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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1922)
LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1922. PACE FIVE TRAINING FOR HARM BUSINESS Training men and women to go back to tlio farm la the most Important ser vice the school of agriculture at O. A. C. renders to the state, says Dean A. B. Cordley. "Thes0 trained men and women ar8 capable of becoming lead ers in their ru-al communities a proximately 80 per cent of the agricul tural graduates of the college are en gaged in some phase of agricultural work and more than half of this num ber are actually farming. "There is no greater fallacy on earth than to assume that a farmer or an engineer needs nothing but voca tional or occupational training. It is an insult to the great farming and In dustrial professions of our state to as sume that their leaders do not need and do not want to bo broadly and liberally trained; that they are' not concerned with the affairs of the state, the nation, and the world. "An agrirultural and mechanical arts college ought to give students preparing for these professions thorough as possible.- statton A. C. Experiment LIGHT IN POULTRY HOUSES Light is an important factor In t poultry house. It is wed to place windows in the rear. The front should be left about half open in order to provide tho proper circulation. In winter a curtain, pulling up from 'he bottom, may be used to advantage in partially closing the opening O. A. O. Experiment statloi. found the added burden a real haru- cattle ship. I V. B. Hayden spent Monday at his SET RED RASPBERRIES IN FALL Red respberrles iirlve on almost any type of loam soil Upland, sandy, or clay loam soils are good if they are well drained. Clay loam usual!; gives heavier yields. The moisture content of the soil Is more lmporant than the soil. The soil must be well drained, must retain moisture, and must never be surfeited with mois ture. A reasonably fertile soil is de sirable and a liberal supply of humus is- a great aid. Young plants may be . i ..j w on ranch picking fruit. u is uoi iu . c- Torh'M Hruntt attended the birj Fa! win De sausneu wuu i.iu Woi'.nrl:i". predict tne success or iuuure ui a tariff bill now with economic stand ards shitting" almost with every change of 'he wind, would be futile. On tho whole, however, It looks lis though the bill just reported ot of th Sennfn would effect a conslder- . , , , ueur aDle improvement in inuumry .. q,,,, rjaVenport nnd Jim Munt- buslneBS. H may not De oetter inaii H(.uker are pu.tnerB m t,,9 rtHlfnK the Payne-Aldrich bill but it will un- bu3in0KS thiB fnI1 The gamon a,e not doubtedly euro some of the economic -.j,.,!.,,, v,.ry K00d yet liineasn hroueht on bv the unaer-, ,.,..,.. i, , of the City of Toledo, Oregon, which property is particularly described as tallows; 1 "1,7 ond S. Rlo-k IS. Graham's 4'ii A'M't -n to i'i" town of Toledo, On r owned by lUhel and Leo R. Date IIU'II. Iv.b 6 and fi, block 15, Graham's 4tli .'Mitlon to the town of Toledo, Ore gon, nwned by Harriet E. Domltt now wood measure.-Beacon. -Wichita (Kans.) :d with Mr. T. Iliintsucker's fanii'v :.t Oysterville l'int Sunday. Oner and Ieslie Bharp and Frank Davenport attended the fair Wednesday. The Sharp family visited with Mr. jlrs. J. W. Iligftins. George Davenport and family Sunday. Lots 7 and S, block 16, Graham's 4th Addition to tho town of Toledo, Ore gon, owned by Frank Updike and Vio-( let Updike South 90 feet of lot 8, Block 14, Graham's 4th Addition to the town of Vivian Folomsbee visited at the George Davenport ranch last Sunday. Every one reports the fair to be fine this year. set out in the early autumn when t as to 8 Inches high. A northern or north- training In the technlnue ' eastern exposure Is to be preferred for and technologies and all aspects of the i the plantation but Is not essential. It business lite connected with these pro- will do well on any exposure, fessions as lawyers and doctors re ceive at colleges of law and medicine for their respective professions. It ought, in addition, to give its students as though training in language, lit erature, history, science, economics The cooler and shadier the spot, the finer the berries will be. O. A, C Exxperl ment station. AGRICULTURE PROTECTED Damage done by the Underwood tar and citizenship as any body of pro- lff lttW to agriculture has ben repair fessional men any place can get or ,4 by the new Republican bill which are getting from any educational in stitution. POULTRY NEEDS EXERCISE Requirements for a well planned poultry Iiouho are suitable location, avoiding exposure as much as pos sible, fresh air free from drafts, plenty cf floor space for exercise pur poses, plenty of roost space to pre vent crowding, equipment such as drinking fountains and mash hoppers In such places and In sufficient quqan- has the support of the administration Wheat will have a duty of 30 cent? a bushel as against 25 cents in the Payne-Aldrich bill. Under the Under wcod bill it was free. Corn, oats, beef and other products ar given proportionate protection. The evils of free trade agricultural products were very noticeable a year and two years ago when the war-time demand was abated and Canada, Ar gentina and other countries began tc send their products to this country Canada shipped millions tof bushels of wheat and there were shiploads o titles that the fowls will have access to them at all times, and the proper. beef coming in from South American arrangement of doors and windows countries. Struggling under post-wai to make cleaning out the litter as easy readjustment, the American farmer NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVEMENT. MOODY Mrs. Carrie Tanaen spent a few dava in Toledo visiting with friends mud also to take in the fair. Mrs. Fn tUi-L 1,,..L-., tfrlnnai- l1 ftl'l laueeil aj n.o ......... v.. Io ,,or,w .,, f ton. Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Blower and cnuu-.;; ".. !,". .. Mill Mltrrrt .i J uicuu, ucincru quen't Certificates 'was is3Ued, plus the taxes for the years following, iiic'.ui ing the taxes for the year In which the title is vested in t'.e County, together with a!l penalties tnd interest due on the various taxes, for w!iii-h E.iid or der is recorded la the County Comniis-. sioneiH Journal, Vol. C paga 396, thereof. Now, therefore,- notice ie hereby given, that I will on Saturday the 23 day of September, 1922, betwe.T the hour of ten o'clock in the foT' noon and four o'clock in the afterr.oo . of the said day, namely at 10:3 i o'clock A. M of said day at the froi door or the County Court House. 1 1 Toledo Oregon, owned by V erne Ross. T , d u , c Oregon, offei ?"d, n.rt1.i0Affn;.Oflot..8, sale, and sell to the hight bid block 14 Graham s 4th Addition to the fl)r ca(., subj(,ct tQ t onimlons l.T.n "'k- Tuledo, Oregon, owned by fix,.d by order 0f the County Court. Arthur Nye and Clarence Ofstedahl. (h -,,, v ,t,.,oh r.ini Lot 2, Block 14, Graham's 4th Ad-1 County has acquired title by virtue union io win .n ' ". 0f sale for taxes for the years hereto- owned by Valentine Thiel. . w , tl (d gflp South one half of Lots 9 and 10. Block 17, Graham's 4th Addition to the town of Toledo. Oregon, owned by To-: 27.f)t to be continued as by law provided. M. reil WUIll IU l-Nenpun . f,..,.. ,.!,., Till. f-,lluH Ilo 1 li Cl W Nn ,Mr; an(J Johnfon Hnd on visit- " - f intersection o. I North one half of' Lots 9 and Simpson, Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon.. 10.! urday looking over wf B? Hayden's 'f of the intersection of Hill street George Davenport and family visit- SEVEN REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD PAUSE AND THINK!! 1- Twenty-three persons are accidentally injured every minute.- 2. One person out of every eight suffers dis ability during the year. . .3. 1380 persons are accidentally injujred every hour. . .4- One death in every nine is due to accidental causes. 5. 33,120 persons are accidentally hurt every day. ' 6- Every five minutes one person is accidentally killed. ., ,, . . . 7. 12,088,800 persons are accidentally injured every year. You might be surprised to know that yours is a hazardous position.. The rate on accident insur ance policies is so low that no one can afford to be unprotected. C. K- CROSNO First National Bank Bldg. Toledo, Oregon. I' I M 11 ED'S SMOKEHOUSE We carry the highest class line of Tobacc0 and Candies on the market. Soft drinks of all kinds. We make a specialty of MOUNT HOOD ICE CREAM- THE BEST BILLIARD TABLES IN LINCOLN COUNTY E. A. LYTLE, Prop. Toledo School of Music i! BRANCH OF PHILOMATH COLLEGE Department of Music Instructions given in Piano, Voice and all Orchestra Instruments Monday and Tuesday Eaoh Wk at the LIBERTY THEATRE Special Attention .Givep to Beginners ACCREDITED TEACHERS ONLY Prof. R. T. Norton Lester Warman, Assistant .Make your applications without delay CIGARETTEW ITS TOASTEpj Hill and Fifth streets to the south ! Block 17, Graham's 4th Addition to tile town of Toledo, Oregon, owned by J. W. and J. M. Graham. South one half of Lot 1, Block 17, Graham's 4th Addition to the town of Toledo, Oregon, owned by V. H. Mv lone. North one half of Lot 1; block 17 thereof a width of 40 feet with con-.Graham's 4th Addition to the town of crete with a curb 9 Inches wide on I Toledo, Oregon, owned by Albert with the State Highway near Seventh street. Said portion of said street to be improved in the manner as follows: I by grading the full width thereof to correspond to the established grade, and by paving through the center It's toasted. This one extra process gives a delightful quality that czn not be duplicated each side. Grade and subgrade to be thoroughly compacted. l'aving to be Standard one coursb concrete pavement 6 inches In thick ness of 1-2-3 mix laid a width of 40 fopt from Inner curh line to Inner curb lows; curbs to extend six inches below base line of pavement and six incite; above surface line of pavement; curbs to be six Inches in thickness and Standard one course concrete of 1-2-3 mix. Improvement to be made according to plaiiB and speficlations of grade, sub-grade, pavement, and curbs now on file in the office of the City Ite eordir. Said imnrovement to be done at the expense of the owners of the adjacent property along ""lid portion of said street in accordance with the charter I! S ill I No other, ( l : I facturer in the jTca i f . 1 J m aw K B I I woria nas so per- 1 1 1 111 sistently main- X I i , . a1 inn i lainea sucn nign f I ' S J ity and so deter- f285 I $ J minedly kept lis f I . prices down. I SawhenyoubuyOSrM nil c oru rroaucts J rS ..(JtJ- i mm Waugh Any owner of property hereinabove set forth objecting to said improve ment shall file a written remonstrance to the same with the Recorder of the City of Toledo, Oregon, on or before the 25th day of September, 1022. This notice is given by virtue or. and as ordered by a resolution passed by the Common councial of tho City of Toledo, Oregon, on the Eth day ot Sept. 1922, said resolution ordering me as City Recorder to give notice of the intention of the City of Toledo ic cause said Improvement to be made in the manner hereinabove set forth. and directing that this notice De given by publication In the Lincoln County Leader for two publications thereof once a wek. R. R. MILLER. 29 2t Recorder. FORESTRY EXHIBITORS NOTICE. Anyone wishing to make an exhibl of wood work or forestry at the com ing Lincoln couny fair will be ai vised by Alien Mayhew, cuperinten dent of fore3;ry, of what to exhibit and how to make their entry. Ad dress P. O. box 466, Toledo, Oregon, or Call at Roberts Mill. ; A. MAYHEW f JUAK A ;JUL NE OF DIAMONDS, fATCflES, CLOCKS, .flriv nfl ILVEWARE ALSO FULL LINE OP FOUNTAI(il PEN8 WpENCIL8 WATCH REPAIRING 0VEn 4,, YEAR8 EXPERIENCE A8 X A 8PECIALTY PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER 1-1. e:. feitezfrsoint THE ..QLD RELIABLE, (Established 1900) -TOLEDO, OREGON 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P It M M H M I IHHtHtWWHtHH I 4t4-H4H44W04H4H4 NOTICE Notice of Sale of Lands Bid in by Lincoln County for Taxes. The County Court of Lincoln County, Or'on, having on the 17th d:iy of August A. D. 1922, made an order or dering and directing the Sheriff of Lin coin County. Oregon to sell as by law authorized at public auction to the highest nnd best bidder therof for cash, uK the lands heretofore deeded to the said Lincoln County on account of foreclosure of delinquent taxes for the years 1997-190S-1910-1911-1912- 1914-lfllo, and having further ordered and directed that the certain property described in paid crder shail he sold for a sum not less than the total of the original tax. for which the dulin- 1N THK COUNTY COCRT OP THE STATE OK OREGON, FOR LIN COLN COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of Dav id 11. Ramsdell, Deceased: NOT1CK Is hereby given that the undersigned exerutor of the es'ato ot David B. RamsdeM, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Lincoln coun ty, Oregon, his final account as surti executor, and that Monday, the 2nd day of October, 1922, at the hour of nine o'clock a. m. has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing of objections to said report, and the settlement thereof. O. B. McCLUSKEY, Executor of tho Estate of I.nvUI B. Ramsdell, deceased. -'T-6t NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In The County Court of The State of Oregon For Lincoln County. In the matter of the EaUtvot Albert Wlguni, deceased. NOTICE is herby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the Stat - 1 Ore gon for Lincoln County, ndiEl..t :itor of the estate of Albert WSgum, aoc.eas ed. All persons having claims against said estate are herby notlued U pre sent the same to the undersigned, to gether with proper vouchers there for, verified as by law required, at the office of G. B McCluakey, In the city of Toledo, Lincoln County, Ore gon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 17th day of August, 1922. Olo Amundsen, Administrator of the estate of Albert Wlguni, rl- -eased. G. B. McCluskey Attorney tor ad ministrator. 26-6t YOUR EYES ACCURATELY FITTED By GRADUATE OPTOMETRIST Private Office for Examination Prices Reasonable F. M. French & Sons Optometrists and Opticians Albany, Oregon OfflECADWISErlENTS WANTED Reliable middle aged woman to keep house and full rare of five boys, all in school; on home stead at Lower Farms. Wages $30. Mrs. R. E. Warwidk, Slletz, Ore. 30 It FOR SALE 0 ACRES Near Toledo; State Road; Mutual phone; daily mail. Good 6 room house, good newt barn, or chard; some timber. Good bargain. Inquire at Leader office. 13-tf All persons having claim? against said leatate are hereby notified to present I the same to the undersigned, together rwith proper vouchers therefor, veri fied as by law required, at tho law office of G. B. McClusky in the city (of Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, ! within six months from th0 date here of. lVtel this 14th day of September, .1922. O. B. McCLUSKY. I Administrator of the Estate of Fred Roesaier, deceased. 30 61 KOIt ASLE 2 Holstlens cows and one Durham Heifer one year and eight months old. Clias. J. Olson, Chitwood Ore. 29-4t PROFESSIONAL CARDS ''OR SALE One "Reliance" cream aeparataor; 500 pound capacity. Good condition $20. lnquqire of C. S. Ohmart, Toledo, Ore. 29 3t FOR S ALB Used Cars, 1915 Ford Touring car; god condition; 1914 Ford Touring Car, Good Condition. Peterson Br.g. Garage. 26-tf FOR SALE Motorcycle Side car; Uo ed Ford Truck; 1920 Baby Ovor land. Peterson Bros. Garage. 23-tf 1 08 'I'lia 'O '8SBI3 'WH el 01 paeiuaisnS us :punod jod biuos ViZ immi joj e3aqqa-givs HCW FOUND A small pin. Owner may have same by paying tor this adv. and identifying same. Inqqulre at Leader. 29-tf NOTICE TO CREDITOR8 In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Lincoln County. In the matter of the estate of Fred Roesnler, deceased. ! NOTICE, is hereby given .that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State 1 Of egon for Lincoln county., administrator pf the estate of Frea Roessler,' deceased. fixall shop well;t we fix everything clocks a specialty Sheet, Boots, Clock, Watches, Umbrella. Pant, Buckets, Tube, Boilers, Flashlights, Cut Agates, Sharpen Shear, Knives. Repair all kind of thing Don't throw anything away, Com In nd ui u. Furniture Repair d. CEO. LICKEY KITTIE STANTON PIANO High School Credits Given Lesson 75o nnd $1.25 36-8t F. M. HELLWARTHr M, D General Practice ' CALLS ANSWERED PROMPTLY Office In FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. TOLEDO, ORE. BEN F. ROSEMAND. M. D. Speclallet On EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT 108 S. 2nd St Corvallls, Ore. Telephone 1724 Hour 9 to 5 Evening by Apolntment r6-- C f. HAWKINS Attorney-at-Law Toledo, ENGINEERING WORK Profession! Engineer n the t,tf of Oregon, Toography work, CjVl Engineering and Sub-Dlvlslon won! ... A. J. McMftlan'.'Tottdo, Oregon' Dr. Ernt Jf. HaJI Dentist ' First National Banlc Building Pbntip , ' -Toledo, Ore. INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE. 4-4EALTH ACCIDEN ' AUTOMOBILE , CONTRACTORS" LIABILITY C K. CRQSNO, Toledo, Oregon Office in Flrt N. B. Bldg. FOWLER'S RESTAURANT Hill St, -' '" ToUdo, Oregon Ask about our PER DAY KATES Beat MtaMlshed eating plrco hi '' . ' Lincoln C4Minty ; . 4. FOWLER, Prof.