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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1922)
PACE EIGHT LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO. OREGON. THIJR5oav MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL By Charles S ugh roe Western Nnrtfuper Umoa bnort and to the Point Ny Pe r-- Pierce's Claims (Continued from Page 1) counry's taxe3 this year were state tax er for soldiers' bonus 2 per cent, for market roads 2 per cent, for state aid to elonuntary schools 4 per cent, and for state higher educational purposes 5 per cent, the latter including the education-"! aid to the soldiers and sailors, us well B3 all mlllaie bills over s!at0 aui national banks. Bankers Are Told (Continued from First Page) permit a gradual marketing of crops. In other words, loans which can oh rediscounted or etende-l to permit holding of crops until a favorable mar ket is offered. A supervision of live stock loan companies in l.rie with that exercised und appropriations for Oregon Agricul tural cohege and University of Oro gon Must Market Our Products Slowly. The need for a more grouual mar- ci.nln, Di-,,. :,,,i.i , , keting of agriculture products thru these tax measures and supported all !n?" fencing as president of them. Which ones will be cut out? - The balance of the state tax. 4 1-2 per cent of the total Lincoln county tax bill, goes mainly tojsupport insti tutions caring for the inline and other afflicted, bralde paying expenses of state government. to the National Bankers' association by Eugene Meyer. Jr., roceived their closest attention. "Unquestionably," said Mr. Meyer, "It would have been advantageous, even under pre war conditions, to market our products more gradually. business and agriculture by avoiding discrimination against paper which may properly be considered as eligi ble." Branch Banks Weaken Farm Loans. j The strongest point scored by the state bankers as opposed to the Na tional branch bmk idea, was tho claim that branch banks, if extended ,to small towns and agricultural dis tricts, would be manned by outsider; unfamiliar with local conditions, tnu-. making loans in money instances ua- I sound and weakening our whole financial structure. The Branch bank idea was voted down as detrimental to the best interests of the na'.lo'i. MILLER MEETS DEFEAT AT MONROE TUESDAY Chas. Miller, Toledo wrestler, mads a trip to Monroe, Ore., Tuesday and met a matster by the name of Hr.rr'3 at that place. Louis Bain accompan led Mr. Miller to the scene of the contest and, according to Lauls, the match was a hummer. Miller how ever, lost to the husky Munroe man. "Smil us" Charlie gained the first fa'l but Harris came back with two pun ishing toe holds that subdued the smiling one. evo if m- Dil. ili. i . Under present conditions it is more he world reduce Lincoln county's ta tl,lan, a. matter ?f advantage It is an bins ony 2 per cent, yet even this amount iculd not bo cut in two with out turning insane, feeble minded, orphans, and other dependents out upon the public for wharlty. Paper, based upon the security of non-perishabio commodities," Mr. Meyer 3tated, "should be made elig ible for rediscount for the length of Th. . iim tht fv n h time necessary to market a season's BO per cent or any other substantial pfoduct before tho next, harvest. The amount, by a governor, or thru his in view seems to prevail in some quar- fluence. is so prenosterous that it Is tors .tl,at PaPer' ln 0Ier to. b? llfluirt' obviously ca'y Intended for campaign mus' 'lave a J"aturity otJ?y t0 purposes ninety days. Eut a sharp distinction This problem of tax reduction is Jhorld be drawn between ahort-timo mainly a local one. un to the people ban Pape.r.,ano e queetlon of the of thc various taxing directs. iqu dity of the secur.ty that underlie. Of the ftpl m bill of Oregon Mils ba"k pap?r' long or short- . yen- $40 4-.OOfi On onlv 23 per rent or 1 v . , ' 9.373,376-0 was levied r.s state taxes. as, to. sacurity than short time Thla nmnnil innlnded soMter' hnim, r-aper. Dunns the year-it was, Dr. F. W. Kellogg, Eye Specialty., will be at the Lincoln rooms Novem ber 2, 3, and 4. 35 tf millagc ne""siry for snldiirs' ten clearly shown that commercial oajcr ,H-,tin m,v. ,ni depends for its linuidity on the or age. miliar" fn- ,nte aid to elemen der'y buying of the mattu.actur.'d tarv school and all the m'11 and Pud3- and '"a,1 V'8 rderly buy;ns' appropriatl -ns for state educotional in rn' "OAb largely upon :i pur InRt'tutlonr. Indudini the soldiers' ,(1,a3inf power b ;e upon the ordev educationa- rifl. lj' marketing of our basic agricultural Ciily $2,tl4 080.00. or 6 per cent of products." ell tuxes fid In Oregon this ypir' Crcp Loana Most Desirable, were for g uerM s'nt0 purposes out-1 ..Inllendi lt our wte exnerlence es s,de of mat and r-lu-Mn yM- -A tablls!lttd any definite difierentiatioa per cent we- taxes voted bv tb- po. between tho , ,,uldlty of conimeri:ial V? pi me siaie or r- .n-r, rxinn n s- l;nmr and of paper based upon stap'e. trlcls. or for m,rely lot-nl exnse, n.i- nnn.nfiPifll,hla nurirnltiir.H rmnmndl CALL FOR BIDS.t Bids will 'be received by the Com mon Council of the City of Toledo, Oregon, on or before the 6th dy of November, 1922, at the hour of 5 o'clock p. m., of said day, at the of fice of the City Recorder, for the Im provement of the west half of Hill street from the north side of the in tersection of Hill and Fifth streets to the south side of the intersection of Hiil street with the state highway. Said Improvement to consist of grading to the official grade and pa Ing with concrete according to plans and specifications now on file In the office of the City Recorder. Bids must be accompanied by certi fied checks In amount equal to 10 per cent of the bid. The right to reject any and all bids is resumed to the Common Council. Notice given by order ot the Com mon Council. R. R. M'LLER, 35 2t Recorder. YOUR EYES ACCURATELY FITTED By GRADUATE 0PT0METRI8T Private Office for Examination Prices Reasonable F. M. French & Sons Optometrists and Opticians Albtny, Oregon ) i &ykr "minds THE PERFECT FLOUR FOR EVERY PURPOSE Flour will probably ad vance in the near future. Buy your winter supply now- FIXALL SHOP WELL WE FIX EVERYTHING CLOCKS A SPECIALTY Shoes, Boots, Clocks, Watches, Umbrellas, Pans, Buckets, Tubs, Boilers, Flashlights, Cut Agates, Sharpen Shears. Knives. Repair all kinds of things Don't throw anything away, Coma In and see us. Furniture Repair ed. CEO. LICKEY TTTTVTTTTri TTTT. TlTTTTTTTl der control o ihe people of each conn ty nnd lorali-v. As state s'"'a,or. Mr. Pie'-o Intro duced more Mils than any other mem ber of the kind that Inereasoa taxe3. Ho voted for v"t:ii" vi,r,. a;nro priaHon rnd "T!- -p i"i and h:'T 'rini m'. nn bv bills nnd vot' t Tr thnp . p'-hT o' th '-"ii'i'r.rc in the fn'e of Oregon in 20 ynrs. B. ?.!. ARMjTAtJE. Secretary 1 ico'n Ciunty, Repub lican Central Committee. tics, properly warehoused, R estab lished that fact thrl the latter la de cidedly more llonid under adverse conditions than the fnrner. At no time were such commodities so en tirely unmarketable ai wen certain lines of manufactured products upon whih the so-called liquid commercial paper was based. "While It Is important." continued Mr. Meyer, "to safeguard the Fed-, era! Reserve System by proper re strictions regarding eligible piper, 1. is equally important to safeguard t CLOTHES MAKE the MAN mm ATTHE ARMYSTSHE THIS WEEK WHERE PRICES ARE THE LOWEST. Army 0. D. E;ankets $-95 4 lb. Wool Blankets 5.60 6 lb. Wool Blankets 8.40 10 lb. Wool Blankets. . . .14.00 Whipped Cord Pants 3.25 Stag Shirt3 6.50 Slip-on Sweaters ; 1-00 1 00 1.25 6.50 9.00 6.75 ..... 3-25 385 2 50 1.00 35c 35c , . .25c 15c .... 35c 5.30 3.25 15c 35c 35c Jumpers Army Wool Shirts and Drawers, each Goodyear Rain Coats Hunter's waterproof coats Leather Vests O. D. Wool Pants .' Marine Pants . . Sawler's Aprons Reclaimed Khaki Breeches Reclaimed Blouse Aluminum Mess Kits Army coap, 3 bars Corned Beef Hash Roast Beef, 2 cans , . . Officers' Dress Shoes Regulation Army O. D. Shirts Corned Beef Hash Roast Beef, 2 lb, cans Corned Beef PRICES RANGE FROM $30 TO 550 I Every man needs to : be well dressed i 4 Velvet and Tuxedo Smoking tobacco, 2 cans 25c I United Army Stores HE NEEDS TO HAVE CLOTHES THAT HE WILL RESPECT AND THAT WILL INSPIRE RESPECT IN OTHERS. . HE NEEDS CLOTHES OF THE BEST STYLE, THE FINEST QUAL IT AND GOOD SERVICE. IN SHORT, HE NEEDS CLOTHES MADE BY W. A. LINDSAY "The Nifty Tailor." WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF DRY CLEANING AND DYING WORK GUARANTEED. Rolled Oats, regular 25c, special 20c Bulk Cocoa 15c or 2 pounds for 25c 23 bars good Laundry soap $1.00 Royal Club solid pack Tomatoes 19x 8 oz. Can Schilling Baking Powder 21c Old Dutch Cleanser 10c, or per dozen $1.1(1 Burcrofif Mercantile Company liilil'M ' i iiiimiiiiii hm HlltWTtHtH'WMHKfl'ftltlTTl'tmtTTtm Morris Optical Company 202-205 Oregon (Electric) Bdg. SALEM, OREGON Our representative will be in TOLEDO,, at the LIN COLN ROOMS, October 25 and 26, and in NEWORT, at the GILMORE HOTEL, Nye Beach, October 27 and 23. to examine your eyes and fit you with glasses if you need them. All work guaranteed; No charge for examination. Ask your banker or friend to ask any bank or friend in Salem as to our standing and reliability. May We Serve YOU DR. A- McCULLlCH, Representing: MORRIS;OPTICAL COMPANY OREGON'S LARGEST OPTICAL INSTITUTION 202-205 Oregon (Electric) Bldg. SALEM, OREGON 2 TOLEDO HOTEL BLDG. TOLEDO, ORE. A Glorious Vacation land Where dreams come true and cares of yesterday are soon forgotten- Sunny Southern aliforni Sunlit skfcs Flowers in blossom Miles of spark ling ocean at your feet, are just a few of life's advantages in this vacationland for everyone fc Low Round Trip Fares to San Francisco Santa Barbara Los Angeles San Diego and other California resort points. "The California Express" hat through Pullmans from Seattle, Tacoma and Portland to Lot Angeles via Sacramento. Stay a day or more in San Francisco a delightful atopplng place. f For fares, train service, sleeping car reservations or beautiful folders, ask agentt or write. JOHN M- SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. fi I xi ire I 1 4IHIIIIIUMHHIIM Mil IIIIIITTTT'T'flTIMI MIIMIUTT """ T t HI I ft 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II I M I It 1 1 1 II M 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it