i ,. LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUCUST 31st, 1922. PROCEEDINGS OF T FOR JULY TERM J. K Routfo, Work" In Road Disi"- ' IfbnV In the sum of 63,000 for per-tltle is vested in the County, together to the weather. The work shall at all OrvRl p'V'nV;".' 1O0,PiEDiJ!)d CSnBArUCt,l0'iiJthi 0f wlth ":l Penalties and Interest due on time be under the Inspection of the 17 iAn Bank. Kflldn' A f!n.. Rnnrt (Vmdwln ln8 BrlUS taxes, tor IV.Vtf.n " '. - ' ' ' " j PACE SEVEN 17 Tom Ackerson "si, iy 750 C. Joltinen. Wo: In DnnJ ni-,' which Bald or- County Court or their representatlre. The court reserves the risjht to reject Work in Road & Tucker and Western Bond & Mort. I-6' Is '-corded In the County Commls- any or all bids. All bids to be tiled gage Co., m, ----ntnri sloners Journal, Vol. 8 page 396, with the County Clerk on or bofore 10 The matter ot twardin contract fnr 'thereof. ..c'?-k n- '"day. boptomr 8'h C. C. Doty, Work in Road Dlst. 17 , oo on building 3 bridge ,R. A. Taylor, Work in Road Dlst. irefered to the County Court by High- - 64 35 ay commission, was awarded to Mon- O. F. McMillan Work with teem iSon-Trlerweller Co. for 146,697 60. Road Dlst. '17 nn In the matter of the Noah P 'mv. - ii ' D ! 1 1 Alt i . ' TJJ T1 r. . . . . . . - 36.00 7'"" n,'w" o" iwarnet Road Fund "-: '""was uuiuer ana uront Bail- oon and four o'clock hi the afternoon C W. Brown, Work i Road Dlst. IA U Porter- WoT - Salmon w-re appointed a board of County ", h " ', CK ,?Z No 18 ii en 1 R,ver M"ket Road 2177 Viewers to tfeV out same. f . th aJ? day, namely at 10:30 vnVMhk WnrkinPV " 60 Marshall Wells & Co.. Medes. Sal- George R. Dickinson appointed to f 8?ld ny at,Jhe ,ront Frank Minsky, Work in Road Dlst. j mon River Market Road 2 50 --P'-sent tlie County Court of Lincoln 2.?r-f e ?0UJ?ty Court HoUBe- ,n 17 1 -2 Monson-Trierweller, Estimate No. ' i County, Oregon, at the meeting of Toledo. Lincoln County, Oregon, offer R. E. Winters, Work in Road Dlst. 1. Siletz Steel Bridge.... 31359 the Roosevelt Memorial Coast High- or and 10 the h'sho3t bld- 17 64.00 Lutey.Work on Siletz Market ' iway Association to be held at Crescent -r 'or cash subject to the conditions VroA tji-th. Work In PnoH m.i Koad osnn lty Calif. July 10. 1922. '""""' "iut" "l l" wumj yuiin, 1922 at whlfh tlinfi fhov wl hp nnh. Now, therefore,- notice is hereby .licly opened by the court, given, that I will on Saturday the ! CARL G1LDERSLEEVE, 23 day of September, 1922, between t7JJ County Clerk. the hour of ten o'clock in the fore-! IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE actually due th8 sum of 11706.93. with en and made by the Circuit court of the state of Oregon for said county of Lincoln, on the 8th day of August, 1922, in a certain suit in said Court, wherein Charles Norwlck was p'.aln- ' tiff and Lavina Morris, Noble Felix, alias Felix Noble, Esther Felix, Frank Holmes and Josie A. Holmes, were defendants, register number 2014, which decree was given in favor of said plalntllfff and on which there Is 22 10.00 R- E- Me'Ui. Plans for Siletz Steel H. Lutey, Work on Roads and Bridge .340.10 Dill. Alt . . . Bridees ui io ,"' ea " mzi Koad Bond Fund v p m,,. i n I : enerwooa & Hayden Mdse., nails, P. Myers, Work in Road Dlst. wire, etc '.. 2 75 . ' 27B0 Ernest John8onV Work on Corvai- Standard Oil Co.. Oil, Cas ets , Hs-Newport Highway 4 50 r, t h ZL'w -V't26 31 Jay W' Dunn- Work oa Corvallls R. L. Hathaway, Work in Road ! Newport Highway 18 00 , Di8tc; i, .."156-85 Luke Gi(1ey. Work on Newport- W. J. Southwell Work in Road i Corvallls Highwpy .. 9 00 Dlst. 15 .......... 28.00 Horning, Malcne & Mt'ky Estimate L. C. Mowery, Work in Road Dlst. No. 7 Contn-ct No. 406. .. .550.44 7-50 Julia Cllne. ';nco for Right of C. M. Warren, Woik in Road Dint. Way, etc 79.20 1? 88.50 A. Gieblsch, Esllmato No. 2, Con'. Jay W. Dunn, Work on County I tract No. 513, Highway 061.84 Roads 71.64 Bills Allowed on High School Fund H. Vanderpool, Work on Roads Union High School, Disttrlct No. 1, Diat. No. 22 7.C0 Maintenance 420.00 Henry Parker, Work in Road Dlst. Sshool District No. 2, I;ialn-.nce 22 2.80 of Hlih School . .' 965.00 Sam Hays, Work in Read Dist. 22 hool District No. 3. Maintenance zu.ui or High School Jens uarstensen, work It l nrlri thi n..'ii.i fwj all the property to Milch Lincoln be given to A. L. FInley for Lot 8 County haa acquired title by virtue Block 3 Olson's 1st Addition to New- of "ale for taxes for tile years horet port Oregon 'ore set out m -'lls notice, said sale Resolution 'to establish Waldport- t0 bo P,ntj,nucd as b ,aw. provided. Tidewater road adopted and viewer. M- falmPson, Sheriff of Lincoln appointed Z7'Bt County. Oregon. The report of the Viewers of the Paabo Road fll-d nnrt rnnttnnnH I " . 1 " i ' V" V" 1 - V p t'iK4 It la ordered that a qui.'.claim D?ed STATE OP OREGON. FOR LIN COLN COUNTY. th? Matlpr ot the Estate of Dav- De given to James F. MitcheM for real estate ae?cribed In petition. ine Ke3lgnatlon of James Franks. Id B. Ramsdell. Deceased: cs member of Lincoln County Fair NOTICE is hereby glvon that tlie Board accepted and Ray Jenkins ap- unui ramm d executor of the es'ate ot pionted to fill vacancy. David B. RamsdoM. deceased, has filed Rosnlution declaring a Countv nnad in the Countv (;ourt of Lincoln conn- and ea!a-ilishing a line from :.ho Till- ty, Oregon, his final account as Mi.h amook County line to Siletz River. executor, and that Monday, the 2nd iday of October, 1922. at the hour of 'nine o'clock a. m. has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing of objections to said report, and the 8TATE OF OREGON, FOR LIN- interest thereon at eight per cent per COLN COUNTY. , annum since August 8, 1922, I am com- imanded to sell at public auction la In the matter of the Noah P. Meyers the nmaner prescribed by :aw, the fol road: i lowing real property, to-wlt: To Charles Wooding. O. P. Eklof.l Lots twenty-five and twenty-six ln R. Dltalo, James F. Sheehan and Section two, and Lots thirty, thirty Mary A Sheehan: lone and thirty-two In Section three, You are hereby notified that based, In township Seven South of Range upon a petition of Noah P. Myers duly Eleven West of the Willamette Meri sworn to and filed heroin, praying Idlan in Lincoln County, State of Ore for an order appointing a Board of j gon, containing 89.14 acres County Viewers to view out and lo-l NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that cate a public road connecting his on Saturday, the 9th day of September farm with the nearest point on a pub 1922, at the hour of one o'clock ln the lie road, which said farm is partlcu-, afternoon of said Any. at the front larly described as fo'.lows: I door of the County Court House in the Lot 4 in section five, township 12 City of Toledo, in said County, 1 wilt south of range 10 west of Wtllam-jsell real property hereinbefore des ette Meridian in Lincoln county, Ore-'cribcd at public auction to tlio high, gon. jest bidder for casli in hand on day of That the County Court of Lincoln sa'.e, subject to redemption, ln the county, Oregon, by an order made and manner provided by law for the pur entered herein, on the 7'.h day of p0Se of satisfying ' the said decree. July, 1922, has appointed T. B. Butler, Crant Bailey and Ord Castle, county surveyor, a board of county viewer NOTICE Notice cf Sare of Lands B!d In by L-incoin county Tor taxes. Tlift (',,,.. i, , i - i r, , lul uujtri-iiuna lu p; ..28.00 r ' ' IT 1 1 ounly- (settlement thereof. vyichwi:. uuviiip nn uiu itia aay or i!i Road School District No. 12 Mnlnien. Dist. Ti 3 "0 ance of High Sch"6l 843 00 ""BU01 an urucr or- W. B. Newton Work with Rock' School ntxtrirt M Mi'ntVn. ' dering and directing the Sheriff of Lin- Crnoi.oi- nat 17 k nn '. o-o , coin county, uregon to sell as hv Dudley Trap'p. Work ln Road' Di's't.' ' School" District No. 47, Mainten- ' luf, ' .",U!J11'C a"cti,? t0 19 94.20 ance of High School 6S6.00 ,h",hl" ,es RI (1 b.est. b'dde.r therof tor X "2.2-ad ,Jd" 01" lEcecutor of tlie Estate of David B Ramsdell, deccosed. 27-6 NOTICE TO QIOOERS The County Court of Lincoln Coun- Rlchard Routlo, Work in Road i In the matter of the Issuance and , U .V , . A lr'B-oloro Qfieaea i'V. Oiegon, will receive sealed bids Dist. 17 45.75 rale of Bonds of Lincoln County. Ore-w,io ""C;? i,? V on cf unt f"; amoving tlio old shingles and ra- C. M. Warren Jr., Work in Road gon in the sum of $343,240 for per- i?'fo,c I,;8"? i0-. , uHf? L'S shingling tlie Court House at Toledo Dist. 17 91.45 manent road contructiosn. the bid 1 of 1U , ' ? Z "e'-lp0H0-1911-,1912; Oregon. All bids to be in a lump sum Oscar Herman. Work ln Road .Lumberman's Turat Conmanv Is ac , V1. ... "?V.ns ''her. ord'-red for a completed job. Contractor to Dlst. 17 49 00 ceoted. , AT j , .1 tnn certr-1n Property furnish Bhingles, nails, staging and all H. Hendrickson Dlst. 17 Work in Road i in iho maftpr of the Ummnra nl BJ'Q .ia,n ce sold other material and perform all neccs ...38.50 role of Bondn of Lincoln County. Ore- "?,'" l01?'..01 ry .laaoT .t0 complete said work in a me unh.imi uij. ior w.licn tllB ael n- nnil. wr.rkmnn llto mmir 4 " Faxe' ror Ule years following, lnc.ua- gles, and only galvanized nails to be ing tlie taxes for the yar In which the used. Shingles to he laid 1-2 ln"W Morris Optical Co. J 1 r--ffire.-r-gr.frnTii.j. i.'nnj.'.mm nt. i-uin i. .11 111 202-205 Oregon (Electric) Bldg SALEM, OREGON Our representative will be in TOLEDO, at the LINCOLN ROOMS,eptember 5ih, 6th and 7th, and in NEWPORT, at the GILMORE HOTEL, Nye Beach. Sop tember 8th ard Ztb, to. examine your eyes and fiit you with glasses if you need them. All work guaranteed: No charge for examination. Ask your banker or friend to ask any bank or friend in Salem as to our standing and reliability. Dr. May we serve you? A. McCu!!ochr Representing: HIS OPTICAL COMPANY OREGON'S LARGEST 0 PTICAL INSTITUTION 202-205 Oregon (Electric) Bldg-, SALEM, OREGON. I do yo mm i THERE IS GOING TO BE SEVERAL NEW BUN GALOWS ERECTED IN TOLEDO AND YOU CAN GET A HOME ON REASONABLE TERMS PROVIDING tOU ARE A RESPONSIBLE PARTY. CALL AND TALK IT OVER. INQUIRE AT LEADER OFFICE FOR INFORMATION. PTttTtTttTttTtttT mm Toied 0 School of BRANCH OF PHILOMATH COLLEGE Department of Music Instructions given in Piano, Voice and all Orchestra Instruments Monday and Tuesday Each Week at the LIBERTY THEATRE Special Attention Given to Beginners ACCREDITED TEACHERS ONLY Prof. R. T. Norton Lester Warman, Assistant Make your applications without delay 1 ffTTTTTf TTTTfTTTTTTTTl i i No other manu- j I I facturer in the rSeW I I I world has so per- ji HI I sistently main- im j 1 tained such high WikJrm ' 1(1 standard of qual- III ity and so deter- $2S5Vj .J III minedly kept f I I j prices down. gr il1-, &, when you buyl J E Ford-Products I !l you will enjoy not I J only the satisfac- ffl&lll j I tion of having l S I made tlie right choice SaS8S?S J H lj jl but of having saved i i I I money besidb. 395 w II Sp.cM arrVBrtk T.ni ij ! it Call, write or phone wi.i. c e. I for our terms. u. rwau p. o. b. oetrott Hi PETERSON BROS. GARAGE jj j j Local Agents 1 1 PHONE 3902. TOLEDO, ORE. J! with Interest and costs of sale. Dated this 10th rtny nf August. 1. Date of llrst publication August 10th, to view out and locate a public road 1922. connecting the farm lands of said) Date of last publication September Noah P. Myers with the nearest point; 7th, 1922. practicable on a public road, and it appearing that you and each of you are respective owners of real prop, crty lying between the above de scribed real property and the nearest county road. YOU ARB FURTHER NOTIFIED, that the said bcrd of county viewers M. Simp-on, Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon. 25 5t NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In The County Court of The State ot Oregon For Lincoln County. In the matter of the Kstato of Albert will meet for the purpose of viewing . V.'lgu::i, doi eased, out and locating said road and as- NOTiCK is herby riven that the sessing damngea therefor on th0 8th uiidemlgncd has boc-n appointed by day of September, 1922, at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m. of said day, at tha residence of Noah P. Myers on said lands. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sut my hand and affixed tho sal of said County Court, this 10th day of August, 1922 (SEAL). CARL G1LDERSLEEVE, 25-6t County Clerk. I HUH t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II II .yt 1 UARRY A FULL LINE , jffrv OF DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, , " wibibnnnnE gfc j?j.SV SJ "MlS . WATCH REPAIRING A 8PECIALTY ALSO A FULL LINE OF FOUNTAIN PENS and PENCILS OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER THE OLD RELIABLE, (Eitabllihed 1900)-TOLEDO, OREGON NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that t'le i'n lrslgned, odmlnistratrix of tha es ;ate of Johanna Dahlmer, deceased, !.as filed In the county court of Lin 'oln county, state i.t OroKun, tier tia,.i iccount as such idmlnlBtratrlx of said estate, and tliut Tuesday, tlio Bth riny uf September, 1A22, at the hour of 10 j'clock a. in. has luen fixed by said court aB the time for hearing of oh- jjections to said report and tho set tlement thereof. ELSA KUEHL. Administratrix of the Estate of Jo hanna Dahlmer, deceased. 24-6t NOTICE OF SALE ON EXECUTION Bv virture of a writ of execution against the property hereinafter do- scribed, duly Issued by tlie L'oumy Clerk of Lincoln County, Oregon, on the 8th day of August, 1922, and to me, the undersigned Slieriff of Linco:n Countv directed, for the enforcement of a decree of foreclosure and sale glv- tlie County Co'.-t of tho Slato of Ore gon for Lincoln County, ad.nlnstrator of the estate of Albort WUunt, deceas ed. All persons having claims agalnat said estate are herby notified to pre sent the same to the undersigned, to gether with proper vouchers there for, vprifled aj by law rr-.'julred, at the office of U. B McCluskey, in the city of Toledo, Lincoln County, Ore gon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 17th day of August, 1922. Olo Amundsen, Administrator of the estate of Albert Wigum, deceased. O. H. MrClUBkey Attorney for ad ministrator. 26-5t YOUR EYES ACCURATELY FITTED By GRADUATE OPTOMETRIST Private Office for Examination Prices Reasonable F. M. French & Sons Optometrists and Opticians Albany, Oregon C QAJSIQEOADVEiail FOR SALE i'OR SALE While they last, few fat spring frys; aV. weight l'jlba. Price 23c. per lb. live weight. De livered anywhere. Write or call at Olalla Paultry ranch. 27tf! FOR SALE Motorcycle Side car; Us ed Ford Truck; 1920 Baby Ovor land. Peterson Bros. Garage. 21-tt FOR SALE Few choice 1 to 6 acre tracts near Toledo. Inquire Box 376, Toledo, Oregon. 26-4t FOR SALE 1 Milk Cow giving 3 gal. milk renting at 6 per cent. Part Oernsoy and Ayrshire. Albert Ker ry, S. P. Section foreman. 27-Iit FOR SALE 1 registered Shropshire Ram, 2 years old; one 7-year-old Mare, weight about 1000 lbs; good in saddle and all-round work mare. Sondre Romtvedt, Toledo, Oro. 3o-4t FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 good i-yi. oiJ mure, wor.i any place; saddle, buggy and harness; also 2 good milk cows; will sell for casli or trade for thickens or hogs. Inquire of box Newport, Ore., or tele phone 70-F-3, Newport. 27-3t- ,0 ACRES Near Toledo; State Road; Mutual phone; daily mail. Good o room house, good newi barn, or chard; some timber. Good bargain. Inquire at Leader office. 13-tf OR SALE 1 Gasoline Liunch, 20 feet long; 4-cycle engine 4 h. p. In lre Anderson Boat Works. 20-3t TOR SALE One motor boat. 6 h. p. Fairbanks-Morse engine; just paint ed; good buy for cash. Inquire at Roberts Mill. 2(i-3t- -X)R SALE Used Cnrs, 1916 Ford Touring car; god condition; 1914 Ford Touring Car, Good Condition. Pstersoa Bros. Gnrago. 26-tf f tU COlTCiB oc & eouvrflM UTERABM GUM, PBerVSM. PB.IV1YEB. , K REPORTER, A DIPLOMAT AUD A WUSYUER HE MU&T BS FEARLESS, vaomest, AGGResswe.PA-nevfrj wYELuerewf .tactfui- auo TU STUA.1M'. WANTED Five head of purebred Jersey Cows; munt be good stuff and priced right. A. O. Rust, To ledo, Ore. 26-3t PROFESSIONAL CARDS KITTIE STANTON PIANO High School Credits Given Lessons 75c and $1.25 26-8t D. M- HE LLWARTH, M. D. General Practice CALLS ANSWERED PROMPTLY ' Office In FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. TOLEDO, ORE. BEN F. ROSEMAND. M. D. Specialist On EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT 108 8. 2nd St. Corvallls, Ore Telephone 1724 Hours 9 to 8 Evenings by Apolntment 2Mt- C. t. HAWKINS Attorney-at-Law Toledo, Oregon ENGINEERING WORK Professional Engineer In tho 8tal of Oregon. Topography work, CM Engineering and 8ub-D vision wort A. J. McMillan, Toledo, Oregon Dr. Ernest H. Hall Dentist First National Bank Building ' Phono 1106 Toledo, One. INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, HEALTH & ACCIDEtt AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTORS' LIABILITY C. K. CROSNO, Toledo, Oregon Office In First N. B. Bldg. FOWLER'S" RESTAURANT" Hill 8t, To'edo, Oregon Ask about our $1.00 PER DAY RATES Best established eating place In Lincoln County . J. FOWLER, Prep. 4 Vwt