; iNni m oammtv i rnrn -rnt cnr cnrr.nM -uur5rNnv AUGUST 3, 1922 PACE SEVEN ! MCKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL By Ch.i&s Sugroe 5? STOEeY, JAWOm' rAAWCMU BttUESS .4 1 Lfee i Z,i7 Judgment, Rcstus ou roo jii 51 . ( v,: x i Cmae FRO TAtRS. " J WL 1 I Scott's Field Near Kernville Is Scene of Jo'ly Vacation Party Sunday Afternoon; Teachers on Honeymoon Trip. Kernviile, July 28 "The Humding. erg," otherwise the pupils of Mr. Gla ser's school, celebra'.ed the beginning of their vacation with a big picnic at Scott's Field last Sunday. About six ty children, with their parents and friend, and three teachers partic ipated in the festivities. The day was devoted to games and contests, in which the athletic powerss of the "Humdingers" was fully vindicated. Not content that his pupils took first money in nearly alt events, "Red,, saved himself a prize in the men's Jiall throwing contest by heaving the sphere some twenty yards beyond the farthest flag. Miss Alma OJ.lla, who term, had her first lesson from them In a rowboat race, when Lloyd Corn best and Venere Koskl "hummed" by her without a splahli. The girls, under able captaincy of Loeta WHieeler, had the rare satisfaction of beating the boys in a game of baseball. Miss Ojalla, before-mentioned, tcolt a big league swing, put the tall into the river, and brought in the winning run. The boys retaliated In a tug-o-war, wherein the girls Jor.nd Jimmie Muno an unwcighable anchor. After the "Junor" ball game, the men played six innings of baseball. The game was well played, but poorly applauded; the children's game continued to at tract general attention. .Boxing hon ors went to Harold Buckuer and Eve lyn Glaser, both visiting school child ren from Portland. Fannie Koski won the rifle shooting match. Five Koski children of tho "trlbus Humdingers" won first prises in several races. Buzz Fitzpatrick, under tho propulsive power of MIfs Helen Ojalla, made a spectacular spurt In the wheelbarrow race, but his cluch sMpped, or some thing, and he lost to a pair of Koskis by a couple of revolutions. The Humdingers will have a short vacation this year. Their teachers, the one who is leaving, and the one who will teach them next year, witl spend part of their vacation on a honeymoon trip into Canada. Mr. Glaser will return' in time to make some needed improvements in Paul Kcuhl's house (behind Tobererir's) where the couple will live next year. Mr. Glaser is engaged to teach 'he Reed Creek school next term: we ex pect some lively competition and co operation between Mb school and the Humdingers. The teaching force on. tho lower river will also be materially streng thened by the advent of a veteran teacher and superintendent, J. "Baldy" Wferley, of Portland, who has bean engaged at a generous salary to teach the Drift Creek School. Teachers' salaries In the three districts around Kernville have been raised about a thousand dollors in the past year; pnd results are already in evidence. Bcord will act on petitions from these three districts to consolidate them in to one; and there is every reason to presume that Its action In the matter will be favorable. There will be a hnneball game at Taft on July 30th betven the River tam rind Devil's. Tony Reed, the chief promoter of the game, will captain and pitch for the- River team. Clyde Morris and Red Glaser will be out of the line-up. the first by reason of a badly cut knee, the latter by reason of a honeymoon engnement; but. the Fisherman v-ill spnd a stron team without them, and everyone knows our girls are the fairest and most de irusements of this suit, and by which said decree and execution, reference to which is hereby made part of this notice, I have been and am thereby made a part of this notice, I have been and b'i thereby commanded to sell and have levied upon the following described real and personal property located in Lincoln County, Oregon, within the jurisdiction of said court, to-wit: (a) Lot 1, Block 1, Graham's Sixth Addition to Toledo, Lincoln county, Oregon, together with the electric gen erating plant constructed thereon and attached thereto, consisting of build ings, 1 Skinner Automatic engine, 14 inches by 15 inches, directly connect ed with an Allis-Chaimers 2300 volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle, 277 R. P. M., 100 Kil owatt generator with belt driven ex citer, 1 Atlas 4 valve engine, 22 inches by 27 inches, belted to Allls-Chalmers 2300 volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle, 900 R. P. M 200 kilowatt generator with directly connected exciter; 1 Russell boiler, 72 Inches by 16 feet; 1 Casey Hedges boiler. 72 Inches by 18 feet. 1 smoke lerminea rooters in uie country. . fc connected wlth boilers, 2 feed fish. G. Frank Glaser. o NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE water heaters, 2 single phase, oil cool ed, 60 cycle distribution transformers for 6600 volts primary, and 2300 volts secondary, Including Injector, valves and piping. (b) 1 Parcel of real estate, 1.64 acres more or less, specifically des- DO YOU WANT A HORDE ? THERE IS GOING TO BE SEVERAL NEW BUN GALOWS ERECTED IN TOLEDO AND YOU CAN GET A HOME ON REASONABLE TERMS PROVIDING YOU ARE A RESPONSIBLE PARTY. CALL AND TALK IT OVER. INQUIRE AT LEADER OFFICE FOR INFORMATION. lt4HlMMHM,,fr,frv'i In the Circuit Court of the State of vrHon, lor Lincoln uoumy . rii. tnurU- a SSJSr7 f reBOn' Binan9,nfg0lara9'pornr'on the section a corporation, Plaintiff, 1Jne 1090 feet gouth of the 'corner v.imTpi. . n 'sections 7, 8, 17, and 18, in township aquina Eijsctric Company, a corpor- il 80uth of range 10 west of the at Ion, Guy Roberts. Fred Homing, meridian In Lincoln Kilham Printing and Stationery Com- "M pany a corporation, and Credit Ser- go deeeg 4K0" 'east 212 feet: thence vice Company, Defendants. i f" ahB BJ -2- east 21' feef derV's Tf rV0rndHO nce'soufh6!! degrees' 43" west'm ' sal.e. ss.ued out of the above f to . bank of tne Depot 8iough; euuuea coun in ir.e anove entitled IZ '' .!, ki Aatrra 1" west cause to me directed and dated June e" l, 'rt slcurt 208 "let 30th, 1922, upon judgment and decree Znt ln secUon 1 ne- thence north rendered On January 7th 1922 and Q KU. 52S west along bank of siiS entered in said court on January 19, , S . ,1," ,i rth 41 da- 1922, in favor of the plaintiff. Port 'Ii Im- fend Trust Company of Oregon, a M Tsecn .me corporation against the defendant, lnencB no"" tt'uuf Yaquina Electric Company, a corpor-.10 Place of beginning. atlon, and likewise against the prop- ( All ngnts, privileges a m u erty hereinafter described, for the chises heretofore granted by the !cit sum of $66,000.00, together with In- ot Newport, Oregon, to H. A. bana terest thereon at the rate of five per stone, his successors and assigns by . ,r ,n, n.!nl ordinance- of the City of New- ' I (1 II 11 U 111 i 1 WIH AUgUai AO, 1319, , - - and for the further sum of $3503.00 Prt. Lincoln County, Oregon, f.o. 49 attorneys fees, together with expen- aapproveu rcuiuai, o, , - ses of receivership costs and dis- 86111 ordinance is euwueu. I "Ordinance granting to H. D. Sand stone, his successors and assigns, a franchise, right and privilege to build, erect and operate an electric light and power plant within the corporate lim its of the city of Newport, Lincoln County, Oregon, and to use the streets thereof for the purpose of setting poles and stringing wires thereon to transmit electric light and power to different parts of said city, and any x and all other appurtenances or hings necessary ana usual in cuuuucuub " operating said electric light and power plant; and further authorizing the mayor and recorder of said city of Newport to sign a lease to said water J. front property within said city oi Newport for the purpose or erecting, Z building and completing thereon a cold storage, creamery and said elec tric light and power plant, by Baid H. D. Sanstone in form and manner and under the conditions as provided 'under said lease,, the form of which f. lease lias been duly approved by the members of the city council and In such form published and signed by said mayor and recorder as aforesaid, ' declaring an emergency to exist, and f rpeuuns an orainances ana pans oi ordinances in conflict with this or dinance or anv nar. thereof." T i (d) All rights, privileges and fran chises granted by the city of Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, to the Ya quina Electric Company or its prede- Xicessors by and under a certain fran chise granted by the city of Toledo to the Toledo Light, Power and Man ufacturing company and assigned to the said Yaquina Electric Company, I being known as ordinance No. 104, j being entitled as follows, to-wit: "Ordinance granting unto the Tole do Light, Power and Manufacturing I Company, Its assigns and successors I, in Interest, a franchise conveying the right to erect, maintain and operate an electrical plant In the city of To ledo, the right to sell electricity In said city for light, manufacturing and power purposes for the period of . twenty-five years, and granting unto the said Tolodo Light. Power and , I Manufacturing company the right to 1 1 use the street end alleys of said city 1 1 to set poles, string wires and lay conduits." ; I Said ordinance having been passed i ;by the common council of the city of J Toledo, Oregon, on December 18, 1911. , , (e) The electric distribution system iwlthln the city of Newport and en- ) vlrons including wires, poles, 41 elec tric transformers, zoo e:ectric meters, together with all equipment connected I i with and a part of said, distribution system. I (f) The electric distribution system 'within the city of Toledo, 'Oregon, In cluding all wires, poles, conduits, 24 electric transformers, and 72 electric M-KM-'M mot ori, together with nil equipment Toledo School of MusiR BRANCH OF PHILOMATH COLLEGE Department of Music Instructions given in Piano, Voice and all Orchestra Instruments Monday and Tuesday Each Week at the LIBERTY THEATRE Special Attention Given to Beginners ACCREDITED TEACHERS ONLY Prof. R. T. Norton Lester Warman, Assistant Make your applications without delay connected with and a part of said dis. tribution system 1 (g) 8 1-3 .miles of 3 phase, 6600 volts, electric transmission line ex tending between the city of Toledo, Oregon, and the city of Newport, Ore gon, including poles, wires. Insulators, and all equipment connected with and part of said transmission system. I (h) 1 Shaw-Walker filing cabinet, 1 standing desk, 1 stool, 1 Pacific Coast Company iron safe, size 27 In. x 26 in. x 42 in., said property being now located in the office of said Yn puina Electric Company in Toledo Oregon. ! NOW THEREFORE by virtue of said execution, decree and order ot sale, and in accordance therewith, and in compliance with the commands of said execution, I, M. Simpson, Sher iff of Lincoln County, Oregon win ,on the 5th day of Aug., 1922 at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M. at the front door of the court house in Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon .sell at pub'ic auction to the highest bidder, rUl the right, title an.d interest which the within named defendants Yaquina Electric Company, Guy Roberts, Kilham Print- ing and Statlone.-y Company, and Credit Service Company, and all of said defendants or any of them, have or had in the cbovo described property or any pa. i or parcel thereof with the exception of the property described in subdivision (h); that the personal property described in subdivision (h), to-wit: 1 Shaw-Walker filing cabinet, 1 standing desk, 1 stool, 1 Pacific fiwai iron safe, size 27 in. x 25 in. x 42 in., said property new being located in the offiffce of said Yaquina Eileciric Com pany in Toledo, Oregon. 1 will likewise se'l on said day nt the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. at the office of Yaquina Electric Company ln Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, all to satisfy said execution, decrer, in terest, attorney fees and costs. . Dated this 30th day of June, 1922. .' - -Date -of first publication, July 6th, I 1922. ; Date of last publication, Aug. 3rd. 1922. I M. SIMPSON, Sheriff of Lincoln County, Oregon. 20-5t YOUR EYES ACCURATELY FITTED By GRADUATE OPTOMETRIST Private Office for Examinations Prices Reasonable F. M. French &. Sons Optometrists and Opticians Albsny, Oregon NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, executrix of the estate of Thomas Pavey, deceased, haB filed in the county court of Lincoln county, state of Oregon, her final account as such executrix off said estate, and that Tuesday, the 5th day of Septem ber, 1922, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in. has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing of objections to said report, and the settlement thereof. Dated this 21st day of July, 1922. . PRISCILLA PAVEY, Executrix of the Estate of Thomas Pavey, deceased. 23-5t FIXALL SHOP WELL WE FIX EVERYTHING CLOCKS A SPECIALTY ' Shoes, Boo'.s, Clocks, Watches, Umbrellas, Pans, Buckets, Tubs, 1 Boilers, Flashlights, Cut Agates, ' Sharpen Shears, Knives. Repair all kinds of things Don't 1 throw anything away, Come In ' and see us. Furniture Repair- ' ed. GEO. LICKEY c OlliH The Photoplay Novelty of the Age "REPORTED MISSING" At the LIBERTY TEATRE WANTED To Rent at Once PIANO In Good Condition Apply Leader Office l(NiVER5rrV0RECON ma The UNIVERSITY OREGON contains: Tht collage of Literature. Science and the Arts with 22 departments. Tht professional schools of Archi tectureBusiness Administration-Education-Greduate Study -Law-Medicine Music Physical Educa tion Sociology. The 47th Yesr Opens October 2. 1922 For acatatoiut or on O Information wrltt Tht RtSiitrar, UnlvvrtUg of Vregon,ziine, Orejon. J ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP First Class Work Guaranteed Have Your Soles Sewed On we make your old shoes look and wear like new. Mail order work promptly repaired. Next Door to Peterson's Jewerry Store Toledo, Oregon NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The County Court of The State of Oregon for Lincoln County. In the matter of the Estate of Ewln D. Skuggs, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the St;ito rf '"Eor, for Lincoln County, Execut, i Lhe estate of Ewin 1). SIc.Rgs, ..jed. Ai: persons having claims against ald estate are hereby notified to present the same to the utidei signed, toguLher with proper vouchers therefor, vort fled as by law required, at the office o'. the County Clerk in Toledo, Oregon, or at the office of McFadden & Clark in the city of Corvallls, Benton county Oregon within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 22nd day of July, 1922 Walter C. SUaggs Lxecutore of the Estate of Ewin D. Skaggs, Deceased. McFadden & Clark, Attorneys for Executors. 23-61 ENGINEERING WORK Professional Engineer In tho St' of Oregon, Topography work, C Engineering and Sub-Division woi A. J. McMillan, Toledo, Orerjor TOLEDO LODGE NO. 108, I. O. O. meets every Wednesday events Visiting Brothers always Welr-eme L. B. Wiswcll, N. O, Carl Glldersleeve. Secretary. FOR SALE FOR SALE Good as new, 7-passenger 6-cyllnder Buick; cheap for cash or would consider cow as part pay ment. Write L. L. Anderson, Box 84, Yaquina, Ore. 24-lt FOR SALE-6 Room house 2 lots 3 blocks from Main st., plenty small fruits. Adress Box 292, Toledo, Ore 23-4t FOR SALE 130 acres near Chitwood. Ore.; on state highway; near rail road station; house, barn, good well, wood sheds, chicken yards; 35 acrei creek bottom land, easily plowed, place fenced; ideal dairy or goa: ranch; must sell because of II! health and old uge; a bargain. Write to W. H. Price, Chitwood Oregon. 22-4t' FOR SALE Or trade for Automobile F0R SALE Fir siakes; 2 sizes, 24 one good team. Inquire of O. A on(' 32 ,nenes lns: Inquire at R. C Hodges, Elk City. 23-lt Jonnsons; farm. Telephone 22-Bf FOR SALE Motorcycle Side car; Ua- ...1 I.- i m i- . . ...... . ' c uiu iiutu; izu jjaDy over land. Peterson Bros. Garage. 23-tf FOR SALE fTwo colts, one 2 years old, one yearling; 6 heifer calves, Jerseys, two 2 years old, four year lings. One Kirsten stump puller complete. Address E. L. Howe or S. R. Howe, Wa'.dport, Ore. 22-4t FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 Tfiam Weight about 1100 apiece good workers also good In saddle. Young WM1I soil cheap or trade for heifer. C. H. Eateon, Saludo, Ore. 24 FOR SALE One acre of land In Run .Bottom; house, barn and chicken yards; Inquire of Box 282, Toledo, Oregon. Must sell because of wife's health ifnd move to higher climato. A bargain. 21-Ht FOR SALE Portablo sawmill; 22 H. P. gasoline engine power; will sell separate; also 6-foot Deerlng bind er; Inquire of R. L. Hathaway, Har lan, Oregon. 21-4t FOR SALE CHEAP-flvice Driving Mare and Harness and light Buggy. Inquire L. A. Hulburt. 24-2t FOR SALE 4 Head of cows. 3 fresh this spring, one fresh 2 weeks ago. Now giving 6 gal. milk aday. All Jersey or over. One Brood Mare Purcheon stock 11 years old. One saddle poney. Will make bar gin on one or all. N. W. Miller. Toledo, Oregon. 23-4t- 40 ACRE8 Near Toledo; State Road; muiuai pnone; daily mail. Goad 6 room house, good newt barn, or chard; some timber. Good bargain. Inquire at Leader office. 13-tf FOR SALETwo Registered Jersey uuii calves, Uolden Glow and Chief Blood, L. A. Hulburt. 24-2t FOR SALE The launch "Florence". a cabin cruiser, 28 feet by 8 feet 4 Inch beam; 10 H.P. Campbell en gine; Inquire of Dr. D. A. Mclntyre. Newport, Ore., oppo. P. O. 21-4t FOR SALE 101.64 ncres of land, 40 acres level, excellent beaver dam land; gome Umbo.-; railroad on place. Prlco $1500, cash or terms. Inquire Dr. D. A. Mclntvre. New PoH.Ore.j 21-4t FOR SLE C6wrTnqTTirTrCe"nde7 Office. 13.tf FOR SALE A or 5 good horses ou: of head of 10; V'ery reasonable; oi trade for cattlo. Inquire of Emil T Raddant, Logsden. Ore. 23-3t' 100 COMMISSION to any pmMb a sale of the acreage al CaKlon belonging to Mrs. W. Srart'i. Halsey Street, Portland. "0-4H FOR SALE 2 good Jersey cows, glv mg gallons per day. inquire o' Fred Stanton. -g. WANTED Man to slash abi.'ui's acre: of brush, Inquire A. O. r.uM, Toledo. FOR RENT FOR RENT Store Room on M Street, I. O. O. F. Building. See 0. Glldersleeve. FOR RENT OR SALB-40 t near Toledo, all Improvemu's: quire of Joh Coiner, To. en '-oj. 2 shorts. 22-t' PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. Ernest H. Hall Dentist First National Bank Building Phone 1106 Tolado, Ore. INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, HEALTH ACCIDE41 AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTORS' LIABILITY C. K. CROSNO, Toledo, Oregon Office in First N. B. Bldg. FOWLER'S RESTAURANT Hill St., Toledo, Oregon Ask about our $1.00 PER DAY RATES Best established eating r'.-.ce It Lincoln County K. J. FOWLER, Pnv.