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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1922)
PAG- srx LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO. OREGON. THURSDAY. -T'r"V 1." I'"" MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL By Charte Sughroe Always tlu. Luueijmtteman r Cos , I WAS SLM tD SE 7 oU PtAWlUCi (AARBLES VJ1TW JIMKAIE USUKL 3 V4E VJUXWT PLAN I U' KAMi3L.ES fsss? l H-n I i 73: z - fy ill r1 fe Ull if HBPU' WA PICK, t UP VUS -Teeth f S' a V ' a J MA! REPEATERS PLAY if OS Fill ill TBJPHG A 3:r ililn cr lliuslration of tho Import ant part whirh r.?peater stations play in long distance telephono transmis-s.'-'i is contained in a recent address of H. S. Osbornno, transmission en Kineer of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, before the West- e. . . . ...y ot Engineers. Declaring that the only alternatives -nnlt'7 up tho tele phone current at intervals, as is done ...... i.i.-n. would be to 1riii ivo the efficiency of the circuit so that the Ijsseg per unit length are nr.t R9 srsnl. nr to Introdu -e nt the s""c':ri! erd of th? line sufficient en ergy to carry over the desired dis tn!"M pud, after deducting the trans - .v, t tP rtpijVPr at thB re ceiving end the amount required f l iiii.u tiiif re. elver dlnphragm and produce intelligible sounds. Mr. Os bo; no cited sinie computations to II Migrate the enormou amount of am FilMlrntlon ret'iulrerl i. a circuit of this character. His illustrations as . ! '" hat l wo"i 1 be possible to in-tr- iu e ih' ja hvj K.iscunii of rlec ! -if al enery at t!'e snmlins: end of the line As a p:alr of 'at. such fr"iirfiv.Ii:us euirwU wpuM Instantly ti! n T.l-r: n t At CiilftjtiJ. he po uls out, tho en ';v r e "e-l it ?bnv ?J( microwatts, a -ii"r-r.Vftt bciii,; l."t'0.C00 of a watt. "'' t;,er ver ro ronn:ora," h con-t'-i.'es. "in rr'l"' tu deliver that en- ;y t CM-tr- we v. 'I hire to f, .-i-.3 t Snh Rend enerpy sufficient i'h !l, :'.t p. r J candle power lamp. It f---, v.,,- osM..,Pi ..i n, the tofal mo chanlcal and cloctriral energy wht.-h !c d-vei.ijn-,1 !n tho w.' iil : suf'Irlent to light about 20 000 (0 001 o!?ctr'r limps. tr.k.'nT t'm v; -11 rre: iir 'u.l frrf stecm powv. hvdrri'.lic ovver, nil frir-iq r T)to"bi"'i'i I! 7icrri"'d Bnwor. AVo wouM h:.vs to hr.vo fiat fior.nt f r.nwf i"io-'t"t In thp "-uit at Sini"!tv in or' -r .' iratalain tli'j "However, this total mechanically cf the cower whh i On March 31, 1S20 Mr. Shaar said: "Doan's Kidney Pills cured me of kk! ney trouble so I gladly recommend them.'' Price COc, at all dealers. Don't sim yong Cleveland. The earth occupies ' to speak in favor of Doan's Kidney i only a very minute speck in the space 1 Pills at any time for I know from 'around the sun and, in consequence, personal experience they are all they it only receives about 1-2 000,000,000 are claimed to be. I have taken Doan's of the total enery which the sun rad- off and on for a long tim0 and when intes into snace. We would have to ever I have found it necessary to have, however, all of the energy which take a kidney remedy they have al- piy asit ror a Kiunoy remuuy .ge radiates Ito space at a point a little ways done the work. Doan's stopped Doan'3 Kidney Pills the same that beyond rittsburg. By the tim wo the misery tlnough my kidneys aad Mr. Skaar had. Foster-Milburn Co got to Harrisburs, we would have to put 'them In good condition." M'ri, Buffalo, N. Y. have the energy of a thousand million suns. And 1 am afraid that there are !not enough s'.'.n.i in the whole cosmic to take us to New York." vtTVTT'TI'TTVTTTTTtT . 1 MICKIE SAYS ORDERS OUTT OP tOWU PER. WlE KIM 00 TWEVA JEST Et GOOD, JEST EX GUEVP 'M A 1 OcRvl SlGUT QUICKER. AMD V1TV OU BUSMESS wew: E RtlT K1 Wft TOVOVJ 1 rlpKEf ) 4 r v foH A TWICE-TOLD TALE One of interest to our readers. Good news benrs repaating, aad whan it Is continued after a long laps-.-of time, even if wfi hesitated to balievo it at fhst hearing, ws -erure in rp-e'ved accenting Its trutli no'.v. Tu" nlin hr h rh- pt' 'rem th-. mn by th-i rsd- experience of a Albany fHrn -h'r'i fim on the a-t' ind "-e firmed a'ter four years, would have to hnv In the rlrruit th A S'-npr. raintor. 71 total energy received by the ea''th '" r-., f- -v. t'"T ti.n svn at a mint a Ut bit bi- fttate'ment April 1, 1916: "I am ready j SPECIALS I For One Week I Leather Vests $6.75 f Reclaimed O. D1. Overcoats 6.75 t Reclaimed Khaki Breeches ! 100 J Reclaimed Khaki Blouses 35c t Reclaimed O. D. Breeches 2.25 U. S- Army blankets, 6688 2.95 O. D- Wool Pants 3.25 Marine Wool Pants 3.85 Chambry Shirts 85c Slip on Sweaters 1.00 Stag Shirts $6.50 and $750 Auto Pack Sacks 2.50 Wind Froof Suits , 3.00 Campaign hats 1.25 Mohair Sox ; . 35c Aluminum Canteens 35c Aluminum Men's Kits 35c Camp Chairs .70c and 95c Camp Stools ..'...' 50c and 75c Combination Tool Outfit 35c Safety Razors 25c Dayton's Logger Shoes 5.95 Coffee (Moco Java) 20c Sailor Hats , 80c Leather face canvas gloves 25c Knives and Forks, set 75c Ccggles ( 65c and 85c Military Brushes, set 'of 2 ' 50c We can furnish you with auto and wall tents of all sizes, at special prices. United Army Stores TOLEDO HOTEL BLDC. TOLEDO, ORE. IS Jill flr. li j I v ui r? 1 Ri?nAnwAv at Sta to k Wi M PORTLAND, URE. ffifl t YOU ARE- ASSURED A PERSONAL HOSPI- 1 ' s TALITY AND INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION 1 through the cor.-.bined effort-: of a staff, who after I T II II years cf trairlr, uncerstand ihe needs of the J iravelir.g public. Ill KUEI'J, DANCIla ar.d tho BEST TO EAT AT K AiiTiiuR ii. Meyers l J A A A I Fourth! Ci. &9k?SriCb ? ' mS? IpHSlgl i li Satisfies the sweet tooth j r and aids appetite and digestion. $ I Cleanses mouth and teeth I 8reat hoon to smokers, I X ss"- relieving hot, dry mouth. I i - . t A t r v combines pleasure ana ? ,dfJ' Don't miss the joy of the wsJIDL J 9fJm new WRIGLEY'S P:K-the sugar- :: 7 -j coatea peppermint uu du; j premiums jl itM 1 Diamond W Coffee,. 1 pound can 34c Diamond W. Coffee, 5 pound can $1 65 Rolled oats 35c packages for 27c White Borax Naptha soap, 6 for 25c Cold Seal Rubber Boots and Hippo Oil Coats. Demand these brands, they are the best you can buy. Fisher Blend Flo"r has won a worthy reputa tion of being the most perfect flour for every purpose- We guarantee it. Peters' shot-gun and riflo shells. V. C. Burcroff Mercantile Co. T j a The place to send your DRY Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Alterations, etc., Is the place that has an es tablished reputation for dependability and service. Therefore, when you want TIME send it to GOOD work and on W. A. LINDSAY "The Nifty Tailor." Masonic Bldg Toledo, Ore. SPECIAL TRAIN Will Operate EVERY SUNDAY DURING SEPTEMBER Between ALBANY AND NEWPORT ft From TOLEDO Only Costs S1.00 GOING 7:50 A. Al. 8:20 A. m. 8:42 A. AC. 9:46 A. M. 11:49 A. M. 12:45 A. M Leave -Leave Leave Leave Leave Arrive RETURNING about 11:00 p. m. about 10:30 p. m. 'about 10: i6 p. m. about 9:15 p. m. about 7:15 p. ra. about 6:15 p. m. Albany Arrive Corvalllg Arrive Philomath ' Arrive Summit Leave Toledo Leave Newport Leave REGULAR DAILY TRAIN Leaves Toledo 4:49 p. m. arrives Newport 6:05 p- m. Go and experience the joy of September Days at the Seashore. For further particulars, ask agents or write JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent. 4 4HmtllHHHMIMHHIMHHmirW Hi uiim ii i ii i mi i