o. PAGE TWO LOCAL NEWS The Story Of Good Old Indian. Summer. 3. H. HorsefaU, Democratic canu, j date lor sheriff of Lincoln county, I was a visitor in the county seat last ' week. Mr. Horsfall s confident of: his election at the polls on November 7th. LINCftl N CfttlNTV I FariFD TftI tn nnFmn , w.-, uwi, inuKSPAY, OCTOBER 12. 1922. I z i: .,, C. R. Washburn was p. buslnns vis itor here from Salado a5lu.ru.iy. E. T. Roddant returned from Port land Saturday after Bereral days spent in the Oregon metropolis. Tonite & Friday Saturday & Sunday John Bradbury was a Monday visit or in Toledo. Use Peters' Shells for Best Results at Burcroff's. Jt Mrs. R. E. Odel! of the South Side was a Toledo business visitor Mon day. Mrs. Geo. Miller and daughter of Blletz were here Monday on a busi ness mission. D. J. Johnson, retired Tillamook farmer stopped over in Toledo Monday to visit with his nephew, John Pet erson. Mr. Johnson was on his way to visit with a eon at Waldport. B. F. Jones of Newport, republican candidate for state, legislature from this county, was a business visitor in the county seat last Thursday. , Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hyde of Logsden were in Toledo Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stanton returned here Friday from the"upper Siletz country where Mr. Stanton has been working for the past three months. Ross Theatre Tonight FRIDAY & SATURDAY Charlie' Chaplin and Jackie Coogan IN "THE KID" Charlie's greatest comedy and it is 6-reel of joy- 0 2-Reel Toonerville Comedy Also Cartoon Comedy "THE FOX AND THE COAT" 50-20c WANTED Lady- housekeeper cr girl who wishes work after school even ings and Saturdays. Inquire at the Leader office. 34 It Wta. Mathews, editor of the Ya- quina Bay News, was a coutny seat visitor Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Len Mowery of Siletz returned from a business visit to Port land Friday afternoon. Geo. Anderson and wife returned from a business visit to Salem Friday. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC N. H. Sherwood having sold hi.? In terest in the firm of Sherwood & Hay den, all parties indebted to the afore said firm are hereby requested to cnl at '.hi, store and pay up the!:' accounts. Signed, N. H. SHERWOOD, MAX HAYDEN. 84 3t Sunday & Monday JANE NOVAK in "Tlid Bell of Alaska" Picturing the Klondike Stam pede. A big Yukon Spectacle oi action and Thrills; also "THE LEATHER PUSHERS" Round One The first of a series of prize ring stories, each complete in it self. These pictures are especi ally liked by men. 30-10c COMING TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY An Amusing; Comedy DOUCLAS McLEAN in "One A Minute" Was P. T. Barnum right when he said there was a tool born every minute? Also Comedy "SHOW ME YOUR SAMPLE" 30-10c Burcroff's have a specially blended coffee at 38c per lb., satisfaction 1b guaranteed. It Yes you'll laugh and you'll cry nnd then you'll laugh some more providing you see "The Kid" WEth Charlie Chaplin and that famous "Jackie Coogan" supporting each other in the greatest comedy that was ever gcreed ed cr written. It's a wonderful nlnw Don't take our words for it iSEE IT! and decide for yourself. It is show ing at the ROSS THKATRE Tonight, Friday and Saturday. There is two other comedies on the same program. Positively the most mirth-producing projitam ever shown here. 34 It Larkle Logan, Mrs. Scott Lane and Mrs. Chas. Brainard, all of Siletz, passed through Toledo Saturday on their way home from a business visit to the valley. Mrs. Hupv nnd rlnllplitpr rtf RNnt were Toledo visitors Saturday after noon. William Toner of Yaqulnn was a business visitor In Toledo Thnrsdnv und Friday. Archie C. VanCleve, M. D., of Port land, an over seas veteran and regi mental surgeon for the 362nd lufantry, 91st division, and son of the late Col. C. VanCleve, arrived in Toledo on the 11th. Mrs. VanCleve came over last Friday for a visit here with his broth er, Ralph VanCleve. City Engineer A. J. McMillan left Tuesday for Devltt, Oregon, where he has several days engineering work on a project there. Lester Waugh, local cattle dealer and mc-.at market man, shipped a car load of cattle, consisiins of f!6 head of fine steers, to Portland on tho Sat urday freight. ' . Chris Larson of Siletz was a busi ness visitor hero Tuesday. Mrs. Ethel Pond of Newport was a Toledo visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hoxie Simmons ana son of Logsden passed through Toledo Saturday on their way home alter a business trip to the valley. Chas. L. OfldnralppvA left Timarinv for Bend, Oregon, where he has ac cepted a Dosition with thn Nnrtli Canal Co., as an engineer. Hflrnlrt T-Tnnnnn nf S1lnt wa. a hitol ness visitor here Saturday. M. E. HURCH. Rev. Cain, Pastor. Sunday seivlces Sunday school 10 a. m. Public Worship, 11 a. m. Ep worth League, C:30 p. m. Public Worship, 7:30 p. m. Thursday Prayor meeting 7:30. lit 10 They are GOOD! H IT'S TOASTED M one eirtra process which gives a delicious flavor Mi mmiiwi JARETTEj. Frank Wade and wife of Siletz came through here Sunday ip the car on their way to Portinnd tor a business visit in the Rose City. Chas. Chaplin and Jackie Coogan In "The Kid" are showing at the Ross Theatre tonight, Friday, and Saturady. This is Chaplin's first six-reel picture and tho one that will give you more chance for laughter and amusement than anything you have had the pleasure of seeing in many a day. Come SEE It. It Thelma Fowler was a week end visitor here last week from Corva'lis. Miss Fowler is a student at the O. A C. She returned Sunday evening. A. C. Crawford was a county seat business visitor from Siletz Saturday. Coming next Week:; FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Rudolph Valentino and Dor othy Dalton in a Tingling Tale of the Sea MORAN OF'THE LADY LETTY I H D E M A N D 1 BE ZStEjE3BESiBXESiSSZ33B TOLEDO MADE BREAD Toledo Las a bakery that turns out a product the equal if not the superior of any tread on the market WHifcjn ordtering your next list of groceries emphasize the fact that you wish TOLEDO-MADE bread. LET US BAKE FOR YOU Bread, Pies, Oakeg, Cookies, Rolls, Doughnuts and Coffee Cakes. We Make a Specialty of Lunch Supplies. Candies, Cigars, TOLEDO Ice Cream. FRESH TFFY EVERY DAY. TOLEDO CONFECTIONERY 8 EAKERY Postoffice Block Toledo, Oregon. i,H I. J.Pepin of Spencer creek attend ed to business in. Toledo Saturday. Warren Hall returned from a busi ness trip to Portland last Thursday evening. Geo. Freeman who has been con fined to his home because of heart trouble for the past 30 days is up and around again. Countv Treasurer Ira Wnrto , t at his desk after a siege of serious illness. J. E. Mnihatva matiantnnl t - M.uuau,i.al cuKineer 6r the Yaquina Bay News was a'coun ty seat business visitor Tuesday. .Chris Balmer returned Tuesday from a Portland business trip. Leader In that vicinity. Give Mm hl news, Yaquina readers. m the Mrs. E. P. Bryant and Mrs. F e Brown of Siletz, were Toledo business Visitors Thursdnv Mn d- . having considerable dental work done uere. the up Here's a new one Twelve 2-reni super-feature romances that anneal especially to men, entitled "THE LEATHER PUSHERS," featuring box tgn, fighting and skirmages on college gridiron field go to make the climaxes in these Dictures. Each picture a complete story in Itself. Sea one you will see them all. They start showing at the Ross Theatre in the Sunday and Monday program. Also the great drama "The Belle of Alaska" a thrilling drama of the northland the same program. "Fighting Frank" MAYO IN HIS UNIVERSAL MASTERPIECE I "Tiger True" t Plenty of Action in this ncture J William Desmond IN ANOTHER STARRING CHAPTER OF THE YUKON "HIGH FLIERS" A REAL COMEDY NEXT TUESDAY- ALIAS PHIL KENNEDY A THRILLING STORY OF THE SECRET SERVICE. (Bill) Fairbanks AND AN ALL STAR CAST X IN "A Western Demon" J A thrilling story of the ? wreai merican west. VOD A VIL FOUR BIG VAUDEVILLE J w I 5 IN MOVIES A REAL NOVELTY. Double Comedy Bill TORCHY'S BIG LEAD BEWARE OF BLONDS 4 REELS OF FUN. A TEN REEL SHOW FOR 30c COMTJNTGr SOON I THE MILLION DOLLAR PICTURE in FOOLISH WIVES" II .a,.4 ,t,,,,r, Hunt ttttti 1 1 mi 1 1 1 1 1 Ju DO YOU WANT TO FURNISH A H9ME? If You Need Anything in Our Line it Will Pay You to Call: 1 BEDS, BED SPRINGS, MATTRESSES, DRESSERS, TABLES, v CHAIRS AND STOVES. Call and See my Line I Buy and Sell Second Hand Goods If You Wish to BUY or SELL GET MY PRICES. Located Block North of P. O. THE SECOND HAtfD STOKE PHONE 4251 J.W.HIGGINS,Mgr. I 1 I m H 1 1 1 1 H Colonial Pipeless Furnace There Is no greater satisfaction tn the home than to have a pipeless furnace. If you are contemplating on building a home or planning on installing a new heating system you should by all means Investigate the COLONIAL. Note the LARGE Wood Fire Box. We have a sample of this "Little Wonder" on the floor and will be glad to demonstrate and figure with you. ARTHUR NYE Plumbing A Heating Contractor. TOLEDO, OREGON.