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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1922)
LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER TOLEDO. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 26, 1922. PACE THREE IS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Now Is the Time for Passage of School Bill ' Vote 314 x Yes Passage nf thn rnmnntenrv Pnhii. QhAni a..j .. . I ! STUB TO BE TORN OF BV THE CHAIRMAN 8TUB T0 BE TORN OFF BY Tl- E FIRST CLERK t i '. ! " OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR NORTH TOLEDO1 PRECINCT. LINCOLN COUNTY. OREGON, NOVEMBM 7.1922. MARK (X) BETWEEN THE NUMBER AND NAME OF EACH CANDIDATE OR ANSWER VOTED FOR STATE FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS, FIRST DISTRICT. Benton, Clack mas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Curry, DouaUs, Jackson, Josephine, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Marlon, Polk, Tillamook, Washington and Yamhill Counties. Vote for One 12 W. C. HAWLEV, of Marlon County -Republican FOR GOVERNOR. . Vote for On 13 . BEN W. 0LCO7T. of Marlon County Republican 14 WALTER M. PIERCE, of Union County Democratic FOR 8TATE TREASURER. Vote for One 15 O. P. HOFF, of Multnomah County 16 F. L. TOU VELLE, of Jackson County Republican Democratic FOR JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT. Vote for Three 17 GEO. H. BURNETT, of Marlon County Republican Democratic 18 JOHN McCOURT, of Multnomah County Republican-Democratic 19 JOHN L. RAND, of Baker County Republican-Democratic FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTOIN. Vote for One 20 J. A. CHUBCHILL, of Baker County Republican-Democratic 21 S. S. GEORGE, of Lane County Independent FOR COMMISSIONER OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS AND INSPECTOR OF FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS. Vote for One 22 C. H. GRAM, of Multnomah County Republican-Democratic 23 B. H. HANSEN, of Multnomah County Independent FOR COMMISSIONER OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OREGON. Vote fQp Qne 24 THOMAS K. CAMPBELL, of Multnomah County 26 GUS E. ERICKSEN, of Multnomah County 26 T. M. KERRIGAN, Multnomah County Hepulj lean Independent FOR JUDGE OF CIRCUIT COUHT, SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Benton, Cooc, Curry, Douglas, Lane and Lincoln Counties. Vote for Three 27 JOHN S. COKE, of Coos County Republican-Democrat!' 28 JAS. W. HAMILTON, of Douglas County Democratic-Republican 29 G. F. Sklpworth, of Lane County Democratic-Republican FOR REPRESENTATIVE, FOURTEENTH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT Lincoln, and Polk Counties. Vote tor Onr 30 B. F. JONES, of Lincoln Coun'y Republlcar 3'. WM, F. KEADY, of Lincoln County Damooratlr COUNTY FOR COUNTY JUDGE. Vote for One 32 C. W. JAMES, of Lincoln County Democratic-Republican FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Vote for One 33 JAY W. DUNN, of Lincoln County Republican-Democratic FOR 8HERIFF. Vote for One 34 G. H. HORSFALL, of Lincoln County Democratic 35 M. SIJTPSON, of Lincoln County Republican PORT FOR PORT OF NEWPORT OFFICERS. Said Port embracing Devils Lake, Kern, Newport, Nye Creek, Rose Lodge, South Beach, and a part of Beaver Creek, North Toledo, Rock Creek, Pacific and Yaqulna .Precincts. FOR PORT COMMISSIONERS. Four year term. k Vote for Two 43 0. F. JACOBSON, of Lincoln County Republican-Democratic FOR PORT OF TOLEDO OFFICERS. Sard Port embrailng Big Elk, Elk City, Glen, Little Elk, Nashville, Salado, Siletz, South Toledo, Turn Turn, and a part of Beaver Creek, North Toledo, Rock Creek, Pacific, and Yaqulna Precincts. FOR PORT COMMISSIONERS. Four year term. Vote for Two 39 WILLIAM ANDREWS, of Lincoln County ' Repuoinau 40 PETER FREDERICK, of Lincoln County Democratic -r FOR PORT COMMISSIONERS. Two year term. 41 R. D. BURGESS, of Lincoln County Vote for Two Republican-Democratic 42 J. W. PARRISH, of Lincoln County Republican DISTRICT FOR TOLEDO DISTRICT OFFICERS, said District embracing North Toledo and South Toledo Precincts. FOR CONSTABLE. Vote for One COUNTY MEASURE Shal.' Chapter 265, General Laws of Oregon for 1921, being the County Unit Administration and Taxation School Law, became effective in Llnco'.n Cnunty, Oregon. , vote YES or NO. 46 YES; 47 NO. REFERRED TO THE PEOPLE BY THE LEGISLATIVE A8SEMBLY Submitted by the Leg'stature AMENDMENT PERMITTING LINN COUNTY TAX LEVY TO PAY OUTSTANDING WARRANTS Purpose: to amend section 10 of article XI of the constitution of state of Oregon, so as to re quire the annual levy of a tax of two mills on the dollar on all taxable property of Linn County. Oregon, until all warrants of said county nut- standing December 31, 1921, are paid with legal interest and permitting such levy to be made In excess of the limitations fixed by said section 10 of article XI. Vote YES xr NO. 300 Yes. 301 No. Submitted by tho Legislature AMENDM ENT PERMITTING LINN AND BENTON COUNTIES TO PAY OUTSTANDING WARRANTS Purpose: To amend section 10 of article XI of the constitution of the state of Ore gon, so as to require the annual levy of a tax of two mills on the dollar on all taxable property of Linn County, Oregon, until such time as all warrants of said county outstanding December 31, 1921, pre paid with legal interest and to permit an issue of bonds by Benton county when authorized by a majority vote of the people of said county voting there on, ir. the amount of said county's warrants outstanding December 31. 1921, for the, payment of which no funds were then available Vote YES or NO 302 Yes. 393 No. PROPOSED BY I NITTATi VtrPET1Ttf4 " Initiated h the Oregon Single Tax League: Arthur Brock, President, 66f Harold Avenue, Portland, Oregon; Alfred D. Cridge, Vice PresMent. 9fi4 East 22d Street North, Portland, Oregon; Christina H. Mock, Secretary 316 Stock Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon (residence address, Umu tlla, Oregon); and J. R. Hermann, manager, 316 Stot-k Exchange Building Portland. Oregon SINGLE TAX AMENDMENT Purpose: To amem ss?ticn 1 of article IX of the constitution of the state of Oregon to read follows: Frqm July 1, 1923, to and including July 1, 1927, all revenue fm maintenance of state, county, municipal and district government shall b . raised by a tax on . land irrespective of improvements there'n or thereon and thereafter the full rental value of land, irrspective of improvement' shall be taken in lieu of all other taxes for the maintenance of govern ment, and for such other purposes as the people may direct. Vote YES or NO 304 Yes. 35 No. Initiated by the Atlantic-Pacific Highway and Electrical Exposition: Frank lin T. Griffith, 679 Elliott Avenue, Portland, Oregon; Geo. L. Baker, 945 . East 28th Street, Portland, Oregon; Emery Olmstead, 635 Tillamook Street, Portland, Oregon; Wm. Hanley, Burns, Oregon; A. H. Lea. 550 Thompson Street, Portland, Oregon; J. F. Daly, 625 Hal'sny Street. Port land, Oregon; Guy W. Talbot, 252 King Street, Portland, Oregon; W. W Harrah, 616 Tustin Street, Pendleton, Oregon; F. G. Deckebach. 940 D Street. Salem, Oregon, constituting the Manr.ging Committee 1925 EX POSITION TAX AMENDMENT Purpose: To authorize hi city of Portland to raise $3,000,000 by levying and collecting special tax of $1,000,000 each year for three years beginning not later than 1924. anil expend the same as authorized by the voters of said city at any genera! or special election, to pay the expense of holding an exposition in the year 1925 or as soon as possible thereafter to advertise the resources, products, commerce. Industries and general advantages of the state of Oregon and the city of Portland, and validating any preceding or con current city legislation carrying same into effect. Vote YES or NO 308 Yes. 309 No. Initiated by State Taxpayers League of Oregon: W. J. Fullerton, Warren Oregon; Wm. Hanley, Bums, Oregon: C. E. Ingn'.ls. Corvallis, Oregon; E. C. Judd, Astoria. Oregon- H. L. Kuhl, Canyon City, Oregon; A M LaFollett, Salem, Oregon; I& W. McComas, Pendleton, Oregon; Clyde M. McKay, Bend, Oregon; George Miller, La Grande, Oregon; B. W. Slee man, Portland, Oregon; H. C. Stearns, Yoncalla, Oregon; I. U. Temple, Pendleton, Oregon; Chas. H.iWieder, Albany, Oregon, Legislative Com mtttee-INCOiME TAX AMENDMENT Purpose: To require that one half of the tax levy for state expenses each year be levied on net In comes of natural persons and corporations beginning with 1924, the an nual rate of income tax to be fixed by dividing the amount of tax required by the total net amount of all incomes subject to such tax; providing personal exemptions of from! $800 to $1,000 for unmarried persons and from $1,000 to $1,500 for married persons and $200 additional for each dependent, also life Insurance, gifts, bequests, devices and inheritances end charitable corporations and corporations exempted by United States Income tax law. I Vote YES or NO. 310 Yes. 311 No. I Initiated by Ira B. Sturges, Baket, Oregon; Dr. Robert C. Ellsworth, Pendle ton, Oregon; Harold Baldwil, Prineville, Oregon; W. B. Daggett, Red mond, Oregon; Lewis H. Irving, Madras, Oregon; Collin E. Davis, The Dalles, Oregon; LeBlle G. Johnson, Marshfield,- Oregon; C. A. Swope. Grants Pass, Oregon; W. F. Harris, Roseburg, Oregon; John R. Penland. Albany, Oregon; J. R. Jefftry, Seaside, Oregon; F. C. Holibaugh, St. Helens, Oregon; O. O. Hodson, McMinnvllIe, Oregon; E. L. Johnson, Hillsboro, Oregon COMPULSORY EDUCATION BILL Purpose: Re quiring any parent, guardlaa or other person having control, charge or custody of a child over eight and under sixteen years of age, from and after September 1, 1926, to (end such child to a public school during the entira school year, excepting: (a) children physically unable; (b) child ren who have completed the eighth grade; (c) children between the ages of eight and ten living more than one and one-half miles, and children over ten years of age living except when transportation or private teaeher. more than three miles from a public school Is furnished; (d) children taught by parent Vote YES or NO in i . . ...,u,m mieiiuance dui now mis yeai rW. mrK mlnlm,um number of private schools and private school pupils will be affected. Of the 36 counties of Oregon 16 are at present with out any private schools whatever. The combined aggregate of pupils In all the prlvute schools in five other counties Is fewer than 200 The total attendance at the private schools, of the grammar grades, of Oregon is about 9841 rho total attendance at the public schools, of the grammar grades Is about 131,689. Surely if the public Bchools are good enough for the 131689' they are also good enough for the other 9841. ' ' , At. J)rBSnt- wh,le the Private schools are few and small, is the time to make the chaflge proposed by the public school bill. COSTS. No tax will be levied for years to come, as the bill dees not take effect until September. 1926, and no tax hen If the amendment is In the courts for several years. When all attond our free public schools the additional cost will be slight fnr Iftm nvupliaail will ka . . . w. .... .... ... ... ' .... ....... ... lo D.iua. musi oi me cnuaren wm find a place in exmting c.asses and the added expense to the average taxpayer will be nominal. The great beieflt to our nation will be worth many times the smalt cost. Now Is the time to pass this measure, Insuring that in Oregon all of our children will be educated to a common patriotism, common ideals and a. unified allegiance to our institutions. One Flag One School One Language P. S. MALCOLM, 33. Inspector-General In Oregon, Ancient and AcaantaH Scottish Rita, (Paid Advertisement) -J Taste is I V tobacco IEfcG Lioostt & Myebs Tobacco Ok MAKING HOUSEWORK EASY Clean steel knives and forks, remove stains and grease with SAPOLIO Cleans Scours Polishes Large cake No waste 314 Yes. 315 No. ENOCH MOtCAN'S SOUS CO., lUw T, 0.11