LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 26. 1922, PAGE SEVEN 1 Nation Builders F7 There is no inBtitution which is Inlldlng good, sound citizenship more steadily and consistently than Boys' ftnd Girls' Clubs. It teaches its mem bers not only how to produce good livestock, soil products or prepared articles, but they learn in it thrift, business principles, and, best of all, true m-nhood and womanhood. In the center of the group shown here stands Dale Altman of Gresham, Ore. He Is a member of the Mult aomah County Jersey Calf Club, and the other two boys are members of the same club. Dale's calf won first ia the county club exhibit at the Mult fcomah county fair this year and won CALL FOR BID8. Bids will be received by the Con. Moik Council of the City of Toledo. Oregon, on or before the 6th day of November, 1922, at the hour of S o'clock p. m., of said day at the of fice of the City Recorder, for the Im provement of Fourth street of said city between the east side of the in tersection of Fourth and Hill streets and the east side of the intersec'ion of Fourth and Grove streets. Said improvement to consist of replanktng aid portion of said street a width of 16 feet In accordance with plans and specifications now on file at the office of the City Reorder. ,kc-pt in repair and prtected from freez- Bids to be accompanied by certified 'ing at the expense of the owner, who heck In amount equal to 10 per cent! will be responsible for all damage of the bid. The right to rejet any and ell bids for good and sufficient reasonr ia re served to the Common Council of the City of Toledo! Notice given by order of the Com mon Council. R. R. MILLER. 86 U necoroer. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC N. H. Sherwood having sold hi. in terest lD the firm of Sherwood & Hay den, ell parties Indebted to the afore said firm are hereby requested to 'nl' at the store and pay up the!.' accoun's. Signed, N. H. SHERWOOD, MAX HAYDEN. 34 3t NOTICE OF SEWER EXTENSION. Notice is hereby given that tlieDlied throusrh one service to several Common Council of the City of To- houses, families or persons, the Water ledo, heretofore and on tha 16th day! Board may, at its descretion, either of October, 1922, passed a re9o". it Ion ! decline to furnish water until Bepat declaring Its intention of causing ajate service is provided, or may con sewer to be laid In said city as fol- .'tlnuo to supply on the condition that lows; beginning at the northern ter-ono person shall pay for all on the minus of the present sewer system rname service. lot 5, block 13, Graham's Ffth Addl- SECTION 9. AU persons taking tion to the city of Toledo, Oregon, con- J water must provide a stop and waste tinuing northward across lots 4, 3 and cock conveniently located Inside the 2, in said block 13 to the Fouth side I premises and have their pipes so ar of Fifth street. ranged that the water '.an be drawn Said sewer to be of concrete sewer i from them in case of danger from pipe, 12 inches in diameter and to b')!frogt. On closing the stop and waste constructed at the expense of thel,.,, upon all the faucets in the house property benefitted thereby, which ;g0 that the pipes wtll empty. THE property is particularly described as WATER MUST NOT BE LEFT RUN follows: I NINO TO PREVENT THE PIPES Lot 5, block 13, Graham's Fifth Ad-FR0M FREEZING, NOR ALLOWED dition to City of Toledo, owned by, to RUN TO WASTE IN &UMMER Ralph S. VanCleve. TO KEEP COOL. The owner of the Lot 4, block 13, Graham's Fifth Ad- premises shall keep all pipes and fix dition to the City of Toledo, owned by tures in proper repair to the connec Ethel Bateman and Leo R Bateman. ton 0f the same with the city's Lots 2 and 3, block 13, Graham's ! mains. Fifth Addition to the City of Toledo, j SUCTION 10. Consumer shall owned by E. M. Akin. 1 Rive Immediate notice at the offlct Any owner of property hereinabove 'or the City Recorder of any leakage described objecting to said improve-, 0f water from their service pipes, or ment shall file a written renion-jn the street opposite their premises, strance to the same with the City Re- SECTION 11. Water will not bp corder, on or before the 6th day of furnished where there are defective November, 1922. or leaking faucets, closets or other This notice is given by order of the .fixtures, or where there are water Common Council of the City of To- closets or urinals without self-closing gedOi Oregon, j 'wives, and when such may be discov- R, R. MILLER, f ej the supply will be withdrawn. 35 2t Recorder, j SECTION 12. The water , may at ' ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THK DISTRIBUTION, SALE AND USE OF WATER FROM THB CIT WATER SYSTEM OF THE CITY -ci rPAT unn nnwiriN. PRESCRIB ING RULES 'FOR CONTROLLING SERVICE TO CONSUMERS, THE ' USE OF VMTER, COLLECTION OF WATER RENTS AND OTHER rWARCRS. FIXING RATES TO CONSUMERS, DECLARING A MIS DEMEANOR FOR VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISIONS OF THIS ORD INANCE. AND FIXING THE AMOUNT OF THE PENALTY THEREFOR. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COM MON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TOLEDO: SECTION 1. No person, firm. or corporation shall be entitled to use city water unless he shall nave first made application therefor In writing, to the City Recordor on a printed form furnished by the City, in wh'ch he Ehall fully and truly Etate all the uses and purposes for which the wa ter may be required, and shall li"ve noirt thp fees as hereinafter provided. SECTION 2. The Water Com's sioner Bhall when notified by' the City Recorder of the application made ana fees pa'd in advance, lay servlco pip" along the street line to curb line of consumer's property, provided such distance be not over 80 feet, and R.l expense of laying said service pipe over 80 feet must be paid by the appli cant. Tapping the main for Individual consumers shall be known as the tap, end the fee for this servlco, as the tap- in the Making ' u.t. 4 j. championship in Ice open classes. It was placed fourth at the Oregon state fair. He Is expected at the. Pacific Inter national Live Stock Exposition held in Portland, Ore., November 4-11, to try his skill at showing with the win ners from other parts of the North west. The Pacific International Live Stock Exposition has always backed live stock club work in every way possible. This year for premiums and awards it gives the clubs for exhibits and judg ing, together with the associations and individuals, $3525. mine - fee SECTION 3. No - person supp'.ujd with water from the city mains will be entitled to use it for any purposes other than those stated in his appli cation, or to supply in any way other persons or families. SECTION 4. The service pipes must be so arranged that the supply to each separate house or premises may be controlled by a separate stop cock placed within the street curb. SECTION S. The tervice pipe, w-.tMn and without Ihe premises, and throughout its entire length t.o the tan in the citv water main, mmt h resulting from leaks or breaks SECTION 6. AM persons intend ing to use water through a hose for sprinkling yards or similar service must be supplied with a meter. Dur ing dry seasons or scarcity of water for any reason, all sprinkling must be 'stopped on order from the Water 'Commissioner. Sprinkling of yards prohibited except between the hours of four and eight o'clock a. m. and four end eight o'clock p. m. SECTION 7. Should it be desired to discontinue the use of an t'ae water supplied to the premises for a period of not less than one month, notice in writing must be given and payment in full for all arears (if any there be) made at the office of the 'City Re corder. The water will then be turn ed off, and turned on again on- appli cation, without charge; but no remis sion of rates will be made for e period of less than one month, and without the notice prescribed In this section. SECTION S. Whero water la an,. anv time be shut off from the mains. without notice, for repairs or other I necessary purposes, and the "City of ; Toledo will not be responsible for any consequent damage. SECTION 13. OOn failure to com ply with the rules and restrictions es tablished as a condition to the tne ot water, or to pay the water rates In ! the time and manner hereafter provid YOUR KIDNEYS Toledo residents must lenrn the Im portance of keep'ng them well. Perfect health meana that every or gan of the bedy Is performing its func tions properly. Perfect health cannot be enjoyed !? the kidneys are weak end dlBOicred. Thousands testify thai Dean's Kid ney Pills a revlvins action on weak kidnoys. What this remedy has done In so many cases cf this kind is tle best proof of it3 merit... Read the following. It's te3tir.-ony gratefully given by a resident of this "ocallty: A. A. Crowder, 203 Ash St., Dallas, Ore., says: "I had 'kidney complaint for some time and suffered with severe pains in my back. It hurt me to stoop nnd my kidneys acted irregularly. I read of Dean's Kidney Pills and they proved to be what I needed for aftr;r using them my kidneys are put m Rood Bhape." ' ' Prieo 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply aik for a kidney remedy got Doan's Kidneji Pills the aie that Mr. Crowder had. Foster Mllburn Co., Mfra., Buffalo, N. Y. ed, the water may be shut off until payment Is made or tba amount aue with one Dollar la addition for, the expense of turning the water off and on. SECTION 14. After the water has been shut off at the stopcock at the curb as provided ia section 13, if it should be turned on by any person ex cept an employee of the Ctly of To ledo, such act shall be a misdemeanor and the party turning the water on shall on conviction be fined in a sum not less han one dollar or more than ten dollars for each offense. SECTION 15. Agents of the City of Toledo shall have free access to all parts ot the bulldlnggs and prom ises in which -water is delivered irom too city mains, for the purpose of in specting the condition of the pipes and fixtures and the manner in which the water is being used. SECTION 16. No plumber or other person shall be allowed to make con nections with the city mains, or to make alterations in any conduit pipe or other fixture connected therewith, or to connect pipes when they have been disconnected, or to turn water off or on any premises, without per mission from the Recorder's office. SECTION 17. It shall be the duty .of each and every plumber to make a report in writing ot all connection, attachments and extensions as shall hereafter be made by him, within three days after the same aheU be done, giving the location of the premises, name of the owner, number of faucets, bath tubs, water closetk, hose and other connections by whlcu water may be drawn from the city water mains. SECTION 18. No person (except a fireman in the discharge of his duty) shall open or in any way tamper with any fire hydrant, stopcock or air cock 'connected with the mains of the City Water works. SECTION 19. No person shall place upon or about any hydrant or water gate connected with the water mains of the City Water Works any building material or other substances, so as to prevent free access at all times to the same. Any person guilty of tying stock to a fire hydrant suhll on conviction be fined not less than $10.00 for each offense. SECTION 20. No connection shall be made direct from the city tnains to steam boilers. A receiving tank must be installed by the app.lcant. SECTION 21. Whenever the tt Recorder deems it necessary, meters will be furnished and installed and maintained by the city of Toledo and a deposit of 15.00 must be collected, but no meter will be installed unless the Recorder thinks necessary and en advance deoosit of $5.00 is made. This deposit will be refunded when service is discontinued, ll is nereuy mndo the dutv of the City Recorder to read the meters between the 25th and last day of each montn, ana Keep a record of euch meter readings in a book provided for the purpose. SECTION 22. When a meter, gets nllf of order and fails to register ac curately, the charge shall be accord ing to the average quantity oi water used dally, as shown by the meter when in order. SWTION 23. All moneys aue tne Cltv for water shall be due and pay able at the office of the City Recorder on the first day of the montn, anu if not paid within the first imeen days of any month the water will te cut off from the premises. . i ne n-i-corder of the City of Toledo, shall on the first day of each month mail to each water consumer a statement of the amount due for tne preceding month. SECTION 24. The City itecoraer shall keep an account of all moneys received and turn the same over to the City Treasurer at the end of each month. On the 16th day of each month the Recorder shall make out a statement of all delinquent water sub scribers and setting forth the name and amount due of each delinquent subscriber, and deliver same to the City Marshal, who shall immediate ly shut oil tne wateir irom me v " ises of all said delinquent subscribers, Ml 1 1 WANTED CLEAN COTTON RAGS AT THE LEADER 0FFICE' SUIT ABLE FOR WIPING MACHINERY. 50 PER POUND. TOLEDO LODGE NO. 108, I. O. O. I meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting Brothers always Welcome, H. A. MATHEWS, N. G. Carl Gilderslceve, Secretary. PROFESSIONAL CARDS KITTIE STANTON PIANO Hiah School Credits Given Lessons 75c and $1.?S 26-8t' F. M. HELLWARTH M, D. General Practice CALLS ANSWERED PROMPTLY Office in ' FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. TOLEDO. ORE. Dr. Ernest H. Hall Dentist ' First National Bank Building Phone 1106 Toledo, Ore. INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, HEALTH & ACCIDEN AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTORS' LIABILITY C. K. CROSNO, Toledo, Oregon Office in First N. B. Bldg. c7t. HAWKINS Attorney -at-Law Toiedo. . Oregon FOWLER'S RESTAURANT Hill St., Toledo, Oregon Ask about our : J1.00 PER DAY RATES Best established eating place in Lincoln County K. J. FOWLER, Prop. and said water shall not again be turned on until all arrears together with $1.00 additional shall be paid to section z&. Eacn person, nr.n cr corporation having houses, rooms ov other abiding places for rent, wlik are supplied with city water, shall be held responsible for all water rn's of tenants. Upon any tenant d.a. oa tlnutng the water service without pay ing all charges In full, the City Re corder shall immediately notify the owner of such property and If pay ment Is not made in full by the owner of the property, witntn 10 days ot date of notice, 'rn water shall lie tinned off on said property until ihe amount of arrears, together with 51.00 Glial stiall bo paid. It sh.-.U bo the duty of each o-vn sr of :iny prop erM ynrved by Itv wnt'-r occupied by tenants, to notify the City Recordor of any change of occupaMs of any of said leased premises and should any loss be occasioned to the city through a failure of the landowner to give such Information to the City Record er, the full amount of the loss sus tained, together with the cost of col lection shall be charged to the land owner with the right to cut off the water of any property belonigng tc htm, until said loss together with any overcharges are fully paid, as here inabove set . out. SECTION 2. That the following is schedule of water rates charged by the City, which rates shall become effective upon . the passage of this Ordinance: Dwelling house occupied by one ' family, minimum $1.60 per month, each bathtub additional 36c per ..month, each toilet additional 7tK ' per month; Dwelling occupied by more than , one family, for each additional family the rate shall be $1.00 in addition the above rates. ''' Where meters ere used In dwellings, the rate shall be $1-60 for 1O00 gallons, or less, fifty cents additional for any amount over 1000 gallons and not exceed ing 2000 gallons; over 2000 gal lons at the rite of 25c per 1000 gallons: for each additional fam ily $1.00 's to be added to first 1000 gallons. Hotels, boarding houses, barber Y shops and bakeries must furnish meters; for mills rntl lactones meters must be supplied and the rate shall be as follows: : Not exceeding 10M) gallons $1.50 over 1000 and not 2000 gallons, 50c; over 2000 eal lons, at the rate of 16c per 1000 gallons. SECTION 27. There shall be char,' ed for all water furnished to vessel barges or bcows carrying :le drievrs, ftnnkAva or other steam engines In the local harbor in the City of To ledo,- where there is sunicient equip ment for the delivery of water to said vessels, scows or barges, the fol lowing rates: $2.00 for the firs? 2000 gallons or less, and 25 cents for each 1000 gal lone additional. All applications .'or the purchase of water by vessels must be made to the office of City Recorder of the City of Toledo, such applications) shall be made in writing or in per son by the owners or agents of the owners of said vessels. The crew o' the vessel purchasing the water will be renuired to perform all labor rm nerted with procuring sa'.d water and the owners or s-gents of said ve sels shall furnish all necessary hose for the taking of said water from the city mains or pipes. Passed! by the Common Council of the City of Toledo, Oregon, this 1 day of October, 1922. Approved by the Mayor of the City of Toledo, this' 16 day of October, 1922. Attest: . W. E. BALL. Mnvor of the City of Toledo. R. R. MILLER, City Recorder of the City of Toledo. 35 2t NOTICE . TO CREDITORS. N THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN. In the 'matter of the Estate of Henry B. Eggeman, deceased. Notice Is hereby given by tne under signed administrator of the estate ot Henry B. Eggeman, deceased, to tne creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit and present such claims, with the necessary vouchers, within six months after the publication of this notice to the said administrator at Lincoln County Bank, To!do, Oregon. G. W. INGRAM, Administrator' of the Estate o! Henry B. Eggeman, deceased. WM. B. LAYTON, 641 PIHock Block, Portland, Oregon Attorney for said Administrator. Dated and first published at Toieao, Oregon, on this 6th day of October, 1922. Date of last nublicatlon on the 2nd day ot November. 1922. 33 it NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE 8TATE OF OREGON FOR LIN' COLN COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of John Andnra-in. deceased. .NOTICE is hereby given thnt the undersigned has been appointed by the Cnuntv Court of the State ot Ore gon, for Lincoln county, administra tor of the state of John Anderson, de ceased, Letters of Administration hav ing been duly Issued to him out of said court. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to present the same to the under signed, together with proper vouch ers therefor, verified as by law re quired, at the law office of G. B. Mc Clusky In the city of Toledo, Lincoln County. Oregon, within six months from tho date hereof. Dated this 21st day of September, 1922. O. B. McCLUSKY, Administrator of the estate of John Anderson, deceased. rSl'lMiiAii! u...i. . i SUMMONS, " IN. THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ctith nv r.IBYinM Wl I) I TV COLN COUNTY. S bert Hanson, Bernlce Hood end Cora Bratton, Plaintiffs, vs. Edward C. Morntgomcry and Anna Montgom ery, his wife, Frederick Montgomery, Grace F. Hinkle and S. S. Hlnkle. her husband, Cora C. Cresdh, Herman W. Montgomery, Edith Bailey and V. A, Bailey, her husband, Orlena W. John son and Albert V. Johnsou, ber hus band. Defendants To Edward C. Montgomery and An na Montgomery, his wifo, Frederick Montgomery, Grace F. Hinkle and S. S. Hinkle, her husband, Cora C. Cre- son, Herman W. Montgomery, Edith Bai'.ey and V. A. Bailey, her husband, Orlena W. Johnson and Albert - V. Johnson, her husband, the above nam ed defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are summon ed and required to appear and answer the complaint ot the plaintiffs here in, and now on file in the office of County Clerk of Lincoln County, Ore gon, on or before the date of the last , publication of this summons, to- wit: on or berore the aotn day or no- sou ior uncoin ixu.-i-.iy, Aamminr vember, 1922; end you and each of tor of the estate of IrA Strong, rte you, are hereby notified that if you ceased, and has duly qualified. AU fail to so appear and answer said persons having claims p-galnst the jaid complaint, as herein required, for estate are hereby notified to present went thereof, the plaintiffs will apply the same to rce at Toledo, Oregnn. to the above entitled Court for the properly verified, within six monttm relief demanded in plaintiffs' com- from the date of the first publication plaint, namely: -for a decree that of this notice. nlalntiffa are the owners in fee simple Dated this 19 th day of October of the following described real prop- erty situated in Lincoln County, Ore-; eon. to-wlt: . -Lots one, two, three and four and northwest quarter or northeast quar- j ter of section thirty In tewnshlpi eleven south of range ten west of Willamette Meridian, In Lincoln Coun ty, State of Oregon. Except 21 acres old. And that all adverse c'.alms of said defendants, and each of them, may be determined by said decree; that said defendants, and each of them, t I J J Vt ilniln.nil OVtA fl,l. indwrt to have no rlrht title Hen ilS,eadn ?,hi.tntaor to a d'lands above described, or any part thereof, ithe south side of the intersection of that the said defendants, and each.Hiil street with the state highway, of them, bo forever barred and en- Said improvement to consist of tninoA frntn nmwrtlnff anv claim ad- grading to th official grade and pav- verse to the plaintiffs' cliim, and for such other and further relief as may appear equitable and just. This summons Is published in tne Lincoln County Leader once a week for six consecutive weeks, beginning with the issue of October 19th, 1922 and ending with the issue of Novem- hop snth 1922. under and in uursu ance of the directions contained In an order made by the Hon. C. W. .Inmes. County Judge of Lincoln Coun- FOR SALE FOR SALE DRAG SAWA Thomas Portable, one-mun drag saw, A 1-2 h. p. motor, all steel frame. First class shape. Reasonable price. H. G. Wolf, Liberty Theatre. 34 tf NOTICE TO HUNTERS, FISHER MEN AND TRAPPERS: Notice Is hereby given that hunting, fishing and trapping are absolutely forbidden on the following places: Ed. Wade place, Beck place and the Mrs. Leedy place. Prosecution wlK be had for violation. ED. WADE, 37-3t- ' MRS. GEO. L.EEDY WANTED TO TRADE 26 acres Of lrult, pruneB and logau berries. Lo cated In the valley tor acreage' or home in Toledo. Inquire ot Art Henne, Aumsvllle, Ore. 37-5-t FOR SALE My entire herd of high grade Jersey cows and heifers aud also my old herd bull "Littlo Prin cess' Noblenmn, A. J. C. C- 176211." See this bull nnd his daughters bu fore you buy. L. It. Aplot, Salado, Ore. 3i4t THE OLOLLA White Leghorn Poul try ranch is now bonking orders for 1923 baby chicks, 20 per cent must uccompany orders. A few Wlilte Ighorn cockerels to spare at from $2.00 to $5.00 each. O. A. C. anil Tancred st ruins. (Jrublo & liuo lor, box 272, Toledo, Ore. 31 tf FOR SALE 6 Bloodhound pupB; ?10 each. Inquire of Fred Taylor, To ledo, Oregon. 35 21 nd. FOR SALE OR TRADE Good piano; whut have you? .luqul-o at Boot ery. 32 tf . ,0 ACRES Near Toledo; State Road; Mutual phone; dally Anail. Good 6 room house, good new barn, or chard; some timber. Good bargain. Inquire at Leader office. 13-tf FOR SALE -Launch "Transit," as I am going cut of the boat business I will sell the traniilt. My route goes with It If wanted H. J. Sch mitt, Elk City, Ore. 32 6t FOR SALE 3 year-old registered Dur- h-id bull and nn0 bull cr.lf 8 months old also 2 3 4 wagon, buggy and harness. Inquire o: Andrew Nye Newport, Oregon. 32 4t FOR SALE Sweet and Waxen apples 75c per box; sweet cider 35c per gallon, In 10 gallon lots, larger lots wrte for portal price. Phone or write A. O. Rust, Toledo, Oregon. 34 2t ty, Oregon, on the 19th day of Octob er, 1922. G. B. McCLUSKET. Attorney for Plaintiffs; P. O. Address, Toledo, Oregon. 36 7t. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In The County Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln County. j i the nintter of the Estate of Jam McDonald, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, executor of U'e ea'ate o' James McDoruld, deceased, has filou in the County Court cf Lincoln coun ty. State cf Oregon, his final account as such executor of said estate, acd that Monday tho 4th day of October. at the hour of ten o clocck a. m. L fs, m ,a8 time for hearing of objections to said report and the settlement thereof. G. B. McCLUSKEY, Executor of the Estate of James McDonald, doceased. 35 5t NOTICE TO PRESENT CLAIM In the matter of the estate of Ira Strong, deceased. Notice is horeby given thit the und ersigned has boen duly appointed by the County Court of the state of Ore- 1922. w. h. watbrbukv, Aaminis'raior oi me esiaie or trm Strong, deceased. 35-M CALL FOR BIDS, f Bids will be received by the Com mon Council of the City of Toledo, Oregon, on or before the 6th day of November, 1922, at the hour of 6 o'clock p. m., of said day, at the of fice of the City Recorder, for tho im provement of the west half of Hill i street from the north side of tho iar itersection of HH1 and Fifth street- to , ing with concrete according to plana and specifications now on file In the office of the City Recorder. Bids must be accompanied by earth tied checks in amount equal to 10 pn , cent or tne diu The right to reject any and all bids Is resumed to the Common CounciL Notice given by order of the Com- mon Council, 35 2t R. R. MILLER. Roeort(er FOR SALE 5rcre Iionitl with build ings und orchurd. Close to Toledo. Box 163. 4t 34 FOR SALE 43 head of slioop Cheap. Inqulroe of W. W. McMicklo. Plione 1851. 33 4t FOK SAUE Motorcycle Side car; TJ ed Ford Truck; 1920 Baby Ove land. Peterson Bros. Garage. 23-M FOR SALE Jllound pupa from var mint dogs.. For particulars write W. L. Goode, Nortons, Ore. 35 it WANTED Woman housekeeper. In quire ut Second house as you enter Itiui tint K.iii. H. Gagnior. 38-lt" TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I will not bo responsible for any hills contracted or acts committed by my min lVn,ilr tin.. I It 36-3t- VRANK nAVKMPllllT FOR SALE One registered Jorsoy bull. Will sell cheap. Inquire at Updike's burn across from I. O. O . F. hall. 3iHf FOR SALE OH TRArHC 1'XtiO pouud teem with full britcliing harnoss. , In good condition; 2 hut Its, one-half Lincoln end kunibi lotto, 17 ft. mi I Id frame 2 section Iron harrow. Will ' sell all or any of tho above ctieap for cash. Or will trade for utoi saddle horse, small work liorsa, Fresh cows sheep, gouts, or wlia! huvo you Charles W. Kuglueoii. KU dyville, Oregon. 35 7t FOUND A small pin, Ownur may have sumo by paying for tliia udv nnd identifying sumo. Inquire a Leader. 29-t WANTED Man und wifo for loggir lump, man to work in camp, wl to bourd 5 or 6 men. Enquire Robert's Mill or Dan McCarthy. ' Creek. 3; .: WANTED I-ady housekeeper g: who wlHliea work after selm.i' 'vei ing8 and Saturdays. Inquire ..t th Leader office. 14 I First Class Work Prices Reasonable JOHN M. ATWATCR ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP Mall Order Work a f. ec alty Toledo Oregon ENGINEERING WORK Professional Engineer In the Sta of Oregon, Topography work, Civ Engineering and Sub-Division wor A. J. McMillan, Toledo, Oregon BEN F. ROSEMAND- M. : Specialist On EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THRO '108 S. 2nd St. Corvai", Ore Telephone 1724 Hours 9 to 5 Evenings by . , I'ntme 24'