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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1922)
PACE TWO LINCOl N COUNTV LFADFR TOLEDO OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 26, 1922. LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER thing wet. Regardless ot the way, I nceiriAi rniiNTV PAPER fee1' 0r how 1 fnl m leather peel, .It OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER mv .,...,, .-. . nlnV I ,m W. H. HALL, E. F. HALL, Q. W. HALL assured that I must drink a pint of in la, a quart of that, to make me thin or make me fat. Whatever my condition Is I need some new and po of the radical labor agitator of. .with a nother preecher this morning the I. W. W. stripe Is again seen try! and we all went to chirch. He is a Publishers. G. W. HALL, Editor. Entered at Teledo, Oregon postofflce, tent fizz that wlll reuove my acne8 as seoor.d-clase matter, under the and pains and clean my grates and ct o' 2iarch 3rd, IVtt. ' water-mains. They tell me when I've . filled my tank with some concoct on. " biown and rank I'll lose my calm and Established Twenty-Nina Years Ago. thoughtful mien and go and gambol on the green. Instead of walking lim to create dissatisfaction among the workers. In quoting from the I. W. W. revo luiionary elict, we find the follow in": "We are not satisfied with the fai day's wage for a fair day's work. Sn h a th'ng is impossible. Labov grate temprance and probishun man- He sed he hoped to see this country so dry that the Fish will fergit how to swim. -r Monday Had a little dificulty with Pug Stevens this evening and got 1 of my ears busted. But I beleave in produces all wealth. We are going to being a Optomlst. Mebby I wont bait ro away with capitalism by taking to go to skool tomorro. Ennyways I porssssion of the land and the machin-jetill got a nother ear enny how, We uon t intend to SUBSCRIPTION PRICES I slowly round I'll caper like an un- One year, In advance, $2.00 leashed hound. My life will be as full .. , j nn ' iy 08 when I was a barefoot boy Six Months, In advance T1.00 d cnaperoned a pair of mules among the burrs and cactus stools. Thev do not care a tinker's d what sad distem per pesters me, if I'll absorb their fluid rhecr, I'll scamper like a year ling steer. I may -e such a fearful wreck that nothing works except my nock but if 1 11 drink the stuff the PRACTICE LOYALTY. Loyalty Is a big word. Soe-.ns it us it shouid be swelled in capital let' tere. Doe3n't it do your heart good to rcp a bunch of school teachers mostlv imported workins. boosting. 'soil l ll promptly strut rortn sound and polling? and if need be, fighting fori well. Today Is not like yesteryear their school? Isn't it an Inspiring when men could bu a keg of beer to sight to see a church congregation Pt some tallow on thair slats, or gathered around its leader, fighting drink champagne or rough-on-rats as for their own church and its success? they saw fit; those days are fled and (Not asalnst the other church.) Does. we drink mustang oil instead. Along it always make you t'-.lnk of a thrifty the dry and dusty roads where men town to 'earn thr-t the home people are .must tote their weary loads, no molm behind it with their good words andjasis bursts In view, well stock-id with patronage? Doesn't it always make Mce and mountain de--, but rows of bill you think of happy home to hear the ! boards tell with pride about the worth husband or wife excusing the little j ' Orange Ide. We buy a barrel of faults r.nd magnifying the virtues of nornet juice to wane us up nut, wnars the othar members of tho fatr.lly? We might ask n string of sunilur ques tions a column Icng. but if vou can answer those in the affirmative, why don't you practice the system and be come a blessing to your family, your school, your church and our commun ity! - PENNILESS W OEKING WALT. the use? The old ktck simply isn't there and so we moan and tear our hair. TIME FOR THOUGHT. In the Southern Pacific Central Pa ific unmergcr order the por.plo r' f Pacific as they are wlth'vhat effect or cerned with who possesses the Centrr' Pacific asthey are with what ef'ort o' transportation service will follow fro--separation of the two roads. It Is generally urged by the shlppln public that the present arrangesrrov Is satisfactory end the consenrit opinion is that no good, but nrnbahly great deal of harm, can foll?v fr tearing the Southern Pacific to nie-T Shippers express the fear, and tho seems to be good reason for It. t- the numerous additional interchan Walter M. Pit ,. democratic can didate for governor who came to Ore gon a "penniless, wandering boy" nnd who now pleads with tho good people of Oregon to help him finance ni campalrn with contributions. of a 'do' lar and a vote,' Is the owner of 36 individual farms in Union county hav ing a total aHsossed valuation of $236. 600, according to the records ot the assessor of that county. Atop this, Mr. Pier e. who has re- points, neoessary to deal with two r pnatedly charr.rtrrl7.pd himsalf as a .roads instead of one In ordering p poor man, is nffjicted with $16,800 affecting settlement of damnge c'.s' worth of personal property, the as-1 and kindred trantVctions--Vflxa' sfsament records show. Ha Is Divine , to sb'ppers under the best cond'tf taps on a grand total or b.i,uuu, that would result from separate!; worth of property. ' How much of this small fortune is the accumulated result of the re turns from the $30,000 Mr. Pierce bar, rowed from the state's Irreducible school funrl by proxy, perjury, and the nse of the names of his relatives as dummies is not known, but consistent thrift on tho part of Mr. Pl?rce. such s his loan of S20.OOO of the money jr0n anyone knv what charortcr borrowed from the scnooi tuna to Mrs. ' service, or rates could be furnlshe Mary E. Cooley at 8 per cent and Its P. CentrM r"i"ific opera'In? al-r-newal through the Instrumentality n conjunction with some o' o' a demand note, Is probably respon- rorn. s'ble for some of it. ! V.p'on this question is dlsnosoi H world l-i intnrestingito know how Wr,.-? the nterBtata commerce e.r j; -Hiv of these 36 farms Were secured -nisslon It w'll be settled for a lr r the resi 't o' forecloses of farm 'm9i so now is the time to cprs,'', looiiB made by Walter M; Pierce, the -n!t p w!sely. How it is set'".i -I. or farmer's "Iriund." Capital Jour- fin 0f the gravest concern to thi r suit In rate Increases. Separating th0 Centrfll Pa'tfi" -Southern Pacific would theorM--" create two roads but it would : build a new mile of track nor rT up a new foot of country nor stive "itnr?t!tion of two raiirond svst"r- Nr one knows who would p:et ' Central Pacific If it was so'.d. Ndtl' ery of production. buy them either. Commenting on such a statement. the Wyoming State ' Tho tiuestloa would n tho m nd of the professional man, the merchant and the teacher, the clorl-'s and more particularly fifteen ,nr tw nty million farmers, by what rlsiit does the I. W. W. group cr any othe- eroup of iren rlwlm a full- and iCTrlusri'e right to ail wealth and to all lnnd? "it behooves every gord citizen who v.lues his country, his home and fam ily to stand tint 'ranst the propo gat ion of such do.trines. There is a re ''stent insiduous rrovemcnt In this country not pnly to detroy propertv rights but the authority of tho courts." Tuesday Unkel Hen is , not a going to let hlj son go to colll,:o this yr. But stav at home and do Tribune says, wirk on the farm. Pa says the only naturally arise 'farm wirk that boy will do Is to so his Wild Oats. Wednesday Went to a party. I am not g velng away enny secrlts but it seems like if you try to kiss a glr: and (Succeed she gets mad. & If you fail she gets peaved and disgusted. Thursday Pa says that for , every parage man witch goes to chich they is 6 goes to jale and for evry 1 lr ail they is 16 witch shud ought to be DON'T CRIPPLE INDUSTRY I umbermen generally have been ',.y patient with aar conditions dur in? the past few weeks when the ra. rj&da were tied up because of their own strikes and because cf the coal situation. Realizing - tho extraordin ary stress under" which the railroad managements have been laboring, Uiey have not been insistent in the matter of priorities er embargoes. Now that thei situation is clear ng. however, lumber shipments ought not to be discriminated against in . the mposition of embargoes as has boen :ha case on some roads. It can be truly said that the time has passed when a man can hide him 3elf behind a woman's skirt. If the average wife isn't a politiclar she is usually the speaker of the house. '.' Hell may be a necessity, but there are a whole lot of us that could get Along with less of It. ril. THE NW BROOD. The Volstead act has batcher a brood of specialists in liquid food: In one respect these birds nre wise, they know It pay3 to pivrrtfae. Wherever I rr.av chance to look, in paper, mag fz'iie' or book, thosn hawks are trying i-ard to whnt mv annetttp for somn ific ""tut. Wo know what we h" now hut we do not know nor can well foresee what we snail hove if resent Southern Pacific system ' rrkon up. WRECKERS O? PR03PEHIT' As Industrial activity lncrpns" demand for labor grows, the fc"-' I Water Front Market WHOLESALE A SET AIL Dealers In ORESSED & CURED MEATS FISH IN SEASON HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HIDES WAUGH & MEAKER, Props. "Goodform"' HAIR NETS Just the Shape or Color that the most Fastidious Feminine Tastes May Desire. Careful Selection from Imported Stocks Guarantees Them Perfect.' We are as Prtud to Sell Them as You Will Be to Wear The"". "COODFORM" Nts are Mde for Sold exclusively by REXALL Stores Only POPULARLY PRICED AT 2 FOR 25c DOUBLE MESH. y TOLB0 DRUG CO. AN OPEN LETTER To the Editor: The advoiates of the County Unl Plan ask us to believe that director? choson undor that scheme would d better, by our children thau the pres ent kind who serve witnout pay. - If the tew who vou'.d servo in tb 'new scheme would do all the businosr . 1 1 carried on Dy tne present uis'.r r There is no method of making ectora, attending to repairs, fuel ri.nds and gaining confidence, and no : equipment, etc., they would be force'' ve hod of getting business in dull to spend their whole time at the joi !n es that equals the method Jf ( This would occasion a demand for sn' 'making good "at all times. ' Uries and deputies. At the rates pal , o ' 'some teachers who favor the unit p!ar Not so long ago we read r.n account ,t would raUe the preoent outrageou vhere a mob Unchei, a man for murder taxM:on nigner ,till. Jcfore they hung hl:n they held roll-1 . . - , .. ,, . 1: us services for thu s...vatioi of hV; Bom" spoysow of the unit plan seen ml. This mob did not want the fel-to dlspise "cheap "teachers who n' - to live in the s:imo world that the the rates Prescribed by the educ. '. and be'oro they killed him tlonal trust." Wahsington surely wa y gave h m the proper ubei "eap" president; he served- fo, .- his transport to heaven. n,uch leM than Harding. 3 mob must have realized that1 : It Is all right that the produco o cy were ail going to hell, or they the rancher and wage Qf the labore lid not have desired that their vie- be cut lower than pre war levels, bu -i m to heavon. Wondor how th sinful that calaries should be lowere lividua: inpmbers of that mob will .1 .rus proportion, even thougb taxe 1 if they should march through tho be doubled and pa d in deflated pro r'.y gates of glcry'and and find duce ar.d labor. Do those who toil i r vlrtim whom they murdered, days per week wish to turn thei l-ops t cket collector or, moie than s hcola ovar to the mercy of thos Vy, derutv ?at" koeper in tho ab who now de-iand one doilar per hou e of UnrM Peter; on! how they for their doubtful services. If not g '11 fp: when they realize that they o ths rolls in force end vote. 1 wed him bv that last religious ser- ho tea-her falls to satisfy the paren 'ro and that he had boen there a ind torn under the present s-'in-.hpr of vears before thev cot there, cm, they discharge them. Under thi nd had boconin acclimated. No doubt 'unit" they would be powerless :t thev would want to mob h'.m pgaln would be no "cheap" " trim his wings, pull out his tall ?lt.he-s or do something to him to: etting there first. SLATS VlARY (By Ron rarquliar) Friday I guess I got In bad with ;um trends of ma lncludelng I and oa. They nave "got a young witch is a few months old and they sed he was havelng a lot of trubble a trying to cut its teeth. So I went and boght him a pocket nife to help it along. Sat.-One of ma s distance relations I is a comeing here to are house. Pa! 'old me confidently that she is so VkIv she has to take hypodermicks to Bast) Mr iace rum ueriiug unr sue Bmnday Are preecher traded ni"' , 1 teacher, but 'salarv grab" ono, bearing full cradet- Mais from the "trust" and not to 1 deprived of a "vested right." Is n. he Un.t scheme another tentacle Jie bill for "compulsory Education: t appears so. ( t is unwise to swallow tho do repered by the "tax eater." Bettr -.ead a tax payer. wiVier's name is an filo at th office. Have Your Soles Sewed on. ' Prices Reasonable Mail Orders Promptly At tended to. DICK WENNER & SON c . incnine repair shop Newoo.' Oregor- : 5 thai ptfs SovittO ml HE LanAwood is a ftrictly wood burning ranAe. Designed especially (or Western C-X conditions, its construction enables it to cut fuel costs to a minimum. Make your next store a Lan&wood and cut your fuel . bills in two. LA NG'S Lantwood u Auarantd to btam TWICE at lonk with OMR-HALF th wood rjuriW iy my oihtr rani cm tk market. ThtpurchamjrrK Willi refunded if th LAHGWOOD Ra do Hot dojutt itiiuujinjii sui. wwbi and see l.K wkaju on awwmj m a Before you huy investigate a- Bateman Furniture Company TOLEDO OREGON Bregdon the Electrician With the Yaquina Electric Co. For Electric Work That Will Pass Underwriters Inspection ELECTRIC SUPPLIES, WIRING & REPAIRING Call Yaquina Eloctric Company ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN I CARRY A FULL LINE VWALtkAM WATCMtSv aft wyi au. evia rtuwm OF DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE A e"riALTV V; ALSO A FULL LINE Or FOUNTAIN PENS and PENCILS "NO OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS PRACTICAL W ATCHM .' R m. PH1TBRSON THE OLD RELIADLE, (Established 1900), TOLEDO, OREGOr -INCOLN BOUNTY DANK 'ri'.OEH A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS lSf'iifS ' (INCORPORATED) TOLEDO. ' OREGON ' . . . I 4, Intenst Paid o. Time and Swings Deposits t C. 13. HAWKINS. President l J. B. BOOTH, Cashier " C. O. HAWKINS, Vice President a. E. HAWKINS, Asst Cashier B Trp. Hawkins, Prp. i a.vmiii i ' T 1 1 fttl 1 1 1 ttl tl 1 1 tt tf l "il ' First Unal Bank FEDERAL R Merrber of t To'edo t-rr SERVE BANK Oregon I t I tt IM Indigestion fez- DO YOU KNOW that indigestion can be cured, permanently cured, so that you can eat any ri. kind of food that you crave? It has been done not only once, but in almost every case when Cham berlain's Tablets are used. An instance: Mr. J. Pominville, Stillwater, Minn., who had spent over $2,000.00 for medicine and treatment was perma nently cured by these tablets. ED'S SMOKEHOUSE We carry the highest class line of Tobacco and Candies on I .i?!!d.rjLn-ks of a" kinds! We make a specialty X ui muuni nuuu Ibt VKtAM- THE BEST BILLIARD TABLES IN LINCOLN COUNTY f E. A. LYTLE, Prop. ' " " - -. . 1 " " I 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , Cosy Billard Parlor ' DRINKS? OF ALL KINDS SERVED Take a Carton of YAQUINA VALLEY ICE CREAM home i with you Absolutely the BEST on the Market "SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO" NIOHOLS&fcAIN, Props. MHWI tMMmHHHWtHMIIIHMTmWr i -AA ""tllllllIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIlll ri .HIMHMI Illiim