LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY. AUGUST 17th. 1922. IS x.0 I-' - SILETZ (By Dr. Carter) The Mininit Brothers closed their camp meeting Sunday evening. Af ter the rajn commenced the meeting was moved to the church. Elder Grout, the evangelist. Is a very able, logiccal and eloqquent speaker 11 sermons were plain, forcible and eas- Jl.-s. Branti and Torhild were vUit ors !n Toledo Satuurday. Mr. Cecil Blower took a fine beef to Toledo Sunday. ilv understood hv all The I Kaln ai msi, ana t am quite sure .. ft M-QO Werinpsrinv h.,,. ttt hi. .1. -l i 1 I .. ..uuuu,, UUJI1,B wiitio .n. u i o uitii -1 ur sveuuins .'1B,r iiuueji ...nun idio, kets In the county seat. Elmer and Nathan Watkins made Miss Elsie and Ernest Ralston of 'a trip to Toledo Monday on business. Albany are visiting their sister, Mrs.! Mrs. .J K. Wheeler spent Sunday Cecil Blower. ' with Mr. and Mrs: R. L. Aplit and Mr. O'Dell and Mr. Nelson of the 'family. southslde were Moody callers Sunday. Mrs. John Davenport and children PAGE THRtP welcomed by all the farmers as the gardens were jn need of a good shower of rain as it will make QPelrinir a ,.l1nn . , . ; c ,ci ; ihiiir mud .UI UU. UIUCOIU V"",on" I Mr.,yCar!rT was unusually good, led by Prof. c. B. Witee. Towards trie close of the meeting some 10 or 12 went fiirwjirrt io tne altar seeking and a new beautiful song selected by Kev. C. It. Ellsworth to be sung at hja funerai! It was rendered by a quartet consist ing of Rev. J. G. Grout, C. B. Wite, Mrs. Leon Holmes and Mrs Morris Anderson presided at the piano. The titlo of the song Is "I Will Shout His l'ralse In Glory." This son? expressed Tangen sawed Wood for are visiting her father, Al Martin, at Toledo. S. J. Stewart went to Toledo Mon day on a bujness lp. FORESTRY EXHiUHORS NOTICE, Anyone wishing to make an e.xhlbt of wood work or forestry at the cow Ing Lincoln county fair will be ad vised by Alien Mayhew, Buperinten dent of forestry, of what to exhibit Mr. C. Bauckman Monday with his and how to make their entry. Ad- gas saw SOUTH BEACH dress P. O. box 465. Toledo, Oregon. or Call at Roberts Mill. 20-tf v A. MAYHEW INcJaHACJ?NJY court OF THE described as follows: Beginning at rn?L, Xl.L.Z. "cuu- -UR "-IN- a point on the section line one thou COUNTY. sand ninety (1090) feet south of the In the matter of the Noah P Meve-s corner common to Sections Seven road: flieye.s ?) ElB,)t geven(C0II (17) an(. To Charles Woodine G. P. Fklnf ;fc'Khtocn (ID, in TownsWn Eleven it. Dltalo, James F. Sheehan Alill'V A Khepltni, You are hereby notified that based '11"1'1'1 '''''V-nlne (9) degrees forty ""r i-umoer i ompany or used In con- of every nature and kind upon said premises, and all rights to mill ma chinery, and also all work shops, sheds, fixtures, works, plants, machin. ery, engines, boilers, t:ls. Irani. and ouutti iwiuve i-h nut iyhi oi -"" " impim-in, supn.-es, ap- ini;i:..;..u .ucrr.iKin, rcnn'.ng inoncq i uy sum laquina hi:1- upon a petition of Noah P Myers dtilv r i;.iiiu.uh i iwo iiumirea iweivs wo uumness ann piani i sworn to and filed herein praying ' (212) fuot t,lmil:e soulh Beven (7) of,alu,;("P"ny, including said saw for an order appointing a 'ilo-ircl nf 1 ulWpos thirty-two (32) minutes east nii11 " all logging outfits, uppliances Coimtv Viewers to view out and lo two lu,i"I"e'' tw(,'vo (212) feet, thence !a"(' apparatus owned by or used In cate a public road connecting his "'teen (lb) negroes forty-Hire j.umi"cuuii wun sam nulling or logg. arm wun tne nearest do ht on n nnh. uiu-, -- t- - . ...n.u,, uila , He road, which said farm Is par'icu- -T" r "l feet ,0 1 , bn,lk of D"pot larly described as follows- plough, thence north fifty-four (54) Lot 4 In section five, township 12 1 "?Kree fifty-two (52) minutes west ouii. nf nun m ,..t rii.. along bank of Depot Slough two hun- ette Meridian in Lincoln county, Ore- dre,d, eif,ht (.:08) feet a "olnt on gon. .section line, thence north seventy (70) That the County Court of Lincoln ".eBef ry, li,' 8 Ten, county, Oregon, by an order nude and alonS bank of said slough fifty (50) entered herein. o tl,n 7th h, , teei. mence norm lorty-tnreo dagrees NOTICE OF MEETING. Mr. Leathers of Newport is having lumber hauled to his Beaver Creek . ... . j r, r ' ". " . '"' "'mi firtv.r.icri,t raa, . ...i S-'a .Tcu.raTr,iiSCh Where 18 d0'"g Sme bUlld1coCounOreon:'tteyear o, norf Action auer a long nio of Christian work in,i"ff- Tn ah wi,nm if rnn-nM; firPPt'o,.,. . u. ? . ' .V y line to Dlaco of bujr nninic. tontalninff a, uuiiru ui cuuniy viewer j . " view out and locate a public road l b, afT 1",ore.or . , , a most hpaiiilfi.l u,o ' u-. kii , : Mr v.,.ni i ..,.!,. . 1U"" wiiom ii may luul-uiu, uicci aurv Iti u-l..jf l.a j f.n .1. . ., n i. .Li. i. i.i . 1I1K. . IO t .. i.t-m.i...-j uiiu leu ilia'; Hie nraui. w ween lur uiuir Home in Tnt,. nnllM lh.1 Ihi nt Fn.l. I 1.-- i..- ...... . Y Eapplness of real lifp will lust nnm. Pnrilnnil Thnv will stnn at Kllot1. mence when we Mrh . Z, on their wv. home. ' ,,za. lon Ior "ncoln uou.m.v.- Kn.:Nah P. Myers with mi, , ' , . ,,,, " , i in . o i win nieei on me second Aionanv or . nract cabin nn n shore. The song was sung bv snec-1 Lillian Pruner Is visiting at South o . , .u- 1..1 11... v '" ?'"e nn a ial reoUe.t end It m-,,I , ,lnt: Bonrh .ind rPti.rnort Sunrtnv. . I P" " " r' . r . 8a'"" nPIx'aring that you oto! . ,i i- r , j -- ----- ;aay or. soptemuor, iuiz, ror tne pur- nrp remipi'tivn re pression en the audience. Mrs. Moore and daughter are visit-: ; torrectine eouali-inc and ex- i ' I . -. mk ., Un. bo c i. M.i.r f.. ... 1 1 .. P0SB 01 correcting, eqaau.inR anutx-;erty lying betwoi UII 1I1U lilV wh wprp Vllfprt rxv a "vi null. i. u i.iwut.j uiiu mill it. : nn.l..ln. II ... 1 ,1.. T 1 of said tile nenreat point Also that tract of land bounded ann described as follows: eluding the following described per sonal property, rights to receive mon ey, claims for value of services ren dered, and rebates, to-rit: One bun dle Iron pipe (Southern Pacific Com pany); 87?i -inch Iron pipe (Setta Mer. Co.); cartage pipe (P. Horning); resaw (J. E. Martlnla); band saw. carriage and set works (Phoenix Mfg. Co.); one 15-HP motor (L. R. Altree); express on maohlnery supplies fiom Corvalils; freight on machinery from Independence; blocks, pipe r.nd hose (1'mtod States Spruce Production in 'luiuuiuij ; motors una pans, trom iormer a?ent ot Biletz. Major T. J.I weK u,erB was mihiaite r,..,tv ro,rnBfi iw thn a.i rsuioru or iirian, accompanied by lijs "muo U1B '"--nis wueu u as BaiuiseRnr)r neice, Mrs. I'ean lkn, and her sons, ,1""1 " aaside for receiving petitions anrom- i,it S ' ",", . j 'i ' .. ...... alonp l-u nave saiu nirs. uaies wun ner sons : ii,., . i.,,, ij ti.h. 1 " ",u tuuiuy viewers Ray and Lew, of Losvngele8. and Mrs ' Ueginniiiir at n nnlilir. niiwi .....i it i"''i u n:iiun iinu ono iiiousaiiu pin naai.u iruni unuca tiia puuiK. roau, and it .,,, iia,,,,. r, ,, , .nu Kn i., i,i, n and each of vou ... ' v "'"'. ' " ... . . , , , v""'': '"'. m.r of roni nrnn c.nmiMm io necuens seven (i), ot-.:ui:i inn n.inu nvo rolls; ono m the nhnvp rtp!'Ki!,hl (X) Sevenle-n (17) and Kigh-!ti"n live roll drive; one left hand - 'iui iiv i t ,..... n , :.. . 11 uto nn inm nun nliid real property and the nearest :. 'Vt, . ' ... , saws; county road ul11 iii:i'.c ien tiui wkjsi oi wiii-i""" 'i"u n-u ikuhi siuq live rolls; wuu n.-. nun live run unye live m i: ouo section livo roll drive; one sec- The first week .will bo set yon AI,p piTiTt-ii.-n ianietto .Meridian, running thence south - . mi, i.u i ii tun, ..I...... !, i . . , , , atnu ni iinu line iwo iiiinoruu derson's old friends. Mrs. I.nkn ilrnvpiei"- lier car from Los Angeles. It had b2e I Miss Gargaret Ewlng came home ticn right hand side live rolls: ono section live roll drive; one section livo vuu.i iiuuiu in me v uurt nuuse ai .gessing damages therefor on thp 8th K 11 1 n p"mt 1110 "'"l"'' "VB. lrP kius ana ster.m skip ion-no, vrem. Hi oc.oth a. in., jav ()f September 192" at the hour U1111K 01 UL'Pot olough. tlience north ("ner; one-secuon ngnt Hand livo rolls; r sunn n1,.. ih l, Q,J Tha.. "" ' i.u.1111, ncwa r, .,,, . ,.,r,,. , ,. . ... . . . .. . T " T"" j J 1.. ij.. i i T'u",l' - 11 i.iuiciu. 'iw IV nwiot F,. I,q r.,.nnan nf ..(!.... "..' -'h"i. v-.i.i; iVJi.-t, uiuiu: BUUlll ira waue and emmren of Toledo. This " K"r uu y ..s j ........... ,ab meeting will be held In the '01 : "".X Z "'b fmty-Uiree (4.1) degrees west fiitv- party spent the day at Mrs. Marie An-1 Miss Sheets. Mr. Gates will come lat- (.onrt R,onj , the Court Houge a ; " locating said road and as- br1u (5g) fet'o t. 99 .r- ain,.p i,o o, " "IX" ifrom Albanv Sundav evening where -Z" ." " " "' V ucluc,u io! 9 o'clock a. m. of said dav. at th !B,t "."""' ' uVKru'.'8 "ne0 V1"' ""0 "",",,m u"? c,.,uvoor ,n,m u thu u(i nuvi uiiu .ma, mm wa'l - i wr. Iflii .. . " had met having been children toth- 8,18 Ilas ueen visiting with her Aunt r in Siletz. They had a glorious ana uncle. She also stopped at ti. time recounting old and recent events, dependence to visit her grandmother Supt. Chalcraftand his clerk. C. E.ifo " tZw,ys-, T T , . I.arson, were on a business triP to1 MT-.0m1"ia1nd J Lel,lllp"er Portland and Major Buford did not went to Drift Creek Monday morning ePt TO SPP Tllpm Hnwpvpr hp wnai". o ... pleased with the looks of things and took great pleasure In going over the grounds he once knew so wel'. He WRIGHTS CREEK .. .1 w T-'l 1. in.. IV1T. ann mrs. unit? a oi CiK v.ilv ... r. , r m . "ff Z"y V hd laie.n cam,ed Ter n,Ellt ln this vicinity l.t ---"ihi choZi! u7!mi ... i,i : i- ..aj" ..:'.! ' "Mo, Lincoln County, Oregon, on no ui ins niu.ou i.icuu.- naiapun ior a lu-uay vuuauuii. Thursday the 7th lav nf 9pntpmhpr nnd hnrt a vnnA vlolt with thorn Hn M. hi. l orf ! .J"'irS?ay' I,n 0aV 01 Sepiemoer, faith i7 j S conntv h . k-:;. r.:;!19 to' following purposes warm place j He promised some future time. He looks well and iedo Saturday, FD imCKFU resid"'"e of Noah P. Myers on said jlnnnJe.V78t iW hU,".drfd f"0t "r'tn" eTnPr f ,r""m"' 1 " MJ. STOCKMt. Ii,, ' along left bank of rb d sloiieh t ipiicp 125-TIP 81O-RPM si o nnir iintnr- .n Assessor of Lincoln Co., Or. I' I,',, n , .....'north eight (8) degrees forty-fivo (4r,)20-HP 660-RTM motor;' one 60-HP hereunto set my hand and affixed the lnlinutea enat two (200) feet. '900 RPM motor with pulley; ono 75- KotJMcLntrVtlMh'thmca nonh t"irty-eiBlit (38) degrees HP 900-KPM motor with, pul'.ey ; ono dav of Ainriist ito-jSpaii 10tni thirty (30) minutes east one hundred 20-IIP 1200-UPM motor with pulley; CART 1 nn nmi i'rep Iflfty-elght and elgh tenths (158.8) one 20-HP 900-RPM motor with pulley; 25-5t Ponntv rirv ifeet- thfinco eaBt ono 1'undred nine- one 40-HP 860-HPM motor witli flexl- ' y lerK- iteen (119) feet, thence south ninet- u'o coupling; one 20-HP 900 RPM mo- NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC I eight (98) feet, thence west thirty tor with pulley; ono 10-HP 1150-hPM 2C-lt NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS OP LINCOLN COUNTY FARMERS' COOPERATIVE WAREHOUSE ASSOCIATION. There will be a special meeting of the stockholders of the Lincoln Coun- puq viau wun mem. nay Mr. Jonn uentry soia nis auio ana 1922 fo. ,hH f0ii0W-nB nnrnnRRi- Lincoln county and j bought a wago and team last week. m mn ot S'l of in his heart for Sjletz. ; Mr. W. H. Huntsucker and son ".f that the annai on't grow old very fast. Youthful looks and beauty still stays with him. We are still bothered with moon--shine. Last week a sew.nig machine man, pretty well filled up with the held the "first Thursday in September me " '" instead of the first Thursday last week. - It 13 Colng some fine March. in work on the roads. 1 2 To change parts of Articles 2 and Considerable excitement was mani- : ;""' . XI . '.... 1 1 . 1. xT n . h c . " ul u-mina 1 1 11-uu II1UL IUUI fest at the N. P. Myers ranch Sat- ,,,, , , llo ...iff oDoil h.n,.h Clio,. i.,rrfo .flornmn .h. o ln liMr T" l""-""u" " HUXJi uiii iiw muii, iiiiuug" uiicw1mi.j Ui..ww.. u ' n - ' instead or five driving at break neck speed; came chased his herd of goats within about I other important bus-iness near riiuuiiig uver ivo inuiau wuiuen. 1 ouw juiua ui 1110 uuusc huu mir; ij p HAYES CHAS LARSEN mey nau 10 uouge rigni ana ien. 10 ueiure 11 cuuiu ue s.uijiji'u. mi. nijnai Secre get out of his way as he ciz-zagged 1 fjred two shots at It but failed to' 05.1t from one side of the road to the 'bring down Mr. Bruin. The Shrrmerj" other. In such cases you hardly have boys of Winant assisted Mr. Myers time to think before you are knocked Sunday in a search for the pest but into a cocked hat a swish, a thud, failed to find a trace of him You arc hereby warned not to tress- feet t0 tlie P'nce of beginning, motor with slip ring pulley; ona 10- pass, pick berries, cut wood on my jcontalning one acre more or less. HP 8G0-RPM motor with flaxiblo coup property. Known as the Nortons Flat! Als0 tllnt tract of laml bounded and llns; 1 20-HP 1740-RPM motor; ono 6 located In the vicinity cf Yaqulna. : described as follows: Beginning at !HP 1200-ItPM motor with pulley; one Mr. L. L. Poulson at Yaquica is ln tlle northwjst corner of Lot Kour (4) 5 HP niotor with pulley; 1 5-HP 1200 charge of my property and to look"" Blotk Eight (8), Graham's Fourth RPM niotor with pulley; one 20-HP after It and work it. Signed. Addition to Toledo, Oregon, running 1740-RPM motor with flexible coup- Mrs. L. F. Rasmuasen, thence south twelve (12) feet, thence jliuff! one 10-HP 860-llPM niotor; one Portland, Oregon. 23-2t ica8t twelve l2) feet, thenco north uu-Ht' wuu-ui'M motor; one 20-HP ieivo (lit ieei, mence west twelve 1 nu-.trm nioior; oou reel BXlttxa (12) feet to place of banning. iron chain; 200 feet 8xl2Vix2 iron Also Lot One (1), In Block One (1). chain; one knife grinder: one sin. 'Graham's Sixth Addition to Toledo, ,head grinder; one circular saw grlnd- icr (Uovel); one 75-HP compensator NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 06449 Dcpaitment of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Portland. Oregon. Oregon. July 8, 1922.1 Also the southwest nurnler of the'nnd TFRMS; (freight on above to NOTICE is hereby given that ; southeast quarter (SV',i SEU): and Portland) ; one 5-HP rewound motor George Oliver Adams, of Philomath. the south half of the southwest nuar-1 (Sumnsr Iron Works. Everett. WiiHh- President. 1 Benton County, Oregon, who on Sep- ter (SV&SW1!) ; and the northwest !ington); one log loader; one 10x27 six temher 25, 1919, made additionul home- quarter of the southwest auartor S!'w edger; ona 40-Inch 21-saw tritn- .,OTr n- qi p npJ pY(.rillr.KI!stead entry No. 0G4 19. under Section 2.-(XW SWVi); and the northeast nior; cno log turner; freight -on throe nv virtnrp of , writ nt 1 Aet of April 28, 1904, for the , quarter of the southwest qimrtor cars governnipi't niarhlm ry; m.ichln- Secretary. W14, .SVI'.. SPP 11 T 17 IJ S ! I V K. . KV1'. 1 till. nnrl lumel !1'V Hlllin nil il I i .Vv., TJ..- against t ie nroDertv hereinafter do-ir'-T,,: ' ."' " ; I '.. . B' .. ,n,r '...". " ... j.ud vou are in t'e "hauov huntin" P,l FM Urrii,,.rt ,ini i,,,p,i h,- .1,0 n,.. ! ,v- iaineue nioriaian, oeing imai-, 1 iiuru r 01 me somiieast quarter ' nurn in.) ; nan ago on supplies t orn- grouifds" Some five o?TfataMtl"8l ' Clerk -of I incn t 'cLnK O ' tlonal lo '"9 ''p-'-'a'l entry No. (XWUSEK): all in Section Seven--Iiib) : W. R. Thorps,,:,':! expenses to have already occurred jn this county j Messrs, Roy anAlva Moore, John Sth day o 'AnauVt and" ton 33 Sr,1,e11 Ith'n l' "JtIhW T, u-n T V"Y r"V "'IT"" and the Lord only knows how many Will)Ur, Kyle and Jesse' Slscho. with the undersigned Sheriff of Linco'.n V?.. ,,T a, 17 ,7 , 1 r 1 ( ' ' U illai.i.Hte ... ; 1 a. l.n: ...nchincry (Lincoln more will be ktied if the manufacture U0Eg oame over to W II Moore's Counlv direc-ted for the cnforcpment cnle. Vlla ls'Uftd Au"U8- 17- 1B17- Wl1- Mandiaa. Iciinty); ma. li-,ieiy :.ivl and use of the rotten sunt Is not & jKrceU SMurdaV njht wlih of a de'eree' f ? At 1 .1922. make final proof Ahu, ti,,, est h.lf of the s,u.!.p ..old: one , 6x15 floor ,,: ln,,, Ut,litea stopped. It is a plain violation or:their )u,art1 S3t on getting a bar. en and made bv the Circu t couri of to es1allIls" ''la cla" t0 the lan 1 ;uarte.- (! .!.;!.' , 1 ; and the hall t'pru. e Production (Jorjioru. law for any intoxicated person to i "t" ,ianl chase SuX' t' tlle isicr ot 8il'1'w81 'luartor (K'iSWU: tioi;); belt for floor mu-l.ine; ono drive a carand it is n!.so . violation ! rVwartr Thf bear wa? u:aU cn Lincoln on t he slh dry of " ust lill!llt't'iV,C'r : f 11,5 U' S' Lal1'1 0ff;co' i ,tho "ntheM fm!1',er l,f k" ,xr k,llve9 ,,,r 8xlC !Umr ' of the law to exceed the speod limit, Mr m,-. mat. v. mrt Vtlla,! l.v ,r..o . l "1 ' at Portland, Oregon. Inorlhwest quarter (PK'4 NV".', ). all in Idiine; bells for "15 floor ni:u lii:i(i and a good citizen will not try to beat the law If a law is bad the best way to gt rid of it is to en force it. .VTvn Mnnr, npnr I ho Kn'pmshpp nl.ic, i .... . r..,...i vr "le purpose 01 1111S notice IS to nl- .... . . . ,. nueicin . iiniii.-3 i.umii;!. was p.iuil- in. nn,.. i ; .,. i.u -.'. ii.i'i.'i'i. mo imia on- or dcsking to Bhow it to l;e -ion Hig Elk. It was a large benr tilT and Ivina Morris, Noble Felix. V weighing in tbe neighborhod of 4f;0 alias Felix Nohie, Esther Felix, Frank ,,,', ' ;, pounds. The beys returned to Mill Holmes and .losie A. HolniPs wB.- . ... Section Kiglitoen (IS), Township Ten j iGrnton-Knight Co.); heads for 'ixl5 (10) South Rango Ten (10) West of 'floor machine (Stetson-Ross Co.); Wilhimettn Meridian. i;nivcs fur (!xl5 fl-jor niiichinti ('tet- ..n-iloss 1,1 l.lw. P.. .,1 .t ...... -.-I..- t, .. A 1,. ... ., I. 1... 1 !' ,.P I 1... .1 .J !.... 1 1 . C, I f pounds, 'me ocys return ca to aim HnimM and int a iwm "" -"- "i'iw.iui- i. . ...... ... ... .u; ,t....-iu. , i.i-.iu u-.u u.r ..sio Sunday evening a couple of Indian U're?k late Sunday niirht tired out ,i(.fend-nf? rnL-iter nnmher' ntV . . :1 nb-',R-",n tllia f"'c0 oa i.r;quv.rtcr (. 'h'j ) ; and the s:)tit.n-i:.t :!i r machine (Stftsen-ltoss Co.); er- girls got hold of scnie mouns.iiue ana: hut happy and til the goat men ani - wlxlch decree wis given in favor of J"l0,c l,!U la liyca. ",r un;'1 'n- 'n:'r- ' tn smttuexxi. m..r!r (m-.1, ror nvolee 92,, m-count b.-I.s (Gra- c'innn nprn nrp wpH.-i.i" n mtii'ii- ,. M . i.iji..v:i.i'iju tvD..1.. ui. , t.iiii i nn m'ut:i ni-.ii in i.ui 1 1 n. n n 1 1 i 11. 1 . rrimv ri ..r . iiiiiiuiiu T 1 uro U: 1 . . - .-- rt were fo:in crazy drum: and luujn; eai-ii other like tigera; yelled and ssr-.-usueJ so that you c-ju'.i bear them all over town; pulieu h.. '.r and kii!:c;i like a couple ot proles:;:. nuiis; knock- ed window liphts out and broke a wind shield out of u car. Tiiis is an exhi bition of What moonsh.jne is doing .and the follows who g:ive it to the .Kjrl3 ought to be made to feel the forceful hand of the iuw fur such -acts. MOODY The drought oi uoout one hundred -xlavs here was broken by a nice rain AVednesday night and Thursday and was welcomed by the farmers of th community. Most of the crops are past redemption, but will help the late crops. Eifie and Ruth Birch, little daugh ters of Mr. and Mrs. Birch, are at their uncle's, Chester Gray, of Beaver civok, for a week'3 visit. Miss Torhild Branti visited with Miss Cleo Williams of Toledo las; Tuesday. Mrs. Tangen visited with Mrs. Et ta Birch Sunday. Mr. Chester Gray of Beaver Creek :spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Etta Birch. Mr. Branti was a passenger for 'Toledo Friday. Most everyone around here are thru with their haying, the weather did not Interfere with the hay mak jng tihs year. Mrs Amanson and son called oti Mrs. Branti Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Blower and chil dren went to Toledo Sunday to r.t itend the Sunday school. Mr. and Mrs. Sharp Omer and Les lie, were visitors at the Birches Sun day. Mrs. Etta Birch and babies were passengers for Yaquina Sunday to .spend a few days with her sister. Chester and Lyle Birch spent Tues day wit), the Sharp boys. The Transit had a little breakdown 'Thursday evening in front of Moody .station, losing the propeller. The Sharp boys happened to be out wjth their boat and set the captain ashore. A phone call wa sent to Toledo to the Anderson Boat Works for a tow boat. Mrs. Branti and daughter, Torhled, were callers at the Tangen ranch Tuosduy. Mrs. Nora Blower and children called on Mrs. Cecil Blower Wednes day. Mrs. Clara Stevens attended the funernl of Mr, C. R. Elsworth in To ledo Tuesday.' Zeb Blower hauled lumber on Wed nesday for his sister, Mrs. Emma Day who is going to build a new res idence on her ranch. Mrs. Clara Stevens and daughter, Virginia were passengers for Newport Thursday evening to spend .a fow days at the beach resort visiting with a sister who is there from Al bany. ;r. Lester Waugn was In Moody on s'.ie"p men here are wearing a sai(1 pialttIfT and on which there is as mi ijHur nui riius-u nuvuu v. i.:i thpir flocks. actually du9 the sum of $1706.93, with Rcg'sto". :l-.-.t mrthoast quarter (S5NEU): ami Lot sixer (Lincoln County) ; retidy sizcr Jlirea (.,); a:l !n ;ccti.iu jmlciccii (St; :?(iii-Koss Co.) ; Inthn and s'la.'ier; (1J), Icwi'ship Ten trO) L-'inuh Kair'f twelvo pmvlcs; one fcrr;e; ere No. 50 Have Your Soles Sewed on. Prices Reasonable Mail Orders Promptly At tended to. DICK WF.NNER& SON Shoe machine repair shop NewDrfv Oregon Soar tVTTTTWTttTVVWtTTTvTtTtT pies Ssparators Are Easiest Cleaned H. S. PRUNER Local Agent YAQUINA OREGON Only $6.25 TOLEDO -t6- POR LAN D and return in ine circuit toyri ot Iiie titate or Tmi inn w,i.i r win., ,.,,n, i i m i.i. .h nded to sell at public auction in 0reon for the cou-tv of Llein i... x " " J. : ,,,.,, nfMnrlhoH hv 'on, tl,o fnl m- - i n. . loois CIIH .lliunn ue wiuu .icrti .lull- Ine 1 nrrnertv to wit ' ,Tuie and Trust Corapr.ny. a. cu-aor-j a ,,,, the aomhwri. c cirmr or the 'ky engine, 12x13; one Wlllam ing real property, to-wit: it,on. as trustee, for I in i-ra and h-n-',....i,..-, ju-i- mv.'im. . .... ... . ...v. ... . .. , a tu-ontvfivp pnH luront.-tlv In r-i . V - . V . """""" " " 1 I . l".i p o 1 1 u:il llllldl UOUKCy I'limu.:, mm on'twa "Lou Zmr?. ',1 "" -J'l'.'V!!' soii,w,,:n::r- ,,::,4; one Willamette whtefuco don- Ine. size ioxi;i; ull"0 reel or & id ip'ra ll'n Cp,n,p:lny' corIor;aion, 11. A.. Ten (10) West of Willamette Merid-jlMosiePr Iron Works loader, slzo rntrnv rvw thnt ' , ? ?-S reiver of said Yaqmna Jan. i 9 V.xlO; one Columbia Iron Works tl H nf il r ; C?i0. Company, Chris Larsan. G. , Also the northwest quarter of thn 'ider, slzo 0x11; ono Columbia Iron r i Z "Li hJ t". II L. iiookcr,Merwyn Paset nortluuist quarter (XW4.NKU); mid Works loader, size 10x14; 1G0 feet .1 , v, ... Jnnaoa- oeiennnuis. ihe northeast quarter of tlui southwest I i..i,ch ciib'.e; 1000 reet 1'4-inch cablo; rt Hn,,f .n 7hp . " 18 h9reby iyC? ",at bj' vIi'" ! 'Iu:lr (NKVi SW'4 ) ; all in SJCtlot. 400 feet of cable; camp equipment; rmfntv 1 .m , Ue. "I1 oxecut'" 1111,1 order Hf p:l! ' Twonty nine C'Sl). TownslMp Ten (10) iblqtks; logs; buiiaings; blacksmith -pinhnfnip 111 , f0-eclosure issued out ot tho Cii- South f'.UMgn Ten (10) West of Wli-Jtools and supplies; one Hull's safe. In tr. , wh"'l'Ult, Couri 'orPnco,n County- Oregon, liamette Meridian. I door 1:6x30 inches one Norria sale; one .ntpr..e r mtni.n nt nn . . - . . . II-.. Mr. Plilior,! nf F'V P'v . --' on L I . I .- r o o L.C ..... ...... ....... - . annum smce August 8, 1922, I am com 1 mai the low Lots Sectioi . ..,1 ,Mri... , tr,," ' .. V" '"..".""" t"'" ':' V l-'J , " t:o houiilv.-hi key eiu; In tnn, Tin Spvcn Snnti n tV,o ' am;nn Marnor Lumiif.- ni:irter of the southeast quarter. inch cable; 1000 ftot of 1 3-8 Inch pinnwiP f .i,p w. ir S c,fT''- a corporation. Albany Iron ; (SWU SK ,i ) : all in section Twer.iy !(,u,!c: 900 feet of li..l,h able; ia0 di In i inrnin rV.nn v s I f Z .., ' r.' ,a':0TTal - vaquiiia r.i:c-,(o), Township Ten (10) Soulh Rang,, feet of -inch and l'.-!nch cable; one gon, sontalning S9.14 NOTICE IS HERE on Saturdav. the 9th ( - . - - . --..,. i.iu, xfc. ij, injuiiui, ill.;, iyvii tnoq n . 11.. ........ nt i..i 1 i . . . a t";;noon " o f .aid" da,. at'X 'VZ L ZT i11!9 "! " f thwtmt .n;h cable; 10C0 feet lU-in.:h cable; j. tt 1 ill iv.nv,w IO fiJYUil IUUI, U uuur ul tne vuuiuy uurt nuuse in uie City of Toledo, in said ( sell real property here TdKr A,:: th- m.r.heaHt nunrter of thoiro,, top desk; one typewriter desk sa'e subiect to redeniT.t-on In " minnwct. quarter ( n is 14 r; w U') or one typewriter table, with drawers; sa.e, suDject to renempt.on, m the E,,it on May 2, 1922, plaintiff recover- Section Thirty-two (32), Tdwnslilp one s-inll library table; two thres rsenorsathMne ytl.eW said decree' Jnient against said Defendant I ron HO) South Range Te (10) West rawer f ling cblii'-ts 'one iS w"th interest and costs of sa e ' nip"" . Hfalrbor Lnnibor Conipttny for jot Willi ,u Ue Meridian. addius machine: one Burroughs six rjJed tl 1029 u8 8UraJ0fJw, Hun.dd 1'hM'tJ -tl:.i'e, .Mso th ncutl. half of the South 'bank adding machine; ono Royal type uatert tins lutn aay or August, 19!Z. Thousand Dollar fS2.tnno nm. wii 'h-if qusui o.i- f..-. 11.1 1 ." . . .... ., Tlnto nf flrot nnliHnntlnn AiKrnct 10th :i . . , . "on wooSJ "i .mi mm 1'uiu 101-11 xtt iwriier; OlIU I tHm 11 IHUC lllIU III , '.IlIBU Mate OI Hi st puDllcatlon August 10t!l, Interest, thereon s ni p fictnhnr 1 1 i'-'i. , -i ..,-...,1.1 - nn. i 1 , . -,. ..... ..... in)o i . : . w - 'i i"i.iio.:i i.Tii .in. niiuiu 1...HH" .rcvciving uchk. cuuhh; nvo iruifiiii J--''-i at ine rate nf nnvpn nop npp .n.. i i.Mnunn it u-ni ne .viii....w.iin n.., ,.,.. Date of last publicaticn September um and thf C08tB ot BnId suil; ta:;; , ; ,ullll, j""'- real ' iherein in the sum of Eighty ?eight There Is o-copted from nil tho fore-lpP;a(,al and mixed, and liiterost In Sheriff of lincoln Sv (lrp V , (?S8 00 , which decree aml;golm described lands situated In said land rights to property of every char Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon Judgment was duly enrolled and dock-; townships Ten (10) South Range Ten ! t.-r, wherever situated, owned by o , 1 ''ted in the Clerk's office of said C!r-,(10) West and Ten (10) Smith i8ald Ynuuina Harbor Lumber Company MOTICt TO CHEDITORS in,"rl I Llncln County on MayjKlevcn (11) West all railroad ri;hH-:0u October 1, 1920, or s quired bv said In The County Court of The State ",', . j execution; to me of-way and all rights-of-way for pub- coi.ipuny slnco October 1, 1920, In- of Oregon for Lincoln County. "irectert, commanding me In the nnmejiic or other reads now existing, and cludhi- nil such property rnt'tleularly In the matter ofi the Estate of .. , ,, , 01 reKn. 'n order to also a rlght-of-wuy o.i hundred fifty ides, ribed in tills notice or in said de- Ewin D. Skaggs, deceased. 9Iltl8fr 8ail dBcre8 alld JudKmont and (150) feet in width for such future ex-Wee or In said trust deed and Indud- NOTICE Is hereby given that the """l1 CC8ts' 'o sell the real and i tensions. If -any. of the Toledo & SI- ng all such property not particularly undersigned has been apnolntod by the i i ' j." UWCT'''7 a"a mnn" 10t!! lfalll'""d company line as muy inscribed In this notice or in said County Court of the State of Oregon f , Bald ,decre anill ln f1'6 trustlbe deemed necessary by it over amidocrc0 or in Raid trust deed (except fnr I.lnpnln fnnnlv Pvp-..tnr nf .hp '"V" """'f'W .u.Bt.UBBU ill Ba:u aiTOf 1 II U llli:itl II .ilJUllLY. LiAG'. ULUr 111 IJIH .. , 1 . . - . 1 estate of Ewln 11. Sknirir. neconop,! !;,ul twf . trust deed and mortgage by that company or Us successors or! about live carlonds of old Iron, steel. All persons having claims against said -J? r, , ?, of V,e bounty j assigns, for which tho said Toledo 'boilers 'and machinery, dolivered to (across said lnnde for corponto uses i0no 75-HP rewound electric niotor and 1. ptMEUlia IIUVIUS CiaiUIB UgUlUSt Bam im.... -j t 1 1 n . . ' ' " " uuna.o n.iu uia'.u.uci j, uumoicu . tate are hereby notified to present f 4 , ,q "J.J? ,.U".ty at ?fB" Slletz RalIr"n1 Company Is required Albany Iron Works about J.inuary. e same to tho undesigned, together L , , . , ylortf Rec- to pay for all the land taken as right-'ls. bv said Yaquina Harbor Lumber SUNSET (OGDENftSNASTAl HOUita Sale Dotes Fri. and Sat. Return limit 15 days from Sale Date esta 1110 BU1UCJ lu ll.u UUUK1 blUUU, LUKUiner ..u 1 r. 1 1 ..-..i,, uy ru.ui iuiii.iiu iiuiuwi imiiiuvi .ith nnnnp ,.nhp-n n,.mt. i ns 01 said Lilncolii County) lnclua- of-wa v under th I s clause a t t he ra to of nnmnonvi nn.i iiwiiwllnif nil rlnnrinn fled as by law required, at tile office of i !, following described and jOn0 Dollar ($1.00) per acre and for all irlghts of every chaructor, wherever the County Clerk in Toledo. Oregon ' ", M Property 'situated in said merchantable timber on such rights-! situated, appurtenant to said lands, or or at the office of McFuddon & Clark, , " V , ? Y . , J of-way so taken nt the rate of Two 'belonging to slid Yaqui.ia Harbor ... ... f I PIl'I Af lunl twin nrlail nnrt H nn I t..1i. ... i tn rn . n. . I . in the city of Corvalils, Benton county, i.i " i-Ti.uut per iuoubuiici icei ;Lumher company; uregon witiim six n:onths date here if. Duted this 22nd dav or July, 1122. Walter C. Skaggs Executors of the Estate of Ewin D. CI... T-l. 1 McFadden & Clark AUorneys 1Sou?! R? for FxBcntnra ki l0" (10) We8t of Willamette Mer - tor Lxecutors. 2361 ,,;,,, thence golUh forty.flV3 (46) de. IMnTir.F ftir cimai cctti cucriu'f- ? i'f 8 Forty (40) mJnutPfi west nlnvnn Notice is hereby given that the un- 'Z wainr1 n-iSS 7J . "jZL , t,."nr,or ..of Soctlon l Public auction to the highest bidder dersigned, administratrix of the es- ,,id Donot f aTn,,, , . . L s I '? 'ln'c!L?1 for sh, In one lot or parce (pursuant dnipapii i',,.ifip .i.i,. , - -"f-" .'- "i ii". ..i. cn i' w. ami me to tne terms ot saiu decree) an 01 me a.nortnwest quarter of the northwest right, title and Interest of snid Ya- from the 'bd 08 follows: Beginning at a board measure; such payments to be j Now, therefore: ' In the Name of the ' nt two hundred sixty-nine and 'made at tho dates of taking bucIi state of Oregon; by virtue of said ex- . Te-tenths f2K3) fnot ' nnnlh unit ...... ..n it... I.. i . .i . , , i.. unT ' .iuijiij itniiui iivki.y. ecuuon anil sam uecreo, unit m com- .;tvo (12) feet west of corner com-l AIpo nil of the riirht title nnd ln.Ln. i, .,. nf .M on to So:.Uons Seven (7), Eight (8).terest of Said Vuquiuii-Harbor Lumber : execution and said decree. I will, at Company in and to the following des-lten minutes after nine o'clock In the crlbed tracts of land nnd the timber .forenoon on the 19th day of August, thereon, and tho right to cut timber !l922, at tho front door of tho Lincoln thereon and remove the same thero- ;county courthouse In Toledo, Lincoln rrom, to-wn: ine nortlieast quarter County, Oregon, offer for salo and sell vontecn (17) and Eighteen (IS), lu .ato u. tfoiiuiina tmuiiner, aeceaseq, racirio right of way, thence tn : ; "l 'ieny oirectlon along said quarter of Section Twentv 120). nn.l Ui..,. ir,.rw t...n.w ppmm.nv n-H ;lit of way to the place of beginning, the northwest quarter of the Boulhpusti nil norsnns i-lnimlnar bv. throiigli or coin County, state of Oregon, her final ASK AGEpIT ABOUT SEASON FARES Travel now and realize big profits i transportation costs For further particulars, ask agents. j ections to sam report and the set- i.H and singular the tenement., her. '.. .nrf nHn n UAhV " 7 UUmtKN rMU,MV- L,Nt5' itl0ment l"ere0r- ELSA KUEHL ;,rtiombB?ta -PP-rtenance. there- 'pieces of ever7 naVure belonging to J. M. SCOTT, 'Administratrix of the Estate o? i.i- ",,ne,OD'n or ln W ' connected with the sawmill located General Passenger Agent. hanna Dahlmor deceased 24 5' 'i-?h- - t f . iv' uuon the lands hereinbefore described naniia aiunier, aecrn.BM. u & ..9 th . . -(.t of land bounded and land all u.ill machinery and equipment nvuuuii a a ouLii uuiiimiini ruLril fll 1 niiimiliir ttunnt.. ... om . estate, and that Tuesday the 5th dVv . less ,,, u ,' , V. ' ., :rus ""urtcr ot section Twenty-one (21),iUador It, in and to all of said property a of September l22?.rS8 hour of 10 V) and MafT'T S"7 A ln 8nld Townshl 1 To (10) Southland rights to property, hereinbefore o'clock a m.' has been Hxbyald 1$? f e" n oS'SiSS.! (10) ' - -' ,1M,S0N 'court as the time for hearing of oh- , Willamolto Meridian, toother wlihl , ..n .... , ..., ....... lU Z?JZLJ Dmod Juiv 6. 1922. Dote of First Publication, July 20, 1922. Date of Last Publication August 17. 1922. 22-5t