PACE SIX LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 31st 1J?? God. I INfiOLfJ COUNTY LEADER! Mnv Hlvnrr-es are soucht bv wp OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER lmen because their husbands are cruel. u u ull I F F HALL G W HALL T tbey fail ,0 BaWon tnem or tne W. H. HALL, E. F. HALL, Q. W. HALL ApaPrtPA them. Publishers G. W. HALL, Editor. KuLprud at Tsledo. Oretion postofflce as secocd-olass matter, under the llisv,',fe1 Act of !.iarch 3rd, 1879. Fstablished Twenty Nine Years Ago. have deserted them. Any who drllherat'ly practices cruelty aeainsl Ills 'i'e and fails tn Kunp-)rt his family, and finally deserts ni children oURiit to bo ar- rpsvd tried and convicted and whip ped in the public square for si:; months. No ccujilf should l.e allowed to ma" ry '.uilt ss '-"'"I'- party to the conrract could prr.niue a certificate show'itt .1 s '.und, dean br.dy and a sane ")i'cl fo, tlirc-o iro"o'.!;i:Hr ytv rations, and a ppp'.lcs3 r.M'.rr.l chr.rD'.tor. No ccup'.e should bp n'lowid to mir ry uu'c"s they could also s'.icw t;rn they understand and are willing to rn and diachnrge the' cbitant'cr.n that matrimony and a well-ord .red hoa;e iiuposos upon a couple. Parents are to blamo for much or tho present-day matrimony loosonesx They are too anxlcua to marry their daughters. a 1.- .l f,nln i,. onlvn destroy the home. It is oslnB the I ' Z,i'," V il. p aiitiiinobilo. the nioticn picture I . SUBSCRIPTION PRICES Ona year, in advance, $.?.?L' Six Months, in advance. $1X0 .iou can't saw wood with a hammer Veruonia Eagle. Morale Align yourself with the .lie boosters and yell your head for ic Lincoln County Fair NEXT week, -pt. 6-7-8-9. THE MARRIAGE PROBLEM (Dy Rev. M. A. Matthews,) Perhans the most Important prob lem befJre ihe public today is the mar riage problem. There are more thundering at the foundation of the home than ever before. The world seems determined to bouses, the d;.;ice halls, the pool room, the summer resorts, me sauunui pic nic, games, and amusements, and every other conceivable method to scatter the family, detract from the sobriety of the home and wreck the domestic foundation. Many a girl marries for a meal tick et, Including a theatre coupon.. When the day of scarcity of food comes and no amusement Is furnish ed, she enters the divorce courts, and there commits a crime against soci ety and places a blot upon the name of womankind. Many a couple agree borore mnr:-l- save society from it j present rotten tendency. The following paragraph has gone the rounds in the columns of the country press until 'Its origin1 .liaa eventually been lost; but Is applic able to all communities and la worth reproducing: "After God had finish ed making the rattlesnake, the hyena and the skunk He had a horrible sub stance left over, so ho wrapped it with jea'.ousy and suspicion, marked it with a yellow st'-eak and called it 'knocker," A knocker is a two-ieg- EARLY RISING (By Uncle John) ! ;?ve th? rrhpy n.ornin' air, about 1 o hair of five, when the other biraa j rji io sreet t'io sun. . . Them 'n't ii" s:fav Tor to keen, a .il'.ve, nor holds more satisfaction, when ! ne. 't tlvn't take no alarm 'l;c!; to y"'.ik nin out. of hod, when tho ! b, ;. v-.-lew '.a Wviisnsrtn' out of d on. w! ea th..- delli'itla machinery that'i ir.Flc'e a ft ilora, informs him that ; .i time to do the choros. . . O, the i U'ii.irt:, an' srosu' ;, and the ssssy ;:t;i3 v.TP.n and ll'o ciole. n nwingln' n 1 r.r tvin, hf nnvor claimed the cred it of knowin' ;':oro th.n men, but iiut'n fio way thn fact anosrs to be! So, 1 rret up in the mc.rnin' when the dawn begins to poep, afore tho other nei ghbors 13 aware. There ain't no ln-r.o-".tinn in an ovnrpuls of slop, Ilk? tl'.ero in in brcathin' early mornin' n!r! . . . I can tast the spirit ia it, that Inlvgorates cvultation that is altars in cmtrol, yet, makes a cftmm!n' plug a superman! . . When heaven un corks her demijohn of early-mornir.' booze, and passes it around afore it' llrvht, a feller's conscience tells him It's the only sort to use, and his ap petite confirms it that he's right! NOT FORGETTING 108 'Bryan Predicts Democratic VI -tory' says a news dispatch, in speaking tl the coming election in Nebarska. Let's see, was it in 1896 or 1S00 that this same line appeared? ' o This country has spert more than $3,000,000,000 during th i past elzht years for food for starving people in Europe. In spite of th.'s there conies from across the ocean the crv that America has deserted the world. In gratitude seems to be the prsvai'.in!; ain of cur European neighbors Mar cur (la) News. FHILOiKVrl Y i-OR 1922 Remeber those hears skirts how quaint and winsone the girls looked and then tho skirls so tight they had to trip instead of walk? How faiic'nat ins they were as they pit-a-pat alms. Soon dime those long and sweeping lines, that all concelod yet half re vealed tho gra'e and beauty of the pretty miss, and then of evenings those majestic trains and that bewitching Trincess gewn, displaying every curve mid undulation of the form divine all so wonderful. Now, oh boy! they're prettier still, and tomorrow they'll bo longer and still prettier. Stylos change but the ability to make styles alwav? the best ever is the thing that counts. 1 with a corkscrew soul, a at. i uintnr.annked brain and a combination age IO BVUIU HC uumrcu - - ,,,!., i u.. . iic r.t froojnn, fr(..n in. r , : nine of lellv and glue. Where mi lieu hiiu live a ...u.,... - - . . . ctre and domnslic duty. Such an agreement Is tantamount to premed itated social murder. The blackest page of American his tory is tho divorce page. To divorce one coupla In every five marriages Is other men have hearts he carries a tumor of decayed principals. When the knocker appears on the street de cent men turn their backs, the angles in heaven weep and the devil closss the door to his kingdom tnat ne may crime against society, home, and ! not enter there. Don t be a knocker Cosy Parlor I DRINKS OF ALL KINDS SERVED 1 Take a Carton of YACUINA VALLEY ICE CREAM home with you Absolutely the BEST on the Market "SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO" NICHOLS & BAIN, Props. 4 I Water Front Market WHOLESALE A SETAiL Dealers In DRESSED & CURED MEATS FISH IN 8EASON HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HIDES WAUGH & MEAKER, Props. LADIES' MILLINERY GOODS ARNOLD'S also COMPLETE LINE OF LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS Call In and look over our line of Hate, Caps, Gloves, Ties, Shirts, Hos iery, Ribbons, Jewelry, Etc., Etc. mm L L SL TTTTTT TTTTTT I "Qoodform" i HAIR NETS Just the Shape or Color that the most Fastidious Feminine Tastes May Desire. Careful Selection from Imported Stocks Guarantees Them Perfect. We are as Proud to Sell Them as You Will Be to Wear The". "GOODFORM" Nets are Made for and Sold exclusively by REXALL Stores Only POPULARLY PRICED AT 2 FOR 25c DOUBLE MESH. TOLEDO DRUG CO. fTP. KlAWklNS, Prop. GOVEVRNMENT OF THE PEOPLE OR OF A HANDFUL OF UNION OFFICERS 1 Taking as a text the notice by President John L. Lewis of the Unit ed Mine Worwers to Governor Groes- beck that If the state of Michigan wants to mine coal it "first has to make satisfactory arrangements with the mines' union, like every other employer." Tho Boston Transcript in a recent editorial asked es many oth ers are asking who is the sovereign in this country, and concluded a dis tussion of the point with the remark that It Is nerhaDs well to brine the matter to the test, and the sooner the better. Said the Transcript. "There itibv he no better time than' this to 'determine whether the power of the ; people as expressed through their con- stituiona: agenc es or the state ana na tion is sapreme in this country or some other organization or corpor ation.' , Tho reply which Governor Gro3C bock has received from T. L,30 Joenc, lmnri nf the Snsrinaw Valley Miners' association in answer to his request hat tho men of this organization re turn to work under state control in or i'S to furnish fuel for state and muni cipal institutions, Indicates that the Transcript did not exaggerate tho meaning of Mr. Lewis' statement of his union'3 position. Mr. Jones' rep'o la inwnninrnmlninL' mill incltltillK. It Is utterly lacking in any consideration lor the peopio of Michigan. It is, in 'its seaence an ultimatum which con : tains no vestige of public spiritedness 'or loyalty to the country. The only allegiance Mr. Jones acknowledges is an allegiance to his union and Its president. Under the circumstances mere is one thing left for the governor of Miphiiran tn do If 1ia performs his full duty and that Is to make it e'ear to everybody that tne siaie is sovui ain within ita own borders and Is able and Is prepared to defend Itself. There Is prevalent a condition of nec essity before which tne private inter ests of the coal miners must give tlin state stand" behind Mr. Groesbeck in any mea. sure he may consider necessary in or der to meet that necessity. And whnt is true of the situation in this state is true of the situation generally throughout the nation. It is up to the federal government to as sert itBelf and the rights of the pec pie by any steps that are needful, and to do so immediately. America has a right to expect us government It from enemies at home as well as from enemies abroad, and to do so energetically ana aggres elve'.y. Detroit Free Press. THE APOTHEOSIS OF HYPOCRISY "The government goes right on Ig noring the prohibition law on sea whiie making some Ineffective efforts to en force it on land," remarked August Busch, of Anheuser-Busch, Inc., when he arrived last week from Europe. Mr. Busch futher B'ated that passen gers on the George Washington dis cussed the buying of liquor from the fovernment on board the ship and ithen inviting the government to arrest and prosecute them when they reached shpre. I It would certainly be a nice legal question as to whether the government could use money from the United Stat 'es Treasury to sell liquor on its ships jat a profit and then prosecute a pur chaser for violation of tho law. It is turo the government Is in an awkward position. The shipping Board is spending thousands of dollars to stimulate passenger 'traffic, but much of the money is wasted because a dry ship lias a hard time to win travellers. ! The majority of the people of tho United States may be dry but they don't travel the ocean enough to back up an American Merchant Marino along lines of moral conduct. Official dignitaries who publicly es pouse prohibition have their cellars, the private room at the public ban- qquet is a recognized factor at all "successful dinners." Even the offi.w. of some of our Congressmen are s-iici to bo storehouses for booze. M -m"1 tt'i. the country stands to day the apotheosis of hypocr'sy. j ha American Merchant Marine seems to rest in tha balance, but hy pocrisy will sink tho ships quicker than any restriction. ' Let ua have enforcement or repeal, one thing or the other. IF tOU WANT A THING ICUfc JUJK. 1 I VOORCLF! ?SV MHtWHIH 1 1 1 1 1 1 i Mil 1 1 t ED'S SMOKEHOUSE . -. . . COME IN AND GET A TASTE OF OUR ROOT BEER THE ONLY BARREL IN TOWN . E. A. LYTLE, Prop. it- -riM ! The White Corner Store We have complete line of Tablets, Inks, Pencils, Pasts, Paperties, etc. for the School and Home Also a few school books left here for Sale R. S. VAN CLE VE PHONE 9005 TOLEDO, OREGON Bregdon the Electrician With the Yaquina Electric Co. For Electric Vyork That Will Pass Underwriters Inspection ELECTRIC SUPPLIES, WIRING & REPAIRING Call Yaquina Electric Company ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN w4 w$ w 'A wm W xz-,-m a This new sugar-coated gum delights young and old, It "melts in vour mouth" and the gum in the center remains to aid digestion, brighten teeth and soothe mouth and throat There are the other WHIG LEY friends to choose from, too: ij( : The Peoples Meat Tflarket f THIS MARKET WILL OPEN WITH A FULL LINE OF X t MEATS SATURDAY MORNING WITH A COMPLETE Z OUTFIT OF MODERN MACHINERY. J. E. GATES, Prop- PHONE 2903 X L 1NCOLN BOUNTY B ANK DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS (INCORPORATED) TOLEDO. OREGON Interest Paid on Tims and Savings Deposits I C. B. HAWKINS, President J. B. BOOTH, Cashier T U. O. HAWKINS, Vice President A. E. HAWKINS, Asst Cashier M 1 1 1 1 1 1 Its mms JSk rTHIS is just what you need, madam. Many JL women who were troubled with indigestion, a eallow, rv ly skin, indicating biliousness and habitual constipation, have been permanently cured by the use of Chamberlain's Tablets. Before using these tablets they felt miserable and despondent. xnow tney are cheerful and happy and relish their Try them. ,, They only cost a quarter. in i tit t iim 1 1 1 mi 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 1 im 1 1 n i Remember We Have a Good Line Of t CARPENTERS' TOOLS FISHING TACKLEPOCKET KNIVES FLASH LIGHTS AND, IN FACT EVERY THING FOUND IN A COUNTRY HDW. STORE IT WILL PAY YOU TO VISIT US Sherwood & Hay den