9 1. 6. Boost for Lincoln County's Ninth Annual Fair, Toledo, Ore., September 6, 7, 8, 9 OFFICIAL PAPER of LINCOLN COUNTY LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER LARGEST CIRCULATION In LINCOLN COUNTY VOLUME 30 LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24th, 1922. 921. NUMBER 27 DEPARTMENT SUPERINTENDENTS BUSY GETTING EXHIBTS READY FOR THE OPENING DAY OF FAIR "Lieutenant W. K. Patterson, Secretary of Fair Board, "Spills Dope on Various Departments Lincoln County Fair Will Be This County- The following Information as to what Is being dono by the superinten dents of tho various departments of the Lincoln County Fair was furnished by Lieutenant W. K. Patterson, secre tary of the Fair Board. Wo hardly think that Mr. Patterson goes strong enough in his praise of the men and women who are working night and I day in the interests of the fair. They ! Beem to have the on0 object in view I f making this the greatest fair in ' they will undoubtedly get the emest tne lustory or Lincoln county ana cooperation of every resident of the -county. If you plan an exhibit of any kind, get In touch with the sup-1 erintendent of the department in which you wish to exhibit I If the enthusium of Supt Hulbert i .., u.,i f mho, f .i. IS BUT ClllUlltU VL UIO UUUIITCI Ul Bill' male that will be exhibited, we had 4oltar onlnrrn th Pair irrniinfU Whv XnUt'Wk& ih nurnniia onlv nf lettine them, &ta?th.7w.hH" Is about right at that What would t initAin ... a i, it , tnr 11,. a.i To hi 1. ri.. the credit for the two fine barns now .......... on the grounds. Go to it Hulbert. We have secured the services of C. C. Dickson of Shed as Judge on rf.t,. PatHo onrf V 1. Pf.ttot nf ! A. C. on beef cattle, hogs, sheep and Eddyvilie his promised an exhibit of goats under the charge of C. h. Roscoe of Burnt Woods. This means we will have to provide a car to c .... bring them in ( OPERATING SAW MILL Portland concern Bids $125,000 Have you talked to Supt. Grabie ,AA , , for Personal and Real Prop- lately. He Is awfully proud of hav W.000 capacity saw mill I now rf f Yaquina Harbor Luni Ing secured the services of J. A. Gar- "P"10" on the Kyniston place near haCfDfJlv rison of Portland a. Judge. He has, Toledo. They are now rawing lumber,) ber Campany. to also arranjted for a dally eu'lina : ex- fof 018 "SHetr brWger that are being - " - hibition and this feature should be ullt hv Mbnson-Treweiler con-1 The Title & Trust company of Port Interesting to the puoltry men of tho BiTnoo,S- t " land. Oregos were the successful bid- the modern cons-ruct.on plac' s.drabreroTnnmbehatwm -r. at th. sheriff sale Saturday morn d onhe word "chXn it l" very .be worked into lumber and they expct Ing when the personal and real prop hard for Grabie to get a hearing be- to do considerable shipping. The erty of tho Yaquina Harbor Lumber fore the board; anyway he expects to have the best exhibit ever. Vegetables and Farm Products. We a't sem to think that this will be all right because we have shifted the responsibirity for this exhibit to ' the shoulders of our county agent. What Is a county ' agent for If not to -see that farm exhibits are prop, erly and prominently displayed? Well, John saya that . we will --of course, have a better and bigger ex hibit than ever, but then this is a backward season; there was a long Cry spell and now there is too much rain etc. & etc.. when he knows all ine uiuu mat wo vwj .o . he Is going to be swamped. We don't wish Cooter any harm, but all our hope is that this Eddy vilie distdct they talk so much about comes through and he will have to use the Fischer-Story mill property lor his show. Fruit. If there is an fruit ln Lincoln County outside of the grocery stores The fair board Is not aware of It so far as reports are concerned, but at that we understand that A. E. Marvin expects to make this the best that (Continued on Page Eight FOR COUNTY FAIR TO VISIT NEWPORT Toledo and Siletz People to Form in Automobile Parade and Serenade Beach Resort on Sunday, Sept.3. A a is t itmiililln hnvnfaw jia to van nA. sistlng of people of Sileti and Toledo will leave here Sunday afternoon at 2 p. m. . Sept. 3 for Newport where inly wiu snadVtneS SHE each resort boosting the Lincoln County Fair to be held ln Toledo on September 6-7-8-9. The caravan will' be headed by a trumpet megaphone will be extensively used Jy the boos- ters. Automobiles will be1 decorated in the national colors' will prevail as decorations. All boosters invited to come along and have a good time. COMPETITION OPEN TO Al I DriVC AKirt riDI C ALL. BUIO nNU UIKL9 . , . . , , According to Superintendent G. W. Ford and Victor Shawe of the sport division of the Lincoln County Fair, deciding that from the proverbial , local electric light plant, and also the program printed in the fair book goose bone to the Indian soothsayer .chairman of the eports committee, an ie a little misleading, due to the fact everything points to Old Sol shining i nounces ln his eport program that that It states that the races tor boys fortn a au his glory, so why give the tFord races will be a special feature of -and girls are confined to high school insurance company any of the gate the sport's program. As the only re pupils. They state that a.l boys and receipts 1 e there is no member of quirement Is that the machine be a .girls of the county are entitled to the board appointed to assure good Ford. Mr. Ford's Ford race will un- competo for any and all prizes on- j doubtedly be a highly interesting tea- nounced. j (Continued on Page 4) ture. , That Tends to 5ow That 19Z2 Far Superior to Past Festivals in 1 WILL EXHIBIT HERE DURING IAR WEEK Attraction of Eeoecial Interest to ciddiel Wi, rv1ake Thinc,s Hum; Monkeys Will Also Pre- form. Sti'.l another ati ruction that will at- tract, considerable attention and will simply make the kiddies wild with , . , . ... . , ,,, 5lae '? thf !6C' tnat,a rea cIUa wlH oe on nana aunn? lair ween. 1119 pre- tM- ettractlon wtlll be com- P0 entirely of Ponies, Dogs and Monkey, t being 17 ponies. 16 doK Bn " mDoyn: . , The fair board has been put to con- siderable expense to get this wonder- show here and it is the firjt time tn tho htatnrv nf tnA rminfv thnt annh nn undertaking has 'inen attempted. It comes hero with high recommendc- tion of being a first etas preiorm- a?"9 and t will be nadouttodly one oi ma uioHi inierei.iiig auracuuiia hi i P I knth IrtHfllAct onl rrvrxwn. l" '"' B.u.... UP9 aIllte- 0 SHARP AND KYNISTON manager y ' ""-v and W. Kyniston. T TO BE A MEMBER OF THE FAIR BOARD? f Sq Become an Enemy 0f the . . . ... wumy wun ana ' ou " , sure OT a ioo lor vuuniy s Next Annual Show. OFFICERS FAIR BOARD. President Peter Frederick. ' Vice President R. P. Goin. Secretary W. K. Patterson. TreasurerManager R. L. Jen kins. Members L. A. Hulbert, Clif ford Wakefield. I lT)t A Mamha This board is composed of a body of men who have for some reason earned the dislike of the County Court who, to get square with them, appoint them to this position. These men hold meetings every once ln a while during the year and t" " "'oU",;B fr t'heTr .7 against the said court by folstering making ice cream and Is furnishing on the balance of the county the tocal merchants -with a home made n2 fp.tii known as a county product. A tample of the cream man faTVhe1 usual mXd'S p e ufactured by jthis concern .brought Is to meet and appoint a manager- t have a different idea of what a fair Is. Believe me, if you want to, but! they really Beem to have the idea they ere in some way responsible to the citizens of this county to make tne P,22 falr an educational and ft uo"v-,,, Each member of the board has his .a.d out for h.m. One to .cure "le"'V' "".g 'E-" etc Then m "mr. vrrlou. ex- ?, uP"ln?,t8 ?L ,TS2?! dertmer thto feP th eir own aepcrtmenis. tms 'eaTea manag". 'r,,!-. p"! ? grounos B" " ? ?. F"JSL" nimts wnen me arrive. I Our efficient stenographer already i haa the premium lists In the hands of l,1B exniouors bo cTtiiuiiut been cftre(j for ,hat couI( !n any way help the success of the fair. Tney even discuss the expected .uih in . orv learned manner. county court turns DOWN CONSOLIDATION The County Court Saturday, acting as a boundary board, turned down the proposition to consolidate school dis tricts 60, 51 and 57. A petition sign ed by 4-8 residents, reported to repre sent all but three of the school chil dren of the three districts, was pre- senieo. in iavor 01 me consolidation. STS board. The districts mentioned are locataed on the Lower Siletz. Considerable argument was had In regards to the matter bv residents of the affected districts and a'ier cons.d eration a motion was made to not grant the permission to consolidate. Judge James voted for consolidation of the districts while Commissioners Dunn and Warren voted the project down. J. O- STORY WILL MAKE HOME IN TOLEDO J. O. Story, well known In this part of the county through his connection WJ"! the F,B5h.?I' B"ihj bu." "Pll? '"r the Yaqutna Harbor Lumber Co., Saturday, has decided to return to To- :edo and make his home, according to his own statement. Mr. Story predicts a real future for Toledo end Lincoln County, and If Mr. Story tells people ' , ,. . , 1, . . nthe utu8ld? the "am.e 8tofry 4!?"i lena ub 110 i a uioi w this community and he will be wcl- corned as a resident of Toledo. He will move bis family 1 .ere from Portland In tho near future. o TITLE 8 TRUST CO. AT SHERIFF SALE Co., of Toledo was sold to the hlgn est bidder, their bid being $126,000. The holdings consist of several hun dred acres of the finest lumber in Oregon. ONLY TWO BIDS MADE. I F. C. Hefron of Eugene- waa the bidder for the Trust company and his bid was the second offered. The first bid was ocered by J. O. Story, of Protland. Several bidders repre senting big interests were present, but none were prepared to raise the bid of Mr. Hefron. T0 PROTECT BONDHOLDERS AccorainK lo w . n. vvvkiuuk w Portland, one of the largest bond hold ers of the Yaquina company who was .present at the sale, the nign dio or I the Title & Trust company was of fered mainly to protect,, the bondhold ers. He explained, however, that the 'sale of the property would clear the title and would enable trust company to dispose ot the holdings to an oper ating company Uiat would immedi ately develop the property. He pre 'dieted that this would be done im mediately and that the construction of a mill soon be started. .YAQUINA BAY ICE CO. MAKES HIGH GRADE CREAM The Yatiulna Bay Ice Co., located with the Toledo creamery has started -? , itt UppX from 0,6 otWe- POULTRY- CULLING WILL BE FEATURE Mr. A. F. Grabie, superintendent ot VJZt, ?uUg ' the P0"1"? exhlb,ts tnat n,B ludK8 wlU give dally exhibitions lllustraUve of fhe ortncioles used in culling out the unprofitable hens from the flock. Mr. ie ch,ck9ng tor thin nurnose. The time and Dlace of ih.a demonstrations will be announ- red In Ttter issues. p0RD WLL RUN A FORD AGAINST A FORD Mr. O. W. Ford, manager of the mrs thomas thomason ; DIES AT ASTORIA HOME Astoria, Ore., 'Mrs Jane Thomnsen, I wife of Thomas Thompson of 220 Mc Clure evenue died at tho family home I about 4:30 this morning following an J extended Illness-with a ' cimpllcatlon ' of diseases. . I The diseased was a noatlve of Eng-1 land, 45 years of age and had resided In this country durlnx the pa3t 16 years. Besidos her husband, she left one daughter and one son, M:irgue- rite and Thomas Thomason Jr. She also left ono sister, Mrs. Annie Erbes of Hamn, Ore., her parents, two sis- ters and two brothers residing in Eng- land. The funeral was held from the Hugln'sparlors at 2:30 Sunday after noon with the Interment In Ocea View cemetery. EASTERN STAR CONDUCTS FUNERAL j A Bpecinl meeting of Fernchp.pter I O. E. S. was called by Orra A. Haw-1 kins, W. M., for 2 Sunday afternoon. The members attended the fu'ieral of the late Mrs Thomason conduct ing the services at the grove. As toria Budget. MrB. Thomason was for several years a resident of Harlan and her many friends In the B1g Elk district of this country will regret to leam of her death. Wm. Scott, G. S. Fitzpatrick and1 t EVoLb m'in. ' i o sr.i. wo-o h...h.o.. in ToioH e.rHn """"",n'""w!" coming ,nere for business witn tne county court In connection with the consolidation of sohdol districts in that vicinity. .PURCHASERS OF 6. OLSON ESTATE The purchasers of the Gust Olson r ... . estate and tlie tracts or land acquired by each individual buyer are as fol- lows: i Enat half of northeast quarter, we - oc 9. township 11 south of range 11 west of Willamette meridian-W. ir. Bubs Lot 7 In bock 1, city of Toledo Jeter Frederick. All of block 3 in the ledo Thomas Weeks. City of To- Lot 12 block 5 ln Graham's 4th Ad dition to Toledo Theora Davis. West half of lot 6 ln block 6 in Graham's Furth Addton to Toledo R. S. VanCleve. Lot 10 In block 16 in Graham's 4th Addition to Toledo John Vasek. Lots 7 and 8 ln block 16 ln Graham's Fourth addition to Toledo Frank Updyke and Violet Updyne. Lot 1 and north 10 feet of lot 8 In block 14 in Graham's Fourth Addition to Toledo Claarence Ofstedahl ana Arthur Nye. I Lots 1 and 2 ln block 1 In Jones and Gaither's Addition to Toledo and a tract of acreage adjoining Clarence Ofstedahl. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block 3 tn Jones' 2nd Addition to Toledo R. S. VanClevu. Lot 1, block 6 In Jones' Second Ad dition to ToledoCeorge Tindall. Lot 1 in block 16 ln Jones and Nehrbas Addition to Otter Rock Ver non Jones. ..-. 1 .Aotln. 1 " ship 11 south, range 1 west W. H. Abel. Standard Oil company has under op- tion Block 3 In Graham's Sixth Ad dition to Toledo, Oregon, for a dis tributing station. MILK AND BUTTER FAT CONTEST WILL BE FEATURED Much interest was manifested last the most spacious hall In Lincoln year in the milk and but'erfat rontest. County and Is of sufficient size to take honors In both being carried away by care of the crowds. L. A. Hulbert with his registered jer-! o soys. It Is hoped this year that other! -. ieiicn. breeders will enter animals in this, MACHINE DEMOLIarlr.U. competition in order that it can bej "TO MUCH MOONSHINE" made a real contest feature. Grades I as well as pur -bred are eligible fori glet ore.. Last Saturday night this competition, and It Is honed th,it'n dnn(,0 wn neld at the slntz poot any cows in the county which may ha whero thra wag p.enty of ..moon. be at fair time milking in good shape ghne,. ln evidence arcoiting to a re will be entered in this contest. Mr. rt from tllnt place Wednesday Af Hulbert will enter his cows this year eT tn fegtvltles woro over. Perry and he should have competition. Bring Battlce Parted home In his auto but on the good milkera. unnbie to keeD In the road, result MANY NEW FEATURES i- PAtr, tuic urm m" 'tnn i In keeping with previous Lincoln i county fairs, the 1922 event will keep up Its former renuta'ion alonR the , line of improvement and will this year show some brand now features , which are bound to be highly enter- Dr. Derfllnger and County Agent breeder ln the vicinity of Portland, talning land Inntructive. The Boy's Cooter are busy testing cows for tub-j,BB been secured by Mr. Cranio to and Girls' Calf Club wrth 20 odd ca'.ves, erculosls. Tho Burnt Woods aera has .judge the poultry exhibit. The fair (heir parades and judging contests, Is been completed and a total of nine board has gone to considerable ex a guaranteed attraction. The dog and reactors found. LaiV year some , pense ln order to secure these compe pony show described elsewhere wlU twenty head of cattle acror,B tho line, tent judgas and It Is hoped that the likely be the bicgest event of Its kind in Benton County reacted and the public will appreciate and profit la ever shown In Toledo. The livestock Burnt Woods reople have been vory the decisions awarded by these ex exhibits will be exceptionally good, anxlou to hove their cows tested pertB. ln order that the fair be prop probably twice as large as ever before and from tho results had Just cause erly educational as It should be, tha and with much more qua'.lty. Every for their suspicions that there might reasons for the Judges' awards Bhould -department of the Fair has been re- be Infected cows in the neighborhood, j be understood by the laymen, and it organized, and profiting by the exper- Tuesday testing was begun In the,jg hoped that the fair visitors this -lence of the past will run -long with , Lower Silets In the vicinity of the year will be on hand to witness the clocklike precision. t j newly organized Cheese factory. I judging ot the various exhibits. i i mpr MPT nr nnnrn LAHbC Lib I UT rKIZcb EXHIBITORS AT FAIR THIS YEAR; COMPETITION WILL BE SPIRITED . . nxt , , . ,, , , . . , "r'zes Offered for All Industries That County Is Adapted to In- eluding Dairying, Livestock, Small Stock Raising Poultry. c .. c , , . .,!,,. . . 6 ' J' Fruit- Fa"m Products of All Varieties; Lumbering, Boys and i Girls Clubs, etc. Special Prizes by Toledo Merchants. . - CARNIVAL WILL BE AT T, Mr. James Duff of Columbia Beach Amusement Company tAfMi u- iAi:t.u. c-..-l Will Come Hero With Farris Wheel, Merry-UO-Round and Everything. . on. .root fot,. m . , ih.i h. ko i ... ..- ..il h,j i it. otf .i i Bi' VV'O or Ldnclln county a real good time .mn'nvmnt ? tho n.vif a?'" " 1., erap.oyiuent of the Dun Amusement Co., of Columbia Beach. Mr. James Whflo .(tnnilfna tk. f.l. V. U Ua Duff himself will be in charge of this .", " j u' .' kJ " th. n5.n to Toledo a nival. There will be a merry-go-round. ferrls wheel and everything that goes to niak; this sort of entertainment a Bllnn... T ,. T, . ft .... .. I .... .1 t..A . Mne that the fcir board insisted that '.a he make Toledo again this year. Through the co-operation spirit shown by the Southern Pacific Co. the fair board la able to assist Mr. Duff ln making arrangements to get hi. n . .n l. .. . 1 1 . 1. . n nj .1. vw" "o-d ouU boa"d la Pleased to announce to the n, k8 hand f rOV5?'U,P8 0 0161 ' wl" JeiJ?L8 L,f.. f!J- lh. h' MnMr tJS?r Uth Tn.tl, n tn' w. '"?Vll!J must have Its money s worth and the hwumuhiuu. ... ...... 1 '" i Mrs. W. E. Peterson returned from Oakland, Cal., Saturday after an ex- tended visit at the home of her brother Mr. Will Hoefline, at that place. JAZZ ORCHESTRA TO FURNISH MUSK DANCES FAIR WEEK e ,, ,.,. Serenaders Will rea- , Corvallis ture at Fair With Musical Se- farm,, the most extensive prize list la lecttoos; Both Afternoon and offered. Awards will be made In Fvonino- Concert Ith'8 department on the following tvening concerts. I re. garden productg and vegetables 1 16; field products, grasses and forage The verv host music to be had has piant8 is; grain, 15; orchard prod been arranged for fair week. The 0cts, green, dried or preserved, 15; "SerenadeTs" of Corvallis will be on arrangement and decoration, 10; qual Vand to render both afternoon and .y 30; total 100. ovontntr pntlPAria Thta Rnmn Til 11 wtf 11 1 , I. nnln,nJ h. tho hail tho .1 . .. . ... ii..,.J. organization gave a nance in loieuo jexhlblts in district displays snai: no, recentv and those who had the plea-;compete in separate entries. RiirA tn nttntid wilt lined nn further. 1 thto Honaptmont an nnnrnnrtnto. aBHUranre of their ability as must - clans. There will be band concorts both afternoon and evening specializ ing In feature and sole numbers. I To thoBe who enjoy "skipping the light fantastic" there will be no end of pleasure as the "Serenaders" will play the latest In fox trow, ttreumy waltzes and tfthor Into dances in the .Legion Hall every afternoon and even Ine. This is tho beBt dance floor and ing in hlo mnnlnir into a tc!onhone W breaking It off nd -emol his machine. Tho occupants of the, al ? lh:" "Tne,r,,,nnCe bUt R TESTINC IS BEING CONTINUED. V " ' ' " ! I niTrnrn Untntll The prizes to be distributed this your at the county fair to the winners of the various exhibits outstrips any thing heretofore offered. Although lacking the space to enumerate the various prizes, the following will give some idea of the liberality of the fair board in getting the prize list to gether. Livestock Department. I Division 1 and 2 In the livestock department with L. A. Hu bert as sup. erintendent, 45 prizes are to be aw"led, ranging from 15 down in first, second and third prizes, for the begt Bpeclmt,n8 ot catHtie, Huk several different breeds. Grand (Champion ribbons will also be award- led. The breeds are divided Into Iclasses as follows: Class A Short- horns; B Herefords; C Polled An- gus; D Holsteln; E Ayrshlres; F !..,. Potto- Hfir Jerseys; G fat Catt.e; H Grade Milk Cows. In this same division there Is also a ret of prizes for milk , ... , ,, ".'""".PJ0"0":.?.!8. Ti" be given to the cows producing the I most butterfnt in four mllklngs, first. 1!! th three best milk producers. Sheep and Goats. Division 3 and 4 Forty-eight prises are to be distributed to sheep and KUUL UWIIUIH Jk llie Luuiuy. xiiu lieu i l li. -' ini, ah b.Tecii of 8"eep- Angora and Milk goats. nivlulnn K A nfro Hut nf nrtTAR ill als0 t0 D0 Hwarded In this department whicn inciU(in Bn breeds of swine, Poultry and Pet Stock. -niuiainn aii hrosH. nf ciiirVono. geese, ducks and turkeys are en- tlUed t0 etlter foP njpl awards in thl9 division. Also pit game and oth- ef Pure bred fowl. The committee .ore tor and teed all towls and othe'' exhlbita:.m. the poultry departr monl a.d ,g0 transport from the To- Jed0 aep0t t0 me poultry DUtiamR na rotiirn at r1nsR nf fnlr tn ToIrHa Ha. t free of cnarKe al, exhibits entered. A p orable is superintendent of this aVBoni An appropriate HbI of nrizpc Is offered. Division seven Includes a list ot prizes for Boos and Honey; Division 8 rabbits. Dairy Department Division 9 In the Dairy department with H. R. Hartley as superintendent, sets of prizes are offered for both creamery and ranch butter. There are also prizes offered for the best grades of cheese. Agricultural Department. Division 10 rtn the agricultural de- ipartment, including grains, grasses. forage, vegetables and all varieties ot frit a. rac.t everv nroduct of the I " '"u ""' T". ? L.hlhlt. rarofullv selected and taste- fully arranged, can do more In adver (Continued on page 8) JUDGES SELECTED TO PICK WINNERS , M. Dickson and E. L. Potter, Livestock; Prof. G. R- Hyslop, General Exhibits; J. M. Garri son, Poultry. J. M. Dickson, who Judged the live stock at the Lincoln County Fair last year, will be the dairy cattle Judg Am.ii.i n. k. again this year. E. L. Potter, head b selected Tto 'judge the"'uvo,tock exhibits other than the pot stork and poultry. Professor G. R. Hyslop. head of the crops department of the O. A. will Judge the general exhibits. J. M. Garrison, premier poultryman ot the northwest, who has long been a