Rimm's devll by Charles Sughroe HOST EV'RM TOVUM Ma FtMl Jp BOUESSMEU VUHOSS VJMSJ Are meier. seeu Awowa XW Aoviefurse.s iMTHe. wow,.. TbVJkl PAPER 7 BOX LEY AWM SUCK TOVWM VJVtU C.01AS SO-CMJLE0 BOSUESS ORS&TORM,, Oft I AWf tVAEM PML- LAKE ,yery L own tias 'cm I BT.MS3 AEM" EVE V KkKVCE MORE. THAJJ SJCrH(!uff LINCOLN COUNTY OFFICIAL COUNTY W. H. HALL, E. F Publishers. G. W. HALL, Editor, LEADER omnipotence above subject peoples. government. PAPER As a dispenser of wrath terror, hate, I The latest figures given at the re- uai i r w hall bloodshed and inconceivable suffering !cont convention of the Farm Mortgage i"i.h.r. .nd B,0 J!1w'.th!,,als?,r has unque9 ! Bankers Association of America show lionea cmim iu uiecinciiun. Entered at Teledo, Oregon postofflce, as second-class matter, under the Act of March 3rd, 1879. Established Twenty-Nine Years Ago. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES One year, In advance $2.00 Six Months, In advance 1.00 POOR JUDGMENT? Somo few montni ago tho people of Lincoln county v.ere implored to vo'e With this frightful burden of moral responsibility on his soul, it might be supposed that he would be eager, in some measure proportioned to his debt to his people and the world, to make all possible reparation for his errors, sins and crime. It is said that in response to a recent appeal for war victims and orphans, this man, whose mad, im perialistic schemes sent more than a million of his fellow men to death and doomed other millions of widows, orphans and broken men to suffering In the lands of the allied nations, re plied: "1 am really sorry to hear of the misery of these sufferers and re gret my inability to help, owing to the an outstanding amount of tax-exempt securities estimated at nearly $30,000,- 000,000. A wealthy man can put his money in these securities and escape all taxa tion burdens. Should such a law re main unchanged? to be mine she replyed and sed. If it is ennybodies pleasure it will bb yourn. Witch only goes to show that it Is not c.lways the mail sex witch acks rude to the opposing sex. Tuesday Pa was saying his lodge had tuk In a few new members. Ma remarked with sourcasm that It prob ly was on acct. that the old members had ran out of storres to' tell each another. Wednesday Teecher ast. me jus what I was xackly thinking of this afternon when she ketched me a look ing out of the window and I contest I was thinking of the ft-ball game, sue for bonds to build bridges that had L,om;, ,h .rh nni7A " And thpn Duun wasneu uui tin uio oiicw inci. The people of the county realizing how the people of Siletz were handi capped due to the loa.T of the bridges turned cut in strength and voted a large majority for tle bonds. These bridges are now all completed with the exception of the one steel bridge that crosses between Toledo and that place, and this bridge would have been fin ished if It had been possible to ob tain the steel necessary. In the recent election a proven plan to make ALL of Lincoln county schools efficient and also EQUALIZE taxes for the Bupport of the educa tional Institutions of the county wai submitted to the voters for their adop tion. The vote of Siletz was the de ciding factor In defeating the plan. True, Siletz has an efficient school nvstein. HUT there ere many dis tricts in tho county where conslder auie help is needed and needed badly for the education of tlio children. Siletz he sent the committo a picture of himself in full uniform as his royal contribution to the fund of colossal misery. It Is also said by those who have read the advance proofs of "his book that the ex-Kaalser shows no change of heart no sign of remorse but blames his failure to succeed upon having taken counsel with bad advisors. This great War Lord, who often re ferred to "Me und Gott," measures up pretty small as he prepares to take ''"r "a '"'ZZT "e THE DOCTOR Behold the Doctor with his case Consider how he helps perpetuate wo seQ i never thot of nothing only have- uuman race ana muiiuues 10 nei me jng fun, and that is about the only pace for all us common whelps. When fun j get. thinking about havetng it. we are making our debut he Is the Thursday Ar teecher was xclame first to call; he helps us in our Jour- lng to ug how Suk cuma frum Silk ney through that period when the winna and etc. & when Bhe got done world is new and we are prone to ohn if We new of ennvthine aqualal. And so through flll the years eise wjtch cums from wirms of sum w tuuio no mm citn. kudu, Kind ana uneiy oiisiers neiu up iu? our aigesuon on xus flum ana we hana an(1 8ne ast him what and he sed need castor oil or rum or our jaw- ne recKon we get tape from tape bone la weak. He minimizes all the wirms, " shocks to which our flesh is heir. He ; ' n tells us when to change our socko You are a poor citizen if you let and how to cook our Plymouth rocks petty prejudice keep you froin Doost- and what ye ought to wear. How ing deaervlng home institutions. And could the ladies get along without hla our town has many such. sane advice on whether corset hort or long will make them pale or pink I The other day we asked a friend If and Btrong and keep them looking he had ever caught his wife flirting, nice. An then the Doc's handy guy and hit reply was: "Yes, that Is why ior ioiks 10 nave arouia; wnen.we are I did catch ner. SAPPING NATION'S TAX RESOURCES President Harding thinks this coun try ought to put an end to tax-exempt securities and it is understood the ad ministration will favor the passage of a. bill designed by this end. a .""'snelal menace to this 4 CIUUL lite. baa reciprocated by Cefeating a p'.an country today Is the , l8aued Hint would DriiiK Jt.ii"! to suen unior- cD1.oi.,iiij hium nerve to try to stay above the ground, A boy thinks when he reaches the he brings his little box of pills and! ago of 21 he will have his own keeps a pleasant s.nile, and though hf way, but he usually gets worried, may not cure our ills we try so hard I to dodge his bills we pick up for a I Some women make you tnink of a while. And when at last the race is Thanksgiving turkey too much white run and we must drop below whate'er meat and not enounh dressing. we ve aone or naveu t aone, we Know at least the Doctor's one who hates to see us go. tunate districts. Poor judgment, Siletz! A SMALL MAN AFTER ALL. K tfnpwOi Interest In the dopo-rtj jor...n Kn.pror Ib bo ing ro.-Cll! ihrmuh the Rmoun:eineui tne puu licntlori o hi Vuuiiioirs. Everyone win ftliU how tho former Kaiser so often or-w.-rtcd ilia close affinity and rela Uonhlp with Deity. Ho was, with God the codippensor of beneficence and of wrath wherever tho Herman roval standard cast the shadow of by states and uclcirilitleB. Tli9 result of issuing these seeUritte cuts two ways lax budeus are heiw iiy increased aa tlm result Of accumul ating public debt but worst of all, ev r-.y dov of tux-exempt securities is sued relieves the holder cf those securities from paying any taxes on the Income derived therefrom. Thus the public pays taxes to cover the mortgage it has placed agatnst its lioperty and It also must make up the taxes lost through exempting holders of tax exempt securities from paying their just share c' the cost of SLAT'S DIARY It Is easier to induce two hearts to beat as one than it is to indues two mouths to eat that wcy. Priaay Evry time t'.iey are a new baby cums to town ma has got to take 1 p.nd pa wltn ner I hit it why LANG stoves are used and endorsed J by thousands of American housewives because they have proved themselves leaders in fuel J economy, simplicity in operation, appearance and stability. The Lang principle of heat cirt culation, the Hot Air Draft and the Hot Bias principle enable all Lang Ranges to cut fuel; costs to a minimum. Manufactured of Armcc Polished iron, nickel plated trimmings and con., taining eleven exclusive features, Lang Ranges are original in type and construction.. wwmwwwwwwwwH 1 1 MM "" Water Front Market WHOLESALE A SET AIL Dealers In DRESSED & CURED MEATS FISH IN SEASON HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HIDES WAUGH & MEAKER, Props. tHH.4-"i 'M'-' ' "Goodform" HAIR NETS . Just the Shape or Color that the most Fastidious Feminine Tastes May Desire. Careful Selection from Imported Stocks Guarantees Them Perfect. We are as Proud to Sell Them as You Will Be to Wear The"". "GOODFORM" Nets are Made for and Sold exclusively by REXALL Stores Only POPULARLY PRICED AT 2 FOR 25e I DOUBLE MESH. o go nna soo u. 0 tonlte she ug pa and I Alorg to see one th 3 abovi and e went on a tel ni? vhfire it look 1 like its pa and len where It :oked like its ma. Personly I hot it wsa tol bla pritty as babys run but It iiddent have auch style. Saturday Pa urn pritty near getting fired frum he noosepaper to ay. He was put ln up a. ad for the store witch calls therself The F-mpe of Thrift. He wood of got It alrite only he for get his glasses and set it up the house of Theft and If it wcod ct got p-lnt- ed thataway he wood of ben up vs. It for a new Job. Sunday The Sun. skool teacher was a tawKln; now we cua an db graie men if we tryed and Bed John D. onl got 4 a wk. when he 1st begun to wlrk. The only difference betwixt he and I la I get $1 and a when I wlrk steady. Witch issent very often, Monday Went to a party tonite an when I went up to Jane and aat her if the pleasure of the nex dance wai lip If a mule and a horse are hltehed toother til r.;u:? looks as meek aa any married tunn, A mni-rtpfl man Is an accident of fate, but a bachelor is entirely his own j fault. No man with a poor memory has any business to become a liar. TOW LANG Ranges an backed by strict guarantee ef satisfaction. OtB today and set lie various; I I . r on aufiaj at. our. store Corsets ought to be healthy- keep women in good shape. -they ask m ANY ONE OF THE MANY PEO PLE FOR WilOM WE HAVE DONE WORK FFROM A MERE 2 BIT'S WORTH UP TO A SEV ERAL THOUSAND DOLLAR CONTRACT. BOOSTING CUS TOMERS IS THE REAL EVI DENCE OF EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE- NO JOB TOO SMALL NO CONTRACT TOO BIG OR COMPLICATED LET'S TALX IT OVER TOLEDO ELECTRIC CO. Opposite Telephone Office DEALER'S NAME .Qr fSli ft0teP Copr 3C 2 Col. 1 8 in. Batcmnn Furniture Company TOLEDO OREGON L, y,..j; . i J. j i . . TOLS30,' Drug co. a t tor 1. P. HAWklNS, Pr. INCOLN BOUNTY vDANK DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS (INCORPORATED) TOLEDO, OREGON f," Jnterett Paid ttn Time and Saving Deposit C. E. HAWKINS, President C. O. HAWKINS, Vice President J. B. BOOTH, Cashier A. B. HAWKINS, Asst Cashier rHEN you have a bilious attack your livsr fails to perform its functions. You become con stipated. The food you eat ferments in your ctomach instead of digesting. This Lifkrnes the stomach and causes nausea, vomiting and a terrible headache. Take Chamberlain's Tablets. They will tone up your liver, clean out your stomach and you will soon be as well as ever. There is nothinc better. ED'S SMOKEHOUSE We carry the highest class line of Tobacco and Candies on the market. Soft drinks of all kinds. We make a specialty X First National Bank ' Member of FEDERAL RESERVE BANK. Toledo " Oregon THE BEST BILLIARD TABLES IN LINCOLN COUNTY X . E. A. LYTLE, Prop. ! Hill 1 1 1 1 llH I """"'. Mill, Cooy Billard Parlor 3 ' ' DRiNKS OF ALL KINDS SERVED Take a Carton of YAQUINA VALLEY ICE CREAM horn wHh you Absolutely the BEST on the Market "SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO- rr NIOHOLS A BAIN, Props. IIIKIIHMIHMMMHMMItUMMMMIMHHM i