PACE TWO LOCAL NEWS Lieutenant W. K. Patterson reDorta that "Front" street at Newport claims Tiiey knew It all the time." ''Pat" , aid not explain what he meant. Per haps "Front" street can explain? UNCOLNCOMMTVIFR TOI.HfjQ ORFQQN, THURSDAY. MflVFMRFD ATTENTION FAPVTRS State school funds are flow avail able for loaus on iinprovea tural lands. Inquire of Miss Su... Crahen, Toledo, Oregon. 88 U presented at the Ross theatre next Fri-; nay ana saiuruay. ine macnine is k. u tjuker ol Waldport was a To- auoui me size 01 a sinppea-uown leao Duslness visitor Wednesday Fcrd. It was equipped with all the! Mr. Buker was custodian ot the bal i-aiures c tne racing cars, nowever, iiots from that district. He stated th. (nAl..Jfn T-ll t IH . w, Til I 1 . . L i-.iiuujiiK wcilu iguiuua ajrstvui, jail- riurco earned wuiapori Dy a two to racing carburetor and Perfecto one majority. two speed axle. 38 It I ' , Mrs. W. C. Burcroff returned Mon- 'l :-gmann' guaranteed work gloves dav evening from Grants Pass, Ore., Tin) Bootery. It where she has been visiting for the i past four weeks with her mother. Mrs. York. 9, 1922. Rev. Sneivey, old timer of this sec tion, was a visitor here Friday from Slletz. Grant KU-g. Slletz l.otol' manger, passed through Toledo Friday on his was to "The Rose City" on a business mission. Ed Wade, after 5 weeks In Portland attending grand jury, returied Friday. "Louie" Bain visltci his paronts. In Yaqulna Friday. An eighty-five mile per hour "bug!" This smail car, perhaps the fastest for Its size ever bull , was especially constructed and equipped to hold the honor "'nne In the transcontinental race which Is the principal fea'ure of Wallace Heid's new Paramount p., ture, "Across the Continent," to be j rmvln Nash, and family of Nash ville left for homo Friday. Mr. Nash is i member of the county budset com mit. eo. Virgil Porter, left Wednesday for a two weeks vacation In the valley. He will stop off at CorvallU and wit Ti.ree car-loada of steel for the n.ess 'he "Homecoming" game between Slletz steel bridge-now under course16 - Ac- and. tho, University of ot construction, arrived in Toledo Frl-i0re8n Saturday, Armistice Day. day by S. P. freight. The bridge will Evangelist Price will be In Albany now be rushed to completion. November 12 . to December 10 for 'meetings In the armory at that place. It la reported that five churches in I M'ss Carrie Wade returned homo jFriday from Portland, where she has H MI H Ross Theatre Tonight ETHEL CLAYTON IN "WEALTH" Comedy "BACK STAGE" . 39-19? ' that city have united for the evange listic meetings. Dr. Price held a sim ilar meeting recently in Ashland, Ore. An unusual feature ot the meetings is anointing with oil and prayer for the sick. Many claim healings." It fa expected that 2400 people will attend It Is not to late to sret a suit worth the meetings at one time and balconys $40.00 to $50.00 for $29.fi0 for Thanks , are being installed in the building to giving The Bootery. .,. It accommodate the crowds. been under the doctor's care. Her health Is repor'ed much improved. flus Jacobson of Elk City was , business visitor In Toledo Tuesday. W. M. Dodson left Cloverdale, Oregon on ness trip. . , Tuesday for a 10-day busi C. C. Pond and John Isaacson of the Upper Farm, Slletz, were Toledo business visitors Tuesday. Friday & Saturday Wallace Reed IN "AHDfiO ids Fll. H t B 't BID Irr. COMtlHENFil The large pile driver owned by Ralph Pepin was transferred by boat from Newport this week to the dock at Toledo and was taken from there to the future location of thb Standard Oil station which is being In stalled here. The machine will drive the pile for the foundation of the buildings and tanks to be erected here by the Standard Oil Co. . ' Jra Wade and wife left' Wednesday for Sslem, Oregon, on a business.' mis slon, "Ira" will be able to "give us the dope" and tell us exactly "how it happened", when he returns. . Wm. Metcalf ' of Slletz was here Wednesday with the ballot boxes from what section. Slletz gave Candidate iJofsfall his big majority and was )ikjly responsible for his election. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frederick are Portlwid business visitors this week. The 12 and 16 Inch "Buckingham and Heetit" pads are going fast at tho prices w fists- See (hem at The Boot ery. v It Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Fuller former ly of Slletz, are now residents of To ledo, having moved here this week to make their home. Mrs. Ed. Lytle left Friday for a visit in Albany with relatives. City Marshal John Derrick was an Eddyville business visitor Friday. cigarettes H II 13 W They are GOOD! Bay this Cigarette aniSatt Money &TCASTfo It's toasted. This one extra process Sivfes a deUghtJul quaJLty thai can not be duplicated Geo. Hodge' and wife were here Thursday from Big Elk country. June Edwards of Nashville wa a Toledo business , visitor .Thursday bringing in the ballots from that dis trict. D. T. Harding has nurchased tnt- Schmldt place, near the hieh school. and is remodllng the house. He will have a thoroughly modern ohme when It is completed. i. '.t. '.......--...........-.......-.. . . Here's the best of all Wallie Reid's racing pictures- There's a thrill a minute in the great transcontinental race in which Wallie competes with ten big car3 and drives his "flivver" to success. The great cast includ es THEODORE ROBERTS, BETTY FRANCISCO & MARY MacLAREN Also ; ' The Little Negro Boy ''Sunshine Sammy" in his own dandy . Special 2-reel Comedy. "The Pickining" r 35c-10c Sunday & Monday Straight is the Way ' A Paramount Picture With f MATT MOORE i and CLADYS LESLIE "The man was a human wolf, reared in a great city's den of crime- It's a crook play Also Round Three of The Leather Pushers 1 if if MERCHANDISE STORE L. M. Commons of Harlan was a Toledo visitor Wednesday. MiV Com mons called at the Leader office and our chat with him was a very Inter esting: one. He is well versed on the pros and cons" of Lincoln county politics. He is opposed to the public school bill, not because -the public schools are not all that is claimed for them but because 'he-' believes the constitution gives i parents the right to choose where they shall educate tneir children, ..v-. COUNCIL OPENS BIDS. 't. At the adjourned meeting of the city council held Wednesday evening bids were opened, for street improvement and allowed. The Anderson Construc tion Co., of Portland was Uie success ful bidder for the cement paving con tracton. Hill street -and . Mr. Hoskin son w s the successful bidder for the Improvement of Fourth street. CITY PADS HAVE BIG JOB ' BeBing a member of the city council of Toledo Is not . such a "snap" at. some people might believe. Monday evening the City Dads were In session bntil 12 p. m. and adjourned until Wed nesday evening when thy again held session until the midnight hour. They have another adjourned meeting billed for next Monay evening. The Job of i tinning the business of the city is getting bigger by leaps and bounds. New Fall stock has just arrived give us a call for your needs in Dinner ware an etc. For that Thanksgiving roaster see us., We carry a complete line of Aluminum ware- A ew and up-to-date line of Ranges, cook stoves, heaters and etc. Special sale on men's caps. . . A fine line of men's popular priced hats also boys and men's sweaters and sweater coats.. All kinds of men's work clothes wool shirts and underwear. Loggers shooes, men's and boys' rubbers and rubber boots. WATER FRONT STREET, TOLEDO . . SILETZ Service Counts ON YOUR WINTER JOURNEY TO The pupils of the public school at Siletz gave a Hallowe'en social in the gymnasium Saturday evening to a full house of patrons and friends. Proi. Carney, principal, of the school pre sided. "When the Frost Is on the Pumpkins" By the Girls Glee Club Recitation a Ghost story Ulita OMn Song Goblin Men ... . Primary Room Fo'.k Dance .Gretchen Huey Hallowe'en Night Eight Pupils, Lower Farm Dialog Modern Science i . ...... Harvey, Downy and Clifford Solo The Goblin in the Corner ; .Vivian Larson Song Peter Pumpkin Primary Room Recitation Seeing Things , Wm. Warwick Drill Scar Crow Aroamlng.. Six Boys Give the Heart'B Best.... GlrU Club Recitation.... ...Little Orphan Annie Teresa Klmmell Solo 'Autumn Leaves Fay More Playlet Witches Scare., Prlmar Ghost and Spirit Dance. .High school The Orchestra- led oy Mr. Charles Larsen played some fine selections which pleased and edified the audi ence. Ice cream, sandwiches, cake and coffee was served, after which the floor was cleared and the young people engaged in tipping the fantastic toe and playing games and singing un til midnight, when the social broke up. The receipts of the evening of $39.25 will be used for the benefit of the school. 30-10 COMING Coming next. weekTuesday, Wednesday, Thursday DOUGLAS MACLEAN IN "PASSING THRU".. Coming next week Friday and Saturday Mary.Pickford in UTTLE LORD FOHTLEROY MMMlMMMi CALIFORNIA Observation Cars with comfortable chairs, wide windows and broad rear platforms; Through Sleeping Cars with latest travel luxuries; Unexxcelled Dining Car cuisine, and picturesque scenery will add . to the pleasure ot your journey. ' -'. t Through Standard Steeping Cars ..',- j .... v-. , . Via the Scenic Shasta Route ' v : to ; r': . ; Sati Francisco and Los Angles "For low round trip tares, bot. 0-18, leeplof . oar reenraUons, . train schedules, of plctara books, inqolrs ot agsnti, or commtmloate with . ; . I ? ?' :" JOHN M. SCOTT Oeaersi Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. tMMMMUMIUHIMHMMHMMMMHM M CATARRHAL DEAFNESS la often caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound -or imperfect hearing-. Unless the inflammation can be reduced, your hearing; may be de stroyed forever. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE! wUl do what we claim for It rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. MALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE has been successful In the treatment of Catarrh for over Forty Tears. Sold by all dnicsiaU. . Cbsasr Oa, Toledo, a LIBERTY THEATRE THE BEST IN PI CTURES AND MUSIC Tonight and Friday j I the beautiful star of Foolish wives fame, in an absorbing tale of a South African British Army Post. ' Hi She vamped the boss to fur ther her husband's interests, the complications that follow are surely exciting. IN E" an Intense Chapter in the Great Universal Chapter Play of the Yukon. And a really Comical Comedy with Nedy Edwards. Saturday & Sunday i ' ''' "'as Special Double Bill ii A FINE NORTHWEST MOUNTED PICTURE THAT ISi BOTH SERIOUS AND FUNNY, BESIDES YOU WILL SEE AN EXCEPTION .ALLY GOOOD FIGHT. 'S 5" with a special cast. A STIRRING JACK LONDON PICTURE ONE OF HIS FAMOUS SEA STORIES STARRING THE STARLAND REVUE OF THE LATEST SUCCESS ES OF THE STAGE FROM BROADWAY Entertainment that will please you. THEN A HALF HOUR OF COMICAL, AMUSING, DROLL, LUDI CRUS, LAUGHABLE, RISIBLE, HUMOROUS FUN IT'S A CEN TURY COMEDY. I IT'S A BIG 10 REEL SHOW FOR SOS IOC TY THEATRE M. E. CHURCH. Rev. Cain, Pastor. Sunday services Sunday school 10 a. m. Public Worship, 11 a. m. Epworth League, 6:30 p. m. Public Worship, 7:30 p. m. Thursday Prayer meeting 7:30. FOR TRADE Business or resident property, located S blocks from capital, best part of city, Salem, Oregon, for property in or near To ledo, Ore. Write J. M. Chappell, 445 S. Winter St., Salem. Ore. 37 2t FIXALLSHOP WELL WE FIX EVERYTHrNG CLOCKS A SPECIALTY Shoes, Boots, Clocks, Watches,, Umbrellas, Pans, Buckets, Tuba, Boilers, Flashlights, Cut Agates, Sharpen Shears, Knlvss. Repair all kinds of things Dont throw anything away, Corns In and see us. Furniture Repair ed. s CEO. LICKEY tfltf lt4t1tlllMIIUIIIIIMIIMIMll4MIIMIIie4i Have Your Soles 8wd on. Prices Rwuontbl Mail Orders Promptly At tended to. DICK WENNER A SON Shoe machine repair shop Newport. - Oregon HEW DO YOU WANT TO FURNISH A HOME? If You Need Anything in Our Line it Will Pay You to Call: J BEDS, BED SPRINGS, MATTRESSES, DRESSERS, TABLES, CHAIRS AND STOVES. Call and See mv Line I Buy and Sell Second Hand Goods If You Wish to BUY or SELL GET MY PRICES. Located Block North of P. O. THE SECOND HAND STORE PHONE 4251 J.W.HIGGINS,Mgr. I .,sl ' ' I HIMMIM The White Grner Store t n . 'SpWe'for Monday- 5 lb. can Royal Baking Powder ...2.35 i 9 lbs. Onions oa ; 1 Sack Best Flour . .'' ' ,,2 7 lbs. Sweet Potatoes Ai2 I 100 lbs. Irish Potatoes s itn ; 1 lb. Carnation Coffe ; 11b-"Seal Brand" Coffee i 6 cans Red Ribbon Tomatoes i in