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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1922)
LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1922-' ' PAGE THREE FARM ADVISER AIDS GROWERS XT , 'ifiw'M Mitels I iW; fr lf i 1 I f 4 JlMi Hardy W. Campbell, Farm Advlier for the Southern Pacific Com pany, and grain showing the efficacy of the principle of tillage he advocates.' Above, at right, the four heads in the center were grown according to Campbell's plan; the other two by the ordinary method. Principles of Tillage to Increase Yields Explained by S. P. Farm Adviser. The same principles of tillage. Campbell saw here In connection In preparation of land for cropb and with his general observations subsequent cultivation, which have shows that the real advantage of proven so successful in raising careful preparation of the soil be- graln crops on Western semi-arid fore setting Is sometimes, but not lands without irrigation are prov- generally fully considered and lng successful or crops raised un- appreciated. 1 der Irrigation and for orchards and "It Is ery important to first vineyards, according to Hardy VV. prepare the surface by leveling," Campbell, Farm Adviser for the says Campbell. "Then arrange for Southern Pacific Company. Camp, irrigating in such manner that bell has inspected this season a water may not only be evenly ap- number of new orchards and vine- plied over the whole surface but yards in California. Oreeon. Ne- in as short a time vaaa, Arisona, ana New Mexico. omer words establish an even sur- must be considered. Nothing can Campbell la the man who evolved J?c w,tn reasonably short laterals, prove this more convincingly tham what is now called the "Campbell To much water In the soil beneath the soil auger. System of Dry Farming." Camp- omt tree or too little for others la "It is very desirable, so far as bell, however, objects to the word trlniental. usually. Again, the low- possible, to not only carry the high "dry" and insists that the priaci- r places, especially in heavy soils, percentage of moisture at the top'ot pies used in bis present plan apply atn"r more waUr, keeping the the Arm soil, immediately below to all kinds of farming, with or 5,?" wet W and frequently the mulch, but also to induce fre without l.-igatlon, as well as under elaTln8 timely cultivation, and not access of air throughout the entire a much lower rainfall than even f requently causing the higher growing season. The ideal condl- now Is eommonly conceded necee- "P01 t0 lose mucl of Its already tion to furnish this Is to cover sary for successful crops. Camp- Bon ,uppJ, wen the trees or the firm soil with a granular mulch, . bell emphasizes the importance of Tln' reacn tne bearing period, the neither too fine nor too coarse. To ". proper preparation of the seed-bed Pro"' Is Increased or decreased In obtain this ideal mulch, the culti- and sufficient Intelligent cultivation Dotn Quantity and quality of the vation must be Jone when the soil afterwards. cr0D- Both of these results are is moist not wet or dry. The Campbell arranged to address the -T!I"',dfl ?J Al am,unt L,ert.11- loosened soil soon dries, heaving Nebraska Bankers Association at ?i-. . c .n?'tl0B '! "rm soil moist to the top. This Omaha, September 22 on the sub- ,r Tor h! J .l ? moisture and Is usually easy to obtain in sandy Ject of "Soil Fertility by Utility f'' CATJ , ' "P66111? d"r- "oils, but to do this properly in of Soil Water." and to dlscurs the ",, TlrmWea. r . .u.S ,eavy 8ol,s 11 ls 80metimes neoes- same subject before the Minnesota I , 7 tl supp!y this ,ary to Ko over the field a second Hankers" Association at Mlnneapo- ?, th VlZPeT Tantl time aftar flrst n,nB 0V9r Just lis. On his return from the con- " ,! til l """l" eaCh eno"Bh t0 ,008 n tne t0P hen the ventions he will stop at Yuma, 5 rhl flrstconw' ation- surface lb simply dry enough not Ar,ona. to investigate conditions rJZZ ZyS rrecen Pf;:f am'pb lon T favotK iZ Tt Kr- ZE S? eSectTTnlF in the form of three stools of wheat, stead of withering Tand I dyine but s procedure ssas&sss-jsst -s-zni ELSr-f ,: of wheat drilled In well prepared means much to the earhr and in i . J, 'J00 zo"a ,and 8 crUB' timely work. This cro was raised ellng tee fleU should he Preparat'n and.0D8 Bea80n'g cultl- and grown this vear ". ' i f wlth onIy Interesting results obtained from ana grown tnis year. sufficient irrigation to assist In careful summer tlllln tnr ,ht More evidence of what cultiva- establishing the Ideal root bed o"" and barley and th tlon of a growing crop means wa. which should be both fine and fair- es. of time in do"g this wSk sent to Campbell by A. B, Shield Arm from the very start. The Just as v tal ThZ I,ZL of Delano, Kern County. California, object 1. to continually carry the records of largeTleTdff wWt In four heads or wheat from a Proper quantity of both air and high as 40 to 60 bushed J2.J? stool grown on Shield , ranch. This t"ater through th. heated part of llZ "2 m t'ltod stool had ample space and was the season. Under this condition, land where nearbv fll,u nLniS cultivated whilo growm,. no fertll- h th. high percentage of moist: and sowed under the moPre com lzers or irrigation bsing used. The , held at the top of the firm soil, mon plan T of taTdd I waT vleMed stool contained forty-four heads trough careful and timely cultlval very boorl ro loth tan 7t kll !" averaging 78 grains each or slightly tion. there will be a liberal develop- The Southern Pacific Land T. over 3400 grains from one stool, "jent and powth of that most de- partment "Bulletin No lo" deals Such results, says Campbell, slm- trabl oil bacter.a. This proce- quite explicitly, with Questions of ply mean that under certain phys- ' ncreases the much needed inereaJ I ! iHty by linage Bui ical conditions brought about by Plfnt food more evenly In all parts letln No 12 also exnlntn. In An the right kind of tillage at the of the field, before setting. Wn tmmi mYwionu proper time, very much more grain. an Possibly be developed after piled to the coast count r fruit or vegetables may be grown aelne- This gives an advantage or both may be obtained without per acre than is commonly ob- not otherwise obtainable. C08t by letter or nprnni 7u yards in the southern and central Srated TheVe is practicallv "f , CamPbo' neatest pleasure is portions of California to study meth- healthy growth 1." t0 V'8,lt.a farm or ranch whre th. ods and principles commonly prac- tlon is not only in.ufflrienHv i pr?Prietr or manager feels he is ticed in preparing the land and quent but ; too often i. Ln nn.L .t S ,tlns atitory returns the after care in Irrigation and 2s to be of Uttle value Untimoly and ,wor,'C 0Ht' as ,ar as Possible. . cultivation. One of these lnspec- "There are certafn condiUnn. , lTaC,ilcal ,remedr- The Southern tlons was of a 4000 acre react moisture In the soll tZltil . ,f .Paciflo foIIows the theory that Its orchard of one. two and th-ee year- gat ton Tthe saml L f fai7wf ntere,sts are tioi UP w"" the terr' old trees belonging to the Call- raT when th va Se or o.m W 8erves' and CamP"" nd fomia Packing Corporation and lo- vation to the flnal rrmf ,1 Ml' Jh CoR1P'-nJ' wish t be helpful In cated east of Merced. Calif. What much gfeater. ThesT'condiS uZ aErIcu',ur"' p'oduc" IWHWWWWHHIHWt(HHHHHtltHMTT DO YOU WANT TO FURNISH A HOME? If You Need Anything in Our Line it Will Pay You to Call: 1 BEDS, BED SPRINGS, MATTRESSES, DRESSERS, TABLES, CHAIRS AND. STOVES. Call and See my Line I Buy and Sell Second Hand Goods If You Wish to BUY or SELL GET MY PRICES. Located Block North of P. O. THE SECOND HAND STOKE PHONE 4251 J. W. HIGGINS, Mgr. Siletz SCHOOL NEWS The SiletZ school cvmnnalum la ' now nearly ready for use A new stage has been built 'and Is especially good. They are now working on the fire place. The carpenters wallud off portion of the hnlldi na and maila a ' room for the Community club to hold us meetings, it also serves as a play room for the little children in between times. I The high school students are prac ticing out in the "gym" on a flag drill which they expect to give Saturday I night They practice from three I O'clock to tht-pn.thlrtv OVaru mnl,. land ah, what fun! Come and enjoy yourself at the "gym" on Saturday night, the 30th of this month. The Siletz grammar school and high school wll entertain 'you, and ycu all know what that means. There was a run-awp.y at Siletz Thursday. Jake Orton's mule ran down the street causing much con fusion. No damage was done. The two bridges leading to the Low er Farm are being rapidly built. The nearest one to Siletz will be completed first. The motto of the workmen saem to ha "wnrlr font " Twisted Cords Running through the telephone cord are a number of delicate, flexible wires. "Kinks" are formed when this cord is allowed to become twisted, and some of these wires may be bent or broken. This means a "noisy" telephone line. You cannot hear or be heard as well. In fact, a twisted cord may cause a complete interruption of your service. Keeping the telephone cord straight will give you greater satisfaction in the use of your telephone. The Pacific Telephone And Telegraph Company Its way Mr. Huey has been haulinz cords for it the last few days. He has Deeen making from three to four trips a day Soon we'll all be enjoying the use or these bridges like we "used ter" before the unwelcome appearance of the flood. Mr. Stemple, living a mile up from Siletz is preparing to make quite an Improvement on his place by buiding a new house and barn Not only that, but already he has built strong fence around his place which can't be beat. The road from Siletz to the Kula math Grade is being slowly but surely repaired. Mr. Frank Wade 1b going to put up a new bulding, which will help to im prove his ranch He Is Interested tn the White Leghorn business. Mr. Zbinden made his weekly trip to Valsetz Wednesday. He supplied the camp with meat 'Mrs. R E Warrick expects to go to Portland next week Here's another one Improving his farm Mr. Peter Koboloskl with the assistance of his two sons, Matt and Gideon, have built a large root house this fall and have just completed a large front porch on their house which adds greattly to Its bor.uty. r. Miller and family are at Sileta visiting hl3 cousin, Mrs. Walter Hall. They came from Ohio. Ira Wade passed thru Siletz Monduy morning in his car. M?b. Halleck walked :.-om Siletz to the Dundan bridgo Saturday where Mr. Halleck met her in his car and took her to Newport. Mrs. Joe Steer and Mlsa Itetha Muno were at Siletz Saturday on their way home which is in lower Siletz iMY. and Mrs. Frank Wado are spending the week entertaining visit ors, among them aie the following. Mr. aud Mrs. A. J. Glover Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rasmass, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor from Portland and Mr. John Goodell from Astoria. They came here in hopes of getting two buck deers, three bears and a "great big" string of speckled beauties .We all wish them good luck end hlnk, if they work hard, thoy will go home well satisfied and will think well of the "Siletz Jungles." Joseph and Edward Kcsydar took a load of potatoes to Toledo Saturday. FOR OVER 40 YEARS HALL'S CATARRH MBDICIND has been used successfully in the treatment of Caturrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts throuKh the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces, thus reduclnir the Inflammation. Sold by all druggists. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. ICE CREAM Have Your Soles Sewed on. Prices Reasonable Mail Orders Promptly At tended to. DICK WFNNER & SON Shoe machine repair shop Mewnrrt Oretrnn FOR QUALITY AND FLAVOR TRY OURS $ YAQUINA VALLEY ICE COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Phone 3553 X We Want One More Particular Customer If You Are Particular About the Quality of Eatables You X T Servn anrl at thn Ramo Timo Wish n R,,., 4 Economically as Possibte WE WANT YOU f OR A CUSTOMER. CILDETISLEKVE GROCERY PHONE 2202. 1 1 i n ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP First Class Work Guaranteed Have Your Soles SawnH On we make your old shoes look and wear like new. Mail order work promptly repaired. Next Door to Peterson' Jewerry 8tore John At water, Prop. Toledo, Oregon CO TO Toledo Planing Mills For all kinds of Building Material. We carry a Complete Line of Windows, Ooors, Glass, Rocfing, Roof Paint & Building Paper. We are prepared to do All Kinds of Mill Work & Cabinet Work. J Cor. 5th and Railroad Sts. TOLEDO, OREGON. - t .i First National Bank Member of FEDERAL RESERVE BANK To'edo Oregon lAAA J,XaVAAttAAA AaV aVil TtTt tTTTTtTTVTTTI H I The Logeden bridge is also well on i