LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1922. PACE FIVP FIGHT FOREST FIRES BY AID OF TELEPHONE Wlille the average man bag a fairly clear conception ot the importance of forest protecton, he Is not likely to be at all familiar with the part which the telephone has played in prevent ing firs losses, nartlmilnrlv In . ernmont protected foreists. If against thb huge fire damage in the United States, which has been estimated at betwen $20,000,000 and $25,000,000 an nually, it were possible to offset the amounts which have been saved thru the extinguishing: of InHnlont hio ,,, detected by lookouts and reported to iipe waraenB Dy wire tnere would be little doubt that the" telephone has won Its right to credit as one of the most usoiui or instrumentalities for com batting the destruction of national for eats. The forest fire 'rvnltnnt Is cHnn Usually in an. nhsiorvntinn a peak which commands a view of winw piTBtrnes or tlmberlann Hi,; eauinmnnt onnafata at nnwuffiil t.f- oculars, an accurately plotted map of the territory under observation and. In the better equipped stations, an ' apparatus by means of which the loca tion of suspicious smoke may be quickly and accurately associaieo wnn the corresponding point on the map. In all cases the telephone Is an esseir tlal adjuct. Eyes trained to detect at a glance the difference between 'he smoke ol a harmless campfire and tha. of a blaze which has got beyond control, sweep the hillsides and valleys from morning until night from early sprln until late In the fall. With the first indication of trouble a telephone call brings help from the forest ranger sta tion nearest the danger point. Each telephone call describes the location of the fire and the probable number of men required to deal with it. The telephone lines, which radiate In ail directions from the lookout's station as a center, form a fire-alarm system which has proved as efficient as that of the best equipped city. There are some 30,000 miles of such forest telephone lines in the United States and about 2,000 in Canada. "You suj-ely don't eat In there dc you? How can you afford It?" "I don't. I eat up at Maisle's Rapid Fire joint and come down here to pick my teeth." n FIRST THROWN CHAMF Carrie a new and up-to-date line of goods at all times. Come in and look over our line of RANGES, COOK STOVES, OIL STOVES and HEATERS. A large line open stock DINNER WARE also 42 PIECE DIINNER SETS. Aluminum-ware, granite-wf re and etc. An up-to-date line of guaranteed Rain Clothes, rub bers and. rubber boots. Furniture, Beds, bedding etc. Carpenter's tools, wash boilers, tubs, clothes baskets and etc. School Supplies Look over our large line of wool shirts and under-ware- COWS GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE ON THE WATER FRONT TOLEDO, OREGON 1,liHl HOW MANY WILL GIVE II One Dollar? WALTER M. PIERCE is making a gallant fight, almost single handed, to be elected Governor of Oregon. He has no funds to pay th expenses of his campaign. Tho issue he makes is Reduced Taxes, and he promises, if elected, to use every power vested in the Governor to lessen the taxa tion that now rests so heavily, upon the backs of the people. No powerful corporations are" behind Pierce; no body but the plain people- His election depends upon them alone- Don't you feel it your duty to help him in his worthy fight by contributing One Dollar to his expenses? It isn't much for any one to give, but there are many plain people, and if you help a little the battle will be won. It will1 make a clean campaign and elect a clean man. Please send your dollar today, together with your name and address, and the contribution will be ac knowlege by return mail. PUTTING PIERCE IN MEANS PUTTING YOUR TAXES DOWN! HELP PIERCE WIN! Write your Name here . , Write your Address here Pancho Villa is our first brown skinned Mg champion, the little Filipino flyweight winning the title by knocking out Champ Johnnie Huff at Brooklyn. Villa is not con. tent with the 105 pound title. He now want to fight Champ Joe Lynch for the bantam-weight crown at 118 pounds. f ooir eoM oasuvu' im here. FIMO A LCTTe OUT OP PlXEEIUTK PAPfc, re vie Aiwr GovrtTv aosr ojf ouls fellers vuwo uevjea mew v4wo vevsw.oo . NOtMlM'.'Uke. sou I W,H6ltl,,Ht,Hlllllll,4l'W,HII,,,tt,t, . OP . Groceries 1 III ' r m I I THE Housew Chooses A home once in a life time- ' An automobile once a year (maybe). A new dress once a month (sometimes), But groceries every day. . atgld!rIeTveI'CsULT' H0WEVER' when she trades A FEW EVERYDAY SPECIALS OUNCE BOTTLE OF MUSTARD . .ine 1 POUND GHIRARDELLI'S COCOA . " " 15c CORN FLAKES 10c SALMON, PER CAN FROM i 2c to 40c COFFEE, PER POUND , Sc to 50c FLOUR, PER BARREL $6.60 to $9.00 AND SAY DID YOU NOTICE SNOW DRIFT FLOUR got the BLUE RIBBON 1 t the fair this year. Giidersleeve's Xiifocery 4i:-: mi4 r a t '''' CALL FOR BIDS Bids will be received by the Com mon Council of the City of Toledo, Oregon, on cr before the 14th day ot October, 19922, at the hour t of 5 o'clock p. m., of said dty at (lie of fice of the City Recorder for the im provement of" Second street of Baid city between the east side of the In tersection of Second and Hill streets at a point 200 feet east of the east side of the ntersecton of Second ana Grove streets except such parts as the owners thereof elect to improve. Said improvement to consist of plank ing, tho samo in accorur.nco with plans and specifications now on file In tho office of the City Recorder! Bids to be accompanied by certified check in ..mount equal to 10 per cent of the bid. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved to tho Common Council of the Citv of Toledo. By ordur- or tlie uommon uouncn. 1 R. R. MILLER, 32 2t Rocorder. Cut thl a notice out and pin a dollar bill to it and mail to T. H. CRAWFORD, Manager Pierce-for-Governor Campaign Gordon Building, Portland, Oregon. 41 1 1 1 tHHI I && PROFESSIONAL CARDS K.ITTIE STANTON PIANO High School Credits Given Lesson 75c and $1-?5 26-8t BACKACHE IS DISCOURAGING But not so tad if you know how to reach the cause Nothing more diseourastig than n constant backache. Lame when you awaken, pains pierce you when you bond er lift. It's hard to work or to rest. Backache o?ten jidicates bad idneys and calls for prompt treat ment. The best recommended remedy Is Doan's Kidney Pills. Profit by this nearby resident's experience: Mrs. Rosa Babb, 304 Harrison St., Corvallis, Ore., says: "1 have used Doan's Kidney Pills for some time and g; ;s then the highest prclce. My kidneya were weak and tho least cold settled on my kidneys. I had back aches so I could hardly get -bout. In bad weather I had rheumatic pains in my limbs and joints and the action of my, kidneys was irregular. I used Doan's Kidney Pills and they relieved the complaint. I seldom have any trou ble now but Doan's for occas'onr.l attacks and ahey always help me." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don t sim ply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the samo that Mrs. Babb had. Fostor-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. F. M. HELLWARTH M, D. General Practice CALLS ANSWERED PROMPTLY Office in FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. TOLEDO, ORE. NOTICE TO CREDITORS n the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln County. In the matter of the estate of Fred Roessler, deceased. NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed- by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln county, administrator of the estate of Fred Roessler, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undorslgned, together with proper vouchers therefor, veri fied as by law required, at the law office of G. B. McClusky in the city of Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, within six months from the date here of. Dated this 14th day of September, 1922. G. B. McCLUSKY, Administrator of the Estate of Fred Roessler, deceased. 30 6t FOR SALE FOR SALK OR TRADE Good pluno; what have you? .InquI -o at Boot-ery- 32 tf a ACRES Near Toledo; State Road; Mutual (.-hone; daily .mil. Good 6 room house, good newi barn, or chard; some timber. 'Good bargain, Inqt.-lre at Leader office. 13-tf FOR SALE Used Cars, 1315 Frd Tourin? car; god condltian; 1814 Ford Touring Car, Good Condition. Potersox Bros. Garage. -26-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Good set of double breoaching harness for any thing I can une John Steiger, To ledo, Oregon, Box 105 31 3t A REAL BUY Lot and good house with four rooms nnd hath, modern and in good condition; only four blocks fi-oin Main s'reet, oni! Mock from public school Investigate this before buying. Ira i.1o, To ledo, Ore. 33-lt FOR SALE 43 head of sheep 'hf.ip. Inriiflree of W. W. McMick!.-. Phone FOR SALE OR TRADE Fcr siiot Gun, 38-65 Calibre Winchester. 1894 model. Inquire of U. F. Erly, To ledo, Ore. 32 2t FOR SALE Cabbagee for kraut 2 contn per pound; all guaranteed to be'flrst class. G. Dahl. 30 4t ED'S SMOKEHOUSE , X - We carry the highest class line of Tobacco and Candies en X the market. Soft drinks of all kinds. We make a specialty of MOUNT HOOD ICE CREAM- THE BEST BILLIARD TABLES IN LINCOLN COUNTY E. A. LYTLE, Prop. Dr. Ernest H. Hall Dentist First National Bank Building Phone 1106 Toledo, Ore. frTsURANCE FIRE, LIFE, HEALTH & ACCIDEN AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTORS' LIABILITY ' C. K. CROSNO, Toledo, Oregon -Office in First, N. B. Bldg. C. t. HAWKINS Attorney-at-Law Toledo, Oregon ENGINEERING WORK Professional Engineer In the Stat of Oregon. Topography work, Civ( Engineering and 8ub-Dlvlslon wort A. J. McMillan, Toledo. Oregon FOWLER'S RESTAURANT Hill St., Toledo, Oregon Ask about our $1.00 PER DAY RATES E:t established eating place In Lincoln County tt. J, FOWLER, Prop. FOR SALE-iLaunch "Transit," as I am going cut of the boat business I will sell the trannlt. My route goes with It if wanted II. J. Sch mitt, Elk City, Ore. 32 5t LOST Brown check cloth belt with two buttons; finder please return to Lender office and rocoive re ward of Cue. 32 2t FOR SALE Two year lease on good oalry rnrm, stock and equipment; pnylng better than $200 per month. For particulars inquire at Leader office. 33 3t FOR SALE .Two Holstoln Cows, una 5 and the other 4 years old. both fresh this spring; 1 Durham heifer, 1 year and 8 months old; All three go for $100 cash. This is a real bar gain and this Is the last time that they will be advertised fop s,.lo. In quire Chas. J. Olson, Chitwood, Ore. 33 It FOR SALE 1917 Chevrolot touring car or will trade for team, weigh ing between 1250 and 1300 pounds. Inquire at this office or at the Dick Cliristonson place first house after crossing bridge where Slletz and Newport roads divide. 32 2t FOR SALE No. 10 DeLaval cream separator in good condition; cost $90.00, sale price $30.00; 1 sidor mill $15.00. Inquire at tha Leader office. ZS 2t TO EXCHANGE Equipped dairy farm for Portland or valley proper I ty. Inquire box 466, Toledo, Ore. FOR SALE Rhodn Island Red hens and pullets Overstocked. Mrs. H. E. Cory. 33 2t FOR SALE 3-year-old registered Dur hnd bull and nn0 bu'.l cr.lf. 8 months old; also 2 3-4 wagon, buggy and Harness. Inquire oi' Andrew Nye, Newport, Oregon. 32 4t NOTICE TO CREDITOR. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LIN' COLN COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of John Anderson, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that the undorslgned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for Lincoln county administra tor of the state of John Anderson, de ceased, Letters of Administration hav ing been duly issued to him out of said court. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to present the same to the under signed, together with proper vouch ers therefor, verified as by law re quired, at th0 law office of G. B. Mc Clusky In the city of Toledo; Lincoln County, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof: Dated this 21st day ot September, 1922. , G. B.. McCLUSKY. Administrator of the 'estate ot John Anderson, deceased. ' 31 Bt TOLEDO L0D6E NO. 108, I. O. O. I meets every Wednesday evonlng, Vls.ltlrg Brothers always Welcome. H. W. JACKSON, N. G. Carl Gildersleeve, Secretary. FOR SALE A REAL BUY-iLot and good condition, only tour blocks from Main street, one b!ock from public school. Investigate I Ills be fore buying. Ira Wade, Toledo, Oregon. 32 tl; FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 Harley- Davldson motor cycle, twin, 2 speed side car tnndom, mecnnicully O. K. R. F. Wallace, Elk City Ore., or phone 251 Toledo Exchange. 32 2t FOR SALE 1 Ford truck, . 1 span gray work horses, 1 wagon, (new Mitchell), 1 mower and rake, 1 phonograph, Victor; 1 plow 1 har how, cultlvatoi), snddles. 'inquire Mrs. M. Fltzpatrlck, Tha Monterey, Newport, Oregon. a zt FOR SALE Sweet apples, $1.00 "per box; guaranteed first class; good measure- delivered any place along bay. Inquire of A. O. Rust, Toledo, Ore. 23 3t FOR RENT My 160 aero farm at Logsden, Oregon; one or more years. Write O. A. Loe, Sllverton, Oregon. 32 2t FOR SALE Short Horn bull. Prince Harrington No. 707084, dropped Feb, 5, 1918; took 1st premium at To ledo, 1922. Sure calf getter. Priced to sell R. Leedy Toledo. 32 3t FOR SALE Cheap. 80 hoad mixed gouts. Rubin Nprwood, Corvallis, Ore. 33-lt- FOR SALE Motorcycle Side car; Us ed Ford Truck; 1920 Baby Over land. Poterson Bros. Garage. 23-t WANTED A Dairy Ranch in o change for a small tract near GaVc Must bo close to R. R. r.'V'in Tide land preferred. Write cllff nnd Waring, 341 State a'roet, Fnlom Oregon. 32 3t FOUND A small pin. Owner may have same by paying for this adv. and identifying suuie. Iuqquire at Leader. 29-tf LOST Row boat clincher, built round bottom, slate color, newly painted; also two oars painted whi.'e. Finder please see R. E. Odell Toledo, Ore 31-lt LOST I wire wheel, painted white, with 32x4 horseshoe Racine cas ing, Sunday night between Toledo and Wrens.. Finder notify, V. Matreny, at Elnm postofflce, Ben ton county 31 St pd BEN F. ROSEMAND- M. D Specialist On EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT 108 S. 2nd St. Corvalllr, Ore. Telephone 1724 Hours 9 to 5 Evenings by Ap .' itmer ::6-4t