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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1922)
J. PACE "EIGHT LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 1922. 1 1 IN HONOR OF THIS DAY THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY UKU I TI SMS Next to Lincoln County Bank Toledo, Oregon The Lincoln County Progressive Stores of Newport will also J)e Closed all D.iy Armistice Day "TAXPAYER" DENOUNCED petence or immorality. "Cheap? teach- c ANnWYMOIIQ ailAPK ers ara Incompetent; but their direct A6 ANUNTMUUS UUAWIS. org don,t dlgcharg8 because they want cheapness, not competence. NOT K In our last week's isstm ' Serving without pay is no recom- poMtahtJ a letter written by a Liu. a mouuiiua; wo never get sotneihng for owniy resident who asked that his a director "aerves without i. i.i-i. u a i a pay he doesn't serve. We may talk r.rao be withheld and signed as a f'tho ,raublc8 of dlrectorii: I men- Taxpayer." This same privilege is tion their incompetence. I can point extended to anyone wishing to discuss you at least two districts m Lincoln as.v question pertaining to the inter ledo and Newport or from the county geographically? Are they to be elected or appoint ed? Does the board receive compensa tion or mileage? if appointed, by whom? Hoping you will find space for this in your paper I am respectfully yours, J. U BWOWN. In answer to Mr. Brown s ques ts, ;js of tli1? gonnval public. The -only mmiremcnts -uro that we have the name of the writer and that personali ties are loft out. Mr. G. Frank Oi'aser takes Issue with "The Taxpayer" In the following let-In: county where two of the directors can-1 tlons mentioned above we w.ii pay the not even write their own names. 1 1 rouowlug can name a dozen where tne sciioois are sadly neglected. It's not the men's fault; li s the fault of the sys tem which demands suoh service of men who cannot give it. When I "swallow the dose of a fol- u- mi - . , low "taxpayer" T like to know who Kernville, Ore., Oct. 31st. ne lg j to fcnow tlmt ne , maa enough to sign his nainp to the tit scrlptlon he offers me. This "tax-payer" is an anonymous quack, and is tr..- In answering the first question re garding the selection of the board. i ! iiuicciioii of the first board of eduction, should the County Unit Plan win at the election, will be left to the County court and we have received assurance from Judge James that f ' will be selected in order to give all sections of the county an equal rupresentat on. This board will Bei ve imttl tlirt annual finimtv anhnl tnaat. ....... buu WWUUV UbllUI JJlbgh 1 tng the thi'd Monday of next June $ V- .1 H 1 1. - , i .1 , T wimu Liivy win ua eitiuieu ui. wr. However, according to Superintendent Go In, a bill Is being drawn up to re vise the County Unit Flan that will divides counles having the unit system in effect into five different zone:', and lrom each one of tlie3e zones a -member of the board of education will be elected. j As the plan ts now, the members of ; 4 tho board of educaiion will serve with out pay and no compensation will be made by the county tor milage. In Superintendent Shaw's e::plana tion of the working of the county unit plan In our issue of Ootobpr !2. ne states that the members of the bcari will be clocted, not appointed. DfaT Editor Some o! -js wou'd be interested to fciwiw the name of the tax-payer whose wmo is on file at your office and who , . hand UB'polpon is no tommy wornea cdoui me eau- ( q prank GLASER. rational trust." So far "as ' we know,- . ' . all tlio educators who have wrlttenin ' . favor of tho County Unit Plan are tax- AN OPEN LETTER, payers. We are absolutely sirre that ttiMiw Is no teachers' "trust," or even a Tatt. Oregon, CH. 25, 1922 considerable organization among teach EJitcr L'noln County Leader: ere for educational purposes. An artl- As a reader of vour valuable papc , t-iii ot mine In the September Issue of I hope you can find space to publlsii thn Oregon Tenders' monthly might thin letter, not as a knocker, but for kelp to aispit the Idea of an "educa- the information of the votars of this ttona'l trust." county. I sea some of the bright-. Oonrernlne the tean'ior who "d.v liehts of Toledo has turned out t i man ds a dol'ar an hour" for his ser- boost for the county unit plan to bo vices, we may snggest that we don't voted on at the coming election, and, kaow any such teacher who cannot do, it may be a good thing and if it li vr lias not done better financially In for the betterment of our schools I cither lines of endeavor; and we do not am for it as I have children attendlr kiinw anv "chean teacher"-who is com- wcliooi and would like to see them anl jmtent, either as a teacher or as a every other child get the best that's ' woi'ker In other fields. to be hart, but. there is a few qu I Financially "rtlsr-harKlng" a teacher tlons we would like to have answer- 1 1 ts not possible under the present sys- betuj-e election day. j tem. You must piove either incom- Is the board to bo picked from Ti- 'irrt for the purse of tho Ame.-lcau , t'l'ttH' consumer. A 4' M...MI,. j 'f ..u...t i . i.. r, ',ci,bi es dim luaui ici 're L Inotuded. ' . ' Thy tirt.I'los ei'brac(,l in the report cf.r a wide nnsn, botl. o'f aetossl- es pnd luxuries, from common flo3 :otliM, soap, shoes, knives, scissors. t i insand furling rods to silk embroidered lingerie, fancy clocks ...ces, linens, chinaware, doilies, pipes, ltlery, and toys for children. In no instance is one of these articles sold t). iu this country after being purchased i rbroad without brazen robbery of the lurchaser. The nrtlcles were manufactured in more than a score of different coun U. 8. Government (Continued from 1st Page) ill ATTHEAR58YST8RE Ul t DO YOU TRADE AT THE ARMY STORE WHERE PRICES ARE THE LOWEST- O.D. Wool Blankets , 2.95 Service Blankets, 4 lb S CO Service Blankets, 8 lb 11-20 Service Blankets, 10 lb 14.00 Wright's Wool Union Suits $3.50 Balbriggan Union Suits $1.25 Esmond Blankets i $435 Wool Drawers, Reclaimed 75c Undershirts 79c Underdrawes ,,.... 79c Regulation O. D. wool chirts $3.25 Reclaimed Overalls -,. 65 3 Rubber Boots ...2-75 Goodyear Rubber Rain Coats -, $6.30 Arctic Packs - $3.95 Officers Dress Shoes $5.50 Regulation Dress Shoes ...$5.50 Leather Vests $6-75, $9.50, $11.50 Mold skin Mackinaws $4.75 Roast Beef, 2 pounds 35c Corned Beef, 1 1-2 pound 35c Rcast Beef t 1 pound 25c Beef Hash 15c ' O. D- Wool Pants 3-25 Army Wool Undershirts 1.25 Army Wool under drawers 1.25 Velvet and Tuxedo Tobacco. 2 cans .25 4-Buckle Arctic Boots 2.75 United Army Stores TOLEDO HOTEL BLBO, TOLEDO. ORE. jtlllMIIMIHH4MMHMHMMMtHmMim iUI n PR CES Blend Blend Flour, per. sack $2.15 Fiour, per. bbl. $8.50 Sweet Potatoes, 6 lbs for 25c Dry Onions, 9 lbs for 25c Hams, Sugar cured, per lb ...-.31c Pure Hams, per !b 21c Canned Corn, 2 for 25c or per dozen $1-40 Canned Beans, 2 for 25c or per dozen $1.40 10 lb. bulk oaKs ,. 57c Royal Club, solid pack Tomatoes, 6 for . $1.15 per dozen $2.25 Creme Oil Soap 10c 3 for .25c SPECIAL OFFER ONE WEEK ONLY DEPENDABLE COFFEE i 3-POUND TIN $1.41 AND 1 pound tin ,.. FREE t Burcroff Mercantile Company 4. tries, including China, Japan, England, France, Germany, Zecho-Slovakia, Jugoslavia, Hungnry, DeBlgium, Spain Holland, Denmark and Switzerland, where costs of production and labor ! JS; ere far bolow similar costs in the the value Is given at 38.9 cents ppr murderer of Dennis Russell, was mar- j. United States, due to a variety of con- pair, the retail price in tho United ,e(i t0 Howard Mozena a laborer at f dltions, from depreciated money to i States, $2.00, sold by tho np!?- Oor-?t n-M1. ,0.,i oa ',, Jo !, lower standards of living and sanita- Shop, 1077 Broadway, Brooklyn. N. Y., eat"e- September 26, 19 days after jtlon, longer hours of work and child showing the percentage or retail price Dr- BBrumfield committed suicide in labor. , to landed cost to be 244 percent. the state penitentiary, it was learned Intereatlng News for Wcmen Concerivi Ladles' lamb skin gloves with a, today. n . tMn vn.iorf In HaKmom, of 071. I Ing Gloves. cents also were sold in tho Uniteu ' ?m2!Id J 0T m.a'1e Exhibit No. 1 shows that ladies' kid . . J. Tu" V;iifme of Merle BBor3ford n getting isroves. lb mitton. z inrhoa mom --- -r- j brought in Germany. and Corset Comnany, 2893 Third Ave- a license, it was reported. 4.1 Thn vnlnn in nornmnv nor not. DUB, inw T 791A cents, thn clmrnpii fnr frnnnr.l Getting into the 7ni -i ; I ueuing inio ine n .' ;,v-l ... L''al,"r; nhases of ladies' wear, a silk night- cent 'the dui , was 87. tHmmed, vaVued ,n Belgium The gloves were in the Unite was sold i by A N. Baag, of I States at a cost of $1.20, and they J6 l8t B7th Street' New York C,ty- rhtr.rn nn T,,n 10 n) L .i ' The exclusive shop of John i the percentage of retail price to land Following her recent sensational more exyensive I appearance in Roseburg, when her auiomoDiie was aiiacnea, an in vestiga'tlon was made of her rela tions with Mozena, as a white slave charge was being investigated after they crossed the bolder into) Calt ''"rnia. It was reported today that tie has been filed with the clerk there. Mozena was employed as a laborer In the construction of hlghwty bridge at Myrtle creek. He followed Mrs. Brumfield to Salem and was Been with her in Portland on several occasions after she went there. They are now some place In Cali fornia, their address being unknown here. The nxcluslve shoo of John David and Co.. Broadwav and 32nd Street, the return or -their marriage in Seat- i tana- . jn.i a j . v,j tmm . - . XNew xora uuy. wuica uuaii iu itiou n 'the womeT 'folks areThr tened wi Ti "ESM tin h's-hA. nrioo. fnr wm riZ, Z. the smart set, sold a straw hat for wui srrX'h th,e !er,e fnTS after an examination of these figures snowa ,B Jfiu"j5 XiX?mt The men are no better off than the n .55"?'. women Thev buy a nine hni rtt In 8tore of Sak and Co- nandled 8traw May 28 19-3 for JG tho ncrVn itaM 270 Percent for reta" pHce 88 ag8ln-1 of retail I "orlce to , the land tSS t c8t- Food stuffs- tollet ! being 367 per cent Pwder. nd ot,,er oommodlties quoted I Another instance 1. an electro flat ? th,e.:hln1 " Tnrof?? hi. 1 ,ron produced in Germany. The value .tnat tn,8 dalof J?2 pe"efi,'I?nlt Sf. ! in Germany was 60 cent., the retail ala J'lV' XL trJ 1 price in the United States S.60, the card' a0 far ,s tl,e. AXi l wi- men are concerned. Some articles man Electric and Machine Company, how ProHt to exce of 2600 66 West 21st Street, New York City,.6811- . ' on June 10, 192J showing the per-' D centage ot retail price to landed cost BRUMFIELD'S WIDOW of 747 per eent WEDDED TO LABORER Somt Article. Sold it Pries Exceeding S0"?1?"1, I Roseburg Mrs. Merle Brumfield. nttlnr dawn io alallM kM . .. .... under 14 nchet. mad. in German, widow ot Dr. Wchr ummneio, , The Peterson Bros. Garage has, dur ing the past 2 weeks sold several cars including a new Ford Coupe to J. B. Booth, a 5 passenger Ford touring car to E. L. Scott, manager of the local Lincoln County Progressive store, and a "Fordson" lumber tractor to the Pacific Spruce Corporation. The Security Benefit Association j A beneficiary fraternal society of more than 300,000 members, Men and Women; Six different forms of Kolicies at lowest rates;' also maintain a home and ospital for the care of aged members and orphans Local Councils in every part of the U. S. Information cheerfully given by II, W. SMITH Deputy District Manager for Oregon, Toledo Hotel. . " ' MtWIMHIMIMIIMMMIMIWMtMMIIlHIMMIt