PACE FOUR LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, ORECON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1922. LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER reaching as the spreading of scandal. official COUNTY PAPER i Many women who consider them OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER 8e)ves virtuous and man who claim W. H. HALL, E. F. HALL, G. W. HALL l0 be honorable will cheerfully pass Publicheri. jalong the most appalling scandal, G. W. HALL, Editor. sotniiDgly unconscious or the fact that ,TT T . - , T TZ f summoned to appear in court, they at Toledo, Oregon postofflce, have absoIut0,v 110 proof to support as secocd-class matter, under the jthe charges. They only know that Act of March 3rd, 1W9. they have heard it and the evil in . their own minds or experience bids ;tl;em believe it, Established Twenty-Nine Years Ago. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES One year, in advance $2.00 Six Months, In advance 11.00 SHUT 'EM UP I The charge is frequently made by the city dweller that life in the small town is narrow and self-centered, that petty gossip is the chief diversion of the people, and the pity of 1. is that it is true. Ci:y people are, however, even more selfish and self-centered thai, the s:nal. town dweller, but they ara freer from the annoyance of gossip. The city lias its sneaks and cow ards and hold up iiK-u who strike in In looking through the country town for men of prestige and re nown, who build and advertise a place, we fihd the banker sets the pace. There are some slanteked money kings who keep small towns from do- tlie darlc, but they are pearls of per- Ing things, but they are scarce- Some sober, honest thinking, clean- nilndedness in viewing our neighbors, and Christian charity in our public contracts would do a lot to stop trouble makers. "Shut up at least one scand'. miger each day," would be a fine motto for every one to adopt. The next time you are told a scan dalous story, ask the teller to furnish you with the proof of its truth. Then watch 'em squirm. THE BANKER ftct'on by comparison with the veno- inous-tongued speaker of scandal. "Have you h-ard the juicy bit about So and So?" is the backbiter's invariable openin?. Then follows a slashing of reputations and a befoul ing of good r.r.nies which would sicken a soul, while It gladdens the heart of the devil. The anonymous letter, the annony nious to'.eph'jne message, the whisper ed "Now, I'll tell you, but don't use my n;;me if you repeat it," launch the conceded venom of a fifthy mind. Once on its way, the gullible, the fool ish, tho idie, and the vicious pass it along and embellish the story until its croitor can baiely recognize it. So goes t ' sncadal story. So do tho viciouh end t lie simple-minded com bine o. srjiir' h good men and women. No v'l i so prevalent and far death seals their doom and then their towns enjoy a boor. When you ve a chance to make a haul by buying pickles in the fall and peddling pick les inthe spring ana tnus Decome a pickle king, you do not seek your maiden aunt and spring your coin-extracting chant, you don't slam and meekly rend your robes before some wealthy friend; they'd help you but they've spent their jack for camisoles and bric-a-brac. The only chance to make that deal is at the bank; they hear your spiel and pave, the way with gold in stacks, for you to pay an in come tax. When some subscription project lags, committees call on "rroney bags;" they smoke his 25c cigars, attend conventions in his cars and corkscrew ducats from his vault to cure the lame, the blind and halt. In times, however, vou will learnthnt even banking worms will turn, and there's no penace that compares with bearding bankers in their lairs. You seek their den with raltermg step without your usual nerve and pep and meekly stammer that you've "got some money coming but your not at present fixed to meet that note, you'd like" the words won't pass your throat. The banker lays his pen aside and says: "Well, Bill, we'll let it ride." Outside the bank you fairly dance and go and buy your kids some pant3 and several books about the yaks and get your wife a bran-new axe. That chap in there behind the bars helps head off half your familv jars; Oh, when I leave this earthly sphere I hope some banker will be near to supplement my stringy roll in case I can't pay Charon's toll. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES President Harding has gone on 'record as a man absolutely capable of fearlessly meeting an emergency when one arises. Regardless of wUai might be one's opinion upon the sol dier bonus bill that has so long stirred congress, it must be admitted that President Harding was master of the situation in refusins to support the bonus measure during this election year when the vote of so many con gressmen in his own party hangs in the balance and the organized soldier vote of the country practically holds the balance of power. People pre dicted that Harding would be com pelled to vote for the bonus because of pressure from candidates. But be I has weighed the question carefully land has rendered his decision accord i ing to his best judgment. Of course there will be diffirecces I of opinion as to the wisdom of his veto but there should be no difference of I opinion as to his statesmanship in this j critical hour. THE ARISTOCRATIC PLASTERER Speaking of wages, how would you like to be the plasterer? One of Chicago's largest contractors says: "A"plasterer is entitled to ?44 a week under the Lanclis award. On one house I am building in th esuburgs, a plasterer receives $12 a day as regular wages and $6 a day overtime, or $S0 for five days, excluding Saturday. For Saturday he receives ,.G for his regular morning's work and $12 Joi the afternoon, which is overtime. This gives him $108 for six days' work. Some plasterers work Sundays and for eight hours overtime receive 824 additional or a total for the seven day week of $132. In 1917 It cost ap proximately $500 to plaster an average house. Now it costs $2200." In other words, it costs almost as much to plaster a house today as it did to build a substantial structure in 1917. If the average farmer makes so much , a month as the Chicago plasterer does ,a week, he is apt to be pretty well : satisfied. And he doesn't call eight 'hours a day e.ther 'Washington News Letter. SLAT'S DIARY MICKIE SAYS it H M I Cosy Billard Parlor ! DRINKS OF ALL KINDS SERVED Take a Carton of YAQUINA VALLEY ICE CREAM home g with you Absolutely the BEST on the Market "SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO" NIOHOLS & BAIN, Props. .) M ! . n I i OFRCS VflU. MOW UP. 'U- ISSUE 'EA Tl&KETS TO TH' PSMWU VIE AJUT GOT UO LOAFERS'. i i Water Front Market WHOLESALE a 3ETA.L Dealers in DRESSED & CURED MEATS FISH IN SEASON HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HIDES WAUGH & MEAKER, Props. 4.M4' LADIES' MILLINERY GOODS at ' " v , Arnold's Fashion Shop also ' 1 COMPLETE LINE OF LADIES' AND CENTS' f FURNISHINGS j 4 Call In and look over our Una of f !,. Hut3, Caps, Gloves, Ties, Shirts, Hos- lery, Ribbons, Jewelry, Etc., Etc. 'tf "Qoodform" HAIR NETS X Just the Shape or Color that the most Fastidious Feminine Tastes May Desire. Careful Selection from ImporteJ Stocks Guarantees Them Perfect. We are a3 Proud to Sell Them as You Will Be to Wear The1". "GOODFORM" Nets are Made for and Sold exclusively by REXALL Stores Only POPULARLY PRICED AT 2 FOR 25c DOUBLE MESH. TOL50 DRUG CO. W WsMHSMI T7HAWKINS, Prop. e AIMT. JEST too To VlS I i I 1 T V X II I iif U V I ' l flsi'salt Jh Jbilmti-- - ."V -- t TtTTTTTTTTI TTT VVI'I' - If (By Ross Farquhar) Friday i-a uiove out in to the country to a sale today where they was selling stock & furniture nnd hings and a fel ow tuk his robe ut of the ford nd drove away vith it. Pa sad le seen him go n; with it and aa sod Why in he erth diddent rou holler nt lira and tell him to bring It jack. Pa replyed ind Bed he wood jf only he did lent no the fel iowar name and :e diddent want o appeed Fresh. Sat. I was In iie store tonite looking at sum Bhoes and they Iwas a man cum in twlct as big as ;pa is and his ft. was like a little1 j bo3 ft. I got small ft. but 1 of his ft. v!V3 smaller both of mine put to gather. .:uu iay 'I half to laff an Ant Emmy !sum time3. Behind her fact tho. T" .day pa cum in and Ant Emmy ast him I where had he ben at and he sed he ihail went out in the Country for a and she up and sed Well did lyijU ketcK him a. d what had he done. Ta & me both laffed. Silently. I Mcniiay Ir. GiUem is a mixins up in poiatix this yr. and he told pa he ha J faw a Hootieer and ast him to deliver him a qt of wisky on Elec 't on Day. But the Bootleger answered 'and ted ,he cuddent do it because it jvrus vf. the law to sell it on Election (lay. ' Tuesday Went to a vawdevllle show tonite and amonp!3t other things they was a girl witch was dancin? i" the !ate3t fashions and when we cum home pa sed he bet she cuddent fen' 7s U i r. it fl M I r 1 GO TO Toledo Planing ,ia..g- -TeEfiMMJiagj 5 No other manu- aB" facturer in the T world has so per- sistently main- A tained such high standard of qual- Mfis ity and so deter- .WmV&J minedly kept prices dovn. So when you buy 430 ) I Ford Products I you will enjoy not .gyjJ only the satisfao JPL tion of having CJgfe ' made the right choice lsX but of having saved money besides. 395 SpmIsI SIU or PnaoMllc Tirad I Call, write or phone , wb..u & b. sopu.d I for our terms. au. prices f. o. b. Detroit PETERSON BROS. GARAGE l ! Local Agents IP I PHONE 3902. TOLEDO, ORE. . I ij 1 a erthquake If It cum wile she was danceing. Wednesday We had Co. tonite witch was lerning pa and mo how to play Bridge so they can go and Join the golr club. Pa balled out ma for trumping on his Ace and the way she looked at him is nobuddys bisnesn. Hut she cuddent afford to say noth ing, in that Case. Thursday We past a man on are way homo from the futball skrimlga and he ast Blisters wood that road take him to the Cemetry and Blisters told him it certnly wood if he kep on driving that away. He was golns like 60. Blisters generally all ways has a answer. For all kinds of Building Material. We carry a Complete Line of Windows, Doors', Glass, Roofing, Roof Paint & Building Paper. f We are prepared to do All Kinds of Mill Work & Cabinet Work. t Cor. 5th and Railroad Sts. TOLEDO, OREGON. rt-iill'W I I CARRY A FULL LINE OF DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE ALSO A FULL LINE OF FOUNTAIN PENS and PENCILS OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER X WALtHAM WATCHES' v WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY " I-I. El. PETERSON THE OLO HELIABLE, (Established n 901)), TOLEDO, OREGON ! i The White Corner Store We have complete line of Tablets, Inks, Pencils, Pasts, t Paperties, etc. for the School and Home Also a few school books left here for Sale R. S. VAN CLEV'E PHONE 9005 TOLEDO, OREGON t Bregdon the Electrician taajtam 'qtsa.vaiajaawsgxsx'Eaagag itimmrmt With the Yaquina Electric Co. For Electric Work That Will Pass Underwriters Inspection ELECTRIC SUPPLIES, WIRING & REPAIRING Call Yaquina Electric Company ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN L incoln County b ANK I dneikZ- LJtO M UCnCKHL DrtlVMNU cuoincoo fi&itl:4Lifr (INCORPORATED) TOLEDO. OREGON 4 Interest Paid oi Time and Savings Deposits C. E. HAWKINS, President C. O. HAWKINS, Vice President J. B. BOOTH, Cashier A. E. HAWKINS, Asst. Cashier i444ti..yt4 mm 1 rpHIS is just what you need, madam. Many a women who were troubled with indigestion, a sallow, s l7 skin, indicating biliousnsss and habitual constipation, have been permanently cured by the use of Chamberlain's Tablets. Before using these tablets they felt miserable and despondent. Now they are cheerful and happy and relish their meals. 1 ry them. They only cost a quarter. Remember We Have a Good Line Of CARPENTERS' TOOLS FISHING TACKLE POCKET KNIVES FLASH LIGHTS AND, IN FACT EVERY THING FOUND IN A COUNTRY HDW. STORE IT WILL PAY YOU TO VISIT US Sherwood & Hayden i mi m m i j