LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1922. PACE FIVE KAB0 CORSETS Are the finest on the market and we have a full stock for you to choose from. THE KABO is a live model, and can be had only at - ARNOLDS FASHION SHOP NEXT TO POST OFFICE Dealers in Dry Goods, Ladies' and Men's Furnishings, .Millinery, .Robbins, .Notions, Hats, Caps, Overalls', Shirts, Underwear and Sweaters. THISIS THE PLACE TO TRADE IF YOU WANT-DRY GOODS ' WWtHtWUHWtHH HHm Ml I I ! ! I wish to inform the ladies of ;;IToledq and vicinity that I havo ; ' 'permanently located in Newport ; and am prepared to do all kinds ; ; of hemstitching. Work guar- t anteed first class and price reas- I furnish thread, either silk or cotton; work mailed to me will be returned to Toledo on morn ing of second day after, postage paid. ;' MRS. FRANK HENRY Box 235, Newport, Oregon 38 2t Hemstitching NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OP 0REGON FOR LIN COLN COUNTY. ' , III the matter nf th aetata nt Tnhri Fogarty, deceased. . , NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN,' that the undersigned, administrator of the Estate of John forartv. A BRflflAil ho a filed In the County Court of Lincoln County, State of Oregon, hla final ao- count as such administrator of said estate, and that Mrmiliv tho tth nr December,' 1922, at the hour of ten ociock a. m. nas been fixed by said court as the time for hearing of objec- uuu8 io sail report; and the settle ment thereof. Administrator ol the Estate of John rogarty, Deceased. g6 6t First Woman U. S. Senator is 87 4,f " Mrs, W, H. Felton, of Carters ville, Gan appointed by Governor Hardwick to the U. S. Senate, is mighty proud of her honors. She is now 87 years old and is the widow of Dr. W. H. Felton who was a member of Congress for many years. Mrs. Feltoh successfully managed many of tier husband' campaigns. ENGAGEMENT RINGS See our Special $50.00 and $75.00 Diamond rings; others priced from $25.00 to $900.00. F. M. FRENCH & SONS Jewelers Opticians Albany, Oregon. NOTICE OF ROAD MEETING Notice is hereby given that a spec ial meeting of the legal voters of road district No. 22 of Lincoln Coun ty, Oregon, will be held at Schooi House South Beach, Oregon, In sala district on the 25th day of November, 1922, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said day for the purpose of voting upon the question of levying an au dltlonal tax for the year 1922, of not to exceed ten mills on the dollar on all taxable property in said road dis trict; and for such other business as may properly come before said meet ing. C. W. JAMES, County Judge JAY W. DUNN, Commissioner C. M. WARREN, Commissioner 38-2t D ROADWAY AT S'TARFC Portland, Ore. YOU ARE ASSURED A PERSONAL HOSPI TALITY AND INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION through the combined efforts of a staff, who after years of training, understand the needs of tho traveling public. MUSIC, DANCING and the BEST TO EAT AT 1. Arthur li. Meyers Manner mil NOTICE Absolutely no hunting a.incu Tin my piace u. F. Early. - 37 10 paid ' Notice is herehv elvon Ct'T,Y..?GET . ledo. Oregon, that a regular meetln" of tL ll? of the of T 1?L:- .! City of bne' era for the purpose of discussing and SXX TS'iS i''V' .edo for the fisca 1923, is estimated in the following Si . 1 .lnd en,ding Dpcember 31st. the assessable trtviluIL'f the. "timated tax levy upon as the same may be determined: ctrP'n tr the ensuing yea. BUDGET Estimated Expenditures General Fund Salaries City Recorder Supplies Marshal Water Commissioner Attorney Extra Police ....!.'.'.'.'.'!!.!!" Treasurer ; ."."!!!!."!!!! Miscellaneous: Wood and repairs on city hell . Street Lihls Telephone Fire Equipment Plimni.n 11 . Emergency (.'are of Streets Draying License Franchises, Fines, etc Less estimated receipts , , Redemption of Bonds . Interest on Bonds Estimated Receipts WATER FUND Interest on warrants Estimated Receipt $1,200 70 180 1,020 200 600 60 15 70 -1,050 40 1,000 1,000 200 300 150 100 50 150 , 1,000 . 1,600 $9,9C0 . 725 75 800 ! i,6oo . 690 2,675 , 485 , 6,630 . 869 7,699 6,000 6,000 .19,160 .2,699 Dated this 8th day of November, 1922. , Recorder. 38 2t PETER FREDERICK, Chairman Budget Committee. C. E. HAWKINS, Secretary Budget Committee. The Origins flfltlmnta haratnnftor eat 1. M unit cost of the several services, material and supplies for the three fiscal , "-" ''s mo uurreui year, me detail expenditures for the 'ast fn. tn PfCe.ed.lnar "8??1 y!ar.8' 8nd tlle budget allowances and expendi tures for the first sir mnnthu nf tho nunm ... r office of the City Recorder of the clt; of Toledo, bregon "W n 11,6 ORIGINAL ESTIMATE AND ACCOUNTING SHEET CITY OF TOLEDO EXPENDITURES Oi ft B P K to n "mm 3 C Q O 2 if SS? oT3 EtJ 2 (0 v to a a o go. o. g s ? 2 2 i 2 t a w w w 705.92 90.00 510.00 31.75 ITEMS Salaries Recorder Marshal Water Commissioner Attorney Extra Police .. Treasurer $1,336.67 MISCELLANEOUS: Street Lights .. 409.75 Telephone 20.65 Emergency fund 100.00 Fire equipment Interest on City Bonds 270.00 Interest on - Warrants Interest on Water Bonds Material on Water Works Labor on Water Line . $ 600.00 ? 823.95 $ 420.00 S 300.00 90.00 180.00 180.00 3C0.00 610.00 1,027.65 1,020.00 ' 540.00 100.00 390.00 300.00 30.00 60.00 60.00 $1,630.00 . $ 2,481.60 $ 1,680.00 $ 1,200.00 438.50 787.50 648.00 648.00 16.60 100.00 S26.00 660.00 270.(10 540.OO 640.00 640.00 450.00 2,640.00 1,370.93 Salaries . . . TOTAL Publishing . Drayaga ... Engineering Elections Care of street 76.00 $3,136.29 1,336.67 $4,672.90 ,.$104.W . .. 24.00 .. 77.t 80.00 237.00 450.00 2,640.00 976.00 4S5.00 5.60.0 1.630.00 $780Of 900.00 6,280.00 1,425.93 834.29 $ 9,919.71 2.481.C4 112,401.21 1,162.00 6,280.00 3,215.00 2,160.00 $12,996.00 1,680.00 $14,76.00 1,162.00 6,280.00 1,476.16 1,300.20 $10,406.36 . 1.200.00 $11,605.36 t R. R. Miller, do hereby certify (hat the above estimate of expenditure? was prepared by me and that the expenditures and budget Uowance for six months of the current year and the expenditures for the three fiscal years proceeding the eurrent year aa shown above have been eocnpUed from the records in my charge aud are trie and: correct copiea thereof. ' , , , , , R- R- MILLER, rrysrTV i . ..... .city Recorder. WANTED Man and wife for logging Camp, man to work in camp, wife to board 6 or 6 men. ' Enquire at Robert's, Mill or Dan MwCortby, Mill Creek. . . i- 37 4t SUMMONS. 0 ' IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR, LIN COLN COUNTY. Sibert Hanson, Bernice Hood end Cora Bratton, Plaintiffs, vs. Edward C. .Morntgomery and Anna Montgom ery, his wife, Frederick Montgomery, Grace F. Hinkle and S. S. Hinkle, her husband, Cora C. Creson, Herman W. Montgomery, Edith Bailey and V. A. Bailey, her husband, Orlcna W. John son and Albert V. Johnson, her hus band. Defendants To Edward C. Montgomery and Aa na Montgomery, his wife, Frederick Montgomery, Grace F.' Hinkle and S. S. Hinkle, her husband, Cora C. Cre son, Herman- W. Montgomery, Edith Bailey and V. A, Bailey, her husbund, Orlena W. Johnson and Albert V. Johnson, her husband, .the above nam ed defendants: - - IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are summon ed and required to appear and answer the complaint of. the plaintiffs here in, and now on file in the office of County Clerk of Lincoln County, Ore gon, on or before the date of tlie last publication of this summons, to wit: on or before the 30th day of No vember, 1922; and you and each of you, are hereby notified that if you fall to so appear and answer en id complaint, as herein required, tor want thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to the above entitled Court for the re'.lef demanded in plaintiffs' com plaint, namely: for a. decree that plaintiffs are the owpers in fee simple of the following described real prop erty situated in Lincoln County, Ore gon, to-wit: . ; Lots one, two, three and four and northwest quarter of northeast, quar ter of section thirty in township eleven south of range ten west of Willamette Meridian, in Lincoln Coun ty, State ot Oregon. Except 21 acres old. And that all adverse claims of said defendants, and each of, them, may be determined by said decree; that said defendants, and each of thorn, by said decree be declared and ad Judged to have no right, title, lieu, estate or interest in or to Bald Innds above described, or any part thereof; that the said defendants, and each of them, be forever barred and en lolned from assorting any claim ad verse to the plaintiffs' claim, and for such other and further relief as may Appear equitable and just. This summons is published in the Mncoln County Leader once a week Vr six consecutive weeks, beginning .villi the issue of October 19th, 1922. and cndlni? with the issuo of Novem ber' 30th, 1922, under and ia pursu ance of the direotions contained in An ftrt .1 r m n .1 n V. .i . . Jnmes. County Judge of Lincoln Coun- -two 1 " r 01 ctou- O. B. McCLU3KBY. . Attorney for Plaintiffs, .r . P- - Address, Toledo, Oreson. oo 7t. NOTICE OF FINAL 8ETTLBMENT. n The County Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln County. In the matter of the Estate of James McDonald, deceased. NoTlCfc! is hereby given that the undersized, executor of the cB'ate of James McDorald, deceased, has filed In the County Court cf Lincoln coun ty. State cf Oregon, his final account as such executor of said estate, and that Monday the 4th day of December. 1922, af the hour of ten o'clocck a. m. has been fixod by said court as the time for hearing of objections to said report and the settlement thereof ' O. B. McCLUSKiJY. Executor, of the Estate of Ja'mea McDonald, deceased. 36 st , no I ict I O HKtbfcNT CLMlMo In the matter of the estate of Ira Strong, deceased. Notice Is horeby given tint the und ersigned has boen duly appointed by the County Court of the s'ate of Ore gon for Lincoln Co;:i-ty, Administra tor of the .estate' of Ir. Strong, de ceased, and hr-a duly qualified. A:t personfe having claims against the jaid estate .ire hereby notified to present the same to me at Toledo, Oregon, properly verified, within six months from the date of the first publication ot this notice. Dated , this 19 til day of October. 1922. " W. H. WATERBURY. Administrator of the estate of Ira Strong, deceased. 35 St NOTICE TO OYSTERMEN Notice Tho following described ov- I ter beds are closed for oystering or taking oysters therefrom until further notice: All that tide- flat known as the is land Natural oyster beds lying in tho Yaquina river in the N. E. quarter N. E. quarter, secton 28, and tho thin flats known ns the McCaffrey's In land Oyster neds lying In the Yaqnlmi river in S. E. quarter S. E. quarter in section 28 and S. S. W. quarter, section 28 and the N. N. W. quarter section 33, township 11 S. of R. 11 W. of 'Willume'te Meridian and common ly known ns the Big Bend. Any person or persons found oys tering or taking oysters from the above described oyster beds wiil bo promptly prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Dated tills 26tll day of October, 1922. M INERT WACHSMUTH. Doputy. !17 : Q'AOTMlffllfflWS FOR SALE t'OU SALE OR TRAOE 2800 pound team with full britcliiiiK harues. In good condition; 2 bucks, one-halt Lincoln and Rambolotte, 1-7 ft. solid frame 2 section inn harrow. Will sell all or any of the above cheap for cash. Or will trade for good saddlo horse, small work horse, Fresh cows nhen rnnta nr hn' have you Charles W. Eagl'oaon, Kd ayvuio, uregon. 35 7t FOR SALE DRAG SAW A Thomas roriaDie, one-man drag saw, 4 1-2 h. p. motor, all steel frame. First class shape. Reasonable price. H. G. Wolf, Liberty Theatre. 34 tt FOR SALE One registered Jersey bull. Will soli cheap. Inquire at Updike's barn across from I. O. O. F. hall. 36-tf FOR SALE Motorcycle Side car; Us ed Ford Truck; 1920 Baby Over land. Peterson Bros. Garage. 23-tl First Class Work Prices Reasonable JOHN M. ATWATER ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP Mail Ordar Ul - c . t.i ' " - uregon PROFESSIONAL CA RDS NOTICE TO HUNTERS, FISHER MEN AND TRAPPERS: Notice is hereby given that hunting, fishing and trapping are absolutely Forbidden on the following places: Ed. Wate place, Beck place and the Mrs. Leedy place. Prosecution wlli be had for violation. ED. WADE. 37-3t- MRS. GEO. LEEDY FOR SALE 6 h. p. electrice motor. Inquire at Leuder office. 37 2t WANTED See Mrs. Earl Gooch for dressmaking and plain sewing. In quire second liousu back of Method ist church. .37 4t WANTED TO TRADE 26 acres o.1 fruit, prunes and logan berries. Lo catod In the valley for acreage or home In Tcledo. Inquire of Art Honno, Aumsvlllo, Ore. 37-5-t THE OLOLLA White Leghorn Poul try ranch is now booking orders for 1923 baby chicks, 20 per cent must accompany orders. A few White Leghorn cockerels to spare at from $2.00 to $5.00 each. O. A. C. and Tancred strains. Grable & Hub ler, box 72, Toledo, Ore. 34 tf TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN 1 will not be responsible for any bills contracted or acts committed by my son, Frank Samuel 38 2t GEO. DAVENPOTT. FOR SALE 1 "International" gas en gine, 10 h. p., good as new. Will sell at reasonable price if taken at once. Inquire at Leader offlcce. 28tf FOR SALE 42 acres of the finest timber In Silets. Guarantee be tween 7 and 8 million feet of mar ketable timber. Between 2 and I million feet of Cedar. Good terms and bargain. Inquire at Leader of fice. 87 't FOR SALE OR TRADE Good piano; what have youT inqul'o at Boot- err. $ tt A ACRES Near Toledo; State Read; Mutual phone; dally man. Geef room house, good newt barn, or- chars; some timber. Good bargain. Inquire at Leader office. 13tl FOUND A small pin. Owner may have same by paying for this adv. and identifying same. Inqqulro at Leader. 29"i WANTED Man and wife for log?ln , .w nun iu camp, wiu to board 6 or 6 men. Enquire i Robert's Mill or Dan McCarthy, Ml nrp- 34 St KITTIE STANTON PIANO High School Credits Given LeMon 75c and $1.?5 26-t F. M. HELLWARTH M, D. General Practice CALLS ANSWERED PROMPTLY Office In FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. TOLEDO. ORE. Dr. Ernest H. Hall Dentist First National Bank Building Phone 1106 Toledo. Or. C fc HAWKINS Attarney-at-Law Toledo. Oregon INSIIRAMre FIRE, LIFE, HEALTH A ACCIDEIt mu 1 umuuiit CONTRACTORS' LIABILITY C. K. CROSNO, Toledo, Oregon Office In First N. B. Bldg. FOWLER'S RESTAURANT" Hill St, Toledo, Oregon Ask about our 1.00 PER DAY RATES Best established eating place In Lincoln County . J. FOWLER, Prop. TO LB DO innn ma a i r n & 7 "w. iw, 1. v. v. r. Visiting Brothers always Wetcota. OH ttlldsroJssv, Seers fsy. ENGINEERING WQRK Profssolonal EafjliMer In tho Sta of Oregon. Topograpky work, Chf Engineering and Sus-OIWelon vWerf . A. t. MoMlllan, Toledo, Oregon BEN F, R03EMAND. M. IX - " 9pninNat fjn EYE. EAR, 9I08E AND 'tI'HOAT 10S S. 2nd St. 4br IMS, C. Telephone 1724 Hours 9 to 5 EveiXsgs by Apolrrmsr i