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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1922)
OFFICIAL PAPER of LINCOLN COUNTY LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER LARGEST CIRCULATION In LINCOLN COUNTY VOLUME 30 LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17th. 1922. NUMBER 23 PORT COMMISSI TO E 0. R. Altree Submits Proposition at Meeting Wednesday to Dredge Out Yaquina ' Bay Channel, j At Its regular meeting on Wednes day, Aug. 9, the Tolsdo Port Commis sion was presented with a proposition from O. R. Altree to dredge the Ya qmu'na Bay channel. H!a plan is to mak3 a dredge out of the beat "Pow ers" and to dredge the channel for 16c per cubic yar'l. providing the Pott Commission would guarantee a fund of 10.000 to be expanded for this pur- POBB. The Port Commission has not funds available for the project, but it was explained at t hemeeting that a $3,000 yearly maintenanco fund due from the government has not been uxed for ap proximately three years, and that if this fund could be bad Mr. Altree's proposition might be well worth con sideration. It is also understood that the Pacific Spruce Corporation, has a fund ready for expenditure for this purpose, and this in conjunction with the government allowance for the maintenance of the channel would be a great plenty to initiate the project. After a thorough discussion of the matter the commission instructed Sec retary TroramiU to get into communi cation with the proper government of ficials and find out if the money due this port was still available , . How ever, It Is understood that unless the government fund Is u3d vea''y it au tomatically reverts back to the U. S. treasury. SHOOTING EXPERT ENTERTAINS CROWD Mr. Gus Peret. representing the Pet ers Arms and Ammunition Co., enter tained ai small crowd of local sports men at the fair grounds Wednesday afternoon. He demonstrated wonder ful skill 'with all kinds of weapons. One of the most difficult stunts of his trick shooting was shooting a stick of chalk from Mrs. Peret's mouth with a revolver at a distance of 20 feet. In flying shots Mr. Peret gave his audi ence a thrill when he busted three eggs before they could hit the ground when they were tossed Into the air nome 20 feet. Another stunt among the many he pulled, which seemed to the writer to be rather difficult was the fact that he conlh take a common ordinary washer with an lsing-glass bulls eye in the center, toss it into the air himself and shoot two holes In it before !t hit true ground with a .22 calibre gun. He explained before' eaach' exhibi tion that ' he was using Peter's am munition which can De had at the Bur croff Merc. Co., but he did not. guar antee that we could get the same re sults that he could. CITY WILL IMPROVE WORN OUT STREETS At a special meeting of the Cltv Council held Saturday night It was de'lried bv the "Cltv Dads" to make pevernl Improvements In certain streets that are now In bad shapi. The "),! " streot improvement appears In this issue of the Leader and pov erty owners adjacent to the said streets are required to do the vnrk or allow the city to do it at their expense. VOTE FOR HALL Thinks Republican Administra tion Necessary and That Mis representation Would Sink In to Oblivion. . Corvallls, Aug. 9 Mr. Sam Dolan made the hit of the evening here Wednesday when he was ca'.led upon by the chairman at the O.-Q.-1', meet ing. He spoke very serlouslv about .ttie content between Hall ana Olrott and brought the largo audlo.ncj of Re. ;j.ul-'.leans to it feet with bursts of 'tippiause with the foilowlitn; state . nient: ion gentlemen .can rsaiizn a 'litter dose It would be for ms, or apynM). of my faith, to tuve to .voie ..for Charlie Hn:. Those .backing bm Ajt! piunnij uuiricu aim lUiMI CJ1 njji.lll- ed the altitude of the church to, which 3 belong nnd the statements made and -the Insinuations cut deeply Into tho ';hearts of many of us who feel as deep ji love nnd loyalty to' this country b anyone -who ever;ifved in It. lievnr ;the less, so convinced am I that Re publican success is necessary fd tn' best interests of this country, that, if Hail is snrcessfiil : In his ' cbntest, JI i pledge you here In this presence, that I will go down the line and not only 'vote for hlra myself, this fall but do . whatever e'ae I can do to nasist In Hui election, reeling assured that be cause only fundamental truths sur vive, that he . present campaign of 'misrepresentation will of necessity 'sink into oblivion by the weight of Its ewh fallacies." t mm he wt B. M. ARMITAGE OPTISTiCASTO Under Leadership State Chair man Tooze Republicans Will Have Best Organization in History of Oregon. B. M. Armitage, secretary of the' Lincoln County Republican Central committee of Newport, was a Toledo business visitor Tuesday. Asked as tn his nnlnlnn as to the nrobablv out- come of the election this fall, Mr. Armitage emphatically declared: which are sufficiently drained to pre- abortion infections. Abortion cause J-no"- it is urged mat as many I "There is only one way that it can vent drowning out of the crop during twlce the financial louses to the dairy- Communities participate au:l alUn' pr-Ksibly go and that is Republican the winter may be eoisly prepared man that Tuberculosis does and Us themselves with the movement as are from top to bottom. We ars going thorough disking being sufficient to pruati' should be a condition which ' 0 l-''S'tlon to compete. I to thoroughly organize and attempt to prepare a good Beed bed for winter eTery dairyman should try to prevent.' A community meoting should be held get out the biggest Republican major- wts or winter oats and vetch. Rye Testing is now being done' In the iand ''oJi.iiilttos appointed and a fund ity that has ever been polled In the may be also fall sown to advantage Burnt Woods area. Lower SUetz river j mnde UP t0 defray whatever small ex county and from the way State Chair- particularly on the hills and will pro- wl11 be ,he net section tested. Also 'Penae thore may be In collecting to man Tooze talked at the Republican vide an excellent early apring feed " cttl0 ""ted for exhibition at the gather a centeral point to be shipped. meeting in newpun ibhi m iuo . O. P. rank this year will be better organized than ever before. The been found that fall aown vetch will 0 Tuberculosis cow has been '.o i Hall vs. Olcott contest will have no survive the following spring where cated already this year. j bearing on the results of the vote." spring aown vetch will fail to make ' i n a crop. MRS.' LARKIE LOGAN ! ROBT. MONTGOMERY I Crimson clover sown In the fall will DIES ON LOWER SILETZ DIES AT TACOMA. WN. BURIED ON TUESDAY u wi-wn i Robt. Montgomery, formerly of To- ledo, died in Tacoma. Wash., Frl- day, Aug; it.' 'ine Doay was snippea 'here and burial was made In the To- I Ar, .n,rf.r Tuotilav oftornruin fnl. 10wng services held at the Bateman , Undertaking parlors. The young man jwas born in Lincoln county in 1893 'and was a son of Mr. and Mrs. C E. Montgomery, pioneer residents of Ore gon. Rev. J, D. Cain preached the funeral sermon. Mr. Montgomery was a veteran of the late war with Germany having ssrved four years In the navy and was discharged from service due to hrntheh.dH?oUr rLl brothers and four sisters. They are Ed Montgomery of Toledo. Fred Mon- goracry of l!.ddyvllle, Herman Mont- gomery, address unknown; M re. Edith . . ... ... Eailey, Seattle, wn ; Mrs. urace Hon k!e, Corvallls, Ore.; Mrs. Cora crusen, Mrs. Cora Crusen Corvallls Ore.; and Mrs. Orlena John- son, Portland. BROTHERS MEET AFTER 51 YEARS SEPARATION .1. C. Turnldge of TuWock, Cal., ' Is here this week visiting at the home of his brother J. R. Turnidge who is a pioneer of Toledo and Lincoln coun-1 ty. This Is the first time these broth-! i3 r a have seen each other in a period ! of 61 years according to their state ments. Mr. J. C, made the rlp from California overland and left today for home and will stop off on the road at. Mill City and Gold HUI to visit fr'ends end relatives. OUTSIDE BUYER IS LOOK L! County Agent's Office in Com- municon With Partv Who A;oUno pr.Uiie. l.i 0,1 -- Jerseys. BO TO 80 COWS WANTED AT ONCE Tho County Agents office has on nie an inquiry iiu.i. a uujc. .w wants from 50 to 80 fall freshening cows, preferable grade Jerseys, com- li.g fresh between September 15 and November 15th. We presume he wuum ue micicaicu m than those coming within tho definite time limits, and states that he would be interested In buying these cows If iney can oe securu a. oiuuuu au ngo M ui - auiy mean tnai ne couin pHy as hieh u fau auu un iu ao v-v. h nroximaie averus ui The buyer desires cows between the ager S and 8 years o'.d. We are adv- Ising him that this number of cows can be secured in Lincoln County and .... nnl,ntt thnl avayv uuiitst.'queiiiij' uio . c. vuiieuLiuu mruuKu me uuuK, wnicn we neiu ana Mr. Astrotn expiainea to man who has cows for sale fill. In the are unable to pay under the law, and them the value and how nnd why they following blank In detail and mail' at for that reason the ruling was ;made should haVe meniherehip in 'the Jer once to the County Agent's office. ye that personal rhecks would not be sey Scouts of America, a Junior ("ub will submit this list to the purchaser acceptable. I sponsored by the American Jersev Cat- and let him make his selections ac-, Breed of cow, Age, weight, appro mate date of freshening, condition, bf riesh, price. -. WHICH COWS WILL YOU SELL- MVinw fn f movo nro at nrABPrit tin S tne TwDoeltlor T of the neces-, .uir nt r0rinoinr tho numhBT nf rowR they are going to keep this winter. We wonder how this selection Is going to be made. If we were to make a .AjofAn i.'Anlit-h n have ovu.u.uc..uav... .1 - - -- the cows milk tested for butterfat and then considering the test, the amount of milk that the cow gives through- out tne year, eiinunuia me uw ium wm give you tne least Dutienai woent the Whole year's production is consld-1 erel The largest milker at the time of freshening Is not necessarily the best producing cow. Consider aer- lously aavlng that cow that does Jot rjve the largest anmunt of milk but TOt hoMs her flow consistently PLANT FALL GROS IE Spring Planted Crops Practical- ly Failure as Result of Lone Dry Spell This Season in Ore gon. Profiting by the experience of thin year, which has indeed been a cruel one to the grower of spring crops, now is the time plan your fall seeding for npyt vonr Thnao loiHa you poor yields of spring sown grain ana in many instances considerable winter pasture. FYeatientljr it has a crop me iouowing apnng. ' make a Ihll U thS ,?nLy J00"1 ,c,0Ter Vhst we know of thnt gnouI(1 BlT0 f(XKj re. in i inoAi n ... a ".. . er9 are annuals in this 'regard M Tare not adapted to our conditions, . CANN NG MAN HFPP TO . T ' .T - INVESTIGATE CANNERY ' W. C. Brown master mechanic and representative of the Brownsville Can- ning Co., of Corvallls and also mechan- ic for the Brownsville Co-Operative Fruit Growers Assn.. was a business here to Investigate the possibilities to open the local cannery for the season. After a through investigation that it would be a losing proposition to try to operate viHitnr in i nmnn rvi unnnv. rom nr th nin .hi .... ,a t iu mrvQt v. , - m. " " -- w " - price f berries and the lateness of the season. His comnanv will nlan His company will plaiL in tn3 Iissurance oI the resUrectIon. l "a Uab'e Srizes hat'SJ hetai (ipend bons for tl,e Rood roal In here for next year iri w e Wnurt and we layed her' away STw ftli to2 gram- Tue roads could ba bullt nd e to ge' the benefit of t0 re8t untll the Ufeglver shall come, men will also be Hsted bn3,n6St paid for as they go. That talk did en a cannerv nlentv of time an crops grown here, 0 "ALL GOING OUT ID ! . . . , state Pays Out Over Four Mil lion in Cash Bonuses While: Approved Over Seven. Million in Loans. "AT. going out and nothing coming Id" has been the rule in the Statu Bonus Commission up to Saturday of nual meeting and election of officers, last week. This can no longer b Saturday, July 29th, in Chnmbe.- of maintained however, for on Saturday; Commerce Rooms, Toledo, Ore. A the first repayment on a loan arrived' goodly number was present and var at the Commission's office. Freder- ious improvement Issues were discus Ick Jensen of Portland obtained a sed. , loan of $3,000.00 three months ago. As our guest of the day, we had being the fifth actually paid. He was with us, Mr. P. B. Astro'h, of the the flrsta however, who elected to make his payments quarterly and a mo"" tor $45.00 arrived at the office of the Commission two days Deiore it was due. ur this amount, $30.00 Js credited as interest and $15. - 00 applies to reduce the Drlncinal. The second payment In form of a cashier's check arrived this morning lrom r-aw rranz, oi nooa mve., more payments come due during Aug- ust and 89 rt September, with, a rap- idly Increasing number in the sue- ceeding months. ivuiio Uio mw uuca nui reiiquire 11, Baid Major Harry Brumbaugh, Secre- eary of the Commission, we are mail- Ing out notices of payments due in ampie iinie ror me Dorrower 10 mane; ma 01 1 oiificmcuta 1110 puuieilL. un our nonce we can attention to tne uint iiriauuui i:uci:Hif iu puyuitini. cannot oe accepiea ana request mat Jenkins, Directors C. Clinstensen, w. remittance be made by money order R. strokes, H S. Primer and A. P. or bank draft made payable to the Brandt. ' state - Treasurer. Persona", checks!. During the afternoon a meeting of sometime necessitates, a fee for their the Boya. and Girls -Calf Club was II .1 .1 1- . 1. 1 , , , . .. , 1 L . ... ,. ... . , with the close of today s business, jUlmTfor .S bonurSmountinglo $4,147,938.00; has appreved and-flxed 'the amount in 2,347 loans aggregat- ; jng $5,327,700.00 and have .approved trtw ra vmania SAO Innn a ommmtlno 009.K. ' IanT aTeln." d ViftW af iho Mio -QrA-iT4.rtw, . . 250,000.00 per month. The amount of funds remaining from the sale of $10,- bOO.OOO.OO in, bonds,' it & estimated, iii i,s ..,, ..... "v. voauovuu auuui. UUUUDI 191, The Commission have authorized the gaie of an additional amount of $5,000,. 000.00 early in September for dellv- ery on uctoner 1st, ' - Mr. and "Mrs. Wlvla.' SitromA ami daughter departed for their home on held, August 19th, In connection with Lower Slleta Wednesday. " MY: Stroma the Boys and Girls Calf Club to prefect - wa8 jn Toledo on Jury duty during the .definite arrangements for the exhlbi- recent term of the Circuit court whlleUlon of as many as can be brought out.' Mra. Stroma visited at the home of. We want a big livestock attendance: Br. and Mm. John' Bradbury - . (this year, and they'll be only too glad IS HEPE TESTING COWS TUBERCULOSIS it As'fcn -Stat .Veterinarian Will Make Extensive Survey' Survev in This Countv for Reactors: Alio Inspects tor Abortion ected tlli8 vear ' locating poss-ibM "'U" uoiug uuui uouruqn ana i. a. tested. . i. Mrs Larkey Logan lived near Kern- . . . ' vino, on ma auetz Kiver, witn ner son JTIi'!."- li?L" TlT sh- w.'. .the 7th of August. She was well re- -v., n v. i - . .... k a ,J She was Btrictly honest in business', "" " dealing witn others as she would have them ea! with her. She has lived an exemplary life which we would do well te Imitate. ( xne friena. that attended the mwpd rh rin iih .hnnj. ance cf flowers, allowing their re- m i . i SmVort tor her sorrowing son who w,U wrlev miss hi? , she lo;ed TL 8tudv her blD.e and Vrmanl good" boo'ks " llni frf- h.i.. K. ... "f , w nrn w nr ncrinnira wnrn finnupn in fta iorrowini ones to comfort thorn . ?!.et?fcf?'" .V ) G. S. Parsmle JERSEY CATTLE CLUB HOLDS ANNUAL IEET SATURDAY JULY 23 F. .B. .Astroth, .Representing American Jersey Cattle Club, rialiuoi-o Pr1i'iatinn9l AHHraoc to Local Dairymen. The Drononets of the Jersey Kine In Lincoln Klnadom. hold their an. Extension DeDt. of The Americun Jersey Cattle Club, who spoke in re- gard to the very intensive program of Dreed Advancement for the year of 1922 which Is beinir extended bv , the Jersey breed. He placed special nmnhasls on the need nf "Hotter sires" and more uniform herds, grea:- er discretion In the care, feeding ami memoes employed in tne genera' supervision of our breeding program making sure always that we do not effect a bias opinion in respect to our own herds. The uniform herd should De ine aim o" tne Dreeuer, accoraing to Mr. Astroth He Is on a inur of the west in the capacity of a Kieldman for the club. Tlie Local Club elected its olllcrs i wuu ciotiou no uini... ling year as follows: Pre- V. Hulbert, Vice-President es, sec-Treasurer Ray l. lor 1116 CHPUUlg year V9 IOHOWS - sldent L. A. v. u. uraves, aec.-ireasurer nay u. tie Club exclusive for the youngesters S, Thlc. iaculb ."th? m Oregon to have the distinction of Dr Derflinger assistant State Vet-' Tne tlme ,s having near whn i erlncrm Is now in tlie couniv annist- W6 w,n be looking over the Count Thinks People of State Will "Go Inj the County Agent In T. B. Testing J''air Toi"e- 1,1 que8t for ""ethiw? i Down the Line" and Fler-t Da the dairy cattle. In addition to tt.e T t 'lP "U an eye. Nothing can be I VT." tleCt Ro" n iouti.,0. mi,-,. i i.i j.. or more substantial hnnnfir .t rmm. puoncans rrom governor tn. .t-fui 1 "l ai; members of said club being also Scout members. t a j a I 1 A. .1 4l. U..1U1 o .i!n will be given over to Ray U Jenkins, who has been appointed Lincoln Coun-' ty Fair Manager. This barn Is to be t'.. .n . I" T ... UUlll 1" A OU 1BBI Hll Wll. UB USBU IUr livestock and poultry. The barn erect- ed last year will be used exclusive for Jerseya, It being sponsored and (.Anothermeetlng of . the Lincoln' built by them Tnnntv Jarv rumia. riuh win ha E EXHIBITS EARLY Fair Manager Ureses Co "af L.!!S r . i-v .-.- 1 1 ii .. A """.'"&r S?"'1" on" t""r petition for Many Prizes Of fered in List. 'v.,!',lr t!'on .competitive Community I -.-i--- ...... A full line of Agricultural products shouid be Included to Rive your com cunlty the honors It rlghfully deserves. Let us enter an agreement mutual ly that we will "Boost Lincoln Coun ty," by showing her products. Pair Manager. pam RflARn FMPI ftVQ rAlK UUAKU tMrLOia nurir luiicrurn UUrrAMU9C.Mc.NT CO. ' According to Peter Frederick, Pre- aidant tkt t h n TJnnnln Pnuntv Poll board. rranimnnl hav hn mila how n t"8 'oc' ground during fair - . --- "- i ma company aas a recora ior entertaining crowds and they will not fal1 8Bort here. Arrangements are 'so being made for a Dog and Monkey circus to show here during the an- nual Lincoln County Fair festival.' LEADER WILL ISSUE FAIR EDITION NEXT Our next week's Issue will be a com- nipt A fttnrv nf tt'linl la trnlncr tn tinnnnn in Toledo during fair week. A com- .in Toledo during 1 81 OI F"ies Vlal'V ,eJ"" tered-not only by the fair board but . . ... . , .. . . Owing to the fact that we have Knan tiaii(l nitni. Unnt" In ing to got out the Fair book and other ...... rushed orld-Jobs we have been com pelled to leave out the proceedings of the county's court's last meeting but will get it In next week A copy of next week's Leader will be mailed tn practically every resi dent of the county. Advertisers wish ing to have an ad In this Issue will necessarily have to have same In the office by Monday night to Insure pub lication. There will be 500 extra copies of Ilia T nmli, mnllail nut nll .. i . I i nf th ommtv Mr i r rt,r vrm Uncnii cnt uii o'ih in i,.mi- j 'the dPe E L HERE NEXT WEEK MiQ Mararpt 5mith of Orpo-nn M," y1?? j?.'1 " ..,hV? Agricultural College Will Con duct Session Heie Monday and Tuesday. Mls8 Margaret Smith of the Exten sion Division of O. A. C. will conduct sores ot extension meetings in i Home Economies featuring Vood sel-1 ection ad ci,im eeding throughout a)1 of next week jrondav and Tues-1 day Aug 2l and' 22 will be spent at ' Toledo The meetincs being held In Chamber of Commerce rooms with ... c i .' i ,.. Wednesday and Thursday Aug. 23 and 24 wiu be spent at Sllets Krlday yie simillur meetings held elsewhere In thB glftte naVe proven very success- M ana it Is' only to be regretted that M!sg smltll cann'ot be had for a -oaeer ...hodniB Bt III U U lO. OUTSIDER RECOGNIZES LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER . ,,, ... .. I am in receipt of the sample copy -.9 nnnAM . . '1 ...111 on., that i.mi , y uur payvi aim w.i. duj vmul juu 1 - ! V. 1 1 . t f. . t..... " "b?tl" ' e, B'Z" 0'. I,0Jd JlTJ .lt "" cloned my professional card to be In- sorted in the columns of your paper." The above Is part ot a letter re- cved by us from a professional man CorvaUIs We appreciate boosts; 'an a ,f , 8 . ,e L'nco ?? 7,f L 5! I lhe llnor ,of clnf LlncoIn Co,un.ty.8 Rest Booster, barring none, and It is , , !.-- ., Ul , kml ln e . "k?" ,"h'p llrt in DJ Keeping your s ubscr p "on Paid m 8 ahnce earth. and'Vou w: t deny that tl 4c vrnolr la All IB Bll tat u costs. . to come If the owners will come with thorn. The ribbons will be there for them Come, take 'era Boy. - ' Ray U Jenkins, Sec. Lincoln County Cattle Cub. 24 will be spent at suets Friday moetings will be at Chitwood and Sat- urday the 26 will be spent at Eddy-16? vine. ' CHAIRMAN TOOZE CLAIMS PIERCE IS T o . . n i , ...... vays ouuroon uanaiaate Will "ear From Him and He is Go- mg to All Parts of State Spreading G. 0. P. Gospel. Precinct Constables. Walter Pierce, Democratic can didate for governor, is getting a scoring from Walter L. Tooze. chairman of the state Republican Central Committee, who is now making a tour of the Btate, reor ganizing the G. O. P. forces Into . n "fighting machine" preparatory for the coming state election thla fall when, he thinks, the people of the stato of Oregon will .,','g down the line" and elect Repub licans from governor to each pro-' clnct constable.. .. . : 8o9T Plarce. In his speech before the Repqblk cans at Marshfleld Thursday evening hear from me wherever 1 haDDed t visit in the state, and 1 am goinc tat every nook and corner.- Mr. Toos nlnaalflaa if T)i.... ui with .n.d .... , . ---- - -K. .. in - Ing to let the people know all about mm oerore tne campaign is far ad- vanced. according to the Marshfleld Dally News, . Refers to Wa Id port Speech, Mr. Pierce, according to Mr. Tooia'a- obsnrvatlnnB Im nil thinira tn oil mn. and suits his campaign sttaementa to locality in which he speaks or mpalgns. Ho re.'orrcd to an Incl- dent at Wuldport, where he came In l?"" wt Ji1"-17 Mhad, darteA- He WBS told that Mr. Pierce WBt L. Jlf-,1. j !,ert0rs ?.0W nch he doplored bond issues Mr. Pierce had said that It wasn't 'necessarv to -7.'-. T"6"!?' i not 8uit "ie WaldPort people alto gether and some wanted to know how 0 e Roo8eV.?At, hKnway, c""ld - arrnnron "fir onnron " TUnpna structed. "ur course, Pierce waa quoted, "that Is different, and I favor b.0,lda for bulldln8 " Roosevelt high- way. "Such," snld Mr. Tooze. "Is the straddling method by which Mr. Pierce hopes to slip through the ob- "ructions o a democratic success mm imiiu 111 uiu Kuvuniur h cnair. Mr. Tooze went on to say that Pierce is traveling with one foot In th domocratlc party, another In the no- partlsnn party, and feels the need of i"re feet to plant In the socialist Issues. He party or other side claimed to have heard In eastern Oregon that Mr. Pierce is the , best hippodrome rider in the state ' and was assured that he can rjde two horses to perfection, and, sometimes when they are going two ways. Mr. Tooze Bald he is going to build up a republican organization, which could be called a machine ti one chose, but the need for mission ary work he said was great and Ore gon will pee a real organization dur ing his administration. He told his hearers of the danger of a Democratic governor, who. could, In the event of emergencies, appoint a democratic senator, a dem- (Contluued on Page Six) it It KILLED BY ALVA Y i 460-Pounrl Bruin Pav. Panaltv B,rU'n YS Penalty for Several Year's Ravaging bheep and Goat Heards Near Glen. Alva Moore of Mill Creek bagged one of the lnrgest bears seen In this section ln ninny a day Sunday when ho killed a 460-pound member of tha Ilruln family on his father's ranch, W. R. Moore, who lives at Glen. Tha bear, according to the report. til 1 1 11 Tl n n nil u i .1 ,1 r.i i 1 11 .1.... Tin. . . ' " " " .. v, i . u . u ...mnn a. in Iinnnila rr,.t tUa anan Qai...1 n'LrLa Jfl .V m"6?1.1 . '1 M .11 uiau iptlng to- rid the community of the. pest, that has been ravaging the goa'a and sheep nerns 01 tne uien section for sew- era. years. V B0Y PAINFULLY BURNED LAST MONDAY . ,, . ... . BII1U11 SOU OI 1U I. n. A. OCI1IOCIH 'Iving on the Southslde was painfully burnei ,a8t Monday when he stumbled "' J" ? ' ... ft j a i9juii iivui biioia iw . rpK .U ti Junii m tk ri huii ! not thought that his Injuries will prove serious. Mrs. Rotte Mettger ef Hoodriver, a daughter of Mr. Schlecht. who is a trained nurse, arrived Wed- nesday and will nurse the little fellow back te health.