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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1922)
LINCOLN COUNTS LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1922. PACE FIVE LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Petre Brogan from Dllley, Ore., is visiting her daugheter, Mrs. Ira Wade. Mrs. C. E. Hawkins arrived Tues day evening from Riverside, Califor nia, where she attended a conference of the board of managers of the Wo men of Woodcraft. Mrs. Hawkins was absent from the city about two weeks. County Assessor Ed. Stocker and wlfo returned Friday from a business visit to Portland and S.-.lem. Dr. P. W. Kellosg. Eye Specialist, will be at the Lincoln rooms Novem ber 2, 3, and 4. - , 35 tf Dr. Graham of Corvallis was here Wednesday looking for a location. He Is a chiropractor. Mr. Lawson. manager cf one of the compan'ys logging for the Pacific Spruce corporation in the Yachats dis trict, passed through Toledo Wednes day on his way to Portland on a busi ness mission. Call and see that full line of KABO Corsets at Arnold's Fashion Shop. It Ross Theatre Tonight A Paramount Mystery Drama "LIFE'.' Also the Comedy "SHOULD STEP-MOTHERS TRIFLE?" . 30c-10c program in a "cracking Good" comedy. Dr. F. W. Kellogg, Eye Specialist, will be et the Lincoln rooms Novem ber 2, 3, and 4. 35 tf City Recorder"!. R. Miller left for Nashville Tuesday on a business trip. NOTICE TO DAIRYMEN separators. L. A. HULBLRT. 35 2t FRIDAY & SATURDAY New Edition of TAB "A masterpiece by Cabriele D'An nunzior and hero of Fiume; Ital ian warrior poet. A 9-Reel Production showing 7000 Soldier actors 500 Trained Animals and a Fleet of Ships of war which make this produc tion unique in its magnitude. The Burning of the Fleet. Hannibal's March of Thousands over the ice bound Alps The Stupendous Battle Scenes wili compel you to agree that "CAB IRIA" is wonderful; also Larry Seamon in dandy 2-reel comedy "DEW DROP INN" L -0-20c' G. H. Horsfall, democratic candi date for sheriff, was a Toledo visitor this week. Mr. Horsfall i making a complete canvas of the county. in the IntorcEts of his candidacy. He Is making most of his trips on foot SACRIFICE 1 team weighing about 2800 pounds, one harness, one good old Hickory wagon, one McCormick mower, 1 12-inch Olliver plow, l 12 inch, side hill plow, one six-tooth cultivator, 1 double shovel cultiva tor. All for $165. On the account of s'ekness, I am making this a sacrifice Perry I Mosler, Chit wood, Oregon. . 35 2t Dr'. F. W. Kellogg, Eye Specialist, will be at the Lincoln rooms Novem ber 2, 3, and 4. 15 tf Chas. Carmichaael of Siletz, was a Toledo business visitor Friday. He has been on the sick list for several weeks and this was his first trip to tlie county seat for a considerable perloc. Dr. F. W. Kellogs, Eyo, will be at the Lincoln rooms Novem ber 2, 3, and 4. ' 35 tf Tom Hawkins and Robt. Mann are off on a deer hunting trip this week, in the Yachats country. Do you .enjoy experiencing a real thrill in a moving picture drama. If you do your enjoyment will be sup reme In seeing "CABIRA." play:n:? at Toledo folks have been aa the ROSS theatre Friday and Saturday ! vantage of the fine weather of the past thousands lay awake, iest sleep bring utter destruction e Legionnaire of Rore btole into the fortified city of Carthago for a moment with his be trothed. No greater love story has ever been told. Many are the moinor able scenes in this magnificent pw duction some amusing, some patho tir, many thrilling That's why th2 world says "CAB1RIA" IS WONDER FUL. See this great drama at the T hoitA .. 1 . . atranem fni STAT. PLEX separators and will be glad to'088 entre Friday and Saturday of demonstrate to snvoiio wishine a mill .mu.jr u u,o nam. A report to County Judge James states that all three wooden bridges on tho Siletz river are safely finish .i now and that high water will hirve no damaging effect on them. Wra. Easter of Otter Rock has so'.d h's milk and good will to Mr. Stocker. Mr. Easter will move his stock and equipment to his ranch in the Siletz t valley. Carson's g'oves goin; olds Fashion Shop. at cost- -Arn. It program. 37 Xt "Patronize home industry, use Toledo Bread. ' It We have 300 samples of all-wool or silk and wool to choose a suit from worth up to $50.00. We tu-.k only $25.00 for 2 piece Buits and J29.50 for any suit or Overcoat. Fit guaranteed The Uootery. Mr. and Mr3. Lagrande Dixon of Drift Creek were business visitors in Toledo Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hrxle Simmons of Log sdon were here Saturday on a busi ness trip. this week. Cabiria is the ultimate of spectacular dramas. Thousands of soldier-actors, a fleet of ships of wir, and hundreds of trained animals un'k t!:is romantic story as the wonder pro duction of the decade. See it at 'he Ross, by all means, Friday and Satur day. Larry Seaman is on the same few weeks and have spent holidays and Sundays at the various beaches. Last Sunday 22 cars from Toledo were at "Schooner" Point beach, according to F. N. Hayden who spent the day with his family at that place. O. E. Franzke, proprietor of the Lin coln County Progressive stores, is in Portland this week ou a Holiday buy ing trip. Mrs. Clifford McElwain has accept ed a position with the local Lincoln County Progressive Store. The addi tion to the sales force of this popular store will aid the management to give even more efficient service to its many customers. Mrs. E. F. Hall and two children left last Friday for Albany where they will spend several weeks visiting with Mrs. Hall's mother, Mrs. John McChesney. The Kabo Corset Fl'nttters U Ar nold's Fashion Shop sell them. It To!?do Bread is good as the best. When .vandals walked unafraid and better then most and when It becomes stale it makes good toast. It Mr. and Mrs. Victor NeimI of Sil-ets-wre business visitors In Toledo Saturday. Poh T-onsnn was a Toledo business visitor Tuesday. C. H. Tay'or, or old timer of Toledo' and Siletz, spent Sunday and Monday here lucking up old friends. M's. E. Ostedahl loft Monday for a visit in Portland. Keep home fires burnlng ledo Bread. ' ' -Buy To-lt Norman Stewart of Portland visit ed the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fern Hayden. Ho visited the Siletz river while here and hud (inn luck in landing a ni;-e bunch of trout. Mr. Stewart Is Mrs. -Hay-den's brother. James McNeil, former resident of Toledo, was here Hst week after an absence of It years, looking up old friends. Many of them, according to Mr. McNeil have passed away. Ed Hamnnr of Summit was here on business at the -county court house Thursday. ' 10 IDE VOTERS OF LINCOLN COUNTY I am the Republican nominee for the office of Sheriff of Lin coln County. Owing to the" work connected with my office and feeling sura you would appreciate my efforts here, I have not tried to canvass any part of the county on the be half of my election. I believe my record of the past two years is sufficient recom mendation and if elected will continue to serve your interests to the best of my ability. I now take this means of so licits g your patronage at the polls on the 7th day of Novem ber, 1922 and can assure you of my appreciation, for any effort you may make in my interest. M. SIMPSON, Sheriff. rTTTTTTTTTT TTTT TTTTTT TT TTT r "P T -MM Sunday & Monday BILL HART in 'THE WHISTLE' The story of a town where money meant all and human life meant little. A romance of human heart beats that rise abbve the whir of toil. .:- Also the Second Round of 'THE LEATHER PUSHERS with Reginal Denney-30-1 0c COMING next week, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday DOROTHY DALTON in 1 ' "BEHIND MASKS" Coming Friday and Saturday NOVEMBER 3-4 "THE OLD NEST" One of the Three great mother SCAB CORSETS Are the finest on the market and we have a full stock for you to choose from. THE KABO is a live model, and can be had only at ARNOLDS FASHION. SHOP NEXT TO POST OFFICE Dealers in Dry Goods, Ladies' and Men's Furnishings, Millinery, Ribbons, Notions, Hats, Caps, Overalls, Shirts, Underwear and Sweaters. THIS IS THE PLACE TO TRADE IF jfOU WANT DRY GOODS. Don't Surrender Your Rights VI J, iV f OUR forefathers fought for thr rights. Many of them gave their lives that we might enjoy freedom. In the Declaration of Independence they recorded those truths that have so safely guided our democracy. They have written that men art endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable" rights, and to secure these rights govern ments are instituted among men. And now these rights are attacked Thj School Mo nopoly Bill (called oo the ballot Compulsory Education Bill) proposes that we surrender a God-given right-the right of parental control the right of a pacnt to say In what school his or her own child shall be edicated. Maintain your right to control your child education you feel it 13 right to give it Do net by fine phrases. Look into this dangerous find the vital principle of unalienable" rights Vote 315X NO on the School MonoDoiv Bill JL I Called on tlie ballet Compulsory Eiucitiai Bill .X Thli advertisement Is paid lor by the Non-Sectarian anil ProteaW School Committee. ! ! . I ': iff ; 1. 1 through the be led astray You will is at Etake. LIBERTY THEAT THE BEST IN PI CTURES AND MUSIC Tonight and Friday jj Marie Provost & I Wm. Desmond Harry Myers SHE HATED MEN HE HATED WOMEN. How they met and how he fought f 1 r her makes one of the best, sparkling comedy dramas on the screen, the title is "NOBODY'S FOOL" in another stirring Chapter of the great Alaskan Play "Perils of the Yukon" I Also that Comedian, dapper, funny Neely Edwards in "The Shaky Family Tree" I Saturday & Sunday f BIG DOUBLE BILL Sherlock Holmes Fred Stone v IN A ROUSING TALE OF THE OLD WEST "THE DUKE OF ACTION? YOU SAID IT! THE STAR LAND REVUE SHOWING THE PICK OF THE LATEST AND BEST.- BROADWAY (N- Y.) AT TRACTIONS. '10 BIG REELS OF ENTER TAINMENT FOR 30c Children, 10c. IN ANOTHER FINE TALL OF MYSTERY AND SUSPENSE THE DYING DETECTIVE' X The Sherlock Holmes pic tures are not a serial, but each is a complete story. it IT'S THE FIRST TIME THE MOTION PICTURE HAS LAUGHED AT IT SELFYOU'LL SCREAM. IT'S A TWO REEL CHRIS TIE COMEDY. COMING TlESDAY NEAL HART IN ONE OF HIS BEST t SATURDY "FOOLISH WIVES" THE BIGGEST PRODUCTION OF THE MOV.'E ART. TY THEAT H GOING UP The pries of stoves and ranges is gradually going up. All steel work ers were recently granted a raise in wages, and this is now being pass ed on to the consumer. We are selling our present stock of Heaters and Ranges at the oiiJ price, so If you contemplate the purchase of a stove this fall, our advice would be to buy now. We have heaters from $2.75 and up; Ranges from $60 and up. Hayden Hardware Company ."TTTfl TtTtTTTTtI The White Comer Store The Home of "SEAL BRAND" COFFEE, the finest grown, 1 lb. can Ee - Fine Mince-Meat. No. 2 can 1 1oc' Rex Pork and Beans 11o Jiffy-Jell, per package iu R. S. VAN CLE VE X PHONE 9005 TOLEDO. OREGON Pictures. H 4r-4