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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1922)
LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24th, 1922. PAGE SEVD id SLAT'S DIARY (By Ross Farquhar) (By Ross Farquhar) Friday Ma was a bragging to a vlsaltor that her and pa never crosses wlrds & etc. She is rite there wlrds dont never cross They Just meat hed -st most gen erlly all ways ac cording to my Ob servashun. Sat I drest all up - In my new suit and met Jane down at the lawn late and she taw ked to me real nice, but it al' ways gets away me to tawk to prety girls when I am all dest up. ieei so Attrac- Sunday Ara Co. seems to have a good time eating are vittles and etc ton' to ? ' 'erning i, .. ia aoi urazy abou her says she has -what the musical people call a mixed Voice Monday-tuk a little Trip and had d we,.wa8 a 1'unrgy and dis Bidedr we shud ought to eat a lunch. Ma sed what will we eat and a-e custzen sed If we had sum cake we cud have Ice cream and cake. If we cud get sum cake. Tuesday Pa says he never wli: have a 2st hand otto agen. He says they are like a nite shurt. It Is Handy to have around but you hate to get caught in 1 of them. Wednesday Are neighbors has got a new baby. I ast them where bouts they got It frura and they told me they sent it frura hevvon. It is no wander they sent it out of hevven. The way it ballB all the aime. ! Thursday A farmer tryed to bor row sura money frum pa. He sed he had had a awful lot of hard Luck 1 this yr. h&velng lost 2 horses and 1 wife in side of a no. And the horses was wirth a 100 $ a peace. BUT YOU CANT FOOL ALL THE FARMERS ALL THE TIME At a certain town in Nebraska the total cost of four standard farm. Im plements, a gang plow a corn binder, a grain binder and a farm wagon, was $486 on August 1. 1914. By selling 798 bushels of corn to the local buyer, the farmer could pay for these Im plements. ' On January 3, 1922 he had to sell 3,083 bushel of com ih (order o cover the cost of the same four Im plements. Part of this increase was due to the lower price of core, part of it to the higher factory cos. ot the implements, but the largest factor was the extraonrdlnairy increase in the size of the freight bill the farmer had to shoulder. In 1914 it cost him 111.06 to pay the freight on the Implements from the factory and on the corn to Chicago. The farmer, you see gets the Chicago price lead .the freight when he sells; he pays the Chicago prices plua the freight when he buys Anyway, in 1922 the freight bill he had to foot for the transportation of the implements and the large quanlty of corn to pay for them had risen to $265.26, according to the Secretary of Agriculture. And yet the farmer believes that a stiff tariff on corn and wheat, com' modules of which we have a large exportable surplus, will actually help him when it Is accompanied by an even b titter tariff on everything he buys! August Sunset. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE en and made by the Circuit court of 8TATE OF OREGON, FOR LIN" the state of Orego,, for said county of . COLN COUNTY. Lincoln, on the 8th duy of August, 1 1S22, In a certain suit In said Court, In the matter of the Noah P. Meyers wherein Cliurlns Norwick was p!-Un- road: tiff and Lavlna Morris N'nlile KnIN. I To Charles Wooding, G. P. Eklof, alias Felix Noble, Esther Felix, Frank 'R. Dltalo, James F. Sheehan and Holmes and Josle A. Holmes, weio Mary A Sheehan: 'defendant a. nwhtur number sni.i- ' You are hereby notified that based- which decree was given in favor of upon a petition of Noah P. Myers duly said plaintiffff and on which there 's sworn to and filed herein, praying actually due tho sum of S1706.93. with ior an order appointing a Board or interest thereon at eight per cent per County Viewers to view out and lo- annum since August 8, 1922, I am com- cate a puoiic road connecting nls manded to sell at public auction In farm with the nearest point on a pub- the nmaner prescribed by law, the fol lic road, which said farm is par'.ic'u- lowing real property, to-wit: larly described as follows: I Lots twenty-five and twenty-six in CATHOLIC CHURCH Next Sunday Aug. 27, Mass end Srmon at 10 o'clock. Subject State Monopoly of Education. Every body welcome. Father Vollebregt FORESTRY EXHIBITORS NOTICE. Anyone wishing to make an exhibl of wood work or forestry at the con Ing Lincoln county fair will be ad vised by Allen Mayhew, superinten dent of forestry, of what to exhibit and how to make their entry. Ad dress P. O. box 465, Toledo, Oregon. or Call at Roberts Mill. 20-tf A. MAYHEW l Lot 4 In section five, township 12 Rprtlnn iwf olid T .rxr a thlftw hint v. ".. u v i . . ri.iui- one and thirty-two In Section three, ette Meridian In Lincoln county, Ore- i township Seven South of Range g0- . .. L .... , Eleven West of the Willamette Merl That the County Court of Lincoln !dian in Lincoln County, State of Ore county, Oregon, by an order made and K011i containing 89.14 acres Grant Bailey and Ord Castle, count; ? Saturday the 9th day ot September, surveyor, a board of conntv 'view-r 1 "22- at the hour of one o'clock in the to view out and locate a public road a"e r "Sit rU 1 ! , '1' connecting the farm lands of said ! ??r J e, c?un,tr LHT V ' m Noah P Mver. witu .h Cltv of Toledo. In said County, I wll! practicable on a public road, and It appearing that you and each of you are respective owners of real prop erty lying between the above de scribed real property and the nearest county road. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED, that the said board of county viewers will meet for the purpose of viewing out and locating said road and as sessing damages therefor on th 8th day of September, 1922, at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the residence of Noah P. Myers on said lands. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set m'y hand and affixed the seal of said County Court, this 10th day of August, 1922 (SEAL). CARL GILDERSLEEVE. 25-5t County Clerk! 2 1 1 1 n 1 t 1 i n i SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES Are the Best Recommendation of ! O. A. C. This Institution offers a thorough, practical, and standard educa tion at a coat within reach of the high school graduate. It offers training for collegiate degrees it: Agriculture Mines ' Commerce Pharmacy Engineering and Mechanic Arts Vocational Education Forestry '' ' Chemical Engineering Home Economics Military Science and Tactics ! It offers training also In: The School of Music, Physical Education, Industrial Journalism. Fall Term Opens September 18. For circulars of Information and illustrated booklet write to ' The Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon DO YOU WANT A HOME ? THERE IS GOING TO BE SEVERAL NEW BUN GALOWS ERECTED IN TOLEDO AND YOU CAN GET A HOME ON REASONABLE TERMS PROVIDING YOU ARE A RESPONSIBLE PARTY. CALL AND TALK IT OVER. I INQUIRE AT LEADER OFFICE FOR INFORMATION. Toledo School of Music BRANCH OF PHILOMATH COLLEGE Department of Music Instructions given in Piano, Voice and all Orchestra t . . Instruments Monday and Tuesday Each Week at the LIBERTY THEATRE Special Attention Given to Beginners ACCREDITED TEACHERS ONLY , -, Prof. R. T. Norton . Lester Warman, Assistant Make your applications without delay :4 NOTICE OF SALE ON EXECUTION By vlrture of a writ of execution against the property hereinafter de scribed, duly issued by the County Clerk of Lincoln Count v. Orprnn. nn the 8th day of August, 1922, and to me, 1 tlement thereof. ine undersigned Sheriff of Lincoln ELSA KUEHL, County directed, for the enforrfi'mfint ' Arlmlnlatroti-lv nf tha C-otnlo nf -In. of a decree of foreclosure and sale glv-1 hanna Dahlmer, deceased. 24-Bt sell real property hereinbefore des cribed at public auction to the high est bidder for cash in hand on day of sale, subject to redemption, in the manner provided by law for the pur pose of satisfying the said decree, with Interest and costs of sale. Dated this 10th day of August, 1922. Date of first publication August 10th, 1922. Date of last publication September 7th, 1922. M. Simp"on, Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon. 25-6t NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, administratrix of the es tate of Johanna Dahlmer, deceased, has tiled In the county court of Lin coln county, state of Oregon, her final account as such administratrix of said estate, and that Tuesday, the 5th day of September, 1922, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. has been fixed by eaid court as the time for hearing of ob jections to said report end the set- NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The County Court of The State of Oregon for Lincoln County. Tn tho matter of the Estate of Kwln D., deceased. NOTICE i3 hereby given that the ui.duiv.lgned hr.s been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon fcr Lincoln Ccunty, Executor of the cstrtto of Ewin D. Skaggs, deceased AK persons having claims against said esrato are horoLy notified to present the same to the undei signed, together; witn proper vouchers therefor. ' vorl fled as by law required, at the office of the County Clerk in Toledo, Oregon,' or at me office of McFadden & Clark, in the city of Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon within six months from Die date hereof. ' . Dated' this 22nd day of July, 1922, Walter C. Skaggs Executors of the Estate ot Ewln D. Skaggs, Dlcoased. McFadden & Clark, Attorneys for Executors. 23-6t NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given of the In tentlon of the common council of the City of Toledo, Oregon, to establish a grade on Hill st. of Toledo, Oregon, between the following points: Hill st. from the north side of the Intersection of Hill and Fifth stj. to the south side of the intersection of Hill st. with the State Highway near Seventh st. Any person objecting to the estab lishment of Bald grade Bhould file with the City Recorder a written remons- strance on or before the 6th day o. September 1922, This notice is given by1 virtue of a resolution passed by the Common Con cil for the City of Toledo, Oregon, Sat urday August 12th, 1922. R. R. Miller Recorder. 26-2t HI No other manu- ' 2?!sS HI facturer in the sjKJwIP II world has so per- . HI sistently main- . .X HI tained such high ! HI standard of qual- I ity and so deter- ' $285 II minedly kept . j II . prices down. ' ' So when you buy ill n Ford Products V- ' "p you will enjoy not C VS S.l E H only tho satisfac- $7ffi fa& UN tion of having fiffeiH $ft III made the right choice ' ';?wGfe ('' but of having saved - . 'v "(St3"' y,j money besides. kii'jj " CaM, write or phone , . wuj.cBaapuu 3 !for our terms. au.pwcesp.o b. Mntorr 3 PETERSON BROS. GARAGE Local Agents PHONE 3902. ' TOLEDO, ORE. I I CARRY A PULL LINE OF DIAMOND8, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE -WALTioSl.W&TCMlO WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY ALSO A FULL LINE OF FOUNTAIN PENS and PENCILS OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE A8 PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER THE OLD RELIABLE(Etabllshed 1900), TOLEDO, OREGON 1 H t.. Inqutjlre Box A, Toledo, Ore. 26-2t NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In The County Court of The State ot Oregon For Lincoln County. In the matter of the Estate of Albert Wlgum, deceased. NOTICE Is herby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Lincoln County, adminstrator of the estate of Albort Wigum, deceas ed. All persons having claims against said estate are herby notified to pre sent the same to the undersit-ned, to gether with proper vouchers there for, verified aa by law required, at the office of G. B McCluskpy, In the city of Toledo, Lincoln County, Ore gon, within six months from the dute hereof. Dated this 17th day of August, 1921. Ole Aniundson, Administrator of the estate of Albert Wigum, deceased. G. B. MeC'luskey Attorney for ad ministrator. 26-6t NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NOTICE is hereby given of the In tention of the City of Toledo. Oregon, to cause to be improved thnt por tion of Fourth street of Toledo, Ore gon, between the following points: Fourth street from the east side of the intersection of Fourth and Hill streets to the east side of the inter section of Fourth and Grove streets. Said portion of Bald street t be im proved in the mnnner following: by planking tho same a width of sixteen feet through the center thereof on estsbllshed grade, with P'nnk three inches thick, six inches wide and six teen fset long; laid one inch 'apart with one-inch blosks between &e plank, one block on each strir.r. Plank to be securely Bpiked wlth'jtx ty penny spikes to live stringers. Twa spikes through each outside striBtfr and one spike through each intH stringer. Stringers to be at ltaxt three Inches thick and six inches wlie Said Improvement to be, done at the expense of the owners of the adjacnt property along said portion of -nit street In accordance with the ctan of the City of. Toledo. Oregon, Wfcl. property. Is' particularly .'described t follows: . Lots 7, 8, and west of lot , block 12 Graham's 4th add. to the CI of Toledo, owned by A.- T. Peteric Lots 10, and east of lot .'6, to block 12 Graham's 4th add. to the City of Toledo, owned by Lee Wad Estate. Lots 11 and 12, block 12, Grahaa't 4th add. to the City of Toledo, owoe by W. E. Lingenfelter Lots 8 and , block '9, Graham's 4?k add. to the City of Toledo, owned Episcopal Church. Lot 1 and west 29 feet of lot 2,' block 8, Graham's 4th add. to the City f Toledo, owned by Lee Wade estate. East 21 feet of lot 2, block 8, Gra ham's 4th add. to the City of Toledo, owned by Rachel King. East Vi of lot 6, block IS, Graham's 4th add. to the City of Toledo, owned by the City of Toledo. West half of lot 6, block 0, Graham's 4th add, to the City of Toledo, owned by U. S. Van Cleve. . Lots 4 and 5, block 6, Graham's 4tJt add. to the City of Toledo, owned by Leo and Ethel It. Bateman. Lot 3 and east 10 feet of lot 2, is block 6, Graham's 4th mid. to the City of Toledo, owned by I'oter Fred erick. Lot 1 and west 40 feet of lot t. block 6, Graham's 4th add. to the City of Toledo, owned by the First Nat ional Bank Building Association. ' Any owner of property hereinabove set forth objecting to sold improve ment shall file a written' 'remonstrance to the name with the City Recorder on nr before the 4th day of September 1922. Tlils notice Is given by -virtue, of, and ns directed by a resoIuflNi pushed by the Common Council of tin City of Toledo, Oregon, on the lti day of August 1922, said resolution direct ing me as City Reeorder to give notice of the intention of the City ot Toledo. Oregon, to cause said improvement to be made in the manner hereinbefore set forth, and directing that this notice be given by publication in the Lin coln County Leader, said publication to be for a period of two Iseuos. R. R. Miller, Rerorder. 2G-2t YOUR EYES ACCURATELY FITTED By GRADUATE OPTOMETRIST Private Office for Examinations Prices Reasonable F. M. French & Sons '. Optometrists and Opticians 1 Albany, Oregon ttASIEIEWEfflSEIW FOR SALE FOR SALE While they last, few fat spring frys; avi. weight llbs. Price 25c. per lb. live weight De livered anywhere. Write or call ati uiana raultry ranch. 27tf FOR SALE 1 Milk Cow giving 3 gal. milk .testing at 5 per cent. Part Gernsey and Ayrshire, Albert Ker ry, S. P. Section foreman. 27-3t FOR SALE Motorcycle Side car; Uo- ea rora Truck; mo Baby Over land. Peterson Bros. Garage. 23-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 good 7-vi. old mare, work any place; saddle, buggy and harness; also 2 good milk cows; will sell for cash or trade for chickens or hogs. Inquire of box 3C2, Newport, Ore., or tele phone 70-F-3, Newport. 27-3t- 40 ACRES Near Toledo; State Road; Mutual pnone; dally mall. Good 6 room house, good new barn, or chard; tome timber. Good bargain. Inquire at Leader office. 13-tf FOR SALE One Champion Mower, $25; one metal farm wagon, SIC ; one spring tooth harrow, $7; one good telephone IS. Address Mrs. Nellie Davenport, Elk City, Ore. 26-lt FOR SALE One-ton Ford Truck, 1920, model; also sorrel horse, 6 years;' weight abont 1400. C. L. Ryan, Bayview, Ore. 26-2C- FOR SALE Few choice 1' to 5 acre tracts near Toledo. Inquire Box 37, Toledo, Oregon. 26-4t FOR SALE 1 Gasoline Launch, 20 feet long; 4-cycle caglne, 4 b. p. Id quire Anderson Boat Works. 26-3t FOR SALE One motor boat. 6 h. p. Fairbanks-Morse engine; Just paint ed; good buy for cash. Inquire at Roberts Mill. 26-3t FOR SALE Used Cars, 1W5 Ford Touring car; god condition; 1914 Ford Touring Car, Good Condition. Peterson Bros. Garage. 26-tf FOR SALE 1 registered Shropshire Ram, 2 years old; one 7 -year-old Mare, weight about 1000 lbs; good In saddle and all-round work mare. Sondre Romtvedt, Toledo, Ore. 26-4t WANTED Five head of purebred Jersey Cows; must be good stuff and priced right. A. O. Rust, To ledo, Ore. 26-3t WANTED To trade one 1918 Ford touring car tor vacant lot in Toledo. WANTED Hop Pickers wanted for largest ranch in Oregon. We furn ish wood, water, tent or room for families, straw for bedding and pay 50c per box. Write for registration car and circular. E. Clemens Horst Co.. Independence, Ore. 26-2t TOLEDO LODGE NO. 108, I. O. O. I meets every Wednesday evenpg. Visiting Brothers always Welcome. Carl Glldersleeve, ..Secretary. PROFESSIONAL CARDS D. M- HELLWARTH, M. O. General Practice CALLS ANSWERED PROMPTLY Office in FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. TOLEDO, ORE. BEN F. ROSEMAND. M. D. Specialist On EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT 108 S. 2nd Sb Corvallis, Ore.; Telephone 1724 Hours 9 to 5 Evenings by Apolntment 2G-4t- 3 C. E. HAWKINS Attorney-at-Law Toledo, Oregon ENGINEERING WORK . . Professional Engineer -In the l.a of Oregon, Topography work, civ Engineering and Suk-DMslon wort A. J. McMillan, Teledo, Oregon Dr. Ernest H. Hall Dentist First National Bank Building Phone 1109 Toiede, Ore. INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, HEALTH-A ACCIDE4I AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTORS' LIABILITY C. K. CROSNO, Toiede, Oregon Office In First N. B. Bldg. FOWLER'S RESTAURANT Hill St, Toledo, Oregon Atk about our $1.90 PER DAY RATES " Best established eating p!;;se lii v : Lincoln County K. J. FOWLER, Prop. -