LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER, TOLEDO, OREGON, THURSDAY. AUGUST 10th. 1922. CiRCUT COURT Logan and Louisa Logan 'Dismissed Fischer Flour Mills vs. Mrs. J. M. who live at a distance from Toledo without costs, same result in John Pen Moffit Settled and dismissed on mo- the cost of coming to town for the nock vs. Hattie A. Seld'.er, et al. tion of plaintiff. school terra is often a difficult prob Oregon Investment Co. vs. Karl Ger- Thomas Holman vs. C. J. Dillon et lem. Consequently an organized et her et al Default and decree. B' Default and decree of foreclosure, fort will be made to find homes where O " T 1 ,... .1 J . 1 T 1 n 1 1 J ii . . . (Continued from page one.) rroved for a dismissal of the case ... ...... ov.. ,,,,.,. onllt1niiin v VqfqtP nf Inhn ' """" "" r. such uujs nuu Bina can oo cnores ana d and case L.A.'P'1 ?r nJLnf Inlvnt Walters-Default and decree of fore- help with the house work in return lice. B. F. fln a- c'osure Sronted. fur board and room. There will also -sented Mr. flIcd- defendant has 10 das to ans- Ciarence Bateman vs. W. S. Rey- be a few jobs open to husky bovs who S. C. Brassfleld et al vs. Lewis r. sucu uuy mill gins can oo cnores ana The mot.on was granted dismissed without prcjudir Jrnos of Newport represented Brail bury. " Sara Crahen vs. H. W. Morris De- n? . et al Uefault and decree grant- are willing to work their way through WOMAN JURY FOREMAN. A . SC11UU1 ii was m me 8e 01 j ne oramer-, gt . ,ndustrai Accident Com, VS. '?-, " You are invited to take advance trim curpui-.uK.ii vs. u. n Aiiree uiai Ai.uTtaf.mlt nH rinr-rpe """" " ' i-iun una nf ,ile onnortunltlp hnl-e nfr-re-1 uuiiu cj. iHiiLiivwB vi ai uuiaun ana nf iim JTrs. Ethel FJsh received the oppor-. , g Hines vs. W. E Earnest De- .. x . , . The students of the Toledo Hign "L0I,".ng,r. C0UJ?5 " Ur8t fault and decree. .."rS. .it Z5,n JZiJZ "i"..', School will welcome you as a friend woman jury foreman. Thi: was Oliver A. Squires vs. H. G. Rlioades ,,. ""land classmate. , , . j ; i . .. . . Dismissed by agreement. " i u ... ...I School onens Sentember eleventh PACE SIX Panel of Juroua. The following Lin-oln county free-1 formation you may wish regarding the l.u j. , - Tn Pfln H P I Snhrirtl all 11 rrn ai n i . o . , -r - iiuiuera urnue up me jury Danev mr. ' ' " h .fi." -l "B"u f-u'eu,..r.?; w- oner vs: J- w- ,ounB ana this term of the Circuit court: " write to, jiiiciiiHKM v. ciiuna miciungs, nazei wife Decree granted. in favor of Mr. Altree. I .. V .JIT- closure granted I ntLIUIIlUHU LfUllluri VW. o. viuy iww THREE DIVORCES GRANTED !erts Settled and dismissed by agree inree divorce cases wera grantea. nient. this term of the Circuit court KB vs. Olto V. Hill. Frances Sigler Wester,, State Bank vs. Elmer Pat- "l. "over ( 77 Geonte SiBler. rick-Decree of foreclosure. Gu Mliams lou Beah Veraie Rot OTHER CASES. i Joseph Sijota vs. Slletz Bay Lumber Toledo Chas B A to Ha tanF o,,.lj t r r.oQ..lQj .nJ rilomlauvl nn motJnn 0l Vnas- ? Ariliur Marian, E. .i.v. y I... vv,. ""'"zr vv. worrison. Kernvllle; Alva Strom, mi;, uaruuur y. auib oi piu.mi.i. Siletz; J. H. Early, Tidewater: B F Updike, Winan'.; Irwin V. Cozine, Elk home in which to live or a place to work, or if there la any further In wrart were: SPECIALS i Yours for a better education, Victor Shawe, Superintendent. beefIrustTavors (Continued from 1st Page) t X UNTIL AUGUST 13, 1922. White Sailor Pants- $2.50 value, now $1.90 Sweaters, $4.50 value $2.85 Stag Shirts, $8.00 values, now $6.50 Blue Flannel Shirts, $3.00 values, now $2.50 Rubber Hip Boots, $5.00 value, now $3.85 Tourist Line nWater Bag, 2 gal. size $1.25 Pack Sacks, guaranteed water-proof, up from . . .$1.75 Kakhi Pants, now $2.75 All Wool Pants, new, sizes to 35. $3.25 Reclaimed Kakhi Breeches $100 Reclaimed 0. D. Shirts $1-69 Union Suits up from 95c Army Kakhi Shirts, new $1.15 Mess Kits 35c Khamp Stools 50c and 75c Khamp Chairs , ..... 70c and 95c Wrapped Leggings $1.00 Tin Pants .$2 75 Dungaree Pants, sizes to 38 $1.2". Work Shoes, up from $2.90 j Officers' Dress Shoes $5.50 Bacon, 12 pound can $2.45 Roast Boef, pound 20c Koaast tsee? pounds odc Corn Beef 35c Velvet Smoking Tobacco, 2 cans 25c r r. it -t rt i x &e e uamp oioves, ?.3u vaiue tot 4, Eddyvllle; Oliver G. Day. Logsden; 0 E. McMillan, Roselode; Owen Callag- City; Mrs. L. J. Bain. Yaquina; W. H. Martin. Nashville: Chas. Hyde, Logs den; Ethel Fish, Nashville; John Dil lon, Toledo; Chas L. Baker, Newport; W. N. Cook, Chltwood; Wra. Scott. Slletz; Irene Johnson, Waldport; Ed. an elaborate Investigation. .Be7oNHWPpTeVceCofis;BSanAd?r:!f ;T1,et h few r son. Toledo; G. A Perdn, Newport; W5JSf".t0 C"M"eat r per" Arthur Nye. Toledo; L. L. McMde LZS.J??Jj own private refrigerator end other hun. Nfiwnnrf Cha W nnl. n... t;lr3- compeuior euner nas 10 pui Grand Jury " on the road his own cars or hire cars ! The Grand Jury was excused Mon-!fro,u one of the beef tru8t concern8 day after making its report and is! "lf ne Puts on tne roaa hIs own composed of the following men: C H cars for BOme reason ney aro delayed Pierce, of Otis, foreman; Chas. B.' At- wllich allows the Ice to melt, and thug tliur, Harlan; Grover Doty, Waldport; Prevent prompt or adequqate deliver N. L. Guilliams, South Beach; J. H. ies- Early, Tidewater; Ed. Boyle, Newport; A man recently gave me his per Warren B. Hartley, Newport. sonal experience, which confirmed the Attorneys Present facts wl'lch I had stated. He said he ! Among the attorneys present at this had been a letter car"ler n New Jer term outside of C. E. Hawkins, W H sev- but 1,1 health compelled him to Waterbury and G. B. McCluskey locai & t0 Florida and start a truck farm, attorneys, the following were among "When his first truck was ready those taking part in 'he cases tried- for tne New York rket he applied A K. . McMahon of Albany. Oscar t0 tne local fre'Kht agent for a oar. H'ayter of Dallas, Ore.; Arthur Clark and t0 n,s surprise was told that the of C-rvallis, J. It. Wyatt of Albany J. railroad had no cars for perishable K. Weatherford of Albany Mr. Wilbur prodncti, and that he must apply to of Portland, Ed. J. Clark of Pendleton the Sw,ft concern across the street, and Ben P. Jones of Newport. j "This Is a simple illustration of Two Become Citizens. I i,0w the beef trust has been able to A. C. Tomlinaon of Portland, rep- bul'.d up and how It maintains its resenting the Bureau of Naturaliza- monopoly. tlon. was also present and issued na- A conspicuous Illustration, ahow- luraiiMiion papers 10 E.agar MeaKer ine the fiitilitv nf nr relief (mm of Toledo and B. C port. 0 Black of New- LOCH. HI8H SCHOOL (Continuod from Kirgt Page) career you .-hoosr.? such methods occurred, during the last administration. "The Federal Trade Commlss.'a, which was created to curp these trusts, made an exhaustive examina tion of the beef trust, and ascertain ed by an inspection of the records of the five firm? constituting that trust, they were acting in concert to fix prices and dividing markets, in viola- boys and girts of Lincoln Countv the '''v r,ni vZZ m best of education advantages. With AHrney General Palmer. When ha this end in view they have planned 'to !"?J?S? Am;.?.e. n.0"n?.e.i.tO-1:- make school work for the coming year tUudln- monawr. of these a3 practical and comprehensive as pos- Jf V' ,,!! "?0Ttf sible. For the boys who haverfeclded "rma.M PrilVS .J l' 8 propo,s,ed to learn a trade or to enter the rUlne-, 10 put them behind the bars P"Py. cring profession the High School has ,! ' "Nothing further was heard of the a Manual Training department, and a matter until some time afterward, well equipt Science labratory is being wnen the attorney general appeared installed. For the girls who plan to tn court wlth the lawyers of the beef become homemakers a Domestic Scl- trust concei-ns. and waived aM crim ence department is being organized. lnal proceedings, and consented to the For all who wish to become teachers entrv ot a Judgment by which the an elementary Training Course Is of- 'Irms were forbidden to enter into fered. The usual subjects will also certain lines of the grocery trade, bn tausht. including English, Mathe-' "'n due tlme 11 w111 be found that matlcs. History. Civil Government, the trust concerns have one after an- f Physics, Latin and French. Typewrit- 0,ner managed to evade the force ol T 1 j .. .. .1 t 1. 1 1 .. ...111 r j thin decree. unu uuuvivcrjiiig will uc uiicitm if enough students enroll for these "Regulation has failed to break up commercial subjects. And so that this monopoly and penal statutes have there may be p'ay as well as work, no terror for the trust magnates. The IF YOU INTEND GOING CAMPING WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH COMPLETE OUTFIT. United Army Stores Have You a House To Wire j Our estimates are based on the cost of the best ma- J, terial and expert workmanship that is guaranteed to ; pass any official inspection. We would be pleased to figure with you- I TOLEDO ELECTRIC CO. ? Shop and Store opposite Telephone Office X Flat Iron Building M"M 1 1 It 1 1) I e 4 I M ! I I 1 1 . special classes in physical exercises will be conducted in the new Gymnas ium, The directors know that for those pooplo must own and operate the rail roads in order to break up the beef trust and ether trusts, Ilka the coal frust." tVerTTT?. I- First National Bank Member of FEDERAL RESERVE BANK To'edo ' Oregon H4 M I 1 1 1 i L ' T If 1NCOLN WOUNTY IUttltlltlIII B ANK DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS ' (INCORPORATED) TOLEDO. OREGON f47 Interest Paid on Tlm and Savings Deposit fT E HAWKINS. President J. B. BOOTH. Cashier . O. HAWKINS, Vtco President A. E. HAWKINS, Asst. Cashier iw Ch l inW AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD $ GO TO COLVIN'S GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE for Dependable Merchandise With Prices Always right! Large Line Best Grade Aluminum-ware. ' A Complete Line of Granite-Ware. A Good Line of Open Stock Dinner-Ware. A Set of Six Hand Painted Cups and Saucers, only $1.65 This set generaly sold at $3.00 See the beautiful 42-piece Dinner Set at only . . .$8.50 Lunch Kits with Vacuum Bottle complete, only . .$1.95 RANGES. COOK STOVES, OIL STOVES & HEATERS WASH TUBS, BOILERS, WRINGERS, Etc. MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING FURNITURE, BEDS, MATTRESSES, SPRINGS, BED-' DING, ETC. STATIONERY & SCHOOL SUPPLIES. LOGGER'S SHOES, RUBBER BOOTS, ETC. CARPENTER'S TOOLS, WIRE FENCING, ETC. SPECIAL, TO CLOSE OUT A Line of ARMY CAN VAS WATER BUCKETS. Special price, WHILE THEY LAST, Each 50c targe Line of Leather and Canvas GLOVES- ON THE WATER-FRONT LOOK FOR SIGN SPECIALS tssS n-'"r" I Bulk Cream Oats, 4 pounds for ...25c I Blue Bell Corn Flakes 10c. 3 for 25c Package Raisins 18c X 6 Bars Laundry Soap 25c Z W. C. Burcroff Mercantile Co. -M-frfrMHfl. M,'fMMf1f , ( ,t j jj i t BUILDERS, SUPPLY COMPANY CONCRETE PRODUCTS JOHN W. ASH, Manager SEWER PIPE DRAIN TILE FLOOD TILE HOLLOW TILE HEARTH TILE FENCE POSTS BUILDING BLOCKS CHIMNEY BLOCKS WATER TROUGHS METAL SHINGLES METAL LATH REINFORCING CORNER BEAD FACED BRICK ROOFING CEMENT PLASTER LIME 61 1 South. Second - Street . CORVALLIS, . OREGON Z We carry a large stock of hearth and mantel tile t prices that eant t be beat we order direct from the factories, aT'sr fTT TTTT1 1 11 UHHlt HHII H WWfMttm' Bregdon the Electrician With the Yaquina Electric Co. For Electric Work That Will Pass Underwriters Inspection ELECTRIC SUPPLIES, WIRING REPAIRING Call Yaquina Eloctric Company ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN 'iriti tti 1 1 1 1 H ttt.; GO TO Toledo Planing Mills For all kinds of Building Material. We carry a Complete Linn of Windows, Doors, Glass, Roofing, Roof Paint A Building Paper' We are prepared to do All Kinds of Mill Work & Cabinet WoHv Cor. 5th and Railroad Sts. TOLEDO, OREGON.i: 1,4,. I PHONE 22Q2 At this season you may find it difficult to get a variety' for the tabl. i CALL US UP We carry everything in Groceries, Fruit and Vege tables. Complete line of Canned Goods and Dried Fruits. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Everything in Good Gro ceries. When you buy your Groeeries here you get the Good Quality you want at a price you can afford to paw. GILDERSLEEVE'S GROCERY WmMHtMHtHHMIMM Ml MMm tMMMIIIIIMIIHdiHHIIIH fftttmn tttttt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it t