I LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, ID ALLIES AGP.E FOR MAKING PEACE MUDANI, Oft. 10. Tho armistice convention was signed hare tonight at 11 o'clock. The representatives fit all the powers concerned affixed their signatures to the revised protocol, which General Harington had pre sented for acceptance to Ismet Pasha and which the nationalist delegates forwarded to the Angora government for Its decision. General Harinstcn had Informed Ismet Pasha that the convention em bodied Great Britain's last word and that tho other powers gave their un qualified support to the terms. . On his part, Ismet had replied that he hoped his government would ac cept the conditions set forth, and promised a reply by 5 o'clock tonight. In the meantime, the Bru sh com mander returned to Constantinople, where he remained until early ttin. afternoon, proceeding bark to Mud ania on the Iron Duke to hear the Turks' decision. The Turkish delegates were some what dismayed and disappointed over the turn of events in the past two days. The new attitude taken by France after the Paris conference pnz sled them and they were amazed that French friendship, on which they counted as a main prop In the negotia tions, did not yield the results they expected. At the sessjon of the conference Monday night, Ismet Pasha expressed dissatisfaction at the terms the allies offered. He said to General Harington: "But your new armistice convention is In contradiction to the assurances given to me by Gei.eral Charpy. j "Tho convention Instead of paving the way for peace only makes mat ters worse." General .Harllngton replied merely: "General Charpy has assented to ".ho terms." After the close of tho formal pro-j ceedings, Ismet In the course of a conversation on the recurring sub-1 ject of France's promises, said: "It was upon France's suggestion that pur army ceased operations against' the Greeks, France promising us favorable armistice terms. France's responsibility, therefore, is consider able. "If no agreement Is reached, our army will insist on marching Into, Thrace, but every day's delay cans ed by our reliance on favorablo arm istice promises domlnlshes our mil itary advantage." TOOLEDO SCHOOL NOTES. The Toledo high school ' will play the first football game of the sea son with Newport, on Saturday, Oct. 15. ' Alarge crowd of Toledo fans is expected to attend. In last week's "Leader the Toledo high school was accused of spending Rnventv-tlree minutes In emptying the building during a fire drill. The ac tual time spent was seventy tnree seconds. At this week's f!re drill the time was reduced to twenty-elgh. seconds. The attendance in the schools Is in creasing daily, with the result that the enrollment has passed the 300 mark. New apparatus for te gymnasium has been ordered and will be here within a few days. The high school girls began the regular gym training Tuesday. Suits And Overcoats Guaranteed all-Wool or Silk an d Wool tailored-to-order Suits, Pi miarsntnnH. Price lowest. Com Da re these samples with others that cost $35 00 to $50.00 . They are just as good, they are all one PRICE $29.50. No extra charge for styles. and FOR ANY TWO PIECE 5UIT l--,i First Natal, Bank Member of FEDERAL RESERVE BANK To'edo Oregon '-.-L'-L Lti! LIL ll!L! IV Obituary Mrs. E. W. Chickering died at tho home of her s'ster, Mrs. R. E. Odel! on the South Side Sunday night, Oct. 1, at the age of 44 yeers; cause of death, cancer. Mrs. Chlckoring was born In Lexington, Mo. The funeral wa held Wednesday af ternoon from tho Batoman Undertak ing parlors with Rev. Cain officiating. Miss Verne Ross and Mrs. F ) is Mc Elwaln rendered solos. Interment was made In the cemetry at Newport. The Odell family extends thanks to their many friends for their kindness and for the beautiful flora! offerings. o EPISCOPALIANS WILL HOLD SERVICE HERE SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1922. .m.... ,., mm .mi up i m.nmm .. PAGE FIVE According to word received here byMrs. A. T. Peterson Wednesday J. Claud Black, Arch Deason of 'he Efcis'-iopal church of Oregon, will be here to hold services on the evening of Sunday, October 29. The service will start at 8 p. m. and all Epis copalians' are urged to be present. TTTTTTm 1 1 1 1 TT Ibllfllflll WANTED CLEAN COTTON RAGS AT THE LEADER OFFICE, SUIT ABLE FOR WIPING MACHINERY. Sc PER POUND. a m m m m m m. a. .t mam. T f 11 TT TTTTTT1 f 1 I I I I I 1 1 T T T 1 MICKIE SAYS TtV CUSTOVA op prwW bevTOMas pomes uas vuevix V OUT OP THV6, A.U3M4 WrXH-l COULAR3 'M BUSTVES , UMteH 1 IS K GREAT REUEF TO AU. eovroRS, vuho wet & -St. s 'pT 7 I I r r Jj PROFESSIONAL CARDS KITTIE STANTON PIANO High School Credits Given Lscsons 75c and $1.?S 26-8t F. M. HELLWARTH M, d7 General Practice CALLS ANSWERED PROMPTLY Office in FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. TOLEDO, ORE. Dr. Ernest H. Hall Dentist First National Bank Building Phone 1106 Toledo, Ore. t' ED'S SMOKEHOUSE I !. I ! We carry the highest class line of Tobacco and Candies on v ' ' the market. Soft drinks of all kinds. We make a specialty 2 ' ' b a k r- ,isr I I- AnPk HA if T OT IVIUUIM I nUUU IVC vnc.ivr I THE BEST BILLIARD TABLES IN LINCOLN COUNTY t E. A. LYTLE, Prop. INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE! HEALTH & ACCIDEN AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTORS' LIABILITY C. K. CROSNO, Toledo, Oregon Office in First N. B. Bldg. C. t. HAWKINS Attorney-at-Law Toledo,, Oregon FOWLER'S RESTAURANT Hill St., . Toledo, Oregon Ask about our S1.00 PER DAY RATES Best established eating place In Lincoln County ' K. J. FOWLER, Prop.. HOMEY" phuosophti AUTOCASTER ' ! TJINALLY our charming women. - M. folk have bowed to the inevitable and given the gate to the short ickirt Soon sight of a tapered ankle hwill be spoken of as something that -existed in "the good old days." Women of course will be chided tfor their weakness. They have pro tested that the short skirt is healthy And comfortable, and tried to keep it in the mode, but what are the poor things to do when the whole Cale dressmakers just won't make hort skirts. The girls must boy what they are offered or nothing. mud Where's the harm? The change means more cloth used, more null rtiand at work, more business in Vhe stores. O The much derided changing mood of oar women folk has kept the. wheels of. industry moving many a year. .llj H UNCLE JOHN I used to motrrn about the trials of my ancestral pia ' neers, I've filled a million two-quart vials with briny, sym pathetic tears. ... ,.; ,. I've wept, because of tribulations through which our early settlers went, when I would hear the moist orations, about the old log-cabin gent. I've Dangers Past sobbed at how he slew the weasels, aiul and Present skinned his thumb an' cut his toe an' suf fered forty kinds of measles from wadin' miles of heartless snow. , w O, each installment made me rivel, and each recital fetched the brine, and J would set around an' snivel, about them bid kinfolks of mine. , ,. . But times has changed, and I'm reflectin' along the lines of present dread. mmm I've saw some things I weren't expectin that any hour conld knock me dead 1 We've got the craxy benzine flivver We've got the bull-necked road hog, too, We've got the germs that eat oar Ihrer we've got the bog that starts the flu I My days an' nights is spent in - ' - - J - w d rw am.) UVWII my bald-face error, about them happy pioneers 1 Jye studied ii umu every angle 1 ve turned the subjeck Inside but, and I have learnt, beyond a wranHe. that I'm the one to i . - . i The besi Groceries . . . II ; ritA m -' HoiBBflih ' GlWKBS A home once in a life time An automobile once a year (maybe). A new dross once a month (sometimes), But groceries every day. ATCliLDlRSLEVEl'SULT' H0WEVER' WHEN SHE TRADES A FEW EVERYDAY SPECIALS 8 OUNCE BOTTLE OF MUSTARD .10c 1 POUND CHIRARDELLI'S COCOA ""' 15c CORN FLAKES . ' "" ioc SALMON, PER CAN FROM .' 12a to 40c COFFEE, PER POUND 28c to 50c FLOUR, PER BARREL $6.60 to $9.00 AND SAY DID YOU NOTICE SNOW DRIFT FLOUR got the BLUE RIBBON t the fair this year. GHdersleeve's Grocery ii .wi BACKACHE IS DISCOURAGING But not so tad if you knew how ta reach the cause. Nothing moro discouraging than n constant backache. Laiae when you awaken, pains pierce you when y&u bencl cr IL't. It's hard to work or to rest. Backache on en .ndicales bad idneys ar.d calls for prompt treat ment. The bebt reco.uiiiuuua reiueJy is Doan's Kidney Pills. Profit by this nearby residents experience: Mrs. Rosa Babb, 364 Harrison St., Corvallis. Ore., says: "I have used Doan's Kidney Pills for some time and g; ;e then tho highest praise. My kidneys were weak and the least cold settled on my kidneys. I had back aches so I could hardly get ""bout. In bad weather 1 had rheumatic pMns in my .imbs and joini3 nnd the action of my kidneys was irregular. I used Doan's Kidney Pills and they relieved the complaint. I seldom have any trou ble now but use Doan's for occasional attacks and they always help me." Price bOc, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy got Doan's Kidney Pills the came that Mrs. Babb had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs.. Buffalo, N. Y. - COCSBBHWEmgrtHB" FOR SALE l'Oft SALQ-DitAG SAW-A Thomas I ortable, one iin dras; saw, 4 12 h. p. motor, ail steol frame. First class sIuijo. Keasunubile price H. U. Won, Liberty Tliaatro. 34' tf FOR SALE Oregon evergreen canr uest lor .annmg, 20c per dozen. In quire oT AIi-j. Cory. - 24 u FOR SALE 5 rr re home with build- l!iK3 anil orcliurd. Close to TolrUo. Box 1 1;. 4t 34 NOTICE TO CREDITORS n the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln County. In the matter of the estate of Fred Roessler, deceased, NOTICE is hereby given that tho undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon ror Lincoln county, administrator of the estate of Fred RoesHler. rtnrpHsml. AU persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned, together with proper vouchers therefor, veri fied as by law required, at the law office of G. B. McClusky In the city of Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, within six months from th date here of. Dated this 14th day of September, 1922. G. B. McCLUSKY, Administrator of the Estate of Fred Roessler, deceased. 30 6t NOTICE TO CREDITOR3. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE 8TATE OF OREGON FOR LIN- COLN COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of John Anderson, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for Lincoln county, administra tor of the state, of John Anderson, de ceased. Letters of Administration hav ing been duly issued to him out of said court. All persons having claims against said estate- are hereby noti fied to present the same to the under signed, together with proper vouch ers thereror, verified as by law re quired, at the law office of G. B. Mc Clusky In the city of Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 21st day of September, 1922 O. B. McCLUSKY, Administrator of the estate of John Anderson, deceased. 31 6t FOR SALE 43 head of sheepCheap luqiilrea 0r W. V. Mc.Mickln. I .joue IS". 33 4t you ciAiK My untiro herd of h:gti gnidu Jersey cows and heifers and also liiv old liprrt hn'l "I.lnin i) cess' NoMt.i;an, A. J. C. C. liiiim.' 000 mis Dun and liln daughters be fore you buy. L. It. Aplet, Salado, re- 31 4t THE OLOLLA White Leghorn Poul- u runcu is now booking orders for 19ii3 buby chicks, 20 per cant must accompany orders. A few White Leghoin cockerels to spare at from $2.00 to Jfi.OO each. O. A, C. and lancred strains. Grable & HuD ler, box 272, Toledo, Ore. U tf FOR SALE 6 Bloodhound pups; $10 each. Inquire of Fred Taylor, To ledo, Oregon. 35 2t pd. FOR SALE Two year lease on rpod dally farm, stock and equipment; paying bettor than $200 per month. For particulars Inquire at Leader oftiee. 33 31 FOR SALE No. 10 DeLaval "cream soparator In good condition; cost 90.00, sule price $30.00; 1 aider mill $16.00. Inquire at thd Leader oli.ee. 33 2t TO EXCHANGE Equipped dairy larm ior rornunu or valley proper ty. Inquire, box 4G(i, Toledo, Ore. FOR SALE Rhode Island RodTiens and pullets Overstocked. Mrs. H. E. Cory. , .n t FOR SALE OR TRADE Good piano; wnai nave you 7 lnqui-e at Boot ery. 32 tf A ACRES Near Toledo; State Road; Mutual phone; daily mail. Good 6 room house, good newt barn, or chard; some timber. Good bargain. Inquire at Leader office. 13-tf FOR SALE Used Cars, 1915 Ferd Touring car; god conditlan; 1914 Ford Touring Cur, Good Condition. Peterson Bros. Gurago. 20-tf 1 FOR SALEMotorcycle Side cur; Us- ea rora thick; iuuu Baby Over land. Peterson Bros. Garago. 23-tl WANTED A Dairy Randi in ex change for a small tract near Salen Must ho cIoeo to It. It. station Tide lnnd preferred. Write Rad cliff und Waring, 341 State street, Salom Oregon. 32 3t FOUND A small pin, Owner may have same by paying for this adv. and identifying same. Inqquiro at Leader. 29-tf LOST I wir0 wheal, painted white, wuii u.-xv4 norsesnoe Kaclne cas ing, Sunday night between Toledo and Wrens. Finder notify, V. Matreny, at Elam postofflce, Ben ton county 3t 3t pd. FOR SALE OR TRADEGood set of double breeachlng harness for any thing I can use John Steiger, To ledo, Oregon, Box 105 31 3t FOR SALE iLnunch "Transit,", as, 1 am going out of the boat business I will sell the transit, My route' goos with it If wanted H. J. Sch mitt, Elk City, Ore. 32 6t FOR SALE 3-year-old registered Dur lmd bull and one bull cr.lf, 8 months old; also 2 3-4 wagon, buggy and harness. Inquire o: Andrew Nye, Newport, Oregon. 32 4t WANTED Man and wife for logging 'Camp, man to work In camp, wit to board 5 or 6 men. Enquire ' a Hubert's Mill Or Dan McCarthy, Mil Creek. 34 n; r WANTED Lady housekeeper c- ... who wishes work after schoc" -n Ings and Saturdays. Inquire s. he Leader office. "l it TOLEDO LODGE NO. 10S, I. O.O. I meets every Wednesday evening, Visiting Brothers always Welcome. H. A. MATHEWS, N. G. Carl Glldersleeve, Secretary. FOR SALE A REAL BUY Lot and good condition, only four blocks from Main street, one block from public school. Invostigato this be fore buying. Ira Wade, Toledo, Oregon. 32 tl. FOR SALE Short Horn bull. Prince Barrlngton No. 707084, dropped Feb. 6, 1918: took 1st premium at To ledo, 1922. Sure celf getter. Priced to sell R. Loody Toledo. 32 3t i"OR SALE Sweet and Waxen apples. 75c per box; sweet cider 35c per gallon. In 10 gallon lots, larger lot wite for special price. Phono or write A. O. Rust, Toledo, Oregon. 34 2t HfcJLP The party or parties who took the keg of cider from the orchard of an invalid on the Slletz road last week would be doing a great sor vice to the loser If they would re turn the barrel and pay for thc clder at the rate of 30c pir gallon. The barrel and cldor vi3 taken from a family that Is In d9 stratls No prosecution will be taV.'n. 34 It ENGINEERING WORK Professional Engineer In the Stat of Oregon, Topography work, CM Engineering and Sub-Division wort A. J. McMillan, Toledo. Oregon BEN F. ROSEMAND. M. D Specialist On EYE. EAR, NOSE ANO THRO A 108 S. 2nd 8t Corvallic Ore. Telephone 1724 Hours 9 to 5 Evenings by AfJ.-itmer- 21)-4t