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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1922)
PAOTFOUP LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER. TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY. AUGUST 17th. 1922. LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER W. H. HALL, E. F. HALL, G. W. HALL Publishers. G. W. HALL, Editor. Entered at Teledo, Oregon postofllce, aa second-class matter, under the Act of March 3rd, 1879. Established Twenty-Nine Years Ago. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES One year, In advance, $2.00 Six Month, In advance 1.00 GOOD ROADS COMING. dry for a reasonable length of time that this winter will find us with a rock surfaced road from Newport to the Pacific Highway at Corvallis. And even If we don't get It this winter we surelv will next Bummer for the contract for the completion of this roud is already let. Progress on the Aiwa Highwaj which will open a rock road from WiMport to the Pacific Highway at Corvallis Is proceeding nicely ana should be completed within the nex. two or three years if not sooner. This will give the people of the Alsea val ley some chance of connection witn the outside world. Still more important than these roads, valuable as they appear now, is the dream road of the future the Roosevelt Highway. And If the optim ism of our friend, Ben F. Jones, who is closer In touch with the situation relative to this road than anyone else we know ol, is an lnau-miuu, uic In looking forward to what our ag ricultural future Is, and how fast de Tulonment will come, the road situa tion 1s one of the most important to . terribly far off after all be considered. Four years ago we jg comfortmB to know that the pre tad no roads and but little prospect j Uminary surveys ore now being made of getting them. Lest we forget to I tlir0UKi, Lincoln County and the State be thankful for that which we ave , Hig)lwav commission is now definl'.e about to receive, let us reflect a mo-; )y on rrf"toril tt a pledged to the build ment on our road situation and see if ing o llis roll(j. things aren't looking pretty gocd. i . Four years ago the whole north end of the- county. Rose Lodsc, Otis, and Tnfi nnmniiitiiilpa. were recognized fhnmiit the state as having the very When your business looks nmst rond In Oreaon. Even State 'discouraging, it is a WATCH YOUR TONGUE. Watch your tongue, your ears with cotton. o- and stuff a little good practice STANDING THE GAFF. Kow would you feel. If you were the pitcher in a world series garao, with two strikes, three ba''s, two out,' two men on bases and 37,000 yelling ball fans on the stands about you? It makes the ordinary man's heart thump even to see a tight pinch in a bush league ball game, or to play a simple tournament match at any ordinary game. What iron nerve a feT.ow must have to stand in the pitcher's box and fnei glory or ruin depending on tue twist he could give to a single pitched ball. From the bunch of grammar school players Saturaa, afternoon on the back lot, to the sttnnlng professional efficiency of world's champions in the stadium, the problem of self-control is Just the same. The man who wlfis, oth er things being equal, i the man who s;y, "I tan win," and "I will win." Still more, the man who can keep sclf-c;ntained under intense strain, is usually the fellow who is not much bothered by defeat. Probably, had the pitcher in the world's series game faded down ou that final pit h, so that a hit should have ended the Game adversely fnr he would not have felt half so him, badly about it as 93 per cent of he Ma te- Spence who was at that time; to go to th? mirror and take a gw4:,'T on ilie hiPo,.i.,a t0 against bond stated after coming in over the Rose Lodge corduroy that he look at your tongue. When you are discouraged and An athletic high pal, school nrinpl. who makes It a point to play with i. n i .:... r. '. to build a road into a community that 'yellow fur coat on your tongue. You through dnon T i think business is bad-but you re monf he can tcach . . 'manliness that mleht PRcnna h,. When your tongue s clean your ln the roulin f ".'Sdy head is clear, and when your head to hU mmiio. t J y'. is clear, your business looks good, uo diffi-.jnce When business , really begins " to i08e, provided mimer yuu siuil cuuou lino couldn't conscientiously oppose bona business looks bad, you will find a D(li needed If as bad as the north end This community is now getting an op ening with the world via Slab Creek, and when the present road Is com pleted this wonderfully rich valley wilt have an outlet. What does this mean? Four years ago we wrote the "It makes absolutely whether you win. or you play the aaine your with ovo-v : r' ". fia" Tillamook Cheese association to see ears that you may not hear the in von ..n n,. ..".., '... at 18 ,,on ' ' '"lo kB" If we couldn't get their organization whine of quitters. to function in the Salmon River coun-lmake a phonograph The pessimists tlomen or your head. Prettv ... try. Their answer was "when you , They fill your thoughts with dis- more of our rnller w. i " -t a road." couraging records, end the cotton fessional athletes had th.?3 ?r," U is possible if the fall continues sluts them out. they would on tor th,a spfrit- .,:.- V, 1 tr'"cai cou & l COZY BILLIARD PABIOH, Nichols and Bain, Proprietors t i A high class line of cigars, tobaccos, candies. We also have the bost soda fountain in town, mixed drinks of all kinds served. Take a carton of ice cream homo with you. "THE COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN." "SERVICE 13 OUR MOTTO" feint urIIU - - HMIIIIK h,. "".!!""! r superiority to the slippery little sphere miht inn crowa yells. a deserved REBUKE. lAtT"J' PnWlcpap3n of Pros! ... Uls iciegrapnie reply to a w idenmuthed agitator who cirulatea uiy cnarge that the administra tion would draft i,n.iii. I Water Front Market WHOLESALE i 3STAI!. D?alsrj In 'T ' DRESSED & CURED MEATS FISH IN SEASON HIGKEST PRICES PAID TOR HIDES luimuy ana 111 lie wurlr ti, ,... i Sivon is stinging, but it is courteous? w a 0 uul u 18 temperate and .air mid most rigbJy deserved The ; United States is not Sovietlzed Rus ? ,o.. ";Ke'en when they abandon their employment are as the presi dent says "exercising their cons-titu-.t onal and lawful rights.' But as those who elect to be idle are guaran-lac- the ft-!! enjoyment of the right not to work, so ctiier men arj pinran .tcsd against molestation w:oii they , elect to work. The solder,,) ot Cha ;roqt.bltc a.-e b much at thy s-rvi'-e ,v HiriK"r3 as at the s:rv,xo "i uon-siriKcr?. L The Magic Carpet At the telephone when you ask for "Long Distance" you are on the magic carpet of today. A wish ex pressed and 3'our voice is where you desire to send it. In this service distance is elimi nated and inconvenience is avoid ed. The answer is prompt and time and money are saved. For detailed information as to rates and classes of service avail able consult the telephone direc tory, or call the "Long Distance" operator. Every Bell telephone is a Long Distance station. . r or the I I fundamental princ!cl of'd-o-'i-ey " 'i:'cw Voik Tribune. ' r i 'fmS The Pacifi c Telephone And Telegraph Company WAUGH & MEAXER, Props. DEMpCKATS HAVE NO I33UE. "ViHisn short of isuu;-s ujijituii? ccni.ruci?v3 to offer. s--7i-witHmtWWM glHn (.,:,.r,VnV; . ,c i';all.?n- agree. Mr. Olcott has said the same pected to tell the truth when called jto the witness stand, i Mr. Hall has stated that he doesn't !want the' nomination if it dresnt be long to him, but that he doe wan1 it if it does belong to him. That is right and ev-'iy loyal American will LADIES' MIl.LIMRY GOODS at t I t ARNOLD'! Demccrati The ay ". fry. f jTl,e Itepubik an party': 4, achiovament has cvrta: imaginp.tivo al-.o cans n congress Thn mw..-;, r ullnB- " "v u:e BUUU y"ila the ctinrressi :aa ca- n 1? I lM aeJ' er ti,e contest to onn'-B-inn m ' ! decided, to suppcrt whichever or.o Is fc "'-J d:ii:ij! . i i n.. iti s re.-ord of ,i,.t,,1m. axea ovsn t!iu) ' ilSenu'.tv of n;rfl..niiitl . - .... to find iues thr.i cromlre u..v'm,i..' Vil A i7a 'A 11 A'l? Y in thn wnv nf ,.n,,.,l. r .. ' ri I ' s i i"&Vl uaa carnea out a con f Tlie Peoples Meat Market I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN A NO. 1 MEATS, Fresh and Cured; also FISH & POULTRY t SAVE YOUR ORDERS WITH US FOR CORN FED BIRDS WE FEED THEM FOR OUR MARKET CLEANLINESS OUtt MOTTO SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PHONE 2903 TOLEDO. S. R. ANDERSON. Proprietor OREGON Ml 'I !' COMPLETE LINE OF LADIES' AND CENTS' FURNISHINGS Call In and look over our line of Ht, Caps, Gloves. Tic. Shirt3, Hos iery, Ribbons, Jewelry, Etc., Etc. I " 1 t M.4K?.I.J..v;.,t. ?: (jooatorm A- HAIR NETS Just the Shape or Color that the most Fastidious t Feminine Tastes May Desire. Careful Selection from Imported Stocks Guarantees I Them Perfect. Sr. J . We are as Proud to Sell Them as You Will Be to Wear $ Them. "GOOD FORM" Nets are Made for and Sold exclusively by REXALL Stores Only POPULARLY PRICED AT 2 FOR 25c DOUBLE MESH. .tiruelive proftra-.n that speafea for ir vn p.mi i lie cpp??!;ion his notbiuj; onstructive wlili which to- fcM f-.r support. But the DetRorrata must hava saiiHitli.nK lo cs-rry b'.'-ra tin. voters. If tliev lii-.ven't ir.iv'h'ni t,n itive, they niut find something r-ii to off;jr in their own behalf, fhpv aiust trui-.;p up io;v.ethii)s imaginary anraiiiHt their opjioimnls. tho-, wil! imvo no'.hlnc to talk about." A! iiary Harald. DON'T CARE TOR AMERICA. Thoac who x. so pro'estlnlv air.'in the tariff seem to prxfer tliat ignore should niaha goods Jcr uj tin-! JUr ,-oikers be idle Albsnv Ilcrcld! TOLEDO DRUG CO. Tha t7T"rWwTIN8, Prop. Store DISGRACED THE STATE. Precinct 201 in Portland has dis (traced the state. Al'ler counting some 20,000 votes in the recount triiil, no fraud nor nun o; iraua was round til! the ballot box of precinct 201 was opened whr It was found that Governor Olcott was cheated out of 34 votes. We have always thought that th primary law "merely gave Ignorance and prejudice a foothold in nomina tions, but that the primaries wore honestly conducted. When Mr. Hali enme forward with what appeared to his attorneys sufficient evidence to constitute a causo of action to thr offect that thousands of ballots.caot for him had not been counted, and when these allegations were support ed by the sworn statements of r.-j4" tion officials, it looked as tho the primary might ba ns crooked as the old fashioned caucus. Now it seeniR that asids from precinct 201 the only reflection that may be cast upon the uprightness of the count is thnt which may cluster around tho election offi cials which made the afrhiav;' crooked counting, none of which was found to exist, except In -precinct 201 nnd this was not one of the precincts in which me nan forces asked for mm (By P.css Fartjuhar) Friday Ant L.nniy is kind of olo fc.ahicned -.witch li visiting at are home wve she is ma's gest. She ast .no what book was 1 reading this ev ning and when I Informed her it was named When Nihilhood was in r'lour sho curls up her nojs nnd claimed she had no use for all '.hcao now fans led names of the present day and Ago. SIio scd when she was a llttlo ijirl of young yrs. they called them .ub sdn.) vi ' N; setter so Rt that. She srys Hoodj was only wore in cold C'.imots like Geern'.and ana '"lanady. Saturday Blisters got the gang to gather today .and sugesced that insted of playing base ball we shud ought to form a young boys wriklng club and ern money cleaning up the town, but he changed his mind be cause he seen his idea was about as Popular ns a Democrat in Oregon, Sunday Mr. Glllem was out ot luck today. They got up before daylite to, take a trip and he told pa he made s mistake and pored milk in his Crank case and when he got b few mi. out in the country he discovered that it had churned up into butter. Ma sad he was a lion. Monday Past bills all the after noon for the store and got paid ten cts.' 1 guess 'this store Is what you wood call a Close Corporation. Only it isnt any jokeing matter with ' me. -Tuesday Ant Emmy hassent saw are new house yet witch we are bulg ing. She ast pa what It was going to look like and he told her It wood 4 !;:- -H-H- -4" f ElvS SMOKEHOUSE t COME IN AND GET A TASTE OF OUR ROOT BEER THE ONLY BARREL IN TOWN $ E. A. LYTLE, Prop. i.1i&1H44 H 1 1 III lilt f recount, but ona demanded by Mr probly look like a peace of, difficult Olcott. ' I music. Sho ast why and he sed Be- The Hall forces now claim that'caU88 u woo1 nave "o.111'"'? Notes 'hey were not relying much on the Ton it. recount anyway, that what they re- Wednesday Ma is trying to get lied on especially is the charge of 'me to play with Edwin Smith on some 700 fraudulent votes cast ni. acct he uses good English but i charge will be delved Into Monday :druther lissen to sum 1 I can un and Mr. U'Ren hag already prepared 'derstand what he is tawking of. a soft bed of excuses on which tol Thursday Ma tuk sum pears ot light if he falls to make good by y-'er to.ole man Hlx and be sed he wont ing that those who mtnn rnnd,,i., ,r eat Dears because his cramna 4 'y when 'hoy voted cnn hardly be ex-'died of pearitonitis. $ WHEN 1 you have a bilious attack your liver fails to perform its functions. You become? con stipated. The food you cat ferments in ycur ctcmach instead of digesting. This Liflamcs the stomach and causes nausea, vomiting and a terrible headache. Take Chamberlain'c Tablets. They will tone up your liver, clean out your stomach and you will soon be as well as ever. There h nothing better. m Remember We Have a Good Line Of CARPENTERS' TOOLS FISHING TACKLE POCKET KNIVES FLASH LIGHTS AND, IN FACT EVERY: THING FOUND IN A COUNTRY HDW. STORE IT WILL PAY YOU TO VISIT US Sherwood & Hayden