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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1922)
WCEEiGHT LINCOLN COUNTY LEADFR. TOLEPO. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUCUST3.1922 Evangelistic Meetings are Coming Here CIRCUIT COURT (Continued from First Page) CORRECTION In our last week's Issue we made a typographical error in the adver tisement of Sherwood & Hayden, lo cal Hardware dealers, in the ad we Assn.; Lincoln County, vs. Mary I. were trying t0 sell lavn hose for them ; Williams & D. H. Williams; Ado'.ph at th hiish price of .61c per foot, Sl.u h nnn vs. E.itnte of John Wr.lbrok I when it should have been quoted at et al; J. O. Kichmond and Ida J. .16c ner foot. This firm has announc- Richmond vs. W. E. Simnunn aharitr Toe wave of prosperity in Toledo is ed another reduction in lawn hoea let al; J. Bradbury vs. Lincoln County;' only attractinp business men and Mirers, but the Christiun people are rftn becoming interested. The Rev. m. & Hampe of Portland, Ore,,- pres. niest of the Willamette conference of n H'esleyan Methodist church of Am ain, is arranging for an evnngellstlc erKTsjaign during the month of August. meetings will be held in a large ntnf located on Main street near the hp.if, and the f'ist service will be "WJ at 3 o'cinck August 6th. Serv tfrre will be held pvery evening at 131. Tho object of the meetings be. and Is now selling same at .14c per foot. C. D. Grant, traveling auditor of the Southern Pacific Railroad Co., and W H. Jenkins, traveling passenger agent for the same company, were business visitors at the local depot Wednesday. Largo Assortment of bed springs just arrived; priced right for quick I sale at Colvin's. lt- C. D. Johnson, president of the Pa- flie psi'vation of sinners and the ; rifle Spruce corporation, arrived In ;5rniimition of Pihle holiness: The Toledo on the special train Wednea ynnefple topics will bo the Cardinal day from Portland, for a business visit rf-r-;ncs of tho nibie. as. Repentan-e. at the big mill here. V. Hven ilo S'n and mattresses, bedding, etc., Stvntfon. The Second Coming of olun- JifraR. efc. The fulfillment of proph- John McCliesnev lft on the noon terr pa it, present s.n'l luture; wnai tram Werlnesdav ror t!ie nortliern part the state where he is erecting a see 12- Scrlnturcs teach about world the pro'ilnm of labor and capi at trie activities of the .lews and its rTifu-ance will nisi) he given atten- o fiOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. large school building. G. n. McC'nskey arrived here V;ri "i suay evening af'.er a short business visit to Portland. H? accompan ied to the Rose City by Arthur Cl irk. a Corvallis attorney. They attended tlie hearing of the cas? Lincoln Coun ty vs. Pacific Spruce Corporation. To close out a line of camp furni ture will make a sacrifice price on It at Colvin's. It- Marriage licenses were issued to J. Frank G'aser and Alma Ojalla of Si- SWIre Is hrrnw c'ven that tl'p I'ti tfrrsipned. administratrix of the es tttr of Johanna Dchlmer, deceased, f filed In the county court of Lin fzuti county, state of Oregon, her final wrsiirtit as such Administratrix of said ra am I at iiiPRnjtv. iiih 11L11 uav . ... ,- r.... . :.m ",;:. "N.. i i D-v 1116 nl c"-'rK swuuruay. Draper vs. Oeoanslde Inwsfmont f.n Judge James performed the ceremony a rorn et Horace Lilly vs S Nen' immediately arterwards. The newly- and Maud Neal nlB wfe; Guy Rnbv-H weds took the noon train for Canada V9, A- g Dwlnell; Western State Bank where they will spend a short honey- cnT KlltlHr pH,rlpl, . ,. ,. moon before leiurnhig here. The Williams vs. Geo. G. Smith & WaUer w. c. Foster vs. Ida A. Welch, et nv John R. Miller vs. Northwestern Trust Co.; Sara Crahen vs. H. W. Morris; State Industrial Accident Com. vs. Oliver Altree; Frances Slgler vs. Geo Sigler; M. S. Woodcock vs. Jessie F. Frey; Intertype Corporation vs. Wil liam Mathews; Lucinda Randall, exe cutrix vs. Andrew Story tet al; T. E. Hfnes vs. W. E. Earnest: Oliver A. Squires vs. H. G. Rhoades; Lincoln .County Bank vs. Albert May et al; L. E. Casteel vs. G. B. McCluskey, ad ministrator of estate; D. A. Reinoehl vs. Mr3. J. W. W'edman et al; R. D. Hureoss vs. Mrs. H. R. Sturdevant; R. D. Blinds vs. J. H. Loomls and wife; Merlonis Credit itr"-u 'no. vs Guv D. Keller et al; Bessie Helmlck vs. Acnes Houck & Franeelle Hav lev: J. E. Taylor vs. G. B. Lnng; R. r. Bf.i gess vs. .Taelt Tri"e et a!; C I. Chin mnn vs. Walter Lendfen: The Paelfic Bldg. & Lonn Apn. vs. C. V. Averill and wife: The ConimTMei Co'nor.i tion vs. O. R. Altrse: John II Adnms vs. Marvin L. Prnd'ev f- Frei h. Church: Kmtl T. Ilvlilant vs. N-n' Fv.ins: Gio. Bvrn Pt nl vi. B-'.l Sr.nns et al: T. L. Kimh'll v,, Jn'-n R. Cvnoks; T. L. Kimball vs .1. E. Cvo'-ks & Leo'-a. Crooks: Hammond Lumber Co., a Corn, vs Guy Roberts: Nellie Poole vi. John M. Poole: W, C. Foster vs. J. W. Young and wife nt al W. C. Foster vs. Wlllinm C. Morris and wife et a'.: W. C. Foster vj.. I.arkie Logan and wife et al; Auio M. MICKIE SAYS Mini mwwwww I NER AO IKl mis MEttispociTN I r-TTv I hffkt ' l i. j. . .. t. If .MftilH MICKIE SAYS C ftptember, 1922. at ihe hour of 10 rctek a, m. has been fixed by sa'rt mit as 'the time for hearing of ob Iwffons to said report and the set Kleaviit thereof. ELSA KUEHL, Far men's aud boys' Coivin. lt- ''e. si CoMn. EjLtriA rv u r. r l Li. . , .. , . . . 4. . , , ...... . . . v....v.. . .. tJ , ... n . . .V prouni is iiriiiciuui ui inw buiiwi un Smith- H Vnltrlrlai. va w n rnlstra.r'x of the b.tate of Jo- hfl ,ower siletal'whne the brlde ls e ff1 h " WrtKime tI J H H a Dahlmer. deceased. 24t of Matt 0jalla of SUetz. KJT "a work clothing For Ranges, Cook Stoves, Oil Stoves corp., vs. Jesss L. Strewn: C. B. Rowo It' vs. L. R. Booker, et al; Title & Trust Co., a Corp., vs. Toledo & S'IpU Ray Co. et al; Joseph Sijota vs. Siletz Bay Lumber Co.; Minnie J. Trowbridge vs. GiiFt Elo Hilma Elo. his wife; .las. F. Mitchell v ) unius :-;iprman: E A Mills vs. Tim Slletz Bay LumV.r ri . Sumner S. Hitehiniri vs. Emma Hlteh ingSI C. L. PnnH-"l 'rt- . prtel; Guy 0. Smith vs. G. K. Walker, and wife: Vnltr H. Kl'n v- !,t G Cnvr' HprV' T'-lf v? T -Hi lor; The N. W. Nat. Bank of Portland vs lol.n Winkler; Fischer Flour MPs a Corp. vs. Mrs. .1. M. Moffit; W. G. Walrad vs. .T. C. Tivlr ft Idi Taylor his wife: L'nc.c'n 'Countv Ban n Corn, vs R. M Viung; Th-mas Hol man v? C .T. Dircn wnfl w'"e. ot !; S C. Br.issPeld .Tosnie Brassfleld, his wife vs. Iewls F. Wa'ters; Jacob Rpssl & S. H. Ceirnd vs Helon Mnrv FrM?rick. et al; Matt Oiala vs Silp.t?: Valley Lumber Co.. a Corn.: CWr'wi Bateman vs. W. S. BevnoM-i ft C. S.---Yeynolds; W. C. Foster vs. Eb A. Howland & E. L. Woodward; J- tMe'rlnl Ae'idni .'i C--i vt John E. Ma'thews, et ft: Merchant Cvllt Bureau Inc. vs. Chas Baker and Cella M. Baker his wl'p; Chps Ne-wt"V '--i. Lavina Morris, et al; Benjamin B. Putnam vs. Mrs Jim W'lllams Ewart, ,et al; Morcan Allen vs. Rubie AHen: E. 'E. Colvln and .Toris'e Colvln, his wife vs. Frank MIntyre 4 r-a-v R. Miller; M. A. Byrly vs. Evlyn MI'.ler; Hazel Hill va. Otto V. Hill; Geo. J..". Burchard vs. Wird Mayr: Geo. L. Merritt and wifo vs. Asa CalMster and wife. f N A. WRTE-UP OP SOW6 EVEvnl At TH tT IAVMUTE, AFTER J vie am mseoumt wrtew Am' in tmpe tuem tmev VJOM0ER NVW TMEVR. VJRiTE-UP NEVER VJOX tU tVV Pv.PER OUB. KAOrrER. V, CrtX HER COPM IM EARVN'." SPECIALS i ; uv 1 J 'III nd non-jd tirmm mil around. ill ft m 'W1 hm$m Mote feYalees n . i i ROYAL CLUB SHRIMPS, 2 cans 35c ' PINK SALMON, Tall Tins, Each 13c KELLOGG CORN FLAKES, pr package 10c X SUN-MAID RAISINS, 15-oz. package , 20c EDWARD'S DEPENDABLE COFFEE. 1-lb Tin 43c BULK COCOA, per pound 12c X W. C, Burcroff Mercantile Co. MICXJE SAYS OFFICIAL TESTING (Continued from page ono.) OWE TVMUG ASOUT XH' SMNU MEWS,PAPER "(WESE 0M&I re -rw its AVI CAM BE READ 8M EV'BH VNBVAaER OP PAPERS ARE FtU0 VUHH feWWE W 6CAM0AH "TU 0E AlMY FIX PER OS KJOS Its P-EA0. ' i '5 TOLEDO PETERSON BROS. GARAGE TOLEDO, OREGON Phone 3602 j I i 2 OREGON D ROADWAY AT STARK Portland, Ore. BUYERS WEEK AUGEST 7 & 12th In PORTLAND IS A TIME OF BUSINESS AND PLEASURE So, make your headquarters in the center of the Activities. AND DINE AT ore- j Arthur H. Meyers Manager i i i . , jwere diBcovored before tlmy freshen ed, and thus the Infected milk was 'prevented from belne usod ns all the cow8 to react were killed and dostroy ;ed. "Our number of cows," says Mr. Cooter, "which are Infected is smaller than that of any other county of : which I hava record and It is or plan to eliminate every single one of Jthem. As practically all or the infect ed cows found to date have been brot info the county It appears that our native cows are not affected and It is our plan to bbo that every imported cow bears a health certificate." In addition to the T. E. testing Mr. Cooter is also taking up thp matt"r of abortion eradication, and will car ry on In cooperation with Do.-to- Dsr flliiKer the blood sampling of all ani. mals wherein this dreaded dairy dis- 1 ease may be susplcioned. To date only each Instance bavin olrerv" r-o two instances ot tne trouble have been their plans for disposing of the react found in the county, tho farmers In ing animals. m,Aj-Li.t.i..u-tj .u. . . . . r v rTT. . . . . : . - I SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES t i-ire xne oest Kecommendation of O, A. G. This Institution offer a thorough, practical, and standard cduca tion at a cost within reach ofyfhe high school graduate. It offers training for collegiate degrees u: Agriculture Mines Commerce Pharmacy ' Engineering and Mechanic Arts Vocational Education Forestry Chemical Engineering Home Economics Military Science and Tactics It offors training also in: The-School ot MubIc, Physical Education, Industrial Journalism. Fall Term Open September 18. For circulars- of information and Illustrated booklet write to The Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon i I CARRY A FULL LINE VfLtkM WTCMLS 7V WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY OF DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE ALSO A FULL LINE OF FOUNTAIN PENS arid PENCILS OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER t THE OLD RELIABLE, (Established 1900), TOLEDO, OREGON I Lincoln County B ANK DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS (INCORPORATED) TOLEDO. OREGON 4 Interest Paid on Time and Savings Deposits C. E. HAWKINS, President C. O. HAWKINS, Vice President X B. BOOTH, Cashier A. E. HAWKINS, Asst. Cashier IT'S TRAVEL THE a Round Trip Fares now in effect afford great savings i" travel costs. FARES FROM TOLEDO XiSv fean Francisco 843.00 Santa Barbrra 864.00 Los Angeles San Diego Via "The Scenic Shasta Route" I I LINES I J 865.25 873.25 Sale Dates Dally to Sept. 30 Good until October 31st Stopovers allowed ANYWHERE East Through California Tfie Way to See More of the U. 8. A. ; Scenery that charms plus every modern travel comfort and con , venlence will appeal to you. Stop off at San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego three world famous cities. STANDARD SLEEPING CAR operates between Ya qquma nd Portland on Mon., Wed. nd Fri. each week Leaves To'edo 8:00 p. m., Arrives Portland 7:20 a- " ; For further particulars or beautiful folders ask agents. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES , JOHN M. 8COTT,. General Passenger Agent. " ' I I II X